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Fixing Eyesight

I did an experiment with Hypnosis and curing eyesight years ago that yielded some permanent improvement in literally one session. The details of that experiment are here, in the Adventure Science Library section.

I recently received an email from a gentleman that wishes to remain anonymous, probably due to his having a normal job and not wanting to be associated publicly with me, I would guess. Anyway, below is our exchange, which I found to be informative and I present it here in case it is useful to anyone else. Especially anyone else that might want to replicate the mysterious Mr. Cook’s eyesight fixing apparatus.

Hey there, I came across your website while trying to find an in-depth personal account of someone healing their eyesight with self-hypnosis, and what you said about Mr. Cook’s laser dot projection really caught my attention.
I wanted to ask (because I can’t understand) how could an observer somehow “keep” or alter the movement of a laser dot if that dot is obviously being controlled by some other mechanical function. In my head, it’s like watching a car drive up the street, and then suddenly you’ve managed to make it stop moving, even though it’s obviously still being operated by someoneand still movingforward.
Does my confusion make sense? I want to be able to understand because I want to recreate a rudimentary version of this setup that Mr. Cook had. But the logic of it is still tripping me over.
If you can help me (and also inundate me with more info on eyesight, hypnosis, and lasers, if you so wish to) I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank You, [Anonymous Eyeman]

Hi [Anonymous Eyeman], as far as I can recall from memory (on one article I read some 30 years ago or more) the principle is a kind of optical illusion. So, when you exercise your eye muscle in a certain direction the illusion is that the dot will “move” to a certain position.If you take your eyes and through your eyelid squeeze it gently a bit, you will see it deforms your vision (improves it a bit if you are myopic) this, as far as I understand it was a similar thing. I do not know the exact setup of the lasers and how they created the illusion of their “moving” to the correct spot. But the point is not that the observer physically moved the dots by observation, but rather that straining his eye muscle in a certain way would result in the optical effect in his eye that would make the dot appear to change position.As for further information on hypnosis and eyesight it’a all on the blog. look in the Adventure science section and use the search me function on the right hand side of the blog to search for keywords that will turn up anything I wrote on it over the years.I wish you all the best and if you manage to build a functioning apparatus PLEASE let me know. G.

Thank you for all the details and information.
Once you told me that the main principle at hand was an optical illusion, I looked through a bunch of well known ones and came across this:
You had mentioned in your original blog post that Mr. Cook was involved with fighter planes at one point in his life. Well, plane pilots suffer from many different optical illusions, one being the “Autokinesis Effect.”
This effect specifically happens when someone stares “at a fixed single point of light (ground light or a star) in a totally dark and featureless background.” By focusing on this fixed point of light long enough, the light will appear to move. This causes pilots to mistakenly identify stars as other aircraft in the area.
The reason this happens (and why it needs to be on a dark featureless background) is because without a reference point of objects to compare the light to, we can’t really tell whether the object is moving or not. And because our eyes have tiny movements that we don’t normally detect while standing still, our eye movement is what causes these fixed lights to move, so long as we focus on it.
It could be that Mr. Cook came across this eye-healing technique through his background with figher planes and pilots. Maybe he intended to help pilots better overcome this optical illusion and accidentally found that it had healing properties when developed into a controlled experiment. Who knows.
I just wanted to share all that because it was rather exciting discovering it all.
And yes, if I manage to build a functioning aparatus I will definitely let you know. [Anonymous Eyeman]

Hi [Anonymous Eyeman,] that is indeed fascinating and the best new information on this topic I managed to come across in some 30 years! Thank you!If I get time I would like to post your email on the blog. Please let me know if you wish to remain anonymous or if you prefer to have your full name included, or something in between. Many thanks, G.

I would definitely like to remain anonymous, so in that case give me whatever name you’d like to give me in your blog post.
Also here is some further reading about the Autokinesis/Autokinetic Effect:
And here was a brief experiment that was conducted in 2004 with participants:
Happy to hear that I helped shine some light on this mysterious Mr. Cook and his work. [Anonymous Eyeman]

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