Archive for the ‘Increasing Happiness’ Category

Gun Choices – A Man’s Perennial Dilemma

Aside from thinking about the Roman Empire and the ever=resent desire of somehow our world suddenly becoming the one of the Xenozoic era, the other thing that occupies our waking thoughts is, of course, what gun can we, should we, prioritise next on our infinite wish list of guns we want to own.

If you don’t know what the Xenozoic era is, whip yourself and do penance by immediately reading everything Mark Schultz ever produced.

And of course, when that gun is purely a choice between two different aesthetics that are competing in your own mind, sometimes, it is only natural to think…

But which one would I want to have, if it could only be one of them, in the Xenozoic era?

It’s these kind of important and life affirming questions that keep one focused on what matters instead of the boring WWIII fatigue of whatever impending terror they are trying to impose on you next.

Right then. Let’s get to it.

My latest obsession, an original Colt 1911 from WWI

or, an old obsession, an 1851 Colt Navy Richards-Mason conversion (from blackpowder to brass cartridge use)

Of course, price and availability are real world considerations, but let’s not bother ourselves with such trifles now. Instead let us consider:

Neither is ideal for a world infested with dangerous, intelligent and aggressive dinosaurs, along with a few other, stranger creatures. A .45 ACP or .38 special are not rounds I’d want in that world as a primary choice. More like .50 AE or .454 Casull would be more likely choices, but let’s say that is the only choice you have.

2 more rounds in the 1911 but also chances of jamming and misfiring that are not an issue on the 1851.

Bigger but slower round in the .45 than the .38.

But ultimately it’s down to personal choice. So… if it were you, which one would you go for? In a world infested with dinosaurs as well as the usual human predators?

And you can have only one of them before you are forever teleported to that place. We’ll assume plentiful ammo for either weapon when you appear in the Xenozoic world.

I’m still honestly not sure. I may have to flip a coin.

On the Role of Women

As mentioned en passant on a previous post on the infiltrators, a lot of so-called “red-pilled” or MRA (Men’s Rights Activists), or PUA or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way [incels for short]), or general inches and embittered “men”, make the mistake of assuming I am “one of them” or at least “nominally” on their side.

And ALL the embittered, acidic feminists, as well as the generally brainwashed females of planet Earth assume I am just a misogynist, EEEEBIL (yes with a B, because they are retards after all) woman-hater, patriarchal, oppressor of women everywhere.

And of course, before we delve into this topic at all, let us say a prayer of thanks to the Saintly Professor Cipolla and his first Law of Human Stupidity:

1. Always and inevitably, each of us underestimates the number of stupid individuals in the world

That there are stupid people in the world is well known. But Cipolla was convinced that we underestimated their number and influence in our lives and in society. He stated that “any numerical estimate would prove to be an underestimate”.

It’s enough thinking, for example, of those people we classified as intelligent but who suddenly begin to behave in a foolish and obtuse manner. Or it’s enough going out to the street to see how many people insist on hindering us, for no apparent reason other than stupidity.

Ave professor, Ave.

Armed with his fundamental concept, let us then proceed to discuss in a little more detail my actual take on women.

Very simply put, it is simply Catholic. As we give respect and reverence to Holy Mary, mother of our Lord and Saviour, without any shame or discomfort as experienced by Protestants, who seem to think to do so is somehow “worship” or “unmanly”, so Mary reflects the natural positive aspects of womanhood in general.

The demonic secularisation of Christianity, also known primarily as Protestantism, has caused incalculable damage to humanity over the last 500 years, culminating (and not yet at the apex) in today’s absolutely insane ideology of madness, where even something as absolutely obvious as the sex of a man or woman is “questioned” by the freaks trying to groom children into their disgusting sexual deviancy.

Since time immemorial, however, every sane and normal human being, yes, even the stupid ones, was perfectly aware that men and women are different on every level. Not just physiologically, but also and inevitably psychologically, because after all, form does follow function and mentality follows both form and function. Their different bodies mean also different ways of being, thinking and experiencing reality. The physical structures of a woman’s brain are also physically different from those of a man, and obviously, this too influences their thinking process.

In broad terms (and it bores me to death to have to explain BASIC statistics to retards, so do catch up if you don’t understand what that three word sentence means) we can say that women:

  • Are less Logical
  • Are more prone to being emotional
  • Respond more to Rhetoric than Dialectic
  • Have shifting hormonal patterns that greatly influence their moods
  • Are more nurturing and less combative
  • Tend to nag and complain instead of resolving issues (because it irritates the men into doing whatever it is… eventually)
  • Tend to want to be “listened to” more than “fixing” the issue
  • Are more verbal than men
  • Are absolutely more solipsistic than men
  • Have a completely different concept of things like Honour, Courage, Friendship, Loyalty, and so on than men do

These are simply observable facts. It really doesn’t matter if you agree or not, if you like it or not, if you understand it or not. the Universe, (and me) really don’t care if you can’t grasp the basic reality placed in front of your nose.

But does the above mean I see women as “useless” or less worthy of men, or that they are somehow inferior?

The ultimate answer is simply: No.

Are women less able than men? Sure, in a BUNCH of things. Pretty much anything requiring physical strength, iron-clad logic (especially under duress) or non-solipsistic abstract thought, they are at a massive disadvantage.


And it’s an important but, a feminine woman makes life worth living for a man. Her loving tenderness, her animalistic instinct (acted on in the positive) will produce a sensation of care, love and attention to detail that a man simply would not even think of, but is absolutely able to appreciate and enjoy. The devotion of a woman in love with a man can be insane to the point of self-immolation in a way that goes beyond the rational and conscious self-sacrifice that a man may (and should for the right woman) have towards his woman. They are able to suffer day-to-day grinds that are as detrimental to a man as attempting to be a coal miner would be to a woman. A perfect example I recall that explain this is the one of a Southern Belle recounting the time her husband went to do a shopping trip in a supermarket for the first time. And consider these two had been married a long time and have grandchildren. She said when her husband came home with the shopping, he dropped the bags off then immediately went to his wife and thanked her profusely and hugged and her and told her how much he appreciates and loves her for doing all the shopping for all the years they were together. I laughed when she told the story, and she was of good humour telling it. And it absolutely represents the natural instincts of a man and a woman. A woman actually (probably? Almost?) enjoys going shopping. Especially if not rushed and able to buy what she wants without worrying too much about budgeting (but, conversely, they are also good at budgeting if they are provided parameters). While a man is just as likely to prefer being in a trench in a bloody war than traipse at funeral speed through endless shelves of despair and soul-crushing routine.

Her caring and listening to every little issue her little children tell her about is a necessary and important part of their feeling loved and cared for. Of course, a father too should never ignore his children, but let’s say that my enthusiasm for their showing me their scribbles “art” wanes somewhat at the 14th example. On the other hand, when it will be time to teach them to drive, or handle a firearm, or discuss the Illiad, or the principles of astronomy, or how a star works, and so on, they will find it difficult to have a more enthusiastic teacher than their father. And this balance, this being present in both the day-to-day minutiae, as well as the life-defining aspects, balanced between both father and mother is pivotal in having healthy childhood. It is indispensable. And yes, it is true that statistically, single mothers turn out far worse prospects for their children than single fathers, because an objective understanding of the Universe is gained primarily from the father, and not having a good grasp of that invariably leads you to bad choices in life. But the absence of motherly love can also result in an austere, somewhat desertic, self-evaluation that is not healthy, especially if that man or woman in turn goes on to become a parent.

Just like I do not think less of a man that has no warrior instinct, because he has the soul of a painter, of maybe of a farmer, I do not think less of women for their different skills and abilities. I cannot give birth to a child, nor would I ever want to, and I am infinitely grateful that women can and do this.

In short, when it comes to dealing with the world, it is just, proper and normal that the man leads in this. And leads absolutely in extreme situations. The reason is obvious: A man (if he is worthy of the name) is more objective, is more logical, is instinctively designed to put his family first and himself last in situations of extreme danger or even death. And in general, being non-solipsistic is better able to plan ahead and for the future of his family, children and wife, without being as easily swayed by temporary set-backs, difficulty or hardship.

And it is also just and proper that, generally speaking, if a woman wants a specific set of plates or layout of a room, (as long as certain basic practicalities are not ignored) or detail of their home life to be just so, that she should feel free to have it her way. The exception, of course, is any specifically male space the man has in the house, and/or, the in any way messing with his tools/weapons/workshop/study/books.

Similarly, a child is far more appreciative of the general attentiveness his mother gives to things like the clothes they wear, the school lunches she prepares for them, and so on. While a man’s general attitude is more akin to: Is it snowing? Here is a huge weatherproof jacket, boots and gloves and a hat. So what if it’s bright yellow, the boots are pink and the hat green with a pom-pom? Packed lunch? What, you can’t catch something and cook it over an open flame? What do they even teach you at kindergarten anyway?

The balance between a man and a woman is delicate, but not so delicate as you may think. It is increasingly difficult in the modern era mostly because of the degrees of lies that women have had inculcated in their heads (it’s easier to fool a woman with nonsense aimed at her solipsistic nature inspiring a victim complex, since it uses her own biological weaknesses against her). And of course, men have been lied to as well, using the same “chink in their armour” of “well, just man up”, which in a way is true, however, actually manning up, would probably look more like an armed rebellion that hangs all politicians from the nearest lampposts, rather than a peaceful demonstration about men’s rights that achieves precisely nothing. Instead they try and convince men to just shut up and take whatever new emasculating, humiliation ritual they come up with while convincing women that they are poor, oppressed victims of sexist men.

It’s all lie. Men’s natural instinct is to protect and take care of women’s primary needs. And women’s natural instinct is to nurture, feed and take care of her man’s secondary needs of comfort, peace and tenderness.

A very feminine woman and a very masculine man will feel a natural attraction to one another, but if you think the modern world is in any way conducive to their finding peaceful bliss right off the bat, you’re dreaming. The path to that has to be consciously chosen by both. Held to firmly by the man and eventually understood and appreciated by the woman too. In fact, the natural dynamic between the manly man and the womanly woman, was always a spark-filled dynamic since ancient times. The stories could as easily result in tragedy as in heroic bliss. Perhaps more often tragic in fact, if the ancient poems and legends are to be believed. Even so, the risk, for those men willing to take it, always seems worthwhile to them, it’s just that in modern times, the “crazy” of the feminine woman has risen exponentially and has far more paths to lead down nefarious ends. Which means the man must have all the more resolve, calm and steadiness in all things. A man’s strength lies in his willingness and ability to simply walk away if a when a woman is unwilling to listen to reason. Not as a ploy, not in anger, not as some kind of “game” theory. But simply, as just the truth of life. Hard as it may be; painful as it may be; if and when you have determined what is the ultimate truth of a situation, you are best served by taking the objective course of action that follows from it. Because in the end, that is the path you will be most able to live with in your own dark moments. The Ancients Greeks at Delphi said:

“Man, know thyself.” And they were right. I would add, “And act accordingly.”

In the end, if a man is simply coherent, consistent and true to himself, I guarantee a woman that fits with him exists in the world, and his chances of getting with her and eventually finding a lasting happiness with her are far better than if he simply tries to modify himself to try to fit with what he perceives is “expected” of him.

Fuck what the “world” wants. Let the world worry about how to fit to truth, justice and beauty instead, while you hold to those things and navigate life by them.

Remember, as Catholicism clearly states, we live in the world, but do not be of it. As a man, it is your duty to live, aspire to, and inspire in others, the virtues of life. Truth, Justice, Honour, Courage, Beauty.

Hold that line, friend.

Hold that line as surely and as absolutely as your Spartan ancestors held theirs, at Thermopylae. And let your stance reflect, and reverberate, and shape history, and inspire men for thousands of years to come, no matter what the specific fate of your individual life might be.

The Disordered Woman

Over the last few days (and years and years) I have posted various things highlighting several of the very disordered aspects of modern society. I have specifically focussed in various ways on relationships between men and women, and how these are affected by so much of the surrounding nonsense.

I have often pointed out the Satanic nature of feminism (literally, it has purely Satanic roots at all levels, no matter how seductive the initial presentation is), which, of course, upsets feminists, and may rub many women the wrong way even if they are not avowed feminists.

The measure of discomfort a woman feels on reading that feminism is a net evil in the world is directly proportional to her lack of understanding of what it means to be a woman in reality, nature and as God intended.

And if that last sentence makes you even more upset, well, it’s unlikely you will have the mental fortitude to read the rest of this post, or ever learn anything useful about correcting the ills of the world, starting with yourself, as we all must.

In fairness to women, and as I have pretty much always stated, the fault of their disordered attitudes to life, lies in great part with men. That said, however, unless women want to be thought of, treated as, and in fact be, the human equivalent of cattle without any agency whatsoever, they need to take at least some responsibility. Incidentally, I advise they do. A vast majority of men would be perfectly happy to assume women have no more agency than ruminants, but I don’t think that’s the way forward.

So, then, according to me, and a lot of thoughtful men, what is it that women are getting so wrong and should make an effort to improve?

Settle down and let me mansplain it to you. Feel free to imagine me manspreading with a cowboy hat on and a redneck accent if it helps. Hell, if it helps go ahead and really fire up your imaginations and try and imagine me with a mullet and a cigarette. Whatever works ladies, whatever works!

The pivotal error most women have been trained to do, is to stop being women. To stop being feminine, and girly, and pretty, and pleasant, and polite, and dignified, and well-dressed. Yes, in effect I am saying that the pivotal error is that they are failing to act, be and enjoy being, like a prim and proper lady straight out of a 1950’s fiction about what the future would have been like.

Allow me to present to you some imagery that may help inspire you a little to at least understand what I mean. Try and grasp the sense of what the woman in these images feels like and how she feels about herself and her place in the world. Imagine it as something eminently positive even if you have been hypnotised to believe the opposite. Imagine their smiles, whether in drawings or photographs are genuine and happy, not posed or faked. Genuinely try to grasp the sense of this, and, if you like, imagine too, what the men in their lives are and should be like for them to genuinely be that happy and content and internally free.

And in case you think those images are too “dated” for your sense of modern style, then allow me to further help you “update” them in modernistic fashion as envisioned back then too.

You see, you can transpose the imagery, you can change the setting, you can manipulate the exterior and the style, but it is the inner sense of things which is the key.

What no man wants is this:

Or God-forbid, this:

In fact, almost all men, certainly all sane, well-balanced, normal ones, being confronted with this in their home,

Will gladly and regularly put up with this:

which, by the way, is pretty normal and natural for a woman to have and be like. And occasionally, when we deserve it, and as we are humans, we all do at times, even this:

ESPECIALLY, if it is presented in this very feminine fashion, which is indirectly and sweetly, VERY direct.

Now, to the squeals of the beached whales complaining, my ears are deaf, but to those perspicacious females that noted the question above as to what the man in their life should look like and act like for them to be happy to be as mentioned above, again, perhaps some inspirational imagery is in order.

And again, the images above reflecting men, are not supposed to “inspire” a bunch of metrosexuals to take on the airs of such imagery as boxers, mountaineers, soldiers, and random adventurers so as to impress women. The whole point of such men is that they do what they do because they want to. The impressing or not of others is inconsequential to them.

And while the entrenched feminist will continue to squeal like a poked pig that such patriarchal oppression is endemic of rape-culture and toxic masculinity and blah, blah, blah, who cares… it will be essentially because deep down in their core, like the hole at the centre of the Gamma male’s soul, entrenched feminists have a similar eternal void of self, and deep, deep down know they will never be able to snag, keep and be loved truly by such a man. So, just like the gamma male, they rage. And their rage tries to burn down all men, all pretty, feminine women and all nuclear families.

But every woman who has not yet succumbed to totalitarian feminism, deep down, knows she would love to be with such a stereotypical manly man. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. And truly, actual manly men, are happy to treat their wives as their princesses as long as they in turn treat them as their kings. It is a mutual admiration society founded in genuine care for the other above our own concerns.

That is not to say the manly man will not screw up from time to time. Or that the feminine woman will not. Humans ALL screw up. But that is not reason enough to give up on them. God didn’t. Jesus let himself be scoured, spat upon and nailed to a cross while wholly innocent in order not to give up on us. So… be kind to each other.

And as we are only human, and not like Jesus, it is perfectly acceptable to completely avoid feminists, not engage with them, not have sex with them, and most certainly not marry or have children with them. And it is equally perfectly acceptable for women to similarly avoid “male” metrosexual “feminist-allies”, and their spineless, manipulative, weak, PUA ways.

What no woman wants, in keeping with the imagery above for what men do not want, is the gamma male:

Ultimately, cliched as it is, the natural order of things is probably most expressed by Tarzan and Jane.

And the 1981 version of the film with Bo Derek as Jane remains one of the better versions. If memory serves, the point where Tarzan meets Jane and sniffs her is very well done. I think it was the 1981 film version, but it’s possible it may have been the 1999 version with Christopher Lambert as Tarzan.

The man being a quasi savage is fine. Dealing with the world, especially if one understands the reality of things, often resembles something not unlike a fight with wild animals (with apologies to all wild animals who do not deserve to be compared to the parasitic classes of human bureaucrats that infest our lives today), but it is the very femininity of his woman that softens his ways with her, and it is his caring and protective masculine efforts that give her that peaceful sense of security that no matter how crazy the world gets, he will take care of her.

Today’s world has made the acting as a man almost illegal. And the acting as a woman something to be disparaged and ridiculed. The effect is most noticeable on women, as they are far more social animals than men are. But the results are destructive and create profound unhappiness in women above all. Quoting various scientific studies is near useless given that overall so-called peer reviewed studies are fake and irreproducible by over 50% of cases, however, you can find some with actual methodology that is explained (if not verified).

Here is an interesting graph that measures overall self-reported happiness (of both men and women) against perceived freedom. From this site.

The interesting thing to note, if you search a bit and try to get a general sense of all these studies, is that general happiness took a dive for everybody starting around 1990, although the trend had been downward already. What happened in 1990? Well, political correctness really started up quite prominently and feminism began its ascendance on steroids.

The world has made it quite difficult for a man to single handedly go and work and provide for a numerous family of a wife and several children.

And equally difficult for a woman to be a home-maker and housewife without being criticised by her (less happy) “peers” for being a spineless doormat, subjugated to the always evil and perverted desires of her male oppressor (aka husband).

The answer needs to be in a certain evolutionary step women need to take and it needs to be a step they understand and choose for themselves.

Just like men had to learn to somewhat curb their temperament. Because challenging a rude waiter, or a slow one, to a death duel with your sixgun or samurai sword apparently is “rude”. And then they went completely overboard correcting in the other direction and outright banning the challenge to a duel as being all “illegal” and “murder-y”, go figure.

Well, anyway, women need to now make the evolutionary step that realises that the opinions of other women, especially, but other people, in general, are pointless to worry about or lose sleep over. My post on who your critics most often are, is as valid for women as it is for men. Perhaps even more so (with respect to the who).

If it is rare for an efficient and capable man to be your avowed critic (unless you in fact are, mostly an oxygen thief) when it comes to women, even if they are efficient and capable, they are generally worse than men at gaslighting each other as well as critiquing you unfairly or wholly based on their own failings (usually not to your face though). So in that respect at least, the advice given in that post, is valid for women too.

Biologically, it is objectively harder for a woman to be objective than a man. That is just a fact of nature, and trying to deny it is pointless and counter-productive. Because hormones are real and a thing. Nevertheless, assuming that because of it rationality and good logic are therefore impossible, is a lie. Just as men had to evolve to not let their own hormonally driven instincts direct their actions, so now women need to learn the same lesson.

And remember, always, always, always:

Women are not the enemy. Men are not the enemy. The lies and the liars who speak them are the enemy. And you should give them no quarter and no mercy. Expose them, reject them, and have nothing to do with them.

Safeguard the roles nature intended for us and learn them anew if you must (as most of us have to), supporting each other as you do so and learn together. There is no human unit, group, or community, more important, more necessary, more valid, than the nuclear family composed of one man, one woman and their children. All the rest is shadows and lies and meaningless details in the face of that truth.

So come together and know: You have been lied to. Rediscover. Rebuild. Learn. Marry, for life, make children, and reject the world’s lies and fake “rewards”.

Is it easy? No. Of course not. Your own family, especially if you had boomer parents, is probably riddled with divorce, lack of funds, and dysfunctionality at a core level. That’s the reality. So YOU be the start.

You’re like a rootless couple of shipwrecks on a hostile alien planet. You need to first of all get together, realise you need to make your partnership, your marriage, be the core of everything. Without that, you will not survive. Then do all the things that need doing so your children will be able to start off their lives in a tradition that is worthwhile, healthy and gives them the chance to create a solid footing for their own children.

Make that future bright and real, no matter what difficulties you need to face.

Vintage illustration of a futuristic American family on vacation, with the father driving his wife and two kids in a flying saucer instead of a car, 1950s. (Illustration by GraphicaArtis/Getty Images)

And ignore the human wreckage and misshapen mutants that try and tell you you’re wrong, a racist, some kind of supremacist this or that, a hater, an evil, evil, EEEEBIL (yes with a B) toxic male or spineless female.

They, after all, are evolutionary dead ends. The blind frogs that can’t swim that nature experiments with by the thousands just to have them die off in a genetic cul-de-sac.

Forge ahead and take a picture of the freaks, so you can leave a warning in your photo-album for your grandkids.

Telling the Woke Commies Where to Go

Coincidentally to my own piece on the lefty rapist types that are frenzy-whipped by the shrews in their life, Vox posted the response of a CEO of a comics publishing house to the suggestions that Chuck Dixon, an iconic comic book creator, should be deplatformed for… reasons. I have no idea. I don’t care at all. I read plenty of comic books as a teenager and earlier and the ones I liked best would probably get people jail time today.

Jonah Hex was my favourite one of the I think they are silver age comics we used to have hundreds of before my dad got rid of them all after we left home. It’s why I don’t feel bad he helped me buy this farm. If he hadn’t chucked those out I probably would have been okay getting it on my own. Maybe ten years ago.

Interestingly, DC also made a roleplaying game that my brother and I briefly owned and it had little cards for each of the DC heroes, that included a motivation for each one of them. Jonah Hex’s was correct: Seeking Justice. It’s why that character resonated with me so much. I think if I were reduced to a cardboard cutout that would be my primary motivation too. And as it was a Western, Jonah blasted a few bad guys per episode. The themes were quite adult and the writer of the stories was brilliant. Jonah Hex was discontinued and then they kind of did to him in real life what happens to him in the comic book. In a future he gets wormholes into, Jonah finds out his own body was embalmed as a circus attraction. Well, the subsequent restart attempts and the film made were kinda that. Whoever wrote those stories and film should be horse-whipped.

Aaaaanny way, I digress, the point is the CEO of the publishing house producing the latest Chuck Dixon comic told the entire woke world to go pound sand. And then cry a bit and pound it a bit more.

Good. And so should say all of us to every insane, retarded, Satanic, nonsense that is currently being peddled by the perennially offended. Common sense needs to prevail and courtesy and good manners be reserved for those who deserve it and earn it.

To the screeching “social justice”, cultural marxist, types trying to convince your three year old son that he can become a girl or that your three year old daughter can become a boy, we should have a resounding: “Fuck right off, groomer!” ringing in their ears until they disappear back into whatever festering hellhole they climbed out of.

And it should be loud and clear and backed up by legislation, and penalties, and consequences. These toxic excuses for “equality” in the name of “respect” and “fairness for all” are really evil. There is no other word for it. they intend to do harm and they do. The last thing they do is respect anyone, or try to be fair. They, in fact, are the very worst little tyrants, and everyone normal has had enough. So it’s time to put the mentally ill, the unbalanced, the insane, and the intentionally evil child predators back into proper health care, be that a mental institution, a home for the criminally insane, or being noted as a potentially unstable person that an eye should be kept on, for their own safety and that of others.

And it starts with you. Be more Tyson Fury and less Danny Masterson.

This is what you need to push back against.

Ignore your Critics

While I think this advice may well be positively life-changing, especially for younger men, but men in general, let’s first point out some things that should be obvious to all, but probably aren’t, so bear with me with the disclaimers for a second.

  1. This advice is primarily for men. It certainly does not apply to women in anything to the same degree, and there are lots of reasons for this but let’s look at the main 2.
    • Women are solipsistic by nature, so they hardly ever take on board criticism, valid or invalid.
    • The social interactions relating to men are critical from both men and women, while the social interactions for women tend to be politely suggestive from men, or typically, completely positive gaslighting from other women. See this humours clip to understand.

As a result, the advice provided here applies to women only rarely.

2. General common sense (which is exceedingly rare) should prevail. Some criticisms are obviously valid, but these tend to be of the extreme nature pretty much everyone is already aware of, including the perpetrator (don’t rob little old ladies, don’t do drugs, steal, etc. etc. etc.) the advice here is primarily related to more general and widespread life choices, your career, job, relationship/s (of various types) and so on.

3. I am not your dad. Ultimately you make your own choices and suffer their consequences or gain from their benefits. Ultimately, all responsibility for your actions rests with you. This is ALWAYS the case. Always.

Ok, now that we got that out the way, let’s get into the meat of this.

For the most part, men, and moreso the younger ones, have been thoroughly dipped in absolute bullshit narratives from birth.

Now, don’t go feeling particularly special, everyone on this planet has been lied to massively from birth, about pretty much everything, and the only way you may begin to see some truth here and there is by studying history. Not the prescribed narrative you have been told to believe in primary school, and later all higher education, but rather the real history, as documented at the time. Do your own investigations into things that interest you. One down side of realising you have been lied to is that as soon as enough people begin to figure out the truth about a few things, like say:

And many, many, many other topics, you invariably get the screeching harpies of complete bafflegarble idiocy, lies, and outright intimidation based on getting you cancelled, fired, and demonised or even physically assaulted and killed. We are referring of course, to absolutely dishonest things like:

  • Antifa in any form
  • Social Justice being about any kind of Justice
  • BLM in any form relating to any kind of Justice
  • Feminism being a good thing
  • Flat Earth
  • Equality being real
  • Diversity being a strength
  • The immigration of “poor war victims” instead of fighting age males by the millions from cultures that are incompatible with the civilised west
  • All cultures and all religions being equivalent in morals, ethics, and civilising value

And on, and on, and on, of course.

On top of that, men have now been percolating in the nonsensical invention of radical feminists and cultural marxists: “toxic masculinity”.

Should you be a normal man, interested in, for example, hunting or exploring remote areas; learning to use weapons or practicing martial arts; studying historical conflicts, human biodiversity and different cultures; noticing the differences between men and women, and cultures and cultures, religions and religions, chastising weak, cowardly, lying men, and teaching your sons honour, courage, and anything from handling woodworking tools to shooting a rifle, you are most likely going to be labelled as some kind of violent monster that hates women, homosexuals, likes to torture animals for fun and is a sociopath. It is, of course, complete nonsense, and accusations that only radicalised feminists, virulently and toxically homosexual men, child predators, and completely dishonest people would throw at you. But then, their numbers are on the rise lately.

So, let me explain to you, my brothers in arms, first of all WHY your critics are complete fucking idiots to begin with, meaning they absolutely must be not only ignored, but actively shunned and distanced from all aspects of your life, and secondly I will explain WHO your critics tend to be in the vast majority of cases, which will make the need from keeping them out of your life even more obvious.

Why are they wrong?

The reasons are almost infinite, but as a general rule:

1. They are Historically Ignorant

Now, you may think this has nothing to do with their criticising your “toxic masculinity” or your choice of weird “career” or of becoming a farmer in remote forests far from large cities, and building your own home starting out with only basic tools (but think about things first, eh?), or your personal relationship with your girlfriend, and so on. But it does.

The recent somewhat humorous meme about men thinking about Ancient Rome on a daily basis is essentially true.


EVERYTHING you see around you that can be considered a positive factor of civilisation, was essentially created by men willing and able to do violence to defend, protect, and remove enemies in the way of building those very things you appreciate today.

Indoor Plumbing: Romans.

System of laws that are still in use today all over the world in diluted and worsened forms: Romans.

Roads: Romans

Astonishing works of architecture never before seen: Romans (and Greeks)

The longest and most functional of human empires in all of human history: Rome. The only other system of “empire” that lasted longer and is still functional —as a remnant— is the real Catholic Church (today remaining true and correct as it has for 2000 years only in actual Catholics (Sedevacantists)). And guess where the Catholic Church sprang forth to conquer the world with its truth, beauty and goodness? Rome.

Literally, everything you see would not have happened without the Romans civilising pretty much the then known world. Yes by brute force. Yes by imposing rules and laws on the conquered people, yet letting them have autonomy in their own affairs. And whether you like it or not, the fact is that Rome, by civilising most of humanity at the time, opened the door for the next step, which was the even greater civilising effect of Christianity, which, let’s be clear, is and always was, and always will be, Catholicism. All other pretend versions of “Christianity” including the Novus Ordo fake “Catholic Church” are at best Churchianity and in many cases, actually Satanic inversions.

But even if you step away from Rome, understand that every city you have ever seen or lived in was created by men. Men who fought, and died, against other men, the elements, wild beasts, disease, famine, and natural disasters, in order to impose systems of law, order, food production, animal husbandry, mining, smelting, forging, building, and improving. All while they also did artwork, created places of worship, contemplated the infinite and the divine, raised children, protected their families, and led them to what was best for them, often regardless of personal sacrifice.

Literally pretty much EVERYTHING you see around you was invented, created, improved and built by men. While there are certainly exceptions and some women here and there have contributed positive things to civilisation, you will find even the best among them were aware of the fact that it was essentially men who had the objective perspectives of logic, reason, and factual appreciation of reality to make the necessary choices and actions that improved life for all. Florence Nightingale and her statements concerning women in general comes to mind.

So, when so random effeminate male, or bitter, entitled, spoilt, pointless female criticises you, realise, that in the first place, they literally know NOTHING of how the world came to be so pleasant and easy that they can sit on their ever-expanding arse and pontificate about thing that they never had the intellect to even understand, never mind philosophise about or create.

They are cargo-cultists. What is a cargo cultist? It originates from groups of tribes in the Pacific Islands that assumed that cargo (material goods, shipping containers full of new and wonderful stuff they had never seen before) would come if they pleased the gods in various rituals. In modern usage, this means something slightly different. The retards criticising you and your life choices are generally morons that haven’t got a clue about how to perform the most basic of tasks, like changing a car tire, or knowing what a spark plug is, and so on. They take all of these things for granted, as if moving vehicles (with their spark plugs, and tires and rotary wings and so on, and on, and on) are just a normal fact of nature. Apples grow on trees, and international flights and iPads just sprout naturally from the ground. And female Grrrrll power makes them work even better.

This complete ignorance and detachment from history translates into a complete detachment from reality. The same retards are bound to think that a woman can compete in sports at the same level of a man, that mutilating your genitals changes your sex, that shoving people from different cultures, religions and backgrounds together by force results in anything other than eventual war between them, and so on and so forth. So, their opinions, are invariably completely ignorant and detached from reality. And have as much value, generally speaking, as the farts of drug-addled gnats.

2. They are Stupid

You can’t get away from it. They are simply not very intelligent. They are unable to observe reality and make effective, logical, reasoned, conclusions that match reality. Ignorance, even engrained through indoctrination, can be remedied, albeit far less easily than most people assume, but the absolute absence of historical context, constant lies spread by all mass media in its multitude of forms and so on, can make the best of us ignorant.

That, however, is less excusable when you become old enough to make your way in the world. If you have any kind of functioning brain, you should be able to notice reality around you; and where it is intentionally being subverted and lied about to you in a consistent and ridiculous manner. In short, only a complete fucking idiot believes that a man can become a woman by genital mutilation, or vice versa, or that wanting to rape little children is just “another form of sexuality”, or that men and women are equal (or that any two human beings are, for that matter, including twins). Now, it is fair to say that one can be confused about a great many things, and not necessarily be an idiot, and I will give a few brief examples below to give a general sense, but anyone of middle age that still believes the absurd versions of the narrative described immediately above, is, without question, a moron. And why on Earth would you ever take life advice from a moron?

If you are confused about a topic, study it. Look into it. On the surface, feminism sounds like a good thing, right? I mean, I thought so too at about age 13, way back in say 1982 or so. Because, on the surface, what did we initially get told feminism was about? Well, equality before the law. And who would want to argue that, right? I mean would you not want everyone to be treated the same before the law? Sounds good right? Except it’s not.

And let’s leave aside for a moment the reality of who the luminaries of feminism were, and what they actually wanted to achieve and what their motives were. Let’s just skip right over that little portal to Hell and instead just focus on the supposedly “good” aspects of it, like that whole “equality before the law” thing.

It’s actually fucking evil, and a perversion of justice. Roman Law (the original one, from Ancient Rome, now very diluted) knew this. Anglo-Saxon law, and eventually American “law”, being a gradual and increasing descent into hell, have steadily moved away from the fact that the law, if it is to be just, should NOT apply equally to everyone. Is it fair to judge someone that has an IQ of 75 by the same standards as someone that has an IQ of 150? Is it fair to judge someone that is biologically less emotionally stable because of how hormones work in their body than someone who is biologically more stable hormonally? If you are honest, while you may well (and justifiably) become fearful at the prospect of just how do you act fairly to everyone, the reality is that each individual circumstance, as much as possible, should be somewhat allowed for.

Personally, for example, I have no real problem with women generally receiving lighter sentences for most violent crimes against adults. Take the example of say Charlize Theron. Her mother shot and killed her father supposedly because of the physical abuse she was subjected to by her husband, and imminent threat in that specific instance. Was it all real? I have no clue. Apparently she was found not guilty of murder because the situation was clearly one of self-defence. And if so, good for her. It seems a pretty clear cut case, and I have zero problem with the lady in question being perfectly free. But even if there was some question of it, in general, I too would tend to favour the woman’s account of things. It is —for the very same reasons that women did not build empires— generally, not usual for a woman to resort to deadly force as a “go to” response. Of course exceptions exist, the specific of each case need to be looked at etc etc. But as a general rule, what I am saying is that, while we know that women receive much lighter sentences than men for violent crimes, I don’t really have a problem with it. The exception for me is when women harm children, particularly their own. In those instances, the penalty, as far as I am concerned, should absolutely be equal, and when they kill children, the penalty should absolutely be death.

Why don’t I have problem with the lighter sentences for women? For the same reason I don’t have a problem with lighter sentences for children. On average, they are less emotionally capable than adult males.

Or to put it bluntly: Should a woman (in general, on average) receive a lighter sentence for, say, a shooting that results in a death?

Yes. I think in general that is probably ok. Why? Because in general, women will also have less access to legally owned firearms. The training that I personally would like to have in place for people to own firearms would be far above present requirements. (Note I said training, not bureaucracy and paperwork). BUT, if and when that training is done and regularly kept up with, I literally would have zero problem with people (citizens of the country only, regardless of country) going about and being armed in their day to day life. Despite anti-gun people screaming till they are blue in the face, the statistics on this are absolutely clear. Where concealed carry of firearms is legal, violent crime drops dramatically. It’s not what they tell you or want you to know, but historical statistics on this are unequivocal.

Despite the fact that the rules as I would like them are NOT in place anywhere, it remains the case that in those societies where being armed is permissible, most women choose to not go through the process. And many are indeed, scared of guns in se. As they might be of a chainsaw too. And that’s perfectly normal. I also strongly agree with men using chainsaws and not women, unless absolutely necessary. None of this is rocket science, but can you see how that translates in making all the rules the same for everyone, unjust? Roman law applies principle as a generality, but looks at each individual case on its own merits, and because of it, is an eminently better legal system than any of the ones currently in place in the English speaking world for sure, and probably the rest of the planet too. So, once again, an echo of Rome, but also, of the inability of the ignorant giving you crappy advice to think things through based on what’s in front of their own eyes at any given point.

The same idiocy applies to pretty much all of their assumed ideas about life, the Universe and everything. Because in the main, whatever idiotic idea they think they have, is not even theirs. These people have never had an original thought in their entire existence. They merely absorbed whatever “fashionable” nonsense they have been instructed to believe. And it is so with literally everything in their stupid lives.

Fifteen years ago, Russell Brand was supposedly this sexy, intellectual “naughty boy” that any woman would (should?) have been grateful to be bedded by, him being constantly described in the press as a “Lothario”. Now he is supposedly a perverse sexual predator that has been hiding his vile practices for years. The reality is that Russell Brand always was a complete fake with respect to being any kind of “intellectual”, he was an entirely manufactured “sensation”, and above all, as I stated way back then, in my opinion, always was a creep, and I am also certain he was sexually inept on every level. I would have bet money on it then and I would do so now too.

But the same cretinous people that used to “love him” then, will “hate him” now. And not because they finally see through anything at all. Because they never do, and never did before. They simply follow the narrative they are imbibed with. These are not the behaviours of people you can respect for their intelligence, insightful nature, or valid powers of observation. So why on Earth would you listen to their criticisms of you and your life choices?

And those two are main and general points that apply to over 95% of the morons that spew they idiotic opinions out of their drooling mouths, which is enough to discredit all of their opinions, pretty much, but please keep in mind there are many, many, more valid reasons, that can also apply generally, or more specifically, and it would take a book or ten to list them all in detail. I list only a few here for ease of use:

  • An inability to understand percentages, probabilities, and statistics in general.
  • As a result of their innumeracy, a complete inability to evaluate a scientific paper, a news report, or really any bit of information, including self-observed ones, for objective factual value. In short, they are completely unable to even be aware if a scientific methodology as applied to a study is valid or not. Never mind analyse the results of the study with a critical eye founded in statistical knowledge.
  • An inability to spot obvious logical fallacies.
  • An inability to follow, much less produce, a valid logical syllogism.
  • An inability to foresee obvious problems with a theoretical concept or idea. Even after the problems start showing up en masse.
  • An inability to select for logic over emotions.
  • A complete inability to design, perform, execute and review an actual scientific experiment of any kind. And the total lack of imagination to even consider doing so.

So, yeah. They are ignorant and they are stupid. Really that is all you need to know to realise you can and should ignore their bullshit ideas about you and/or your loved ones.

Who are these Critics?

1. Human Wreckage

Ever notice who the biggest critics are?

I have.

You will never receive as much criticisms from the human equivalent of flotsam.

The alcoholics. The junkies. The permanently unemployed. The drug addled, pot-smoking, shiftless human shadows that perambulate life in a way that is analogous to the permanently sedated inmates in a mental institute for the criminally insane.

Those who have made a complete shambles of their own lives somehow find it fit to give you advice on how to live yours. The mothers that failed their children at every turn pretend to tell their daughters how to parent. The fathers that failed completely at fatherhood will criticise their sons mercilessly no matter what they achieve.

It is always thus.

These human equivalent of sewer rats, will try to drag everyone down to their level. And this is true across cultures and nations. The ghettos of the Bronx are no different from the council estates of London, or the “case popolari” of Naples. Humans are generally, flawed, weak, greedy, petty-minded, envious creatures, and when one of their numbers tries, or succeeds, in elevating themselves from the surrounding rat-people, these will try to drag him or her back into the sewer.

Because, ultimately, if that man or woman does escape, does become happier, more successful at life, a better parent, a happier wife, a richer son, then it tells the rat-people what useless beings they are in a way that even their unconscious mind finds difficult to avoid. In fact, the usual response, if that happens and they totally fail at dragging the escapee back, is to then try to claim credit for their success.

If it were honest, it would be stated more like: “Oh yes, Johnny only became a successful man because of the alcoholic beatings he received from me, the cocaine fuelled orgies he saw me and his mother partake in during swingers parties, my constant adultery and taking my life’s frustrations out on him. I did all that for him. And the ungrateful little bastard won’t even buy me a new house! After all I did for him!”

So, when you get criticised by someone, look at their own life in that respect.

  • What kind of marriage did they have?
  • What kind of children did they raise?
  • What kind of achievements did they have?
  • How successful at their chosen life paths have they been?
  • What are their biggest failures and biggest achievements?
  • What’s their drug use been like throughout their life?
  • What has their business or careers achieved?
  • Did they provide well for their loved ones?

And if all of the above is one train smash after another, why would you care one little bit what they think, or what “advice” they are giving out under the guise of “helping” you?

2. Losers and NPCs

Not quite as toxic as the human wreckage, these are nevertheless people that while perhaps meaning well, (you might want to think so, but never assume it is the case) have an over-inflated sense of their own ability and/or importance. These are people that either have had some disappointment in life, tried and failed at something, or several somethings, or just plodded along without ever achieving too much and resent it. A bit, or a lot.

Please do not mistake these people for the genuine, middle-of-the-road people who simply did the best they could, without lamenting their lot too much and just got on with it, but are not by any means captains of industry, or particularly successful at anything specific. Few things are as under-appreciated as the steady, normal people, who nevertheless kept their family together, fed, and relatively happy. I am not talking about these people. I am talking about the father who was never a good enough football player so he tries to live vicariously through his son and makes him go to training daily when his son would much rather take up woodworking, say. It’s the “I could have been Miss County of Whocaresatall!” And by golly, she is going to dress her 5 year old daughter in the latest fashion accessories.

It’s the parents who, even though they did not divorce, when you announce that you are not going to university, because you really like electronics and have found a job as an apprentice in an electronics repair shop, immediately criticise your choice, because spending 100k on a nose picking degree in business economics gives you the prestige to be a Starbucks barista with a degree! And neither of them knows how to wire a plug, never mind solder a bit of an electronic components.

In RPG game parlance, if you are born into a family of zero-level NPCs whose life revolved around selling clothing made by hand to the local nobility, and you announce that you are off to be a ranger, learning how to hunt in the woods, even as you study magic in the evening, they will naturally tell you you are crazy; you will get eaten by werewolves, orcs will rape you, and giant wasps will paralyse you and lay eggs in your rectum that will eat you from the inside.

And some of that may indeed be a possible outcome. But while no one wants to be raped by orcs and become an incubator for giant wasps, the idea of spending your life as a tailor for the nobility makes being eaten by a werewolf more attractive. Besides, if you are only partially chewed you become a werewolf yourself and while not ideal, eh… at least it won’t be boring!

So, while they may even have your best interests at heart, they simply don’t have any relevant experience really. And, more importantly, they do not have your heart. And heart counts for a lot in life. In fact, as far as I am concerned, without heart, what’s the point?

So, what now young (or not so young) adventurer?

1. Generalities

Of course, the point is not to go off half cocked and oblivious of the dangers, obstacles or other things you may have to face.

By all means, study and research. Figure things out and have backup plan A, B and C. But also…

Don’t over-think it either.

Remember that as Von Clausewitz put it, no plan survives contact with the enemy.

And in life, that “enemy” is reality. And the ability of your plan to deal with it is a direct relationship with how distant the plan is from observable reality and the happenstances along the way. The more able you are to adapt, and yet continue along your chosen path, the more likely your eventual success.

Keep in mind that failure is part of life. Falling down happens. You didn’t learn to walk by not falling down. You learnt to walk by continually getting up again. And the advice you may have got at age 8 or 9 months, when you could not speak and did not understand most of language, was mostly just so much babbling. And so is the mouth noises most of your critics make today.

Notice also, that most of the people who do encourage you, who do say, “You know, I think this and that might be a problem, but man, I think you can do it. And maybe you can figure out how to even avoid this or that, or maybe they are not even things. After all, I didn’t do it that way, so you might be right.” Or who give you constructive criticism designed to help you stay on track and be inspired, are not the losers, not the NPCs and most certainly not the human wreckage. They are people that in whatever capacity have achieved a measure of success. Whether it is financial, emotional, familial, or whatever.

I never had criticism of me and my ways as I did from the losers at life, and I learnt early on to ignore them. There is also a specific type of critic that is externally successful (they may be rich, or apparently want for nothing) but in reality they absolutely resent your own personal freedom. This can be from your own parents too as well as strangers or even billionaires. I have no clue about Elon Musk’s life, and I am picking him as a random example, and possibly totally unfairly so, but let me put it this way, I would not be in the least surprised if Elon would be envious of my life-long freedom of always having been able to tell whoever I want, to fuck right off, if I felt like it. And I would assume that Elon has a lot more to lose than I do, and as a result, paradoxically, is perhaps a lot less free to do that to the extent I can and have done. So, beware of those critics too.

2. Specifics

Most men who grew up in the Western world had half-stunted or actively bad examples of male role models. The easy life made the necessities of manhood less of a requirement and more of a cultural option. One that carried increasingly high levels of discomfort and risk in many cases.

The changing “morality” (increasing degeneracy and destruction of wholesome ethics, honour, and traditions) also meant that your own fathers were under intellectual assault for most of their lives. My own upbringing, in the relatively savage African wilderness was rare for a Westerner to have. The realities of life and death are almost never impressed upon to Western men. Instead, a barrage of absolute nonsense is forced in their heads with a crowbar-like attachment to narratives intentionally designed to destroy the natural, healthy, heterosexual, European male. That is just an objective fact that becomes obvious if you merely pay attention and notice things as the are, and why they are being driven in that direction, and by whom.


1. Study History. Indeed, learn about Rome. And Greece, and the Catholic Church as it really was, and what it really did, not what you have been told about it; look it up. Hundreds of volumes exist of writings by the people that were there in the first couple of hundred years after Jesus. And many more after that. Start at the beginning, not the fake end they tell you is the whole story. It isn’t.

2. Learn Logic, Mathematics, Statistics and Probability. “Oh it’s hard to study…” Suck it up buttercup. Life is hard. Being a man is hard. Being an educated man is even harder. It’s also a requirement. Stop being a pussy. Get on with it.

3. Understand the role of being a man and what it entails. Do NOT attempt to do this without having done one and two above first. You will be led astray by a lot of gay wolves in heterosexual sheep’s clothing. I will be making my subsequent blog post about this very topic. And you have plenty to get on with before then, so get on with it.

4. Understand the role of a woman and what it entails, but above all, understand how a man should relate to a woman and how she should relate to a man. Again, this is a complex topic that has been vilified in every way imaginable for at the very least 70 years. Do not attempt to begin this without first having done the three above points and having read my very next blog post after this one, which will cover this aspect in more detail. Hint: Women are not the enemy.

5. Understand that religion is pivotal. Not optional. This is a massive topic and of course, rivers of ink and blood have been spilt over it, so I am not going to bother doing more than I already have with my two books, the short one, BELIEVE! and the detailed one Reclaiming the Catholic Church. But be aware that atheism leads to mass murder, and so do many fake religions. Churchianity leads to fakeness and gayness (of the butt-sex kind, not the happy kind). False religions lead to dysfunctional societies, not functional, happy, safe ones that are able to deal with reality head on. Catholicism has been vilified and lied to from the start, and had bad men, in it and all around it, throughout it’s existence, and yet, in keeping with our Lord’s promise, it remains active, and has been the most successful method of creating loving, safe, humane societies full of beauty, humanity, justice and happiness. And this despite the constant lies, attacks and since 1958, total inversion of it by the Satanists currently residing in the Vatican. So, at a minimum, read a bit about it. My books of course save you a lot of time and give plenty of references you can verify by yourself, but it doesn’t need to be my books. Just learn the real history of Christianity from the very early days, as written about by the people that were physically there at the time. Then see if you can still refute catholicism as it really is, not as you have been told it is by pedophile Satanists pretending to be Catholic Clergy.

And last but also first: I don’t know about you, but personally, I have always believed it is better for me to make mistakes or bad choices as a result of my own bad decisions than by listening to someone else’s bad advice.

So, go forth man. And conquer life and do the hard things, and do the good things, and ignore the naysayers, the critics, the failures, the alcoholic, drug addled flotsam of life, the NPCs, the envious millionaires and jealous prisoners of their own failures. Build your life, your friends, your family, your community, based on solid foundations, leading a loving wife who respects and cares about you and looks after you as a woman that is happy to be a woman and act as one, even as you take care of her and love her, as a man that is happy to be a man, and acts as one.

Perseverance is always Key

In literally anything you do, perseverance, bordering on the fanatical, is far more often a plus than a negative. There are any number of completely unreasonable but rigidly implacable people in positions of authority, power, and overall financial success. It is also true that such people are generally far from happy. Their single-minded obsession tends to darken every other aspect of life, reducing their relationships, enjoyment of life, and so on, to a monochromatic shade with a single note of music to it.

If, however, you are able to keep steadily working towards your goal without losing sight of the important things, your relationships with your loved ones, prioritising things so that you can devote the time and effort required (which at times will stray deeply into the unreasonable portion of life) yet have the mental fortitude to also return to your humanity in a regular fashion, your goals will stand a very good chance of being achieved.

Of course, set-backs, betrayals, accidents of misfortune, and all manner of things, may get in the way, and one too needs to know when to change tactics and sometimes even objective, because as the Japanese say:

Business is War.

And in a way, so is life in general. Thinking with a war-like mindset all the time is not healthy, but thinking with a strategic mindset, where you include the human and humane sides of life, is certainly worthwhile. And always remember people are not machines, but over time, if you hold your hand steady on the tiller, regardless of the tempests you may encounter or the lulls with no wind, in time, you will get to your destination.

A Question for a hypothetical Scenario

Assume a race of aliens has the ability to basically clone or adapt themselves to look exactly like human beings except for a tiny mark, a symbol, say, either tattooed somewhere on their body, or occasionally no tattoo, but adherence to using a specific item of clothing, say a type of hat, or a handkerchief of a specific colour say.

So, in short, while some of the aliens could be recognised by the tattoo in the case of those who sport it, others could only be inferred by a specific item of clothing that they carry on their person, but that obviously, also non-aliens can carry on their person, either unknowingly, or intentionally to try and either curry favour with the aliens or to appear as one of them to the humans, for whatever reason.

Let’s also postulate that these aliens have nefarious intentions towards humanity at large and their first order of business is to get rid of all those people who:

  1. Understand they are aliens and expose them as such
  2. Have the best chance technologically and socially to prevent their nefarious actions and intent to subjugate the whole of humanity to a state of perpetual slavery and depopulation
  3. Organise to prevent their take over

Now, given their human appearance and lack of ease in understanding they are aliens, and secondly, that they have evil intent towards us, I think it’s fairly obvious that the average person would have trouble even being aware an existential threat to their entire civilisation even exists.

Even if they DO become aware and research and realise this is real, they will have an almost impossible task in trying to convince other humans, especially given the level of distraction the average human is subjected to daily.

But there is more. Suppose that in the past of human history, throughout the centuries, these aliens have, at different times and places, been recognised as a threat, and different groups of people took action against them. Sometimes violent, other times, merely excluding them from certain geographic areas, since they looked perfectly human and no normal person would have tolerated what they saw as a genocide.

Yet, these pushbacks from humanity, over the centuries, became always labelled as unjust, the persecution of innocents and so on. You could see how much more difficult that would make the task of the humans who become aware of the aliens and their plans. Exposing them would become almost impossible socially.

Now add to the fact that the aliens all seem to be linked by a kind of telepathy, or some other form of communication, that the humans are unaware of and don’t really recognise. Very quickly, the aliens, though an overall minority on the planet, would infest positions in government and begin to dictate policies in all countries around the globe, to begin acting in a coordinated fashion to the detriment of humanity in general. What are the things these aliens might want to begin doing on a large scale, and over long periods of time? Because remember, they have been among us for centuries.

I think the following would definitely be things they want to do:

  1. Erase any history that exposes their existence and their practices as well as how to recognise them as aliens.
  2. Create systems of taxation, bureaucracy, legislation that all overburden the local humans in each region, and focusing first of all on the people and geographic areas that have the highest level of technology and best communication.
  3. Create multiple systems of distraction and malediction. If the humans can be kept distracted, stupid, overwhelmed with he daily concern of living and so on, they won’t have time to even notice the aliens, much less act against them in concert.
  4. Take over the financial reins of each nation and eventually centralise them as much as possible, with aliens being ultimately in charge of the very process of the creation of money and how and why this is distributed at national and supra-national levels.
  5. Incite as much chaos as possible, especially in the more technologically advanced ethnicities and geographic areas. This can be done by mass movement of peoples from very different and disparate cultures, religions and wealth levels. The more mixed and chaotic the cultures, the more there will be clashes, further distractions and a general breakdown of any kind of law and order, as social cohesion breaks down.
  6. Ensure that the entire legal and government system, works in favour of the most technologically incapable sections of humanity and to the detriment of those most able to organise and create both technology as well as robust social systems of law and order.
  7. Begin a strong system of sexual confusion, promoting any and all lifestyles that do not result in reproduction, and/or that can damage and collapse the normal nuclear family that is the bedrock of humanity, and has been for millennia.
  8. As much as possible, turn the humans one against the other, by any and all means possible. Men against women, gays against straight, one religion against all the others and vice versa, nation against nation, ethnicity against ethnicity, culture against culture, history against narrative and so on.
  9. Begin a process of malediction that begins to intrinsically question hard science and replaces it with emotional and subjective political issues. Math can suddenly become racist, for example. Men can suddenly become women, or vice versa. Child rape can become merely a sexual preference. A nuclear family composed of a man and woman of the same ethnicity, background and culture becomes vile and racist. Borders that protect different cultures and societies from each other become barriers to “social justice” and are to be done away with, and so on.
  10. Infiltrate and corrupt the medical profession, and begin to make global efforts to force theoretically “helpful” vaccines and other drugs onto healthy people, especially children, so as to begin to weaken their natural immune systems and actually make them less healthy in large numbers over long periods of time. Use the fear of illness and the need to safeguard the weakest members of society as a moral crowbar to begin to implement these things, especially in the most advanced human populations.

Alright, starting to feel pretty dystopian yet?

Good, good. Now assume that on Earth there is ONE organisation, that is at least a couple of millennia old, that has always been aware of these aliens. They started out small, but then grew very large, but eventually they too were infiltrated over the centuries and corrupted and very nearly destroyed. Let’s say this organisation is a religious one, that has rituals and orders and so on, with a military arm and a clerical arm. Now that it has been almost completely corrupted, however, a small core of them continue to exist, and practice their religion, as well as the knowledge of the aliens, if not completely in secret, certainly to the almost total ignorance of most of humanity.

Suppose also, that you, as the aliens, are aware of this last remnant of hardcore human loyalists. What are the actions you might take, aside from direct force of violence?

You might slander them, call them all sort of crazy, bigoted, racist and on and on. In fact, you would try to exclude them as some kind of cultish band of crazy people. You would do all in your power to keep people ignorant of their history, of the fact that their religion models reality better than any other systems humans had ever come into contact with, and the fact that their rules were all codified and written down and have consistently produced safe havens of human progress, safety and advanced civilisation.

While you would be far less critical of all the other misguided religions on the planet, and in fact, even help promote many of them, especially those you have convinced that you are their greatest ally, you would absolutely try to stomp this small band of resistance fighter out of existence.

So… here, finally, is the question.

Assume you are just a normal human, going about your business, unaware of most of this stuff, and then, in whatever way, and by whatever means, you begin to become aware of all of the above. What would you do?

Would you take the time to investigate the seemingly absurd claims about alien invaders hellbent on the total enslavement and massive reduction of the human race?

Would you investigate the belief systems and history of the small band of remaining resistance fighter?

Would you be willing to have all your dearly held beliefs exploded in the face of factual evidence that yes, these things are in fact true?

Realistically, would you take the time to really look into it? Or would you pretend you never came across any of this and just carry on with your day to day life and hope it was all just a bad dream?

Honestly, I am curious, what would you do?

In a way, it’s the same question one might ask of the original film the Matrix. Would you want to wake up and become part of the resistance against the aliens? Or would you choose to remain oblivious in your caged in state?

I put it to you that most will choose to remain caged in. Especially those who are not in already poor and tragic circumstances. I put it to you that the boomer ethic of “hey, I am still ok, screw the world” would preside majorly in almost all of the people who stumble upon the reality of the evil aliens.

And I call such people NPCs. Non-player characters. After all, just like in role playing games, be they Dungeons and Dragons, Traveller, or my own Q.O.R.G. , only a few take the risk to become relevant in the world they live in.

So that’s my question. What do you do?

Overlords of Mars 3 – in the works

Given my recent weeks of not being able to do much physical work and even more recent new lung-thing/infection, whatever, I have been working at trying to finish the third book in the Overlords of Mars trilogy.

Which, I am trying to fit into an omnibus edition too, with all three books in one volume, which may however prove impossible as the largest number of pages for that is just over 800 and I am approaching 700 very fast. Then again, the series is really a Quadrilogy, even if the third book does get things sort of to a certain “point”. But… if I can get the fourth book out too, a two-volume omnibus may be it.

At any rate, having to re-read most of the first two books and consult my autistic level notes on the matter, is making me aware that really, I did a pretty good job with this series. One passage, spoken by one of the Russian admirals in book 2, made me quite aware of the rather startling predictive power of my imagination when I let it run loose with few filters.

“They will use American culture” said Zukhov. He pronounced culture in the same way he had said Lord before. “You know what I mean? Bang, bang television,” he made pistols with his hands, “lots of pornography on the internet to keep those who don’t work busy wanking, mobile phones, low-frequency vibration mind-reprogramming over large areas, disease, war, and they will use their all-important god, the dollar, the money, to drive it all. Force people into mental and physical corners until they are beaten into doing what they want of them. Stupid slaves who think they are free.”

Consider the book was published in 2013, however, the ideas for it, including this specific plot-point, which is one of the main threads of the entire series, was originally conceived in the late 1990s. As I may have mentioned elsewhere, in fact, each of the three books originates from a dream I had way back in the early to mid 1990s.

The first book was inspired by a dream I had of some space humans coming to Earth and my initial sensation at meeting the eyes of a very beautiful and blue-eyed woman among them, and feeling sort of like a monkey compared to them, and instead, this beautiful woman telepathically letting me know that no, we could be just as advanced and kind as them. The eyes on the cover of that first book, Inception, are very much like the ones I had dreamt of. And I used them long before I eventually married their owner. The book also has an alternative and more controversial cover here. Although, Amazon redirects me to the Italian site which changes things, so I am not sure which cover you get to see.

The second book, Stasis, also was the result of a dream, that for all intents and purposes could be thought of as a scene with Giona and Lydia close to one of the Martian ruins.

The third book was inspired by a scene that I am not sure if I will be able to incorporate in the third book, but if I can, I will. If you read of a character called Atalla, and a game… then you’ll know I put in there.

Anyway, don’t get too excited, but after a 10 year hiatus, (which I think has given me the time required to make this a better story than it would have been, with a lot more “controversial” but more true to life reality, I am hoping to have this third book done by Christmas.

If my future-guessing on this one is anything close to the one I had in the early 90s, concerning our present day, some 30 years later, we’re all in for a wild ride. More fun if you’re off planet than on it though. As usual!

Warsaw: Immigrant Education

An obviously Polish man, just as Polish as anyone born in Warsaw, starts to molest two young girls in public.

A member of the public instructs the “new Polak” in the correct etiquette concerning this sort of thing.

Notice the very calm expression after the lesson has been concluded. This is not a man acting out of uncontrolled anger. It is the calm and conscious choice of a man that is still worthy of being called a man.

I am also certain that since this happened in Poland, there were no negative repercussions to the educator. The same might not be true for the “new Polak”.

Clown World Fatigue

I wrote about World War III Fatigue and it was well received. Now let us look at the more pertinent problem, because it directly affects your future. And because I am not one of those black-pill nihilistic losers, when I talk about a problem I am trying to give you solutions. So read this through to the end, my despondent little friend:

Clown World Fatigue.

1. Anyone who has not had a lobotomy by now understands a few key things:The War in Ukraine is the West trying to make the whole world their globohomo playground and it’s not going well for them. Russia, China and others are finally able to shake off the US deep state that has been vampiric-ally sucking their souls with a lot less bloodshed than they would have had to do before this (while failing). Of course, countries with a deeply entrenched group of parasites in their entire structure, like Italy, Germany, Spain, the UK (though they are also vampire spawners) and so on, are going to have a very hard time trying to disengage from the USA without actual armed rebellion in the streets, which no one is really wanting to have happen anyway. But the official puppets pretending to govern, are hardly going to say: “Yeah…take your 140 bases, including the nuclear ones, and fuck off back to Yankee-land.” And if they did, they would probably die of a different type of “suddenly.” That said though, by and large, the world will splinter along a multi-polar, more sane part, and a globohomo infested, insane part.

2. Covid and all it’s related crap is a depopulation agenda and it was just a test run.

3. Chemtrails, HAARP weather and earthquake manipulations, chemicals in the water to damage, sterilise and hurt you are all realities, the “Apeel” chemicals Billy the goat Gates wants to put on all food is not there for your health. His genetically engineered mosquitos released in Florida have, suddenly, created malaria where it had not existed at all before, what a Cohen-cidence. They are running multiple lines of depopulation in an accelerated timeframe. They have been doing it for decades with “vaccines” that sterilised people in India and Africa. And now they are trying to wipe out first and foremost Caucasian Males, because they are the biggest obstacle to the full depopulation/enslavement agenda.

4. None of these things are “paranoid fantasies”. They are literal conspiracy facts that the globohomos of clown world are actively involved in. People like you and me who see it are simply noticing reality. And we know how much certain people hate the NOTICING of certain objective facts. Facts that by the way are all out in the open now. Read the WEF site, or Agenda 2030, or what the WHO and UN plans for us, and so on, just read it. They are TELLING you what they will do, it’s not a “theory” of any kind.

Right. So you know all that and you are fatigued about worrying about it. They implement the new digital only driving licence and you’ll just go along with it because eh…you’re just one guy and eh… And so on.

You’re not being loaded into cattle wagons on a shoddy tramline. You’re being gently prodded with a VR headset to stay in your cubicle and stop eating organic meat and take this shot of “essential vitamins” and stay on your 6G brain-tumour forming electronic implant and so on.

It’s all depressing right? It makes you just wanna give up.

That’s their plan.

And here is the antidote. And you are FAR from alone. We are the majority.

Do what I said in the WWIII post too. But above all, begin to think of yourself as the resistance under occupied territory. Figure out how to live without TV. Without smart-phones. Say no to digital cash.

We all have some limits here and there, but trust me when I say that a paper rail card a dumb phone and reading books on your way to work on the train is a far better use of your time even if you are in a filthy giant city. I know, because I did it. Had a more than 2 hour commute one way. I read a LOT of books.

And always, look to buy that little piece of land as per the posts I did on how to take on Clown World and Win. Always work towards that. Find a lost place in the mountains where you can own guns and feed yourself with your hunting and foraging and crop planting.

Look, the Taliban fucked up the USA. If they could do it, so can you when and if it eventually comes down to them hunting you for being the last of the unvaxxed.

Think of every hero in every underdog film.

Whether the original Star Wars (the only ones that count), or the grittiness and realism of Child 44, or the funny, but frighteningly fast-approaching reality of the Paranoia RPG, the hero is always a guy with little to no chance of winning right? Well, buddy, it’s YOU. What did you think you were gonna be in? Some chick-flick rom-com? Well, it might be, in the Paranoia world there was a hilarious game module where for whatever reason the troubleshooters stop taking their meds for an extended period of time and one of the male characters starts getting attracted to one of the female characters, sneakily doing dangerous things like holding hands, which if the computer suspects you of having anything like an actual sex drive, he will immediately ask for your disintegration at the nearest euthanasia booth.

So if you wanted a Rom-Com, you got it. And you better have six clones, as you try to convince one of the last unvaxxed women left to join you in your mountain cave retreat where a fur blanket made from bearskin is the luxury you permit yourself in winter.

Is it hard? Sure.

But aren’t adventure films hard on the protagonists? But hey. You chose the life of a hero buddy, now get on with it.

What’s that you say? You are bespectacled accountant that sits at a computer all day?

So was I buddy, for about 15 years. And now I have a .300 Win Mag and a bunch of shotguns and I still don’t know crap about farming, but I’m learning.

Rom-Com, Drama, Thriller, and Dystopian Science fiction, it’s all the same. You got your movie. We all got our own movie to star in. Now go win this fight man.

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