Archive for the ‘SubStack’ Category

Oh how the Perfumed Princes Protest

It is time this absolute joke of an excuse for “a man whom one should listen to” for his “wisdom” and “insights” in how to navigate the modern dystopia, is finally exposed for what he is, by someone that can read for comprehension. It is a sign of the times really that this pustule on the ass of competence was ever awarded a “featured blog” for his substack in 2024. Good God. It’s like people literally can’t read at all anymore.

Prepare yourselves dear Substakers, for what at my OH blog (where I currently released part 6 of Theoretical Models of Society , which as a series puts the lie to all that this moisturised, sedentary, ass-in-butter, theoretical wanna-be “aristocrat” has ever cogitated in his sub-par, midget skull) is called a Kurganing.

Kurganing: Verb – The unfortunate result of what happens to a deceiving liar, sophist, Freemason, general heretic, arrogant (but incapable) idiot, when he attracts the attention of The Kurgan and receives a public vivisection of his all too mortal inadequacy, incompetence, weakness of character, cowardice, and general faggotry, and as a result becomes the star in a blog post by said Kurgan.

Let us first of all identify the main posts (but really all of them will do) this ridiculous clown ( Johann Kurtz , whose tag line is [in total humourless seriousness, I assure you]: Forming the new nobility: become beautiful, dangerous, and worthy of power at his idiotic blog “ becoming Noble ”) has created that immediately prove he is an idiot with delusions of elitism.

Here they are:

Meritocracy is not a Good Thing

Idiotic quote from the idiocy at that post (this one is especially relevant a little later)

Meritocracy necessitates and idealizes the destruction of traditional boundaries. This began with the attack on class structures, but after the moral primacy of ‘merit’ is accepted, it must also be conceded that other structures which impede the centering of ‘merit’ should be questioned: national borders, gender divides, insular communities, and prejudices of all kinds.

The seeds of meritocratic thought arose in the West with the broader Enlightenment, which held that the scientific process – with its advocacy of quantification and objectivity – could be turned upon politics and human affairs more generally, in order to progress society towards utopia.

A provable meritocracy thus demands that all achievement must be explicit, documented, legible, and acceptable. Meritocracy can only be conducted on the basis of what we can measure; this thing we call ‘ merit’.

Of course, distilling the ineffable qualities of human existence into quanta has always proved challenging for the social sciences , which is why they have strayed while the hard sciences have progressed.

The central question at hand is: “What is the definition of this thing we recognize as ‘merit’ within a meritocracy?” How is it measured, by whom, and when? Is the ‘good’ we are attempting to capture an intrinsic quality of the human subject or an objective outcome we are trying to engineer? What scale and timescale do we care about?

Notice how this idiot is TRYING to define/qualify/”explain” meritocracy as being some sort of magic formula of quantifying attributes into a…well a spreadsheet format? Notice how NO ONE ELSE ON THE PLANET does that, only him? It’s his idea, his way of trying to define it? Remember that, it’s important and it’s the biggest clue (among an ocean of them) that this guy is:

  1. A moron
  2. An “intellectual” (read: Midwit who thinks he is the smartest person in the room. Also, See 1.)
  3. A Perfumed Prince – that is someone that EITHER was born relatively well off, never had anything very hard in his life, went to the right schools, kissed the right asses, sucked off the right bosses, and got himself some middle or maybe even eventual middle-high management position earning decent money (and/or he had some from daddy anyway) that makes him think he is a “self-made” man. With the manly in man, and the smarts. And regardless if he goes to gym regularly or is a weedy nerd or chubbster, he fancies his (self-invented and self-deceived) moral superiority somehow makes him in any case “better” than the “rabble” that laugh at his pontificating bullshit. OR a guy that maybe did come from not the lower classes but not particularly well off, and did work hard at being a good little drone of the system and managed to pull off some decent situation… that is… by… well, you know… going to the right schools, or doing well at the ones he went to, kissing the right asses, sucking off the right bosses to achieve… you get it. And the only difference is that now he feels even MORE entitled to be a smartboi ™ because he (in his feverish mind) really IS a self-made man.

But let us see how he demonstrates this in his own words.

Meritocratic Education Ruins Children

Quote from the runoff produced therein:

Meritocracy is the notion that it is illegitimate to reward a person based on criteria other than a specific and artificial definition of merit, typically characterized by formal examinations and structured evaluations of performance. Meritocracy adopts tests, reviews, qualifications, credentials, and the quantification of performance and ability. The meritocrat is the Spreadsheet Man.

Under meritocracy, it is illegitimate to elevate an individual based on broader criteria, such as whether they are a friend, relative, local, particular sex, member of a known family, member of your faith, member of your class, or a representative of a range of ‘protected characteristics’.

In other words, meritocracy is the antithesis of the concept of birthright. It is an attack on the integrity of sovereignty, undermining the ability of the steward of an asset to entirely determine to whom that asset is apportioned.

To doubt the moral monopoly of meritocracy is thus not to insist that merit should be restricted in the opposite direction (ie. characterized entirely by birth ) but to broaden one’s conception of merit to contain both the notion of qualifications and the legitimacy of other factors, as may be relevant in different circumstances.

See that GIANT strawman he sets up in part one? Meritocracy “defined” as some arbitrary quantification of the ineffable into a spreadsheet type format that has no bearing to reality? Only to…

Knock it down in part two, to “prove his point”. A point no one ever before him ever made because it doesn’t exist.

There are illiterate Khoi San and Amazonian Pirahã that are perfectly capable of understanding and explaining what meritocracy means, because especially in their societies, it is still a thing. And it is only because men with brass balls and iron wills managed to create such bounty on the Earth —where the village idiot was safe to reproduce and foster upon us a melange of genetic misfits like this pale, belly-frogged constituted “man”— that it is no longer required in the general West for larvae-spawns such as Johann to continue to survive and even do “well” for himself.

So let me explain it to you in short words of few syllables:

Meritocracy: from the word MERIT, which is defined as the the state of becoming entitled, deserving of, have earned either a reward or a punishment on the basis of one’s behaviour, actions, effectiveness at [something].

Literally, little children understand what merit is. And a meritocracy is simply a society in which the person that is best at doing a specific task is placed in the position of doing it. You know where meritocracy is absolutely clear and obvious to everyone and anyone? A violent fight. Or a group of fighters in a ring, dojo, or street. In Systema, the guy who can kick everyone else’s ass best teaches. It is the surest form of meritocracy I have ever encountered and I would bet money that our perfumed prince Johann has never entered a ring or dojo floor in his life. Nor is he likely to. How do I know? Well, he either hasn’t got the first clue about meritocracy at all, which means he is a fully “theoretical” creature, and it’s bad theory at that. He apparently works in some kind of tech/IT/software field, so you can see what I mean. Maybe he can code, but he can’t do much else. He has no concept of physical results in the real world beyond that artificial bubble he has been raised, grown and produced in, like a clone from a vat-factory in the RPG game of Paranoia . There are another six just like him, called Johann-Smarty “Pants” Kurtz – 001 through to 007.

And just like a dweller of Alpha complex, if he ever pokes his head out of the underground artificial world he lives in, and sees some trees and a squirrel he may well freak out and push the nuclear launch codes.

So we have already established he is an impractical man that has never taken a punch (or ten) in the face and has certainly never given any (it might have spoilt his little prefect-perfect schoolboy-cum-teacher’s-pet road to “riches”).

We also know that he has delusions of grandeur, and is little more than a hopped up peasant, who is grasping, like a drowning man for what he perceives as his supposed “due” of “new nobility”. Which he will never achieve. Because nobility is first of all a matter of intrinsic character, one he absolutely lacks, and secondly, no one is handing out family crests to retards anymore.

We know he thinks that the path to “nobility” is achieved by being a good drone that goes to the good schools, and does the “good” things he is told and kisses ALL the asses (with a little lick for extra credit) in order to climb the corporate/status/suck-cess ladder. How do we know? Well, because he expressly tells young men to do just that.

He first posited this “way” here , and the title is oh so telling: Jobs for sensitive young men, and then defended it here . So we also know Johann is/was/sees himself as/ will never grow out of, the idea that he (is) was a sensitive young man. Oh so sensitive. Because of his smarts you see. The poor lad was just smarter than all his peers who cruelly did not respect and understand his sensitive thoughts. It is the sort of duplicitous and self-serving as well as intrinsically false narrative people like Johann invariably have about themselves. It’s the midwit gamma complex. Johann’s excuse is that anyone with a “higher” IQ would simply avoid physical brutality, don’t you know. Unless they were evil. Evil I tell you. The concept that anyone with a 155 IQ would indulge in physical activities like martial arts or being a bodyguard or a doorman simply does not parse for him. He may lie about it if he ever reads this, but I know this type of creature. Violence is only for the “evil” brutes of life. Or… or… well, yes, okay, the very NOBLE people, but only as a last resort (that he prays in his suburban home “ivory tower” never, ever, ever comes to pass) and only for the NOBLEST of reasons (all so rarefied and theoretical that not even tardigrades can survive in that atmosphere) none of which will ever activate even as he is raped to death by marauding pirates.

He also has ZERO understanding of how to be a man in relation to a woman (this is to be expected, he is after all English). We know this thanks to his “enlightenment” level idea that women do not or will not have children because it implies a loss of status.

And one has to ask… What Status? What Status is he talking about? And it is obvious he is talking about what HE perceives as being a desirable sign of status:

  • Financial success (having enough money to be living well above average)
  • Knowing and being seen by the right people in the right way
  • Driving the “cool” car
  • Going to the right schools
  • Having the right clothes
  • Probably having a trophy wife (though I doubt he does)

And of all of the above, the only one that personally makes a difference is having enough money to say “Fuck you” to whoever. And by “makes a difference” I simply mean that it makes it less of a concern at all to do so. Not that you don’t do it if you lack the money. I certainly have never held back saying “Fuck you” to anyone I ever felt deserved it. Regardless of pretty much anything other than my personal sense of justice. But sure, a bunch of cash makes life easier. I’ve had money and had no money, so I can tell the difference, but it will never be something that defines my character.

But do ANY of these things really matter to a woman? No. Not really. They only matter to her in the context of the zeitgeist of the disturbed society we inhabit. And of course, no woman wants to live under a bridge with ten kids she has no means to feed and a deadbeat for a husband. But my point is simply that as long as you are:

  1. Actually a man, not some facsimile of a metrosexual, moisturised, vegan, midwit “intellectual”, and therefore provide the required practical support for your wife, and even if that should collapse (due to war, unforeseen circumstances, bad luck, whatever) she has the unwavering certainty that if anyone can climb out of a hole and rebuild a good life it is you, and you with her and your children, and,
  2. Provide her with the natural experience of being with an actual man, as described above, she will NATURALLY return to her “prime directive” as a woman, which is to make a bunch of kids.

Are there women too damaged by the dystopia we live in to “change” or evolve past the lies and deception they were raised with? Sure. But are MOST women this damaged? No. They are just mostly lacking any actual men to provide the 2 things above. Plenty of soyboys like Johann there, but actual men? Eh… it’s slim pickings.

The truth is that a woman safe to exhibit her femininity and natural sensuality and sensitivity RELISHES in being a mother. Her life feels meaningful and full and worthwhile, and all the struggles and heartache she might suffer, in the light of a happy family become badges of honour, medals on her uniform as glorious mother and loving wife of a… MAN.

But does our Perfumed Prince stop here? Oh no, no, no, he persists in his imbecilic, literally mouth-drooling, arrogance. Behold his latest piece:

Meritocracy Kills Fertility

and the requisite quotes from it:

This time he prefaces it with a kind of “hands up gesture” to try and prevent the obvious stupidity of his argument from being well… blindingly obvious.

Editor’s note: this is a continuation of my series on meritocracy . The motivation for this series is to establish the logic which will be presented in my upcoming book ‘Leaving a Legacy’, in which I will attempt to convince wealthy individuals to not squander their estates in donations to the inefficient and destructive ‘charity’ industry.

The book will instead empower heads of families to establish rooted, virtuous dynasties which can sustain communities for generations. Necessary for this project is to convince fathers that it is not good to disinherit their children in a misguided attempt to force them to generate their own wealth in a ‘meritocratic’ system. This destroys their childhood , closes their minds, and interrupts their ability to raise the next generation – as we shall see.

You see, it’s all about the boomers not leaving money to their children. Which sure, who can argue that’s not a thing. It is. Boomers are the most narcissistic, destructive, toxic, generation that has ever crawled on the face of the Earth. Maybe Johann here is trying to tell daddy to not leave the family castle to the SPCA or something. But regardless, if this is the “argument” against meritocracy he wants to write a whole book on, it’s really quite pathetic.

He’s again, setting up a strawman, that supposedly, if you are wealthy, you will cut your kids off in order to “teach them meritocracy”. What complete nonsensical fabrication is that, pray tell?

If I had a few millions to leave to my children, I would. And if I were a billionaire I am sure I would also give them experiences that they would otherwise not come by, but their learning to be effective, efficient and good at whatever they decide to focus on, in other words, their putting in the work required to become good, has absolutely nothing to do with how much money I have or don’t have or leave to them or not leave to them. As far as I am concerned: THIS. IS. SPARTA!

You will move your ass and RUN, not walk. If you fall you get up. If you’re still breathing you can still get up. You will NOT give up, you will find a way. I am not worried about money or my children not having enough of it. I will teach them to merit whatever they aim for. By simply going after it and becoming good enough to get it. Regardless of the barriers to entry idiots like Johann naturally want to impose on their actual betters, for the usual obvious reasons.

But let’s continue to delve in this festering pile of bull manure.

I will quote quite a long piece here to prove that I am not selectively picking bits out of it. He really is this fucking stupid. It’s enough to make you wonder if perhaps he is of “noble” birth; you know, from one of those families that have been fucking each others’ cousins and occasional half-sisters for generations!

Behold, the very first sentence is the summary of the rest of the absolutely wrong “definition” he gives to meritocracy.

The key proposition of meritocracy is that the person who deserves the greatest reward is the person with the greatest aptitude who invests the greatest effort .

That is really all it takes to prove he is a complete moron. One who can’t afford a basic dictionary apparently.

Meritocracy is a society based not on the greatest effort someone puts in, you moron. It’s a society based on the results someone produces.

RESULTS, monkey boy. Results. Not effort, you blithering idiot.

But let him hang himself in his own words.

Meritocracy is a curious creature: it is a political philosophy which could be described as ‘progressive but inegalitarian’. As with all progressive philosophies, it is a liberal child of the Enlightenment and its advocates champion it as a repudiation of the hereditary class system.

Ultimately, however, it remains an inegalitarian system for defining who should rule over others. The term ‘meritocracy’ is the combination of the Latin-origin “merit” (from mereō meaning earn ) and the Greek suffix “-cracy” ( power, rule ). In other words, it is rule by those who have earned it.

Meritocracy is progressive to the degree that it denies that one’s ultimate status should be defined by the circumstances of one’s birth. There remains an inconvenient fact, however: intelligence and other key attributes for success are parameterized at birth, and are nurtured by the family circumstances which one is born into.

To avoid the decidedly illiberal proposition of replacing one birthright caste with another – bloodlines by IQ – meritocracy opens the possibility for social mobility by integrating a factor which only emerges after birth: how hard the individual works. This factor serves as the moral heart of meritocracy.

It is feasible that the college selection process could, for example, operate entirely on a simple combination of 1) an intelligence test; 2) basic evidence of diligence via applicants’ key grades; and 3) demonstrating intellectual curiosity in an interview.

The typical elite selection process extends far beyond this, however. Evidence is required of an extraordinary record of effort. Extracurriculars, languages, instruments, volunteering, internships, startups, projects, and so forth are required. Aptitude is not enough.

If two applicants with the same level of intelligence are presented, the one who has ‘worked harder’ will be chosen, even if both have worked hard enough to have confidence that they would fulfill their responsibilities as students. The same is true of two candidates for a professional opportunity: the stacked résumé wins.

Elites from athletes to bankers brag about how hard they work. This bragging would have been alien to the generation of elites which preceded the ‘meritocratic elite’ – indeed, elites used to be known as the ‘ leisure classes’ . But the centralization of effort is necessary to the moral logic of meritocracy, and underpins the system’s justification for existence – and effort therefore manifests as a virtue to be advertised.

It is clear that Johann advocates in his other pieces like the “jobs for sensitive young men” to become and be precisely the kind of one-dimensional, ass-kissing, ivy-league educated, smarmy, two-faced, parasites that end up having to rape children on Satanic altars while being ridden by a man in a donkey mask while snorting cocaine, because they are so utterly dead inside that this is an approximation of something that might make them feel something.

And yet, here he says, that the system that puts these vermin in the places where they have access to the levers of power is based on “meritocracy”. It’s absolute nonsense. Johan is CLEARLY one of those wanna-be’s that has never quite made it into the “high society” he so longs to be a part of, and is really very bitter about it, despite his airs of “being” or rather, “becoming” noble.

Aside the fact that he has no clue what meritocracy is or even means, as evidenced beyond a shadow of a doubt above —and that the vermin in question do NOT get there through it, but rather PRECISELY by his supposed preferred method of nepotism, knowing who to threaten, blackmail, pay off or suck off— it becomes clear that he also proves his own advice is retarded, ineffective, a lie and produces only a hellish life devoid of meaning aside the chasing of the ever elusive dragon of “status”. Which clearly he has not achieved; nor will anyone who takes his idiotic advice.

So let me explain it in perspective:

If you are a middling guy, maybe from a not well to do family, trying your best to have a monochromatic CV with ONE direction only, for your choice of career and sticking to it like a soulless drone, because ultimately you have the kind of brain that worries about that more than actually living a meaningful life and/or because to you that reach for the 2.5 kids, white picket fence and the fake “respect” of your peers for your “status” IS what life is all about, then… by all means, sunshine, you go right ahead. It’s what’s best for you for sure.

On the other hand, if you are not an average person, or even a midwit totally lacking in imagination, actually have an at least partially functioning brain, and realise there is more to life than Johann’s ever elusive “status”, and perhaps want to live some of it, you may notice that there are plenty of jobs that will still keep you comfortable and also allow you to have a family, if you simply apply yourself, but it is not required you sacrifice the details and joys of life for them.

In short, this guy tries to baffle you with bullshit. His veneer of “becoming noble” is a façade. He pretty much admitted as much when he wrote that he is “ leaving Britain ” (I wonder if he really ever will) which appears to be his whining lament that Britain is no longer a place where you can “make it”. But it never was. Britain is still one of the countries in which his much praised “class structure” continues to exist. He is too stupid to realise it is the very thing he wants to be a part of that will forever keep him out of it.

As for his piece of meritocracy reducing fertility it’s the usual nonsense. By “defining” meritocracy as “effort” instead of results, he concludes that:

Now we find something of a fertility ‘perfect storm’ developing. Three factors are now true which together would seem to inexorably suppress birthrates among those parts of the population which play the meritocracy game:

  1. Elites – and aspiring elites – work longer and harder than ever before;
  2. Elite children are more time-intensive to raise than ever before;
  3. Elite children are more expensive to educate than ever before.

(For more commentary and data on points 2 & 3, see my last article. )

Something has to give!

But this is of course the “reasoning” of someone who can’t do a BASIC logical calculation of cost analysis.

It’s not hard to do:

Do I want to work 16 hour days and have no real life outside of my work for 30 years in order to be a billionaire (maybe, assuming the best case, because there are PLENTY of people who TRY to do this who are not even millionaires, and there are very FEW billionaires)?

Now, me, even if the billion was guaranteed? I would say (and did say, multiple times in life) a resounding, loud, echoing: “Fuck NO!” In fact I said no to much lower thresholds than that. Why? It doesn’t really matter, the point is that to ME my personal freedom to explore whatever facet of life I decide takes my fancy, is FAR more important than money or artificial success, or what really anyone besides a VERY small number of select people think about me or my life choices. And even those few only matter up to a point, because first and foremost, I have to be honest to myself. If you look at my life trajectory , or the things I have done , it would give Johann a brain embolism.

And you’ll also notice at least a couple more things about him that differs from me. I mean if you are deaf, dumb and blind, because otherwise you may notice many, many, many dozens of things, but in any case, at a minimum, I —unlike Johann— actually am noble. I literally come from a line of men that in the gold branch were awarded perpetual status of Marquis for the first-born, and in the Silver branch which I belong to of Patrician. In both cases the title to nobility was achieved as a result of martial prowess, by basically being better than everyone else at a given time and place at killing people. And as a member of the nobility, I can assure you, that Johann is not, and never will be one of us. And it really has nothing to do with titles that he may purchase along the way. because you see… they will not be merited. They will not be earned.

But more importantly, you might notice that Johann is a pseudonym. He writes anonymously. I do not. My OG blog is right there, my books have my name on it, and so on. While I use the nickname The Kurgan that was given to me by a group of online people I used to frequent, I do not hide who I am. And I write what I write.

So, why does Johann hide like a fearful, soft, and Perfumed Prince in fear? Because he simply CANNOT afford to say “fuck you” to whomever. Johann has neither the money (neither do I) not the balls (I do) or the supposed mythical “status” to do so.

In short, Johann, is, like his theories, a fraud.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

AAANDDD we can say Goodbye to another useless incel

I talked about him before and mentioned he MIGHT be interesting if only because of his anti-Putin take, which purported to be from the Slav perspective. Perhaps some of his points were even valid. But overall he was like a Slavic Never Trumper.

Is Trump man’s salvation? Or even just America’s? Nope. Not even close. But is he waaaaay better than KamelToe Harridan? Even if he really is a Jewish owned goyim? The answer there is still yes. And ditto Putin. Is he some kind of saviour of man, or even just Russia? Nope to the first, although he may well be with the second one, but in any case, the overall point is Putin is without a doubt the best thing that could happen to Russia when you compare him to… who should have taken over? the Jewish British spy Russian guy pretending to run for President that died (of purely natural causes I’m sure?) Yeah, right.

But that aside, his latest piece glorifies an absolute retarded incel: Curt/Kurt Dolittle who, as providence invariably has it has a telling surname. In case you don’t know, and believe me you are luckier for it, Mr. Dolittle is a complete moron. He has come up with absurd theories of society based on “property rights” that run to thousands of pages of mind-numbing idiocy pulled straight from his nether regions, where he does all of his “thinking”, mostly in a bitter rant towards women and why none of them ever did anything other than possibly vomit a little on first contact with him; and has drawn the most retarded conclusions to try to justify his natural repulsiveness to women and pretty much life in general.

And Rurik lionises him as some great intellectual.

It is also clear that our would-be slav Rurik is really an incel himself, this was clear from his writing in general long before this post, but even more so in this piece that is almost homoerotic in its vacillating fever-dream of the deep complexities of male friendship and his vivisection of a concept that is about as plain and simple as it can be, and then trying to draw some deep parallels between Anglo and slav “friendships”.

All of which message could be summarised in a postcard.

But to make Dolittle the master avatar of Western male friendship is a bit like putting Bruce Jenner on the cover of TIME and making him woman of the year. Only more absurd.

Suffice it to say that I no longer subscribe to his substack even out of mild curiosity, and literally nothing he ever has to say again is of any relevance if that is the best he can do and in fact appears to be just the first post in a series!

But don’t despair, I see Johann has written another post on meritocracy and although I have only read the title so far, I deeply suspect after the last retarded nonsensical post on meritocracy, that this one might well outperform it in how many IQ points it murders if you read it. But I will delve in for your benefit dear readers…. exposing the nonsense on substacks so you don’t need to take sanity hits to your walk through these Chthulian corridors of misinformation, bullshit, lies, and rampant idiocy.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Vigano is just another Snake

Let me start with an extreme example to focus your brain.

Say a vice principal of a school has had intimate knowledge that the principal, and most of the teachers in the school are actually sexually abusing the children in it with abandon. He doesn’t participate in it himself but he keep quiet about it. For almost 60 years. he has plenty of evidence, including cctv video from the school grounds, emails, whatever, but he just keeps quiet about it. In fact, he has a PhD in child rearing for teachers, a guid elf how things should be in order for a child to develop in the best way possible. Yet he remains silent.

Then one day, he talks! After 60 years of silence FINALLY, he admits that the Principal of the school and pretty much all the teachers that ever taught there were actually child predators. Let’s go a step further and say he even calls them out by name and provides evidence to have them all arrested for their crimes.

Now imagine this scenario happens in a really large city and this is the largest school on the planet.

And now imagine that you live in that city and find that the other people of that city all praise and glorify this Vice Principal as the best thing that has ever come along for educators and the school. Many call for him to become the new principal.

Here are my questions for you based on that hypothetical:

  1. How do you feel about your fellow citizens who are praising this VP?
  2. How do you feel about the VP?
  3. What should happen to the VP, if anything, in our current more or less global/western legal system, let’s say that of London or New York?
  4. What should happen, if anything, to the VP in a theoretical planet on which you are absolute emperor and can make all the laws and rules you want?

Once you are done answering, now consider the concept of the fake, heretical “Archbishop” Vigano, which everyone from supposed “Sedevacantists” to Protestants that have no love nor even understanding of the Catholic Church are fêteing as if he was not just a valid Catholic (he is not) but the answer to the infiltration and usurpation of the Catholic Church by Freemasons and Satanists.

When you consider that:

  1. Vigano has a PhD in Canon Law (the real, valid one, of 1917, not the fake, Satanist created version of 1983),
  2. He has kept silent on the heresies of Vatican II for 60 years,
  3. He still has to name the fake Popes individually as what they are, fake and invalid Catholics, never mind Popes,
  4. He has failed to admit that even if his repentance were genuine, it is his duty to recluse himself in a monastery in perpetual penance for the rest of his days, as per the infallible, permanent and still absolutely valid Cum Ex Apostolate Officio, which is referenced in it summarised canon of 188.4 precisely because it remains in force, and always will.

Is there really any difference between the hypothetical VP at pedi-school and Vigano?

And here are my answers to the questions I posed you, dear reader:

  1. They are retarded, ignorant, and lazy.
  2. And 3. That he should pay for his crime of silence and by it, collusion, as per Roman Law of silent assent. As such he should be barred from ever holding a position in anything to do with the Catholic Church. IF it can be determined that his ordination as a priest was valid then he MAY serve as monk in some monastery who shall remain faceless, nameless, unknown, not permitted to publish anything not perform any sacraments to or for anyone, in, as per the law, in perpetual penance and some labour so his maintenance is not provided at the expense of others for free. All after any secular charges he may be subject to for his silence in the face of the crimes committed by his fellow non-Catholics, heretics and Satanists pretending to be Catholic clergy. A for n. 4. it’s pretty much like n. 3.

So… realise this is NOT about being harsh, or tough, or a zealot. It’s about reality, truth and justice.

Vigano is still a scumbag and his “mea culpa” is not even a mea culpa, it’s more of a sua culpa. (It’s everyone else’s fault I’m the good guy).

No Vigano, no. You are a liar and a coward and have been that for 60 years and that’s best case scenario, because from your behaviour and the movements of the fake “Catholic” Church and their fooled ignorant “believers” it looks increasingly likely that you are just the usual other side of the coin, that pretends to be on “our” side, just to stave off the rightful tide of righteous outrage and consequence that every fake “Catholic” Clergy in that hive of pederasts that has become the Vatican would incur.

So… keep that in mind people.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

The Importance of Becoming Effective

Please bear with me a little. In order to explain something that may well be the most important concept you might ever take in, I need to make it relatable to something you can verify for yourself, which is basically me and my life insofar as you can be aware of it as an online reader. If you already know me personally, feel free to skip this part and go to the next bold heading below.

Anyone who reads my original blog (link is also in the header of this one as it is still going and we are trying to integrate it with Substack) or my previous one (now abandoned) or has followed me online for years or knows me personally will be aware that I have absolutely zero interest in leading anyone.

However, they will also be aware that I have actually led people (almost exclusively men) in a variety of fields, martial arts, which I taught for some time in two different styles, (Shotokan Karate and the Russian Systema) at different times, including a “breaking” from power structures within those hierarchies when they became of dubious ethics (usually linked to money) and they became focused on things other than the purity of the martial system being taught.

I also held various positions of at least partial and at times almost total leadership in various fields of the construction industry, having managed sites from a young age, and later even teams of quantity surveyors.

I have also, unwittingly for the most part, “led” a lot of people back to actual, real, original Christianity, which today is only found in Catholics that are 1958 Sedevacantists of the Totalist position, all other versions of “Christianity” either being a departure from the truth to some degree or other (eg. the Eastern Schismatics whose theology literally inverts what the Bible quite clearly states, as well as having been traitorous backstabbers many, many, many times, not having spread or defended the faith in any adequate way when compared to Catholicism, and have reneged on multiple agreements of faith and so on during the centuries).

On this last point, I have no delusions of either grandeur nor effectiveness. While I wrote the books , made the videos , and created avenues of learning on many different topics that though completely separate, when seen together make more sense of the human condition than frankly, anyone else’s work I have come across— I believe that any conversion that may have been prompted by my writing or work is ultimately the work of God, and I am just an incidental aspect of that path, so any “glory” is His, not mine. I am of course happy to be a useful instrument, but, in my heart of hearts, that is really all I feel I am in this respect. Any accolades or “glory” I might get would be the ones given to me by others, and not anything I seek or even look forward to. I do get regular emails thanking me from some aspect of my work, and I am very grateful for them, as they let me know I am on the right track, and it’s nice to know I may have been useful for someone.

Of course the people who buy paid memberships here even though my substack is completely open, definitely help me materially and also emotionally and spiritually. It’s always nice to be appreciated, but it has never been why I do what I do, write what I write, and live as I live.

As for effectiveness, I have no delusion that I will change the world. My aim is merely to change enough of my immediate surroundings that it will give my children a chance to be free of the dystopian pedovores currently running the world. At least in my little corner of the planet, I hope a viable city-state develops that will become too much trouble, or too strong to attack directly, and that my progeny and their friends are completely inured against the infiltration of rot that has taken over everything from the Church to the universities, every facet of government and education, and so on.

Why do I tell you this?

Because my point is that you can verify for yourself if you just read enough of my writings that what I wrote above is true. My only aim is to help YOU open your eyes to the world as it is (and it’s fucking far more horrible than you imagine, unfortunately) but not for any personal gain. Not for some sadistic pleasure in seeing you despair, nor because I have any interest in having a cult of personality follow me. I only have one aim:

First of all, the Truth above all. The Highest Truth at all times. Because everything else is secondary to that.

Secondly, yes, I do have an aim, but it is only that enough of you open your eyes and create communities of resistance and rebellion and complete reversal of the current zeitgeist of demonic pedophile that are running this planet, for the most part.

I would LOVE for a bunch of 1958 totalist sedevacantist zealots to all flock to this part of the world and buy up all the property around me and form our own city state in earnest. It’s frankly what I plan to have happen in the next decade or two or three or however long I have left.

That is indeed my aim, sure; but even if you will never even visit Europe and you form a community of zealotous Lutherans (heretics all!) and yet you manage to fight off the pedovores well, then more power to you, even if I think your entire clan is wrong about God and will ultimately end up in Hell.

In fact, there is such a group already: Orania , in the South African Karoo. When they started in the mid to late 1990s I thought it would go nowhere. Thirty years later they are a thriving and effective community. Do I agree with their NG Kerk Protestant retarded theology? No. Do I like their Orcish and equally retarded language of Afrikaans? No. Do I think for the most part they are not exactly geniuses? Yup.


Do I respect them? Absolutely.

Would I be rude or not follow their rules if I ever visited their place? Never.

Would I make fun of them in some disparaging way even here on my blog? No.

They may not be my people. They may not be my cup of tea, as my English wife might say, but I am absolutely certain I can and do respect them more than most people on this planet, and I would absolutely abide by their rules if I ever were among them, and I would apologise for my brain’s refusal to learn their language. Nor is there any hypocrisy in any of this on my part. I also truly believe that at least some of them, if they got to know me, as much as they would think I am a salt-cock, pagan-Catholic, not quite white, olive-nigger, they too would respect me and be quite happy to stand next to me in the proverbial foxhole, as much as I would be proud and consider myself lucky to be standing next to them.

So my point here is simple: Yes, I absolutely believe Catholicism IS the only one true religion. And YES it was absolutely infiltrated and subverted by Satanists since the 1700s and they have created the Satanic Novus Orco Church which fools a majority of ignorant and lazy Catholics, so the only ones left that are properly Catholic are the 1958 Sedevacantists that know all the impostors after Pope Pious XII were not even Catholics, never mind Popes. And YES, Protestantism is the work of the devil and the secularisation of actual Christianity. And YES, Sedeprivationism is a BAD error and leads nowhere good and eventually only to the same Satanic Novus Orco Church being “redeemed” which is impossible. And YES I ONLY want 1958 Sedevacantists to become part of my eventual Kurganate . YES to all of that.

But I want YOU to make it too. I want YOU to wake up too. I want YOU to see things as they are too. And I don’t care if you hate my guts and want to create your own outpost of free people far, far, away from me. Go for it. I hope you win. You don’t need to send me money or make me your guru, or believe or agree with me on everything, or even most things. I hardly agree with anyone about most things anyway. I am an ornery bastard, and I don’t even like people in general much at all, because most of them are cowardly, weak, petty, stupid and selfish rats with the shrivelled hearts of pestilent mites.

But as long as your irritating, weak, flawed, erroneous, and petty ass is far away from me, in truth, I truly do love you; and I wish the absolute best for you and your children and loved ones. Truly I do, I am not just saying it. I certainly also DO wish you were smarter, not such a weak-ass, coward and idiot. Because if you were better you too would be a 1958 Sedevacantist, because you’d be able to figure it out yourself since you’d be smart and not lazy; and able to do logic; and base your view of life on objective facts instead of your ephemeral emotions. Of course, I wish all that too, but the important point is: I will never hold it personally against you that you are not.

I truly love you like a brother and hope you make it.

We are all flawed, and me too and in many ways that God only knows, so please don’t think I judge you in any spiritual sense. Of course, here on Earth, on the material world, if you come break my balls on my terms on my land, apocalypse in full swing, I might shoot you in the face. But be sure I would say a Hail Mary over your corpse before I dispose of it too, and will hold no animosity towards you and your soul.

It’s important you know that, because the next part I write about is really maybe the most important thing you might ever read in your life, and if you actually learn it, it may change your life radically, and for the better (which hardly ever means “easier” just so you know).

The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Learn

Notice I say LEARN. Not read. Because you can read it all and intellectualise it and sing its praises, and write songs to it… but… actually not learn it at all.

Intellectualising and pontificating is NOT the same as knowing and doing. In fact even knowing is not really knowing until there has been sufficient and repeatedly successful doing of it based on that knowing.

Realise that first. Then read the rest below and do whatever you need to do to LEARN IT.

Know (things) Yourself

This is the central theme of my book on Systema , the most effective martial art I have ever practiced and taught, and covered there in far more extensive fashion, but the point remains that until you become an actual independent thinker, able to reason things out from first principles on the basis of being able to reason correctly (that is, by the use of logic, setting aside your emotions and biases, as much as anyone can, and at least be aware of the ones you are not yet capable of doing so with), you will remain an automaton. A guided zombie. Raised on the “beliefs” instilled in your great-grand-parents, and eventually to you via your parents, siblings, classmates, friends and family, from birth. Almost none of the things you believe are things you have personally looked into objectively yourself.

If you had, for a start, your religion would almost certainly change drastically. At a minimum. The exception would be if you are already a 1958 totalist Sedevacantist Catholic.

So what do I mean?

I mean you have been lied to about everything. Short of maybe basic mathematics and SOME science, and if you actually know what it is, the use of the scientific method (very few people actually have any idea of what this REALLY is and how it actually works, and even fewer have any concept of its inherent limitations), almost everything else you have been told is badly flawed in major ways. And I include the “hard” sciences like Physics, and Electronics in this. And certainly Biology, Medicine, and Chemistry. Never mind the “soft” and almost pseudo-science subjects like psychology, psychiatry, and so on.

If you have not spent years digging up odd scientists who actually operated more as engineers (engineering is the only science you can really trust, because whatever the theory says, if you can get it to work in practice, then… the theory is irrelevant even if it said it was “impossible” ). 1

Your FIRST point of inquiry should be the understanding of formal and informal logic.

The basics of logic are simple, but the iterations of it become more and more refined, and yet, remain consistent and true, because we live in a Universe where objective reality (however confusing or unknowable it may at times appear to us) is indeed how it works. A simple extract from any site that defines the three laws of logic will give something along these line:

There are three fundamental laws of logic. Suppose P is any indicative sentence, say, “It is raining.”

The law of identity: P is P.
The law of noncontradiction: P is not non-P.
The law of the excluded middle: Either P or non-P.

The law of identity says that if a statement such as “It is raining” is true, then the statement is true. More generally, it says that the statement P is the same thing as itself and its different from everyhting else. Applied to all realty, the law of identity says that everything is itself and not something else.

The law of noncontradiction says that a statement such as “It is raining” cannot be both true and false in the same sense. Of course it could be raining in Missouri and not raining in Arizona, but the principle says that it cannot be raining and not raining at the same time in the same place.

The law of the excluded middle says that a statement such as “It is raining” is either true or false. There is no other alternative.

Just being aware of this and living this way, immediately puts the lie to a LOT of Clown World.

A man is a man.

A man is not a woman.

A man cannot get pregnant.

Basic? Yes. Obvious? Yes, to anyone even remotely sane. Important? You bet. If you can’t keep the basics founded on reality then your life and everything related to it is going to get increasingly chaotic and disrupted.

The next thing you may want to look out for is lengthy and lofty “explanations” of life by people professing to be using the “deep thoughts” of various grand-philosophers.

The reality is that the ancient philosophers of Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and Marcus Aurelius, are still generally superior to most “modern” philosophers who in some cases are, and were, complete retards.

Nietzsche for example was a lifelong incel (involuntary celibate, i.e. incapable of getting laid for love, money or fame, because his personality was so radioactive to women), who died of syphilis, which apparently also rendered him insane, though I think I could make the case he was off his rocker long before the disease settled it.

Schopenhauer was a similarly afflicted goblin of nasty character as well as repulsive exterior, and even his own mother found him unpleasant. Yet, for some reason best known to themselves, a lot of people have been convinced these two guys were some kind of geniuses (I mean they were GERMAN FFS!) I assume it’s because almost no one has read the absolute bullshit and nonsense they wrote, particularly with respect to the females of the human species.

Machiavelli is considered a military and political genius, but almost no one is aware that after he wrote The Prince, a general in the army challenged him to be able to so much as get a platoon of men to march around a square. There was no trick. The commands were explained to him clearly and simply, and yet good old Niccolo couldn’t issue coherent enough orders to get a bunch of disciplined men to march on the perimeter of a square.

Clausewitz is a better and more practical philosopher than any of the above and his little book On War, is a mere tiny fraction of the vast volumes of trees the other three above wasted in their writings.

But no one knows. No one reads. No one learns for themselves.

Hitting a human sized target at 1.5 kilometres with a .300 Winchester Magnum rifle is supposed to be something only the best snipers can do. But with a month of training and some basic ability or talent to begin with, I think most men can make that shot in relatively good weather conditions most of the time.

Special Ops guys are supposed to be the best of the best, but I have trained and known several, and some of them I don’t even rate as particularly good. One guy died falling from a rock face on a hill that my father and I had hunted and climbed various times, shotguns in hand and no safety ropes to speak of. Of course accidents happen and I do not mean to speak ill of the dead, but our family, composed of twelve or thirteen year old me, my younger brother, my mother, my dad and a friend of his, beat a team of South African military men that used to play paintball matches together after having served together. And it wasn’t coincidence. I had evaluated their military tactics as basic, and ineffective against a determined enemy that wasn’t scared of them from the start.

So often in life I have been told what is or is not possible, only to discover for myself that most people who give advice haven’t got a clue about much of anything. After a while, you begin to learn who speaks just out of ego and who speaks only when necessary and out of personal experience.

This applies to every field, in every job or career or human effort in anything.

Given the above, I hope you at least take a few days to look into Catholic 1958 Totalist Sedevacantism. If only because I read the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, countless books on Zen, Taoism, Daoism, Hinduism, and some other stuff too. And I have infiltrated several personality cults at various times, as well as different “Churches” just to see and study all sorts of weirdness people will throw themselves behind, including “gurus” of absolutely corrupt moral character, from alleged pedophiles (Sai Baba) and sexual assaulters (Amma the hugging saints), to brainwashing freaks like the Scientolgists, and others. And after 43 years of basic Zen-agnosticism, I found my way to a philosophy and model of reality that is simply vastly superior and answers far more questions than any other system I ever looked into.

I had discarded “Catholicism” early on, because what I was told was Catholicism, and what I experienced as Catholicism in the brief encounters I had with it, was in fact the result of impostors infiltrating and perverting and utterly INVERTING the truth of Catholicism and presenting THAT twisted lie as if it was Catholicism.

Once I looked at it again, and more properly this time, and started to read and study the patristic fathers and the ancient writings they put down even before the Bible was put together, it became clear that actual Catholicism has nothing to do with what Bergoglio and his retinue of homosexuals, drug addicts, pedophiles, fraudsters and Satanists pretend is the “Catholic Church”.

But even if you do not research Catholicism proper, PLEASE, learn to think for yourself. Check the things you have been told.

And when something seems just too perfect, or too clean, or too simple an explanation… well… look into it.

Was EVERY single Nazi an evil monster? Did six million Jews actually get gassed?

Did the Jewish Bolsheviks not kill almost ten times that number? And did Communist regimes the world over not kill millions too? Was Pinochet really the “bad guy”?

Did a Jewish plan after WWII actually kill over 10 million non combatant German civilians through mostly starvation? Did you ever read about that part anywhere?

Did WWI really start because some prince got shot in Yugoslavia?

Was Mother Theresa really a good person? Is the Dalai Lama? And is he funded by the CIA? Is antigravity technology really just science fiction? Who was Thomas Townsend Brown? Did the Nazi Bell exist? What was it? What was operation Argus? Or Operation Highjump?

You can play this game for years and the more you find out, the more you realise two things:

  1. If aliens exist, this planet MUST be interdicted. We are too stupid, too vicious, too chaotic to be allowed to play around unchecked with antigravity devices. To that extent then, we must be living on a sort of prison planet.
  2. The main coin of the realm is lies. Which fits with the Catholic belief that at least on this Earth (and possibly the entire material Universe) we are under the Dominion of the Prince of Lies.

Knowing that, you may want to explore a few of the links I put up above and figure out a few things; like say, about prayer and how it actually works . Who Jesus was. What God is. And so on.

Because above all, if you ever DO become the type that wants to think and know things for himself, the foundation of everything you do, should, as much as humanly possible, be based on the best model for reality you can find.

So I hope you look carefully at Catholicism. I have not found anything that even comes remotely close to explain the reality of our Universe. And it also has a couple of millennia of proven history that it has inevitably always generally improved life for the humans that adopted it as their way of life.

In any case, your ultimate belief about the Universe is fundamental, and will colour everything you think, believe and do, so choose wisely.

Only once you have a model of reality that is very good, can you begin to become properly effective. What do I mean by that?

I mean that money and wealth and power is not enough. You also need integrity, and congruency with your model of reality and belief system in it.

Wha you will find online, and on Substack too, is a bunch of guys who write a good story, but ultimately, what they are selling (often actually selling as they will have private posts for paid members only, unlike here) is just a distraction. Nonsensical theories that have zero application in the real world.

The Tree of Woe guy pontificates about better systems of government and “practical” approaches to law and order while pretending to have served in the military in some “active” capacity that turns out to have been a lie. And it is clear he pontificate sin ignorance, because until you have faced an armed mob in a thin line, and there isn’t any police, or army or anyone else that’s going to save your ass, and lived through that, or faced off against looters and held your ground and your stuff, and so on, you really don’t know jack-shit about the realities of law and order in a society that has broken down or is at war. And your theories are worth less than wind.

John Carter of Mars is a nice enough man, and he writes some interesting stuff, to be sure, but again, he is a theorist. None of his writings could be said to be practical. At most he might inspire you by reporting on this or that event or describing a PART of a theory that sounds nice.

The Johann Kurtz from Becoming Noble substack, which I briefly thought might actually be a doer, just published a nonsensical piece about how meritocracy is not a good thing, where, along with his “argument” selectively picking just this or that piece of fact, seen just through a specific direction, he tries to make the case that a society driven by meritocracy is not a good thing. But he hasn’t got a clue about the reality of what he speaks. I have lived in societies where more or less, meritocracy does get you somewhere (even the UK does this to an extent) and ones where it does nothing (Italy has plenty of very capable people, who can get nowhere, because my country is nest of networked relationships that stretches from getting a decent cup of coffee, to whether you will be fined by the tax man for some imaginary infraction or left alone to do whatever you want if you know the right people, and trust me, it sucks). I know that lack of meritocracy in a place like Africa condemns hundreds of thousands, or millions to indescribable poverty and injustice, and meritocracy can make a whole nation wealthy and prosperous. A benign dictator like Malawi had was a boon for his people. Remove him because was a “dictator” and suddenly you have connected morons becoming “professors” at the university where his citizens used to be able to quote Shakespeare and do physics and chemistry, who now light fires in the middle of the lounge because they have no clue what a stove is. I am not making this up. But good old Johann, who clearly can spin a good story and has a huge readership, writes drivel like this:

Meritocracy necessitates and idealizes the destruction of traditional boundaries. This began with the attack on class structures, but after the moral primacy of ‘merit’ is accepted, it must also be conceded that other structures which impede the centering of ‘merit’ should be questioned: national borders, gender divides, insular communities, and prejudices of all kinds.

The seeds of meritocratic thought arose in the West with the broader Enlightenment, which held that the scientific process – with its advocacy of quantification and objectivity – could be turned upon politics and human affairs more generally, in order to progress society towards utopia.

He sets up a complete straw man where if for some reason you put effectiveness above say, birthright class structure, for some reason this should also mean you now believe nations should not exist or have borders, women can be men, people no longer have the right to associate with who they wish in the groups they wish to be in, and all of a sudden we are all super-communists. It’s bullshit. And Johann is not a stupid guy, so all I can assume is that either he is a bullshitter and a fraud who writes whatever will get him the most paid subscribers, regardless of truth or fiction, or he is an arrogant prick who may even believe some of the stupid shit he tries to sell to you. The man supposedly has done well for himself in monetary terms in a high tech and high responsibility job. And he apparently did so by being a good boy and following all the rules to aim for such a career and life. And sure, if you are a soulless robot, or if you are just not that bright and really need to line all your ducks up to make a good life for yourself it’s a good strategy. And I certainly don’t mean to imply anyone should live as I have, which was basically as a character from an RPG game who decides to go “adventuring”. But frankly, anything I put my mind to I did well at. And sure, if I had followed his plan I would probably be a lot better off financially, but my soul would have shrivelled and I would be ignorant of reality to a far greater extent than I would ever be comfortable with.

The point here is not to crap on all the other Substackers, and make myself out to be some hero, but the reality and objective fact of the matter is that while you are obviously free to spend your time reading whatever you like, certain information only goes you the illusion of learning something worthwhile, which in reality is just a mirage.

How hard is it to understand that effectiveness at any given task or process is superior to adherence to some inefficient and completely artificial hierarchy? And I know of what I speak. I ran building sites using men that were efficient but that no one else wanted to use because they didn’t speak English well, or weren’t Irish like the company owners, or didn’t get drunk at lunch with the “old boys” on the site, Or were Russian, or whatever. And my sites outperformed everyone else’s sites in the entire firm. Meritocracy works. And anyone who says otherwise has simply never lived in the real world where what you actually get physically done counts. And in an economic crash and zombieland scenario, I’ll take the effective guy who understands how to put up fences, shoot instinctively and grow crops and dig a well, over some aristocrat wanna-be who pontificates about class structure. Besides which, buddy, I actually AM nobility. We have the family crest and history to prove it that goes back 800 years. And in my experience, ACTUAL Nobility, unlike you pretend wanna-bees who write blogs about “becoming noble” has no problem getting their hands dirty with the lowest of peasants. Because the term “Noblesse Oblige” actually means something to those of us who understand what it actually means, which is, that if we supposedly are “better” (at least here on Earth, by our station granted to us in this world by the Good Grace of God) then it is incumbent upon us, to the best of our limited ability, to be our brother’s keeper.

As for his other sentence about the Enlightenment, and trying to tie meritocracy to the works that Satanists spent centuries to achieve, is historically ignorant to a stunning degree. Catholic monks invented the scientific method, and they did so centuries before the Satanic instigators of the French Revolution and the creation of the first Freemasonic country in the world (the USA, in case you were not aware).

Science proceeded along hand in hand with Catholicism and Christianity for centuries, and it is only the lies of the Satanic freemasons and indeed the Illuminati of the Enlightenment that have pretended to rewrite history and make a lie of it.

The buildings and feats of Engineering throughout Catholic Europe are a testament to the reality of how history actually played out. Venice alone, my city, is a living testament to feats of engineering that in some cases we are still struggling to recover. The Cathedrals and buildings created remain feats beyond our current ability to imagine, and indeed repeat in some cases. Galileo was placed under house arrest because he was an unpleasant little shit for the most part, and not as claimed for his being such a smart-not (TM) he figured out the Moon moves (which was not unknown before him). The Ancients did not think the Earth was plat. That took the CIA and a bunch of American retards to even become a thing, and that is TODAY. The Ancient greeks not only knew it was a sphere, but because they could do math and think, had even approximated its circumference. Columbus called the red Indians “Indian” because he thought he’d gone all the way round and landed in India, which makes it obvious he too knew it was a sphere.

Einstein was a plagiarist, a sex pervert of incestuous leaning and a disgusting father and husband who abandoned his first wife and son to crushing poverty. Martin Luther King was a rapist and plagiarist and now it’s FINALLY being made public, and Lee Harvey Oswald never shot JFK and anyone who ever thought he had is an idiot who has probably never shot a rifle in his life.

Again, reader, my point is not to show you how “smart” I am and how stupid everyone else is, and yes it is a fact I tend to be about 20 to 30 years ahead of most everyone else in terms of figuring out how things really work, but that’s not the point. The point I want you to be the kind of guy (or girl) who makes it. Who finds their own way over the tsunami of lies and murderous intent they have in for us and finds a way to build a castle on a rock that holds them off and eventually we take them out for good and have our children free to roam the Earth and live their lives without being brain-chipped, monitored 24/7 and controlled in terms of every aspect of their life. I want them riding the range with their six-guns and rifles in the saddle and no care about digital “money” or vaccines, or having to register your DNA in order to grow your own potatoes.

And that is what I write for and I am not theorising anything. I moved to a rural area, and am learning to become a farmer day by day and it’s not easy and it takes a lot of different skills, which I try and tell you about as I can when I have a little time.

But first of all buddy, friend, guy I’ll never meet but I hope you do well… First of all, above everything else, man… you REALLY need to learn to”

  1. Think. And,
  2. Think for yourself.

Everyone likes to believe they do that. I assure you that over 90% of people reading this do not. And the people reading this are the cream of the crop, trust me. I don’t write “filler” and my “long-form” is beyond the average fruit-fly like attention span. And my run on sentences would make a writer from the 1800s proud, but the average millennial gets lost and has to have an emergency latte to cope with them.

So… I sincerely hope you look into logic. Then that you jettison mainstream media and history and if you really want a boost, sign up to Kurgan TV or my YT channel , or read some of my books , but even if you don’t please, do learn to think for yourself.

May your efforts leads you and your loved ones, and the rest of us too, closer to freedom from the rulers of this fallen Earth.


Incidentally, very prominent “scientists” at the time of the Wright brothers, wrote pompous articles about how plane flight was clearly impossible, complete with formulas and so on to “prove it.” This pattern is not unique in actual scientific (engineering) progress. In fact it is the most usual path. The theory of some engineering feat that some lone “crazy guy” supposedly did is ridiculed, denied as even possible, attacked “scientifically” and then, eventually turns out the”crazy guy” was right. Thank God for “crazy guys” like Nikola Tesla. And while he was perhaps the most important, he is by no means the only one. Plenty of others exist. Searl, Aspden, Kozyrev, Burkheardt, and many others.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Sedeprivationism Leads to Hell

This post will not mean a lot to you if you don’t even know what the issue is, so there is a cliff’s notes version directly below labelled introduction. If you already know what a Novus Ordo impostor clergy is, a fake 2023 “sedevacantist”, an una-cum 1 “sedevacantist”, a sedeprivationist, or finally a 1958 sedevacantist is (i.e. and actual Catholic), then you can skip the intro and go directly to the core post.

If you are a little fuzzy on the above (or even totally ignorant of most of the terms) then the below intro should really help. Let me preface it by saying that it will simply be a summary of the facts. I do not intend to provide exhaustive (or even any) links and references. Mostly because almost all that work has already been done in BELIEVE! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church. This merely aims to explain the concept in very accessible layman’s terms so ANYONE reading it can understand it.

Please be aware that mental retards that start to spout off some mentally retarded nonsense about Catholicism, ignoring the post in order to spout their retardation, will immediately be banned from ever being able to comment again. So, protestants, curb your heretical tongues if you will and instead contemplate this image.


The Catholic Church was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself, putting Peter at its head as the first Pope. The Church then put together the Bible some three hundred years after the ascension of Christ, from both written and oral tradition. At this time, the Church already had 300 or so years of Popes, Holy Mass complete with transubstantiation, the perpetual virginity and immaculate conception of Mary and so on. And despite attacks from various Magus , (magicians, wizards, deceivers) described even in the Bible itself, gnostics, heretics and their heresies of all types, not to mention the most barbaric and vicious persecutions by various Roman emperors (and later by various European kins and emperors), the Church continued to grow and spread the gospel.

The schism of the Easter “Orthodox” was nothing more than their usual (aptly named) byzantine politics rooted in worldly matters. Keep in mind that until 1054, literally EVERY Christian until then knew and accepted that the Pope in Rome was the ultimate authority on Church matters wherever and whenever a dispute appeared. In any case, the fact this was mostly just “politics as usual” for the Byzantines, is clearly evidenced by the fact that when they called for help from the Islamic depredations of their cities and lands, some 40 years after splitting from, and rejecting the West and the Pope that had in any even tried his best to reconcile with them, the Catholics immediately mounted the First Crusade, at the behest of Pope Urban II, who gave a rousing speech that convinced the most wealthy and noble families to go so far as sell all their lands and possessions and fund the Crusade to save the Eastern schismatics. And when they started to do so, the Eastern Schismatics immediately made alliances with eh Muslims and literally attacked and tried and kill the Catholic that had saved them. This happened repeatedly and incessantly through the first, second, and third crusade. By the time of the fourth crusade the Venetians had enough and so Constantinople was sacked (rather gently as these things go in history, by the way). The Backstabbing Eastern Schismatics are still whining to this day how the Catholics “massacred them” for no reason at all other than greed. Right.

some 500 years after that we get that maid-raping, nun-fetishists, probably Jewish fake Monk Luther who is at first rejected by everyone, including Henry VIII, until old impotent Henry gets bored of his wife and wants to murder-divorce her, and the Pope say “No. Marriage is for life.” At that point Henry splits from the Church massacres Cathoiliics and steals all their lands, wealth, Churches and so on and invents his own version of religion and by extension gives licence to many other “nobles” on the mainland to do the same. their motives are entirely obvious and historically documented as having to do with money, land and power, and almost precisely nothing with the in any case absurd theological “differences” (wild lies and errors Martin made up) that Protestants supposedly had then with Catholicism.

From this time on, it became increasingly required for the valid Popes of the Catholic Church to spell out things that everyone including illiterate peasants had always known, understood and never questioned. But as is Satan’s way, the gnostics, various tribes of Satanists, and the entirely Satanic Freemasons, whose temples the flaming homosexual and heretic King James instituted as we find them today, along with his version of the “Bible” which aside having already been severely edited by Luther had also been edited by the enemies of christ (the Pharisees) for 700 years, and which today contains more than 33,000 “errors” of translation. This is the “Bible” revered by the most retarded of the Protestants sects, the KJV, also known as the Freemason Bible, which is basically saying the Satanic bible, because Freemasonry is absolutely, 100% Satanism, and anyone who says otherwise is simply an outrageous liar (i.e. Satanist).

So… as a result of the hydra-like spawning of the people rebelling against God’s Church and “Protesting” it, Popes (the valid ones anyway, because there have been more than 40 anti-popes even before 1958) had to start issuing papal encyclicals that spelt out in autistic detail, what everyone who had not been deceived and lied to by these heretics. So things like Cum Ex Apostolato Officio, which says the most obvious and logical thing, which is, if you behave like a heretic, guess what, you’re not a Catholic, and therefore not a priest, or bishop, or Pope. You are nothing but a heretic and no one needs to make any big deal about it, nor is an official pronouncement required. Again, this is not rocket science, and yet, there are so many morons on this planet that even if (when?) Bergoglio starts to sacrifice babies on the altar, they will still try to say he really is a Pope.

Nevertheless, this constant having to explain that 2+2 is still 4, has always been 4 and so on, gives the enemies of truth and God, the latitude to say “Aha! It was never 4, you guys only stated that in 1451! This means it was always 3.5!”

And once again, because the average person really is best to just be silent and do as his VALID priest says, a LOT of confusion and lies and infiltration of the Church began to become possible.

In fact, the Satanists (in their Legions of names, be it Illuminati, Freemasons, Carbonari, Golden Dawn, Skull and Crossbones, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam) began to infiltrate the Church with Satanists, homosexuals, pedophiles and communists (see Bella Dodd and many other Papal encyclicals, most notably by Pious X) in earnest from the late 1770s. And by 1958 had finally managed to make so complete an infiltration that the first of so far an unbroken chain of false Popes was “elected” Angelo Roncalli. And the Church has been absent a Pope and absent ANY valid clergy in the Vatican today.

Vatican II are 16 documents which ALL contain direct reversal of positions the real Catholic Church always had unchanged for 2 millennia. What the Satanists claim were “changes” are of two sorts:

  1. Clarifications of what should already have been obvious to any Catholic because it always was the case. For example: the papal encyclical of Pope Paul the IV, Cum-Ex Apostolate Officio, summarised (and not abrogated) in Canon 188 part 4 of the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which basically states that heretics are not Catholics and a heretic pope is not a Pope, and when this abandonment of the faith is done publicly, regardless of rank, no one needs to say anything officially, nor make a ruling etc. that person is a heretic and should forever be treated as one by all Catholics.
  2. Changes to ecclesiastical rules or laws, which is entirely permitted, because these are not divine laws. So for example a rule wa introduced you need 70 cardinals to elect a Pope. This is not a “forever rule” it became necessary as the Church became global in size. But in the current situations, there doesn’t even exist ANY valid Cardinals, and yet, neither did Cardinals exist in the year 250 AD, and the people voting for a Pope were sometimes not even clergy. And it is a dogmatic principle of Catholicism that the truth is immutable, so any divine rule that was true in the past cannot be changed in the future, and vice-versa. The only rules that CAN and HAVE changed are human rules. But a conclave of remaining valid clergy (Only 1958 TOTALIST Sedevacantists are fully and correctly Catholic in their theology) could happen tomorrow to elect a newly valid Pope. Because Sedevacantists number probably a million or two at most (but have HUGE numbers of sympathisers and our numbers keep growing) this would not be wise and the enemy would immediately shout with all the power of their wealth and mass media that this is a ridiculous act by a few crazy people. Not too dissimilar from what the Roman Empire did to the first few actual Catholics, but they are not crucifying us and setting us on fire (yet).

So, in reality, the real rules of the church that matter (divine law) has not changed at all in 2 millennia. And the entirety of these rules were finally put down in ONE document that took years to compile because it required the vetting of some 40,000 documents in total (and maybe several thousands more) to ensure that no aspect of the rulings of all the popes and doctors of the Church expressed in various writings from the start of the Church to 1917 was in any kind of conflict or contradicted each other. In short, the Code of Canon Law of 1917, is the most vetted document humanity has ever created, and was put together by two valid popes (Pious X and Benedict XV) and a college of Cardinals, to ensure no error in it. So, it has the indelible stamp of infallibility, which the magisterium of the Church, as per dogmatic Catholic belief, has.

In short, ALL the rules of the Church and Catholicism can be found in this document and the documents produced by the valid Popes from 1917 to 1958 as official pronouncements ex-cathedra (from the chair of Peter, that is, a Pope can be a completely flawed man, but when he issues a decree officially from his position as Pope of Faith and Morals, we Catholic believe that pronouncement will be supernaturally protected from error, not because the Pope is infallible per se, but because Jesus promised He will always be with us, so a valid Pope cannot pronounce a heretical document.)

Now… according to the CoC of 1917, Roncalli, and all the other impostors became heretics by producing, promoting and promulgating the heretical Vatican II documents. In short, the ONLY actual Catholic clergy left are those that reject everyone who promoted and did not refute Vatican II and all its heresy.

Anyone claiming to be “Catholic clergy” who does not reject all of Vatican II and its fake “Popes” is absolutely NOT a Catholic, never mind validly ordained clergy.

Right… if you have followed that, we now have reached the issue about sedeprivationism vs sedevacantism, which, ultimately, as it turns out, is just the latest Satanic attack against the last remaining Catholics.

A last point before we get into the autistic level details (what, you thought the above was convoluted? Wait, you sweet innocent!): Some lost souls, like Ann Bernhardt, pretend that Ratzi the Nazi was a valid Pope, which is of course absurd as he was one of the main architects of Vatican II. Nevertheless these confused souls, illogical morons, or knowing deceivers, whichever the case may be individually, all “believe” that as Ratzi was the “Pope” when he died, because Bergy-the-oleous is clearly a Satanist from all he does, they too suddenly became Sedevacantists. But these are 2023 “Sedevacantists” (when Ratzi went to finally meet his master in Hell), which are, at best, just another deceived mass of well meaning (but erroneous) Catholics.

So, to be clear, when I say Sedevacantists, I am always referring to ACTUAL Sedevacantist, that is, those who recognise we have been without a valid Pope since the 9th of October of 1958; the day Pope Pious XII died.

Now contemplate this little image if you’re thinking Bergy-the-Oleous is still “Pope” instead of the Satanic defiler of the Church he is.

Sede vs Sede

Now we have reached a point that has been brewing behind the scenes for several years.

If you paid attention to the introduction, it should be obvious that the situation with Catholicism today is as follows:

  1. A HUGE number of nominal Catholics that are almost entirely ignorant of these details and believe themselves to be Catholics in good faith and are increasingly becoming despondent, disillusioned, let down, distraught, and even leaving Catholicism because the constant heresy of the Pedophile Protector Jorge Bergoglio, pretender to the Throne of Peter, are so outrageous that no sane man can think he really is a Catholic of any sort, never mind a Pope. I mean, the placing of a demonic symbol of a baby-eating demon (Pachamama) on the altar of Christ during supposed Holy Mass, and then doing the ritual to that same demon in the Vatican with a bunch of Cardinals and Bishops, is kind of a clue. If you are deaf, dumb, blind, and have the IQ of a lobotomised rat on crack. To be clear these people ARE catholics, but they have been fooled massively and are in error. However, if they now have read this far, they now have an obligation to educate themselves on these matters or else possibly become guilty of a mortal level sin of sloth. Because we’re not talking about leaving some dishes undone here. We are talking about not taking the time to learn the truth about your supposed faith and thus allegiance to God and Jesus Christ and the Truth above all.
  2. A large number of INVALID and FAKE “Catholic” Clergy. These impostors are in the first place NOT validly ordained, because the ritual for ordination was changed and thus made invalid, and in any case, heretics cannot ordain valid clergy. So these are all just impostors in “Catholic” clothing. And even if a few of them might be well-meaning ignorants, then they are at best, criminally incompetent. because being a “priest” and being unaware of these things is like saying you’re an engineer but have no clue what a bending moment is. Sorry buddy, if you really don’t know there is no damned way you should EVER be let near a construction site, or, in their case, the supposed robes of a clergyman. But for the most part these people are absolutely knowing and conscious deceivers, as demonstrated by the homosexual orgies in the Vatican (Coccopalmieri etc.), the scandals of child abuse that have skyrocketed since the 1960s (and even earlier because the infiltration had been ongoing for a long time), and the continued heresies these freaks keep pushing.
  3. A small number of still VALID Sedevacantist clergy, that, however, as we have been in an interregnum since 1958 (from the Latin “between realms” the period when one Pope dies and before another valid one is elected) have no jurisdictional authority at all. Because all jurisdictional authority derives from the pope. So in essence, while valid Priests and Bishops can continue to dispense the sacraments, perform Holy Mass, and Bishops can ordain Priests and other Bishops,2 but there are no dioceses, and no Bishop nor priest has any authority over a specific territory, congregation, etc. In essence, all Bishops and Priests become first and foremost dispensers of sacraments. And of course, they can keep teaching and doing their duties, but no layman is obligated by anything other than his own sense of what is right and true and his conscience to give his or her loyalty or obedience to any of them, beyond that of not behaving in a way that contravenes Catholicism. What I mean by this is that NO ONE, No Bishop, no Priest has the right to tell a group of lay people “You can’t discuss theology amongst yourselves”.” Or, “You can’t take sacraments from THAT guy!” (pointing to another valid clergyman). This point is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to keep in mind for a little later.
  4. Laypeople that are Sedevacantists, are aware of these issues and attend only valid masses given by valid clergy. And herein lies the snake.

Within the Sedevacantist movement, keeping in mind that no Bishop nor priest has any more power than any other. And none have any Jurisdiction over anything, because it all stems from, and is assigned by, the Pope and only a VALID POPE can do that. Again, this is an extremely important point to remember.

Now, the thing about Catholicism is that it is ONE True Church, undivided. So, while the mouth-breathing and drooling retarded protestants, devious Novus Orcians, Eastern Schisatics and other gnostics all want to pretend Sedevacatists are just like protestants because they don’t recognise the Pope, the truth, of course is simply that we don’t recognise a wild otter as the Pope either. And Bergy-the-oleous and Ratzi the Nazi, and Wojtla the Pole, and Luciani the murdered would-be Vatican Banker Investigator, and Roncalli the Freemason, and Montini the handmaiden to Satan, along with all their imps, are no more Catholic than a wild otter either. And possibly considerably less so, in fact. So yeah, we don’t recognise ANY of them as clergy of Catholicism.

I mention that because, while it is true that Catholics are one, this does not mean there aren’t open debates about various theological things. So, if you are Catholic you absolutely must believe in the Trinity and say that conversion to Catholicism (or confirmation to it) must be done of your own free will without coercion, same with marriage and so on, but there are other things that can be thought of slightly different from different people, and here now enters the sulphuric smoke of what the deceivers love… Any tiny doubt, any discrepancy, any honest inquiry, becomes for them, a way to infiltrate and parasitically bend, and twist the truth so as to confuse, deceive, and deny both innocents and faithful alike into error.

So, let us now enter into the difference between what is known as the Totalist position of sedevacantism (aka correct Catholicism) and the sedeprivationist position of sedevacantism (aka flawed Catholicism).

The basic difference is that father Gerard de Lauriers, a theologian of note, came up with the theory of Cassiciacum (it was first published in the French magazine by that name). In my opinion, it was a way to explain to those clergy who may not have been immediately prone to say “Wait a minute, Satan, this Vatican II stuff is ALL HERESY!” and throw mounting off the Papal thrown and preferably off the balcony into St. Peter’s square, you know, to send a bit of a message to the other Freemasons infesting the Vatican. It was a polite way of saying “Look guys, maybe you believed he was really a Pope, maybe you guys really are not Satanists too and you just made a mistake, but once you read the Vatican II documents and the totally heretical changes to the Mass (which is not permitted, as per the eternal Papal Encyclical Quo Primum), surely you can see he really isn’t and we should do something about it?”

In a nutshell, and yes, it is accurate, the Thesis (as I will call it from now on) is a long treatise that delves into philosophy, Aristotelian logic and so on, but in essence tries to say that a Pope can be a “Pope” from the “material” (Physical) aspect, but fail to be a real(TM) Pope “spiritually” is he doesn’t behave like one. Now, this is absolute nonsense and completely illogical, as well as going against basic logic it also goes agains Catholic dogma. And while I believe Father (and later Bishop) De Luriers had good intentions… well, sometimes the best efforts of mice and men still means good intentions lead straight to Hell eventually.

First of all, there is absolutely no way anyone can definitively say what anyone else’s “material” or “spiritual” intent is. In Catholicism we have two levels of knowledge concerning a human being and his “fitness” in relation to God:

an External forum and an Internal forum

The external forum is what we can all see, hear and know by the use of our senses. So, if someone acts pertinaciously and publicly in defection of the faith, we MUST judge him to be a heretic. This is not as if a priest makes a mistake at mass, or teaches something in genuine error and then when corrected figures it out and corrects himself. This is the persistent denial of Catholic Dogma by people who are supposed to be the protectors of it.

As for the internal forum, that is between each man and woman and God. only He truly knows what is really going on inside them.

But that is NOT our concern. Our concern as Catholics is to:

a) Obey the infallible magisterium of the Church (eg CoC 1917), and

b) call out heresy wherever we see it as obvious and clear. And nothing can be clearer than Vatican II, since those 16 documents upturn 2,000 years of dogma with total heresy, and were published in the most notorious fashion possible since they are supposed to be for the whole world. And as Cum-Ex Apostolate officio clearly says, anyone who behaves as heretic must be treated as a heretic, and anyone that knowingly receives a heretic as if he was not one, becomes a heretic too.

This is really basic, and simple logic.

Canon 188 part 4 is absolutely clear:

Canon 188.

Ob tacitam renuntiationem ab ipso iure admissam quaelibet officia vacant ipso facto et sine ulla declaratione, si clericus:

4º A fide catholica publice defecerit;

Any office becomes vacant upon the fact and without any declaration by tacit resignation recognized by the law itself if a cleric:

4.° Publicly defects from the Catholic faith;

Note the important points:

UPON THE FACT – Their actions alone make it so.

WITHOUT ANY DECLARATION – NO ONE needs to make any pronouncement, judgement, investigation, nothing, literally no one needs to do anything at all to make this heretic finally be a heretic officially. it’s done. the fact itself does it, and…

BY TACIT RESIGNATION – That is, again, no one need say anything or do anything, the instant resignation of that heretic’s position is caused by…

THE LAW ITSELF – The entire conviction and judgement is done by the law itself, this rule itself. No judge, no tribunal, no congregation of cardinals, or anything else is required.

Just as if you sacrifice a baby on the altar, this means you are absolutely not a Catholic and it’s not anything that ever needs to be discussed or argued about. the law is clear an unambiguous, and the logic is such a 5 year old child gets it.

There is no mention of material/spiritual duality or weird separation of these things in some amorphous idea that has zero basis in Catholic dogma, basic logic, or Canon Law.

In essence, such a thesis is really basic itself on some version (not even necessarily correct) of Aristotelian “logic” and possibly a gnostic element of “duality”.

The way that the seminarians, priests, and Bishops that follow the Sedeprivationist Thesis defend this illogical, nonsensical idea by essentially appealing to “charity”. Which in many cases is certainly true charity in their heart, but this “giving the benefit of the doubt” is an absolute deadly error.

The Danger of Sedeprivationism

Because Sedeprivationists are essentially saying that not only the “Pope” but also all the fake Novus Ordo clergy are “materially” valid but “spiritually” invalid, potentially, all Bergolgio and his Satanic imps have to do, is say:

“Oh yeah, by the way guys, the sedes (without saying which ones) were right, Vatican II is really bad stuff, but hey it was only a “conciliar” council so, blah, blah, anyway, ok guys, we agree, Vatican II was bad. We all repent and we’re gonna be the good guys ok? Not getting caught raping little kids while we sort cocaine off each other’s asses anymore. Alright? we all good, cool. Now come to our (invalid, fake, sacrilegious) Mass and be good Catholics!”

And at this point what do the nominally sedeprivationist clergy gonna do? After all, their “idea” has come true, the “Pope” repented, and now all is well! Right?



Because from Cum-Ex Apostolate Officio (note especially the bold part):

  • (ii) that, moreover, they shall be unfit and incapable in respect of these things and that they shall be held to be backsliders and subverted in every way, just as if they had previously abjured heresy of this kind in public trial; that they shall never at any time be able to be restored, returned, reinstated or rehabilitated to their former status or Cathedral, Metropolitan, Patriarchal and Primatial Churches, or the Cardinalate, or other honour, any other dignity, greater or lesser, any right to vote, active or passive, or authority, or Monasteries and benefices, or Countships, Baronies, Marquisates, Dukedoms, Kingships and positions of Imperial power; but rather that they shall be abandoned to the judgement of the secular power to be punished after due consideration, unless there should appear in them signs of true penitence and the fruits of worthy repentance, and, by the kindness and clemency of the See itself, they shall have been sentenced to sequestration in any Monastery or other religious house in order to perform perpetual penance upon the bread of sorrow and the water of affliction;
  • (iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess.

In short, once you have been a heretic, you simply CANNOT EVER be rehabilitated and you will have authority over precisely NO ONE. Even if your repentance is accepted as valid, the very BEST you can hope for is to be locked away in a monastery to remain in perpetual penance until you drop dead.

It really can’t be made clearer than that.

But now, with Sedeprivationism, we have again, a snake entering the Church, and there are already rumblings of some sedeprivationist Bishops or Priest making some funny noises about maybe someone like Vigano could convince a few Cardinals and other Bishops to “repent” just like he did, and then vote in a “real” Pope this time. And then everyone can clap.

No. As I stated already in 2020 in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church , at which time I was trying to redeem the word sedeprivationist, 3 I nevertheless stated that Vigano was a heretic, and that even if he were elected Pope tomorrow, he would just still be a fake Pope and a heretic. And even if he truly did repent and denounce not just Vatican II but all the false Popes (which to my understanding he still has not done, he still considers them “valid” just like the SSPX, and other supposed “traditionalists”) by inviolable Catholic Dogma, and hence infallible and divine law, he should have authority over precisely NO ONE. Ever.

But, as I have repeatedly stated since, in any case, Vigano is a snake, and always has been. Vigano has a Phd in Canon Law and he received this long before the fake “new” canon law of 1983, created by the Satanists in the Novus Orco for the express purpose of trying to “delete”the last and real code of canon law that Catholicism ever needed, that of 1917, meaning his Phd is precisely in Canon law of 1917, that is, the REAL Canon Law. Which means it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE, for him to NOT know that all the fake Popes and himself too, are not even catholics. They are Satanists, impostors and at BEST heretics. And kept silent for over 50 years, and NOW he pretends to be all for the “real” Church. But we have already seen a heretic like him, at best, should be locked away in a monastery in penance, what business does he have pretending he is anything but a heretic? None.

HOWEVER, we already have at least one Sedeprivationist bishop and possibly others, and possibly sedeprivationist clergy too, that appear to be starting the rumours or posing the idea that well, if only Vigano repented, as he did (did he? then why does he not denounce all the fake Popes as fake, and in any case, even if he does… monastery. Perpetual penance. Fin.) and his buddy cardinals did the same, and Bergy bites the dust, maybe they can just cause a “revolution” in the Church. That is: a fake takeover by one group of Satanists to replace another group of Satanists, in order to better fool the masses, who are starting to hear about Sedevacantists and 1958 Sedevacantists in particular, and starting to understand what the Totalist position is, and starting to ask more questions, and starting to become sedevacantists and getting communities together, and producing lots of children, and living like actual Catholics.

So at this point, we need to ask:

Can we trust any sedeprivationist clergy to do the right thing and protect the church?

THAT is the question.

And many people reading this (because believe me, little as my reach is, it eventually gets there, because sedevacantists search incessantly for the truth) who are sedes of one type or another will be deeply offended by this question.

For a number of reasons:

  1. Sedeprivationist clergy are still valid clergy, whatever their errors may be.
  2. There are undoubtedly very honest, good, innocent priests and possibly even a bishop or two who are genuine and have too been fooled by a lot of words, and their overabundance of “charity” in giving the Satanists a totally unwarranted and erroneous “benefit of the doubt”. I say let’s call it niceness, though, not charity, because real charity can include the shooting someone in the face to put them out of their misery, and in my view, these type of priests and bishops are all the types who would hold the suffering guy’s hand to the end and deliver last rites (which is fine, no one expects or needs them to be like me, God forbid) but far too nice to do such a sometimes needed thing. And THAT, paradoxically is the problem. I am no one special, I am not clergy, I am just a layman and a very imperfect one at that (genuinely, this is not false modesty) but if and when a real crusade begins, I’m the guy you want at the command of your troops, or in your foxhole. And surely I need good people behind me, because so busy might I get in the battle, I may well forget to do the right thing and say a Hail Mary over the fallen enemies I would trample by the hundreds given half a chance. The fact these good men exist in the ranks of the sedeprivationists is not in doubt by me, but neither is the fact that they are in error with respect to the validity of the thesis.
  3. Humans get attached to their ideas and few of them are the ones who can turn on a time once their idea has been demonstrated to be wrong. So even if someone following a sedeprivationist clergyman started to get some doubts, it’s unlikely they would begin to rock the boat too much, and when some “rude bastard” like me comes storming in upsetting applecarts and making waves for fishing boats and whipping everyone into a theological frenzy, they react like wounded animals and tend to attack the messenger instead of the culprits.
  4. Some, regardless of what they are, are always brainwashed in one way or other. Be they Clown World believers or the most devout Catholics.

In any case, the answer to the question, regardless of how anyone feels about it, is clearly no. We cannot trust them. Because they are holding on to a nonsensical and invalid, and completely outdated theory that is now obvious has no basis in fact. And it this thesis, and this thesis alone, that might (falsely) “redeem” the Viganos of the Satanic Novus Orco cult, and thus reduce the numbers of real Catholics even further.

The reality is that there is even the potential that perhaps one or more of the sedeprivationist clergy are actually consciously aiming for this. Whether under misguided good intentions or intentional evil devious ones, only God knows, but certainly, one could see how what Rodney Stark calls a clergyman of Power, say a Bishop, who is more concerned with establishing greater and grander Churches and seminaries and perhaps glorifying himself as the leader of the saviours of the real Church, might just feel that if he manages to convince the Viganos of the world to denounce Bergoglio, hey, maybe he can become the next Pope, or if not, at least he can be part of the “saviours” of the Church and his influence and power will increase. And potentially he may well be so poorly educated in Canon Law, Catholicism, reality and truth, that his avarice, his greed for power, blinds him to the truth, and maybe in his heart of hearts he believes it’s a good thing (honestly I find this implausible, again, you cannot be a Bishop and not consciously know these things).

But in any case, whether misguided or intentionally trying to further destroy the remnant of the real Catholic Church, such a Bishop, would absolutely be furthering the goals of the devil and the other devils currently squatting like Gargoyles in the Vatican.

How to Identify Problematic Sedeprivationist Clergy

In the first place, you can immediately conclude that ANY sedeprivationist clergy is in error with regard to the thesis, and as such, even if honest and good men, to be first of all made aware of these issues and then see how they react.

But that aside, we can immediately tell if any clergy is abusing their power if they act in total contravention of canon law.

For example:

  1. Do they claim to have authority where none exists (because we are in an interregnum)? If yes, they are talking nonsense, should be immediately called out on it and be asked to correct their error. In private first, as the bible commands, with a few friends or colleagues, preferably other clergy, if any will be so brave, in a second instance, and finally publicly and openly if they still do not reverse their error.
  2. Do they deny the sacraments to the faithful on the basis of either the thesis or their error in 1 above? If yes they are now also breaking divine law and are committing a serious error and sin against the faithful.
  3. How do they answer the question of a heretic supposedly never being allowed to return to a position of ANY authority in the Church? Other than by falsely claiming that Cum Ex Apostolate officio is “abrogated”4 or that “well some guy somewhere was allowed at some point so it must be okay.” Any previous error that may have been committed is not a sanction to repay it. What arguments do they have against this? (Pro-tip: none exist, only waffling).
  4. Do they bar would-be seminarians from studying at their seminary unless they adopt the erroneous Thesis? If yes, then again, they are perverting the path of would be good clergy, but forcing onto them an erroneous belief system in a false theology.

So, if your Bishop has done any of these things, and continues to defend the Thesis with nonsensical appeals to “we need a judgment” or “no one can judge the Pope” (we are not, first he is not the pope, and secondly the infallible magisterium of the Church in the form of CoC 1917 does so by the law itself.), you need to realise that he is NOT protecting the church, and valid Bishop though he may be, he absolutely does NOT deserve your respect at a human level. he needs to correct himself, repent and heal himself and become a FAR better custodian of the church before he really opens his mouth on anything else. Valid Bishop though he may be.

Why deprive him of all human respect, even if you acknowledge (as I do) the validity of his orders? Again, let me point out how heretics are to be treated, as per Cum Ex Apostolate officio:

(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess

See that emphasised phrase? Now, any valid clergy that refuses sacraments, under pretence of needing to be heeded as if they have jurisdiction, or refuses say to allow would be seminarians to study at their seminary unless they adopt the Thesis, or refuses sacraments to Catholics that do not adhere to the Thesis, are not (yet) full blow heretics, but they absolutely are bad for the church and should be called on it, and removing any human respect from them is the first step to give them a little taste of what becoming a heretic further down the line might feel like.

Also, it removes their power over the congregation they are slowly but surely leading to Hell.

Lastly, you need to consider the possibility they are infiltrators too, or bought out by their own greed and lust for power. Unfortunately you can never let your guard down, the enemies of the church are Legion, and this time of darkness has been prophesied by many Catholic Saints through the ages and by our lady of La Salette and Fatima (despite the many attempts to deviate, change, and confuse the actual events as they took place).


This long post is merely a first salvo against those Bishops and clergy that know very well who they are. I was aware of their errors at least seven years ago, and I pointed out these errors openly to the congregations they affected. I also offered such a Bishop a chance to correct himself privately, and offered that if he did so I would immediately apologise for my calling out his erroneous behaviour and respect him as the valid bishop he is but also as a theologian. His response was to tell me I could no longer receive sacraments from him. Supposedly because on my blog I had the mage of a naked ex-girlfriend in the gallery. A picture posted there many years before I ever became catholic, and with the total approval and acceptance of the woman in question. Besides, she is tastefully posed and there are more pornographic paintings and sculptures by well-known patrons of the Catholic Church when it was still Catholic. The implication of his “banning” me, being none of “his” priests, trained in his seminary would likely offer them to me either, which of course was NOT the case, because any clergy knows that without Jurisdiction, no Bishop can impose such a rule on any clergy. And in any case his reason for denying me sacraments was rooted solely in the fact that I pointed out the authority he was claiming to have over a group of faithful catholics was non-existent. My blog wasn’t going to change, because I have never been in the habit of being a hypocrite or changing my history to suit the present moment. in fact, many, many people have come to Catholicism proper (1958 sedevacantism of the totalist position) precisely because in BELIEVE! I don’t mince my words nor deny who I was and how I came to become a Catholic (with no one being more surprised by it than me).

After his email telling me I was banned from receiving sacraments from him I replied, that very well, he had made his choice. And now we would see what would transpire over the years to come. This was in November of 2019. In the intervening five and a half years, the emails and comments and messages and rumours from Catholics as far apart as Australia, the USA, the UK, mainland Europe and so on, began to trickle in. I was not the only one who had noticed this behaviour. Nor was I the only one who had seen the grab for power and the attempt to spread and infiltrate the Thesis into all sedevacantist circles.

Unbeknownst to me, there were others that rejected the Thesis and also had far stronger motives for doing so, and a lot more context on the players involved and the history behind their actions as well as the history of Sedevacantism from as far back as the 1950s.

With the recent death of Father Anthony Cekada and Bishop Daniel Dolan however, a lot of the Totalist “fighters” lost their impetus, and the Thesis side has continued to advance.

Now think ahead, regardless of how you feel about the people involved, one path clearly leads to eventual perdition, and the other does not. So… what are you going to do?

Keep silent and keep your head down, and make no waves? Like you grandfather or great-grandfather, and your parents before you while the Church was being infested and corroded by parasites?

Or are you going to speak up and point a finger and say: “You! Change. Fix this. Admit your error and turn back while you still can, or else say you will not and prove who you really serve.”

Is it necessary to be as confrontational as this post? As I tend to be?

No. Surely not.

BUT… do NOT be weak. DO NOT be silent.

You can be as well-educated and as polite and erudite as you like. Certainly these are virtues, of which I am not a great owner, and you can surely present your case better than me, but just as steadfastly. But without a doubt, it is now time to find out if you are a Catholic man, who serves Jesus Christ, the truth, and God, regardless of the cost, or if you are a mouse. One that may well soon inhabit a false Church.

Only you can decide. Study, confirm and verify what I write here so crudely. By all means. But once you know, and don’t take too long, if you are a man, act.

May God’s Grace fill your heart and mind, may He protect you and guide you.

All glory is to and for God alone.

Let His Will be done.


During Mass, the name of the current valid Pope is spoken along with the relevant prayer. If there is no valid Pope this name is omitted, because to include the name of a Satanist in the place where should be the name of a Vicar of Christ is absolute blasphemy. Non Una Cum is Latin for NOT One With. Masses that are not Non Una Cum, are called Una Cum masses, and DO join the name of the Satanic impostor Jorge Bergoglio with the Holy mass. Any such mass is a blasphemy and should not be participated in by observant Catholics.


During an interregnum, Bishops can ordain other Bishops and priests, and the ordination is assumed to be valid. When a valid Pope is finally elected however, he has retroactive power of veto, meaning he can say: “Actually no, Mr. so and so is NOT a Bishop!” (Or priest etc.) In which case Mr. so and so, and anything he did, is instantly rendered null and void. If the Pope says nothing though (as is usually the case) then, because Canon Law is based on Roman Law, the rule of silent assent applies. Which means, if you say nothing you agree. So the Pope’s silence on ordinations that took place before his election mean that the ordinations were valid.


Etymologically, the seat of Peter is not strictly speaking empty, which is what sedevacantist means (sede vacante – empty chair) it is occupied by an impostor preventing the use of it by a valid pope so sede privation, that is the privation (removal, impossibility) of the proper use of the chair (Throne) of Peter. So I was already trying to use the deceiver’s own methods against them by re-appropriating the name to mean that we are exactly the same as totalist sedevacantists, in that we reject the thesis today, because it makes no sense and with the benefit of hindsight we can see it’s totally nonsensical even if it was almost certainly done with a view to try and give some weak bishops a way out of a dilemma (which should never be required because they are supposed to be willing to die for Christ on the spot far more than we laity… and yet…).


From Cum Ex Apostolate Officio, a papal bull issued by Pope Paul IV on February 15th 1559:

8. [The provisions of this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity are to take effect] notwithstanding any Constitutions, Apostolic Ordinations, privileges, indults or Apostolic Letters, whether they be to these same Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates and Cardinals or to any others, and whatsoever may be their import and form, and with whatsoever sub-clauses or decrees they may have been granted, even “motu proprio” and by certain knowledge, from the fulness of the Apostolic power or even consistorially or otherwise howsoever; and even if they have been repeatedly approved and renewed,have been included in the corpus of the Law or strengthened by any capital conclaves whatsoever (even by oath) or by Apostolic confirmation or by anysoever other endorsements or if they were legislated by ourself. By this present document instead of by express mention, We specially and expressly derogate the provisions of all these by appropriate deletion and word-for-word substitution, so that these may otherwise remain in force.


10. No one at all, therefore, may infringe this document of our approbation, re-introduction, sanction, statute and derogation of wills and decrees, or by rash presumption contradict it. If anyone, however, should presume to attempt this, let him know that he is destined to incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul.

Given in Rome at Saint Peter’s in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1559, 15th February, in the fourth year of our Pontificate.

AND further, note that the code of 1917 summarises this decree in code 188 part 4, because Roman Law is purely logical and really all that is said in CEAO can be said in the two sentences that compose canon law code 188 part 4, but note that in any case, code 188.4 REFERENCES Cum Ex Apostolate Officio. So it remains in full force, as it always has both before and after Pope Paul IV, because basic logic that child gets doesn’t change either. Neither does the truth of God.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

On Marriage

This piece of writing , I believe explains not only what marriage really is, but also explains why so few people seem to find or be in a real one. I think it’s something many people may both need as well as want to read, and since not everyone here is familiar witht he OG blog (which is still going by the way), I thought I would link to it.

It was part of my Theoretical Models of Society series, which was interrupted by the hack the blog suffered, but Part Six will soon be up. You can find all of the parts by going to the Important Stuff Post and scrolling to the bottom where there is a link to various series.

I hope you enjoy it, but I hope even more it helps you in finding your way in this darkening world.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Trump is still a Zionist Shill and I still fly my own Flag

My last post was received by some as if I were promoting the idea that Trump is going to save… what? America? Humanity? The official Trump Coin?

Now, I am not sure if it’s because most of you don’t read the OG Blog , which was hacked (by what all the evidence we have points to US based State Actors) and had to be relocated, so a lot of old readers are lost, but anyone who thinks I in any way am under the illusion that Trump, or Putin, or anyone else is “a good guy”; or really has it as their mission to get rid of the “bad guys” is clearly hallucinating.

As Adam Piggott recently reminded me:

The Bolsheviks when they got in immediately instigated the same fanatical pro-homo and anti-family policies that we see today. Six years later and complete chaos and breakdown of Russian society, they suddenly reversed course and executed all of the homo brigade. They created the problem and then made themselves the saviours.

And we have known this was their tactic, explicitly stated way back in 2020 (or maybe even late 2019( at the very start of the Planned-Demic that this was the playbook. Create total chaos and pain and then swoop in with the saving grace of the saviour, and with lots of dedicated butt-plugs you will unfortunately have to submit to just to be sure everything is good again.

Short of literally Jesus coming back with a retinue of Saints to wipe out the evil imps of Satan on Earth and trample them so he has bloodstained garments 1 —in which case, if it is at all possible to join in I will absolutely do so— there really is no human on Earth in a position of power currently I trust to even be half-way decent. And I simply do NOT believe even someone like me, who is NOT half-way decent, 2 can ever even GET to a position of power. They will grind you to dust or kill you long before you even get a shot at being head of the local homeowner’s association. Which is no reason why you should stop trying by the way. Because the state of things here on Earth is CONSTANT WAR. It’s why we are the Church Militant while on Earth.

So… once again, I direct you, if you are the type to take my advice, to my OG blog, and look up The Kurganate and the sticky post on The Important Stuff . Because my advice is simply this: Keep your head down, stock up, build your community of zealots, and become an independent city-state in due course.

You may think I am joking, but I am not. I predicted this was The Way back in 2014. And absolutely nothing has happened to change my mind about that. I was living in central London and single then. I am married with a sixth child on the way now and in Rural Italy. So I’m not just whistling Dixie at you, friend. I’m literally in it.


The Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19: 11-16)

11 Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. 12 He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, c and His name is The Word of God.

14 The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. 15 And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. d He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh:



But I would at least be extremely effective at clearing out the Augean Stables of World Politics if I only had a few thousand divisions of fanatically loyal Crusading and actual Catholics at my service.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

On Crypto, Trump and War

So… on crypto trading and the newly created (slow and long term) memecoins of KURGANBONDS (KBD) I wrote a long and detailed post at the OG blog, and you can go there to read it if you want to take part in this social/financial experiment which is really just a way to teach complete noobs (like me too) to begin trading in crypto in an easy and relatively fun way at a total risk of only about $20 in the worst case. The site is not available for people in the UK though. Anyway, the strategy there is to simply leave my $25 in it and if and when another 1,000 people eventually go there and add their $20 to it, the first guys who did it can probably remove their original $20 and still have $20 in it. And the idea is to always leave at least your original investment in so the coin remains stable. You’re only ever risking $20 and if everyone sticks to the strategy there is no rug pull and everyone benefits a little over time. As I said at the post, it’s a very optimistic social experiment. Let’s see if it will work over the next year or two.

As a generic thing, crypto-trading is really a fast-moving scenario mostly and takes up quite a bit of your mental space if you want to get in it seriously. And there are plenty of opportunities daily —and also huge pitfalls, just as often (or more)— so it’s not really for the faint of heart or those who get emotional. Especially if you decide to play with amounts that are not insignificant for you. You should never of course play that game with amounts of money that can negatively impact you if they are totally and completely lost.

and you should keep things like this in mind:

Now onto Trump and the possibility of “War”, civil unrest, economic crash/meltdown and so on.

Trump has already signed a BUNCH of executive orders. Many of them really quite surprising, like pulling out of the WHO, a bunch of stuff on immigration, reversed a LOT of the Tranny-insanity and Faggot-flag thin cover for child-grooming and so on.

He has pulled out of a global tax deal most people didn’t even know had happened, blockaded the CDC, FDA and so on from doing anything for a bit. Reversed the TikTok ban for at least 75 days, and a lot of other pretty important and frankly unexpected things (I still am not on the Trump is our saviour train, but hey… if he really is, more power to him, but… I don’t think he is). Nevertheless, even if he were truly a Saint come to get rid of the deep state for good, instead of probably just a changing of the ruling Zionist faction in charge, the fact is that there will be vicious opposition to a LOT of this stuff. He has put a moratorium on all foreign aid too. Which means he’s apparently closed the tap on the money-laundromat of both sides of the American government, and especially of Israel and its puppet masters. That’s not going to go unnoticed.

Especially by people like Blinking-Ant:

Keep in mind the entire US government, including pretty much every senator is bought and paid for by Israel via AIPCA, which I remind you stands for:

American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

That is, a lobbying group advocating for pro-Israel policies

So… there WILL be resistance. And while George Soros has finally died and gone to meet his master in Hell, his son Alex, is as committed to the trannification of the planet as his father was, except maybe even more so, because NO ONE is going to convince me Huma doesn’t peg him daily.

Besides, after you serviced Hillary for years, there really isn’t any kind of depravity left that one would not do, even if it makes most demons in Hell gag. And Huma is your… demon in a skinsuit? God and Satan alone know what she/it is.

I imagine if those two creatures ever have some kind of copulation, it would be a Chthulian event that would involve vomit, slime, tentacles, murdered children and absolutely make you lose ALL your sanity points on the spot without so much as a saving throw if you were ever so damned as to witness it.

But the point is that such denizens of the underbelly of the sewers of the ninth circle of Hell, are simply not going to quietly go in the night, or reform and become model citizens.

They will fight. By every underhanded, evil, vile means possible and available to them. They might keep layering various areas of the country from space, like it appears they are doing in California; create other “natural” disasters, produce all sorts of potential false flags, maybe indulge in a few more assassination attempts… honestly, I have no idea. My bingo card for 2025 is a lot less clear to me than the one I had for the last 4 years, what I can absolutely tell you with certainty is this:

You will not be doing yourself a disservice if you can:

  • Move to the country and get as rural and off-grid as possible while still able to maintain your family
  • Stock up on food, clean water, and have available renewable water and some way to produce at least some food and at least some energy
  • Stock up on guns and ammo
  • Build protective things on your property. From something as simple as fencing, to literally building your own bunker. This is low priority compared to the other stuff, but if you can afford it, why not.
  • If you can’t go rural, have an exit plan and at minimum a go-bag or go-vehicle and study local maps to see how you could get out of the city fast even if they blockade the main routes.

Is this all paranoia on my part? Sure. You can think so. I wouldn’t hold it against you, but as I said back when I was 13 when a friend at school told me the way my brain works was paranoid: Just cause I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me.

It’s become a meme long ago, but back when I said it it was a genuine original thought I had spontaneously at the time. And while most people see it as a joke, and sure, I can see the funny side of it… but it’s not a joke. It’s just basic logic.

If you can appreciate this point, you may want to agree with me on the above actions you might want to be taking.

And hey, if it all turns out fine and everything is cool and there is no economic collapse to reset the global Ponzi scheme of FIAT Money they had to have a couple of world wars already, and a pandemic, to kick the can down the road a bit more, great. So you learnt how to be more self-sufficient anyway and things are still safe and well. Ok. Lovely, move right back to the city and eat your fake food provided by Billy Gates and his team of mass-murdering “vaccinators” that insert it direct in the food supply and get modified by the “5G” military grade weaponry they are passing off as mobile antennas that absolutely, honestly, trust-us-we-are-the-government do not affect your brain and body and can cause you all sorts of diseases or even kill you or change your mood and emotional reactions on command. Because even though this technology was demonstrated to exist and work in 1992, and at least once broadcast on television, I am SURE no one at all would have developed it further to nefarious government/shadow-government/puppet-master purposes they would keep hidden from us that simply add to the agenda of killing and enslaving us.

Was that a long run-on sentence/paragraph/concept?

Well, step-up buttercup, because if you can’t keep up with the language here, chances are you’re not gonna make it anyway.

The right way to farm if you ask me.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

OK, Gonna Try to create a Crypto

So… as I am a total newb at Crypto, and to learn more about it I have decided to try to launch a crypto-coin that people who read here who are also not Crypto capable can learn together with me, and as I suggest everyone only put in $5 at a time, the most you can lose is about $20 total if you follow the advice I give here. And there is in fact a possibility you make a few bucks, like maybe $10 or $20 in say a week or two.

As I said, I am learning too, so this is an experiment for all us noobs.

So the first thing you need to do is register with a crypto supplier. I use coinbase , but there are many others. Basically this is a place where you register yourself and link a debit or credit card to it so you can use cash to buy various crypto coins.

I think in the USa you’re fine, but if you ar ein UK or Europe, first check online if your bank is ok with you using crypto. Some banks don’t like it and don’t allow it and some banks are ok with it but will not let you use credit cards for it, only debit cards. Anyway we will be dealing with tiny amounts so it should not be an issue, but just take the 5 minutes or less it takes to find out by doing a few google searches like “Can I use crypto with [name of your bank]”.

Once you have registered with a crypto supplier you need to buy some SOL (Solana) cryptocurrency, because that is what will be needed to play this game.

1 SOL is around $200 or so but you don’t need to buy a whole one. You can buy a fraction of a SOL, I think some places have a minimum but I think 0.1 SOL is ok for most places, which is about 20 bucks.

You may need to provide some ID in order to link your bank card to register on a place like coinbase. Expect to take a grand total of about ten minutes to do this. After which in some countries you may have a cooling off period, (up to 24 hours) but I was able to trade immediately.

The next step is you need to register with

This site looks like a bit of zoomer hell, but do not get intimidated. The screen below is what it looks like. Click on the how it works in the top left and read the popups and you can register yourself fairly intuitively.

You will then be able to create a profile which will be just a nickname you pick basically. This will give you a privy wallet so if you click on view profile (top right) you will see this:

That long code that in my case starts with 5bAsL… is your wallet address, and you need to copy that and put it somewhere safe, you can use cut and paste and save it on a file somewhere or even write it down (case matters) on a book somewhere.

What you will need to do after this is go back to your coinbase site or whatever you used instead to buy SOL and you need to send some of that SOL to your wallet in

again the send crypto button should be somewhere easy to see on your coinbase equivalent and when you do, you will need to copy your wallet address from and tell coinbase (or whatever you used) to send X amount of sol to that address.

You should get an alert that the transaction has happened.

Going back to and back to your profile, see where it says view on solscan.

You click on that and you will be taken to a page that looks like this that shows what crypto and SOL you have.

You will see the SOL in my case is tiny and it has been used to buy 123$ of the token called LOTTLE and $26 of my own token called KURGANBOND.

Now, if you click on your profile name (in my case it says kurgan99 in the top right you will get another screen that has an option to connect your wallet, (see directly above) which you should do, so you can buy various tokens. As my wallet is already connected the options are to disconnect it, or to take crypto out of the wallet or export the whole thing (which I have not done yet so not sure about that feature)

At this point, by going back to the Home Screen (click on the green and white pill in the top left) you can type KURGANBOND in the search bar and you will see this:

Click on the image and text next to the gold helm and you will see something like this:

Which is basically a chart that shows you buys (in green) and sales (in red) and the total value of the token due to people buying it, which currently is $6,600, which is not bad considering when I started writing this post it was 0$.

Anyway, at this point you can click the buy green button and buy 0.1 SOL (about $20) if that is the minimum, or less if it lets you buy less. I never tried to buy less than 0.1 SOL so I am not sure. The idea is to tell your friends and have them do this too so we all bought about $20 of it. Then we wait a day or a half day, depending on how much it moves and the next day we either let it ride, or if it has gone up enough we sell half of it, so we get some money back into SOL. By doing this slowly and publicising the coin as the people join you can take out little bits of your initial input until you have the original you invested back out and still also have some KURGANBOND in the game. At this point you can let it ride, and take out little bits as it goes up from time to time. When you ave 150% of your initial investment out of the game you could consider it a win, or, you could put a bit more money back in.

So for example say you start out by putting $20 in, And after a day the value has gone to $30 (you will need to check on solscan to see the $value of each token). You can now take $10 out and leave it as SOL, or, if you want, sent it back to coinbase to then exchange it back into cash into your account. Then you wait a bit more and when you can you draw out another $10 when the price goes up as more people join. Your selling will plateau the graph, because it counters the buy-ins, but if there is enough interest, this can go up for everyone initially. And as the early adopters get more back than they put in, they will tend to re-invest, giving a chance to the late-comers to also equalise the situation.

I hope that is clear enough for everyone.

The point of the KURGANBOND token/crypto-coin is that because I am not exactly anyone with millions of followers, the people who will do this are probably people I know or who read this blog, and I want to see if there is a way that by us all doing this as described above, we can all get a small profit margin. Since we are not large enough to really attract much attention, it may be possible to grow organically but also in a way that is more fair for all, since none of us ar intent on rapaciously taking all the value out in one fell swoop.

Eventually some gate-grasher will make it less ethical and it will collapse, but as I said I thinking losses will be tiny and hence acceptable, and in the process you may have learnt some things about how to trade in such stuff.

Anyway, I hope you do go and buy some KURGANBOND, and more importantly, you help your friends to get some and spread the word.

Finally, at the moment, $20 will buy you a LOT of KURGANBONDS, because they have a value that is very tiny. Bt if enough people buy them, the value of each KURGANBOND will be worth more and your couple of hundred thousand KURGANBONDS could become worth fractions of a cent that would make you several thousands of dollars.

There are also many features that show you who or what is doing what. So in fact, the $6,000 of value, I just saw from the image below (bottom right hand corner of where the graph is, shows you who owns what percentage of it, and you will see that 99% of it is by the bonding curve, so that no one creator (i.e. me) can buy up a huge amount of it then wait for people to raise the value and then sell it all and jump ship. This way, the creator, (i.e. me) has to buy it just like anyone else.

I expect this to be a very slow moving token and that if it goes over the bonding curve allotment of $6k in the next few weeks I will be pleasantly surprised!

Anyway, this is just so we can all learn from this.

I know I definitely need to.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

On Crypto Currency Trading

So… thanks to Adam , I have now entered the realm of crypto-currency trading (in a minuscule fashion) and as an obvious noob at this, I am not going to tell you that the tip he gave me (good tip from a “guy” he knows) is based on any solid fundamentals, because that is literally ALL I know. it’s a tip from a guy. But so far, in a day I have doubled my money, and so far, as far as I can tell, after having taken the original investment back out, so I have no loss even if the bubble pops, it shows every sign of simply carrying on to be a very good buy.

Yes I will tell you what it is in a few paragraphs, and I will even give you my analysis. You may laugh, but even if I am new at Crypto-Trading, I am not new at shares trading. And there are enough similarities that at least some of the important fundamentals carry across, and they are, in my considered opinion, the most important fundamentals. Some things can be learnt. The concepts I will discuss now can be understood, but whether you are able to actually use it in the field is another story.

It’s a bit like teaching you how a rifle works. Anyone can learn that in theory. Using it while in combat is an entirely different thing. And to carry on with the analogy, I am right now, the equivalent of a man from 1888, armed with a lever action Winchester and an 1851 Colt Navy converted to use brass ammunition that is deposited in a modern warfare in say, the Ukraine. It is absolutely true that there are things I can hardly grasp that could wipe me out immediately (drones and jets with bombs and so on) and that my “firepower” is extremely limited and that also reduced to pretty close quarters only. But… If I have the experiences of the Civil War with me and have been a bounty-hunter for decades, I can assure you that my fundamentals of fighting the enemy will be well-above the best of newly trained recruits. So… while you should not use my advice in terms of necessarily what to buy (I am only looking at mostly one token and one crypto), I hope you pay attention to the things I discuss, because they may well be extremely important for you to understand and may impact your trading style very much, and almost certainly in a positive fashion only.

So here goes.

The most important thing about trading is that you need to understand the following:

  1. The fundamentals behind any crypto you are buying. What is it? What is the story of why it was created? Who (if possible to know) created it? Which niche is it satisfying if any? In dealing in shares this would be the fundamentals of the company in whose shares you are investing. What does it do? What has its performance been like, is it under/over valued? What are the assets? Are the political insider trading scams in place you can surmise? and on and on and on. We can consider this the map of the territory. The more accurate (based on reality) the better, but never forget that a map is just a map. It is always bound to have some discrepancies with reality, especially since the “terrain” in crypto can change in seconds. But the less unknowns and illusions you have in it the better. My knowledge here currently is ZERO. So keep that in mind if you decide t take any advice I may give, or that you THINK I am giving. Because I am just sharing my views, the only person that can make financial decisions in your life, is you. And only you. I have zero responsibility if you go broke because you went along with my ideas. Never forget that. And I just told you that on the fundamentals of the crypto I own and even crypto in general, I know, absolutely NOTHING. Read on to see why I am still not quite a monkey throwing a dart at a board with various crypto on it.
  2. The general and detailed principles and specifics of HOW to buy/sell, stake, and transfer crypto and cash. This can all be learnt but the learning curve can be steep and in my view, it never really ends. To stay relevant you need to understand a lot of the mechanics well and keep yourself update with them. My knowledge here is I would estimate at 10-15%. It’s hard to say how much I don’t know, because I really don’t know so much it’s hard to know what the range is. So… am I inspiring confidence in you yet? If I were a pilot on a plane, so far I told you I have zero knowledge of where we are going or how to get there or what any of the terrain looks like between here and there, all I know is “there” is supposed to be awesome, and some guy told a guy I know that this “paradise” is somewhere out there to the West. Oh, also I barely know what an engine is, never mind fix one, and if the plane stalls in the air I have no idea of how to restart it.
  3. The tactics of both automated buy/sell options as well as an understanding of human behaviour. Even if I don’t know the map, or how the engine works, I actually AM a decent enough pilot. This means I can read trends and see patterns in the chaos quite a bit better than average and even better than some professionals. But these are tactics, and while you can win a lot of battles with good tactics, if you don’t understand the overall strategy (of the crypto in question) in the long term, you are liable to lose almost every single time. And this is no different. I can show you how I think and why I buy and sell when I do and the overall “strategy” I use to do this, but all of these things are just TACTIC-level behaviour; and worse, it is NOT informed by any STRATEGIC-level information. So it is tactics operating in an information vacuum. Using the analogy of war, I may be a good commander of a special ops unit and we may well win several battles against the enemy. Only to discover that our successful attacks have diverted a large portion of the enemy army towards us and that has global implications for our people.
  4. Control of your emotions. In trading money, emotions are almost inevitable for 99.99% of the population and the 0.001% that genuinely does not have emotions about it are people either so rich they don’t care about money at all, or insane. That said, there is a type of person that has emotions of a different type from most. if you are one of these, you are more likely to do well, all other things being equal. Allow me to quote from a recent chat with a good friend that would like me to invest for him, even though I am not comfortable with investing for him, because I might be completely wrong and then what? He loses all his money and I just say “Eh, bad luck, buddy!” Nevertheless our conversation in this respect was interesting, so here it is.

    1. I have zero knowledge of the fundamentals of LOTTLE. All I have is Adam saying “psssst a guy I know says bet on this black horse!”

    2. I am applying tactical patterns to the graphs, but I have no understanding or even idea about the overall strategy. What backs LOTTLE? Who created it? Why? How do you come to know of it? Etc etc etc, which means it could be the miraculous thing that makes us millionaires or it could be total vapourware that bubbles then pops like so many of these things (the vast majority.)

    3. What is the risk/reward analysis?

    IF I had left the whole thing ride from start to now and taken nothing out I would now have approximately

    $530 or so from an initial $200 in. Which is ~2.5 times the original total (commissions etc needs to be accounted for in getting it back out).

    Now I have $311 in there and $150 or so safe out of it and back in cash in the app, not in any crypto. So the “loss” is about $70 or so, but we have secured almost 75% of the initial amount already.

    So… the smart play is what I am doing here (that is, take to the initial investment as soon as you can) even if emotionally we all “feel” as if we are “missing out” by not making even more.

The token we are buying into is called LOTTLE and you need to register at to be able to buy it. Once you registered and created a profile with a digital wallet in you need to put some SOL (Solana is the coin) into it, because you can only buy LOTTLE with SOL. Then you buy LOTTLE and hopefully see it spike up as it has since it was created 5 days ago.

I only got in it 2 days ago and I have now got (between cash and LOTTLE) just over $600 in it with an initial start of $200. Of course, I am not advising you to do this. it’s what I did. You need to figure stuff out on your own.

You will also need to register with something like COINBASE or some crypto-exchange that lets you buy various crypto for cash. Make sure you can buy SOLANA as that is the only way to buy LOTTLE. Once you have some SOL send it to your crypto-wallet in and then do a search for LOTTLE and press the trade button and buy/sell some LOTTLE using SOL. Or don’t. It’s what I did and it went from a market cap of $1 million to $5 million in 2 days. So I think for a few days at least there is likely to be a gold rush.

The Kurgan Principles of Crypto-Trading

Now for my Advanced Noob Analysis Ted-Talk Equivament — ANA for short, which is just one letter away from ANAL, which is what happens without lube to almost all “traders” who think they are smart as a whip because they made some money.

First principle: Just because I made some money in my 20s trading shares doesn’t mean I am a trader. Long personal story follows to explain this. Skip is you don’t care. There is a TL;DR at end of this point too if you prefer.

I dropped out of it because as a 24 year old I figured out it was a giant Ponzi scheme and would collapse soon (in 5 years) and it was a morally corrupt system. Today, 30 plus years later and a lot of scars later, I realise that my best skill is using the devil’s own tools against him, and I have had some success in this. With women… “No one can find pure virgins that aren’t sluts anymore!” cries the pious man. He’s basically right, but the way to change things is to bang a “slut” (not necessarily, but a woman that is generally caught up in the modern zeitgeist of today would probably be considered a vicious whore back at the start of the 1900s when there was still some semblance of Catholic morality) so well and hard she falls in “love” (because after three hard orgasms in a row before she can draw breath cause hormones) and then re-direct her towards the light. Preferably after having asked her name and how many children she envisions. Over time, her feminist nonsense will leak out of her ears and she will naturally begin to see all the benefits of being a woman that uses her natural abilities and “powers” instead of trying to be a weak man with tits competing for the leading role in the relationship. This is the same. Is trading in crypto and shares essentially morally bankrupt? Yes. The activity is literally creating fortunes (and misery) out of a shared absolute fiction that is fiat money and digital numbers on a screen that are not related to anything real or even tangible. And yet… empires and millions of lives are made and broken on this total fiction. Your morality, your honour, your word, mean very little when faced with the tsunami of greed and hope and despair that money itself, the absurdity of FIAT money creates in human beings. So… what to do? I have avoided embroiling myself in anything heavily linked to financial success because for one I find it relatively boring and soulless work (because it is both) and for another because I only wanted enough to get by doing what I wanted to do more or less at will, which for the most part was being left alone. Now I have children and while I am still far better off than most for what I predict is coming in the next decade or two or three, I am very very far from where I would like to be for the future of my children. So… if I can find a way to play the money game without leaving my castle for the most part, and if I can do so and actually make enough, what I will do with the money is going to absolutely be for the good. Not just of me but of my children and my friends near and far too. All that to say this:

TL;DR – Whatever your reason for not doing this before or for doing it now, or whether you made money at it already or not, the first principle is to simply NOT assume anything about your ability. Be as brutally objective as you can be.

This was humorously discussed with the wife, which I hope renders the sense of things I mean about keeping humble.

Me: Ok babe, I doubled the money, so now I’m a day-trader! I’ll be snorting cocaine and hiring hookers all the time now!

Wife: Umm… I think for that sort of behaviour to be excused I need to be a properly kept woman.

Me: Wait… so you are saying I should hold off on the hookers and coke until your lifestyle is where you want it to be?

Wife: Oh no! You crack on darling! Just hand me money!

Second Principle: No one cares about me getting a win money-wise more than me. So I will do all my own thinking and all my own decisions, no matter what anyone else says or thinks about them. There will be no one to blame but me if I screw up. But even if I strike gold, there will be no one to praise. Because while this is a work of skill, some fortune is also required, and just cause you hit it good today, or once, or 1,000 times, doesn’t mean you will not take a fall in the next minute. My policy here is basically the same one of a bout in martial arts. Or like Fedor Emylianenko put it when they said “You’re undefeated!” He replied (paraphrasing from memory): “That’s only true today. Tomorrow I may be defeated or even stop fighting. All I can do is thank God.”

Third Principle: Human behaviour is generally predictable in large numbers.

Fourth Principle: Some patterns seem to be chaotic but are not. And some patterns appear to be structured but are chaotic. Telling the difference is difficult and sometimes may just be down to luck.

Fifth Principle: Not all perceived patterns are real patterns, but some real patterns exist and betting on them is the only real tool anyone in trading has.

Sixth Principle: If you do not know or understand the fundamentals (reasons for existing) of the asset you are dealing in, you have no concept of strategy. Without strategy, in the long term, no war can be won other than by uncommon luck; which obviously should not be your strategy. NB: I DO NOT have a strategy right now. So in the long run, if I don’t learn or find one, I will fail.

Seventh Principle: The mechanics of trading are details that are constantly evolving. keeping informed is required. Consider it like doing regular maintenance on your jet plane. Would you just keep flying around in it without ever checking it and upgrading anything that is outdated? You MIGHT get away with being sloppy at this from time to time, but again, in the long run… it will cost you.

Eight Principle: Tactics are short term. Strategy is long term. You need to have both.

Ninth Principle: Human greed, fear, hope and laziness are unfortunately more pronounced in the general population than humility, courage, fortitude and perseverance. It is my belief than in order for trading in shares/crypto and other such things, to be more of a skill than blind luck, you need to be demonstrably better than the human average in this regard. Please note that I said nothing about morality. There are very tenacious, brave, strong, and able to keep a low profile people, that are thoroughly evil. Being skilled at trading is like being good at poker. Yes it’s a skill. yes luck still plays a decent part, which means sometimes you will lose no matter what, but your skill as a trader or poker player says nothing at all about your morality. And if anything, it is more likely to be jaded or at least not pristine, since as I said above, the entire structure is essentially morally repugnant to an actually decent and innocent soul.

Tenth Principle: Yes you CAN use the devil’s own tools against him, but it is an exceedingly dangerous game, most human beings are absolutely incapable of playing it and will get corrupted, broken or both in trying to do so. I do not believe most men are even aware that they have entered such a “game” even when they do it, and such men are almost entirely destined to be doomed. If any escape they tend to be crippled emotionally, ethically, spiritually or even physically or a mixture of these. of those who enter the “game” consciously, most fail. A few will get out more or less intact if they are smart and humble enough to know this is not their Way. Only a very few will achieve their goal and get out on the other side with a win. Even then, for most human beings, the scars they accumulate in doing it are not worth it. And even if you make it and win, as with anything, there is a price to pay. Make sure you know what it can be, long before you begin on such a dangerous path.

And finally, the analysis of LOTTLE

Here are some screen caps in order with the lowest resolution showing the whole graph first (6 days) and then the subsequent graphs focussing more on the top part of the graph at increasing magnification.

Pleas eunderstand that this will be radically different when you eventually look at it. I was WAITING for a spike from $4 million funded to go up or down (the trend is a dip or double dip first then a spike, but I felt this one might just spike up without much of a dip and it did, to $5.2 million, increasing in value by almost 30% and I missed it. Because I wasn’t on the phone for 2.5 hours.

The point here is to show you the historical trend and pattern so you can compare it to whatever it is when you go and see it.

So here is my analysis of this. The token is only six days old and it had doubled in value every 24 hours. That is literally ALL I know. I have nothing on the fundamentals; the why, who, what created LOTTLE and on what basis the mystery man Adam knows gave out the —so far— super good tip.

Looking at the graph you can make a pattern out. Roughly every time it comes to about 1.5 to 1.75 times the value there is a dip. People sell and the value drops. For a bit. then people buy again. Sometimes the dip is double and more protected (in the later stages) though initially it was more single. It can also be more of a plateau than a full dip but it can also be a big dip.

So what is happening here?

This is my… ANA (Advanced Noob Analysis) take on it:

Small single dips early on: People for whatever reason bought it, it did well, they sold off a bit to hedge against it popping but new people were coming in and still buying so pretty quick they probably re-invested at the dip. this happened a few times until the numbers got bigger.

Larger Single dips or smaller second dip after initial recovery: More people are bought in now. And I have no idea what amounts people are putting in but the trading strategy of a guy that invests $10,000 in it is going to be very different from the guy who invests $10 in it… to a point… and exactly the same in another respect. Which all depends on relative wealth. Let me explain. I put in $200, which for me is not insignificant at this point in time. So for me, I selected the following strategy before I did anything:

  1. If it goes up, take out enough to recoup the initial $200. Once you have recovered the initial $200, if it looks good let it ride a bit and periodically take out the same amount every time it doubles in value. Why this strategy is safe is explained in the conversation I had with my friend above. You make a little less money but it’s a small price to pay for the added security. If the amount you invested is meaningful for you. A few years ago, $200 was completely insignificant to me and I would have thrown it in and forgotten about it for several days probably. The guy doing this to feed his family (aside being foolishly stupid in most cases if this is his only thing) is going to use a strategy far more similar to me than the guy who is doing it purely to make a killing who is already well off. understanding the difference is important in noting the trend.
  2. I assume most investors are like me, little guys betting a few buck they have that they will not cry if it is lost.

On that basis then, the dips are guys selling a portion to recover the initial investment. Some will miss it and panic and sell to get out, but most will leave something in to see if it recovers. And it does. So the cycle repeats. Except when the wins get bigger different emotions come in. So say you now have recovered your initial investment, you’re more likely to let the rest ride. And you’re also more likely to let it fall pretty far before selling because you assume it will recover. So the dips become larger because more people are playing long term. The second smaller dip is, in my view the split between the “richer” investors and the “poorer” guys. The poorer guys will sell as soon as an upward spike puts them a little better off, because remember they are still trying to recover the initial investment. The richer guys will hold out longer, making the dipping process last longer and have a wider swing.

Later: From about the $4 million mark though there was a longer plateau. To me this signified that most likely everyone had more or less recovered their money and they were waiting for a dip to buy low, but in the absence of it a spike would happen anyway as new players came in or the old ones just went for it anyway assuming good will happen. And that is exactly what happened. But I blinked and missed it. Now at $5.3 million I bought another $80, which would be “foolish” normally, as it is at the top of the next “plateau”. But… I think aside a little dip, the pattern here is likely to repeat as per the 4 million did because most people already recouped their money, so now, either people like me that see this trend, or new player coming in, or a combination, is likely to drive the price up again fast. And even if there is a dip I believe it will recover. As I am not actually a day trader glued to his computer and as I have not put in automated buy/sell orders (like I said, still low ability on the mechanics remember?) I am betting the rise will continue for a few days yet. If my total investment doubles again I will take out twice the original total investment of $200 so I will have $400 out and no matter what happens I made $200 profit even if it all crashes and burns overnight.

Right now, if it crashes, I will have lost about $80 total as I only pulled out $160 but there are some fees to cover and so on. It would suck, but it’s not what will make or brake me.

Right now I have $472 in LOTTLE so I am actually “failing” and not following my own advice as I should have taken that $70 out to make my initial $200 safe. instead I put it in because my view is the spike will carry on for a bit yet. And so far, the small movement I saw since the start of this post seems to be in line with that calculated risk.

So that is it. I hope if you do Jon this trade on your own from wherever you are in the world, we can both become filthy rich.

Just don’t blow it all on hookers and cocaine. Life has far better options than that.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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