Do your eyes glaze over when some economist starts talking? Me too. Mostly because they talk absolute nonsense and lies.
So let me explain a few things in a way we can all understand.
The financial crash of 2008 was something I predicted way back in 1995 but I expected it to happen at around the year 2000 at the latest. I didn’t use complicated formulas to figure it out. I had simply played in the stock market for a little bit, made some money and realised how it all worked. It was, and remains, a giant Ponzi scheme build on the vapours of smoke and the imaginings of that vapour. The only thing I had not accounted for was the level of both human greed, dishonesty and general stupidity. I had assumed that even brain damaged lemurs that took a cursory glance at the stock exchange would conclude as I did. And whether I was wrong (I was) or not, surely, anyone sane would not deal in such things (o my naive youth). Instead, of course, no one cares it’s a complete fabrication for themes part, and fake, and fraudulent, and made up of smoke and mirrors. They all just keep playing and they all get more and more people in it. Which makes the Ponzi scheme last longer. But eventually, it has to blow up.
The next crash, after that giant clusterfuck (which even if you only know the basics is ridiculously absurd) of 2008 was predicted (by bankers, this time, not me) for 2014-2015. And it didn’t really happen. Because guess what, whole governments were now jumping into the bandwagon.
The 2008 crash was felt most not by wealthy or even averagely well-to do Westerners. It was felt by third world countries the most. Keep in mind that at times the interest rate in places like South Africa hit 25%. Yes, that’s not a typo.
Places like Argentina in the late 80s and early 90s suffered massive crashes. So did places like Latvia. And they do not get a lot of publicity because it does not suit the “people” (indemoniated parasites) who run things to have you realise this stuff in any conscious way.
But this is what it was like if you lived in one of these countries. Say you worked hard all your life and saved, maybe to buy a house or to get one for your children, you have the local equivalent of say 500,000 US dollars in your bank account, squirrelled away over a lifetime. Then you wake up one day and literally from one day to the next you can’t access your money at all. And not only that, but it is now devalued so that the 500,000 you had is now worth 5,000 dollars. I personally know people that happened to who are my good friends. Imagine for a second how you would feel.
It really is a wonder that a lot more bankers have not been strung up from lampposts all around the world.
And by the way, just so you know, that is precisely what they rely on. Between the faceless bureaucracy they present to the world, and your civilised behaviour, they carry on with impunity, because you’re just gonna bend over yet again and take it, and take it, and take it.
Now, this sort of scenario has been pushed off from 2014-15 a few years, to 2020, then they created the genetic serum injection depopulation event and the Ponzi scheme suddenly went rage-steroid massive. So massive, and so fake, that apparently almost no one realises just how insane it is. They literally just decided to print many tons more money, and in fact, being as printing costs money and is kinda like, you know, work, they just added a bunch of numbers to some computers and gave out loans to governments and banks, and giant firms everywhere. In a way, this is “fine” since the whole fiat money thing was really a con anyway to a large extent. So now it’s like anyone with a shred of financial understanding just went:
“Ah fuck it. Let the peasants “enjoy” a brief reprieve if they are even remotely capable, but only so they go along with the lockdowns, serum injections and chemtrail “climate change” depopulation agenda. And anyway, later we turn the tap off and let them squat like the new pigs in the giant favelas we are creating.”
Now, we are not there… yet… but, and this is one aspect of WW3 most people have zero preparation for, I truly believe we will get there soon.
For example, imagine you’r a Palestinian who was just minding his own business a month ago. All of a sudden, because Bibi either allowed or perhaps even created a false flag on Israel (the accounts of everyone knowing about it and the response being PREVENTED for six hours, are now high-on undeniable) you are suddenly without water, electricity or basic services and you’re getting the crap bombed out of you. That’s pretty sudden.
But hey, it’s Palestine, right? Can’t happen near you, right? Well… have you seen what the streets of Paris look like lately? Or San Francisco? Or most big train terminals around Europe? How quick do you think those brown people —that you work very hard at not seeing the colour, incompatible culture and incompatible religion of— who have very little to lose when they are single, young men with no children or wives to worry or care about will keep behaving in a civilised manner when from one day to the next they have no money and no access to basic facilities?
I mean, you don’t even have to go that far. Mass raids of shops, with semi-feral “Londoners” which all seem melanin enhanced, are happening right in Oxford street. With little to no consequences. And have been happening in American large cities for at least a year. And that’s now. When pretty much everything still works.
But let’s say you planned ahead and are off into the countryside, not a vermin-infested giant city with potential zombies all just a hair’s breath away from turning on you and everything that is good and clean and edible. So you have a little plot of land, you’re fairly remote, but you still use the electric grid and water mains and you don’t quite manage to grow all the food you’d need to be self-sufficient (who does these days? Very, very very few small farmers can, if any). You have enough weapons to hold off a small army, especially if of mostly untrained zombies after easy prey. Even so, what happens to you and yours is suddenly all the money you have, whether in a bank or in cash under your mattress turns to zeros and toilet paper? What do you do? How do you survive?
Quite a few of you, no doubt, if realistic, might be thinking about becoming less than lawful citizens yourselves in such circumstances. So imagine how less well-off, less intelligent, less civilised people might behave.
But there is a way out… well, not really, more of a way in… but still. you could just take the serum, and settle for the basic universal income they will give you, wear only three sets of clothes a year, eat 3d printed “meat” and make do until the turbo-cancers get you.
Welcome to the Brave New World Citizen. You can have your new name tattooed on your forearm. No longer John Smith, you are now Jon-O-Smit 998976. And your friend computer will direct you to the nearest euthanasia booth if you are feeling too depressed to continue.
Sorry, Citizen, but in this brand new Alpha Complex, we are not using cloning technologies yet. there are still too many humans for the liking of the High Programmers… errr… and your friend computer has calculated the optimum number of people for this Alpha complex and it is minus eight hundred thousand, so do not fret, friend citizen, we will reach that quota soon with your help!
You think I am just making funny references to the RPG called Paranoia, but tell me, citizen, precisely how is what we are heading towards any different?
And, friend citizen, what are you doing about it? I’m curious and I’d like to know, to compare notes, so to speak, but then, so does friend computer, also want to know, so… yeah.
It’s almost as if you’re secretly a mutant (your brain still works properly, for the most part) and also member of a secret society. And we all know that either one of those two things is reason enough for friend computer to have you self-report to the nearest euthanasia booth.
So. Think about it. Think about how you would survive a sudden financial crash. And realise that this is why I do advise going off-grid as best as possible and as quick as possible. Short of massive armed revolution, becoming self-sufficient, at all levels, is the safest thing you can be doing right now.