Is you are interested in the real History of the Church and one of its heroic personages who many are completely unaware of, you can now read in English the truth regarding Monsignor Umberto Benigni, written by the inimitable Don Ricossa of the IMBC.
Referencing all the relevant documents, this work is a historically impeccable source that records the work done by Benigni with his secret service network tasked with discovering who the infiltrators in the Church were. The name of this network, Sodalitium Pianum remains alive in the tag line of the Instituto Mater Boni Consili, which I urge any would-be actual Catholics to investigate and get baptised by and support to the best of your ability. Their priests and Bishops remain among the last Catholic clergy left on Earth and they are superlative individuals with a moral fortitude and spiritual tenacity I can only admire and hope to emulate in my lay efforts, however miserable they are compared to theirs.
This is not a light article, as it run to some 217 pages, so is a proper treatment of the matter.
And… should you be inspired to become a proper Catholic and then create a proper Catholic community, or join the one I am trying to create here in northern Italy… well… studying the work of Msgr. Benigni should probably be required reading.
May God have him by His right hand and may He see fit to send us many more such men among our ranks.