First I want to lay out the situation as it stands, which may make some despair, but the point is to provide solutions at the end, so read through to the end.
We currently live in a world where:
- Billions have taken a generic serum that is now conclusively proven to actually alter your DNA, which is a permanent thing that will be passed down to your offspring, assuming you are even able to have children anymore, given it also has sterilising properties, or don’t die from the various death-inducing constituents of the genetic serum in question, which have now been demonstrated to contain:
- graphene,
- a separate cancer producing substance now isolated by the Japanese and other laboratories,
- a separate substance that seems to be nanobots that respond to electromagnetic signals,
- Possibly some kind of engineered biomechanic entities that may be living organisms of bacteria-like size,
- HIV-like elements that produce autoimmune diseases, and
- components that produce unusual blood clots of a nature that defies blood thinners.
- These are conclusively proven facts at this stage, though not all the shots given had necessarily all of these components, most had at least some of them and some had all of them.
- These genetic serums were produced years in advance and formed part of agenda 2025 which was planned for, co-ordinated and implemented, especially and particularly with emphasis on caucasian inhabited regions of Earth. The agenda has since shifted to 2030 and we now have conclusive proof that the next narrative will be “climate change”.
- Under the guise of climate change, ever-limiting legislation will be put in place to reduce people to poverty and reliance on big pharma, big government and total regulation of every aspect of your life. They will tax everything, make long distance travel as difficult and expensive as possible, make having children as difficult and expensive as possible, ban you from growing your own food, especially if it is not genetically modified and prevent you from having livestock that is not “vaccinated”. The Amish are already experiencing this and to a large extent the regulations are already in place.
- The removal of food producing land from farmers and private citizens is already being implemented and will continue to escalate by over-regulation, government buy-back of farmland, private buyback by the “elite” (Bill Gates is now the largest owner of farmland in the world and is producing genetically modified “food” under the label apeel that will carry mRNA “vaccines” directly in the food itself, nor is this the only way they will introduce it) and will continue to escalate in myriad other ways, from over-taxing, increasing regulations and expenses related to them and outlawing everything from fertiliser to natural seeds that are not bioengineered.
- Chemtrail spraying to both destroy crops as well as injure human and animal populations is now also a proven fact, which has been ongoing for decades under the guise of “weather control” but in reality is introducing heavy metals like barium into the ecosystem,
- Weather control and manipulation both by chemtrails as well as by HAARP as recently demonstrated in Turkey will be fine tuned to cause maximum damage, particularly to crops and food supply chain. HAARP can produce extreme weather like cyclones and tornados as well as earthquakes and tsunamis that will be “sold” as natural events. Some, of course, will also indeed be natural, but not all.
- Forcing people to be ever more subject to digital currency, movement restrictions, “vaccination” requirements and so on in order to fall ever more totally under government (but ultimately “elite”) control.
- The sexual deviant agenda —including pedophelia—is pushed at every turn, as is feminism, “anti-fascists” anarchic totalitarianism, “equality”, “diversity”, and anything else that can destroy the traditional family structure of one man, one woman, married in a monogamous relationship that lasts until death and that has the primary function of producing children and worshiping the Christian God, which includes the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In fact that last part (having destroyed your wish and ability to worship God) is probably something they have already achieved in you, the reader. And it’s likely you also have negative views of marriage in general and perhaps making children too. I know I certainly thought this way well into my 30s, because the lies they tell you are constant and told you from birth.
- The mass media’s primary purpose is to gaslight you into not believing any of the above.
- The majority of western humanity has fallen for the traps so far and will continue to do so.
- The majority of the third world does not have the skills or IQ to even maintain the technology produced by the west, much less create it or improve on it.
- Extreme efforts are being taken to ensure large numbers of these third worlders are imported into those regions that retain the best brainpower, in an effort to exterminate them through chaos, violence, breakdown of law and order and interbreeding, in a cynical effort to destroy the history, culture and generic uniqueness of the various caucasian ethnicities.
- While various false flags have always been used in the past to pass certain laws and regulations, these will continue to escalate in order place ever more draconian control mechanisms on you and disarm private citizens.
In short, we are now living in a world where the powers that be want to exterminate you and your loved ones, depopulate the Earth and keep around only a few that will essentially be slaves with varying degrees of access to some perks but that at the lowest levels will literally render you livestock for their perverse fetishes, be they sexual, sadistic ritual murder or whatever.
Some of these horrific Satanic ritual murders, unbelievable as it sounds to normies, is already going on behind mostly closed doors. Child trafficking conglomerates lorded over by very powerful people have been going on for literally decades (see Haiti and the Clinton foundation, Epstein and Bill Gates and pretty much everyone else of note, the entire Belgian government in the 1990s, the entirety of the BBC and most of the UK government in the Jimmy Saville revelations and so on, and on, and on). In fact ritual child rape and murder has been going on since the dawn of time, because Satanism is literally older than Christianity, but I referenced just a few of the more easily verified modern time examples.
If you have not taken the genetic serum and are largely aware of at least some, or maybe even all, of the dystopian realities mentioned above (which you can verify for yourself by simply doing your own research) you are now part of a hunted and targeted minority.
The Solution
The only sensible alternative is to form communities of like-minded people.
Difficult or seemingly impossible as this may seem, this means being geographically near each other and owning enough land to begin to create self-sustaining communities. This does not happen overnight, but unless you start, it doesn’t happen ever.
The efforts to prevent people from talking openly about these issues, the literal regulation of speech, and criminalisation of the dissemination of medical facts, is ALL designed to prevent you from finding like-minded people and forming groups and communities.
So, the sensible and logical thing to do is to begin to find such people, starting with someone that already has a location and at least some land, then befriend them, and begin to make plans (once you have ascertained that yes you are in fact like-minded) to physically move into that geographical area, purchase land if you can, or at least be in the area and begin forming communities that help each other aside from the usual money-work relationship but rather, actual communities that help each other because they are alike, they think alike, they genuinely care for each other.
Religion will be pivotal which is why I insist that people who want to move near me for this very purpose are actual Catholics (Sedevacantists) or at the very least catechumens towards it.
If you think (erroneously) that Catholicism (the real one, not the fake Novus Orco impostors) is not the One, True, Holy, Catholic Church, that is, actual Christianity, well, that’s up to you, though I’d suggest you give BELIEVE! a read before making that your final answer, since it’s resulted in over 100 people becoming sedevacantists from all walks of life, atheist to Novus Orco “Catholic”, protestant to agnostic.
And them maybe also read Reclaiming the Catholic Church.
But regardless, even if you decide Catholicism is not your thing, fine, go find your people. Be they one of the 40,000 cults of Protestantism, or traditional Hinduism, or Zoroastrianism for all I care.
What is a historically undeniable fact is that communities that do not worship together do not survive hardships. Especially when those hardships are the intentional attacks by other humans intent on destroying that community.
In short:
Land and Faith are key.
Belief in a traditional family structure is also pivotal, because again, no society worthy of being considered civilisational survives without that being the core. You might say that alternative societies exist, like say Islamic ones with multiple wives, but while these might be conquering societies, they are not civilisational societies. They can conquer and steal and possibly maintain for a time the technological advancements created by Western Christian cultures, but none has ever even matched them, much less surpassed them. Shitoist feudal Japan was a stable and functioning society, but it was no match for the technological advancements of the West. Ditto Chinese culture.
Nor am I saying if you are happy in your (extinct) Japanese Feudal society that you should change. Not at all. I am all for actual diversity. You in your home country and me in mine. You in your home, and me in mine. You want to be an observant muslim? Great. Go be one in Saudi Arabia. If I come visit I’ll be sure to follow your rules for polite guests, and while you’re in my land, you will observe mine.
But since I am a Venetian, this is written primarily and firstly in intent to (ideally in this order):
- Venetians
- Other Italians
- South Europeans
- North Europeans
- Caucasians around the world
- Nominally Catholic countries including most of South America
- The Japanese
- The Polynesians
- The rest of the world
The accusations of “racism” that may be levelled at me, and people like me, are as completely irrelevant to reality as the fact that on a personal level I like Japanese culture more than many or possibly even most Western sub-ethnicities of Caucasoids. Reality doesn’t care, and like it or not, basic human nature is part of reality. Ethnicity is reality. Culture is reality. Race is reality. Human biodiversity and genetics are reality. Functional average IQs and the consequences thereof are reality. None of these factual realities care how you personally feel about them, and if you’re stupid or ignorant enough to ignore them, you will suffer some level of consequences, just as you do if you try to ignore the reality of mathematics, physics, chemistry or anything else that is an actual objective reality instead of some idiotic “idea” like “gender” (it’s called sex, not gender) being a “social construct”.
So, to summarise:
Find your people and move to the physical locations where you can form strong communities that have the same faith, and as much as possible the same ethnicity, culture and history, and maybe above all, the same view of globohomo clown world.
Get land there, build structures and a self-sufficient economy and essentially a city-state that will be strong, produce children and be able to defend itself from infiltration, perversion of its core attributes and attacks from the Satanic pedophiles currently running things.
Get your emotions in check
The 600 or so knights of Malta in 1565, aware of the impending siege coming from the Muslims, built two stone fortresses in less than six months. They then held off 40,000 invading Muslims from those fortresses, and defeated their siege, even though, to a man, those who did not die were wounded.
That is the power of the Catholic Faith. The real Catholic faith, which you know nothing about unless you have personally investigated in depth what Catholicism was, how it got perverted and subverted by conscious (and known) infiltration over two centuries. Unless you are very clear what Catholicism was and remains —in short, unless you are a Sedevacantist— you cannot even imagine that level of commitment and cohesion between 600 men.
The modern “man” is a metrosexual sissy at best when compared with the Catholic knights, barons and princes of a thousand or five hundred or even just two hundred years ago. But some of us have found out the truth and we are returning to those levels of faith and fortitude. So stop your bitching, or thinking it’s impossible, or too hard to do, or will take too long, or you don’t have the finances, or, or, or.
If you survived the biggest psyops in human history and then you give up on this most fundamental concept of creating globohomo resistant communities, you are literally giving up after having survived the first volley. The “elite” and their puppets (government officials) and their whores (the mass media) are far more fragile than you can possibly imagine. You survived the biggest mass global genocide of humanity and then you’re just gonna lie down and go quietly into the night?
Get up. Fight.
Whatever your beliefs, I doubt any aside from fundamentalist Islam begins to compare to the strength of purpose of actual Catholicism, but regardless of the fact that if you don’t believe Catholicism is the Way it’s because you have been lied from birth about what it really is, whatever your (erroneous) beliefs, if you fall under that list of people this is addressed to, I wish for you the absolute best in resisting homoglobo clown world.
May you thrive and prosper.
I will subsequently make some posts about the correct mental attitude for the coming future.
God bless you and keep you.
[…] opposite, that despair is the very thing to avoid as it is a lie. Here is one blatant example, and here another. In fact pretty much my entire existence is geared against despair, indeed the very article […]
[…] are a few notable posts that address this issue on some or on multiple levels: Here in general terms, Here relating to violent encounters, Here relating to you changing your personality in order to […]