Talk about Chutzpah.
Consider that they and their proxies are the ones pushing for and financing all the illegals to flood Europe in the first place, while making it clear that what is good for us is not good for them. Then watch this amazing little video that is supposed to instantly get us on their side.
Seriously, it actually made me laugh out loud.
Sure doc, sure. Let me get right on that, immediately after I take your word about how safe and effective the myocarditis inducing genetic serum is.
As someone said on telegram:
Do these people just have zero ability to recognize how psycopathic this behavior rightfully appears to everyone who isn’t them?
No. The answer is no. They may well be the first human species that has narcissism encoded in their DNA.
I really think this time, number 110 might just end up being global. Which could pose a bit of a problem for (((some people))).
Because in case you forgot: