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Gab: The Grift & The Decline

Recently, as everyone who is on the internet and not a boomer might know, Gab has decided to allow only accounts with a checkmark to post pictures and videos. This means paying customers.

The move was not very popular with most Gabbers and as a result Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab received some flak. Which prompted him to remove a bunch of people that criticised him from Gab and ban them.

Which made him even less popular.

Torba keep quoting scripture to defend his position on everything from changing his mind about free speech to why he did what he did.

There is a post that I fond a while back, that Vox Day also linked to, that seriously made Torba’s motives become questionable. And unlike Vox, I think it is pretty damning in its evidence AND conclusions.

In fairness, Vox tends to take the position of seeing Gab from a viability perspective, and given what I know of Vox and how he thinks, his personal detachment from the intricacies of whether, as he posted, it is a honeypot/grift combination or a genuine attempt at Alt-tech probably features very little in that equation.

Sure, from a practical perspective, ANY genuine Alt-tech will face formidable resistance from powerful enemies, so making the subscriber base put some skin in the game is essential to survival. No one is questioning that, but it’s also basic math, so not exactly an exciting revelation.

Despite its detractors, and among them also the valid ones, which are not few, Gab DID provide a service up to a point. If nothing else it allowed a free flow of information regarding the activities of people whom it is literally now illegal to criticise in any way in many parts of the world: Jews, and their aims, as well as their historical actions. Questioning the Holocaust is literally illegal in much of Europe. Questioning the murder of millions of Christians by the Bolshoviks however, is apparently fine even though the numbers are nearly an order of magnitude higher. Now, why would that be?

The thing is, for me, personally, the truth matters. And it matters more than the strategic aims. Which is not to say I am some spotless paladin of virtue. I think anyone that would accuse me of that would be laughed at by all, and I would be leading that charge, but personally, associating with actual deceivers is really not my thing. Which is not to say I won’t use their shit if it suits me. That includes Faceborg, Gab, and whatever else I may delve into. But I’m not going to buddy up to Zukboy or Torba for that matter, because whether Torba is actually a flytrap to suck in all the “antisemites” or as I prefer to think of some people, individuals that prefer the truth to comfortable lies, and then will sell them down the river or not, what I can ascertain for certain at this point is that Torba is far from honest.

And frankly I doubt he is any kind of “Christian” either. And by that I mean not only that he is not a Christian in the true sense of the word, since, as any reader here knows, only Sedevacantist Catholics are actual Christians, but I mean it even in the more generic sense of all the poor heretics who simply don’t know any better, because they are lazy, stupid, or both and as a result believe themselves to be “real” Christians while loyal to the Novus Orco fake Church, or one of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism and so on. No, I mean that I suspect Torba is not even one of those guys, but rather puts on the skin suit of a “convinced” and “Christian” man as easily as I change T-shirts. Which is not to say that he may not be playing this part even within the confines of his own home.

But in any case we can definitely ascertain a few things about Torba (and hence Gab, since this relates to that really and not to Torba as an individual):

  • He lies about Gab stats and lies massively on it (evidence below)
  • He can’t be any kind of very convinced Christian as the details of his family and some employees he kept on long past due make clear at the post above as well as this one below:


  • He has made some poor choices in terms of leading Gab. This in itself would not be meaningful either way, because mistakes are never optional, they simply WILL happen, but it’s the kind of errors that are made that all point to the same general conclusion, which I will lay out at the end of this post.

First let’s look at the evidence for the numbers being fake. Now, you may think all of this rests on only Judge Dread and that we are buddies or something. Truth is he had blocked me almost right away on Gab, I forget for what, I think I corrected him on something about Christianity. Turns on Poast he’s fine. The thing is about this guy that while his take may or may not be to your liking I can’t recall an instance of him posting something false. And in any case he is not alone in his assessment of Gab, in fact, many of his observations rely on information provided by others.

An important point to understand is that when Gab used the mostly open source code from mastodon, it remained open to scrutiny. And this is where a lot of this information comes from.

Here Judge Dread is referring to when Gab left the federated environment of mastodon. Many thought it was because that environment is more like the early internet, except with most of the posters limiting their posts of a socially suicidal level of politically incorrect to mostly politics, race, and noticing the actions of certain ethnicities in particular, as well as generic grifters and so on. It’s like if 4chan was on twitter, and I have to say I am enjoying it. You can find me on there as @TheKurgan but let us continue examining the Gab fake numbers issue.

Second image is larger for legibility it’s a very useful timeline that demonstrates quite clearly that Gab never had the numbers it claimed, and still does not.

The fact that the guy who posted that was immediately banned and his posts deleted is also indicative that it’s real. Otherwise why not post the real numbers, it’s easy enough to do.

So, to my mind, this conclusively proves that Torba lies about how many real live humans he has active in Gab. And I had reached the exact same numbers by other deductive processes. I am not a tech guy and I don’t really care, but I do notice things others tend to miss. One of the surest indicators for me was the number of followers that Vox Day got when he rejoined Gab.

Vox had initially praised Torba’s Gab and joined it and brought several people over given that the man’s blog is visited by over 100k people a day.

But the Nazi-themed pornographers on Gab started to make very rough memes aimed art Vox and his family and Torba refused to take them down or punish the perpetrators in any way. Vox left Gab and denounced it and so did a lot of other people.

After that Torba eventually banned all porn on the site. Supposedly because he’s such a Christian. And eventually he and Vox made peace and Vox returned to Gab. Almost instantly Vox had 35k followers. It wasn’t organic or believable simply because the Gab subculture is pretty obvious, and would be to anyone that hung out in alt-dot forums since the early 90s and used chats to discuss physics that were infiltrated by feds and so on. There are basically three types of gabbers, Boomers making Boomer noises about ‘murica and bootstraps or cruises, or whatever, who are totally irrelevant to reality, then a noticeable amount of feds of various types. Rather lacklustre really. I recall old Dean from my days on the alt-dot antigravity forums, he was a persistent fed who but in his eight hours diligently and though it was obvious if you spot patterns who he worked for, it got so we were even kind of friendly. He debunking the truth and most of us on that board making fun of his government job. I guess you just can’t get good help these day, plus, most of them are probably millennials. Anyway, they are rather obvious and crude in their tactics. And then there are the real Gabbers which can be further divided into two general camps. Obsessed pro-nazi Hitlerites that think the Fürher did nothing wrong, and the more balanced 4chan types who know WWII was not how it was presented but don’t obsess over it and instead make fun of all the grifters, liars, and fakers in no specific order. The point is that none of these demographics would gravitate towards Vox with such alacrity.

I believe Torba immediately gave Vox full access to most of the human Gabbers plus maybe a dollop or two of bots. So the more detailed investigation above confirm things for me as far as I care to have them confirmed.

But OK, you might say, the guy is just trying to make a buck… and yes, yes he is. Based on the linked blogs above, it’s fairly obvious that Torba not only wanted to make a lot of money, but his arrogance and ego made him think he could be the next Elon Musk Lite. In fact he offered Gab to Elon for a couple of billion at one point. I didn’t screenshot the post, because I don’t care either way, but I remember it and thought it was ridiculous, and of course it is.

While twitter is a government, deep-state financed, data collection ad zeitgeist warping mechanism, and Elon is still marching to the general drumbeat of the ADL, Gab, with its roughly 30,000 users at best, a good chunk of which are undoubtedly feds from Israel and the USA predominantly, is at best a blip on the radar which is worth dragging for the names of vicious terrorists that post funny memes. Clearly civilisation destroying madmen. Can’t have Hitler memes and Kekistan frog memes out in the wild there. You think I am joking, but Ireland, Canada, and to a lesser extend Europe are passing laws that will literally land you in jail under a hate crime for years, while muslims that have raped little girl that may not even have reached puberty literally have got away with zero jail time.

The point is that Gab is certainly not worth millions, never mind billions.

And there are other problems, its CTO is, well… see for yourself.

Gab was supposedly a completely dox-free site, but as it turns out, Torba will happily hand over names to any fed agency that asks, despite his loudly claiming the opposite.

So, as I said, we can conclude that Gab was never as popular as Torba claimed, and is practically on life support now, as can be seen by the kind of slating that Torba receives daily on his own posts on Gab, as well as the low response number. We can also conclude Torba was in it primarily for the money, and possibly a little of the fame, or infamy, same-same I think. But things did not quite pan out as he’d hoped.

I don’t thing Torba is necessarily in bed directly with any alphabet soup types, but I could be wrong, after all the level of generic incompetence on both sides of that divide would make it pretty hard to differentiate it from just a generically chaotic and badly managed social media site. I do think it is scraped and infiltrated to the gills with feds from various corners of the globe though.

And lastly, on a personal note, as can be seen by the details in the linked posts by others above, it is absolutely questionable if Torba is even remotely Christian. I mean, to me he clearly isn’t, because as you all know by now, if you’re not a 1958 Sede Catholic, to me you’re a pagan/heretic/whatever, but even by the standards of Protestants, which are essentially the same as those of demons (agree Jesus Christ is Lord, which even demons know) he still doesn’t really pass the sniff test, because the stench that comes off him is not of an earnest believer in error, but rather of a grifter wearing a mask.

And I promplty expect I will be banned from Gab as soon as this post makes it way to Torba or his gay brothers’ beady little eyes.

So, why the long effort-post on all this?

One reason: To Educate those willing to learn.

The most consistent failure of human beings over the last 4 years has been a combination of the following things:

  • Believing the mainstream media and government. On anything.
  • Doing as they are told by the above.
  • Latching on to the first person even remotely hinting at the truth.

It’s that last one in bold that’s the killer. it is Satanic standard practice, used since the dawn of man, to play both sides of the same coin. Freemasons do it as an almost inviolable law. As do Jews in pretty much any business dealing I have personally seen happen. As do the fake “Catholics” I have exposed many times on this blog, like Milo, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, and others.

It’s a trap.

I tend to focus on the intentional liars, grifters and deceivers, which all of the above mentioned are, but perhaps an even more dangerous type is the unintentional deceiver, which is where I would place torba. He’s not invested enough, perhaps not personally compromised enough to be blackmail able, and clearly probably not intelligent enough to be used directly and knowingly as a sponge to soak up anyone that might otherwise become effective at changing the zeitgeist.

My best guess is that Torba is an unwitting player at being the “conservative” or “right-wing” or “extremist” that really serves no purpose other than to defuse effective people sick of all the lies from getting together and forming groups of people that might change things, be it politically, in media, or however else. In short, insofar as he is not helpful to the cause of truth and justice, he is so by being a useful idiot to those who run things. And a minor useful idiot at that.

Gab has been “useful” is permitting a certain level of truth to escape the mental barricades they have worked for decades to install in all of us, and that too, in my opinion was mostly by chance and dumb luck. The freakozoid Nazi fan boys, LARPing Pagan “Odin worshippers” neurotypical weaponised autists and memers got a few things over the fence and that is good, but there is no one who will convince me that Gab is anything other than the personal and badly managed grift of Torba. And frankly, I don’t care, it’s fine. What I do care about is the truth, I’m not neurotypical myself, go figure, which is why this post.

Learn to spot the “other side of the same coin” boys and girls. Whether it be intentional or as in this case situational.

Anyway, I will be on Poast more. Here it is: https://poa.st

Go join and if you read my blog you can find me there as @TheKurgan along with several people who were banned from Gab.

This is my take too:

Now excuse me while I go ask Judge Dread about Catholicism and see if he blocks me again.

One Response to “Gab: The Grift & The Decline”

  1. […] aside all the various evidence that Torba is probably not at all what he presents himself or his platform Gab to be, even if you […]

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