Galloping Dementia Redux

Joepedo literally can’t form a single coherent sentence anymore.

And that’s not a one off. It’s like that whenever he tries to say anything. Some think this is as bad as it gets…

Personally, I think this is just the beginning and we’re going to see a whole lot worse yet to come in every shape and form.

Just doing my GenX thing here, getting popcorn ready while I watch it all burn from my porch with plenty of ammo to spare in case it all gets too close to me.

3 Responses to “Galloping Dementia Redux”

  1. Mike in Canada says:

    Just wanted to note that your closing sentence basically describes most Gen X’rs of our acquaintance, anyway… we are all just watching the wheels come off, while at the same time remaining prepared for what will come after that.
    Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas and all that.

    God Bless.

  2. Gryphon says:

    What I’m finding ‘entertaining’ is how the situation is beginning to reveal deep Cracks in the “Uniparty”, as well as in the ‘bankster class’. The Failing Economy, Lost War in The ukraine, Genocide in Occupied Palestine along with it being revealed that second and third-tier Military Forces (Persia, Yemen, Lebanon) pose a Serious Threat to not only the zionazis, but their golem, the FUSSA. All of these Factors cannot be ‘brought back under control’ no matter how hard they Try, and Lie.

    And they STILL keep Poking the Bear, with a sharp stick.

    To paraphrase a famous Writer, ‘There goes one who has called upon the God of Chaos, what happens if He actually comes?’

    Moar Popcorn, Please. And Ammo.

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