I did a bad thing…. I clicked on a random YT video. I admit it, I needed a break from what I was researching and doing and I did this. Like a fat person just gobbling up a cake by “mistake”. Nevertheless, it was informative, and possibly very helpful for young men in the West.
Here is the video:
Now, is there a chance you get divorce raped by a Russian hottie, or Filippina, one or whatever? Sure. Are there golddiggers outside of the USA and/or the West? Absolutely.
But, as the rest of the world has long-since seen Americans in general as arrogant, loud, ignorant, and fat (hey don’t shoot the messenger) I guarantee you that they have a generally even lower opinion of American women. And this video is a perfect example of why.
It’s 17 minutes or so and really worth watching if you are a young guy that is depressed about the dating pool in your Ununited States of
The Filippina Pea wrecks this Yankee something brutal and absolutely deserved, it’s entertaining to watch just for that.
However, it also highlights the stupefying hypocrisy of the white girl in the video. An OF whore ragging on men who actually leave their countries to look for a better type of woman, that is, a woman that actually still behaves like one.
If this is truly indicative of your average 20-something US female, and not just the perception fomented by social media, then, if I were a 20-something American man, I certainly would either move to the rural South, where apparently there are at least a few hotties that can drive 4x4s, shoot a gun and still be very female, or I would emigrate.
In a way it could be said I did that too, though I was living outside of Italy from a young age, as I travelled around the world, I noted that while a certain type of loyalty could be expected from the average Italian woman, they also, to my mind anyway, seemed like ball-breaking, relentless, naggers.
To some extent, it’s a generic female trait anyway, but I found it to be more pronounced in Italian women, and as it’s one of the things I can’t stand, I can count on two hands the number of Italian women I entered into any kind of relationship with, but only one of those was in any way a long-term one. In fact, as far potential for long term relationships go, women from Eastern Europe definitely had the advantage in my dating life. Followed by South American, then UK and South African.
On reflection, and with the benefit of hindsight, while the South American women were definitely fun, their temperament is not exactly ideal for stability; it’s a bit like nitroglycerin, it’s kinda fun when it blows up… if it happens in the right context… and potentially deadly if it does it out of context.
East block women are probably the most reliably stable… and I say that with he usual warning that no woman is really ever stable, they are all crazy, of course, so we’re just talking about relative stability. East block women are more like C4. If they detonate it will be under precise conditions you can usually predict well in advance.
The South African ones are probably peculiar to people who have lived there as it’s quite a blend of femininity and practicality that is culturally not that common, perhaps they approach the Southern girls of the USA in this respect, which can be an acquired taste.
As for the English women, in truth they are among the ones I tended to avoid like the plague, because while all nationalities have various generic traits, both negative and positive, in general, the English women were so frustrated by their weak men that they tended to be blusterous, arrogant, crude, feminist in their external outlook (even if docile and feminine behind closed doors) and kind of trashily easy. Nevertheless, if you find an English woman that has somehow avoided the broad zeitgeist of their almost female dominated and frustrated nation, they are actually really quite feminine, as well as generally far more logical than most women. And this is a very attractive combination. But it is exceedingly rare, and the culture of Britain certainly does NOT promote it in any way; in fact the entire zeitgeist of the UK is designed to stamp this out as viciously as possible. A true pity, because just as the English gentleman is an extinct species, so too, they are trying to do away completely with the Heroine-like English Rose.
I only dallied with one American woman, and it was certainly not going to be for a serious or committed relationship, and I simply can’t even fathom, even just in my imagination, how I could possibly be with one. While the fantasy of the Southern Belle that is a mix of trashy, hot, dignified, practical and capable is appealing, in reality, I think in all likelihood even those will have an undercurrent of wokeism that would be intolerable. Maybe they exist, but like the English Rose, I would bet they are few and far between.
So, young American, if you are male, and since Putin is offering refugee status to Westerners wanting to escape Clown World, you could probably do worse than picking up some Pimsleur Russian (best language courses I ever found and cheap now), learning how to speak it, and moving to the East.
Will it be easy? No.
Is it guaranteed you will find a devoted supermodel wife? Please… stop hallucinating. If you suffer from such delusions as guaranteed anything in life, read this .
At any rate, the point is, don’t let anyone tell you that you have to put up with more insanity than you can willingly tollerate. Or any feminism at all.
I predicted already in my late teens that the next step in human evolution will be those men and women who choose to be able to do logic better than most of our ancestors, and who at the same time embrace their maleness unforgivingly for men, and their femininity unashamedly and happily for women.
All the rest are just NPCs at best and crazed flying monkeys with diseases at worst.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here