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Churchianity is NOT Christianity

I had an interesting comment, probably from a confused millennial type that wanted to know if any part of Islam, specifically the “controlling women with lash and gun” was anything I ever saw as positive.

It is a sign of the times that such a stupid question even dares be asked, and even more troubling that the people asking it have no idea of what they are even saying.

It is an “understandable” (if you’re really ignorant and too lazy or stupid to educate yourself) reaction to the current zeitgeist of the world, but not for anyone that is not an NPC.

The basic premise underlying such a thought is that “Christianity” has become weak and effeminate. But here people are (as usual) simply not using words correctly.

Christianity remains unchanged from the time of Christ and its men are no less virile and its women no less feminine than they were two thousand years ago. But of course that only applies to actual Christians.

Protestants are NOT Christians.

Muslims are NOT Christians.

Hindus are NOT Christians.

Eastern Orthodox ARE Christians, but schismatics, so in mortal error.

Novus Ordo “clergy” are NOT Christian.

Novus Ordo laypeople ARE Christian but in terrible error due to sloth (they are so ignorant of their own religion they believe that the Novus Ordo Vatican II sect is Catholic, instead of what it actually is: Satanic)

The ONLY properly Christian people are Catholics. It was always this way. Since the very beginning, it was always stated, from Jesus and the Apostles on, that either you are in the Catholic Church, or you are out of it and hence out of salvation.

And today, the ONLY Actually correct Catholics left are Sedevacantist of the 1958 timeline that are totalists. That is, those Catholics that are aware (and aware of the reasons why) there has been no valid pope since Pope Pius XII died.

Those who are 2023 Sedevacantists, who think Ratzinger was a valid Pope are just like the other Vatican II “Catholics” in terrible error and thus in peril of their souls.

But if you go and look at any actual Catholic (Sedevacantist) family, you will find men that are men and women that are women, and no need for lash or gun, because each sex is perfectly happy to do their role and perform their duties accordingly.

And you also find a LOT of children. Because Catholics do not use contraception and do not divorce.

You may not like it, and the Protestants screech like banshees when you tell them, but only Christians are actually Christians. And the only Christians are Sedevacantist Catholics today. Catholics have always been the ONLY Christians.

And just because yourself something doesn’t mean you are. I could call myself an African Pigmy as much as I like, but I will never be one. And you can call yourself a “Christian” as much as you like, but until you get properly baptised as a 1958 Sedevacantist Catholic (aka Catholic), and accept the infallible magisterium of the Church and all of Catholic dogma, you are only an impostor, a Churchian pretending to be something you are not.

You can get as angry or as dismissive as you like. You can shout whatever names you want at me, but it will not change the facts.

And if instead you were actually a proper man that is NOT feminised by the Churchian zeitgeist, you would take up the trouble of reading up on Church history, discover that yes, it was Catholics, with Popes, transubstantiation, Holy Mass, and all the sacraments of Holy Mother Church that put the Bible together. And it was Catholics that were always the only Christians and translated the original documents of the Bible from primary sources, while the German monk with a penchant for having sex with nuns and raping the maid, CHANGED the Bible and then created 40,000 sects of individualistic “my interpretation is the only real Churchianity” nonsense. And you would have to concede that the only possible real Christianity that could ever have existed MUST have been there from the start, and the ONLY Christianity that was there from the start and did not deviate from the truth, and apostolic succession is and always has been Catholicism.

But you are probably just a seething protestant and you probably will not look into this, because it’s too much for the emotionally underdeveloped to take on adult themes concerning anything of any importance.

And from the heavens, professor Cipolla looks down on us and smiles melancholically.

They should really make that man a Saint once we get a real Pope again.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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