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France on Fire and Catholic Predictions

There are a number of Catholic Predictions that state that once Catholicism is nearly completely destroyed, there will be an uprising, that will begin in France and eventually engulf Europe. The saying goes that most of France will be put to the fire and many European countries too will suffer, but not as much as France, and eventually a new Pope will be elected and then there will be a thousand years of glorious Catholic reign, before the really dark times and the Second Coming.

I put literally pretty much zero stock in such predictions, as I did in the Nostradamus prophecies that supposedly meant the world was going to end in 1986 and so on. That said, France certainly seems to be ramping up their protests, which have gone totally ignored for 3 years now.

Farmers Dumping Trash at or near government buildings. I fully approve of this measure.
A Molotov thrown at a police station would seem to imply that taking on the enforcing arm of the French “Elite” is not as scary as it might once have been to all the citizens.
Rioters/Protesters seriously outnumbering police and not quite as terrified of them as you might expect them to be.

Macron, clearly has to go, as does the entire WEF/Satanist/Pedophile club, world-wide. Perhaps the French are about to show us how it’s done. Time will tell.


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