So my last post sort of gave a tiny insight into how the world really works and if you grasped that fully, you might have become suicidally depressed. Well, don’t blow your brains out just yet. Look at things this way:
Everyone likes an underdog film, right? You, the lonely, misshapen, loser at life, with no money, hope or charisma, finding the Shangri-La of happiness!
So, don’t be a wuss. If you DO happen to be a downtrodden unfortunate, think of it this way, you got the intro/first half of the film down pat. Now it’s time to do that heroic montage or perhaps slow middle part grind of the film, where you build yourself up into a quasi-functioning member of society (but still harbour a lot of your insecurities). And in this film, if you do it via reading my books and my blog, you can think of it as a single scene where you pick up some corny book title from some even cornier guru, read it and it ridiculously changes your life, or, is your film is a grittier and grainier one, where you read and take in some of the stuff I say and really apply it and regardless of whether we meet in person or not, you find a way to apply these lessons in a way that measurably improves your life. We might never meet, you might never even drop me an email or anything. I may never know you existed, or we might become very good friends, but the important part is that YOU get better. that you become more successful at life and find a good partner to marry and make and raise happy and numerous children.
And if you just twitched, thinking that getting married is a fool’s game and having lots of children is a recipe for disaster, well, my chicken-hearted and soft-brained youngster, take heart. I used to think the same stupid shit in my 20s and even my thirties. These are not your thoughts. These are the thoughts that have been beamed into your head from birth by an evil entity that controls a lot of things on this planet. It doesn’t matter if you believe in the evil entity and his minions or not. They believe in you. And in fact, your not believing in them makes their job easier.
The problems of life
Are simple. Pretty much everyone, wants:
- To be loved and have someone they love near them.
- To have enough (money) to do what they want.
That’s basically Love and Freedom. Not hard to understand.
But the barriers to entry on both of those are massive. And most of them begin in your head, where they have been placed by pretty much decades (if not centuries) of lies.
First Barrier to Entry – Your Beliefs
It really does not matter what reality is like. If you believe you can’t then you certainly can’t. And life can be hard, so even if you believe you can, often you will still fail. That said, if you obsessively work at and believe you can, you generally achieve most things to at least a certain degree.
So let’s do Love first. What might be some wrong/erroneous/unhelpful beliefs you may have:
- Women are all whores/men are all idiots
- Women will divorce rape you/men only want quickie sex
- No one believes in traditional family life anymore
- I can’t afford to be in a relationship (money)
- I can’t afford to have children (money)
- I don’t have a support group to have children (money/people)
- I don’t trust men/women
- People lie too much to trust them
- People are too stupid
- They don’t have my interests
- No one is loyal anymore
- The internet gives us too much choice
- Hookup culture has destroyed relationships
- 10% of the top men get 90% of the top women
- I’m too ugly/stupid/poor/short
- You bought into a PUA Redpill (really a blackpill)
- You bought into feminist theory of anything
- You bought into communist theory of anything
- You bought into equality theory of anything
- You bought into any Hollywood idea of “relationships”
- There is no one out there for me
- Everyone is now Vaxxed and I am a pureblood
- I don’t own X and I need X before I can settle down
- I don’t earn X and I need to earn X before I do Y
That’s just a list off the top of my head I literally did as fast as I can type. I am sure the people reading could add pages to it, but it covers the large issues for the most part and is fairly comprehensive and applicable to all. Right, so what can we notice right away?
Having money solves a LOT of these issues (all in red above). And guess what the other part is, the freedom part, that’s pretty much (not entirely but largely) a function of money too. If you can read this, you are in a position where you can earn some money, regardless of who and where you are. It will be harder for some of you and less so for others, but honestly, if you can read this, you can make money.
Right, so it looks like if we can scratch money off the list, of things we need to have, we would solve pretty much all the Freedom part (to some degree anyway) and several of the Love part of the problem, so, making it, having it, is important.
And here enters another thing. If you obsess about making money and making money itself becomes the goal, you can and probably will, lose sight of the other goals. That’s just how human beings are wired. You get more of what you focus on, to the exclusion of everything else. So if MAKING the money is the important thing, and you do it long enough, and well enough, and you become better at it, and you can do it more, and get more, pretty soon, you are addicted to making money and you necessarily may lose out on other things. That said, having a certain level of money is important. It is not ESSENTIAL, in the true sense, and it might not be true in an existential sense either, but from a practical perspective, it allows you to achieve certain things. the trick is to know you are using money and not money using you.
There are many paths to money. Personally mine have always been extremely haphazard, because the making of money never really interested me much. My curiosity was in exploring places, people, ideas, and figuring those things out. Money was just a necessary tool, but not one I ever had any particular affinity for. As a result I have had period in my life where the totality of food I had to eat was a bag flour, some salt (luxury item) and the tap water in my studio apartment. And I was in my mid-twenties, so not exactly just out of school. I also had periods where I’d fly to see a woman I was involved in, pretty much every weekend from UK to Italy, and this set up happened more than once in my life. I often paid for friends on holidays or dinners and never kept any kind of count, but I am sure it is a staggering amount if it were all added up. I also have had periods where friends or family borrowed or gave me money. So I might not be the best person to advise you on how to MAKE a lot of money, but I can tell you without hesitation that there are many, many, many, ways to make money. Not all are available to you at all times of course, and the older you get and more responsibilities you have, the harder it might be to hop and change from one way to another. I never built a so-called career, not cared to keep rolodexes of colleagues and contacts to network and socially climb any corporate ladder. I literally got by on my intelligence and ability to pick anything up really very quickly. it’s fine for a young man to live that way for a while, but it’s not ideal or even good for older or for family men to do so.
What I can tell you with some authority is that, concerning money:
- Where there is a will there is a way, you can make some
- Consistency and persistence pay off
- In the long run, honesty pays off too (arguable by some, see below)
- It is easier to make more money if you compromise your integrity and principles, but personally, I think that’s a complete fool’s trade. And I really don’t care if it’s for billions. I have turned down a LOT of money on repeated occasions because I like to have a clean-shaven face and that requires me looking in a mirror. I can’t really quantify the value of that to you, but I assure you that for me, it is pivotal. You might be different from me. Most people are. As always, as the oracles at Delphi used to say: Man, Know Thyself.
That’s about all the advice I feel comfortable giving you about money, plus one more point:
Money is pretty much all inherently fake. People in Eastern Europe and South America and other places too, throughout history, woke up one day and their Fiat money was suddenly worthless. So… keep that at the back of your mind too. To a degree it’s true of material possessions too, the government can appropriate your land or property but generally things have to get fairly more drastic (See Red Indians, Zimbabwean Farmers, Soviet Union, etc. etc ad infinitum).
The items in bold on the above Love list are all ideas. Very bad ideas. Of course, one could say that any belief is an ideology, but there are subtle but important differences between reality being observed, understood (to whatever extent we can do so) and then catalogued into a convenient but not completely inflexible shorthand. For example, the speed of light is thought to be absolutely fixed. In reality, experimentation tends to suggest it may vary perceptibly depending on various factors, some of which are unknown, but for most models, pretending the speed of light is fixed, works well enough. This is vastly different from it is so. Good enough is not It is so. Ideology is: It is so (wrong). Reality Perception is Good Enough.
Some examples of ideology are the whole idiotic “gender-fluidity” nonsense. The observed natural order of things is that dimorphic species have males and females, and they mate to produce offspring. Anything else is a deviation from nature and what actually works and perpetrates the species. Now, you may have a fetish for inserting unripe bananas where they do not belong, or golf balls by the bucket for that matter, and you say “But if I harm no one…” And therein lies the trick. For you to TRULY harm no one, your unripe banana and golf-ball insertion deviancy should be very much closeted and discussed with precisely no one. The minute you try to pretend your deviant, aberrant, unnatural behaviour is “normal” you begin to damage banana production economics, upsetting golfers, and incentivising proctologists to pretend certain plastic surgery reconstructions are “routine”.
Other examples of ideology are as listed:
Feminism – It’s made no one happy and destroyed untold millions if not billions of lives, fostering a complete fake narrative of what women “should” want or “need” instead of what they are biologically designed to be like. And of course, the same applies to the damage done to men and especially young boys. Literally every statistic on human happiness and suicide bears this out.
Equality – It’s completely false. Not even twins are equal, and certainly not men and women, or different ethnicities, religions, cultures and so on. Of course, if you are a Venetian, you are smarter, better looking and already know this, since we know very well the rest of the world is composed of other humans. And humans are just the worst. But at least we are better than all of you. I am sure you think otherwise, but you’re just wrong about that. See? I just proved the point. Stop and review your thoughts. Seriously. Review.
Communism – Another Jewish lie (Karl Marx was a Jew, and yes, I put this at his and their collective feet, like usury. Why? Because facts. What? what? Antise-what? Yeah, shut up. Go look up who came up with feminism mostly. And immigration on a huge scale “for thee but not me”. I got more. Just ask.) Communism is basically the idea that everyone is the same and everyone should get the same. Except the guys in charge. Oh and also, we need to kill millions of people to make it work. Every single time. Because all the other times wasn’t really done right. But this time, with this pile of skulls, we will perfect it. Seriously, read a fucking book. Communism is a gigantic lie and always has been.
PUAs – blogged about these cretins at length for years. Use the Search me link on the right.
There is no one out there for me – Pretty much ALL of the above ideologies are not rooted in reality but rather your Achille’s heel of deep down believing you’re unlovable. And so the whole world needs to stop spinning on its axis, become a flat disc, to suit the flat-earther morons, and life must all bend to your specific will, with all your flaws, so you can feel validated. Except you won’t, because shrivelled, crippled, addicted to all drugs and booze as your miserable soul is, it still KNOWS that you are as you are, and no amount of fake outside validation will fill the gaping maw of despair that is in your heart. Only truth and reality and facing it will do that.
It was always thus
See the green items? Yeah…. pretty much the same throughout world history. To whatever degree these items are “true” they have always been so. The proportions may vary a little, but believe me, only a little. Most humans are really fucking terrible. Didn’t I already tell you that? What are you, some Algerian or something? Obviously not Venetian eh?!? Jeez. Pay attention will you?
OK what’s left?
So the items in normal text have some truth right? Ok, for the most part, all this means is that your task of finding a suitable mate are made even easier. Because they are so much easier to identify.
A woman that believe in most of the ideologies listed in bold, and acts out most of the things written in green and also flags the normal text items, is probably a waste of time. On the other hand, there exist, men and women who:
- Believe in traditional family life
- Agree having a support group to raise a family is great, but not absolutely essential
- Agree that the internet and hookup culture have given everyone unrealistic expectations, which are based on completely false concepts. A few of them might even understand that most humans are a bunch of ugly idiots, and you too and them too. And that the best they can do is find an idiot just as ugly and stupid as they are and build a life on it.
- Both the Vaxxed and non-vaxxed tend to admit it freely. Males it easier to select your group: Mutants or Pure Strain Humans. Then roll our Gamma World stats.
The selection process has become more discerning. That’s all. If you are reading this you now have the top of the top 0.1% information to make a good go of scoring the perfect partner. You realise he or she will not be a millionaire, supermodel, nymphomaniac, who enjoys sharing you with his/her disease-free stripper friends.
So you select someone of similar 1-10 scale looks to you that shares at least some of the more important values you believe in and if those values are not based in reality, you know your relationship will most likely catch fire, go into a tailspin and leave a messy crater below.
Work on yourself to shave off the mono part of your mono-brow. Learn to talk to EVERYONE. Learn to approach ANYONE, without being a creepy, stalkerish type. Go out in the real world and join activities that you enjoy where likely partners might be found.
And keep at it.
One thing I am certain of, is that if you do these things, and also work on removing whatever negative beliefs and traits you have (NOT WITH SURGERY, YOU MORON! NOT UNLESS YOU’RE THE ELEPHANT MAN!) there absolutely IS a person out there that can love you and truly actually love you. Yes, even if you are a crippled hunchback. And yes I do know actual crippled hunchbacks (more than one, yes) who made something of their lives and are happily married. Are their partners supermodels? No. But you know what, after a while that really doesn’t matter. I obviously hope nothing of the sort ever happens and my wife would be devastated if it did, but if she had some horrible accident and was disfigured, my attraction to her would not really make a twitch on the needle. There was a time I was absolutely attracted to her looks, I still am, and she still has them, but the shift has moved for me already, and it is not a function of age so much, but of intimacy. I have always noted that if I was serious about a woman, although her looks originally attracted me, afterwards, they made little difference. It is also true that the important ones in my life have been very few compared to the “just for fun” ones.
The ability to connect deeply on the things that really matter in life, far supersedes the temporary allure of the merely physical (albeit they can last a few decades with good care). The more time I spend with her, the closer I feel and if the feeling is mutual and she too feels closer then, our level of true understanding and intimacy grows exponentially too, and honestly, nothing “looks” better than that sensation.
So keep these things in mind.
As I can, I will next post about how the entire world lies to you and how to spot it.
The Lies You are Told
Some years back I did a video on the Lies You Are Told in general History, and more recently on Kurgan TV I did a series (which I will pick up again soon, on the more specific lies of history starting with pre-history really and eventually working my way to the present day (all in due course).
And of course, if you read this blog, you are aware that for some 30 plus years, all the supposed “crazy” theories I held have, over time, been proven to be absolutely factually correct. It’s not because I am some oracle, it’s just I pay attention to things, can do basic math and logic and have had to deal with the rabid flying monkeys some people refer to as Journalists and the Mass Media in general.
By now, anyone that trusts a Mass Media Outlet can be considered to essentially be a full-blown Zombie.
You always need to interpret newspapers, TV news, and so on as being the lowest form of crack-whore and deceiver, who probably worships Satan in their spare time. And I apologise in advance to crack-whores for the comparison.
As long as you do that, you MIGHT be able to understand the truth behind their obfuscations, and can then confirm it by researching a topic on your own.
But the problem has been so pervasive and for so long, that people are essentially anaesthetised into believing “official sounding” or “authoritative sounding” or “famous person speaking” or “super rich person speaking” as being “true”.
And not only is there no correlation whatsoever between truth and those categories of people, but if there were to be a correlation, you may find it is negative.
Let me highlight a little bit what I mean.
Take Steven Bartlett and his podcast.
Steven is clearly an intelligent guy and he made a lot of money. I also found out recently he comes from Botswana, which made want to say ‘Hey! Give me five, man!” Since I grew up there. He is a lot younger than I am and a millionaire, so despite the originally smaller group of people that used to live there, I don’t believe our paths or even our parent’s paths ever crossed while I was there. But it’s always nice to know that someone that comes from or spent some time in the same little-known area as you, did well for himself. It genuinely makes me happy for him, and even makes me a little “proud” as silly as that sounds given I had nothing to do with his success and that I don’t know him at all; but it’s still a fairly common human response.
His podcasts are genuinely interesting in-depth interviews with pretty extraordinary people, and definitely entertaining. Steven himself appears to be a very decent person too and although I never met the guy, it is obvious he is extremely well-read and at least a couple or three standard deviations north of normal IQ.
That all said, his guests, which cover a very wide range but are usually experts or wealthy men and women in their field, are, as I said, genuinely interesting, but even so, there is an overarching veneer of respectability that is to a certain extent rooted in falsity.
And I absolutely do not mean to imply with this that Steven is in any way trying to do anything other than get to the real truth of very interesting topics. I genuinely believe he really is interested, and he really is trying to get to the bedrock of truth of whatever he gets interested in. I realise his podcast to a certain extent is also a “performance” and like all of us he has a “mask” to some degree or other, but I have spent enough time watching a half-dozen or so of his podcasts over the last few months that I am confident in saying that if I had to judge him, with a gun to my head, I would say he is likely:
If I were really pushed I might also say that if absolutely forced to, I would likely bet that he is no stranger to the female of the species, and probably indulged quite a bit before (I think?) apparently settling down with one girlfriend.
I would guess he is mostly (and honestly) agnostic religiously speaking (as was I for most of my life) though I am unaware of his position at all on the matter and if he has said what it is, I have no idea.
So, all in all, my point is that I absolutely and genuinely expect that Steven tries to put out information that is truthful, practical and useful for as many people as possible. I have nowhere near his reach, wealth or effectiveness, and our styles of presentation are probably almost diametrically opposite, and he is without any shadow of a doubt far, far, far more polite and, shall we say: “professionally spoken” than I am, but at core, I recognise the intent is very similar. If we figure out something important or that might be good for other people, we genuinely want to spread it, aside from any money or commercial considerations. Which yes, we may indulge in to some extent or other, but really is not the primary motivator at all. We all have to eat and he does his podcasts for free, and if I had his money, I might even produce my books for free too.
This long intro, is not to suck up to Steven, I am fairly sure he will never have any interest in interviewing me, if he ever even came across me for my ideas. I present it because I want to be absolutely clear in how you are personally being deceived, and how people like Steven have (in my opinion) genuinely ZERO interest in trying to intentionally deceive you, and yet, the zeitgeist of the world is such that deception is baked into the very fabric of almost any information you consume.
Allow me now to use Steven and his (most excellent) podcasts to point out what I mean.
Let’s start with Scott Galloway and the podcast I saw in full of him, here:
Now, before you get all concerned, please don’t worry about me, my sex life is great, as the three children we have had in the last 4 years should prove. But I know a LOT of younger men are having a bad time of it, which is why I get emails and I try to comment on the topic when I can. And why perhaps I have some success at this, since at least 3 young couples in their early to mid 20s that came across my ideas over the last couple of years are now happily married and working towards their first babies. So I thought I’d listen to what some other supposed expert in the field had to say.
And if you listen to the podcast, Scott makes quite a lot of valid points, then at some point (about halfway or so on) he kind of goes completely off the rails by presenting and baking in his viewpoints of politics. He literally says Putin is a murderer, Trump is a criminal and essentially saying parents that decide to give hormone treatments to their children for the eventual sexual mutilation that is known as “transgenderism” are you know… normal, instead of the child-abusing freaks they are. He repeats some of these absolutely insane points along with the idea that Ukraine is winning the war against Russia. I mean, anyone that really thinks Russia is on the ropes and thinks this as of 1 month ago, is clearly either doing a lot of heavy drugs, or is completely delusional.
Once you become aware of this and you rewind and listen to his “good points” you then realise that they too are somewhat tainted. Notice how he says that masculinity needs an update basically. Because you know, things that literally worked and created civilisation for thousands of years are somehow now suddenly “bad” because of technology and our supposedly superior brains of the modern age. That modernism is great theme is one we shall return to again, both in this post as well as in general.
I have already described how the mechanisation of humanity as a direct result of protestantism and the much vaunted “protestant work ethic” which came about due to the industrial revolution is really a Satanic and dehumanising principle. Something Steven instinctually (if not intellectually yet I believe) grasps, since if I remember well, I heard mention of the fact that he has a rule of no meetings before 11 am. Meaning he has already shaped his work as he wishes more or less instead of necessarily as is demanded by “the world”.
So let me make a stark comparison of two hypothetical worlds, and you tell me, if you are a man, which world you’d prefer to live in.
Scott world: You can “transition” your child to a “different” sex by mutilating him/her and giving him/her physical irreversible operations to do so perfectly legally and the zeitgeist accepts this as normal. One parent only can force this on their children and the other parent cannot prevent it. LGBT Pride Parades are a normal part of life and naked, sexually suggestive, adults can take part in these in front of small children without any repercussion. LGBT agenda in schools is considered part of normal education, and transexuals that may be convicted pedophile in drag can always read to small children in libraries, along with possible displays of hardly covered genitals. You are not allowed to respond to ANY verbal statements with ANY physical violence, no matter what. You are not allowed to respond with deadly force even to an attacker, no matter the circumstances, without undergoing at minimum a very lengthy and expensive trial with economic, social and possibly physical (incarceration) effects even in the best of cases. Weapons are limited to ownership or use only by police/military, and thus the use of force is mandated only for specific government employees. Any physical altercation of any nature whatsoever results in automatic assault charges for at least one and possibly both parties. Martial arts are heavily regulated and practitioners are considered as “dangerous”, so if they are EVER in any physical altercation, they are considered as unfairly “armed”. Physical restraint of even a violent home intruder is considered kidnapping and not permitted.
NOTE: EVERY aspect of Scott World is currently a reality in at least some countries around the world. All the LGBT Stuff in most of the Anglo-Saxon world and the gun stuff in the Anglo-Saxon world outside of the USA for the most part.
Kurgan World: Any form of “transitioning” is outlawed, regardless of age. Psychological counselling is offered for people with sexual dysphoria. Homosexuality is not permitted to be taught in any fashion as being “normal” or natural, since it obviously is not. And “pride” parades are not permitted by law, nor is proselytising of homosexuality. Homosexuality itself is not specifically outlawed, nor punished by law, however any public displays of it would fall under an obscenity law (say a fine or so depending on the severity of the display). Any homosexuality performed on anyone under the age of at least 18 (and preferably 21) would also be considered a crime, similar to having sex with an underage person. Any doctor that performed un-needed surgery on people who wish to be amputees, would be incarcerated for intentional grievous bodily harm and mutilation of another, and obviously stripped of their medical licence. Men who chose to settle their differences by unarmed combat are not subject to any prosecution as long as both agree to the fight in front of witnesses and do so away from public areas. In the event that a physical attack on a man is launched in public, for whatever reason, he has the absolute right to defend himself with force. The force should generally be appropriate to the attack, but in any legal disputes on the matter, the erring should be on the side of the victim. So, if a 6’3″ 250 lbs bodybuilder violently attacks and sustains that attack on a 5′ 120 lbs guy, and that little guy draws a .45 colt and places three rounds in the bodybuilder’s head, eh… good shooting Tex, is about all he’d get from the cops. If the last two rounds where after the bodybuilder had already hit the floor and was lying in a pool of his own blood, yeah… maybe Tex loses his gun licence and gets some community service. Anyone braking into your home, armed or not, who gets shot dead or shot wounded and/or crippled is not going to get to sue anyone for anything. Cops do NOT get special treatment for unlawful behaviour, and any citizen can make a proper citizen’s arrest just like any cop, as long as he is following the correct procedure. Concealed weapon carrying is permitted to anyone who applies for it formally and has not been charged previously with some firearm or general violent crime offence. Drink driving results in immediate loss of licence, and have to do community service along with a doctor’s note certifying the man has attended AA like meetings for an uninterrupted 6 months, before he is allowed behind a wheel again, with a licence with a single point on it from then on. Meaning any infraction results in loss of licence and similar situation for a year before he gets it back. Third strike and he’s out of driving for good. Public indecency, obscenity, or extreme vulgarity is punishable by law, as is public blasphemy of the national religion. Persons in position of authority or public officials (government employees) who perform criminal acts are punished more severely (generally double the sentence of a normal citizen at a minimum). The death penalty exists and is swift and efficient for certain crimes (child rape or murder, murder without any mitigating factors, imprisonment with aggravating circumstances [e.g. imprisonment for the purposes of rape, torture, sexual trafficking and so on]). Generally the breaking of agreed upon contracts incurs quite stiff penalties, and the principles of Roman Law apply (Principles guide, specific cases are judged on an individual basis based on their specifics). The murder of a confirmed rapist of a child, by literally anyone, but especially anyone connected to the child by friendship or family relationship, is not considered a crime in itself, but if done in public would fall under the obscenity laws and one may face punishment for it. Unprovoked assaults of anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, sex, religion or ethnicity, is subject to stiff penalties and these are enforced.
Those are your choices. Let’s ay you can only pick one of them and there is nothing in between. I genuinely am not aware of anyone actually male that would pick Scott World. Are you?
You see, there is literally NOTHING WRONG with men resolving their differences with some sensible but brutish violence. In fact, it would really resolve a lot of the world’s problems if that was returned to. It is only the Scotts of this world that disagree with it. And once I heard his take on the whole “transgender” child mutilation thing, I became instantly aware that Scott must have probably been a member of a tribe that seems to think it’s ok to foster that kind of thing on Europeans, although they tend to reject it in their own societies. So I decided to google him. And wouldn’t you know it…
Early life and education
Galloway grew up in Los Angeles, California. His father was a Scottish immigrant to the United States who worked as a sales executive. His mother, a Jewish emigrant from London, England, worked as a secretary.
Yup, just as expected. Yet another Cohen-cidence. That now confirmed fact wasn’t even remotely in the back of my mind while I listened to the podcast with Scott, until I noticed a pattern that is now fairly obvious not just to me, but to most people that are paying attention now, and that is: whom, exactly, pushes which type of narrative.
And the guy is planning to write a book on Masculinity. Yeah. Good luck with that. You might as well read a book on mental health and not being an egomaniacal globalist written by Jordan Peterson. Oh… Wait…
But if you were to just gloss over his trangendersim nonsense, or his absolutely deluded take on Ukraine, or Trump for that matter, given that Trump, like him or hate him has had investigation after investigation pushed on him, and came out squeaky clean every time. While Biden, literally can’t complete a full sentence, is incontinent, has all the behaviour of a long-standing pedophile, has molested children on camera under the guise of… what? Sniffing them? As if THAT was acceptable? Is a known taker of monies from foreign interests he was absolutely not allowed to take money from, is a certified blackmailer, and has covered up for his drug addicted, pedophile son, in every way possible. And yes, Hunter Biden is a pedophile, the images and video from his laptop, which are now confirmed beyond any doubt as being real, even by the fully partisan FBI on his side, demonstrate this without any possibility of doubt. But Trump is the criminal. And Putin a murderer. According to Scott. Right.
Ok, then, that’s sort of an extreme example though right? Not really. Steven does not challenge Scott on any of these absurd points. To be fair he doesn’t agree with them either, but you can see the wisdom of the Romans now surely, yes?
Qui Tacet Consentit – He who remains silent consents.
And that, like it or not, is really the truth of the matter. I have no idea if Steven agrees with Scott on transgenderism, Trump and Putin. I suspect probably and mostly not. But under the veneer of wanting to be civilised, Steven remains silent. Then again, Steven is far more British than I am and I am far more African savage than he is, despite initial appearances. I would have laughed in Scott’s face and forced him to prove his ridiculous assertions with any facts he thought he had, just so as to expose him to global ridicule, not just my own.
My interview skills would be kinda more like this:
Do I mean to say that Steven is allowing lies to propagate if he doesn’t agree with my take on things? No. I am saying that the lies are so enmeshed in the current zeitgeist you need to be consciously awake to see them, because we have started to accept complete nonsense as if it had any basis in reality. Like math being racist. Men being able to get pregnant and “trans women” being real women. Or 2+2 being anything other than 4.
Let’s take now a completely different podcast, in case you are about to start accusing me of being an indefatigable noticer. Let me pre-empt you: I am. I notice. I pretty much always notice, sooner or later.
Let us look now at Bryan Johnson
Bryan is obsessed with immortality. It’s sort of a clikbaity reductionist sentence, but as far as normal humans go, it’s a fair assessment. The man has gone to absolutely incredible lengths to try and figure out how to reverse and slow down the ageing process. From a scientific standpoint it is absolutely fascinating, and he puts all the information out there for free for everyone. Even though the man is a self-made multi-millionaire, it is absolutely clear he is not primarily motivated by money.
In fact, by his own admission, he struggles to get his main point across, which —if I understood him at all correctly— is primarily that our future could and would be so far removed from what we think we know now, that we might as well be Homo Erectus a million years ago, trying to conceive of us and our technology today.
Bryan has done some incredible studies on the human body and brain and created a helmet that gives you instant brain feedback. I sure would LOVE to have one of those, and he has figured out that one of the very best things you can do for your health is eat a tablespoonful of extra virgin olive oil at every meal. I kinda knew proper olive oil was good for you to begin with, but his scientific and obsessive approach allowed him to realise it really is one of the very best things you can do for your body.
And as it happens, my own olive oil, cold-pressed, unfiltered, and without any kind of screwing around with it, literally happens to have been voted the best in the world bar none, for two years in a row.
And I could relate absolutely when he was saying that the stuff you buy in shops is not really proper extra virgin olive oil. He’s right. But he only sells the good stuff. And mine definitely qualifies. So, hey Bryan, if I can be your oil guy in Italy, please get in touch.
Does Bryan lie? Is he deluded? No, I don’t think so at all. I think Bryan is not neurotypical, but then, neither am I. He is absolutely driven and I may be wrong, but I don’t even get the sense that he is necessarily terrified of dying. He might be, I can’t say for sure, but I sense for him it might be more of an intellectual challenge. His main take seems to be: Look, no one knows a damned thing. We are monkeys scratching in the sand. So I want to figure out how it actually works. In a very undeniable way the man is a genius.
And like perhaps all geniuses, he might go down a road that really benefits mankind, or that creates unmitigated disaster, no one really knows. I don’t believe Bryan is looking to create a bad outcome for anyone, quite the opposite. I really think he is at heart, a very honest, curious, intense person of probably impeccable integrity. We neuro-a-typical freaks tend to be too interested in our own little projects we obsess over to have much room left over in our ever-spinning brains for deception. And in that sense, I recognise Bryan as a fellow freak. I don’t have his money, perhaps not even his drive, though I think I do, it’s just that mine was in different and perhaps multiple directions, and I achieved different things. He made millions, I learned to disarm people with loaded guns and probably handle myself very well in any physical confrontation throughout most of my life, and hopefully still some way into the future too.
To be perfectly honest, Bryan’s end goal of increasing longevity is only somewhat interesting to me. I like the idea of being physically more able than I have been lately, given my back injury, niggling knee injury and overall decline in health after catching Covid and then two pneumonias. He does freaky things like inject himself with things I am not certain might not impact his genetics permanently, but I would bet money he didn’t get Vaxxed either, just like me. And I would be shocked if I was wrong about that. I like the idea of being able to be fit and healthy right up to the day I drop dead, but I am not particularly against dropping dead. The biggest issue I have with death is that I started to make children late in life and I am curious! I want to know what happens with them and their children and their grandchildren. But if I am right about what happens at death, if there is any way to be, and I think there would be, some part of me will likely be quite aware of it, for quite some time anyway. Aside missing out on more time with people I love, death has never held any fear over me. And I faced it several times in situations I was sure would be the end at the time and I never flinched, so I’m fairly sure I’ll be ok on the day.
Philosophically I also think that death is probably necessary, and ultimately a good thing, in the normal affairs of a good life well-lived. Of course it feels absolutely tragic and unfair and evil when it happens in unexpected ways to people who we are sure had a lot more to offer or had such horrible ends. But my point is not that Bryan is in any way a bad guy or a liar, I am as reasonably sure as a person can be from watching a couple of hours of one podcast of a person that Bryan is probably a very honest and earnest person. It’s just that his whole fascination/obsession, while absolutely valid, as is any topic of genuine scientific endeavour that is not actively harming anyone else (Bryan experiments all his stuff on himself first and one volunteer so far I believe), and while I can be fascinated by the science and details of it, personally, the search for immortality, or even just life extension by a hundred years, is not something that keeps me particularly interested in se.
Furthermore, the people who ARE interested in it are possibly the very worst elements of humanity. Can you imagine another century under the incessant egomania of the Boomer generation? The recurring politicians passing the baton amongst each other for generation after generation, like the Italian politicians did from the close of WWII until their death from old age? It’s enough to send a shiver down your spine and pray for nuclear war or rogue asteroids.
My point here is that the ever-grasping for a longer life at all costs is a mistake. You are FAR better served by reaching for a GOOD life, well-lived. And please understand the Paradox: I believe Bryan IS living his best life well-lived. He is doing what he wants to do and doing it with great intent and passion. As I said, I am not even sure that immortality is really his core goals. I mean, sure it kind of “has to be” because of the topic, but I think the intellectual curiosity is probably the driver. It would be like me trying to create antigravity machines, yeah, yeah, ok, I care about all the sexy physics, free energy, and so on of antigravity technology and aether science, but in reality, it absolutely would not be the core driver. The core driver for me would be to get into such a spaceship and wormhole my way across the Galaxy to go and see all the alien planets and weird creatures and strange civilisations and amazing sights that the Universe has to offer. And I think in a way Bryan’s search for immortality is similar; sure, ok, it would be great to live forever for him (maybe) but really I think he would perhaps be really more stoked to have figured out what our future a million years from now looks like, I think.
And people who don’t get that would be hung up on the longevity thing, and be chasing that with all the anxiety and additional fear of death and therefore wrong focus on the present life they have, which would have long-term, and probably quite drastic and overwhelmingly negative, impacts on their day-to-day existence.
Yes there are the absolutely obvious lies, like, bombing children in Gaza is good and fair and helps the whole West. Or people of a foreign ethnicity, culture, language and religion, being offloaded by the hundreds of thousands and millions into countries that are not their own is somehow good for the natives of those countries. Or equality among human beings being based in physical reality instead of a spiritual intangible relating to souls.
Then there are the subtler lies, like Hitler having been the absolute, worst, worst, most evil man in the entire history of the world. When compared to say Stalin. Or Ted Bundy. Or a bunch of others. Or maybe that hey, people being gay hurts no one and we should stay out of people’s bedrooms. Sure, nice idea in theory. And now we have tranny story hour at the library for toddlers, by convicted pedophiles. Oh and don’t you DARE say there is a straight link between the two things, you dirty bigot.
And then there are the really subtle lies that you are not even aware you believe in and are ruining your life, like the idea that female and male brains are the same or operate the same or even can operate the same (bar physical oddities and mutations that are in no way the norm).
These lies affect your life negatively. And it really is important you begin to consciously pay attention and evaluate things properly. Bryan is kind of right in saying we pretty much know nothing about anything and we are little better than monkeys scratching in the dark. He’s not really wrong about that. However, we CAN know something. And it is our God-given duty (and gift) to be able and willing to try to do so.
And as a final point —that I hope you look into yourself, and that no doubt sounds insane to people like Bryan and Steven— the best approximation for how reality really works, and what is absolutely best for humanity, I advise you to look into and in due time, and after proper consideration, embrace and join, the real Catholic Church.
Which I have to stress every time is the sedevacantist one.
Sedevacantists are the only actual Catholics practicing actual Catholicism as it really was and remains to this day. The Bergoglian pedophile hive of frauds in the Vatican and all those who subscribe to the Novus Ordo heresies are absolutely not a reflection of anything other than Satanic intent to hide, obfuscate and destroy the one institution and organisation that has most elevated humankind more than any other religion or ideology, bar none.
I think you can see why there is no absolutely no fear, or chance whatsoever, that I will ever be invited to appear on Steven’s podcast. I’d probably get his entire channel banned within the first ten minutes and then catalyse an absolute avalanche of cancel culture on every business he is in any way involved with.
And I’d probably make it worse by playing the African card for fun; saying they just want to ban me because I am too light a shade of African, and Steven’s partly white privilege is being used as the excuse to silence my noticing.
Hi Steven. It’s ok, if you ever read this, and want to get in touch, I promise I won’t tell. Nor would you be the first famous person whose association with me I never mention. I am motivated by curiosity and truth you see, not fame or status (other than one very specific type of internally, self-evaluated status, unique to me, that is of pretty much no consequence to anyone else).
To the rest of you, I hope that this post if of some use to at least a few of you and hopefully a lot of you, to help you see the lies, the unintentional ones especially, baked into our very lives, as well, of course, as the more readily perceivable ones.
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By G | 17 November 2023 | Posted in Actual Science, Brain-Mind Functionality, Human Performance, Increasing Happiness, Medical Science, Relationships, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within