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Freemason… Free… Free-Fallin’… Free… Freefallin’…

Poor Milo, he’s not even phoning it in anymore.

From 26,993 followers in telegram ten days ago, on September 18th to 26,528 today.

And rewatching films. He appears to have deleted it, but I distinctly recall him posting that he was “watching” Goodfellas some weeks ago.

Losing some 50 or so followers a day can’t be good for his ego, his masters, or, indeed, quite possibly, his health.

That is, I wonder if his handlers will eventually mete out the prescribed punishment to a Freemason that exposes their organisation/plans/secrets, be it intentionally or accidentally through a lack of caution.

At least they have degrees of severity tho!

I’d guess Milo would fall under the underlined third category. All quite dreadful I am sure you agree. And in fact, if he does NOT get his bowels removed by force at some point in the future, or at least while someone still remembers his name, it may well be because I am mentioning it explicitly here.

You’re welcome Milo. Now repent, convert, and spend the rest of your days in solitary penance.

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