Archive for the ‘The Enemy Within’ Category

Why The Whole NATO Play is Nonsense

Allow me to show you in one simple image why the bluster of Macron is literally nonsense. The Macaroon, aside probably being “married” to a Tranny that likes to play mommy to him, is completely delusional, and so is the idea that the “armies of Europe” would, or even could, face off against Russia and somehow “win”.

Especially when you keep in mind two things:

  1. Russia has hypersonic missiles that can reach ANY city in Europe and a bit beyond. These missiles can carry nuclear warheads. And NOTHING can stop them. Literally nothing. No technology on Earth exists today to even slow them down, never mind stop or render them inoffensive.
  2. This is the other point:

And there is that little third bonus point. Ask me if there was a draft tomorrow AND an order for all active Italian troops to deploy to Ukraine and attack Russia:

  1. What percentage do you think would show up?
  2. And what percentage would go AWOL?
  3. And what percentage might just march on Rome and decide that maybe it’s time to really change puppeteers?

Do you know? Because I don’t, but I am 100% sure NONE of those numbers are zero. And I am not at all sure the last number in the list above isn’t bigger than the first one in it.

Do you get it yet? It’s all nonsense and bluster and bullshit. Russia will do whatever it wants with Ukraine, America will do the usual American dance (from far away) shouting “Yo Mama,” and do absolutely NOTHING more, while Russia continues to prison rape Ukraine at leisure, and then stops there, securing it’s near borders and leaving the rest of Europe to begin to wonder why they are still being gimps to the trannies with painted faces from across the Atlantic, now that Russia has shown the entire world they are just clowns.

And they people of Europe will begin to realise that even with hundreds of American bases in Europe, they really can’t do much if, like the Africans, the local people decide that it’s time to say “Yankee, go home.”

Because then Yankee will have to simply go home. Assuming his home is not already on fire with some low level civil war/invasion force from “Mexico” situation kicking things off.

So just bide your time, wait, and when the time is right, if you are European or American, simply reclaim your nation from the parasites that have been running it for the last 79 years. It might just be a matter of moving into empty buildings, depending how bad things get.

Noticing reality is Racist and Antisemitic

As Civilians in Gaza are carpet bombed and killed by the thousands, noticing this fact, along with he mass graves, actual call for genocide by the Israeli government officials representing it and so on, goes on, the worst crime you can commit, is noticing it.

And being able to do math and telling others about it is a crime punishable by law now in Germany.

Tell me again how the great replacement is a “conspiracy theory” and how the mass media is not run by a small group of people that also controls the banks and world finance and promotes transgenderism, homosexuality and mass immigration into Europe and the USA of illegals that cause disproportionate levels of crime. And how, they also are disproportionately represented in the people who were at the head of all the aspects of the COVID fake VAXX mass-murder event.

I’m listening, go one, “educate” me on how these are all just “conspiracy theories” and so obviously false that you need to criminalise simply making public information from the government that is already public anyway.

Seriously, go on… I am curious as to how you explain it.

Russia speaks directly

The Russians have seen the sabre rattling of the French Chihuahua, Macaroon, the brain damaged Polaks, and other assorted neurotic European poodles, all pushed by the increasingly neurotic Jewish masters at the helm behind the obese, fake-food filled, brain-stunned by drugs, Americans.

And since the Russian softly, softly diplomacy followed by surgical military precision designed to remove the roots of the cancer at their doorstep, rather than just the cancer itself, has not been heard by the Satanic pedophiles, bankers, and deluded idiots behind the deep state of the USA, the Russians are now making sure that this time they speak plainly.

For anyone to think the Russians are bluffing on this score, they literally would have to be abysmally ignorant of Russian culture/philosophy/strategy (checked that box! The gay freaks in charge are all of the above, and arrogantly assuming the things that worked in 1915-1917 will still work today), and also completely retarded (also checked this one! Maybe it’s the generational inbreeding).

Here is another, and the guy talking is not just a tv presenter or some random Russian guy. He is the press secretary for Vladimir Putin.

In other words, Russians don’t do American chest beating displays a la Trump. As it used to be the same in Italy when I was small, and watched karate competitions where my dad taught and trained, a brash display of ego, for Russians of a certain age, mine or higher certainly, is thought to demonstrate weakness. Unmanliness.

The Americanisation of the planet means that young people today have probably never seen a martial arts bout where the fighters fight, bleed, win and lose, and maintain a stoic bearing, no shouting, no smiling, nothing on their face but focus, and the crowd too, silent. Watching two men size each other up and fight fairly even if hard and brutally.

Russian culture still has this idea in its own way. As do all men worthy of the title in any meaningful way. They are not bluffing. They just realised that Americans and even more so, the people who run and own America, simply do not understand this concept. To them, words are the “thing”. And they need to be punched in the face every time they open their stupid mouth; and it takes several times before they learn that it will happen every time they do it, and so learn to shut it. Even then, they will never stop scheming and plotting. They really are like an entirely different species of creature, and the very concepts of honour, justice, love, and so on that are the very bedrock of European origins and Christian perspective, are thought of simply as weaknesses to exploit by these creatures. There can really never be a coexistence of such entirely different beings.

Separation or annihilation are the only possible outcomes, and sooner or later one of those two answers is what ultimately takes place between such diametrically opposed philosophies.

You can see this playing out in real time as Israel tries to exterminate the Palestinians by bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilian men, women, children and babies, starving them, destroying their hospitals and killing them in mass graves while they are helped by the American forces to have news blackouts. The very concept of mercy, or empathy for innocent children does not exist, Netanyahu has labelled them Amalek, and as such deemed worthy of extermination down to their pets. Nor is there going to be any guilty consciences among the Jewish soldiers, because in Jewish thought, and their religion, anyone not Jewish is only a beast of burden put on Earth to serve them. That is literally the belief their own Rabbis have expressed many times over the millennia and expressed it really clearly in multiple ways in their Talmud. Can you coexist with “people” that see you only as a beast of burden? Who believe your life has no value at all when compared to theirs? No more than you might feel for a flea or a mosquito? In fact I would put it to you that if you are a normal human being, I have no doubt that the logic of the idea that even the flea or the mosquito or the bed-bug, or some other irritating parassite, has some right to exist probably at least touched your mind. Not so with people who murder children in cold blood and rape and murder innocents for fun and because they do not consider them human. And so I ask you: should such “people” that think and act that way be given the privilege of being treated as humans themselves? Not to my mind.

Any adult that sees me and my children and my people or any people, as simply some disposable thing to be used or killed or whatever at their whim, gets the same exact consideration from me that I would give to a rabid dog.

Just as you cannot have good and evil coexist, it is impossible to coexist with such beings.

Any attempt to entice you into doing so is simply how evil operates. It’s only the seller of sewage that will ever suggest you add it into your ice cream, never the ice cream seller that says you should blend the two.

Russia is sending out a clear message.

Those who have eyes to see will be starting to understand a lot more besides. Pay attention and chose a side, because there are only two sides and there is no middle, only war zones. And while it is entirely true that your choice is Jesus Christ or Lucifer, the details matter. At least they do if you don’t want to be just a private in the midst of the bloodbath with no perspective, no say, no choice in what part of the meatgrinder you end up in.

If you pay attention, even as a lowly private your chances improve greatly. So I hope you’re paying attention, whoever you are, and whatever your rank. Take note of how the enemy fights and who they are. And conduct yourself accordingly.

Right… because that’s totally normal…

What could be more normal than guaranteeing the anonymity of a rich pedophile buying the address book of the most well know pedophile on Earth, where hundreds of names and contact details of other pedophiles are contained?

All perfectly normal. Nothing to see here…

Trust your Con…?

Of that 91?

70 were democrats.

And this is why I have paid precisely zero attention to US politics since the early 1990s.

It’s all Kabuki trying to pretend the USA is not led and controlled by the same interests and people that run Israel.

And a little more understanding

Digest this too, then ponder the situation a bit, then, assuming you will be a little depressed by it all, come back here and read what I will post next, the title will be The Solution.

Brilliant Expose of DIE in Games and Porn, and the entire West

You really should read the whole thing here.

It has plenty of visuals to show you not only how the degeneracy looks, but how and by whom it is put in place. And yes, porn is literally trying to make you gay, on purpose. Which is no surprise when you realise that who owns Pornhub is a Jewish Rabbi. Oh, what, you think I am joking?


Now why, oh why would a Jewish Rabbi, want westerners to go trans and gay? I wonder… it must just be for all good and holy reasons and any thought it may have anything nefarious and planned and generational in it must just be antisemitism. That must be it, surely.

Who Runs the World?

You really only need to scratch the surface to see that pedophiles run things at the head of the snake.

And you really only need to scratch the surface ro see who runs things the world over by having total control of for example all the finances of the world, which work in a way that even a child, once it’s explained, concludes is absolutely unfair and insane.

So here are a couple of videos and a schematic used before to paint you the picture in a very simple way.

So that is how the world is controlled at a practical, worldly level. The financiers create debt based money out of thin air, and you have to work your guts off for it while being in debt for its very creation, and the corridors of power are infested with pedophiles that are all blackmailable, and you cannot enter the club of the super rich without being a child rapist of some sort or so bent it makes no difference. And it does make you “untouchable”; well, until you become inconvenient or want to get out. See Hunter Biden, caught on camera having sex and drugs with children and nothing is happening to him even years later. Hell he dropped a coke bag in the White House and no one, no one at all, including with all the cameras and secret service and CSI of America could figure out who could possible have dropped it. Yup. It’s all just so much “supposition”. Well, except for all the incriminating shit on his laptop, which is 100% verified real.

And who runs the finance stuff again? Because they are at the top of the pyramid, oh yeah… right…

And who are we never, ever, ever, allowed to criticise, on pain of jail time for doing so?

Right now, there is an entire nation literally being wiped off the face of the Earth, with innocent civilian men, women, children and babies being ripped apart by bombs and being shot at with impunity by Israeli military, and the entire mass media of the planet is simply trying to pretend that Israel is the victim here.

Questioning the Jewish narrative of history is also punishable by jail time in many countries around the world, although no other historical event in human history is treated this way, including those events that actually resulted in proportionally a much higher level of total destruction of a people.

Noticing any of these things is apparently to be referred to as antisemitism. Because calling it factual reality may soon be also a crime.

As might be noticing who and why has been behind the destruction of every European royal house as well as the intended destruction of Catholicism, the infiltration of the Catholic Church and the demonisation of it to all the simpletons that were historically illiterate enough to consider themselves Protestants, as if that were a branch of Christianity that was in any way valid, instead of what it is: a blatant admission of an inability to do basic logic and be abysmally ignorant of the most easily verifiable facts by the simple process of reading the patristic fathers’ writings.

It really should not be difficult to put these pieces together in the present day. Especially when so much has recently been revealed about so much and so many. The attendees at Davos, the people behind the covid mass-murder scam, the people who have funded Hamas, ISIS, and were literally dancing in the streets when 9/11 happened and how that was brought about, and planned, which also explains how building 7 came down.

It really is starting to be really easy to notice certain things. But are you noticing them? Or are you doing your very best impression of an ostrich with its head in the sand so you can keep pretending everything is just fine, and there is really no one anywhere responsible for anything?

Are you noticing yet? Or are you pretending to be an atheist about how the world works too, instead of only about whose dominion this planet is under?

And if you have noticed the worldly aspects, is it so difficult to notice which religions say it’s ok to rape little children and which say it is a sin that should be punishable by death?

Is it really that hard to figure out what Jesus stated plainly in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 and Matthew 12:34 and 23:33?

Are you going to keep ignoring reality because not doing so might be uncomfortable and might mean making some choices and taking some actions to secure your own and your children’s future? Are you happy being ruled over by those who are currently de facto running the world?

Or are you organising yourself to become free of that group of Satanic pedophiles?

Are you claiming to yourself and others that nothing can be done? Or are you doing something?

Only you can answer these questions. No one will do it for you.

Pretty much this

Young Maiden Warrior

She may well end up being the new Joan of Arc.

I wanted to try and get the video here without a link to twitter/X just to ensure it survives censorship, so if you have a copy let me know.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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