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Gen X – The Last Men

So it appears that Gen Z has large numbers of their cohorts that are too anxious to know how to use a phone to actually TALK on it (oh the stress!)

Now, i know several Gen Z that are actually pretty decent potential crusaders, more so than any millennials I know anyway, but still, it’s a concern when you realise that for the Gen Z guys, approaching a woman to say attempt to make an innocent enough connection is considered “creepy”. I dread to think how many cops and EMTs would be required if someone said what I have said at least once before to a woman I was interested in, which was:

“Hi, I’d like to have a coffee with you sometime, or you know, dinner, or lunch, a trip to the Maldives, whatever you can fit in your calendar. And I know, looking like you do you probably already have a husband and three boyfriends, but I’m not the jealous type. So here’s my number and if I’m out of line, never mind, I’ll try to find a way to survive!”

She used the number, and she was definitely younger than me so a millennial not a Gen Z, but yeah, it was a text.

I produced this pen and paper RPG to promote the use of imagination and problem solving as well as fostering social interaction, but it is a fact that when i present the topic to anyone from Gen Z they look at me as if I were showing them alien technology. The sad state of affairs is that people in that generation are so atomised that they don’t even have 2 or 3 IRL friends to sit around a table and play pretend for a couple of hours.

Millennials are generally a rather pathetic bunch too self-absorbed and molly-coddled to be much more than the Boomers 2.0 and Gen X remain a mix of people who have been crushed by their boomer parents and life in general and just march on like condemned men, or are silent guerrilla fighters only concerned with their loved ones and their own survival. Numerically we are not a large generation because out parents the boomers aborted a third of us before birth and a lot of other barriers they erected made things a bit hard (still easier than Gen Z has it though, and by quite a lot!) so we are a mix of the walking dead and silent spartans.

Besides, the Boomers will hold on to power even as they enter the grave, and numerically speaking, as well as psychologically, by the time the boomers exit stage left, the Gen Xers will be too tired, too out of the loop to care or want to try and get the reins of power, and precisely because they do NOT care to, they would paradoxically be the best suited for it.

I feel for Gen Z because they will most likely be saddled with bookers 2.0 (millennials) above them. So, for my part, I am doing what I can to set the stage for them. City states, hardcore Catholicism and a totally unyielding attitude to the demonic rulers of this world: the synagogue of Satan types.

Be hard and unflinching with the truth. Be kind and protective of innocents and be ready to go to absolute war for the truth.

Really, reading The Crusades – Iron Men and Saints should be required inspirational material.

Don’t let Gen X be the last one that still had men behave as men. You’re the hope, Gen Z.

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