The previous post was a general one on the reasons why Stupidity, being a throughly noxious thing, must be beaten back despite the tsunami of idiocy that is the human race.
Here we will take a more detailed and practical approach.
First, however, we need to see who is qualified to even take the class.
If you do NOT believe in Christianity of any kind as being a good thing, and more specific a salvific thing, then this post is not for you. It’s fine, I was one of you for most of my life. Not all non-Christians are idiots. It’s just the amount of lies about it have been so many and for so long, it’s hard for anyone sane to take it seriously. Until you really take a good look that is. And you may have not got there. You could still follow the post as a general intellectual exercise with regard to the whole (idiotic) issue of “denominations” however.
Secondly, the extremely VAST majority of people who consider themselves “christians” are not in fact anything of the sort, and telling them this so brutally and without preamble usually upsets them. Tough titties. Such is the way of truth.
It is also true, however, that most of these would-be-but-are-not Christians are not necessarily evil people. The vast majority are not, I am sure. Nor are they necessarily idiots, though, sadly, the vast majority are, but that’s because the vast majority of humanity is composed of idiots too. So, on average, the percentage (always higher than you think, as the brilliant Professor Cipolla reminded us in his first law of human stupidity) remains the same.
Let us then, in vain attempt number 7,942, of an also infinite series, try to bring some clarity to the millions of Protestants that are… no… wait… to the thousands of Protestants that are not complete idiots, and who earnestly believe in Christianity, but for one reason or another, have been fooled into believing that Protestantism is actually Christian.
And let us illuminate this lesson by using the incoherent babbling of an SG denizen who unwisely, and when no one was saying anything, just fired out this beauty:
As it happens, I interacted with this gentleman before on various occasions and prior to this I think he was in general agreement with me on a variety of topics, as was I with him. For whatever reason, however, he decided to start his day with this absolutely retarded statement. Now, let me point out that I don’t think this man is evil. I also think he is probably quite honest and hardworking and generally not prone to extreme hyperbole or self-aggrandisement. That, at any rate, is my considered opinion after a while of general online interaction with him. All that said, that comment is pure, distilled, 100% proof, idiocy. As most of SG that noted it made him aware of, hence the replies.
Right away, we see the chasm that is the first crack. Mehitabel’s point has “nothing to do” with Wolverine’s point, and yet… it apparently really addresses a real issue that Mehitabel is supposedly wrong about that is part of Wolverine’s idiotic belief system. Hmmm.
Let us continue down this road built with stupidity paving.
A couple more people throw lifelines out to Wolverine. Trying to show him the obvious error of his ways and the utter stupidity of his initial comment.
Will our stubborn Protestant take the life-preservers offered?
He will not. So, I gentle reader, enter the scene, with a kind bitchslap to his stupid brain, couched in kindness and mercy, to try and wake him from his stupidity infection.
And here we have the final proof of utter, complete, absolute, mental retardation induced in an otherwise probably decent human being, as a result of lies and nonsense and the complete inability to do even elementary logic. A normal child, of normal intelligence, left to his own devices, aged about 5, can see Wolverine’s assumption is absolutely idiotic to the point of insanity. You can’t possibly claim a book that supposedly has all the answers, without tradition, or anything outside of the book being relevant, if you will not even look at how, where, when, and who put the book together. It is literally beyond stupid. It is a kind of mental retardation on a severe scale that makes the condition proper mental illness.
And what do you think his response will be? Anything even remotely sane, logical, relevant? Of course not.
He even spells Sola Scriptura wrong, but we’ll be kind and say that’s autocorrect. And we won’t ask him why he should use Latin to refer to anything Biblical. That might traumatise the poor dear.
The metaphorical stoning of the heretic has begun, albeit still gently and kindly, I assure you.
And after this, and his blocking TVCL, there has been only tombal silence. Not even crickets.
And for anyone that has read any of Tony’s books (TVCL) he is clearly far from anyone trying to prove to anyone he is a smart boy. Autist he may be, but he is a genuine and honest one, and has no agenda for individual fame or anything of the sort, I assure you, as I know him quite well. His interests are general and for the ultimate service of people in general and Catholics in particular.
In all honesty, no Protestant at all can reconcile the origins of the Bible with the acceptance later of the revised version created by Martin Luther.
Either you accept Christianity from the start, in which case only Catholicism, with its Popes and everything else, which all happened unchanged for over a thousand years before any schism, or you are just making things up out of whole cloth.
Even the first schismatics, the traitorous and backstabbing Eastern “Orthodox”, dare not rewrite the Bible or change it. They merely confine themselves to not being able to read properly and being butt-sore about the pope telling them what is and what is not good Christianity.
Besides, as I said, they are a traitorous and backstabbing lot, who 40 years after they “cut ties” with Rome, begged for help against the Muslim invaders, and the Catholics went and helped them and saved their lands, and their lives, only to be literally backstabbed, and even killed by the “orthodox” in cahoots with the Muslims, not for the first Crusade only, or the second, but all of three Crusades in a row, all launched to help them!
And then they bitched, and still do, like whiny little cowards, about the sacking of Constantinople in the Fourth one. AND if that were not enough, the Catholics kept, financed, and maintained the lands in the Outremer (the Middle East) Christian (Catholic) for 200 more years, before conditions in Europe made the constant drain of funds untenable. At which point the Catholics told the deceiving and traitorous “orthodox”: Hey, here, at least maintain a presence and keep these lands we re-took for you at least nominally “christian”. And did they? Nope. Let it all go to the Muslims. So, it is still quite clear that the only actual Christians remained the Catholics, despite the bad and corrupt Popes and the schismatic “Orthodox” the actual religion and the dogmas of it were not encroached upon by the orgiastic, power-hungry Borgia Popes and their kind. And some Popes were actually really awesome, like Celestino, and Pious X and others.
So there really is no way at all to try and reconcile the Bible being changed by a fat, German of Jewish origins, with a penchant for raping maids and having sex with nuns, that came along some further 500 years after the “orthodox” schism, and then immediately declaring his version of the Bible, the only one that everyone should believe, but without actually defining at all what those beliefs should be.
Or worse still, go on to take as the only and HOLY ONE, the “Bible” which happened to be created by the extremely gay English King called James, who got it “translated” with over 33,000 “errors”, and using the version of the “Bible” that had been edited for 700 years by actual Pharisees that hated Christ. That’s right, many Protestants think the King’s James Bible is the one and only true version of the Bible. Which one must assume sprung directly out of King’s James butt, fully-formed, like a miracle, for Protestantism to even have any possible validity at all.
That last paragraph may have made you aware of another little problem, and that is that Protestants have ZERO Apostolic succession, meaning their version of Christianity has NEVER been approved by ANYONE that can trace a direct lineage to the Apostles and having taken instruction by them, as Jesus commanded.
And trust me when I say that the whole origin of the Bible is merely the very tip of the iceberg when it comes to Protestantism. So many of their ideas about the Bible, Christianity, Catholicism, and even Jesus Himself are such utter insane rubbish that believing in unicorns that fly by farting rainbows is infinitely more sane.
And no, it is not about being a Sedevacantist Catholic Zealot ™ though I absolutely am and wear that badge proudly. No, it has to do with fighting the stupid. Imagine the kind of damage to souls this guy can do, with all the best of intentions I am sure, but stupid, very, very, stupid intentions. That result in much harm, in degeneration of actual truth and justice and above all actual Christianity, that is currently residing ONLY in the last remnant, of Christians, that is, ACTUAL Catholics. Which excludes all the Novus Ordo people who think any one of the fake Popes since 1958 on was actually a Pope, or even Catholic. None of them were.
And yes, yes, those details are rather complex to get into if you are unaware of them, but that’s why I wrote a 530 page book detailing them in excruciating detail (yet entertainingly enough it is not boring, by any account, yet). But that’s not what this post is about.
This post is only about abysmal stupidity, and why it is your imperative duty, for the sake of humanity at large, or at least for that minority of it not composed of absolute retards, that you fight the stupidity.
Push it back. create oases of sanity, and logic, and truth, and beauty.
the “where in the Bible” guy blocked me too after I posted one too many…Scriptures.
Protestants HATE facts. And they ALL believe Logic and reason, is, as their king Luther told them “The Whore of the Devil” They are, in essence, the ultimate aborigines cargo cultists. There really is no way around it.