For some years now, I have toyed with making some kind of list of the ten most important or enjoyable books I have read (different lists) but it has been very hard, mostly because I could easily extend both lists to 20 or 30, and partly because many books I (most) have been lost to moves and unfortunate storage choices by my relatives when I left them in their care.
Nevertheless, I recently posted on the Best book I ever read. But that was my attempt at mixing what I thought was important with what I enjoyed. By the same token, my own books, The Face on Mars could be of the same category, if for very different reasons. While Reclaiming the Catholic Church – The True History of Vatican II and the Visible Remnant of the Real Catholic Church now that the Vatican is a Pederast Infested Hive of Impostors, to my mind, would be important, but probably not as fun to read (still way ahead of any book on theology I read to date though).
Believe! On the other hand was a short book and to the point, with references, and relatively entertaining too, and it probably had far more of an impact than the detailed deep dive that Reclaiming had. Certainly I didn’t expect whole families to convert to Catholic Sedevacantism as regularly and as frequently as that little book seemed to have inspired. So one could say it was a useful book.
By the above metrics then, I hope to explain why I consider this book, freely available at the link, to be the most important I ever read.
Carlo Cipolla was obviously a brilliant man, but his book, THE BASIC LAWS OF HUMAN STUPIDITY is truly ground-breaking.
He encapsulated in both hilarious yet perfectly accurate scientific notation, just how human stupidity presents itself in observable reality.
As he mentions in his own first edition of the book.
In fact, the publisher’s note alone is worth reproducing in full:
Originally written in English, The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity was published for the first time in 1976 in a numbered and private edition bearing the unlikely imprint of “Mad Millers.”
The author believed that his short essay could be fully appreciated only in the language in which it had been written. He consequently long declined any proposal to have it translated. Only in 1988 did he accept the idea of its publication in an Italian version as part of the volume titled Allegro ma non troppo, together with the essay Pepper, Wine (and Wool) as the Dynamic Factors of the Social and Economic Development of the Middle Ages, also originally written in English and published privately by Mad Millers for Christmas 1973.
Allegro ma non troppo has been a bestseller both in Italy and in all the countries where translated versions have appeared. Yet, with an irony that the author of these laws would have appreciated, it has never been published in the language in which it was first written.
Thus, more than a quarter of a century since the publication of Allegro ma non troppo, this in fact is the first edition that makes The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity available in its original version.
The private edition of 1976 was preceded by the following publisher’s note written by the author himself:
The Mad Millers printed only a limited number of copies of this book, which addresses itself not to stupid people but to those who on occasion have to deal with such people. To add that none of those who will receive this book can possibly fall in area S of the basic graph (figure 1) is therefore a work of supererogation. Nevertheless, like most works of supererogation, it is better done than left undone. For, as the Chinese philosopher said: “Erudition is the source of universal wisdom: but that does not prevent it from being an occasional cause of misunderstanding between friends.”
Supererogation means to do more than is required (especially in a work). So Cipolla is saying that although it should be obvious that stupid people will not be the ones reading it or making use of it, it is best to state it, even if it should be obvious, and he (politely in my opinion) states that this is necessary even among “erudite” friends, in order to avoid misunderstanding.
Now you know why I have rather long-run-on sentences and verbose paragraphs to make relatively simple points. I could make them in a sentence, but then… the “erudites” who grasp the full meaning would be a tiny number indeed!
I also agree that though he was Italian, the work is really best appreciated in English, which is how he wrote it. I find the same is true of much of my own work. The English language is perfectly technical and lends itself far better to technical explanations, scientific work, and precise language. We Lagos tend to lose something in translation in the written word if we can’t add a look, a hand gesture, or both. And the number of people who can write in technically excellent Italian are probably down to a half dozen. those who can appreciate it may ten or so.
At any rate, you really need to read this short book the Professor left for the non-stupid.
The planet is fast approaching a critical mass of stupidity that may well result in the extinction of the human race, or at least, of that part of it that makes life on this planet marginally tolerable despite the teeming waves of idiots we are constantly surrounded by.
Mostly, this is because of a corollary I would like to add to his Fifth Law of Human Stupidity.
Professor Cipolla himself already understood the inevitable result of the relationship between stupid people and power (in the political and force-projection sense), as he wrote finally at the end of the fifth law:
In a country that is moving downhill, the fraction of stupid people is still equal to σ; however, in the remaining population one notices among those in power an alarming proliferation of the bandits with overtones of stupidity (subarea BS of quadrant B in figure 3) and among those not in power an equally alarming growth in the number of helpless individuals (area H in the basic graph, figure 1). Such change in the composition of the non-stupid population inevitably strengthens the destructive power of the σ fraction and makes decline a certainty. And the country goes to Hell.
Given the current state of affairs however, it is important to spell this out in even simpler terms:
The Bandits use the Stupid to weaponise them against any attempt (by the Intelligent) of removing them from power.
It may be the natural (or Divinely Ordained) order of things that humanity is indeed to go extinct, as some giant Universe 25 experiment with mice, be that as it may, surely, as a member of the Intelligent group, it behoves us to do whatever we can to ensure the continuation of at least our part of humanity, as best we can.
Aside the fact that humans are not mice, and that the Universe 25 narrative played very much in the depopulationist boomer agenda espoused by the culprits of the recent mass-murder event called COVID, with its related fake “vaccines” that are really murderous genetic serums, there is also the fact that if intelligent humans organise and come together, their effect on the planet is far more impactful than the masses of idiots that inevitably get in our way to derail plans and efforts, as they invariably do.
In short, the book Cipolla wrote is extremely important because it formally recognises a fundamental issue that humanity has to face in order to survive the next stage of human advancement: The increasing and intentional stupidification of the human race by a few bandits orchestrating it.
Only a concerted effort by organised intelligent people can counter this global phenomenon.
Which, of course, is why I started trying to build up a Sedevacantist Catholic Community in a remote village in Italy. While my wife and I, despite our rather advanced age for it, certainly did not shirking our duty of making a bunch of children.
It is heartening to see that other sedevacantist couples, younger and therefore likely to produce many more children, are trying to do the same in their own ways in various places around the world.
The independent cell-nature of the Sede Catholics, coupled with absolutely shared dogmatic values, is a strong combination for weathering all sorts of nefarious events and plots by the Bandits; and historically too, no one has been quite as successful at rising from the supposed ashes of their religion.
So we are on good ground.
Go read Professor Cipolla’s Magnum Opus. It is truly wonderful and important.
American Naivety
I have often made it clear that I consider Americans to be among the most naive of people. Usually in less than flattering terms. But it is not a hatred for Americans themselves, that prompts this. In the main, as with every country, there are trends, though America is so vast that it has multiple regional variations, an overall view of Americans is that they are friendly, superficial, somewhat artificial, think America and Americans are the best at everything, and they are very, very, naive.
Their naivety is by design from inception so it’s to a certain extent not their fault, and to be expected, because it was baked in from the very start if their fake nation, built by Satanic design by Freemasons.
Nevertheless, their “innocence” and arrogance, particularly given the last few years of unveiling of the curtains behind which the goblins that run the USA has happened, is irritating.
Their silly and absurd beliefs in utter mythologies such as free speech, or the power of the constitution and so on are truly mystifying.
Vox recently posted about The Law, and how it is not being respected by Clown World, but the astonishing thing is that anyone even needs this explained at all. A normal 7 year old in Italy absolutely understands that some words can get you killed, that no piece of paper or supposed law is worth the paper it’s written on, and so on.
I think most normal people around the world understand this.
Adherence to any kind of legal system is only contingent on one thing, and always has been, and always will be:
The people with the ability to use force the most, make the rules. It has always been this way and always will be.
The case of the Brazilian judge is also a case in point. If a man with a gun got into that Judge’s house and put it to his head, with a request for X to have unfettered access to Brazilian citizens but also the bank accounts of that specific judge, within minutes that would be granted.
I really don’t understand what is so difficult for anyone, including Americans, to grasp about the concept. The ONLY law that exists is that which can be ENFORCED. And the benign or noxious nature of it is fully dependant on the character of those with the power to do the enforcing.
That’s it. That is all the law that ever can exist for human beings.
Which is why a morality based religion based in fact is necessary for a society to flourish.
And of all the religions that have ever existed, only Catholicism has resulted in the overwhelmingly positive aspects of human progress. While other societies based on other religions did happen, none of them are even remotely comparable in terms of quality of life to the societies that had been created by Catholicism.
Sedevacantism is the only reasoned and logical choice.
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By G | 31 August 2024 | Posted in Catholicism, Impostors and Frauds, Retards, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary