There are so many… how can I pick just a few!
But let me start with the big ones, which have their own several subsets (because evil is Legion I tell you!) Ideology, Rhetoric and SJWs. (scroll down to glance at the headings and sub-headings to pick the ones that interest you most):
All ideology is ultimately dehumanising. This is of course a broad statement but it is a mostly accurate one. The moment you make something become a rigidly fixed “belief”, almost regardless of what it is, it will ultimately become a tyrannical yoke on the neck of natural and honest human beings. If you need a good example and exposé of this, you should really read the essay The Power of the Powerless, by Václav Havel. He basically predicted the fall of the Soviet Empire at a time when the collapse of it was essentially thought of as mostly unthinkable. He did this because of an intrinsic understanding of the human spirit and the nature of such a spirit. Human souls are born to be free and joyous, not oppressed and repressed by dogma. Modern ideologies tend to be far more sophisticated in their insidiousness, but the end result is always the same, a dehumanisation, an increase of strife, both internal and external and an alienation of humans from each other in terms of how they relate to each other. Ideology forces us to try and relate to each other as cogs instead of souls. Regardless of whether you even believe in souls, do you really want to be related to as a cog in a machine?
Some of the most toxic modern ideologies are listed here:
If at first on reading this you think “huh?” I don’t blame you. Not ever having given the thing called feminism much thought and having grown up pretty wild in the African bush my initial thought on the matter was “duh…well of course people should have equal right in politics and law, regardless of what sex they are.” Then the internet was born and the crazy people who normally would be kept to the edge of the village in a special hut got to be able to scream their madness far and wide. If you look at the “luminaries” of feminism, in other words, the embittered, acidic, never-seen-a-dick crones that started the whole modern movement (be it second, third, fourth or whatever “wave” they are on now) and you actually read their toxic ideas, it is obvious to anyone normal that these people are not only abnormal, but that they are so in ways that are serious.
The problem is that the original toxic crap of hardcore feminism (all sex is rape, men should be reduced to 1-10% of the population and only kept for breeding purposes, etc, etc, and no I am not making this crap up) gets “watered down” by the slightly less insane academic feminists into “rape culture” and “the patriarchy” and “gender is a social construct” and other flying spaghetti monsters of note. So…if you doubt what I say I would say educate yourself first about what feminism actually is and what it does today and realise a couple of salient points:
1. Women actually have MORE rights than men in the so-called Western world.
2. Women will do less jail time than a man for the exact same crime.
3. Over 90% of work-related deaths are male.
4. Men do not have protection from genital mutilation or indeed even their own bodies being used as cannon fodder.
5. Child custody laws are skewed preferentially in an obvious way so as to favour women although statistically women are by far the more likely to abuse a child in their care.
I know some of these things sound unreal or strange, but they are facts. Don’t take my word for it, do some research and PLEASE check your sources! Feminism does NOT concern itself with truth or honesty, only the most specious of rhetoric and sophistry.
If after educating yourself you still call yourself a feminist, or ascribe to any feminist ideology, then I can say with confidence, you are an idiot and you are stealing oxygen. Luckily there is an easy fix. Since if you are a feminist you believe “gender is a social construct” all you have to do is be a man and then you can be part of the world-dominating patriarchy and be on top. Problem solved.
Feminism is NOT equality. Any sane person agrees that men and women should be treated equally under the law and with regard to human rights. Of course, if we did that at every level though, my bet is women would soon complain very loudly. The reason for this (drum roll please) is because: WE ARE NOT EQUAL.
You see, gender is NOT a social construct. It is reality. No matter how hard a man might want to, he cannot gestate a child, because he has no uterus. You may have noticed this actually. It’s sort of easy to spot. There are many other differences, both structurally in the body and brain as well as in corresponding mental attitudes and psychologies. Again, anyone that is not thoroughly brainwashed, dumb, deaf and blind, knows this. Women’s brains are structurally different from male brains in rather meaningful ways. Just as women’s bodies are. And these things have consequences, because guess what: Reality is…well…REAL. Yeah, I know, who would have though it. Now read up on Journalist Theory of Reality.
MRAs (Men’s Rights Advocates)
Now, given the comments above about feminism and feminists in general you might think that I would sympathise with Men’s Rights Adocates, and well… in THEORY one might say, hey, you know, there is a lot of fucked up shit being done to fathers in alienating them from their kids because of feminist theory (i.e. bullshit) and that is true and I myself am subject to it too… however… the fact is these MRA guys become kind of like the feminists. You know, bitter, whiny, petulant and although they may marginally argue with more sound logic, the fact is I can’t really stand them either. In a word, they have become giant pussies. And yes. Fuck you if you’re a feminist that thinks it’s sexist to say that. I really don’t give a shit about your opinion. The internet is big. Go elsewhere.
Feminists are completely illogical harpies screeching for special attention. It takes about 10 seconds to have one spontaneously combust in real life. Do NOT take any of their shit. DO reply to them in kind with facts and in such a way as to hurt their brain. Do NOT breed with them. Do NOT have sex with them. I mean, are you crazy? These are people who believe all sex is rape and have no qualms about accusing innocent men they have had sex with by choice of having raped them. Seriously, why would you ever want to stick your dick in that? Or a cucumber slicer. Have some self-respect. Or at least self-preservation.
And most important of all, IGNORE them. Refuse to have anything to do with them. Do NOT engage and if they tread on your lawn, then fire away with both barrels. Stand your ground and do a very simple thing. Treat them as if they were men. That’s all you need to do. They hate that more than anything. Realise most “feminism” is really a very cynical and underhand ploy by bitter and acidic women to make sure other women are as disadvantaged as they are when it comes to being in relationships with men. I have never met a balanced, attractive woman that is a feminist. They all know very well that being taken care of by the men they choose to pair up with is much nicer and sexier than being a harpy that tries to emasculate men and prevent other women from enjoying fulfilling, loving relationships with men. We are different because we are a dimorphic species. This has consequences. Men and women are not equal. They never have been and they never will be. They are built to complement and compensate for each other. Not accepting this has rude and sick consequences that can and will fuck up your life. That’s just how it is. Deal with it. See Journalist Theory of Reality below.
And with respect to MRAs, my main beef is… yeah, ok, deal with it doesn’t really mean get into a group hippie hug and write petitions. That’s a feminist “strategy” be a MAN goddamit. If men just behaved like men, there would BE no feminists within a generation. Because no one would breed with them. And even if you did, or feminist ideology screwed up your family, as long as you continued behaving like a man, it would still die out in a generation or two. It’s you metrosexual halflings who perpetuate political correctness. And the true scourge of humanity, on which more later: SJWs!
Journalist Theory of Reality
Succinctly put this is summarised as:
“Everyone has their own truth” or more pompously and possibly more truthy sounding: “Truth is relative”.
No. No it really isn’t. There is only ONE truth, and it is the same for everyone at any given time and place and condition. Now…it is true that sometimes we are too stupid, too unevolved, too ignorant or too taken up by our monkey neurology to be able to discern this truth with precision. However, far more useful strides towards knowing, seeing and discovering this absolute truth can be made than the average human-ape ever tries to do.
As for the stupid monkey-brained human-apes who try to justify their selfish, lazy, egomaniacal behaviour as a result of their giving preference to their monkey-like feelings instead of truth and justice, honesty and real science, well…let’s just say that I pray daily that some divine intervention would either get them to gain a few hundred IQ points overnight, or alternatively that they would stop breeding altogether.
I will use only one example to show this, because it is enough and covers really the outermost concepts of what humanity can currently do. So here it is. Assume two spaceships with captains aboard are travelling near the speed of light. One is heading towards a star and the other away from the same star. One of these captains will see the star as being red (or redder) and the other as being blue (or bluer). Assuming the captains can somehow communicate instantly, one would say the star is red and the other that it is blue. Assuming the captains behave like the average monkey-human they will soon fight about it and arm the proton torpedos. The truth however is that because of how light works each one of them is telling the truth from his perspective and even if they knew nothing about the nature of light, by talking and not getting emotional and experimenting a little, they would soon learn about that very nature of light. That is science. Real science. And that is how it is done. Leaving feelings aside and measuring and testing what is known in an honest spirit of enquiry and exploration. If they discover the truth, the two captains are bound to become fast friends, because together, they solved what at first seemed an impossible mystery. Now…as for that journalist or lawyer or politician still going on about “But you see…from their perspective they had their own truth…” grab his head and bash it forcefully against the nearest wall or coffee table. When he complains, tell him that from the perspective of another dimension there is no wall there, so he should just go along with it. His pain is not really “real” it’s only one version of the truth. I have yet to find a single journalist that is willing to disagree with me about the very real truth of walls. Or coffee tables. They won’t even take me up on the offer of doing it for science!
The very word Post-Modern is a bad joke.
Post (after) Modern (the most recent) means therefore: The Future
And as the future is never here, there is NO SUCH THING as Postmodern-ANYTHING.
But especially there is no such thing as “Postmodernist Art”.
It was a bad joke and if you believe there is such a thing as postmodernist art, well, you are just showing how dumb you are for believing it. But hey, I have some rainbows to sell you. And at least you KNOW rainbows exist and are pretty right? Give me your gold. All of it.
Also, everything that came from, stems from, is related to or has some DNA in common with postmodern-anything, is essentially nihilistic crap and undeserving of any notice, attention, time or care. Burning it would be giving it too much importance, but we should probably burn it all anyway.
The idea that a nice-sounding, or popular or politically correct ideas are to be given any superiority over the truth, facts and reality. The hint that this is horse-shit is in the word “politically”. Things are either correct or they are not. Facts or not facts. “Politically” needs killing.
Rhetoric and sophistry to me are two sides of the same false coin and are abhorrent. Sadly though, an understanding of rhetoric is required, because as Aristotle pointed out many years ago, “some people cannot be taught”. This came as a rude shock to me, but it is true. the honest man, using dialectic reasoning and argument hopes to show his friend the error of his ways. Or if it goes the other way, to learn of his own error of reasoning or observation or conclusion. This is the natural state amongst honest men, be they strangers or friends. But not so some creatures. These foul beings care nothing for reality, facts, and demonstrable reality. They just want to “win” the argument. They see a “loss” of the argument as some kind of reflection of their significance (or lack thereof) and as such they will wilfully ignore facts, outright lie and most constantly deviate from the facts to try obfuscate and delay and tarnish the truth with lies or diversions or irrelevancies.
Sadly, most modern TV, “education”, “parenting” and other politically correct bullshit has turned what where already primitive monkey-neurones into little more than warm tapioca that regurgitates the party line.
In order to fight a rhetorician, it is necessary to use their own weapons against them. Force them out into the open by exposing their lies with counter-rhetoric. I have already given an example above. If the Feminist Theory ™ that “gender is a social construct” had any merit, then well…there is no problem of inequality at all, since we are all just interchangeable at will. Just “become” whatever gender you require in any given situation and voilà. Problem solved. Good luck pissing up a tree without making a mess if you were born with a vagina though. Or breastfeeding your child if you were born male.
By exposing their idiotic “argument” for the falsity it is in reality and then ridiculing it and them mercilessly, you expose them. And Rhetoricians hate the light even more than roaches. And more than that, they hate the disapproval of the groupthink. Because Rhetoricians are basically a subset of the most despised enemy of all. The Social Justice Warriors. The special snowflakes that need melting with flamethrowers.
Social Justice Warriors
The Politically Correct
And Other Goblin Hordes
These are the true enemies of humanity at large. And let me be clear about this by making reference to a little bit of roleplaying game philosophy. Years ago, when discussing the philosophy of Dungeons and Dragons with my brother, I mentioned the fact that if you thought about it, going into dungeons to kill Orcs and Goblins so as to plunder their gold was not terribly different from say what the conquistadors did in South America, and could be considered, you know, a tad vicious. Or something. You need to understand this was back when the original Dungeons and Dragons was still available in shops, thought AD&D was more prevalent, and we had by then slaughtered thousands of Goblins and Orcs without a care, and in the examining of more complex plot-lines we began to toy with various ideas and house rules, but on this point my brother was absolutely crystal clear. “Not at all,” he said firmly, “They are evil and there is no moral ambiguity at all.”
I was stunned. “But…what…wait…I mean how do you…”
“It says it right there: Orcs. Chaotic Evil. That’s all there is to it.” And I had to accept that if you accepted the premise of alignments as it stood, then his logic was flawless. My ambiguity came from the fact that I tended to see alignment more in the old D&D terms as a general guideline instead of the inflexible AD&D version. And yet, my brother was right really. The beauty of the D&D world was that it was simple in its division of the world between light and dark. And a band of neutrality between that was no more ambiguous for it. Neutral is neutral, neither evil nor good. Balanced between a razor’s edge between them, which is possibly the most difficult of roles to play correctly.
Now, I recount this because SWJs and their kin are basically evil. Whether they know it or not, they are evil. Whether they have puppy dog eyes or not, they are evil. Pure evil. These are people who want to force you, at gunpoint and with concentration camps, to think as they do. It is a notable fact that secular socialists are responsible for the greatest mass-murders in the history of humanity, be they the Pol Pots, Hitlers, Mao Zedongs or others of their kind, do not doubt for a second that in their borg-like search for “equality” and “social inclusion” they will quite happily have you lobotomised, drugged and brainwashed in the interest of “the greater good”. Social Justice Warriors, Concern Trolls, Politically Correct Whingers and all their kind are to be shunned, despised, and again, RIDICULED mercilessly for their inane and dangerous ideologies. If you have friends of the appropriate sex/skin colour/sexual orientation you can have massive fun at the expense of SWJs.
Remember kids: Ideology is EVIL, and politically correct ideology is the most evil of all ideologies. It infiltrates and corrupts the mind and its proper functioning precisely because it comes under the guise of “being good”. But it is not good. It is the thin end of the wedge of corrupting truth, honesty and good science into “relative truths”, “relative honesty” and “science”.
There is no such thing as SOCIETY. No one has ever touched, seen, eaten, tasted or heard anything from or about SOCIETY. What there is, is a huge number of INDIVIDUALS. And that is all there ever was or ever will be. And you cannot and do NOT get a “greater whole” from the sum of these individuals. Because they are not “parts”! They are human beings. Are you beginning to see now why Postmodernism leads to this mechanising and that in turn leads to this nonsense?
No, No, Reject Political correctness, postmodernism and all the other crap. Use your own eyes and study basic maths and logic. Learn the basics of set theory. Learn the basics of how ratios work. And if you are smart and brave, learn some mathematics as it relates to probability. Read Lysander Spooner. Especially his essay Natural Law. It is eight pages of printed A4 and it is all the law and all the politics anyone honest will ever need. Nor is it an ideology, because what Lysander managed to do in that brilliant little essay, was simply to describe the natural state of things as it happens to be with relation to humanity. This is why he called the essay also by the alternative name: The Science of Justice.
And remember: Nazis, Trolls, Orcs, Goblins and Social Justice Warriors never need any mercy. They are evil. True Evil.