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Have you figured out who the bad guys are yet?

I have mentioned many times before how Freemasons play both sides of the coin. They have the crazies on the “left” and the “good guys” on the right. And a few “good guys in the middle” because you never know, the coin may end on edge.

Ask yourself: Who can massacre men, women and children with impunity for months or even years on end and no one in the mass media talks about it?

Who has laws passed that make it so one can’t even assert historical facts without falling afoul of criminal prosecution in many countries?

Who is it not allowed that you criticise as a group?

As the old joke goes, if you notice bunch of Italian criminals you call them mafia.

If you notice a bunch of blacks or latinos being criminals you call them gangbangers.

If you notice a bunch of Jews being criminals, then you’re an antisemitic racist.

Educate yourself on what the Jewish religion says about non-jews and how Jews are to treat them. Or how they think about sex with children under the age of 3.

I am disturbed by people who assume that we should tolerate even the most foul, evil and disgusting practices. And my question is simple: Why?

Why should anyone tolerate child rapists or killers?

Why should anyone tolerate predatory banking practices designed to cripple the poor that are essentially and fundamentally unjust?

Why should usury be tolerated?

Why should we accept that a small group of people has the power to create fiat money out of thin air and put entire governments and most of humanity in debt to them for it?

Why should you tolerate anything http is fundamentally unjust, evil, or both?

And if there is no answer to that, or rather, no real answer, no valid answer, and if those perpetrating such crimes have removed themselves from normal society behind layers upon layers of deception, defence, and various rings of armed men willing to enforce the will of their masters regardless of how twisted it may be, how are you to fight them?

The answers are simple too.

No one should tolerate any of it, of course.

And secondly, if you cannot directly address the issue, refuse to participate in any of their sick games, including the need for fiat money. That, of course sounds insane and impossible at first. But only because you have been conditioned to think so for your entire life. Did the Red Indias of America have fiat money? No.

“But they were free and we are not!” You right say. Yes. Perhaps, but they were nearly rendered extinct because they did not see the issues facing them and react appropriately. Do you think the natives of Sentinel island have fiat money? No.

“Yes but they are savages!” You say. Yes, but they are free and you are not.

So you cannot envision how to survive and even thrive, or to create a community near you that reduces their need for reliance on fiat money at all? Nothing? The Sentinel Island “savages” have got you beat? Really?

Think to yourself: What would happen if a solar flare suddenly wiped out all the digital equipment on Earth? It would be chaos and people would start murdering each other in the street for food. Who would not be doing that? Who would have enough to stand a good chance of surviving and fighting off marauding bands of starving and crazed people?

The ones who prepared for such eventualities already.

Whatever that means… be one of those guys. Because otherwise you’re only going to be a zombie attacking their communities, or a drone-slave for the oligarchs, and yes, far more than you already are.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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