General WWIII escalations

I am not particularly worried about the obvious escalation of the USA using one of their drones to help the Ukis drop a multi-munition frag-type missile of… a beach with sunbathers on it inside Russian territory.

Obviously, it is a massive escalation by the USA, sorry, I mean Israel, alongside with several terrorist attacks all happening on the same day too, but I think the reaction from Russia will be interesting and possibly already played out with a senior US diplomat dying in Ukraine of… SADS I guess. Or maybe climate change.

Sunak is going to be kicked out in UK.

Biden might be “retired” in favour of Big Mike Obummer, or possibly Biden #2 to #5. Either way it will not be Kameltoe.

If nuclear war is avoided before November, I think it’s equally likely Trump “wins” in a kayfabe sort of way (theatre) to appease the masses, or Joepedo stand-ins or Big Mike will possibly “win” with the bestest and most popular vote count ever. Again. But in any case, Americans will continue to do absolutely nothing.

If you Americans could at least start like a small civil war 2.0? Please? Cause that would help us here make some moves towards getting your 150 military bases back home to you. I mean, we’d have to change all the politicians first, but without the nefarious hand of your deep state so far up the puppets in Europe, a couple of them might actually get replaced.

Or we can always hope in the Russians coming to liberate us.

Either way, I put a bit more oil and diesel in the tractor and I’m gonna see if I can drive it a bit around the property without killing myself.

Then I’m going to think about where to put the chicken shelter.

In the meantime, I leave you with these wise words from the son of Idi Amin.

6 Responses to “General WWIII escalations”

  1. parascribe says:

    Which Americans should kick off civil war 2.0? I don’t really disagree with anything you said, but I think you may be falling into the common European trap of forgetting how big this country is. I’m deep in fly over country. There are no meaningful targets here, but plenty of opportunity for fedposting.

    • G says:

      My point is that I don’t see anywhere in America a creation of communities that will insulate from the coming troubles. Aside maybe from the Amish. And they will be steamrollered over like wheat as soon as anything becomes contentious regarding them.

  2. parascribe says:

    Within the prepper sphere, there groups/intentional communities forming, at least on line. But those groups seemed to mainly aim at unplugging from the grid and being self-sufficient. They just want to be left alone. I don’t think they’re will be any meaningful organizing for resistance/reform purpose unless the surveillance state is dealt with. And that can’t happen without disclosure. Which won’t happen while the surveillance is in place and can subvert any efforts before they get established. We’re screwed…

    • G says:

      With that attitude, sure you are. Organising simply means leaving phones and such at home and meeting up for coffee in those nice rural areas in the forest to discuss the weather.

  3. parascribe says:

    My inner grammar Nazi just winced at my last comment that has they’re instead of there

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