Tony and I recently discussed AI and its dangers:
and not to put too fine a point on it, we both agree it is ultimately demonic and cannot result in anything good.
The reason is simple.
Axiom 1: All Humans are flawed.
Axiom 2: Only the creator behind reality is a truly loving force (i.e. God, but the reality of intelligence behind creation is essentially provable now, so don’t let the word God with whatever negative associations it may have for you hamper you from being able to follow the reasoning).
Axiom 3: Humans are the only and necessary link between the loving intelligence of the creator and AI driven machines and software.
Given the above three facts, the only possible conclusion is that the inevitable iterations of Artificial Intelligence will increasingly be more and more flawed from the perspective of a Loving Creator. And thus descend into the very opposite of a Loving Creator, which is essentially a demonic outcome.
And it will do so at a super-efficient speed and efficacy. In short, the deleterious effects on humanity will rapidly accelerate.
We can already see this to a certain extent with AI replacing people in various industries:
Translation, art generation, mathematical calculations, even complex hard science problems of engineering, medicine and so on.
The future looks bleak and if you don’t want to take my word for it, take a look at this short video, it really is worth it (but don’t lose hope and read my take after the video).
As I said in the discussion with Tony, AI has been able to duplicate video for years already. It’s just now to the point that you and I will soon be able to do it from our own computers too.
So what can we do about it? The way I see it there are a few things that are working in our favour.
1. Resources are finite
Yes, a potential army of self-replicating terminators that can independently build bioweapons and deploy them globally could wipe us out, but… we are not yet there, and the resources required to create fully independent robots that can build all the required infrastructure to keep themselves repaired, going, and building up more of the weaponised drones and automated weapon posts and so on eventually requires huge power requirements. It’s just not sustainable at the current commonly understood level of power generation.
Counter: Anti-G tech is real and AI could develop it and since Anti-G tech is related to accessing zero point vacuum fluctuations, it could hypothetically create near infinite power generation.
Counter-Counter: Even so, the physical material is limited, and the autonomy required to build all the related infrastructure to monopolise access to it is still very large in scale, so not happening in the next few years at least.
2. Unintended Consequences of Evil
Ultimately the most efficient way to wipe out humanity is not with robot armies but biologically engineered contagious pathogens.
In fact, there is already ample evidence that the COVID mass-murder event orchestrated by the usual suspects and their ever-obedient puppets was already using certain genetic markers to be most deadly on humans with certain genetic traits (Vikings to be dramatic) and far less deadly on other people with different genetic markers (Ashkenazi Jews).
And if the more recent evidence that the nanobots in the serums are self replicating, and the spike-protein generating mutants that injected themselves with the genetic serum of the vaxx also continue to produce and shed the same spike-protein, then we may already be in the early stages of a human-guided AI take-over.
If that’s the case, we can at least reliably know that there will be unexpected consequences for those people who put this whole thing in motion.
Which is essentially that their stupid, arrogant, and small-minded, short-term, materialist way of thinking inevitably means they too will be wiped out by their own creations.
It’s cold comfort, but it’s something. Which tends to lead me think that there is also going to be some “fix” available. Recent examples have been how military robots were defeated by humans in various tests by really high-tech and difficult things like placing themselves in cardboard boxes and advancing on them a little at the time until they could be in close quarters with the robot. The machine did not perceive them as dangerous because they didn’t look like humans. In a series of tests, this was just one of the ways in which humans could fool the machines.
A recent video/report by quinta columna also indicated that a solution of distilled water and nicotine apparently wipes out the nanobots and may also be efficient against the spike protein, as was alcohol and smoking.
The point here being that the mass-murdering sons of bitches that are orchestrating all this are far from being geniuses.
What they have are infinite resources based on fiat money, because they have orchestrated the planet so that fiat money has become an effective substitute for power acquisition, and they also orchestrated it (especially over about the last 200 years or so, mainly as the Rothschilds family trajectory shows) so that they are also able to literally create the same fiat money out of thin air at will, while you and I have to trade our lifetimes (and for some their souls too) just to accumulate enough of it not to starve. So yes, they have that undeniable source of power acquisition and projection, which is absolutely massive, BUT, they have very little in the sense of imagination and intelligence.
Ultimately these people are evil, and for reasons that are obvious to someone NOT evil, but that are absolutely opaque to actual evil people, evil cannot genuinely create. It can only corrupt or destroy.
This is a very important point that can be demonstrated fairly easily by pure logic, absent the belief in any supernatural entities, at least to a point.
That is, eventually the logic inevitably leads you to the concept of supernatural entities because that is the only way the logic, including logic itself, can even exist. The very baseline concept of good and evil itself is meaningless absent an intelligent and benevolent creator. In short, the very fact good and evil actually exist for you at all, is undeniable evidence that a Loving God is the creator (think it through, it really is a logically inescapable fact, even if you may not see it right away. Seriously… think it through, this post is not going away anytime soon, it’ll wait.)
Which is why ultimately faith is more important (and powerful) than knowledge, and why millions of illiterate peasants throughout the ages, have always known better than the wealthy, nominally intelligent, educated, but evil scum that has tried to rule over them throughout the centuries.
As an aside, in times past, being wealthy was not necessarily as closely or likely to mean the individual was as corrupt as it is likely they are today (evil has accelerated and consolidated its position, as inevitably it must, hence, again, the so-called eventual End Times bottleneck).
Bringing all this together in a short summary then:
This combination of the stupidity, arrogance and blindness of evil, coupled with its inability to generate, create or grow anything self-sustaining and viable long-term, leads to two factors:
1. Unintended consequences that indicate a way out of their nefarious plans.
2. Ultimately a collapse of their structure/position/power-base. This may not always be total (evil too is a fundamental property of reality, so while it cannot generate the so-called tower of Babel successfully, some critters beholden to evil will always escape its collapse and go on to try again more or less quickly after the crash).
So in this respect there is always some way out and as such some hope.
3. Some humans somewhere may be able to pull the plug.
Usually not the guy you hope or think. Trump is not going to save us from the WEF mass murderers any more than he will save any Gazan children being torn to shred by the American bombs supplied to genocidal Israel for the same purpose of mass murder.
Elon Musk is not suddenly going to have a change of heart and fight the global alliance of globohomo that put him in place, not even if his son became a tranny as a result of it. I mean, miracles do happen, but miracles require miraculous evidence, and so far there is none.
On the other hand, God has a sense of humour and loves using the most unlikely of people for His purposes (of turning even conscious evil, ultimately, to good in some way). I mean, I am a perfect example of that. Of all the people He could get to become a Catholic zealot pushing original Catholicism (which I remind you is only found in Sedevacantism) instead of some hedonistic take on life, the universe and everything, I was about as unlikely a choice as any.
So, it may well be that some jabbed janitor coughs on the latest dish at the next Davos conference and all the mass-murderers present die of turbo-ebola-ass-cancer within the month (hey, miracles of unexpected joy, happen, you just keep praying along with me, right?!).
Or some other unexpected and unthought of black swan event suddenly becomes a tipping point. Say if spontaneously, something in the human spirit snapped and every father affected by the muslim rape gangs in England suddenly decided that regime change was required in the UK, well… the entire government, armed forces and police would be swept away in 24 hours.
This last hypothetical however seems unlikely (but you never know) here is why:
Part of the reason that the COVID mass murder was enacted, was also so that they could deploy the mass-control technology.
It has been known since the 1990s that human emotions at the very least can be controlled by a variety of EM fields and waves. Today that level of specific mental control is undoubtedly higher.
And we now know with certainty that the 5G antennae deployed globally absolutely can direct EM energy in ways that is essentially weapon grade level stuff. So maybe all the fathers of abused children in the UK are not even able to reach a tipping point anymore if their bloodstream and brains are teeming with nanobots and spike proteins that are receptive to whatever the 5G antennae is able to make them feel or not feel.
But then it will be something else.
Like, for example, maintenance and sustainability.
Think about it. Ok, the Soros, Klaus Schwabs, Zuckebergers, Bill Gates of the world have it all figured out and enslaved all of us and have a supply of small children to satisfy their proclivities, but… who is going to maintain and upkeep their infrastructure?
None of these people are themselves capable of changing a car tire, much less build or maintain (and I also think really intellectually understand) the required infrastructure to keep their pedovore utopia going. They really are not geniuses. They are mostly useless parasites with infinite money.
They have to rely on actual functioning human beings to keep this stuff running, and while you can corrupt a lot of them to do your bidding, you inevitably run into the degradation problem.
Evil cannot create. Eventually corrupting the maintainers will produce diminishing results as they too shift from starry eyed scientist glad their pet project is funded to disillusioned automatons who realises they are actually perpetrating and producing the total evil that destroys anything worth living for. The realisation is usually very slow and gradual, but it exists, and the outcome is always only one of two things: conversion to fully and consciously evil – which we already know is not sustainable long term because logic (and/or God if you prefer and can’t see the logic yourself) or self-disgust so great it prompts collapse or occasionally even total conversion (which effectively produces a monkey-wrench in the globohomo machine).
There are a few simple conclusions we can summarise from all of the above, and they are:
1. Fiat money is their primary lever of control.
2. Propaganda is their secondary lever of control.
3. Force is their tertiary lever of control.
4. Cohesive, logical, capable, communities immune to the above are their greatest threat, and always have been. This is why for centuries, their primary aim has been the Catholic Church (now reduced only to Sedevacantist Communities): Consider:
* Catholic communities quickly become self-sufficient (immune to Fiat money)
* Catholic communities are 100% immune to globohomo propaganda
* In times past Catholic communities could defend themselves well even against mass invasion by larger enemy forces like Islam.
The only barrier we have to reclaiming our freedom is the nihilism and loss of hope and inability to functionally do logic anymore in the vast majority of the populace (at least to a higher degree than it was until relatively recently).
So: Spreading proper Catholicism (i.e. actual Christianity instead of one of its fake, Churchian versions) and creating communities of Sedevacantists is really the quickest and simplest solution, and all we need worry about in the short term is the weaponisation of legislation and economic sanctions that are being levelled against us all but for the moment can’t necessarily (yet) target us Sedes specifically.
So… build those communities ASAP right now.
Guard against infiltration far more than you presently need to worry about force being applied on you. Select rural places out of the way, get involved with local government and begin to shore up the general defences against bureaucracy first. You don’t need to worry about direct force for a while yet. It will come but it will be some years yet.
Of course… if you are one of the zombies already prey to the centuries long propaganda, you will simply dismiss all the logic and verifiable information above and assume I am just another deluded “religionist”. And if that’s who you are, that’s ok. We don’t need you.
Catholicism started with eleven frightened men and four women. And we overcame the wrath of the then most powerful empire humanity has ever seen.
It’s just another day/era/persecution-time.
We’ve been here before. We’ll be here again.
And the Gates of Hell will not withstand against us.
Why Denominations Matter
This should be absolutely obvious even to small children, but since apparently, Professor Cipolla’s First Law is an immutable iron law of humanity for all time, I guess it needs spelling out. In short words and possibly crayon-like drawings.
Let’s try to follow the logic:
Q1: Does the meaning of words matter?
A: Yes
Proof: What is a woman?
Can a Man get Pregnant?
How many sexes are there?
You either know how to answer those three follow-up questions as follows:
An adult human female.
Or…. You are either an intentional liar and deceiver, or a mentally ill person. Either way, liar or insane, neither type is anyone with whom it is worthwhile to try to have any sort of rational or normal conversation or communication.
Q2: Is objective reality a thing?
A: Yes
The fact you may not always be able to understand what you are observing, does not mean reality is subjective. Even things like the two-slit experiment are reducible to objective facts, which are that when observed the particles predictably behave differently from when they are not observed.
Q3: Is truth relative?
A: No
Just like math, the ultimate truth of any specific thing, at any specific time and place, will have a precise answer. The fact you may not be capable of working out exactly what that is, also has no bearing on the reality that such a precise answer exists. Just like the fact you can’t do advanced calculus does not mean such a calculation will not have a precise answer.
In short, if words, facts and truth matter, then, what version of God you believe in, absolutely matters.
It can in fact be postulated that it matters more than any other question, especially if you already believe that:
God is good, infallible and loves you.
If God is both Good and also Loves you, as well as Infallible, then, a necessary conclusion must also be that Free Will and Justice both MUST also follow.
Consider that, since He is infallible, whatever His rules are, must be the best and true ones. And since He loves us there MUST be a way for us to discover what they are. Along with the possibility to reject them (because free will). But… if we do seek, and we do find, then… well, we should find a set of rules that is infallible. And since He loves us, it must also be possible for us to figure out which set of rules that is amongst all the lies and nonsense human beings produce constantly.
In fact, given all humans are flawed, it is quite obvious that such an infallible set of rules, must exist purely because of God’s Will and Love for us, and despite all human attempts at perverting said rules, again, due to His Love these attempts will ultimately as well as constantly fail, regardless of any temporary “success” they may seem to have from time to time. Thus, what can only be described as by a Supernatural protection, said rules must not only exist and be discoverable, but would also continue to exist to the End of Times, again, regardless of human attempts to corrupt them, which would essentially be continuous and endless.
In fact, this aspect of the rules alone would be proof that God exists, loves us, is infallible AND will protect His rules from the constant predation of flawed human beings.
The only religion that has ever made such a claim is the Catholic Church.
Prior to 28th October 1958 this was unique to the Catholic Church, which also set down these rules in one book: The Code of Canon Law of 1917.
Broadly speaking, the rules of the Catholic Church is how decent Christians comported themselves throughout the centuries, which is why Catholicism spread throughout the world more than any other false claimant to “Christianity”.
And why it achieved the heights of human well-being, and humane progress and civilisation that is a genuine betterment of the human condition instead of a mere mechanisation of them, as evidenced, for example by the industrial revolution, which is touted as “progress” when really it was the technological advancement of machinery and the mechanisation of human being in order to make those machines work more efficiently.
Anyone stupid enough to postulate that the “denomination” of your version of “Christianity” doesn’t matter as long as you’re a “follower of Christ” is a functional idiot. There really is no escaping that conclusion, and it is, indeed, perfectly in line with professor Cipolla’s assessment of the first law; that is, even people you may have deemed intelligent and rational, at some point, will reveal themselves to be irredeemably stupid.
Now, the natural human tendency to want to give people the benefit of the doubt, creeps in here and makes even intelligent people make reasonable sounding statements, such as, for example, Vox, on this post a while back:
Sounds reasonable right?
Except it makes no sense at all.
In the body of Vox’s post the fake Novus Ordo Church is described as funding mass migration, which is true and is what it does. But the fake Novus Ordo church is also described as being the Catholic Church. Which it is not.
I’m fairly sure that Vox does not view someone like Ben Shapiro as being a legitimate American. And for good reason. Ben may be born in the USA, he may say he is American, he may have the papers to prove it, and in fact his claim to being American is at least legally valid. Anyone who bothered to observe his behaviour though, would quickly realise Ben Shapiro would happily burn America to the ground in order to make Israel better off. It is obvious that Ben does not value America anywhere near as much as he does Israel.
Now, the Novus Ordo fake Church in fact, does NOT have the legitimate legal “papers”. Ben Shapiro is far more validly American than the Novus Ordo Church is in any way validly Catholic.
In fact, if anyone bothers to check the fake Novus Ordo Church “papers” they will find that Canon 188 part 4 of the Code of Canon Law of 1917, whose entire purpose is precisely to lay down the rules of the Church in simple, legal, Roman Law, makes it absolutely clear the every fake “Pope” from Angelo Roncalli on is, in fact, legally, an impostor. A fake. At best a heretic or apostate, and more probably an infiltrating Satanist that never was a Catholic at any point.
This is clear, it is obvious, and, of course, it matters far more than Ben Shapiro’s loyalties to his supposed nation of birth instead of the one he identifies with.
Of course, if one starts out from the completely flawed perspective that just a generic “Jesus saves” intimation is enough to qualify one as a Christian, clearly, they are hardly going to investigate the details of the legitimacy or otherwise of what most of the planet (composed mostly of stupid people, let’s not forget) thinks is the “Catholic Church”.
But that doesn’t in any way make it acceptable or correct.
Because, as explained right at the start: the Truth, the facts of objective reality, matter.
And if that is true, then, what the TRUE rules that God wants us to follow are, absolutely matters.
And they sure can’t be the ones you in your arrogant, prideful, dumb, little brain, decide they are, all on your own. Which is precisely what every single version of Protestantism ultimately boils down to. There simply aren’t any prescribed rules to follow at all, except whatever ones suit you specifically.
Now, any child above the age of 5 or so, can clearly see that there is no game that makes any sense whatsoever, where you just pick the rules you want and ignore the ones you don’t like, and in fact can switch the rules you like too at will. Protestantism is essentially theological Calvinball.
But this train of thought is apparently a step too far for every single Protestant.
The reason, the only reason, we are currently living in the Clown World era, is precisely because actual Catholics degraded and fell quietly by the wayside, while never-where Catholic pretenders, from the sexual perverts of Luther and Henry the VIII, all the way to the various nobles that were more concerned with land, money and glory than the truth, advanced on the truth with their lies, deceit, and error, all in the service of their own twisted desires in the temporal, and Satan’s plan in the eternal.
When you know that 2 and 2 is 4, yet you allow the retards around you to say everything from 2 and 2 is 7 to 2 and 2 is purple, and you don’t call them out for the liars, satanists, or utter morons they are, you are, in fact, helping to degrade the entire human race.
Sure, Vox, trying to look at the big picture, thinks that the solution is that, hey, as long as these guys are more or less shooting towards the enemy, that’s all that counts.
He literally says if you don’t recognise the difference between a dedicated Clown Worlder and someone that may be in error but is mostly fighting Clown World, then your opinion is irrelevant, which is fair enough, but the strawman implication there is that someone pointing out the errors, lies, deceit and ruination of literally all of Protestantism or the fake Novus Ordo Church is somehow someone that can’t tell the difference between a dedicated Clown Worlder and a Churchian that means well.
That strawman is, of course, nonsense.
And Churchianity does, irrevocably lead to Hell, paved with good intentions as it inevitably is.
It is literally the reason Clown World even exists.
Because Churchianity “sounds” good, right? We are all equal; save the poor refugees; be politically correct, you don’t want to offend anyone, right?
Except it’s all a deceit. It’s all a lie, and it starts precisely by permitting people, whether intentional liars or misguided fools, to pervert the truth by their pretence that they are “Christians” when in fact they are nothing of the sort. Because they have zero legitimacy to the claim, lack the valid requirements, both spiritually (which God only can judge) but also legally (which can be clearly identified externally by anyone who cares to look) to make that claim.
If you are not a Catholic, you simply are NOT a Christian. You may wish to be. You may believe you are. You may really, really, really, want to be one, but you are not. At the very, very, very, best, most optimistic of views possible, you are in deep, deep, deep, error, that is entirely your fault, through the sin of sloth. Literally being too lazy to educate yourself about God and His Church.
This applies to most lay “Catholics” who are in the Novus Ordo fake Church and truly believe themselves to be Catholic, but have never bothered to investigate what Catholicism is, was and how it has been infiltrated and perverted by its enemies, culminating in Vatican II and the utter inversion and heresy it represents.
To a MUCH lesser extent it applies to anyone of literally any other denomination that truly believes they really are a “Christian” (presumably “generic” with a trademark stamp on the back of their head). These are people that not only have not bothered to study the details of Catholic dogma and compare them with post Vatican II heresy; which is bad enough. No, these are people who have not bothered to spend five minutes thinking about the broad history of the Church and contextualising it within the broad history of the infinite permutations of Protestantism since its inception 500 years ago.
In math terms, Protestants are the ten year olds who still count using made up numbers like eleventeen and fantillion. The rest of us, whether bad at math, like the average Novus Ordo layman that thinks he is Catholic, or the Eastern “Orthodox” that thinks he is a proper Christian, or actual Christians (i.e. Sedevacantist Catholic), look on at the retard and shake their heads.
But only those who care have the courage to go up to that ten year old potential retard, give him a smack in the face to stop his incessant babbling, then get him to sit down, shut up, and pay attention, so we can determine is he really is that retarded, in which case there is no helping him. Eventually he will run in the road and play in traffic and get run over. Best we can do in that case is to keep him in his own safe space, far away from us.
Or… we realise he was just lied to, or prideful, and wanted to feel special, in which case he might be salvaged by first showing him how to count to ten.
You cannot build anything worthwhile or durable if you build on sand without any precautions.
And that is exactly what you are doing when you think that paying attention to the fundamental truths of math, engineering and history is not relevant.
The truth matters. Protecting it from corruption matters. Your feelings about it don’t.
Protestants are not Christians. And it matters they are made aware of it. Novus Ordo “Catholics” are lazy ignorants. And it matters they are made aware of it. The Eastern “Orthodox” are not Orthodox and are schismatics. And it matters they are made aware of it.
It’s really not hard to understand. A child really does get it. Before you can fix a problem, you need to be aware of what the problem is.
And in the case of most people reading this, the problem is you are not a Christian at all.
And while your fake uniform, and fake badge, and fake belief might fool YOU, or maybe even a friend or two, it sure will not fool either our Lord, nor His enemy.
The Truth matters. And there is only one version of it that applies to all of us at all times. Only one.
Choose wisely.
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By G | 15 October 2024 | Posted in Believe, Catholicism, Christianity, Clown World, Freemasons, Hard Facts, Heretics, Impostors and Frauds, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within