At this blog:
we have some of the most absurd mind warping excusing of perverts I have had the misfortune of reading. I actually know the author of it through social media and have tried to engage him politely at first on the subject, but he simply would not address the simple questions posed regarding what reason he had for rejecting the Sede Privationist argument. Then I read this
and frankly, I became disgusted.
It was time for a fisking.
His words are in black and his links in brown.
My words are in red.
Pope Francis. Wrong. He is not even a Catholic, having publicly defected from the faith in multiple ways, been publicly corrected, multiple times, and not having corrected his constant and ever more heretic apostasy, he is condemned by the law itself as per canon law 188.4 of the Pio-Benedictine code of canon law. He has consciously and spiritually vacated his spiritual office. The fact he clings on to the worldly part of his office by force, deception and subterfuge is irrelevant. The point is that he clearly is not Pope. His name is Bergoglio. Head of the Catholic Church. He is not even head of a Bishoprate. He has defected from the Catholic Faith. I honor the authority he wields. All he has done clearly indicates he serves Satan. So, authority over who, and what? Or, at least, claims to yield. If I claimed to be king of the world and demanded you pay your taxes to me and kiss my ring, would you? Because I have some bills to pay… Should I see him, one of the first things I’d do is attempt to kiss the Ring of the Fisherman. Why? This man’s hands are blessed, and he has the power to consecrate bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. So do the hands of any validly ordained priest. Pick a better set of hands to worship if you must. He has the power to bless people and to drive out demons. Any faithful can drive out demons. Learn what being Catholic means and learn the difference between a Church rule for the world and a divine rule for reality. His is the Vicar’s Seat, which is at the head of all priestly men, and his position is that of one who leads all of the faithful, here in the Land of the Living, Church Militant. First, no, he’s not a chair. And in any case, the seat doesn’t do it. Nor his ring. The man does it. IF he is a validly ordained Catholic Bishop AND validly elected to the office of the Papacy. Bergoglio is neither Catholic nor validly elected. And should I manage to be able to kiss the Holy Pontiff’s ring, I would be granted an indulgence of 300 days. No. You would not. He is the leader of the Christian world, the head of a monarchy. No, and no, he is not. His position and the authority he carries commands respect. Why? Again, if I say I’m the king of the world would you send me 40% of your income? After all, I SAID IT! WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE ME? I at least POTENTIALLY COULD BE! There isn’t actual canonic laws that explicitly and clearly show I definitely cannot be. So I’m a far more likely king of the world than Bergoglio is Pope. In fact he is a blatant impostor, and only someone too lazy to read some of the foundational rules of his faith AND simultaneously so credulous and mentally deficient as to not even be able to observe apostasy after apostasy in action over a period of years could possibly believe Bergoglio deserves anything but ferocious contempt.
Yet, life is not so simple. Should I even try to kiss the Ring of the Fisherman, he would draw it away. He doesn’t bless people when he sees them. He doesn’t lead Christ’s followers in any Christian kind of a way. In fact he tells us not to even try spreading Christianity. He further states that God consciously wills it that there’s a plurality of religions, and he governs as though we are not even the de facto true Church. While Judaism and Islam carry on as religio-political movements, the Roman Catholic Church is run like a toothless, philosophical hobby club. And though this Pope is widely regarded as the man who holds the authority of pope, growing numbers of people—even prelates high up in the Church hierarchy—question the legitimacy of his election and the former pontiff’s resignation.
But worse than that, we have a homosexual/pedophile-enabling pope. We have a pope who threw out all of the Chinese Catholics to the wolves, so that they are devoured by the anti-Christian Chinese government. We have a pope who is championed by outspoken homo-friendly celebrity priests, and these men are so loyal to this destroyer that they gleefully boast how they’d rather spit on devoted Catholic families than question this man. The true Catholic life repulses Pope Francis and all of his devoted enablers and spokesmen. He refuses to make any corrections to his heretical statements, and he allows the Church to decay and roil in confusion. In a word, this man is evil. So why do you still refuse to a) read up on Catholic canon law and b) continue to insist calling this fraud “Pope”? Where is your self-respect? Where is your loyalty to truth, beauty, justice and our Lord Jesus Christ? Why are you so lazy and fearful of discovering and facing the truth?
Pope Francis is a part of a continuity that began, not just at Vatican II, but with Martin Luther himself. In fact, Protestants should be gleeful and happy with Pope Francis’ direction, as his administration over a burning, smoking disaster is fulfilling the spirit of the age that Martin Luther ignited. They are. To be sure, leftist Catholics who have no love for real Catholicism adore this pope, and they wait with bated breath for the acceptance of homosexuality, divorce, and married priests, just to name a few items on their wish list.
Yes, this man is not a good pope. He is a bad pope. He is like a new stepfather who neglects and abuses his new children, seeking accolades and friendship from the neighborhood kids. By his own definition, he is shit. He said so last August in Ireland. In fact, he tells gay people they were born that way. He runs into the welcoming arms of sexual deviants, Freemasons, Muslims, Jews, Protestants, and communist atheists. The only people who go to Hell in his book are the traditional Catholics who suffer under his abusive pontificate. And yet you insist on calling him Pope and would try to kiss his ring. You are a disgrace to the memory of all the Catholic Saints who went before you to martyrdom and war in the name of truth.
Books will be written about the evil allowed to run rampant under this man. But what amazes me is that he still carries the authority of the priesthood. So? So does any validly ordained excommunicated priest. What are you amazed by, other than your spectacular ignorance of Catholicism? No matter what, he still has the power to transubstantiate bread and wine into the Holy Presence. And if it is unfortunately true that this wicked man is our legitimate pope, No. He is not. Learn canon law. then his authority is still clear and present. How and why is this so? It isn’t. But I’m curious as to what spectacular display of cognitive dissonance and literal inversion of logic and truth you will come up with to justify your cowardice. Because nothing—no sin man can do—has the power to remove God’s mark. There is nothing a mortal man can do to erase and scrub away the Spirit of God. Good or evil, Pope Francis was entrusted with the authority of the Holy Spirit to one degree or another. And he will carry that authority wherever he goes in the next life. If he goes to Heaven, he will be a pope in Heaven. No. You moron. Pope is a world given authority to an elected Bishop. There are only two classifications of major Holy orders; priest and bishop. Cardinal, Archbishop and Pope are WORDLY hierarchical denominatives. Your ignorance is typical of the Churchian. If he goes to Hell, he will still be a pope in Hell. No you moron. At best a BISHOP in Hell. Pope is an irrelevant denominative and has no spiritual force beyond physical life. No evil and no bad decision made by this man will be able to shake off God’s power.
Like it or not, this pope has the car keys. Only because you let an impostor have them. I warrant if a stranger walked into your house, declared himself owner of your car you’d let him drive off with it on the basis of his say so? Asking for a friend. And when you realize that, it becomes clear that this man—and his followers and defenders—have taken the Holy Spirit hostage. When you hear people such as former Soviet KGB propagandist Yuri Bezmenov or former communist activist Bella Dodd talk about how the Soviet Union sought to flood the Catholic Church with corrupted priests—when you hear this, realize that the authority of God is being held ransom. With Luciferian energy, these wicked men who are repulsed by goodness have slowly but surely been transforming the Catholic Church, inverting it the way demons do, in the hopes of destroying it forever. Humans can take one of the persons of the trinity hostage? Good God man, you really haven’t got a damned clue what Christianity is.
A lot of Catholics have been living with this reality since the Second Vatican Council. No. All the Catholics. No Catholic recognises Vatican 2 as anything other than the apostasy of the heretics from truth and the temporary victory of Satan over the Church as predicted. A lot more Catholics have been enlightened about this horrific situation in recent years. And now, thanks to this pope, the entire world is coming to realize that something is very very wrong, and that some sort of evil has set up shop within the Catholic Church. This pope is an unwitting canary in the coal mine for the world. His six years “of hypocrisy and lies” sort of gives away the game, and lets the world know what has been going on this whole time.
What comes next? Who knows? Some folks once speculated that this was supposed to be the last pope. Time will tell. Most voices I hear on this issue state that only Divine Intervention will be able to fix the Catholic Church at this point. But whatever happens, we can rest without a doubt at this point: this has been a poisonous pope. That is now indisputable. There is no question. There is no rationalization for this any longer. There is no longer an “out.” This pope spreads only desolation. And yet you keep saying how you want to kiss his ring.
You also ignore the simple and verifiable fact that all of the Vatican 2 documents are heretical and as such, one who supports that heresy publicly automatically vacates their spiritual office and their Catholicism. You’re not a Catholic.
You’re a hand-wringing Churchian and a coward. “Oh my, oh what can we do, oh we must just get on our knees and kiss the fake pope’s ring and hope God saves us.”
If Catholics were like you we’d all be Muslims now and Christendom wouldn’t have ever survived the Moors.
Crawl back into whatever sewer hole you came out of that makes you want to kiss the ring of pedophile enablers.
There hasn’t been a valid Pope since 1958. Your lies and cowardice in failing in admitting this shows exactly what you are like. And I note that before I could even post this you have since squealed like a bitch about “sedevacantists are handing me my ass”. That’s because you don’t have a single logical point to hang on to when saying Bergoglio is Pope. You simply cannot answer the facts that prove he is not. I know, because I have repeatedly asked you to and you never have, even when the tone was friendly at the start. You’re not a Catholic. Like your fake “Pope”, you’re an impostor.
And hanging on to Vox’s shoes while trying to call your critics gammas in the hope
of deflecting anyone that points out your ignorance, stupidity and cowardice is not fooling anyone.
You’re a Churchian through and through.
[…] I thought Denzinger was a person – This one is so amusing I screen capped the moron’s comment from Vox’s Blog for amusement, as well as Vox’s reply to it. You may recall of course that “Laramie” is the pedophile supporter I spanked here a while back concerning his wishes to kiss Bergoglio’ ring. […]