Today let me explain the part of WWIII that affect YOU personally. Yes, you. The guy or girl comfortably sitting somewhere reading this that is NOT being shot at by anyone or bombed, or droned.
Again, I simplify Simplicius’ post because most people don’t manage to read my posts, so I doubt too many are getting through all of his. The key point for YOU and me is this:
Most vexing is Putin’s national consensus, another cryptic koan to the West so habituated to their leaders’ gutter status as pariahs amongst a populace ruled only by ‘virtue’ of stolen elections, mass propaganda, and an iron fist.
Even as Putin faces Western efforts to isolate him, he seems increasingly invincible at home. Putin’s most formidable challenger, Alexei Navalny, died in prison in February. Any sign of political dissent is quickly crushed. What is left of the Russian opposition is now largely in exile. And even embarrassing military setbacks, such as Ukraine’s recent incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, have not weakened Putin’s grip on power.
Flummoxed, the West finds itself between pillar and post:
“There are no good choices here — it’s just degrees of bad going forward,” said Samuel Charap, a senior political scientist at Rand, adding that “accepting Russian conditions that are unacceptable” would be a mistake. Instead, he urged “a combination of deterrence and potential negotiations.”
The article finishes on the grand vision of combating Putin, which is in effect, creating a supranational new totalitarian deep state order to rule over the West permanently, in order to Trump-proof and, in general, future-proof the West’s anti-Russian hostility, so no truly democratic force can emend it later on:
Because Russia is a long-term threat, Hill said, the structures to address that threat must also be long-term or Putin will always claim the advantage. She urged a more consistent response, spanning administrations — creating “a kind of permanent secretariat” with allies to maintain a consistent Russia policy.
Trump, meanwhile, has stirred uncertainty. He has boasted that his rapport with Putin, Xi and Kim would allow him to swiftly sort the world out on American terms. But the deepening ties between Moscow, Beijing and other adversaries complicate the picture.
A “permanent secretariat” to maintain a “consistent” policy in perpetuity. I’ll translate the Newspeak: create a permanent central authority which no “sovereign” nation can question to make sure populist leaders can never revolt against the globalist totalitarian dictatorship and its quest to enslave the planet under one hegemonic rule.
In light of the above article making mention of the ‘overpowering global reach’ of Russian ‘propaganda’, and the concomitant push for global dictatorship to fight against this, it’s now clearer than ever what the controllers intend to do when it comes to “disinformation” policy.
Just today the UN signed the ‘Pact for the Future’, which includes the ‘Digital Compact’ of new vast censorship powers against all dissenting voices.
The only way over this is to basically absolutely dissent. Especially in person. With your family, friends, at the bar, with strangers at the bus stop.
But also online. Yes, some of you or me may get in trouble for such vicious “badthink” as saying out loud that the thieving, bought and paid for scum pretending to be government in your country should all be locked away in a sunless dungeon (best case) or summarily executed (after a fair trial of course) for absolute treason, and then replaced with actual humans that care about their native populations.
I mean, Sam Melia got 2 years for printing stickers saying “It’s Ok to be White” in the UK. But if there are 100,000 people doing that, it’s going to be difficult to jail every single one of them. Of course, the UK is sort of lost already, with tens of thousands of native young girls and boys having been raped and sexually abused by Muslim rape gangs across the country, you didn’t even have 100 fathers responding in a contextually appropriate way; because the police were threatening to arrest the parents for “racism” for any complaints they tried to lodge.
So that’s what you do I guess. Muslim rape gang does your child, you go to the police they say “Don’t be racist, or else we’ll jail YOU!” and well… I suppose the only left to do is to hang your head in shame (at your racism, one supposes) and go back home. Nothing left to do I suppose.
And if that is the case, well… whatever people and nations have been reduced to “responding” that way… well, it doesn’t matter if their DNA literally disappears from the face of the Earth, because you can essentially say they are already extinct.
They managed to get you to inject death in your own veins. Worse, maybe in your children too. You know it. You may not want to admit it, because otherwise you might lose your shit, but you know it deep down.
They managed to isolate everyone.
They are censoring everyone and spying on everyone.
Just going to lie down and not get organised in real life and change things, are you?
If so… so long. I have nothing left to tell you or in common with you.
If not, start DOING. And it doesn’t need to be anything more drastic than running for local office or local academia, or local police station. Whatever. There are plenty more of us than them. Change things. And start by telling them to fuck right off with their lies and censorship.
Understand this: World War III is a giant psyops. Has been since 1939 at least.
In case you are new here, allow me to first of all present the sides of the WWIII conflict that started in early 2020.
On the side of Satan:
Israel (leading the charge both openly as the genociding power it is, as well as covertly through it’s displaced Diaspora and Owners of the Bank for International Settlement (the Rothschilds) and their sort – bankers that are literally above the law and create the world’s money supply out of thin air)
The USA (A vassal superstate of both Israel and Freemasonry, being the first Freemasonic country on Earth)
Western Europe (Composed of various vassal state to the USA)
Other general Vassal states (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) or original Satanic houses (the United Kingdom).
Against Satan (but not necessarily angels either)
Russia (Nominally Eastern Orthodox, so schismatics, but at least making a nod to the side of God)
China (Not actively directly involved yet, but this dragon is patient. The final living standards under a global China would possibly be marginally better than under a global Satanist leadership, but as I say, probably only marginally so)
India (Kind of like Italy in WWII, they will go wherever the side that wins seems to be at any given time)
Melange of the Mostly Irrelevant
These are essentially smaller countries that will not affect the outcome one way or the other. Pretty much what most of the Western European countries would be if their despotic, corrupt, for sale, traitorous, pedophile, blackmailable, fraudsters pretending to be their legitimate governments would be removed tomorrow and replaced with the average person in each of these countries that actually cares about the welfare of their people and nation.
This includes most of Africa and South America, all the little weird places like Micronesia, and also side-show pieces like Taiwan, which are geopolitically important, just by a number of factors that make them so, but are, militarily and in terms of affecting the path of the global war taking place, essentially also irrelevant. Japan is another such place. they may have valuable items that would help one side or the other, so become contentious places, but directly, they are essentially hostages, like the rest of Western Europe, just more obviously and dangerously so.
Where it Started
The Side of Satan, used to ruling the world by subterfuge, fear, and financial terrorism and enslavement, having succeeded at achieving pretty much whatever it wanted since 1945, decided to take the gloves off and start the process of changing the whole of planet Earth into the thing they really have been aiming consciously for since at minimum 1776, but really, that has been planned from the very start of mankind. The underlying power behind it all is indeed an immortal spirit of evil, we sometimes refer to by various names, but in any event, it utterly hates humanity and wants them crushed and humiliated in their totality. It does this by elevating various figures in the human world to do its bidding. The upper echelons of this essentially nested hive of secret societies, subterfuge, secret deals and hierarchies and inter-competitive backstabbing are indeed aware of who they serve, and do so consciously. Others may be operating under the guise that they know best, but really, they know, and they are feeling so confident now, they are not even hiding it any more. Listen to this guy, Graff at the World Economic Forum (see the whole long post Simplicious made that also covered this but is too long and autistic for most people)
Klaus Schwab of course has been boasting to the world that their WEF graduates have been infiltrating every Western government for decades. Literally almost every leader in Europe and abroad is a “graduate” of this process. Justin Trudeau being its most idiotic, obvious, annoying and completely controlled puppet, but so is the gay Macaroon of France and all the various others throughout Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and so on. There is also another disturbing trend that some, along with most of the freaky “elites” that wear animal masks, rape children and dance around Bohmain grove, and hang out with “spirit cooker” Marina Abramovich and the likes of the Clinton Foundation, which we all know is a child trafficking ring. And that is the deep undercurrent of Occult stuff going back centuries. Meloni, the PM of Italy is on record saying she had an occult master since her early 20s. And that’s to say nothing of the connections to child rape by gigantic blackmailers like Jeffrey Epstein, and now Sean Coombs or P. Diddy, as he liked to be called, which hardly masks the proclivities he enjoyed with certain potentially underage people, like Justin Bieber, who literally sang about a P. Diddy party and how it warped him.
If you dig even just a little bit, the literally demonic, down to literal child sacrifice and cannibalism, is there. You don’t want to see it full in the face, because it is monstrous, but you know. And you know you could find out more if only it would not haunt your nightmares forever after.
As to where it started? Well, worshipping the devil is the oldest religion in the world. I literally started after Lucifer and a third of the host were cast out of Heaven.
You might not believe it that literally, but honestly, start from a blank slate and what makes most sense?
Money and power alone don’t explain it. The ritual abuse, murder, organ harvesting and adrenochrome farms of little children goes well beyond mere greed and a wish for power. And when it is on the absolutely enormous scale it is, it being merely the really twisted perversions of a mere few freaks doesn’t explain it either.
You say you want more proof? There is mountains of it. you just have to look for it. Find out what some of the veterans of the Ukraine conflict see and have witnessed. Look up what the Franklin scandal was decades ago. Or the Belgian scandal that encompassed pretty much all of the Belgian government and judiciary and had to do with an vast pedophile network that to all intents and purposes was the government and the judiciary and law enforcement too. Look at the testimony of British highly ranked police officers that tried to blow the whistle on the depth and scope of the same thing in the UK government, law enforcement and judiciary too. Do you really think that sick fuck of Jimmy Saville who raped and abused kids dying of cancer, by the hundreds, was not known about? Do you not know the statue of a pedophile is proudly displayed outside the BBC studios? And the rampant similar stuff that goes on at all the higher echelons of power? All the pesos in the fake “Catholic Church” which has been headed by Satanists pretending to be “Popes” uninterruptedly since 1958?
You may pretend to yourself I am just some crazy “conspiracy theorist” ranting, but it’s undeniable that the so-called conspiracy theorists turned out to be right about pretty much all of it. JFK, 9/11, the faked part of the Moon Landings (though we did go to the Moon, but not the way they tell you), the whole Covid Mass-Murder event, and on, and on, and on.
Of course, the majority who took the genetic serums that are now killing little children from heart attacks and giving turbo-cancers and other life-crippling effects, don’t want to know.
Operating under the idea that if you don’t say it out loud, maybe, just like the Candyman, the evil shit will not happen to you even if you did take that fake Vaxx that has never worked in over 30 years and only ended up killing the animals that were repeatedly subjected to it.
So because of that, everyone just keeps their head down and keeps quiet and just gets squeezed more and more, by more woke insanity and pregnant “men” and furries and other mentally ill freaks pushed on us by… yup, the usual suspects. Except no one is allowed to say it. No one is allowed to name them. The fact they have been chased out of 108 countries some 1004 times is just everyone else’s fault. never had anything to do with them or how they behave.
And blowing up thousands of devices remotely indiscriminately among civilians is supposed to be great, and good and acceptable. Not a terrorist act at all.
How it’s Going
You KNOW that all the stuff I wrote above is true and just scratching the surface. The level of deception, horror, total degeneracy and vile evil that is really all around us is nauseating and not hard to see even for those who only have a room temperature IQ.
In short, there are enough people now that have understood this at least to the point that one hopes most of the time they watch the bullshit spewing out of their television sets they simply roll their eyes and say “Bitch, Please!”
You KNOW they are lying to you. You know they are evil. And you KNOW there is no standing on the sidelines any more. They will not let you. Either you are one of them (you are not. They are few, very few, and wealthy to a point you have no conception of), you are one of their pets/slaves/sex toys, as they decide and want you to be, or you are against them. There is no other position where you will go by unnoticed and unmolested.
In short, we should all pretty much be here by now:
And guess what. He doesn’t call it that. He doesn’t express a framework within which what he says can be made to happen, but it exists. It’s called Catholicism. Not the fake Vatican II TurboPederasty on crack, no.
The Catholicism of the Crusaders of 1095, who put on their armours and with heir entire fortunes and families went to fight an invader that had been attacking them and enslaving and murdering them for nearly 400 years. We have been brainwashed for some 80 years really intensively.
It’s enough now.
And no, Catholic, real ones, do not “turn the other cheek” to this level of evil. They march either to their martyrdom, or to push the demons back into Hell. An remember, even the Gates of Hell, will not prevail on us.
So, yes, enter WWIII correctly.
It’s a spiritual fight first and a worldly one only secondly. Get the first right and build up your people, your community, your family and friends. Be clear on who and where you are and who is and is not with you. Organise. Group. Resist all the lies in every way, every day, and build up your life, your inspiration, your children, and make new alternatives and create new realities of local government, of local academics, and so on.
Maybe you are Vaxxed and dying or ill. So what? You want the bastards that fooled you into that to win? You want to pretend that’s not what happened as you quietly slip away into the darkness?
Whatever your personal situation, whatever you believe, simply know this: There are only two sides. The side of Good or the side of Evil. And no man’s land does not exist anymore, it is rapidly becoming territory of the enemy too, except for those who see the truth and become part of our side.
The opening salvos have been done. Now we enter the start of the real war. And it will go on at least a few years. I would say it is unlikely to chance quickly. So build up your forces. Ten years from now no one knows what the landscape will look like, but those who prepare now will be far better able to create and navigate it.
And I was always clear on the fact that even if I used the term Sedeprivationism originally, I was clear in my 2020 book Reclaiming the Catholic Church that I was using the term completely differently from what most people that call themselves Sedeprivationists do.
I (being elitist in my linguistics) was referring merely to the etymology of the word. Strictly speaking, Sede Vacante is Latin for Empty Chair Which is shorthand for there is no valid Pope. However, strictly speaking, the chair is not empty. it is filled with an impostor, never-was-Catholic, Satanist and protector of pedophiles on Earth, currently Bergoglio. And this illegal and usurping occupation prevents a real and valid Pope from filling it. Hence Sede Privationist, a mixture of Latin and English. The usurper is Jorge Bergolgio is preventing the legitimate occupation of the chair of Peter.
But of course, by absolute divine law, codified in the Canon Law of 1917, which in no way cancels the perennial Papal encyclical of Pope Paul IV titled Cum Ex Apostolato Officio* but in fact refers to it, it is every single adherent to the Novus Ordo (I call them Novus Orco — the New Orcs) “clergy” too that is ALSO not a Catholic at all, but in fact an enemy of the Church. The Satanists have made this sound very complicated, but it exceedingly simple to understand. A child gets it.
You cannot be Pope if you are not Catholic, and you cannot be Catholic if you promote, promulgate, and espouse concepts that go against the Catholic faith (which is ENTIRELY codified and therefore logically consistent and clear) and act in ways that go against it too and call yourself a Catholic. When you do this publicly, notoriously and repeatedly, it becomes clear you are simply NOT a Catholic. End of. It would be like me calling myself a leader in the sport of golf. I can say what I want. I can dress like a golfer, I can even get some clubs and go tearing up a golf course, but since my golfing ability is nil, never having done it even once, absolutely no one sane would ever take note, care, or listen to anything I am saying about golf. Nor should they.
The sedeprivationist position ORIGINALLY, when it was first presented in the late sixties or early 70s, by the noted and well-respected Dominican theologian, father Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers, who was later made Bishop, it was a potentially if very temporary charitable “way out” for all the traitorous and cowardly “clergy” that did not immediately reject the false “elected” and Freemasonic enemies of the Church, Roncalli and Montini and their Satanic Vatican II heresies. It was a (VERY charitable) way to say:
“Okay, look, maybe you guys were asleep at the wheel, your weak and cowardly natures, coupled with the long-standing tradition to simply obey what you consider to be your superiors, made you “vote” or “elect” this obvious at best apostate, at worst sworn enemy of the Church as “Pope”, but come on, it’s fairly obvious what he and his predecessor were, so let’s get back on the right track, find the right way to get together and kick his heretic ass out of the Vatican and put back in a real Pope.”
And that, of course was the error on which the Freemasons and infiltrators of the Church have relied on for at least the last 250 years to infiltrate and corrupt it to the point that we have not had a valid Pope since 9th October 1958, and what people think is the Catholic Church is in reality, just another branch of Satanic fake Churchianity. The error being that devout Catholics got complacent and started to “give the benefit of the doubt” and “respectfully” not question supposed “leaders” in the Church.
The Satanists ALWAYS appeal to your kinder, charitable, more forgiving nature in order to insidiously enter your home, like snakes, and poison everything and everyone in it. That is probably why God also allows ornery, unagreeable, rude, too-direct, pains-in-the-ass like me to exist.
My misanthropic tendencies aside, the reality is that my ability to reason and do correct logic and dialectic are far above those of the average person and also the average nominal cradle “Catholic” that thinks he or she is Catholic but has never once even asked themselves what being Catholic means, has no idea what the Code of Canon Law of 1917 is, has never even read ONE of the 16 documents of Vatican II, and could not tell you who Roncalli was and why he was invalidly elected to usurp the rightful place of Giuseppe Siri who HAD been validly elected. Twice.
And no, my simply and boldly stating this fact out loud is NOT a matter of personal pride. It’s just not false humility, which too is not a virtue. It’s just a fact, and despite dozens of Freemasons trying to “poke holes” in any of my arguments, they have all utterly failed, which is why some of my work has in fact resulted in people realising the truth and coming back to the real Catholic Church.
However, all of this, if you care enough (you should if you call yourself a Catholic, since your belief in God should be extremely important to you) requires quite a bit of reading. The details in RTCC that I put together are undeniable and in the last 4 years not a single valid argument has been made against any of the information and details I presented in that book. Not one. People have lied, people have misrepresented and straw manned the arguments, but no one has been able to engage with them honestly and people who had no dog in the fight but took the time to look at my arguments and compare them with the “criticisms” have, without exception, even when not Catholic, understood that given the base premises of Catholicism, my arguments are the only ones that hold water.
Now, I am not writing this to tell you what a good and perfect Catholic I am. Or how smart and handsome I am. Think of me as badly as you like, its fine, but engage with the arguments I make, if you will.
As I wrote in BELIEVE! a much shorter book that is far easier to read and more popular, I am not a particularly a good Catholic. But I am an earnest one. And I absolutely have the temperament to NOT keep quiet, when someone, regardless of who he is lies or talks logical nonsense with respect to the truth. Pretty much in any area I am knowledgeable of, but absolutely and particularly in respect of Catholicism.
All that said, however, and if you would rather digest the list of the Sedevacantism vs Sedeprivationism argument in video format, I have not come across a better short form version than the one below. I do, of course, have a whole series on it on Kurgan TV, along with some other very interesting and unrelated topics (the face on mars, the lies of history, etc etc) topics totalling some 160 hours of video.
In short, the entire theory of Cassiciacum, or the “official” position of Sedeprivationism is simply not logically tenable or valid. The only valid position is that of Sedevacantism. Or, in fact, of being Catholic.
The position and even name of “Sedevacantism” sounds complicated and convoluted thanks to the efforts of the Satanists that have usurped the Church, so it is probably more effective to simply say that:
I am Catholic, not Novus Orco.
* It is in fact referred to in Canon 188, of which part 4 makes absolutely clear that all the non-Catholic clergy currently squatting illegally in the Vatican are not Catholics but at best heretics, and given the time lapse, currently probably actually full blown freemasons Satanists
For now at least, adoption by gays in Italy is still banned.
Vox posted on how China has now banned adoption of Chinese children by foreigners. Something Russia had done back in 2012.
And the reason?
It is important to understand that “adoption” by gay “couples” is literally the definition of human trafficking. A baby is being sold to people to satisfy an unnatural urge.
Because let’s be clear, if you are a heterosexual man or woman that cannot have children due to some accident of life, the fact is that aside that unfortunate point, you have all the instinct of a normal man or woman that wants children, and as such, you’re likely going to care for an adopted child well.
On the other hand, let’s look at the homosexual version under each of their shifting goalpost theories:
The “I am born that way” theory.
I actually accept (based on a study I read some 30 years ago when science was still generally able to reproduce results from studies) that about 10% of what was then about 1% of the population that was homosexual does get born with that proclivity. So in general, about 0.1% of the population. I consider that to be an accident of nature, like for example a woman I met, who was a chimaera and had also Y chromosomes, presented as a woman in pretty much every respect, but had no uterus. It’s an unfortunate condition and her only option to have children would be adoption. Nevertheless, the sexual impetus of this chimeric woman was completely female. Her DNA got some crossed wires but not her brain. Being curious I asked her in depth questions about her life, which she did not mind as most people tended to avoid the issue. She had no attraction or desire for women, only men. In such a case, if she were in a stable relationship with a man, adoption would be acceptable all other factors being in order.
Let’s now look at the state of a man genuinely born with a sexual attraction to men only. Such a man is already in a precarious position because in the first place, if you are aware of the statistics on gay sexual practices, the chances of ever being in a stable homosexual relationship are minuscule. Secondly, even if such a thing did happen, the chances are about 9/10 (or more today) that the other partner is of the variety of homosexual that is not “born that way” but rather “made that way” either by sexual abuse or an overactive imagination that eventually went down a fetish that became a compulsion (this was essentially the gist of the article [in Scientific American I think] I read 30 years or so ago). This theory by the way is strongly evidenced as being correct also due to the large number of homosexuals that stop being homosexuals. Their voices are heavily censored and even violently so by homosexual radicals and activists, but a significant number of homosexuals do change and become heterosexuals. I personally knew at least one such man who had been a friend of relatives, and the event that had turned him completely was a sexual encounter with a woman. The point here is that even if the homosexual man that is genuinely born that way were in a stable relationship, about 9/10 times it would be with a person that is a homosexual because of either some tragedy in their childhood (sexual abuse) or some sexual fetish that is clearly unnatural and tends to be linked to the sexual abuse of children at about 11 TIMES the frequency of non-homosexuals. And that’s on the REPORTED cases. Which are always a fraction of the real number.
But even if two “born that way” homosexuals get together in a solid lifelong partnership we still have a major problem, because a child adopted by them would naturally become socially confused and would not be receiving the natural responses to his mirror neurones that a child with a make father and female mother would. Inevitably this would result in a complicating and confusing of his own sexuality which is bound to render an already difficult start (being an adopted child) even more so. And by the way, such a hypothetical pairing of two “natural” (born that way) homosexuals, is also extremely unlikely, because let’s be real, two such unfortunates have some aspect of their wiring twisted to present as what a female would have in respect of sexual attraction, and therefore BOTH would want to be the “bottom” to use gay parlance, which means it’s even less likely that such a pairing would occur in the first place.
So even in the “best” or most “natural” of homosexual situations (that is, “born that way” situation) it is still a clearly screwed up situation that no child should ever consciously be placed into.
The reality
As already explained above, most homosexual relationships will not include both partners as being “naturals” (born that way), and in fact will be the result of usually very temporary, or almost certainly non-exclusive “relationships” between two gay men. If you think my points here are based simply in “bigotry”, you really need to do some research on your own into the realities of homosexual lifestyles and the statistics connected to them which are absolutely solid and have been confirmed and reproduced by pretty much anyone that has done objective studies on this that are not financed by special interest groups from either side.
In such far more prevalent gay “relationships” the likelihood of children being sexually abused is AT A CONCLUDED MINIMUM 11 times higher than with any heterosexual couples and also far more likely to take place from infancy too.
Again, this is not popular to say out loud because the globohomo narrative is nowadays being pushed along also with the threat of imprisonment if you dare tell the truth about it, but it doesn’t change the facts.
Even if that was the ONLY factor, it should be enough for any sensible person to immediately ban adoption by homosexuals. And it is far from the only factor. The incidence of domestic violence is highest of all in lesbian couples, as is the incidence of physical abuse or murder of children. The incidence of later drug use, alcoholism, suicide, and criminality is all higher for those “raised” by homosexual couples than normal man-woman ones. And that’s just some of the issues. There are subtler ones that I will not bother to identify since I am not aware of large data sets of statistics on them, but you can probably imagine a few of them.
Regardless of your personal sexual preference, or mine, it should not be rocket science, to understand that the best possible situation for an adopted child, is to be placed with as close to what might be his natural family as possible. This AUTOMATICALLY AND INVARIABLY means a couple composed of a man and woman that are seriously committed to one another (i.e. married) with a reasonable expectation that only death would dissolve that union. You of course can also add other factors, like trying to ensure the child is given to a couple of the same general ethnicity and cultural background whenever possible, if all other factors are equal.
Again, none of this is difficult to understand, unreasonable or illogical. The only “barrier” to understanding all of the above is an artificial one inserted by a false and degenerate ideology that is demonstrably destructive to any civilisation, which has been demonstrated throughout history, and that is pushed by people who deliberately want to destroy, the most humanly successful cultures the world of men has ever produced.
It is therefore absolutely a good thing when nations better protect their children by ensuring as best they can that any adoptees are placed with traditional couples best suited to their care.
Remember how they had this weird “ceasefire” during the genocide of Palestinians to give over 600,000 polio vaccines to little Palestinian kids which we absolutely know for a fact IDF soldiers shoot and snipe with glee?
What do you think the chances are these Polio Vaxxes are just another way to murder Palestinian children? I mean, after all, the guy talking is a known actual war criminal.
And we know the Israeli government wants to completely wipe out all Palestinians.
Leaving aside all the various evidence that Torba is probably not at all what he presents himself or his platform Gab to be, even if you were to simply take him at his word, his grasp of human nature, as well as geopolitics is naive at best.
In his latest round of request for financial support for Gab he says:
Consider this: many people have no issue paying $150 a month for a cable bill to watch the fake news media, but they balk at the idea of spending $10 a month to support platforms like Gab. They’ll readily drop $10 every morning on coffee that they could make at home for pennies, without a second thought. This inconsistency in our priorities is baffling and must change if we want free speech online to survive. Please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation, upgrading your Gab account to GabPRO, or purchasing merchandise from the Gab Shop. It’s time to rewire our brains and recognize that if we’re not paying for the product, we become the product ourselves. We must collectively support free speech platforms by building a patronage network, just as we would support any other vital service or cause we believe in.
And a little later:
To build a strong patronage network, it’s crucial to foster a sense of community and shared values among supporters of free speech. This can be achieved through regular communication, transparent financial reporting, and the creation of exclusive content or experiences for patrons. By nurturing a sense of belonging and investment in the success of free speech platforms, we can create a loyal and dedicated base of supporters who are committed to the long-term sustainability of the free speech wing of the internet.
Ending with:
Free speech is not free, and it’s up to all of us to ensure its survival. By recognizing the true costs of running social networks, reevaluating our priorities, and forming a robust free speech patronage network, we can safeguard one of our most precious rights and foster a healthier, more open digital landscape for generations to come.
There are at least three major structural flaws with pretty much everything he says. Any ONE of which is enough to render what he says moot. But let us look at each in turn:
First – The culture of Free is not an accident
It was created by mostly intelligence agencies to gather information on the users, but more importantly, by the people behind the intelligence agencies in order to not just gather information, but confirm psychological aspects of human nature in an input/response feedback loop. At least at first. Very quickly it then moved to:
Input —> to produce desired response
feedback loop that has since been studied, perfected and refined.
And as we have seen thanks to the first openly murderous and information-free test run they set up years earlier and ran essentially openly with minimal cover for the outrageous lies they were selling, the average person has as much discernment, individual thought, independence and ability to reason on their own as the average garden petunia. Right to the point of injecting themselves, and worse, their children, with a genetic serum whose 30 year old attempts have never resulted in anything but catastrophic results in every animal trial ever done.
So… right off the bat, the problem you have in an appeal to reason is that both professor Cipolla (there are always more idiots than you think there are) and Vox Day (Most People Are Idiots) are absolutely right. Which means the people who even can reason is minimal.
But even the few who might have been able to reason have essentially been brainwashed into apathy over a period of decades. It takes an uncommon state of being to be relatively immune to this kind of neuro-psychological manipulation. So the pool of actively and genuinely independent thinkers is even smaller than you think.
Second – Neither is the atomisation of culture
Torba goes on to mention “community” while having no clue as to what actually forms one, or keeps one alive. Again, this state of affairs of no one any longer having any experience of what community really means is not something that came about by accident.
The infiltration and destruction of every culture that has ever produced anything positive has been a long and studied effort by the same people mentioned above that has been going on for much longer. Their primary target has been religion of course, because that is the real glue of a community. If you are one of the few capable of individual and original thought based on the evidence before you, you will note that the one religion that has brought the most elevation of humanity above all has been Catholicism, which was finally deeply infiltrated from 1958 on and has nearly collapsed after Vatican II, the only remnant left of it being Sedevacantists (i.e. actual Catholics). You will also note that this assault on community (the Church) has been ongoing for centuries and that the shadow version of it, Protestantism has the atomisation baked right into it, since every single person is supposedly able to interpret the entire edifice of Christianity on their own based on false histories told to them since childhood. Don’t forget, the ONLY rule of Protestantism is that each man, woman or child can and should interpret anything in the Bible by themselves. There is a reason why the devil smiles at the 40,000 denominations of heresy Protestantism has resulted in.
Aside Protestantism, every other infection of humanity with parasitical ideologies invented in the last couple of hundred and fifty years or so (not coincidentally from about the formation of the first Freemason country in the world and the official start of the Illuminati) is designed to atomise people due to a delusion/illusion of “freedom” and “democracy” and destroy the traditional, patriarchal, nuclear family that has been responsible for every single advancement of culture and humanity in real human terms (as opposed to national GDP). Charlemagne had set up the concept of nobility being placed where they were by God, but mot as with previous Pagan rulers such as the Egyptians, Japanese or even Ancient Romans, who tried to Deify their rulers, but more as an “accident” of Fate or inscrutable mysteries of God’s mind. A nobleman was to be a servant of God and thus also the protector of the Church and protector of his lands and people. But this was by no means guaranteed, because as any Catholic knows, all men are flawed. The point was not that a nobleman was appointed by God so people must necessarily assume he is good and Godly. The point was: God put him there; now let’s see if he is going to do that position any justice.
The Church being the Spiritual guide, nobility being the material/practical protectors of it from outside enemies in times of war, and hopefully noble guardians and protectors of commoners in time of peace. That is where the whole concept of chivalry comes from: Catholicism. And no, it was not about pedastalising women like the fake “pastors” of Protestantism do today, nor relegating them to second class citizens fit only for sex and rearing of children as again, Protestants did do, and also accused Catholicism of doing. No. Women had and have their proper and unique position as cherished daughters, wives and mothers, to be safeguarded, protected and loved, and doing so lovingly means also leading and taking care of the hardships the world invariably throws at you.
A lasting community can only exist in the context of reality. When that reality is based on purely material concerns the community does not last beyond a few generations at most. Without a basis deeply embedded in a Spiritual truth, no community survives.
The Zen/Buddhism stoicism of the Samurai or the Chinese has truth in it, to the extent that “chop wood carry water” is true. You need to do what you need to do to live. So do it and get on with it. And you may as well enjoy it as best you can.
Judaism/Phariseeism is deeply rooted in serving the Prince of this world, who is very real, and as a result, they have been “successful” at taking almost total control of the financial aspects of how the entire planet is run.
But no religion has been as beneficial for human beings as Catholicism. Don’t take my word for it. Do an objective comparison. Assuming you are one of the dozen or so people left that can actually be mostly objective.
Protestantism instead has been the relentless secularisation of Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) with the most devastating consequence being the allowing of divorce. Which leads to sex before marriage. Which leads to contraception. Which leads to abortion (murder) so as to not interrupt the “pleasure” of fucking for fun, instead of uniting as one to create a family with children.
But Torba understands none of these things, having been raised in the heretic soup that is Protestantism and liberalism, with a flamingly gay brother to boot, how can he? Assuming, of course he is not actually intentionally working as yet another gatekeeper.
Third – the Money
Just on the first two points you now realise you are surrounded by unthinking morons that have been trained since birth to only care about themselves and their stupidest, most selfish, petty, idiotic concerns of the moment at all times.
Now realise that not only is the entire gigantic amounts of money that gets regularly given to sell-outs, shills and puppets of the controllers behind the known bankers and “movers and shakers” in the hands of the controllers, and as such they can fund or bankrupt whoever they decide literally at will.
But even more importantly, and never understood by the masses —yet it was something as a four year old I realised even if I did not fully grasp the implications of it— the ENTIRE construct of Fiat money is completely arbitrary, fake and made up, and is totally controlled by the people who create such thing as the Bank of International Settlement (BIS). Look it up. I also talked about it before. So, while you struggle to eke out a living, the freemason down the street is provided with millions. But even if you manage to make “your own” money, it doesn’t matter, because the whole concept of the entire creation and supply of it is in their hands.
Until you become free of the need for fiat money, you will always be at the mercy of the creators of it. And if you try to set up a system to bypass it, they will immediately kill you. See Gaddafi etc.
The Connection
These three points are intimately linked. It is not a coincidence that the Satanic Pedophiles that run the world on the basis of literally controlling the very concept of money and its creation out of thin air, also worship the enemy of Humanity and have worked tirelessly for two thousand years to prevent the truth and good that a Catholic world would represent, and for a brief period nearly did even as it overcame assault after assault of the centuries.
It is not a coincidence that the same people orchestrated the destruction of every royal house in Europe, (except the fully freemasonic British one) because they represented the protectors of the Church and a natural hierarchy humans respond to.
It is not a coincidence that the same people caused WWI, the Bolshevik revolution, and WWII and the same people created COVID and its related mass murder factories.
It is not a coincidence the same people caused the Ukraine war and the current genocide in Gaza.
They are all the same people spread out over centuries, retaining generational control. And the ONLY opposition they EVER faced was by Catholic Western men. No wonder they spent all that time infiltrating it for centuries. And no wonder that today, Sedevacantist are the most maligned of all “Christians”; because any false “Christianity” will do, but not the real and only existing one: real Catholicism as it has always been from the time of Jesus.
Fourth Bonus Point – Free Speech always was a myth
Only a people as naive and innocent (due to masterful brainwashing by the usual suspects) could ever believe something so absurd as “free speech”. Even as a child it took me only seconds when I first encountered the concept to ridicule it.
Speech has never been free and never will be. Ever.
Given all the above, it is absolutely clear, that even if Torba were legitimate, which is questionable at best, he has zero understanding of what makes for a lasting counter to the global Satanists.
St. Benedict on the other hand did.
Of course, if you were raised like Torba you will not have any clue why retiring to desertic hills to build monasteries one at a time helped change the world, while asking for money online to fund your “free speech” will probably not.
The truth is not difficult to understand or see, but you do need to be objective as much as possible to even begin to be able to reason, and you can’t see the truth if you can hardly reason your way past not injecting a deadly poison into your body because some talking head on TV tells you to.
And of course, if that truth makes you too upset to notice the other things I am saying… well… what can I say, other than: enjoy your offended.
I mean the Transphobia and mysoginy just drip off that comment. How can a real College of higher education in the USA reconcile having such an obvious hater of women in all their forms on their staff?
I mean, I suppose they may have a few impostors filled with hate towards ALL women, sneak in precisely so as to probably harass and downgrade female students, but the even more horrifying thing is that I wrote privately to the university, using their official email and everything, and… NO RESPONSE!
This what I sent them:
Hello, I wanted to make you aware, that a person using the email [email protected] Has tried to post the following comment on my blog (see attachment).Now, my blog is certainly not politically correct, but no is forced to read there or comment on it. If they do, their comments will be made public at my leisure and pleasure, and while I know nothing about your institution, I wanted to make you aware of how this person comports themselves in public while using your email addresses. Below is a screen capture of the comment. I am currently keeping the issue private on my blog, but if I do not receive a response within 24 hours on what action has been taken (if any) against Iggy, I will then make the comment public and add my commentary. I personally am constantly exposed to sunlight as my blog is of course public, and I think everyone else should own their actions and comments in public too. I leave it to you how to deal with this individual. All my best, G.
On the 19th of August, so I have given them ten times more than the time I said. And since there was no response, I have to, for the sake of education, women, trans-women, and justice in general, make the world aware of what kind of person works there. I am sure you all agree that sunlight is best for all. Feel free to help the North Idaho College of Education come to the right choice concerning this individual.
Here are their contact details. I used Cardinal Contact, [email protected] but since I got no response from there, perhaps some of the other addresses are best to make the people in charge aware of things.
So it seems the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel in France was possibly linked to a bunch of secret documents from Israel being released on the platform.
The CIA doesn’t like not being able to spy on literally everyone on Earth, so I think Pavel is kinda screwed and will eventually just need to give the backdoor access they are pressuring him for.
The interesting thing is that the other gatekeeper, Elon, complied right away censoring the Telegram hashtag on X.
I have not used whatsapp, signal, etc since I saw the ease with which they are hacked, and after I was hacked through them. Telegram has been my main go to, but not to “avoid” anything, since I assume everything you ever say, write, and do is always going to remain a permanent data point on you. I use it mainly because it is generally true that non-government hackers are pretty much unlikely to get access to your telegram.
Anyway, it certainly looks like the different factions of globohomo oligarchs are having at least a little infighting going on.
WWIII Update
In case you are new here, allow me to first of all present the sides of the WWIII conflict that started in early 2020.
On the side of Satan:
Israel (leading the charge both openly as the genociding power it is, as well as covertly through it’s displaced Diaspora and Owners of the Bank for International Settlement (the Rothschilds) and their sort – bankers that are literally above the law and create the world’s money supply out of thin air)
The USA (A vassal superstate of both Israel and Freemasonry, being the first Freemasonic country on Earth)
Western Europe (Composed of various vassal state to the USA)
Other general Vassal states (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) or original Satanic houses (the United Kingdom).
Against Satan (but not necessarily angels either)
Russia (Nominally Eastern Orthodox, so schismatics, but at least making a nod to the side of God)
China (Not actively directly involved yet, but this dragon is patient. The final living standards under a global China would possibly be marginally better than under a global Satanist leadership, but as I say, probably only marginally so)
India (Kind of like Italy in WWII, they will go wherever the side that wins seems to be at any given time)
Melange of the Mostly Irrelevant
These are essentially smaller countries that will not affect the outcome one way or the other. Pretty much what most of the Western European countries would be if their despotic, corrupt, for sale, traitorous, pedophile, blackmailable, fraudsters pretending to be their legitimate governments would be removed tomorrow and replaced with the average person in each of these countries that actually cares about the welfare of their people and nation.
This includes most of Africa and South America, all the little weird places like Micronesia, and also side-show pieces like Taiwan, which are geopolitically important, just by a number of factors that make them so, but are, militarily and in terms of affecting the path of the global war taking place, essentially also irrelevant. Japan is another such place. they may have valuable items that would help one side or the other, so become contentious places, but directly, they are essentially hostages, like the rest of Western Europe, just more obviously and dangerously so.
Where it Started
The Side of Satan, used to ruling the world by subterfuge, fear, and financial terrorism and enslavement, having succeeded at achieving pretty much whatever it wanted since 1945, decided to take the gloves off and start the process of changing the whole of planet Earth into the thing they really have been aiming consciously for since at minimum 1776, but really, that has been planned from the very start of mankind. The underlying power behind it all is indeed an immortal spirit of evil, we sometimes refer to by various names, but in any event, it utterly hates humanity and wants them crushed and humiliated in their totality. It does this by elevating various figures in the human world to do its bidding. The upper echelons of this essentially nested hive of secret societies, subterfuge, secret deals and hierarchies and inter-competitive backstabbing are indeed aware of who they serve, and do so consciously. Others may be operating under the guise that they know best, but really, they know, and they are feeling so confident now, they are not even hiding it any more. Listen to this guy, Graff at the World Economic Forum (see the whole long post Simplicious made that also covered this but is too long and autistic for most people)
Klaus Schwab of course has been boasting to the world that their WEF graduates have been infiltrating every Western government for decades. Literally almost every leader in Europe and abroad is a “graduate” of this process. Justin Trudeau being its most idiotic, obvious, annoying and completely controlled puppet, but so is the gay Macaroon of France and all the various others throughout Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and so on. There is also another disturbing trend that some, along with most of the freaky “elites” that wear animal masks, rape children and dance around Bohmain grove, and hang out with “spirit cooker” Marina Abramovich and the likes of the Clinton Foundation, which we all know is a child trafficking ring. And that is the deep undercurrent of Occult stuff going back centuries. Meloni, the PM of Italy is on record saying she had an occult master since her early 20s. And that’s to say nothing of the connections to child rape by gigantic blackmailers like Jeffrey Epstein, and now Sean Coombs or P. Diddy, as he liked to be called, which hardly masks the proclivities he enjoyed with certain potentially underage people, like Justin Bieber, who literally sang about a P. Diddy party and how it warped him.
If you dig even just a little bit, the literally demonic, down to literal child sacrifice and cannibalism, is there. You don’t want to see it full in the face, because it is monstrous, but you know. And you know you could find out more if only it would not haunt your nightmares forever after.
As to where it started? Well, worshipping the devil is the oldest religion in the world. I literally started after Lucifer and a third of the host were cast out of Heaven.
You might not believe it that literally, but honestly, start from a blank slate and what makes most sense?
Money and power alone don’t explain it. The ritual abuse, murder, organ harvesting and adrenochrome farms of little children goes well beyond mere greed and a wish for power. And when it is on the absolutely enormous scale it is, it being merely the really twisted perversions of a mere few freaks doesn’t explain it either.
You say you want more proof? There is mountains of it. you just have to look for it. Find out what some of the veterans of the Ukraine conflict see and have witnessed. Look up what the Franklin scandal was decades ago. Or the Belgian scandal that encompassed pretty much all of the Belgian government and judiciary and had to do with an vast pedophile network that to all intents and purposes was the government and the judiciary and law enforcement too. Look at the testimony of British highly ranked police officers that tried to blow the whistle on the depth and scope of the same thing in the UK government, law enforcement and judiciary too. Do you really think that sick fuck of Jimmy Saville who raped and abused kids dying of cancer, by the hundreds, was not known about? Do you not know the statue of a pedophile is proudly displayed outside the BBC studios? And the rampant similar stuff that goes on at all the higher echelons of power? All the pesos in the fake “Catholic Church” which has been headed by Satanists pretending to be “Popes” uninterruptedly since 1958?
You may pretend to yourself I am just some crazy “conspiracy theorist” ranting, but it’s undeniable that the so-called conspiracy theorists turned out to be right about pretty much all of it. JFK, 9/11, the faked part of the Moon Landings (though we did go to the Moon, but not the way they tell you), the whole Covid Mass-Murder event, and on, and on, and on.
Of course, the majority who took the genetic serums that are now killing little children from heart attacks and giving turbo-cancers and other life-crippling effects, don’t want to know.
Operating under the idea that if you don’t say it out loud, maybe, just like the Candyman, the evil shit will not happen to you even if you did take that fake Vaxx that has never worked in over 30 years and only ended up killing the animals that were repeatedly subjected to it.
So because of that, everyone just keeps their head down and keeps quiet and just gets squeezed more and more, by more woke insanity and pregnant “men” and furries and other mentally ill freaks pushed on us by… yup, the usual suspects. Except no one is allowed to say it. No one is allowed to name them. The fact they have been chased out of 108 countries some 1004 times is just everyone else’s fault. never had anything to do with them or how they behave.
And blowing up thousands of devices remotely indiscriminately among civilians is supposed to be great, and good and acceptable. Not a terrorist act at all.
How it’s Going
You KNOW that all the stuff I wrote above is true and just scratching the surface. The level of deception, horror, total degeneracy and vile evil that is really all around us is nauseating and not hard to see even for those who only have a room temperature IQ.
In short, there are enough people now that have understood this at least to the point that one hopes most of the time they watch the bullshit spewing out of their television sets they simply roll their eyes and say “Bitch, Please!”
You KNOW they are lying to you. You know they are evil. And you KNOW there is no standing on the sidelines any more. They will not let you. Either you are one of them (you are not. They are few, very few, and wealthy to a point you have no conception of), you are one of their pets/slaves/sex toys, as they decide and want you to be, or you are against them. There is no other position where you will go by unnoticed and unmolested.
In short, we should all pretty much be here by now:
And guess what. He doesn’t call it that. He doesn’t express a framework within which what he says can be made to happen, but it exists. It’s called Catholicism. Not the fake Vatican II TurboPederasty on crack, no.
The Catholicism of the Crusaders of 1095, who put on their armours and with heir entire fortunes and families went to fight an invader that had been attacking them and enslaving and murdering them for nearly 400 years. We have been brainwashed for some 80 years really intensively.
It’s enough now.
And no, Catholic, real ones, do not “turn the other cheek” to this level of evil. They march either to their martyrdom, or to push the demons back into Hell. An remember, even the Gates of Hell, will not prevail on us.
So, yes, enter WWIII correctly.
It’s a spiritual fight first and a worldly one only secondly. Get the first right and build up your people, your community, your family and friends. Be clear on who and where you are and who is and is not with you. Organise. Group. Resist all the lies in every way, every day, and build up your life, your inspiration, your children, and make new alternatives and create new realities of local government, of local academics, and so on.
Maybe you are Vaxxed and dying or ill. So what? You want the bastards that fooled you into that to win? You want to pretend that’s not what happened as you quietly slip away into the darkness?
Whatever your personal situation, whatever you believe, simply know this: There are only two sides. The side of Good or the side of Evil. And no man’s land does not exist anymore, it is rapidly becoming territory of the enemy too, except for those who see the truth and become part of our side.
The opening salvos have been done. Now we enter the start of the real war. And it will go on at least a few years. I would say it is unlikely to chance quickly. So build up your forces. Ten years from now no one knows what the landscape will look like, but those who prepare now will be far better able to create and navigate it.
Deus Vult.
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By G | 23 September 2024 | Posted in Clown World, Fighting SJWs, Freemasons, Impostors and Frauds, Increasing Happiness, Russia and GAE, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews, Zombie Apocalypse