So, in case you are new here or came to me via the substack instead of my original blog that was hacked by US state actors as best as I can determine,
let me remind you of what
I said way back when on the 10th of March 2022,
not quite 3 weeks after Russia launched it’s Special Military Operation.
For those too lazy to click and read, I stated that in my opinion, option 2 was the most likely scenario, which I described as follows:
Option 2 (most likely)
Russia still wins but skirmishes of all kinds as well as the ongoing total economic and social ostracism/war continues against them. Essentially just kicking the can down the road until the Globohomo forces have gathered sufficient military re-armament that they feel confident that they can take a forceful and possibly again, all-out-war position or at least the credible threat of it to make Russia back down (a very unlikely position. I think Russia is literally ready to nuke Washington if they need to). This position is what the globohomos would likely try to go for because it has the lowest risk for THEM personally. However, I expect Russia/Putin have foreseen this and if their “propaganda” is anything to go by, they will not go quietly into the night. If you have noticed, the Russian “propaganda” for the most part can simply be described as my own preferred method of it. A thin layer of rhetoric wrapped around a depleted uranium core of dialectic. Also known as undeniable factual truth wrapped in a stinging rhetorical barb that becomes difficult to ignore once it embeds in your head like shrapnel.
I expect in this scenario that the relentless factually demonstrable reality the West and the globohomos are desperately trying to subvert would be placed front and center to the rest of the world in multiple ways. It may take a year or two, because Russia has to first consolidate its own borders and purge itself from any remnant of Globohomo internally as a priority, which it has in any case been doing softly for a decade or more, so it should not take too long to get to a decent state, at which point the external world-view can be addressed. And the thing about factual truth is that it is long-lasting. Permanent. Sooner or later, it will overcome whatever lies you try to cover it up with. This concept is one the globohomos do NOT believe and do NOT understand. They are fully invested in the demonic, and as such their reality is the lie. Always.
I would say that my prediction has been spot on, considering the general “skirmishes” of Georgia, Romania and so on, which for the most part have been bloodless though, and in fact have exposed the Eurocrats for being completely opposed to anything even mildly resembling democracy, which is precisely what I said would happen when nonsensical rhetoric meets undeniable, factual dialectic.
In fact I would say that the current events are even more positive than I expected, although generally speaking all is on track.
So there you go. That is why I don’t really bother to make any long-winded discussions about the realities of what will/may happen in Europe. I saw it literally 3 years ago less than 3 weeks after the start of the Russian SMO, and I haven’t been wrong since.
The interesting thing now is to see if Europe continues the suicidal headrush to literal humiliation Zelensky in the White House style, like Kier Starmer, that pompous half-wit seems hell-bent or butt-puppeted to do, alongside the Gay French Macaroon “married” to the French Equivalent of Big Mike Obama, OR… as I suspect, places like Italy, Spain, Portugal, and a few others may just start to say… “We-eel, we have always kissed the ass of America, because our masters live there… and if America tells us to now stop fellating the cocaine clown, who are we to carry on?”
This has interesting possibilities, because on one side, I expect Italy to follow whatever America tells it to do, which in a way is “good” if it pushes back a bunch of foreign intruders, closes the borders, gets us out of NATO and hopefully the EU itself (one can dream). On the other hand it’s still sucks because it means the 150-odd American military bases will likely stay in Italy. Unless Trump, and his group, ALSO decide to pull a bunch of them out (again, one can live in hope). Even if this last were to happen though, I expect the USA would still leave several of the important bases in Italy.
What I expect is the most likely outcome is once more a bit of a middle of the road scenario. With perhaps a TINY possibility of Trump-like figure rising to power in Italy not in the next election but possibly in the one after, IF he is similarly sponsored by whoever is running Trump from Israel. Which yes, it still absolutely is happening, given how Trump treats Net-a-yahoo.
Well, take a look at those numbers and now add this map to them, which I knew was roughly the case, but it’s nice to have actual numbers based on relatively large polls too.
So, just to reiterate what I said back in 2022: Russia will absolutely win, nor will they stop until they have secured their position to their satisfaction. Do I think they will take Odessa? I’m 50-50 on it. If Europe carries on pretending to be a guard dog for much longer, then yes. If Europe backs off and America gives some decent guarantees on the ground, maybe no.
I think it all depends on how “nice” Russia wants to play in the international scene with a “new” America as presented by Trump.
Since Putin is not an idiot, and assuming he is not also controlled by the same people that run Trump, he would be foolish to NOT take Odessa. And let the diplomatic fallout fall where it might, it’s not going to change the physical outcomes. So in my mind if Odessa becomes part of Russia or not, depends on the backroom deals mostly.
I think the most likely outcome may be that Odessa remains nominally “Ukrainian” but with a lot of Russian oversight that really makes it Russia by another name.
So that’s probably as much of a prediction as you need from me for several months or even years.
Shortly before the 2024 elections, in October 2024. Mostly because I was explaining a bit too much about how this planet works and who controls most of the evil that happens on it, and how, as well as why.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
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By SubStackSyncer | 3 March 2025 | Posted in SubStack
So… I have been saying for some time now that while the Trump Admin is a great improvement on anything Kameltoe Harridan would have done, it is my considered option that the whole thing is just a switch from left-liberal Jews running things to right-orthodox Jews running things.
In other words, if you are a gentile, the enslavening and impoverishment, will continue. Slowed down perhaps or at least muted for some and accelerated for others (the lefties this time).
It’s the old switcher they have been playing for 5,000 years that everyone except the Roman first and the Catholics after have kept falling for, for the entire period.
I have been explaining this ad nauseam to anyone that will listen that there is no right and left. There is only Freemasons and Jews and both lead to the same thing, because:
And the edge of it too, to be safe.
Now… does this make me a blackpilled nihilist and merchant of despair? No. Not at all. Trump certainly gives American a bit more wiggle room and even us Europeans, though we still need to see where woplandia will fall on. As usual my nominal countrymen are masters of indecision and will no doubt pick the “winning” side, which is why I am hopeful that they might well go along with Trump, especially on stopping immigration to the country. HOWEVER, even more important for me would be the getting rid of ALL US military bases on Italian soil. Every single one. And if they kiss Trump’s ass that will not happen.
Leave Italy to sink or swim and there may be a chance that the next corrupt, lying, conniving, SOB that comes to power MIGHT, just return us to some modicum of sovereignty simply because otherwise they will not be able to collect a large enough paycheque and under the counter envelopes and favours. But that is wishful thinking. As long as Italy remains in the EU we’ll have problems.
But back to the USA.
Here is one guy who so far I have seen criticised a lot… but… never seen him actually back down yet. I don’t know him personally and I have not followed him all that much aside from on Gab which I hardly use anymore for the last year or two.
Yet… he seems to be the only one saying the quiet parts out loud.
Watch his little Video. it’s quite telling, and here is the post it is attached to.
More interesting perhaps is the New Media. Which is exactly the same as the old Media, in case you hadn’t noticed.
So, what we have, is the White House using the “alternative media” to “spread the word” about the “Most Transparent Administration in History”. You know, just one of those little non-scripted phrases everyone that is on the payroll will suddenly start using spontaneously along with all the other bullet-points they have to hit.
I have never even registered Libsof TikTok on my radar, but I did unwittingly meet Chernovich briefly in Paris for a gamerGate meet up and to say I was immediately underwhelmed is to put it mildly. As it turns out, on his blog he also had a post about him blowing a Tranny in Thailand or Malaysia or wherever he was. When it came to light he then suddenly said it was a guest post (though nothing had ever indicated this before) and he apparently gets his money from Alimony he got in a divorce settlement from his far more successful ex-wife. None of that is necessarily really relevant of course. I mean, it’s definitely not my cup of tea, nor a guy I would care to associate with or spend any time with, and judging by his reaction to me in Paris, I think he would rather be anywhere else other than anywhere near me too. I was at the bar ordering a drink and he came up, buzzed and told me something along the lines of “Oh, so you came to hear my speech huh?” To which, my genuine response, without any inflection was to merely turn to look at him and say “I’m sorry but I have absolutely no idea who you are.”
At that he mumbled something and scuttled off in a hurry. I found it odd and a little funny.
Again, none of this is really relevant, what I did find relevant is that Lispy Chernovich tried to take credit for “having the Epstein Files released.” Alongside Alan Dershowitz. Now, in case you didn’t know, Dershowitz was the same jewish lawyer who defended (and got off) OJ Simpson, in what was pretty clearly a murder trial in which OJ managed to NOT get convicted, but he usual miracles of the US Justice system. He was also the lawyer for Epstein and is implicated in at least one if not several of Epstein victims naming him as a perpetrator of rape/molestation. That is, it is alleged he partook in the same crimes as his client. And of course he was on the Lolita Express too. So what was Dershowitz trying to do? He was trying to STOP the Epstein client list from getting out. And Chernovich was helping him do that. When this did not quite work out, Chernovich tried his usual stunt of jumping in front of whatever bandwagon is going and tried to take credit for “releasing the files” when he had been involved in doing precisely the opposite. That, from memory, is what the legal documents that were publicly available at the time showed to the best of my recollection anyway. And I was far from the only one that knew this.
Just like Milo is a fake Catholic, works with he Fed and is a Freemason, so Chernovich is a manufactured “influencer” that has now been given the task to “influence” accordingly.
But let’s not forget that as Mister Stew Peters said, the murder of JFK, the ENTIRE Epstein pedophile situation and ring, and financing, and blackmail circus was and is and remains a total Mossad op. The “ex” head of Mossad visited Epstein regularly in the USA. This is not exactly rocket science. And each one of those “influencers” in a pro-Israel zionist.
But in any case we don’t have to wonder about this at all. Trump recently re-welcomed Net-a-Yahoo, the mass-murdering, false-flag approving leader of Israel, and praised him for the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians and the total eradication of Gaza by making sure the Israelis now have even bigger bombs, supplied courtesy of Uncle Sam to make the rubble bounce even higher.
And the point here is not whether I am a fan of Hamas or even Palestinians in general. The point is I am not in favour of bombing indiscriminately a bunch of women, children, hospitals and schools and killing completely innocent kids. Genocide is genocide is genocide. I really don’t like the Jews and their ways either, but if they were being actually genocided like the Palestinians are now, I would not be for it either.
There is a very simple way to know if a person has:
A) realised how the world works and who runs it, and
B) is going to be honest about it.
If they know who owns, caused, or runs the following:
The Bank of International Settlement
The IMF (see 1.)
The Central Banks of countries around the world (see 1.)
The Federal Reserve (see 1)
The Bilderberger Group
The World Economic Forum
The Oklahoma City Bombing
The Franklin Scandal
The Assassination of the Kennedys
The Clinton Foundation and the pile of bodies racked up by the Clintons
The Child Trafficking links, networks and connections to the Vatican, Ukraine and the Clintons
The attack on the USS Liberty
The October 7th Green Flag and the Israeli forces shooting of their own people
And they don’t say who actually caused, runs or owns the above things, well… then they are not honest are they?
You see, there are really only two types of people on this planet. Those who LOVE the Truth above pretty much everything else, and those who do not.
And there really cannot be any kind of truce or compromise between them, can there?
So… while I urge you to absolutely take this opportunity to prepare further, deeper and harder, my advice remains the same:
Get out of cities, go rural, and build communities of like minded people, with the aim to become self-sufficient to the point that you can make do WITHOUT even FIAT money. It is the way they enslaved the world. you will live or die if you have enough or not enough money, but the entire thing is a fiction created out of thin air.
If you produce your own food, clean water, energy and have the means to defend it, you can then rebuild a world in which nepotism, injustice, lies and deception, are punished, instead of rewarded as they are now.
And I’m not even charging a fee. So please either subscribe to the Substack,
buy some of my books
, or otherwise spread the word of this and the
original blog
too to family and friends. And thanks if you do.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
No related posts.
By SubStackSyncer | 1 March 2025 | Posted in SubStack
And it’s all gone. Literally 5 minutes after this post the last 2 tins were sold.
Thank you to all the buyers and we will hope to resolve more and larger imports soon.
the 7 tins available,
5 have already gone. And some have already reached the buyers and they have been kind enough to give me a brief review. Here they are:
One of the customers, who is actually a pretty famous guy in his own right, and an awesome dude, sent me this initially:
Oil arrived! Absolutely delicious. We each had a tasty spoonful and look forward to some great cooking!
When I asked if I could use that line from his email as a review, he promptly decided to write up a longer one. I didn’t even ask, as I say, the man is seriously cool.
Slightly fuller review:
Absolutely delicious, and in a less affected way than the high-end olive oils we see in places like Whole Foods and Erewhon. As lovely as the typical high-shelf olive oils are, they also gain much of their aroma and piquancy from additives trying to recapture the natural richness stripped by filtering. One of our longstanding favorites has been Frescobaldi Laudemio, a lovely offering from Tuscany that is nonetheless filtered and blended from many sources. Compare this with the Ca’ Filo Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which is single-source and entirely unfiltered, and you have a completely different experience in kind. It’s sipping good, with a perfect spicey finish and lingering lovely aftertaste. Looking forward to months of enhanced cooking. And side sips.
The first guy to actually immediately buy a tin, also wrote a very nice email that he said I can use as a review, where he wrote:
I received the olive oil tin on Saturday as expected. I am a pleased customer – I’ll be buying again when the next batch is available or a regular process is stood up.
I’m obviously not an olive oil expert. That said, 1) your pricing was a bargain – compared to the Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club in the US, they charge $92-3 per liter and send 1.5 liters of olive oil a quarter; and 2) I enjoyed your olive oil much better than the recently pressed ones from them. Granted the batch I have right now is from Chile – it tastes smoother vs. the peppery taste I recall from yours, but I suspect the same will be true for the Italian batch.
Thank you,
In a follow up email when I asked if I could use his email as a review, he added the following:
The maximum phenols are why I will use this as a daily preventative shot instead of for cooking or salads, exception being if I bake some bread to eat it with. I definitely enjoy the peppery taste.
And he is quite right. This Olive Oil is actually a health booster. The wife and kids have been ill with a weird “flu” again and as soon as I ensured they were taking their olive oil, lemon and honey (we also have natural honey from proper bees here on our property) hotshots, they started to improve.
Even if you don’t use it for cooking, the Blueprint guy (Brian Johnson) recommends taking at least three tablespoons a day of it. I haven’t spent 2 million USD a year for several years to figure it out, but I can tell you that my direct experience of drinking the oil daily and not doing so is almost miraculous. the point pain I had for moths in my elbows vanished in two days, and only came back if I stopped taking the oil. After several weeks of being more or less regular with the drinking at least a sip of oil a day or putting a bunch of it on salad, even if I stopped for a couple of weeks the joint pain only came back if I again overused my arms for various farm works. And if I did, a couple of oil shots and I would be fine again after a day or two.
The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil are truly something to be experienced before you can appreciate it; and since pretty much every illness begins with inflammation, it’s a general health tonic.
Anyway, given that Trump wants to impose 25% tariffs on anything from Europe, the next batch, if it can even get there, will likely be in the $85-95 per litre range, so if you want one of the remaining 2 tins, you had
best order them now
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
No related posts.
By SubStackSyncer | 27 February 2025 | Posted in SubStack
Nevertheless, we can still learn something from it that is both obvious in one facets, and amusing in the other.
And it is this:
Kurtzy-boi puts most of this one behind a pay wall, which shows his rather Pharaseical attitude: Create a completely non-existent problem, that is, trying to blame something we have not even seen the hint of being in place anywhere in the West for at least a half century or more —Meritocracy— as if it was the cause of the current rule by the most corrupt, idiotic, well-connected, parasitic, child-molesting, blackmailable and devoid of any morals. He mislabels his own “idea” of credentialism as if it was meritocracy, only to shoot it down (typical strawman “argument”) in favour of… (drum roll)… credentialism!
He then provides the supposed “solution” (except he’s already told us that credentialism is a good thing, according to him) but… well you need to PAY for it!
Wait… let me think… do we know of any other ethnicity, tribe, or group of people that create a fear, a problem, a war and then try and sell the “solution” to everyone that believes it or is caught up in it?
Why… yes, yes we do… and they hate above all our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church.
Now, Kurtzy-boi is anonymous, but let’s just say that I would not be surprised if he turned out to be an early lifer. He need not be, his stupidity does seem to be generational at the very least, but let’s just say that wittingly or not, his narrative certainly follows a certain left-handed path any reader here should be familiar with by now.
Let us now turn to the supposed “meat” of his post (the real “meat” of course is the money).
We must recognize that our narrow but totalizing
, as it stands today, is neither
nor sustainable.
He is of course describing credentialism (at best) and nepotism
as if
they were meritocracy (a truly Satanic inversion of facts and meaning)
Its powerful efficiencies maximize short-term profits but preclude the reproduction of society through
crushing effects on fertility
. These are not minor flaws – they are existential and must be addressed.
I’m all for the idiots who think credentialism and nepotism are the way forward to not reproduce at all. This is a fix, not a bug.
Correcting this reductive approach must not be
reductive in the opposite direction
Well, that’s a relief! Hey Kurtzy-boi? Because what were you going to do? Force people to breed more under your regime? Truly the stupidity of this man is astonishing.
We should appreciate that the credentialed meritocratic economy
an effective mechanism for ensuring that capable people are matched with demanding jobs.
No it really is NOT. You know what is though? ACTUAL meritocracy. Know why I have never been out of work in my chosen field? Because I make people a shitload of MONEY when they hire me. Do I have a degree in what I do? No. Did I even have any “credentials” in it? No. But guess what, from the very first job I got in the UK I made the people that hired me more money than any other guy in that position they ever had. Ask any company owner if they care more about my credentials or how much money I can make for them, all while being perfectly legal, professional, and keeping the client happy too, since most eded up being repeat clients (and the ones that did not were usually dishonest types best not to deal with in the first place, so that was a win too).
We don’t want to lose the ability to distinguish technical merit.
You don’t have it. And people like you never do. You believe pieces of paper and fake accolades and trophies over results. While people like me care absolutely NOTHING for any of those baubles and look only at results.
It may be, in our family farm example, that the next generation of this particular family are fundamentally unfit in some way to assume responsibility. And that’s okay: our post-meritocracy still concludes that each person should take up the role that they are most suited for – it just asks that we consider expansive factors in our determination of merit.
And who decides on those factors Kurtzy-Boi? You? From some ivory tower the people magically give you for your wisdom? You really need to put the heavy drugs down boy.
How, then, do we intelligently move beyond meritocracy?
You don’t. Meritocracy IS the most intelligent way to have society function. Abandoning it is how we end up with he current dystopia of generic faggotry, inefficiency, stupidity, absurdism, unreality, chaos and accelerating entropy.
Our family farm example is, of course, quite small and neat. But there are principles which emerge out of it which are applicable to the wider economy. I suggest that our strategy will be built upon the following pillars:
Solve for pattern;
Connections over nodes;
Work in time;
Passion is agency;
Externalize capital;
Value values.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the hilarious part. Kurtzy-Boi here is going to lay out a six-parter with fancy-sounding word salads, to try and tell you why his German engineered style “solution” is the best thing since the Germans placed spark plugs in the VW cars in such a way that changing them means you have to dismantle half the engine instead of reach in with one tool to remove them easily in 10 seconds like you can do in any Japanese Toyota.
WHo, I say, is this verbal diarrhoea of nonsense supposed to be addressed to? The teeming and unwashed masses are going to read this paid for post and then suddenly synergise what
Value Values
Passion is Agency
Work in Time
all mean? And then synergise it further with
Connections over nodes
? Seriously?
There are lost African tribes in the Congo that can see this is nonsense. And I bet money that his
Connections over nodes
is a purely theoretical attempt to model the very algorithms of substack into a supposed real life model. Except real life doesn’t work like that. Not without REALITY being part of the equation.
No one, literally NO ONE is EVER in the entire history of humanity from here forward (and in the past even less so) going to use whatever absurd theory this moron has vomited together to make a better world.
No one. Not even him.
Because no woman has ever decided to have six kids because of anyone telling her all about
Value Values,
Solving for Pattern
. In fact, only the kind of retards that fancy themselves smartbois (TM) but who are probably radioactive to most women, would even indulge this idiocy for longer than the two minutes it takes to read it. And if Kurtzy-Boi was ever teleported to Sparta he would instantly become the gay footstool of whatever sodomite with a sword might have happened to be about that day.
NOTHING of what he writes about and says is based in reality at all. It’s all just one fever-dream of solipsistic narcissism fuelled by an ego that has never had the benefit of a father smacking him in the head when he behaved like the whiny, envious, self-obsessed little bitch he undoubtedly is.
There is only ONE WAY that human beings will overcome the current nonsensical clown world, which absolutely includes morons like Kurtzy-Boi here, and it is this:
Reliance on being guided in our efforts by a faith larger than ourselves that addresses reality as we find it better than in any other model. Having ignored it for decades and then being slammed in the face with he reality of it, this system, as far as I am concerned is Catholicism as it was done before Vatican II, meaning I am a 1958 Sedevacantist Catholic. Because that is when the first of the current unbroken line of antipopes started and when Vatican II was first implemented.
Results. I.e. Meritocracy. Just like no employer worth having cares about credentials if you make them millions, no woman worth having cares about theories if her man is able to make her feel taken care of, loved and sexually excited and fulfilled, while she makes a bunch of children for him and they raise them to become a united front against the “Brave New Worlders” of ClownCities (TM).
And Kurtzy-Boi has neither of these things. he is a fake, a shell, a soft-handed software engineer type who is too scared of the status quo to even use his own name online. You want to take your queen from a guy like him? Please… go right ahead, because one of the mottos of the Kurganate is: Leave all the retards behind.
Oh, well. because the Kurganate is a…? Can you guess? Say it with me: Meritocracy. With elements of (mostly benign) dictatorship.
Which is why a total stranger from the other side of the planet would come and fly over to meet me in person and work like and Ice Spartan for nothing and in fact would help me activate an olive export business. Or why a man from another country bought himself a home nearby with an eventual view to living here. Or why I have loyal Catholic friends that found good women that followed them into catholicism despite not having been of that religion prior and getting married and making babies before being 30. Or why I have friends that will go out of their way for a couple or three years in a row to help me set things up here to the benefit of yes my family, but also all those who will come to be here in due course.
Fancy words and theories don’t create civilisations. Men willing to do physical things in the world with a belief rooted in reality and God above do. And have. And will again.
Kurtzy-Boi and his entire kin and kind never have and never will. They are the collateral beneficiaries of men better than themselves. And you can tell by the absolute nonsensical rubbish he spouts as wisdom to the inexperienced.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
No related posts.
By SubStackSyncer | 26 February 2025 | Posted in SubStack
The last
two Kurganings of Kurtzy-Boi
seem to have been well-received, by those capable of reading. That said, I had at least one acquaintance question why I went “so hard” at this flour-puff pastry of a poseur. The reason should be obvious, but since reading for comprehension is basically a lost art practiced by only a few remaining dinosaurs from the golden era when men were men and not able to get pregnant (supposedly). allow me to lay it out in the most basic of syllogisms:
I am, and my blogs are (even more so at the OG blog, see link below the header of this blog) and always have been, primarily aimed at sharing useful, practical, considerations about life, the universe and everything. If you have been a long-time reader, and own some of my books, especially the non-fiction ones, you will have learnt a bunch of demonstrable stuff that is of pretty high importance, very briefly and at a minimum:
The real history of humanity (The Face on Mars) including of this solar system too (not opinion, but fact-based empirical observations that lead to fairly conclusive hypothesis that have stood true for now 30 years and in fact only been confirmed further during that time).
At least some of the human potential we are capable of (Systema)
The real history and truth concerning Christianity and the actual Catholic Church (Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church)
A bunch of other stuff related to human performance (hypnosis, information gathering via non-verbal and non standard methods), Physics, Astronomy, History, Archeology, and various other interests that can also include the prediction of things like the current dystopia and how it will progress, the inevitable victory of Russia in Ukraine (and elsewhere) as predicted years ago, and so on.
An interest in finding a way forward that promoted the nuclear family, faith based in reality, and the observable universe,1 that helps young men (and women, for communities that will in time be absolutely able to resist the ever increasing totalitarian evil and dictatorial dystopia we are sleepwalking towards.
As a result, I always call out the impostors and gatekeepers, or the blithering idiots that though earnest, are so stupid that they unknowingly and unwittingly push a completely noxious and false agenda that leads anyone who listens to it down a path to hell, perdition, sadness, and lost opportunity and wasted lives. You don’t have to believe me. Just go to the OG blog here, and type in the names of any of the following imps of the devil in the Search Me function on the right sidebar and you will see what I mean:
Milo YankmyPolous (Yiannopoulous)
Gary (or Michelle) Voris of the ex-Church Militant
Emo Jones
Tay-Tay Marshall
Brittany Spears
Shia LeBouf
And of course many others. I have not bothered to mention people like Alex Jones and so on being essentially just the “right-wing” side of the same Freemason coin that prevents people like you and me from having spaceships to go exploring the Galaxy and hop to the existing bases on the Moon and Mars for fun.
Kurtzy-boi has a blog that is “read” by thousands, who apparently are mostly functional illiterates impressed by “smart sounding” but totally content free expressions. Which means he is leading people, especially young men, astray. A recent comment on the previous post on him, highlights very well who Kurtzy-Boi is.
Tarcisius wrote:
His writing reminds me of assignments in school where I had to write an essay with a minimum number of words, 1000 words for example. Since I did not enjoy writing assignments, and because I did not have anything worthwhile to say, and because I suck at writing, I would break out the thesaurus and try to string together 1000 words with only the barest hint of an underlying theme or topic, all the while saying absolutely nothing of substance.
At least I knew I had nothing worthwhile to say. This guy really thinks he has something substantial here, and proceeds to bloviate over several long essays about it. Like you said, it’s just a strawman attack on meritocracy.
What I don’t get is that there are so many others heaping praise on him for this nonsense. It’s just a bunch of mindless NPCs congratulating eachother on what wonderful smart-boys they are.
It is indeed one of the most perceptive comments I have received, but not the only one.
Wolly Ram:
He mistakes the assigned middle managers of evil for “elites” and builds an entire solopsistic thesis around this error, baffling.
So that is why I bother. He is a little, pasty, weak, parasite, pretending to be a wise and noble man. He is no such thing. He is a wormtongue, and the fact my blog has a tiny readership compared to his, especially after the state sponsored hack of the OG blog that resulted in this blog being launched as it currently exists, is not relevant. Like any Catholic worth his salt, I really don’t care bout the odds or the numbers. One must simply stand for truth, regardless of the “popularity” or “infamy” of it.
No doubt, people who read this blog as if he were a wise man speaking wise words of manliness, will be loathe to accept they have been fooled by a smoke-merchant too afraid to even use his own name, putting the lie to his entire thesis of “becoming noble” as his sophistic and strawmannirg excuse for a blog is called.
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug and people will sooner risk death than admit they are dumb or were fooled like an idiot, and so on. But it happens to the best of us. Including me. The mark of a decent human being is not his ability to pretend he was never wrong, but to simply admit and accept when he was and then move on with the new knowledge now firmly part of his constitution.
I hope therefore, that if you care about your friends and family or even total strangers, you can make them aware of these sort of snakes in the grass. As for Kurtzy-boi, he as an individual is a pointless cartoon character no more relevant than an NPC “of note” in any RPG pen-and paper game, but eat a social (game level) he can influence relatively large numbers of people (mostly the young men who might be real adventurers in the analogy of Roleplaying Games) to take a false path.
And as he has just released yet another smelly turd of a post on his absurd and false concept of “meritocracy”, it’s probably my duty, to take that one down in a blow-by-blow account too. Because…
really does
. No honourable man can allow such a rat to run around pretending to be a nobleman. It is a rat, and it belongs in the sewer, not in the polite (albeit illiterate) company of human beings.
For which, actual Catholicism is the best model of reality anyone has EVER come up with and it has more than 2,000 years of proof, despite the fact that today (as prophesied for centuries by the way) only a remnant of actual Christians are left (the only Catholics clergy left are 1958 Sedevacantists and while nominally Novus Ordo lay Catholics ar indeed still considered Catholic, they are in desperate error and in peril of their souls through the sloth of not bothering to find out why the Vatican II “clergy” and “Church” are in fact the very opposite of Catholicism and are in fact at best fooled ignorants but in most cases and in all cases at the top, knowing Satanists).
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
No related posts.
By SubStackSyncer | 26 February 2025 | Posted in SubStack
I promised the Youtube Subscribers a Video on Antarctica, however I also have very cool paid subscribers on Substack, so I am thinking of testing the video capability of Susbstack and copying the eventual stream here. There is apparently also the ability to do livestreams on substack, but not for me as my phone is ancient, so the livestream version may have to be on YouTube only. In any case, this is just a short video to test the ability of the platform.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
No related posts.
By SubStackSyncer | 25 February 2025 | Posted in SubStack
The idiotic, fake “nobleman” and ineffective wanna-be “warrior-philosopher” with the cowardly fake name of Johann Kurtz has ejected from his pasty, weak, cowardly body, another effluent of regurgitated strawman arguments, sophistry, lies and seething rage at his not being one of the “elite” he so desperately aspires to suck off for recognition.
This ambulatory piece of human exrement irks me because he is one of the ten thousand voices of the liars, deceivers, fake wise-men, fake religious, fake everything that is infecting especially young en with false and untenable nonsense ideologies. These parasites prey on the dissatisfaction of young men primarily and feed it lies upon falsehoods, wrapped in deception, self-aggrandisement and a wish to appear knowledgeable or important or, even more laughably, effective.
Before we start the vivisection of his latest blog post, which will be autistically complete, let me remind you that this “paragon” among men, who wants to “become noble” is a shrinking violet too scared and hemmed in by his ACTUAL life, where he is at best a middle manager in some software firm, to even use his real name.
He clearly has always kissed and licked the right assholes to climb the corporate ladder like the soulless little mommy’s boy he is and he tells other young men this is the only way to achieve… suck-cess, his specialty.
In other words, he is precisely the opposite of what he pretends to present himself as, a rugged, manly man, of man-like virtue.
And his series of meritocracy is absolute dogshit and he deserves to be exposed for the utter fraud he is, hence, is second Kurganing.
The first being here.
But let me now commence the total demolishing of
his latest post
, sentence by sentence. My comments in bold.
Who is this “we” Kurtzy-boy? You made it all up and literally no one who can read English and owns a dictionary can agree with you on any of it. As I clearly demonstrated in the first Kurganing, you literally don’t even understand the meaning or definition of the wort meritocracy.
We have found that configuring society around an impoverished political philosophy which fails to live up to its name –
– has various deleterious effects, including the
destruction of childhood
and the
impairment of family formation
. Perhaps it is no surprise that it has corrupted our elite, too.
“WE” did no such thing. Notice the sophistic method used here, by using the royal “we” he pretends you are in agreement with his absurd definitions, false narratives and endless strawman “arguments”.
To briefly recap: we first discovered that ‘meritocracy’ is a far more dubious concept than the term, on its face, would imply:
No, again, “we” did no such thing. YOU invented an absurd definition for meritocracy, (who puts in the most effort has “merit” according to you) that no one else has, (Meritocracy means rule by those most effective at producing results, not rule by those making the most (or pretending to do) “effort”. Effort means nothing. Results do.) then tried to pretend it was the actual definition and then “shot it down”. Classic strawman argument.
“What we discovered is that the new concept of meritocracy is… reductive and exclusionary. It represents an attempt to expel a whole range of human richness from traditional understandings of ‘merit’.
No. It does no such thing. In fact meritocracy is how societies largely functioned in Catholic Europe until a bunch of soft-bellied and soft-handed bureaucrats like yourself managed to reproduce by remaining safe in the village, as the local village idiot, while men conquered the world.
Meritocracy is the notion that it is illegitimate to reward a person based on criteria other than a specific and artificial definition of merit, typically characterized by formal examinations and structured evaluations of narrowly-defined performance. Meritocracy adopts tests, reviews, qualifications, credentials, and the quantification of performance and ability. The meritocrat is the ‘Spreadsheet Man’.
I demolished this nonsense in detail in
my first Kurganing
of this effeminate poseur.
Under meritocracy, it is illegitimate to elevate an individual based on broader criteria, such as whether they are a friend, relative, local, particular sex, member of a known family, member of your faith, member of your class…
In other words, meritocracy is the antithesis of the concept of birthright. It is an attack on the integrity of sovereignty, undermining the ability of the steward of an asset to entirely determine to whom that asset is apportioned according to their own values.”
Meritocracy is not a good thing
, we began an exploration of the logic that inevitably leads to morally diminished elites within ‘meritocratic’ systems:
“Unfortunately, making ‘merit’ synonymous with ‘maximally economically productive’ also makes merit synonymous with a range of less desirable factors: a lack of inconvenient moral values, a lack of desire for a distracting family life, and an absence of ties to a particular locality.
Merit as economic productivity preferences a bias towards tolerance for inhuman working hours, a subservient and predictable personality type, and compliance over criticism or revolt.
Meritocratic institutions embrace those subjects who are transparent rather than complex; those whose achievements are easily summarized on a paper resume, and those who are willing to devote their lives to filling that paper in…
The quality naively implied by the term ‘merit’ and the qualities which are selected for in practice thus diverge widely. In fact, precisely because it subjects elites to Darwinian pressures while not selecting for virtue, meritocracy has the consistent effect of corrupting elites. Careerism is a poor teacher of morality.”
Here we see the whole house of cards of his ideology collapse in flames and ashes. Not only is he so stupid to say he thinks meritocracy is based on effort (instead of results) but he also equates any results to being solely equivalent to
the amount of money a person produces
(notice he unconsciously implies
for others
, not even for oneself, which would already be bad enough!) If this is not retardation at levels only seen by generations of inbreeding, I don’t know what is.
Money, especially fiat money, as we have on this fake, gay, and satanic world, is hardly ever a representation of any merit beyond the ability to play the rigged game in such a way that permits you to have a certain level of the fake Monopoly money we unfortunately all need currently to have a semi-decent standard of living.
It is no measure of you being meritorious of anything other than that, which as it is a rigged game, generally means the more money you “have” the more morally compromised you are likely to be. Just ask Elon (Musk), or Jeff (Bezos).
So once again, Kurtzy-boy gets it spectacularly wrong. A man has real merit in the world if he is effective. At what? At being a decent and honourable man. Merit inherently means it is something that has been achieved and demonstrated by results. And if you are broadly speaking, considering a moral society, then its citizens must be a moral people. Meaning any meritocracy that is likely to build such a civilisation, necessarily will be composed of meritorious (i.e. broadly speaking, Good, or Honourable) men.
Many readers, however, will doubtless remain unpersuaded by the notion that meritocracy
– rather than
– an elite.
Many readers will also remain unconvinced that 2+2 = Purple. Which is analogous to what you are doing in this post.
My view is that the corrupting effects are, in fact, obvious: elected officials, heads of companies, and expert organizations have never been less trusted. There are other explanations for this, of course, like DEI and its predecessor ideologies. But the perverse logic of ‘meritocratic’ processes plays a central role in the decline, as we shall demonstrate.
No it does not. In fact the very opposite thing is true. The overwhelming REASON why those elected officials and so on are not trusted is precisely because they are a bunch of ineffective cretins with egomaniacal delusions of mere competence. See for example ALL the legacy media and ALL the bought and paid for politicians that assured us Russia was out of weapons, ammunition and manpower within two weeks of March 2022. A blind newt could have predicted a better outcome for the War but corruption, endemic and even genetic incompetence prevails in all those spheres of influence, precisely because a bunch of inbred tribalist have got a stranglehold on the financial mechanisms of the planet as well as the mass media, entertainment and general zeitgeist creation on Planet Earth, as dictated by the puppet-masters behind Hollywood, the Bank of International Settlement and the Davos meet-ups and the World Economic Forum. These Vampiric Pedophiles are not even mildly competent, they are literally retarded in many cases, and yet, they hold the levers of power precisely through the “mechanisms” this faker with the fake name says we should use, which is basically nepotism for the inbred genetic misfits he represents.
“A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers… More math tutoring, fewer sleepovers.”
Vivek Ramaswamy (2024)
Wherein the supposedly Anglo-Saxon manly man, quotes a foreigner in a foreign land to make his point.
As elites have transitioned from focusing on the management of hereditary estates to maintaining status through personal labor, the
intense demands
of their narrowly-focused professional careers have left less and less room for broader interests, knowledge, and passions.
The people he considers “Elites” are nothing of the sort. They might be the foot soldiers (or more often footstools) of the Elite. And yes I do know. I worked for, and have personal acquaintance with more than one Billionaire.
Keir Starmer – Britain’s premier –
has professed
to having no favorite books, no favorite poems, no dreams, and no fears. When asked what single book he would take before being stranded on a desert island, he replied
‘an atlas’
(a truly midwit answer –
as if it would help
He is the right man leading for a people such as yourself. Talkers and whiners and the envious losers that do not have the testicular fortitude to even protect their own children from Pakistani Rape Gangs.
Under meritocracy, it is the elite who gravitate most intensely to hyper-specialization and a life dominated by professional labor. We saw illustrative statistics and a causal explanation in the
last essay
No, “we” did no such thing. You made some shit up based on your utterly preposterous and nonsensical strawman argument.
“The economic logic causing elites to work harder than ever before is straightforward: a digitized and financialized economy allows a highly capable individual to be more ‘productive’ than ever before. In such an economy, the greater the individual’s capacity, the more marginally productive they are than the next best worker.
In many sectors, there’s an exponential financial return on an individual’s additional capability. This is why you see power law distributions of earnings, exaggerated in sectors which are particularly digitized, financialized, and scaled.
The incredible financial returns on high-performing individuals’ efforts are seductive, causing them to work harder and harder. As these working patterns solidify into institutional and sectoral norms, they move from being optional to required. These industries then recruit from colleges which have selected for students who have demonstrated an incredible capacity for work. This becomes an accelerating feedback loop.”
I’ve heard that senior managers at Elon’s companies who wish to secure an hour with him must value the decision to be made at over $20m. That is what every hour of his professional attention is worth. $180m a nine-hour day.
Again, you retard, it is YOU who is the spreadsheet man, believing such nonsense, and also to stupid to realise that Elon is simply an actor playing a role, and never has created much of anything except the Elon Musk myth.
There is literally nothing an hour of time with Elon Musk would get you or anyone else unless it forwarded whatever demons he is serving today. The calculation is an abstract piece of art signifying nothing.
This same logic aggressively punishes dissenters. The more elite one becomes within a meritocracy, the less secure one’s position is, as smaller differences in performance produce exponentially greater differences in rewards.
Again, this is literally the inverse of the truth. And we can take me and Kurtzy-boy here as perfect parallel examples. While I have no doubt Kurtzy-boy is probably financial more well off than I am today, certainly from a monthly/daily/yearly “money coming in vs. money going out” perspective, the truth is he has to hide like a rat and do as he is told. I can say and do what I want in my own name. I am free. He is a drone.
The measure of the effectiveness of a man, is when he is perfectly willing to stand against the tide, secure in the knowledge it is upon us, but also secure in the knowledge that he is in the right an he will overcome or die trying. I am a dissenter according to Kurtzy-boy, and yet, I am more free as a human being than he is likely to ever be.
In other words, at the top of the meritocratic scale, by working slightly less hard on one’s narrow professional focus, massive financial opportunity costs can be incurred.
A portrait of Kurtzy-boy, saddened by his not being an “elite” and being snubbed by them. Seriously, he posted this image a promos of nothing.
All of the world’s wealthiest men are
now-self made
, and yet most continue to work long hours in their professional fields. This makes sense; figures like Zuckerberg and Musk are essentially tasteless and unlike previous elites are ill-prepared to be generative figures in the spaces of culture, faith, aesthetics, architecture, manners, and art. They are
‘merchant class’
through-and-through; they are not elite in any sense
their professional capacity.
Wrong. They are puppets put in place for being obedient servants of the ones that actually rule entire continents with structures like the IMF, the BIS, and so on. And you are
fucking stupid
, for not knowing this, because it is obvious!
We could categorize the various eras of transition into a modern meritocracy as follows:
Early and pre-20th century: Elites – then known as the ‘leisure classes’ -did relatively few hours of professional labor, focusing on managing estates, politics, hobbies, and culture. Their wives did no professional work, and focused on family, socializing, and charity.
Mid 20th century: Elites worked a moderate amount in white collar professions like law and finance. Culture – as expressed by elements like fine tailoring and refined manners – remained important. Their wives still did not have professional careers, and continued to focus on family, socializing, and charity.
Late 20th century: Elites worked a lot, and their wives, seeking status and increasing financial returns on elite labor, increasingly worked too. Focus on family formation, high culture, and service declined.
Early 21st century: Both men and women work long hours. Other interests are relegated to lower-order concerns.
What absolute nonsense. Seriously, how can anyone take this guy even half-seriously?
In other words, meritocracy takes the most gifted in society and instrumentalizes them into workers, more akin to office drones than previous generations of the elite. This has the effect of making these individuals exponentially more economically productive than the middle classes, increasing societal inequality and angst, while also locking elites into crushing work hours and a myopic focus.
You really have no concept of what Elite means, nor of how it is used in today’s social context. An impressive level of blithering ignorance!
We can thus see why our elites naturally gravitate towards the bureaucracies favored by the
‘professional managerial class’.
As Strauss foresaw, without a broad, indulgent, noble education they have become
“specialists without spirit or vision and voluptuaries without heart.”
They are more
technical instruments
than human aristocrats
Markovits describes:
What part of “Technical Instruments” did you not understand?
“Traditional wealth, held as physical and financial capital, does not just free its owner from the need to work; it also enables him to become more fully himself. Human capital works in almost exactly the opposite way… Meritocracy, moreover, applies this idea most intensively to the elite. It makes the elite worker’s talents, skills, and training—her own self, her very person—into her greatest economic asset, the overwhelmingly dominant source of her wealth and caste… To secure her eliteness, the superordinate worker must ruthlessly manage her education and labor—training to develop skills that others value, and then working intensively in jobs and at tasks again set by others…
See that sentence? “
To secure her eliteness, the superordinate worker must…”
That proves you are a complete idiot Kurtzy. If you are a “worker” the one thing you can be certain of is that you are NOT elite. You blithering moron.
A person whose wealth and status depend almost entirely on her human capital simply cannot afford to consult her own interests or passions in choosing her job…
Aaand again. You see here that Kurtzy-boy, not only is not elite, but he never, ever,
will be. He is literally genetically unviable for anything related to actual nobility. The old saying in my language that nobility is in the blood referred far more to the intrinsic nature of character that men who come from a long line of actually philosophical noble men have than any nepotistic generational privilege. Kurtzy here literally cannot even imagine a human being that puts other things and interests above their “economic capital” i.e. money. But the very NATURE of a noble man is that he cannot be bought. He will die or kill over a principle, regardless of consequence, and he is a literal force of nature because of it. Kurtzy here tells us so often and in so many ways that he is merely a lapdog of whoever holds a purse.
Moreover, as wages become increasingly concentrated among the very highest-paid workers, a smaller and smaller share of jobs and job types support top incomes. Someone who wants an elite income—or, critically, even just an income sufficient to buy his children the schooling on which their own eliteness depends—must do one of a narrowly restricted class of jobs, heavily concentrated in finance, management, law, and medicine.”
Ah yes, I see Johannie, the mark of an “elite” in your mind is to get on that hamster wheel as soon as possible and stay on it all your life, running ever faster, in the hope you ever graduate to being one of the rarefied “elites” you are so desperate to belong to, but to which you never will, ever. Because Kurtzy… you and your progeny… are
fucking hamsters!
— Daniel Markovits,
The Meritocracy Trap: How America’s Foundational Myth Feeds Inequality, Dismantles the Middle Class, and Devours the Elite
It is not clear that these hyper-specialized individuals are even particularly skilled. Under meritocracy, we have seen the increasing incentivization of credentialism and gamification over authentic development.
NOOOOO. Under Credentialism and gamification, nepotism, tribalism and using high-trust cultures to infiltrate them with low-trust values, you have seen the collapse of ability, efficiency, and authentic skill. As usual, Kurtzy has it precisely backward.
Acquiring a job is no longer just about becoming proficient in the relevant skills; it is equally about posturing, developing one’s LinkedIn presence, and perfectly formatting one’s CV for AI processing.
For YOU it is. For people like me, who can and have produced bundles of cash for their employers at pretty much anything they were tasked with, no, I don’t need any of that crap.
This is because meritocracy attacks traditional divisions which exclude applicants on principle.
Again, no. You have it completely reversed as usual. CREDENTIALISM does that. Meritocracy couldn’t care less what your origins are, only results. And this is why I said I have the utter certainty that Kurtzy here has never entered a boxing ring, had a dojo kumite, or ever faced off with fisticuffs to anyone. Because if he ever had, he would know that credentialism matters for NOTHING once things get serious. As the entirety of NATO and the US military is finding out thanks to Russia.
Now, anyone of any origin is free to apply for a job. Massive, unmanageable numbers of applications from unknown candidates result, and reductive comparative measurements become necessary to mitigate the challenge of volume. Gaming the system by exploiting the weaknesses of these measurements becomes first an opportunity, then – as more people do so, a necessity.
John Glanton of
Social Matter
illustrates the intellectual poverty of this ‘meritocracy at scale’ with the example of a spelling bee:
“…if you were to administer a spelling bee to a given middle-school classroom, there would be a fairly significant correlation between success at the bee and overall writing ability… if you foisted an impromptu spelling contest on some group of unsuspecting eighth-graders, it’d be likely to shake out that the ones who did well in it know their way around a book. And that they could on the whole write sentences with more clarity and grace than their lower-scoring counterparts. But the national spelling bee is a different animal altogether. Success at that level doesn’t mean you’re an “avid reader” or the kind of student who writes little short stories and poems in her spare time… It means you’re willing to forego in large measure normal childhood entertainments. It means you’re willing to grind out hour after hour of tedious rote learning, inscribing obscure etymologies and variant spellings and all manner of curious linguistic fauna in careful runes upon your young heart…
And that is what you are PRETENDING is meritocracy, which as I stated already plenty of times, is retarded.
But you can observe the same sort of phenomenon all over the place. Once a basic tool of training or assessment becomes incentivized heavily enough, it tends to lose all relationship to the qualities it was originally meant to train or assess… Just a bizarre arms race of ever-specializing techniques… once something becomes worth gaming, it will be gamed. And it will lose almost all of its former virtue in the gaming process.”
Meritocracy – and its brutal requirements for self-improvement – necessitates an inwards turn, rather than outwards beneficence. It leaves little room for authentic charity or public service.
I find it interesting, if not at all surprising, that Kurtzy here sees self-improvement as being “brutal”; instead of how I and anyone who actually owns a dictionary and knows what meritocracy actually means, perceive it; which is a good and fun thing to go after your entire life.
Aristocrats used to view military service as a right of passage, but this kind of service cannot be incentivized under meritocracy. Now, military service for the meritocratic elite would be just an awkward interruption to explain on their CVs.
No you moron. The time of aristocrats being also warriors and soldiers began to end with the rebellion against God and truth led by the Protestants, godless creatures more concerned with money than truth.
Channelling José Ortega y Gasset, Christopher Lasch writes:
…the value of cultural elites lay in their willingness to assume responsibility for the exacting standards without which civilization is impossible. They lived in the service of demanding ideals. “Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us—by obligations, not by rights.” The mass man, on the other hand, had no use for obligations and no understanding of what they implied, “no feeling for [the] great historical duties.” Instead he asserted the “rights of the commonplace.”…
Lacking any comprehension of the fragility of civilization or the tragic character of history, he lived unthinkingly in the “assurance that tomorrow [the world] will be still richer, ampler, more perfect, as if it enjoyed a spontaneous, inexhaustible power of increase.” He was concerned only with his own well-being and looked forward to a future of “limitless possibilities” and “complete freedom.”
— Christopher Lasch,
The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy
There can be no ‘
noblesse oblige’
in a system in which there is no ‘
(noble birth).
Damn but this retard gets everything wrong. Noblesse Oblige as I explained before is NOT in specific reference to anything related to bloodline, but to CHARACTER. A man of noble heart feels obliged to do or not do certain things. For example, putting pedophiles to death regardless of the “laws” any given freemasons-controlled government might have on the books. Defend the innocent (as Catholic Dogma demands). Tell the truth when it is hard but necessary, and so on. But what does Kurtzy know? He’s just angry he wasn’t born in a wealthy family and he still feels like he’s not got enough to become part of the circle of those who are. And he is right, he will never be one of them, but even more laughably, wealthy people are no indication of nobility at all, yet Kurtzy here can’t help himself.
The moral logic which underpinned the duties of the aristocracy to the lower classes was that their privilege could only be justified with commensurate beneficence (an echo of Luke 12:48:
“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.”
In a system in which the elites believe that they have ‘earned’ their privilege, it is less clear that they owe anything to others. Indeed, quite the opposite: in a ‘meritocracy’ in which people receive what they merit, the lower classes merit their low status, having been
‘given every opportunity and failed to make much of it’.
There is no such thing as the
less fortunate
, only the
less deserving
Thank you for yet again, demonstrating to all, for all time, the true nature of your inner character. Or rather, I should say, the chasm in it that can never be filled, where other people actually have that sense of duty that makes them noble.
As Michael Young describes,
“For the first time in human history the inferior man has no ready buttress for his self-regard”,
and they thus become, in the words of Daniel Markovits,
“victims without a language of victimhood.”
The morality of this situation is of course highly dubious, given the advantages many of the elite have had from the circumstances of their birth, like natural gifts and diligent parents. Indeed, the effects of this delusion inevitably result in great cruelty:
“…meritocracy inclines elites to chauvinistic contempt or even cruelty regarding inequalities that cannot be cast in terms of identity politics. Political correctness does not denounce calling rural communities ‘backward,’ southerners ‘rednecks,’ Appalachians ‘white trash,’ and the bulk of the United States ‘flyover country.’ Indeed, considered elite opinion as commonly rationalizes as condemns these slurs: a widely read essay in the National Review, for example, recently attacked white working-class communities as “economically … negative assets,” as “morally … indefensible,” and as “in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles,” before concluding that “they deserve to die”; and a columnist for the New York Times, after observing that immigrants outperform native-born Americans in meritocratic competitions, called native-born citizens “the stagnant pool in which our national prospects risk drowning” and proposed (now tongue-in-cheek) that only mass deportations of the native-born could save America.”
— Markovits
Quoting a jew on a publication that is a known gatekeeper for at least a decade or two as your “evidence” for the correctness of your “position” is probably NOT going to convince anyone with am IQ above room temperature. In Alaska.
Lasch notes that escaping from the common lot – this
white trash milieu
– becomes the “very definition of meritocratic success” and the logical ambition of the meritocrat. Success is synonymous with active alienation from the middle and lower classes.
This alienation also expresses itself geographically, as detailed in works like Charles Murray’s
‘Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010’.
While the old
aristocracy of the land
, which had to manage immovable rural estates, was necessarily dispersed throughout the country, meritocratic human capital is the opposite; it not only
can move
must concentrate
in the quest for maximum economic productivity.
Meritocrats must go where the ‘best’ schools are, and then where the best jobs are, often moving frequently throughout a career. There is a compound effect on the colocation of human capital, attracting the preponderance of elite human capital to specific geographic centers while leaving the rest of the population – and their own families – behind.
No, this is not the behaviour of the actual elite. It is the behaviour of parasites. Or cancer cells.
This breaks relations between both the classes and the generations. The new centers are:
“Populated by transients, they lack the continuity that derives from a sense of place and from standards of conduct self-consciously cultivated and handed down from generation to generation.”
— Lasch
The meritocrat has no sense of the special value of a ‘family business’, and under meritocracy a family business has no moral logic to privilege the next generation of their own family. This logic also means elite families have little motivation to generate heirs – for what good is an heir without an estate to pass down?
Ok Kurtzy, we get it, you too had boomer parents, and they gambled it all away on horse-racing, cocaine and hookers. Get over it boy. You’re not the only one. But you ARE whining a hell of a lot!
This concludes my essay series criticizing meritocracy. I hope you have enjoyed it! But this series will only have value if I am able to identify a superior system and some mechanism by which to transition to that system. Stay tuned.
Yes, the superior system is called….drumroll… MERITOCRACY! Buy a dictionary, read it and start again. -5/10 Johann must not just try harder, but he must try harder than all the other children, it may not help much but it’s better than him infecting the other children with retarded nonsense.
This series will ultimately inform my forthcoming book,
Leaving a Legacy
, which charts a course for the patriarch who wishes to guide his own family out of this destructive practice and into greatness. Stay tuned.
Anyone taking advice from you on how to lead a family is already a casualty as far as I’m concerned.
If you found value in this piece, please consider liking it using the button below, and upgrading to become a paid subscriber. All revenue goes towards supporting my family and goes a long way in helping me to continue to write.
But, aren’t you a techie manly man, that works for an employer in middle management work and who is “leaving England” because a strong white man can’t make it there any longer? Or something along those lines you spoke on?
You will unlock the full archive of over one hundred similar essays and podcasts, and a guide on where to start. All support is hugely appreciated.
I’ll get right on that as soon as I manage to sell second-hand toilet paper to India. I know it’s a long-shot, but if any country in the world might go for it…
Sic transit imperium,
Shhh… Don’t try to use the language of your better. You never were an Empire. Nothing has passed, because nothing was ever built. And if you are referring to the ex British empire, well, that didn’t last anywhere near the 800 years of the Roman one whose language you are trying to use, did it.
He first posited this
“way” here
, and the title is oh so telling: Jobs for sensitive young men, and then
defended it here
. So we also know Johann is/was/sees himself as/ will never grow out of, the idea that he (is) was a
young man. Oh so sensitive.
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By SubStackSyncer | 25 February 2025 | Posted in SubStack
Because genuine, Unprocessed, and Unblended Extra Virgin Olive Oil turns out to be the healthiest thing ever. Literally nothing else compares to it. See the bottom of this post for the details.
For those of you who want the hard facts first:
There are now 7 tins, of 5 litres each of the extra virgin olive oil from my trees, now available in the USA. Once they are gone, they are gone, it’s a first come, first served situation and works as follows:
The cost is $65 per litre and due to the limited quantity available we intend to ship it out ONLY as a 5 litre tin. Inclusive of shipping and postage to anywhere in the USA, the price per 5 litre tin therefore, will be $350.
If you want to purchase one of the 7 tins available you will need to send me an email at [email protected] that includes:
Your full name and address in the USA
Upon my response with the requisite bank details, payment in full for the tin/s you wish to receive
Expect most places will take a week or so for the delivery to arrive, but some places (e.g. Alaska) may take longer.
For those of you who want the full story:
My American partner has decided to attempt to register for importation of my olive oil to the USA and done an amazing piece of work in that respect. He decided to take a working holiday to see a bit of Italy and then come and visit me on the farm for 10 days, where I have to say, he worked harder than anyone that has come over to lend a hand.
On his return home he took some olive oil back (all perfectly in regulation) and that is why he has some available for shipping before we have finalised all the other requirements for larger shipments later (which may cost more depending on a variety of factors related to shipping we are still trying to resolve).
The first question most people will have is probably related to the price: “$65 a litre? are you crazy?”
Actually no. I could probably charge a lot more. Why? Let me list the reasons:
Most olive oil you buy in ANY shop is simply NOT pure olive oil. It tends to be a blend of oils or a somewhat inferior version of what it says on the tin. Our olive oil is absolutely PURE, really extra virgin, and UNFILTERED. This means you get ALL the benefits of the oil that are essentially dissipated or even almost entirely lost in the ones you buy in a shop.
The price is not unreasonable at all when you consider shipping costs and the regulatory costs added. The same stuff sells here for about 40-45 Euro, so we’re certainly not in any way overpriced.
The Real Reason for Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Health
Brian Johnson
, who spends some 2 million USD a year on trying to find the best ways on Earth to live longer, after all his testing on multiple medications as well as far more extreme things, like blood transfusions using his son’s blood (and his own to his father) has discovered that literally nothing on Earth removes inflammation like real, extra virgin olive oil.
He sells his olive oil at €42 per 750 ml (which works out to about the same as my oil per litre once you convert it to USD) (you can see this on his site at the link provided)
But his oil is NOT the best one in the world. Our literally is. The oil from this region cold pressed and unfiltered has won the world’s best olive oil in the world expo at Dubai in 2021 and Monte Carlo in 2022. The region did not produce in 2023 so the oil mills here did not compete, and the oil of 2024 is yet to compete as it has just been collected in November/December 2024, but is of excellent quality as the chemical analysis we do on all our oil for each batch have proven.
I have personally tested the truth of this issue. I had semi-chronic inflammation of my elbow joints due to over-working on the farm, and even taking a couple of weeks of rest from the physical work did not help the situation. as soon as I went back to my duties on the farm my arms would ache. I started to take at least 15ml of olive oil pure every day, and usually more like 30-40 ml, so a few tablespoons just on their own through my day and within about two to three days my joint-pain was either completely gone or much reduced. For a bout a year I experimented with this and as soon as I stopped taking the oil, within a couple of days the pain would return, and would go away after a couple of days that I started to take it again.
I had also had Covid in 2022 and then pneumonia twice. By early 2023 I was functioning at a much reduced breathing capacity and was not completely healed. I was suffering from “long Covid” essentially. But I was determined to recover. It’s taken a while, mostly because I am inconsistent with my diet, but since the last few months of 2024 I decided to be disciplined about what I eat and my regular intake of our olive oil and it has made a huge difference. While I struggled to go up and down the stair through 2023 and part of 2024, I now work outside at the same rate I was doing when I first arrived in 2021. I have no doubt in my mind that the olive oil is the biggest factor in this and the research I have done on covid/spike protein etc backs up what I have experienced on my own body as Olive oil and olive leaf extracts seem to be among the best cure of these sort of ailments because… again… they are all inflammation related issues.
I have written to Mr. Johnson a while back to see if he was interested in using the oil from our region as I have now built up a network of producers that would allow for large shipments, but I have not heard back, so I have decided to create my own distribution channel, which hopefully will be active in the USA shortly. In the meantime, this is the quickest and easiest option you can have to get your hands on some.
Please Note
It’s first come first served. Whoever emails me first has the slot first and whoever pays first secures it first.
We are not going to re-bottle the oil into fancy tins or smaller quantities. The oil was transported in 5 litre tins that are sealed and remain so. Rebottling etc would require the additional paperwork that wee are putting in place, so unfortunately you either buy the whole thing at $350 per tin or nothing.
The tins were flown as personal luggage by air so may be cosmetically a bit dented or whatever, but the olive oil therein is pure, and our direct from our trees. We do not use glass because any sunlight can lower the quality of the product and even dark glass bottles let some light through.
Shipping to the USA in due course should become available but due to Italian bureaucracy no one can say when this will happen and it may be many months yet (I hope not, but it’s out of my hands). Shipping to the USA is a considerable expense and the recent addition of potential tariffs will make it definitely more so. This is genuinely a price that may well not be repeatable in the future.
This is not a criticism of anyone else, I have had extremely dedicated and now lifelong friends come and lend a serious helping hand, but this young man is in another league. He used to get up before the sun, rearing to go at first light, would work non-stop in the field and for reasons best known to himself he would take showers in the middle of our winter without bothering to use hot water. He did also say he could not live here where I am because it was too warm. Considering I do not wear less than 4 layers and a jacket to go outside in this time, I suspect he may be the result of supposed Nazi genetic experiments in Antarctica to create super-soldiers that were immune to the cold.
Aside his work ethic, which borders on the obsessive, he also has a quality of honest character that is rare to find anywhere. And he is 6’4” and has the looks of a model. Honestly, I am not making this up, because one of the people who DID work on the farm and lived with us for a year is a very similar looking guy and he actually was/is a male model. And that guy is only 6’2”. Both do have one flaw though… they are gingers, so, according to some, do not possess souls!
Anyway, if any young women out there want a husband worth having, you should write in. The 6’2” model is now married and has his first child, this 6’4” 2.0 version that is immune to the cold will not stay on the shelf long. I have decided I will refer to him as the Ice Spartan in future posts.
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By SubStackSyncer | 19 February 2025 | Posted in SubStack
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By SubStackSyncer | 13 February 2025 | Posted in SubStack