UPDATE: This was posted yesterday and as I was surprised at the low engagement I came to look at it and the post had been deleted. Luckily we are prepared for such things and it is now restored, but it is interesting to note that it definitely was published yesterday as several people I contacted had in fact read it. What do you know, I must be over the target again. And if I get cancelled here, not to worry, we have prepared for such events if they happen.
Vox’s most recent post has helped me coagulate the necessary elements of communication that I have been obviously missing —those troublesome 30 IQ point bridges of communication— in order to transmit to the average person concepts that should be absolutely obvious to everyone, at least as far as I am concerned, but that are apparently completely opaque to the average person.
This has been so much so an issue that throughout my life I am continuously… not exactly surprised, but something similar to it, perhaps the right word is repeatedlydisappointed in the average human response to various events and specifically to events of a wide-ranging, global nature.
I have lived long enough that it is not a surprise, and I concluded long ago that the average person is a moron that has quite literally not a single original thought in his entire lifetime, being driven by the nonsense he sees on TV or that the media in general presents as a narrative.
This infects everything and creates a reality that is many orders of magnitude uglier, stupider, more boring, irrelevant and inconsequential in every respect than it needs to be.
And I mean everything. I am not taking about merely technological advancements that would mean we could already be travelling amongst the stars, not just between the moons and planets of out solar system (and no, I do mot mean in theory, I mean in practice, the technology not only existed but was even already developed decades ago, and that’s before we even bring antigravity technology into it — see The Face on Mars for further details). No, I am literally referring to everything in your life, from the type of interaction you have instead of what it could be, with your child, your wife or even your pet or a walk in nature, to the experience of beauty, love and intimacy you could have for everyone and everything around you, as well as the practical, real world, effective applications of reality based technologies and methodologies that could quite realistically cure almost every ailment we know of and bring humanity to live on other planets.
I know, it sounds like utopia and a pipe-dream. I KNOW how it sounds, but what have you got to lose except a few minutes reading this, and what if I am right? Strange as it seems, what if I can show you just how twisted and insane and stupid what you think is the limit of how things are is?
And what if you spread this around and other people get it too? Because I tell you right now that from all I know about resonance and its effects, it takes approximately only 1/1000 of a population, whether of living beings or of things like photons, to resonate at the same frequency, after which a tipping point is reached and the rest of the population (of living beings or photons) all “convert” to the same frequency and you get an effect that is so unexpected, so miraculous that it completely shatters the previous paradigm.
Simple light becomes a laser that cuts through steel. A population of frogs all suddenly learn a skill none of them previously even had. A small vibration becomes an earthquake. And I am not even convinced we need 1/1000 of the entire world’s population, which given we are about 8 billion now would mean 8,000,000 people. And Eight million people is not that many. There are plenty of YouTubers with many more followers than that. So this article could easily spread through the aether and change the world. The ideas I will present here are certainly not beyond anyone’s grasp in and of themselves. The difficulty is not in understanding or even testing and realising the truth of any one of its components or even a few of them. The greatest difficulty is in understanding (and verifying if necessary so it is real knowledge, not merely a theory held for a few minutes only to be discarded because it makes us feel uncomfortable) each part of the whole theory, each component, and then holding them, or putting them, all together into one coherent whole and seeing how each part affects the others and causes the inevitable, inescapable, resonating effect that no force can stop. No human force or even demonic force if you believe in such things.
Because unexpected as it may be, while each component part does not in itself necessarily present as part of a greater and more wholesome whole —in fact, some parts may even appear or even be, brutal, separate and “ugly” in and of themselves— when joined and infused with the other parts they too change and morph into something altogether wholesome and truly a harmonious whole.
So, allow me then to present first each component part of this larger idea. Each subset is simple, easy for anyone to understand and verify for themselves, you will not have any trouble here. The second half of each of these steps is to show you how that very simple and obvious truth was perverted and changed to the point that you yourself, while agreeing with the obvious point later come to think of it more in terms of “yes, but…(insert insurmountable objection here)” instead of “yes, that’s true and obvious and not a problem or difficult to put in practice.”
The third step is the big one, and that is to show you that if you can keep the simple and obvious true concepts in mind all together and link them, you come up with a system of behaviour for yourself and humanity at large too, that produces the “miraculous” conditions I mentioned above. The beauty of this is that even if you are the only one to do it, your own life will immeasurably improve in every way. It will not be the “miraculous” fly to the stars version it would be if at least 1/1000 of the planet gets it and acts it too, bit it will still kick the crap out of whatever your life is like now. Big claim? Sure. Real? Absolutely. Demonstrable? Provable? Yes, also absolutely. All you need to do is apply the concepts I will list below and understand how and why they have been perverted, and reject the perverted version and apply the original, true and obvious aspect together with all the other true and obvious and original aspects. Just doing that, I guarantee you, will absolutely change your life for the better.
And to be clear, better does not necessarily mean easier. Easy is a mutable concept and you may want to remember that old meme, that lists a bunch of things that are hard, and their opposite also being hard, and ultimately coming down to you choosing your hard.
For example, learning to read is hard. Being illiterate is hard. Choose your hard.
Being healthy is hard. Being unhealthy is hard. Choose your hard.
So I warn you now that like everything else in life, this too is like that. Reading all of this and putting it into practice is not easy. Continuing not to do it is far worse. So, choose your hard.
Right then, to the concepts first and later to how they have been perverted.
The Simple, Basic, Truths, and their Inversions
1. Physical Force Trumps everything else.
Regardless of if it’s money, gold, status, influence, etcetera, when push comes to shove, physical violence is, always has been, and always will be, the final arbiter of any conflict resolution.
Corollary to 1.
Eventually, anything important enough, will come down to physical violence.
2. Objective reality exists
It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, if you like it or not, if you understand it or not, or even if you are ABLE to understand it or not. Every single experience of life we have confirms again and again and again that objective reality exists and is absolutely the same for everyone in the Universe. Your delusion that you are living in a dream, can fly, have your own “truth” or anyone else does, is absolute nonsense and has zero impact on reality, other than causing harm to yourself and anyone else stupid enough to believe such lies. You can easily disprove this by trying to flap your arms to fly off the fifth floor of any convenient building, thus removing your own delusion, as well as the negative effects of it for anyone else inclined to listen to your nonsense.
3. Equality has never existed and never will. this is an objective aspect of reality.
Men and women are intrinsically different. Each man is different form every other man and groups of people of a certain ethnicity, culture or religion differ from each other in massive ways. While philosophically no one person has more of a “right” to life or is even necessarily “superior” in every respect (because the superiority depends on what you are measuring) only a mentally deranged person is unwilling to admit these differences, and similarly, only a coward is unwilling to admit that they affect much of life. People of differing origins, cultures and religions, should, as a general rule, stick to their own kind for the most peaceful and best results. Diversity and proximity inevitably results in conflict and conflict eventually leads to violence (see rule 1 above). The only sensible approach in life is to be aware of the differences, accept them, evaluate them on their own merits and act appropriately in the context within which this all takes place. Broadly speaking, each person should generally stay in their own nation, marry and reproduce with his or her own kind and people, and respect any different cultures or nations when visiting them. Genetic assimilation is not really possible in periods that relate to individual human lifetimes, and generally are not a good idea. While regulating these things with laws is seen as cruel and inhumane, there isa path to it that is acceptable. Reducing permanent immigration by foreigners to a small percentage in each case, using work-permits or temporary work visas, being tough on illegal immigration and so on is all perfectly humane and sensible without affecting any but a small percentage of people. The exception should never govern the rule.
4. Everything you do and say has consequences. Always did, and always will.
“Free Speech” is a completely Freemasonic idea that was perpetrated and could only be believed by possibly the most gullible population on Earth: Americans. It has never existed in the entirety of human history and never will even millennia from now. It is an idea so stupid that I was aware of this even as a young teenager, immediately upon the first time I came across the ridiculous concept.
5. Almost all political systems devolve into a struggle for the levers of power by those implementing the systems. Secular system absent a divine doctrine do so faster by orders of magnitude.
The only partial bulwark agains this has historically been been adherence to religious principles that unfortunately do need to be enforced and invariably the enforcers tend to become corrupt over time and correction becomes required. A system that recognises this and has produced the best results and been tested over many centuries, and has so far produced the best results for humanity has ever seen has been Catholic Christianity. At least until it was infiltrated (which took centuries) and perverted and twisted to produce the fake Novus Orco inversion of it. The only remnant of it being the fast-growing Sedevacantist (or unchanged and original version of) Catholicism. A corollary to this may have been the methodology invented and adopted by the Venetians to elect a Doge. No other system on Earth was as concerned with Justice as Catholicism. While other relatively stable systems did exist (Shintoism under Feudal Japan, Taoism under Imperial China, Traditional beliefs under the iron-fisted empire of Genghis Khan, the Rule of Imperial Rome prior to Christianity, Spartan culture, and others) none of them lasted anywhere near as long as Catholicism, which, though much reduced, still exists, against all odds, and has risen again and again throughout history, despite events that should have snuffed it out (the Arian heresy, the Roman Empire’s persecution of it, the infiltration of it by Satanists (Freemasons), the destruction of the protecting arm of the Church (the Royal houses of Europe)). Furthermore, it continues to exist and once again is growing. It is also single-handedly responsible for the largest increase in Justice, Beauty and the behaving with Virtues (Courage, Temperance, Justice, Fortitude, Loyalty, Honour, and so on) than any other religion, ideology or philosophy in the entire known history of Humanity.
The Catholics are the only people to originally ban Usury and recognise the Christ-Killers (Jews) as needing special prayers for their salvation, since they had chosen to be generationally guilty for the crucifixion of Christ.
6. Jews do NOT have the same belief system or veneration of the same virtues we have.
They simply believe they are the Chosen people, the only ones with real souls and everyone else is a beast of burden designed to serve them and no perpetration against them, including murder is a crime in their belief system. Present day Judaism is Talmudic and the laws of the Talmud are absolutely clear that anyone not a Jews is at best a beast of burden for the Jew to exploit.
Their ejection from some 110 countries or more is the direct result of their behaviours towards the host nations, and not a coincidence based on irrational hatred of Jews for no reason.
The Talmud specifically states any crime including murder of non-Jews is not a crime and that having sex with children under the age of three is also not a crime, along with many other behaviours that are intolerable to normal people being perfectly acceptable when perpetrated on non-Jews.
The BIS (Bank for international Settlement) is a giant superbank that yes, does control the finances of the entire planet and is run by the Jewish Rothschild family among others, though under a hidden veil of secrecy for the most part.
1. Violence is wrong, evil and never the answer.
From “toxic masculinity” to “words can never hurt you” to jailing people for self-defence or even defence of others, we have all, globally, been trained to believe violence is ALWAYS wrong. This is, of course, and absolute lie.
Corollary inversion to 1.
Certain classes of people/crimes should NEVER be responded to with violence. Women, homosexuals, the criminally insane, or whatever. This is, of course, just a furthering of the lie. If a black, handicapped lesbian is about to stab my child, you can bet your ass I would happily turn her head into a pink cloud and sleep like a baby, consequences be damned even in current clown world. In a sane world, of course, such an event would just be followed by the crowd giving a gentle golf clap of approval.
2. Everyone has their own “truth”
A man can be a woman, women can be men, men can get pregnant, everyone is equal but black/brown/off-white people are oppressed, homosexuality is perfectly normal, natural and to be celebrated, “adopting” babies from surrogate mothers to fulfil homosexual fantasies of having a “family” is not child trafficking and a perversion of the very essence of human nature. Pedophiles are just normal people and we should all accommodate them because age is just a number, sex with children is fine as long as the child “consents”. The objective statistics on child sexual abuse by homosexuals, higher incidence of suicide by sexually mutilated people undergoing a “sex change” and the incidence of violence in lesbian “marriages” are all just coincidences or part of a vast right-wing conspiracy, as Hillary Clinton would put it. I could add about 17,000 other insane nonsense to this list. You get the idea.
3. There is only one race, the Human race.
And everyone is equal. Except if they are white, then they are more racist, evil, oppressive and undeserving than anyone else. Racism can only be done by whites. George Floyd was a saint murdered by a racist policeman and no factual proof that he died of a heart seizure induced from a fentanyl overdose and that he was a violent criminal that threatened and injured a pregnant woman, among other felonies should ever be brought up. Systemic oppression, internalised misogyny, and internalised racism are real things and don’t you dare say otherwise. The fact that an Australian Aborigine and a Swedish woman look about as different as any other subspecies of creature might, and also have measurably different cognitive capacities and drastically different approaches to everything from problem-solving to adequate medical care or food consumption is not to be noticed. The jews are also absolutely never, ever, ever, the bad guys. they are victims and always will be, even when they genocide other peoples. Also, stop noticing it.
4. Free Speech is the best and truest way for a “democracy” to work.
This lie was invented simply so the Freemasons could ignore blasphemy laws to begin with and gradually every other moral, ethical and decent concept of behaviour.
5. God is dead and Science and Secularist Atheism is the only sensible way forward. Please ignore the 100 million dead bodies this ideology in its various forms has produced in just the last 100 years or so. Above all, Catholicism is the worst of all, and filled with dirty pedophiles (ignore the fact that they are known as poor victims called Minor-Attracted-Persons when not part of “Catholicism”. Further ignore that such people were burnt at the stake in higher numbers than any other class of perpetrator during the Spanish and Portuguese inquisitions and were never tolerated by the Catholic Church prior to the Vatican II inversion and the first of the current fake Popes from 1958 to today). Every other religious belief is also not ideal, but they are ALL, without exception, better than Catholicism. Catholicism is the absolute worst. It is also the only religion that is specifically “antisemitic”. Well, originally anyway, the Novus Ordo has finally realised the Jews are like our older brothers and we should respect and revere them.
6. Jews are persecuted innocents that can’t help being so successful in so many spheres of life because they are just smarter and more hard-working than everyone else.
Their success has nothing to do with nepotism, bribery, blackmail, underhand financial behaviours, usury, murder, or any other immoral tactic. It is also illegal and antisemitic, to notice that they have a higher incidence of child sexual abuse than anyone else, that their Talmud specifically states crimes against non Jews are fine, or that sex with children is acceptable. In fact, criticising the Jews in general or suggesting 6 million of them did not die in the Holocaust (even though they admit as much even in the Holocaust museum in Israel) is a crime and punishable by imprisonment and fines in many areas around the world and it should be a crime to criticise Jews anywhere by anyone in the world as per NOAHIDE Laws. The idea Jews control most of the world finances, mass media and entertainment is just a lie, And when it is demonstrated it is not a lie it is just because jews are so intelligent and successful.
That will do for now. Just six little (big) truths and if you can process them all at once in your head, then some other very basic, also simple, truth naturally will coalesce out of knowing the six above facts. In brief these are:
1. The need for a holistic, virtue-based (real virtues, not fake ones promoted today like the aptly named D.I.E. Ideology (Diversity, Inclusivity, Equality) system of belief that is as much as possible resistant to corruption, infiltration and subversion is required. It must necessarily be:
Based in reality
Exclusive of those with bad intent
Inclusive of those with good intend but remaining separatist in terms of culture, ethnicity and cultural preferences
Promoting of meritocracy based in virtue and achievement
Helpful to those weaker or less able but not to detriment of those stronger and more capable
2. The need to act as required in defence of the natural order of things, that have formed part of the most successful system of beliefs that has brought the most good to the largest number of people in the history of Humanity, that being, being the nuclear family, traditional marriage, traditional male and female roles and a reliance on honour, beauty, truth, honesty, charity, mercy and justice. But never at the detriment of truth, and above all justice.
3. The need to reject as a whole the current system/s of control, which ultimately means the need to separate yourself from the need of FIAT money, at least until when such a new system has been implemented that does not permit usury and does not rely on the current systems of banking in place as control mechanisms. In the short term this means to achieve the self-sufficient production of food, clean water and energy for your immediate family and then your expanding community guided by the above points.
4. The need to have the capacity to protect yourself, your family, and your way of life, by all available means and avoiding violence when and if possible, but including it when this is no longer possible to avoid, under the principle of self-defence and Just war.
If you do realise these four principles, then you may find that the initial point is in fact, the cohesive belief system. Because without it, nothing lasts in time. And that System, as far as the human experience goes, has been Catholicism. It really doesn’t matter if you like or believe this, because remember, objective reality is a thing, and if you bother to study human history at all, the benefits of Catholicism overall, compared to any other system are simply undeniable by anyone even remotely honest. If that is the case, and if you are honest, then at the very least it deserves further investigation; and if you feel so inclined to save yourself some time you may wish to read Believe! (short quick read of a couple of hours) or Reclaiming the Catholic Church (more than five times as big as Believe! and packed with references you can verify for yourself.) But in any case, you need not buy my books specifically. Just educate yourself and see why Catholicism worked and still does. Then get up and begin forming your own community of Sedevacantists or join one of the ones already in place and forming, like the one I am building.
Once this veil of lies has been ripped from you, you can begin to see, even if you are not yet a catholic, so much of what you believe is an absolute lie. From the way you relate to your spouse or children or co-workers, to the way we live, work, and think about money, time, life in general, education and human worth and value as well as fundamental concepts like sex, marriage, love, intimacy, and so on. If the interpersonal relationships interest you, then you can also read Caveman Theory, which unlike the other books is NOT available in paper format on Amazon due to its content being politically “unacceptable” as is all truth today and throughout most of human history.
In any case, realise that you are in no way as powerless and without options as you feel. And that the people ruling over you have almost no power once you see them and their lies for what they are and begin, without fanfare, without rage, without much of anything except steely-eyed determination, to remove yourself from their systems of influence. Use, leverage, and make us of their systems as you can and must in order to remove yourself gradually and permanently from them. Consider these simple but very true facts:
Taxes are not needed to have all the services we currently have
Fiat money is NOT the only way to have mediums of exchange
Leaving your family to go and work in order to provide for them is not how things were done for most of human history
Tangible assets like land and gold do not lose their value regardless of economic fluctuations artificial or real as they may be
Force trumps everything in the final analysis, so be able to deliver it if necessary
Respect from your spouse and children is not optional and never was throughout human history
Charity and cherishing your wife is also not optional towards her
Your physical ability matters, but your virtues are measured in your actions and inactions aside from your specific talents or lack thereof and remember that God often prefers to use broken tools to make His point
Putting your children in a box where they have to sit for 5 or 6 hours to learn mostly by rote a bunch of things that are aside from learning to read, write and do various forms of mathematics, as well as learn real (not falsified) history is not education but indoctrination
A violent reaction to an injustice, in proportion to the injustice, is perfectly natural and normal, regardless of what local laws may say about it. Obviously, acting intelligently in this regard is also not optional. Proportionality is also not optional. Killing someone because they bumped into you or damaged your car, is not acceptable. Killing someone raping your child or attempting to murder you is.
Think through these concepts and see if you still recognise the world we currently live in as even remotely sane.
If you are one of those people that thinks that blogging on the internet about the evils of the world and whining about it, or even whining about how young men should be doing X or young women should be doing Y (yes, pun intended) it still isn’t doing much of anything.
You write a book that leads people to a certain action or activity or teaches them a skill or gives them information that has been hidden or unknown ok, that’s better.
But best of all is you taking action in the real world. And while securing your own situation obviously and necessarily must come first, creating that community of zealots that bind together in hard times, is the immediate second thing, and you should really ideally be doing them concurrently as best you can.
I recently had a back and forth over substack comments with on Mark Bisone. That link is to my final comment, but you can thread back up on it and see how it progressed. All on John of Barsoom’s Substack comment section, which is sort of like having two homeless drunks fighting in your front yard because it’s one of those that doesn’t have a proper fence and is just adjacent to the road.
In any case, it became quickly apparent that this Bisone guy had no real clue. He’s the kind who writes pompously lengthy screeds to show you how smart and poetic he is and as Shakespeare said (I paraphrase) it’s all a bunch of hot air about nothing.
He tried to “shame me” into being less “arrogant” (i.e. calling him out on his various consciously chosen flaws), and “prideful” (real, PhULEEEZE! Stop pointing out how I am so deficient in effectiveness and results!) and questioned my “approach” to things despite the fact he hasn’t achieved a fraction of my results.
And finally he dodged the straight forward question of whether Vatican 2 and all its pomps is heresy most foul or not.
So, a wishy-washy, not here, nor there guy, who fancies himself as some sort of “traditionalist” or even (laughably) possibly Catholic layman, that is lukewarm throughout, and achieves little to no measurable impact on anyone’s life other than continuing and perpetrating the generic fog of despair and whining, providing no real applicable positive results.
Yet, I don’t doubt many will look to his writing and like chimps before a stone altar they will OOOOHHHH and AAAHHHHHH, and be enthralled by the fancy words and the verbose and belaboured “points” he makes.
And indeed he is considered somewhat of a “firebrand” I suppose, by a guy like John of Barsoom. Which is fine, because John is very much an intellectual and a theoretician, he’s sort of your crazy and mostly harmless alchemist trying to find how to turn base metals into silver. Or al least copper. And you never know, he might find something totally unexpected that adds to the discourse, but Mark Bisone, seem to me to just be blatherer. And the sole purpose of Blatherers is to waste your time.
When faced with these people always ask them what have they achieved.
Did you take the vaxx?
Did you stop anyone else from taking it? How exactly?
Do you own a business unrelated to your blogging or ideas you present here? If yes, is this a way to get clients?
What have you achieved in life that you think has value for others after the day you die?
Does he have children?
Are they married?
In person, it’s easier to assess quite a few other things, like, for example, are they able to take a punch? (Which does not mean you should punch them out the blue. But you should be able to assess their potential ability to get in a physical confrontation without needing to get into one).
And most importantly, what, if anything, are they doing in the physical world? Are they organising a community? Are they building something? Or at least moving towards it?
I’d take a 20 year old with a go-bag he’s prepared for emergencies, over a boomer with a ranch that has no clue what the problem is.
In the end, no one is coming to save you, no political system is going to fix any of this, and the internet is not real life.
So go on and BUILD your life. The one you want, not the one you’re not really into but is easy anyway.
This post is one of those simple ones to summarise and extremely difficult to get into people’s head or to take positive action in their own lives with.
The basic message is simple:
Keep going. Literally every meaningful discovery, real progress, increase in truth, beauty and justice was inevitably the effort of one man (or less frequently one woman) against all odds.
The trend is that the lone individual, working endlessly, sometimes for years, makes the discovery/breakthrough/whatever that is to the good and then he is promptly buried, forgotten, and his name often also dragged through the mud as the vultures in human form take up his work as their own, slander it while aggrandising their own plagiarisms and so on.
This is the pattern. If you study any history at all, it is the process. Everyone knows Einstein, no one knows the names of the people whose work he shamelessly plagiarised, reworked and pretended to have come up with something brand new. Tesla changed the world more than any other single person except Jesus and yet until a couple of decades ago almost no one knew who he was or what he did. Only the internet brought back his relevance. Everyone knew who Edison was or Marconi, neither of which invented what they are known for first and in fact they stole it from Tesla and even didn’t make a good a job as he had. I know the feeling, since Graham Hancock did a similar thing, taking my The Face On Mars, plagiarising some concepts from it and STILL getting it wrong. But such is life, and such are journalists. Hancock, has made millions and I struggle to maintain my small farm. And Tesla died destitute and Edison was wealthy.
Maxwell figured out the equations and Heavyside crippled them.
Tesla created the alternating current motor and wanted the world to have free energy and JP Morgan and others saw to it we all have to pay for it.
I figured out a pivotal part of human history and the context of it and Hancock still can’t figure out that context in a way that makes coherent sense. Then again, his surname tells us all we need to know about him.
But the key difference is that the people who MAKE the discoveries are almost universally not doing it for the fame or the money. They are doing it for the literal pursuit of truth.
If and when you come across such people, regardless of the fact that like all human beings they will have their flaws, it is important to support them as best you can. I certainly always have and always will.
I was reading Agent 13’s third post on UVALDE and what it cost him, and it is very true and an important point to note that not only is it only one guy that usually figures something out, but if and when that one guy is taken out, a lot of truth is lost. My books are already out there, so there isn’t too much I am worried about, also because I think I have reached a sort of equilibrium with the powers that be. I am not large enough to be a worry, and the things I say, while true, tend to be on the esoteric and general side of things, so while at an individual level for those that take on the concepts they absolutely can be and are life-changing, it is unlikely to form a massive movement of tens of thousands of souls suddenly ready to be my armies of conquest. Also because I tend to avoid wanting to lead anything, and what little I do in that regard I do grudgingly and because it is needed and even then only in a small way. Which is not to say that if a million men suddenly decided to make me their warrior-king I wouldn’t put them to use, but in reality, I neither seek nor particularly want that. It would be a horrible pain in my backside and a distraction from the things I care about. On the other hand, if I did have a cadre of people willing to work hard at a few things, the positive effects that can be had are huge and more than the sum of its parts, which is why I keep slowly building up my little fiefdom.
From the Agent’s Post:
Thank you so much for being a paid sub! There are a lot of people out there who attack certain authors and try to get them to quit, but when I feel like giving up, I remember that there are also people out there who find what I have to share of importance enough to take money out of their pocket and share it with me and that’s a really big deal because you don’t have to do that, especially when inflation is at an all-time high and everyone is struggling. I also financially support those I find to be of importance in our movement. We are awesome souls because without support, Truthers feel alone, stranded on an island in Clown World and there’s nothing left to spread Truth for.
Writing this series has been really difficult for me because it forced me to divulge my failures, mistakes and problems in my life including marriage issues, none of which are comfortable topics. It would have been so much easier to just write about my Uvalde findings and leave out everything else but I think it’s important that people get a glimpse into how evil and secretive The Powers that Be really are, especially toward researchers who look too deep. If you look back at Sandy Hook, there were thousands upon thousands of people digging and exposing so much information. Compare that to Uvalde and what do we see? A couple dozen people truly researching and thousands of others sharing their content. Where did all the Sandy researchers go? Well, we know many ended up dead, and based on my experience, a large portion had their good lives fall apart due to a sudden onslaught of happenstance.
Notice that? The Sandy Hook researchers that were actually the real researchers, not just the “spreaders” tended to die off in bizarre ways. Like the 9/11 researchers which now I think number in the over hundred dead bodies. Like the FTL (faster than light) researchers that started to disappear in the 70s, 80s, and 90s (today everyone is to stupi-fied by Tik-Tok to even read a full length novel, never mind research high tech stuff.
And yes, I have definitely been subjected to a few psyops over the years. Most notably and frequently in the 1990s after I published The Face on Mars and a little bit after the updated version in 2014. And a bit after the Systema book. I have been shadow banned and throttled in many online endeavours, losing a Youtube Channel that was really quite harmless but has proved impossible to regain control of despite repeated attempts and appeals to Google to do so, and so on. Anyway, none of this is really surprising, bandits will try to protect their turf and exposing them, their lies, their crimes or finding a way to avoid them and their extortions is bound to attract their attention in one way or another. Yet, to sit there and worry about it is pointless. Anyone that is worthy of being called a man will do what he does, regardless of the threats levelled against him.
And yes, they will go after your reputation, your marriage, everything. And God only knows how many men have been crushed by the Satanic forces and their demon-ridden puppets over the millennia, but after all, our very own Lord was crucified, so its should come as no surprise.
And that is my point. The point of this post is NOT the slings and arrows you might incur. That’s just to be expected. The point of this post is simply this:
If you have a passion for truth, whatever aspect of it you are digging into, carry on. It is only such people that create good things for humanity at large. And it is always single individuals or at best a pair of them, like the Wright brothers, say. Do not get disheartened, do not give up.
The Power of One is unbeatable and it begins with you and your spirit. One man not only can win against 10,000, he can inspire one million, and change life for all 8 billion of us down the line.
The secondary part of this post is this:
When you come across some crazy bastard that is trying to build a free energy machine and has survived a couple of freak “accidents”, fund him as best you can, even if it’s just five bucks to buy him coffee. You never know, that coffee, at the end of a crushing year, might just be the one that gives him that added neurone firing that will help him create something that will change the world. While we are all broken flawed, weak, nasty little creatures, it has been my experience that ultimately there are only two types of people. Those who love the truth and will die pursuing it if need be, and then there is everyone else.
As with my own version of the Male Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, (Alphas, Betas and Scouts) this is surely an oversimplification, (Truth Seekers/Everyone else) as there are many subsets of the people who do not choose to pursue truth relentlessly, and many of them are good and even decent people, but from my perspective, how relevant are they? What are they going to change? At best, they are logistics supporters. Which don’t get me wrong, they are saints; those who support the doers help immeasurably, and without them, nothing would get done, but they are even more anonymous than the lone genius, and more importantly, without them, the lone genius will likely still get there. Just much later and perhaps only at the end of his life.
But the fanatics are the ones that make the difference.
Certainly in those who are not fanatics for truth there are a huge number who enjoys truth well-enough, but just not when it hits a bit too close to home. Or when it exposes very unpleasant realities they don’t want to face or even be aware of. And we all do this to some extent. While I am a fanatic in regard to Truth, when those adverts or docu-dramas come on about starving children in Africa or the trafficked ones in Ukraine and so on, I change channel. I click elsewhere. It’s not that I don’t know about that stuff. I am more aware of it than 99.99999% of humans on Earth, which is why if I ever come across people involved in those activities in a nice remote area of say the Gobi Desert, there will be a slightly more composted patch of it after my passing, but I don’t need that reality, of which I am already aware, forced any further into my skull, since I am not going to dedicate myself to solving that particular problem. Not directly anyway, because even if I went super special forces and was funded by some oligarch to take out bad guys, which I admit would be a job I not only would enjoy, but think I would excel at (given a few caveats), the reality is that the mechanism that allow these realities to be in place would not even be dented by that approach, at least not very noticeably, and the truth is that such a “solution” while emotionally appealing is unrealistic.
If, however, you manage to get humanity to simply not rely on the entire concept of banking and the issuing of fiat money however, that would be really disruptive to those parasites pretending to be human beings that indulge in such activities.
Instant gratification is fun, but in serious matters I tend to play the very long game.
In a typical aspect of synchronicity, when I came here to write this there was a comment on my previous post by Sasha of Synlogos, which is a great aggregator of various blogs and sites that in the main spread (overall) a more positive approach to life I think. So go there and bookmark his site and then go visit it daily for updates on all your favourite zealots; of which, I hope I top your list.
But above all, never, ever, ever, let the bastards grind you down. And even if they do, rebuild yourself and get right back up. This is the Way.
Having caught up reading the Sigma Game blog, I found this post to be quite interesting from the perspective of the definition of respect. And probably because this other post brought home to me why Vox always said he didn’t care about the why of the SSH.
This last one made me aware that having had years more practice at responding to the masses as a result of his blog, he is better skilled at communicating with people some 30 points or more lower on the IQ scale. The very idea that someone would assume that because they can’t imagine or understand something it doesn’t exist or doesn’t have a motive, or origin, literally never crossed my mind. Surely, I dimly thought wordlessly to myself in the depths of my mind, the point of asking why is to understand that which you do not… yet.
But once again, I forgot Professor Cipolla and his 5 rules of Human stupidity. Therefore, on reading about respect as Vox wrote on it, I asked myself how would I define the concept? Because I didn’t (and don’t) immediately agree with the descriptors Vox gave. And even more interestingly, how would I define the concept in a way that it makes sense and is mostly understandable to other people outside of my own head?
Personally, I have no need to define the concept in words, its limits and dimensions are crystal clear to me, however, as someone else said somewhere, the unverbalized thought is as the unrealised idea. Or words to that effect. And putting things into words certainly helps my ability to converse meaningfully with others. So let me try.
First I think it useful to define and separate two terms that can and often do become conflated, and which I think perhaps, Vox also conflated to some extent (maybe not, it’s hard to say without sitting across from him with some decent wine to hand); this is love and respect. While both can be present, they are totally separate terms. I can respect even people I hate, and I can love even people for whom my respect is negligible.
Fundamentally, I think for me respect is related to consistency and integrity even in the face of adversity. The Priest who would rather be executed than break the sacrament of confession. The man who right or wrong as he may be will suffer whatever consequences for his belief, the people or ideas he loves, is deserving of respect. It is why it is perfectly possible for me to respect an actual criminal more than a guy who has maybe never broken a single law, but who simply will go along with whatever rule comes along not because he agrees with them, but because he doesn’t believe anything strongly enough to resist.
In that respect, a person who takes the Vaxx despite having been warned about it, their contents, and so on, certainly will never have the same level of respect I have for someone who despite great difficulty refused to take it.
It does not mean I love them any less, but love does not require respect to exist. Friends and even family took the vacs. I still love them just as much. Maybe even a little bit more because now I am better aware of just how fragile and weak they were, but I can’t respect them as much as if they had not taken it.
The key passage for me were these four:
Respect should not be granted solely on the basis of approval, agreement, or perfection.
I agree wholly with this.
I was disappointed by the decisions of many of my friends and family members to get vaxxed. In a few cases, I was even surprised by them. But in no way did it lessen in any way my respect for them as individuals, or my regard for them as human beings.
It makes me wonder how Vox defines respect, because I don’t agree with this statement. I certainly don’t love any of the people less because of it. In fact, as I said, in a way I feel more sorry for them, which could be considered as a kind of love. A certain level of concern for their lives, and frankly, more so their spirits, which I think are weaker than I had thought.
But respect? No, it certainly has lowered from where it used to be. Conversely, people who I thought (and may well still think) are kind of assholes, but who resisted the vaxx, I have definitely more respect for.
Despite her disappointment, the wife should be able to at least respect the husband for ultimately being willing to listen to her and even to accept her advice in regards to his own actions.
Fair enough, this is a valid point, and I agree with it. She should take comfort in the fact that although he was wrong he listened and adjusted or at least let her direct him correctly. There is nothing wrong with this and in fact it is a good trait for a man to have, since we are all flawed, we will make mistakes and the ability to hear your wife out and adjust accordingly when required is certainly a quality deserving of respect.
I find that it is easier to develop respect for people who listen to me and then change their minds than for those who simply continue stubbornly on a path leading to a bad outcome.
I would say this is obvious for most human beings, although that is mostly because we all like to be “right”. Though I am pretty sure Vox here means it rather differently, and in a way I agree with again. I respect a person able to review the data and change their mind based on the facts, rather than someone who will blindly continue on because of their emotions and inability to cogitate like a thinking creature capable of reason.
Certainly respect might not be so easy to define clearly in words, which is perhaps why it covers two full folio sized pages in my Volume VIII of the Oxford English Dictionary. Nevertheless, I would sum up my own definition as the admiration one may have for a person that is willing to undergo personal sacrifice or duress in order to maintain congruency with their world-view and the attending consequences and duties that should follow from holding that world-view.
Of the 23 different definitions of the word respect found in the OED, most of them refer to a relationship with. A contrast. A relation to. Which is only part of the equation. Only four of the first 17 definitions approach something closer to the meaning I would give it:
13: Regard, Consideration.
14: A consideration; a fact or motive which assists in, or leads to, the formation of a decision; an end or aim.
16: Deferential regard or esteem felt towards a person or thing.
17: Deferential or courteous attentions; actions expressive of respect for a person; politeness, courtesies.
In the second appearance of the word, there are 6 more definitions and only one fits to some degree:
4: To treat or regard with deference, esteem, or honour; to feel or show respect for.
There is one more that also ties in somewhat to my definition:
15: Dread; fear.
Overall then, I would say that respect is something that gives one consideration, regard, appreciation (which can even be in the form of caution, or fear) for a person or thing. And that sensation, consideration and so on can also result in actions that can be interpreted as being respectful. But the origin of that sensation, of that noticing, of that appreciation necessarily comes from some attribute (real, imagined or faked as it might be) that the person or thing has (or that we ascribe to it).
For me, congruency, things like keeping your word, behaving honestly and honourably, and so on, are all aspects that can and do merit respect, but perhaps the largest part, personally, is probably the willingness to stand against difficulty, society, bad odds, whatever, in order to do, or act, or defend, or protect what is true and just and good or innocent.
Those who took the Vaxx did none of those things. They bent.
Therefore, I don’t see how my consideration for them in that regard cannot possibly have been lowered. It has. And it should have. I don’t love them any less, but yes, I do respect them less. Inevitably.
Why such a post? Who cares how Vox defines it? Well, the man has an interesting brain, and there aren’t too many of those around, and one can always learn something going down occasional random rabbit holes, you never know what you might learn. And conversely, one never knows who might find this post useful too.
As I have been saying for years now, you will not have to fight black-uniformed communists with antifa armbands armed with machine guns.
This is how they will grind you down.
Making everything less affordable and everything requiring permission to be done, permits, medical procedures and so on. Taxes on top of taxes on top of fines on top of regulatory board fees.
All while you are constantly bombarded with propaganda to normalise every degenerate behaviour, starting with homosexuality right down to normalising child rape and bestiality.
While you try to shield yourself mentally, psychically and spiritually from the constant barrage and inversions of truth and reality, they will squeeze you economically and physically. Forcing you to eat crap food that does not let your brain or body work properly (see America), poisoning your water and everything they call “food” and “medicine”. So even if you are not yet sterile, your natural wish to reproduce and your possibility to do so will be limited, propagandised against and attacked from all vectors, starting with the ideological ones which they have been doing for over half a century before kicking off the latest large Overton window of general global austerity and constant state of semi-warfare.
This is why I keep telling you you need to eject, disengage and create your own communities.
This is what I knew was coming from before 2014 when I first voiced the concept out aloud, which was that both Christianity and City States will become ascendant again.
You need to build an alternative before any kind of revolution can succeed, regardless of the type of revolution, pacific or violent as they may become. Your only other alternative is to be either a washed out hermit with zero effect and whose legacy will not even extend to his children or become a “crazed lone gunman” on one of the mass media outlets. Those being the extreme opposite ends of the bell curve where the vast majority just succumb and become herded beasts for the axe.
It doesn’t matter how hard it may be. It doesn’t matter if you have no idea how to start. It doesn’t matter how you feel about it. Either you begin or you become utterly meaningless, as does your whole existence and that of any children who might be so unfortunate as to have you as a parent.
Imagine a community of people that do not to rely on anyone for food, water, power or medical attention. Then, and likely only then will you need to start thinking about armed defence. Look at the Amish. They basically are fine and they are completely pacifist. Eventually they will be fenced in and made an example of, but it will be some time yet. And if there are plenty of like-minded people forming communities like this all around the world, it will be impossible to stop them all.
I’m not even telling you to be like me and make yours Sedevacantist. I think anything other than sede will not stand the test of time, but some initial examples exist, like the boers of Orania, in South Africa.
It is a unique example because the hostility of the surrounding population is so prevalent that in a way it forms a kind of “forced” common ground that is very strong regardless of individual differences, which works during hard times but less so during good times. Catholicism has a better track record in the centuries, but hey, whatever works for you, is dine by me.
I have used this phrase since early teenage years, usually in a semi-humorous fashion, but the reality is that if it is funny in any given context, it’s primarily because it’s essentially true on so many levels.
When human beings come to an impasse, whether individual, tribal, national or international, the final way to resolve it, always boils down to violence. And whoever can more successfully do it to the other party, invariably wins.
You pay your taxes, regardless with if you agree with them or not, because otherwise force will be exerted on you.
You comply with the law, generally speaking, regardless of whether it is a just or unjust law, because not doing so has the consequence of some measure of force being used on you.
Another phrase I always used from a tender age, is that the order of financial importance of wealth is as follows:
Fiat money < silver < gold < lead < lead with a copper jacket
When the SHTF, the most valuable thing you can have, is a way to shoot back at those who would harm you. And when the SHTF, all your charm, good looks, good intentions, and monetary or even gold-ingot wealth, will be worth absolutely nothing compared to a full metal jacketed round travelling at say 1 km or about 3000 feet per second.
You may THINK that we are too civilised for the world to re-descend to this level of barbarity, but if so, you clearly are not a student of history; or human nature for that matter.
30 years ago Yugoslavia was carpet bombed by the USA and genocides were being attempted by various factions. Two years ago, the war between Russia and the puppet master of the USA and NATO began and is still ongoing, with hundreds of thousands if not a million or more killed and up to 20 million people displaced. While the Russian military tries very hard to avoid injuring civilians, the Ukrainian forces have intentionally murdered around 14,000 people in the Donbass since 2014 with sustained bombardment and military and terrorist actions.
Gaza since October of last year is being destroyed systematically by the Israeli politicians, and the IDF. To the point that even a puppet-guided International Criminal Court, which has the entire power of approximately one butt-cheek when you make a loud fart, has declared Netanyahu a war criminal.
The recent spate of assassinations of any political leader who did not toe the line, and the threat to the Georgian PM is showing that even the shadowy creatures that run the world are getting panicky and wanting to force things to go a certain way, except they may not, and at that point, you will begin to see the violence spread. Political parties will begin to crack. In some places politicians will be more afraid of their own people than the long, shady hand of the destroyer. And in others the inverse will be true. Remain calm and observe, and you will begin to sense when they are planning to have violence carry the day.
One thing normal people have absolutely no idea about at all is that at the vertices of power (high level bankers, lawyers, politicians, oligarchs, etc.) ALL business is conducted under blackmail, violence or the threat of violence.
The running joke that if you know too much about the Clintons you end up dead is a “joke” in the sense that it gets applied to things like the death of Harambe, but the reality of it is brutally factual. And so it goes at every level beyond a certain one that is for the “commoners”. Basically, unless you are a multi-millionaire (and even then you’re small fry really unless you piss off some people) you really only have to worry about getting whacked if you:
a) Are a pain in the ass that exposes them somehow. This could be in general or specifically.
b) You stumble across some very uncomfortable truth/facts/technology.
But I guarantee you that at Elon Musk level of money (which is still absolutely trivial when compared to the wealth of creatures like the Rothschilds, etc) the threat of dying of a sudden accident/lone gunman/generic “suddenly” possibly brought on by “climate change” is a day-to-day consideration. How do I know? It’s amazing what you get to know/see if you work in security for extremely wealthy people. And it’s also why I have always respected ALL my non-disclosure agreements that I have ever had in place. In part it is also why I stopped that work, because once you become exposed to certain realities, it becomes really difficult to try and hold to a “noble” samurai code of simply being the hired muscle there to protect the client and that’s that. No matter how “ignorant” you want to stay, it is inevitable that if you are not a complete moron (which is generally not a good thing if the people who want you to be willing and able to catch bullets for them in an emergency and also drop bodies for them) it is inevitable that you become aware of certain things. At which point, on the ever-wise Roman Law basis of silence being equivalent to assent, (regardless of you having given, and respecting, your word on the silence) your continued presence becomes complicity.
This is why the Catholic dogmatic position of being peaceful until you can’t be anymore, because you need to defend yourself or others from violence, is really the best one to adopt. It is considerably harder to label a group, people or individual as some nefarious violent monster when they don’t start anything. Not that this has ever prevented the vermin that runs things from doing so anyway, especially when you note that almost every major war required some false-flag event* in order to foment the masses into actual war. Egged on and funded by the interested parties, so as to “demonstrate” in the public square and change the normie’s perception of reality.
Remember that it has been demonstrated time and again that a normal person will begin to do irrational actions if people around them start taking these irrational actions as though they were normal. From the Milgram experiments to the expiriments with chimps, cold water and a banana at the top of a pile of boxes, to people standing up in a doctor’s room every time a beep sounds, and on, and on, and on.
That “genius” of the ex Italian PM Matteo Renzi, even mentioned it in an interview that even if what you say is a lie or false, as long as you keep repeating it, eventually people will buy it. He doesn’t even have the excuse of dementia, like Biden, reading the quiet part aloud, he is simply (in my opinion) a complete moron. But in any case, the moron is right, in short, the vast majority of people are also, complete, absolute, mouth-breathing rteards, incapable of having an original thought or making a purely objective, logical, reasoned and mathematically sound evaluation of what is playing out before them if their life depended on it. And if you think I am exaggerating, go ahead and explain to me why a majority of people took an experimental genetic serum that has been demonstrated to never work and in fact eventually kill all the animals that had the procedure done to them repeatedly. And has had these results for over 30 years.
And if your excuse is that:
“They had no choice.”
“No one knew…”
“They trusted the government…”
“They had different data available…”
“They wanted to go on holiday/travel/continue working”
Then, you, friend, are one of those mouth-breathing retards, because absolutely NOTHING, including armed soldiers threatening to execute me, would ever get me to inject myself with that shit, because it is the clear intent of the parasites that want to rule us that they first mean to kill off at least seven and a half out of eight of us, before enslaving the remainder. And if they want to kill me, well, I am sure they can, but they will have to work a little harder at it than just getting me to eject the death serum myself.
And just for the record, I am perfectly healthy, never had an even remote history of any heart disease in my entire family line, nor anything else really, we tend to live long lives too, my grand-aunts both lived to over a 100, my grandad had broken his hip in a fall but reached 92 and my other grandad reached I think 87 but he had liver cancer that went on for a while. The only grandmother that died young was killed by a surgeon screwing up a medical procedure. And I have absolutely ZERO intent of ever committing suicide, especially since as a Catholic, I simply never would, no matter what. Not have I ever taken any drugs of any kind, so it’s gonna be hard to make me “OD” other than by direct lead/copper-jacket poisoning.
My point, ultimately, is that I hope, even if you might have been a normie all your life, and a pacifist in general, realise that this is NOT how the world works, nor has it ever been so, nor will it ever be so.
The only difference is that they have got so good at getting you to hamstring yourself and being a good little slave, that you don’t even realise you are a prisoner and a slave and the very idea of “rebelling” or breaking free never even enters your head.
It is why I explain that it is not enough for you to become as self-sufficient as possible in terms of food, water and energy. You literally have to become independent of fiat money. Your approach to life, and preferably to put in place before the financial crash that is looming ever closer, should be: If the money in my bank account disappears tomorrow and is never ever coming back, how will I survive?
Then move towards that.
And if and even before, you get there, keep in mind most people will NOT have prepared for this and many will simply want to just “take yours”.
You starting to see what I mean yet?
Violence is always the answer. The evil bastards trying to murder you, rape your children and enslave any survivors have always not just known it but acted on it. It’s time you understood this and took the required steps to protect yourself and your loved ones and your community.
*Or at least green-flag event, as Vox labelled it. That is allowed to happen if not directly executed by the supposed “victims”, as the October 7th “Hamas” assault clearly was. And remember that Hamas was created by the CIA and Mossad (they have admitted this in various occasions, so not really in dispute)
I do not know much at all about this Andrew guy debating the woman, I saw (or rather, mostly listened to) over an hour of this podcast he did with a feminist and from first impression he seems to be very cogent, and to give credit to the woman, she is at least trying to respond to his dialectic commentary and reasoning. That is, she is, doing her best, I believe, to reply to his clear logic with actual logic.
What you see here is basically an honest woman being faced with her own solipsism.
Her retreats to rhetoric or “feelings” are generally curbed and although he sometimes has to reframe the question a few times, when she eventually grasps it she tries to answer it honestly. This in and of itself is exceedingly rare, so I have to give her absolute credit for it. In fact, after I wrote this I watched a bit more, and Andrew too gives her the same credit at around 1 hour and 27 minutes.
If feminists could actually do logic and debate honestly, this would be a typical outcome.
Which brings me to the point I wanted to make, which will drive the average woman absolutely batshit insane with apoplexy at my “misogyny”, but which in reality is fully based in the natural patriarchal instinct to wish to protect women in general from their own characteristically irrational tendencies.
I am usually too busy to listen to anything of this length, but I managed to hear about an hour and a half of it, and I will try to hear the rest as I can, but he makes a LOT of very cogent, interesting points that are very fundamental level stuff. Right from the start, he manages to make her understand that everything relates ultimately to force, and although he doesn’t quite get her to understand his point about moral relativism, it is not through lack of trying, and on her part, it becomes quite clear that she simply does not have the intellectual capacity to:
a) keep up with him and fully grasp what he is saying, and
b) either have reasoned out her positions beforehand, or be able to reason them out on the fly.
I fairness to her, she does, honestly reason quite a few of them out on the fly, so she is honestly trying to do that, but the fact she even had to resort to this means she had never really considered these basic questions to begin with, which again, does not put her in a glowing light intellectually speaking.
AND YET… she has performed overwhelmingly better than 99% of feminists I have ever seen trying to stand their ground. I may put her, roughly speaking on a similar footing with Camille Paglia, who is still a trainwreck, but as far as feminists go, she’s not as terrible as the overwhelming majority. This girl is still young, so I sincerely hope there is some time for her to undo some of the indoctrination she clearly has taken on board (as have all of us at some point in our lives).
Now to my point, which is this:
I think this debate, and even this rather polite, intelligent and well-intentioned woman, are strong evidence of the fact that women simply are not, generally speaking able or capable of even understanding the fundamental aspects of civilisation, and that, is ultimately the reason they cannot be entrusted with really any aspect of it beyond those that they are naturally built for, which is child-rearing and taking care of their home in a symbiotic, intimate, and loving relationship with their husbands.
The simple fact is that this young woman, who has not thought about such basic things as the pill affecting birth rates and abortion being anti-natalist, gets to “vote” (not really, none of us do, but we’re looking at the logic of things, not the brutal reality of the nefarious shit going on on top of the lack of logic too). She clearly has no real objective right to do so. She is ignorant and unschooled on such basic things that her vote can only be a vote for chaos, ultimately. And notice how she has zero comment or comeback to the very real point that women were not allowed to vote on a referendum of if they should be allowed a vote, because the overwhelming majority of them were against it because they then understood that to give the women a vote would reduce them to second tier “men” while totally removing their moral benefits that they had purely as a result of being a woman.
If you can follow the logic, this in and of itself also makes it abundantly clear that liberalism, and the eternal pursuit of unlimited freedom, is absolutely Satanic and can ONLY bring to desolation and destruction for all.
It also highlights that the ONLY morality that exists and that can exist is one that derives from divine concepts and laws. If there is no God at all, then all concepts of morality are null and void and all actions are morally equivalent. At best you can define them as preferences, but you have no basis whatever to claim a moral imperative.
The problem then is only, if there is a God, WHICH religion best approximates His will?
And when you get to this point, taking a very high view that encompasses as long a period of history as possible is absolutely vital. The fruits borne by any given religion should give an indication is it is overall good or bad for humanity as a whole, and thus help make it more obvious to you which religion is based in reality, and which is a pack of comfortable lies for other ends.
If you look at all the main world religions, with this broad perspective, it become obvious at a glance that Catholicism is far superior to all other examples. You might disagree, but you can only do so if you are historically ignorant and going on your “feelings”, and are less capable than the woman in that podcast to simply take a look and be honest about things. I’ll give you a primer in comparatives:
Ended slavery
Ended women being chattel
Made marriage permanent until death
Made the primary purpose of marriage the production and raising of children
Has the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated
Has the dogma of loving your neighbour and being peaceful and honest to all until or unless they act badly towards you first
Even then, it has the dogma of the possibility of redemption and forgiveness (not obviating punishment for transgressions though)
It essentially created the real scientific method
It dogmatically refers to its dogma and rules as requiring to be in line with reason and logic at all turns and has only a very few accepted mysteries (the trinity for example being one of them)
It fosters honesty and admission of faults (confession) on a regular basis, which instills an overall betterment for everyone at large
It is a dogmatic principle of Catholicism that defence of yourself or innocents is your duty, and this can include pre-emptive action (the concepts of Self-defence and Just War are part of Catholic dogma)
It has absolute respect for justice and hence a dogmatic acceptance and need for the death penalty for certain crimes
Children are viewed as a blessing and all life held as sacred (which is absolutely NOT a contradiction with the point immediately above. Because the minute you treat life as chattel, then you get treated as same)
It fostered the greatest evolution of art, beauty, honesty, and promotion of all the virtues of justice, love, charity, courage, fortitude and beauty, and justly condemned the sins of pride, avarice, greed, sloth, lust, gluttony, and envy
It promotes the veneration of saints, which in turn promotes an understanding and appreciation as well as a remembrance of historical reality and events, both in the good and bad aspects
It promotes the respectful treatment of women while understanding that they are not equal to men, nor is this reason to mistreat them
It probably only requires looking at that list to realise no other religion compares to it, and it’s far from complete. As for the negatives that can be attributed to men who professed to be members of it, similar negatives can be seen and counted in all religions by men who profess to belong to that specific religion.
There also a lot of demonstrable lies that have been stated about Catholicism by its enemies that anyone who actually bothers to try and verify will become aware of. In fact, even convinced NON-Catholics who are honest admit this, notably, historian Rodney Stark in his book Bearing False Witness, or perhaps his book named Reformation Myths, though I have not read that one, so am not certain. But Stark has always been an honest historian, even admitting his own faults if his research had not been done properly in later works, which is far more than can be said about most historians.
A sad truth about Catholicism however is that it was absolutely infiltrated fro the last 250 years or so, culminating in its almost total destruction and inversion, which from 1958 onwards has seen only false Popes on the throne of Peter and false Novus Ordo clergy pretending to be Catholics that have fooled the vast majority of would-be Catholics. The only actual Catholic Clergy left (both Bishops and Priests) are Sedevacantist ones, and the only Catholics actually following the religion in any way accurately are sedevacantists, which are a small fraction of nominal Novus ordo “Catholics”, although their numbers are growing very fast as people begin to realise the truth of this situation.
Islam and Judaism
I lump them together for a very simple reasons, aside from the many, many, many, questionable dogmas of it, I think two will suffice to point out why these cannot be any good:
Both these religions say it’s ok to deceive, cheat or even kill people who are not members of it, and it is perfectly fine to pretend to be their friend, but in fact be lying to them until you are powerful enough to impose your will on them.
Both religions accept child rape as normal and nothing to be punished or even considered a crime.
Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism
Although quite different in details, these all share some essential features and common origins. The principle of reincarnation being key and Buddhism essentially being an offshoot of the more generic Hinduism, and Shintoism clearly also having Buddhist/Taoist influences.
Hinduism is clearly the worst of the lot as it imposes the concept of caste systems, which one can hardly move out of as a person born in India. The panopticon of so many gods and goddesses which resemble quite a bit all the human failings that we also saw in the Ancient Greek and Roman pantheons make this religion little more than the idolisation of anything from cows, to rats, to false idols and quite possibly demons. It has some roots in historical realities that took place long ago, but the process of “Chinese telephone” that played out over the ages has reduced it to a fantastic nonsensical bunch of disjointed fables.
Shintoism and Buddhism tend to be at least generally pacifist and their belief in reincarnation and veneration of ancestors is not at terrible odds with Christianity, but it is a far less complete guide to life and has far less morality in it than Catholicism. The overall attempt at achieving a total absence of desire is also the pursuit of permanent death, though some Buddhists will deny this, ultimately, that is what Nirvana means. And that kind of mindset is not exactly conducive to a particular virtue of caring for others, your extended family (besides elders holding a position of authority) or any other specific virtues, though overall Shintoist and Buddhists tend to be far more reliable than Hindus, who are not compelled to be honest at all.
Zen Buddhism and Taoism
Is a more separate aspect, of buddhism, and could be considered more a philosophy than a religion, being somewhat similar to stoicism, although ultimately more positive than stoicism. It concentrates on doing the best you can at any given moment, in any given situation. The general concept is also relatively pacifistic in nature, but able to respond with violence when or if threatened.
This is a degradation and secularisation of Christianity (Catholicism) and is wholly responsible for only almost entirely negative results, to wit:
The adoption of contraceptive
The permission of divorce
Which directly leads to sex before marriage
Which directly leads to sex mainly for fun instead of daily for procreation
Which directly leads to seeing children as a burden
Which directly leads to abortion
The extended and continuing “progressive” agenda of liberalism
Which leads to the adoption of a veneer of “Christianity” that has “personal interpretation” as the only rule
Which leads to the over 40,000 “denominations” of watered down, irrational and nonsensical versions of faux-christianity
Has been directly responsible for placing emotions above reason, a total inversion of actual Christian (Catholic) dogma, which is no surprise given that its original creator Luther stated that “Reason is the whore of the devil” and in fact, generally speaking, Protestants are indoctrinated in their false religion to the extent thatchy are literally incapable of changing their mind based on objective facts that contradict their emotional comfort zones, similarly to Muslims in this regard, appeals to logic fall on deaf ears.
The acceptance, eventual request for “equality” and “recognition” and ultimately forced “celebration” of deviant sexual behaviour and mental illness, like homosexuality and transgenderism respectively.
The shielding and “protecting” of Israel and the jewish masters that run the USA as being their “greatest ally” whilst denying the reality of the Talmudic Jewish religion, which have been brilliantly and concisely described by Rob Unz, himself a Jew, here: The Jewish Plot to Enslave Humanity.
Eastern “Orthodoxy”
Among all the religions described, Eastern “Orthodox” are the closest to Catholicism, diverging mostly on a few rarefied theological principles of little practical consequence and the main one being the rejection of the Pope as supreme leader of Christianity, which is a ridiculous reason since Popes existed for all the 1021 years previous to their schism, and were accepted by all as the supreme leaders. Something that was in any case affirmed and even reaffirmed multiple times, including a few hundred years after the schism. But overall their fruits are not as grand or positive as Catholicism, primarily also because they are essentially an insular religion that has strong national identities. Greek “Orthodox” are not in much of any kind of “communion” with Russian “Orthodox”, which in turn are not in much communion with Romanian “Orthodox” or Lithuanian “Orthodox”, and so on. So:
Their influence and spreading of the gospel has been weak, and their defence of Christianity abysmal when confronting the Muslims,
with whom they ganged up to try and kill the very Catholics that came to their aid some 41 years AFTER the schism. Betraying and murdering the Catholics three crusades in a row and then bitching and crying to this day when the fourth crusade sacked Constantinople (and did so in a relatively mild way, by the way).
They also failed to secure their own lands that had been taken over by the Muslims and when after 200 years the Catholics who protected those lands with contributions from Europe could no longer afford to do so refused to take ownership of all the fortified structured the Catholics had built for them and let those lands descent into Islam.
And today they are “in communion” with the fake “Catholics” who are actually Freemasons and Satanists (but I repeat myself), led by Arch-heretic and probably never-was-Catholic fake Pope Bergoglio, making them not just schismatics but also heretics too.
Despite all this, the Orthos are the closest to modelling reality AFTER the remaining Catholics.
This is just a LARP (Live Action Role Playing Game) With occasional Cos-play aspects (People who get dressed up as fictional comic book characters at fantasy conventions). No one actually “believes” in Odin, or Freya, or Apollo, or Zeus, or Quetzalcoatl, or Cit-Bolon-Tum, they just pretend to. No one would give up their life rather than denounce one of these fake “Gods”, while hundreds of thousands if not millions have become martyrs for Christ over the last two millennia.
Returning to the baseline point
If you are wondering how we went from a podcast on feminism to the differences between religions, then I’d say it’s safe to assume that you have not been able to follow the logical thread and I advise you to go back and review it, but the overriding point is that since religion (as a model of objective reality) is the only way that morality can be defined in a way that is valid (assuming there is a God) then looking at the religions of the world is paramount in order to understand which one is best and:
Best models reality, and
Produces the best result for humanity at large
And if you think that Catholicism too is invalid, as are all the other religions (and Catholicism expressly states this, all other religions are false) then you have to note that the ABSENCE of any religion, including even ones like Islam has invariably resulted in massive degradation and mass murder. The Atheists of communism are responsible for over 100 million murders in just the last century alone. In short, the BEST thing that has ever happened to humanity at large, and by a HUGE margin, id Catholicism, and absolutely every aspect of human history demonstartes it in aces all the way.
So… in that context, women have a role that is pretty clearly understood, and is frankly better than any other system, including the current one that has ever existed on this Earth.
In Catholicism women are:
Protected (including from their own irrationality and wild emotions)
Accommodated inasmuch as a man is generally able to, so as to make their life as easy and comfortable as possible
Shielded from the general ugliness of the world as much as a man is generally able to do so
Treated with respect
Commensurate with these benefits also come various duties, which generally speaking are:
Accepting the fact that generally speaking (and if they have been wise in their choice of husband) their husband, though an imperfect human being will do whatever he does PRIMARILY to benefit his family, his children and his wife and himself, in THAT order.
Accepting the fact that being generally more practical and given their instinct to place their family before themselves, absent a quite large gap in IQ where the woman is considerably smarter and wiser, a man will tend to mostly make good decisions for their shared future and while this will not always be the case, a good husband will also listen to a wife’s concerns if she has valid ones.
Accept that generally speaking, she should overall be more in charge of the day to day running of the household and the raising of children, particularly in their early years.
Be a positive, nurturing, supportive and respectful mate to her husband.
It does not mean a woman cannot work if she has that inclination, but surely, as a general rule, no role, no job, is more important than being a mother, and given this consideration, all other concepts of work or career become subjugate to it.
In essence, Catholicism recognises what has been demonstrated in the podcast I refer to at the start, that essentially, women are less capable of making important decisions and follow through with corresponding action for the benefit of civilisation as a whole than men are and this difference is notable, important and enough to determine if a civilisation thrives or dies.
Just as you would not want children to run industry, government or the military, neither should women. And just as you wouldn’t want children to be able to vote (because they would be fooled by literally every nonsensical scam and lie that politicians would tell them) neither should women, and essentially for the same reasons. They are not really equipped to have thought the issues through and be able to consider the ramifications, nor are they as capable at implementing any of the necessary systems that civilisation requires, from enforcing law and order to constructing nuclear power plants, and no, the rare exceptions of women who might be capable to, do not exist in any meaningful numbers and do not, as a whole, have any meaningful impact on the greater society at large. Which is not to say they do not exist and should not be celebrated when they do produce some meaningful contribution. St. Joan of Arc being one of many examples one could mention. But every one Joan of Arc, we have a hundred or a thousand St. Pauls or St Adrianus, or even just non-saint Jean-Parisot Le Vallette, or Nikola Tesla.
You might not LIKE the conclusions I describe here, but I think it is really quite impossible to dispute them. And as such, it makes far more sense to accept them and work sensibly towards working together to create a far more Catholic world than we have now.
Adam wrote an excellent piece on this here, and I urge you all to read it.
Adam is a proper Catholic (Sedevacantist) and has got this point about race and religion right.
Nevertheless, I, as a Venetian, have some more nuanced view (or extremist, take your pick).
My country, my nation, has been usurped and annexed first by the French under that megalomaniac Napoleon, and essentially dissolved by the French on 12 May 1797,
He then gave it to the Austrians, who then gave it to the Italians in 1805 (under Napoleon still) but then took it back by force in 1814 with help of the English. Between then and 1866 it went back to independence, then back to Austria, then back to France, then finally to the Italian Kingdom in 1866. Despite this, there has been an undercurrent of Venetian wish for return to independence that has never ended, and that will never end.
On April 25th 2016 I was in St. Mark’s Square during the traditional feast for the patron Saint of Venice. The mayor started out strong claiming Venetian nationality but then went full diversity and the crowd pretty much turned their backs on him with not a few shouts of “bastard” and “traitor”.
It was more than the Catholic religion that held those people together and that calls to me too. Despite my having never felt any loyalty to Italy as a country in general, I feel one towards Venice.
I grew up all over the world and when I lived in Cape Town for over a decade, I loved that city, and the sea, and when I would come back to it after a trip, driving in, seeing the Ocean below I always wondered “Is this my place?“ I liked it and I had chosen it, but it never felt truly mine, even though I liked it more than any place I had been before. It was much later, in 2004 or so when I worked in Aviano’s US base that on one of my forthrightly trips to London, when the plane took a turn over it and I saw the waterways and laguna not close to the city really, that instinctively, powerfully, seeing that desolate and water-logged land from the porthole-like window of the plane, I felt a pull in my chest and the words came into my mind unbidden:
That is my land.
I was shocked by it. I had been a nomad all my life and spent more time in various countries in Africa than I ever had in Europe. I had refused and avoided military service in Italy thanks to having lived overseas since a young age, but on principle I hated the idea of being enrolled in a military if not by my own choice.
I knew my grandfather was Venetian and I went there on holiday with him and my grandmother as a little boy of 2 and 3 years old, where they (both champion swimmers) taught me to swim.
I loved the sea, unlike my brother who was scared of it as a little boy.
But I barely had ever taught of Venice or being Venetian. But from that day, that visceral, instinctive pull made me aware of it.
Then in 2016 I lived in Venice for a year and there it become clear. This was, my city. And the Venetians, ornery critters that they are, are recognisably my people, both in the things I detest about them as well as those I like.
There is more to it than mere religion, though I agree it is the main glue that binds a people.
And there is more to it than race, for it has never prevented me from loving a person I cared about, although differences are undeniable, even if we happen to share a religion.
But there is a deeper sense yet, and it might be in the blood, genetics, or maybe there is even a link to the soil, because I can no more explain why a place I was not born or lived in for my entire life other than one year in 2016 should have ever had such a pull on me, in 2004, and when seen from the air that. And not the city or the glory of it, but the swamps and waterways unpopulated by anyone other than birds and fish.
So, yes, while religion binds us above all, so does race and even nation.
Venetians have always been a mixed breed of bastards, because we travelled and explored and traded with the whole world, and we partook of pretty women wherever we went and the Venetian girls were known throughout Europe for being if not easy to keep, certainly adventurous.
We are not phased by difference from us. I certainly have never been. But that is not to say we don’t recognise it.
We are a nation of explorers, and explorers try and do and see. And they learn to appreciate it all; even as we remain ourselves.
My children have a Venetian father and an English mother, and already, I can see, like me, (and their mother too) they are curious and explorers at heart, and like us, they too, are people of the sea.
And I will teach them their ancient history. And see they ignore the lies of the demons trying to conquer us all and make us all the same.
If you have seen the last two posts before this one, and if you have eyes and ears and a couple of neurones that still fire regularly within your skull, you may have noticed, especially over the last four years, the relentless descent of life in general on planet Earth, towards a dystopic horror show that would make living under the Nazi rule at its height seem like a breath of fresh and freedom-filled air.
Especially since we are only at the beginning. Digital cash, travel restrictions, higher taxes, new regulations preventing you from growing your own food, having your own water and driving your own vehicles are all on the way. Chemtrails poisoning everything under the sun, foodstuffs and animals laced with mRNA “vaxxes” whether you want to take them or not, 5G and related EM weaponry in every lamppost to activate illegal military grade radiation that can be pinpointed to you specifically if need be and so on, might give you a depressing sense that there is no way out and no escape.
Well, I want to point you to three things that counter that very sensation which is PRECISELY what the puppet masters want you to feel. Because people that feel hopeless and beaten ARE hopeless and beaten. I have seen this in real life countless times and martial arts thousands of times, and martial arts is just a proxy, a training exercise for real life but even there, the man who does not know how to give up often wins. In life it is many times more obviously so. The guy who keeps at it when everyone else has given up invariably wins or dies trying. Most people are so scared of the “dies trying” part they never even start. The reality is that fear is ALWAYS an illusion. Even when there is a legitimate reason, or many, to be afraid, the conscious, reasoned approach to do it anyway is going to ALWAYS show you that the fear was in huge part a lie.
You will not know or have any experience of this if you have never faced fearful situations in life, and sadly, most humans in the West today have had such easy lives they have never done so. Well, time to start. That piece of information about fear always being an illusion on some level? That was a bonus, free point. Here are the other three:
1. It is not universal.
There are still people, even entire governments, resisting this nonsense. And from places that had one of the highest criminalities in the world. Among the chaos can come the unexpected. All it takes is one or a few men with courage. I have featured a video by this man before. Even better than this one. He is the president of El Salvador. Here he is telling every single member of his government that they will be investigated for corruption and jailed if found guilty.
And it’s not just words with this guy. He jailed thousands of gang members using the army, in huge jails and when the gangs threatened to attack the normal citizens in retaliation he came on national television and told the whole nation if any citizens were harmed the thousands of thugs in jail would not receive any food or drink. “Not one grain of rice,” he said.
Here are a few images from the Salvadorian prisons:
It’s head down and run, bitch. You do what you’re told or there will not be the gap of a second between your thought of rebellion and a truncheon cracking your forcibly shaved head. What clothes? It’s hot in El Salvador. A pair of shorts is all you need.
So, keep that in mind. And keep in mind how to get there. What the conditions are and were.
Before this El Salvador was a complete gangster’s playpen. People were murdered, raped and terrorised daily. In other words, everyone had to be so sick and tired of it all, that they would pretty much start risking their life to end this situation. And you need to recognise two things about that:
1. You need to appreciate just how bad things need to get before your neighbours, or worse, you, decide to act towards making a better nation of your country.
2. That same fear and desperation is going to be used against you to get you to agree to ever more dystopian and tyrannical systems of control. Precisely so that you do NOT organise yourself and become the next president of El Salvador wherever you are (which usually means just mayor of the town you are in).
And then you need to realise a third thing.
In order to be able to lead people out of the sewer, you have to provide them with alternatives. Viable ones. Ones that have a future.
2. The Elite and their puppet masters are few and scared
They still rule over us and “cut our mikes off” with censorship and fear at every turn, but there are a few fighting the good fight. Support people like MEP Christine Anderson who unashamedly and forthrightly has been vociferously telling the truth about Covid and its masters in the EU parliament from the start.
Listen to this when she exposes Von der Leyen for massive corruption, and look at the reaction, not just of fear, but of the votes at the end.
“We must show Von der Leyen the red card; she is now being investigated by the public prosecutor’s office for corruption…. Von der Leyen negotiated a 35 billion euro vaccine contract with the CEO of Pfizer via SMS text messages.”
And look at the vote:
Of 316 of them, 248 are for certain, confirmed parasites, there is no doubt of that. 7 of them are too scared to express an opinion either way, but a whole 61 are prepared to go against the puppet in charge. That’s almost 20% and although many of those votes will be for political manoeuvring reasons and not have anything to do with justice or truth, it’s still a healthy sign that even if only for political make-believe, the bastards that were most responsible for the biggest mass-murder in history may yet end up at least in jail, and if governments actually return to be in any way reflective of their national interests, they may well even end up receiving capital punishment, as the vast majority of normal people have always known that the death penalty does work as deterrent, as well as a cleanser of the genetic pool. Which is why there is almost no crime at all in places like Singapore.
The point here is that while small, somewhat fractured and a little hard to support, there already ARE people you can help get into power to change things. Is it enough? No. Nowhere near. Should YOU start to do something to lead people in your own community, even if you have no wish to lead? Absolutely, yes. In fact, especially if you would rather be left alone, you are precisely the kind of guy that needs to get in power. It doesn’t matter where, it could be the local PTA, the deputy mayor in a little village, whatever. Make the effort. Meet people. Help them see things clearer. Start.
3. It starts with people.
Seeing the evil scum get away with things makes one want to join the rebel alliance, the wolverines, and so on. But there is no need for any violent revolution. At least not yet, and maybe there never will be a need for it, as things have tipping points and the puppets may be swept away in a tide of populist revolution that may even be mostly peaceful. It may be 2020 BLM in the USA’s version of “mostly peaceful” protests or not, but the lower rungs of power can be cleansed this way. It’s the chief parasites at the top that are very difficult to remove, but that is a topic for another post.
What is needed is an alternative, and in order to really create one, you need to disengage entirely from the entire system. This means ultimately disengage from the financial system. If you have your own water, power, and food, all that is left for them to come after you is violence, and it would be started by them, giving you legitimacy of response even in the popular mind.
So learn and organise how to purchase land and work it. It’s hard, it uses up all your time and energy and then some, but as you begin to make a community of it, it gets easier and as it grows you need less and less from the beast/slavery system we all operate under. If you manage to get yourself power without the grid in sufficient quantities to run your home and tools, and have sufficient clean water and can produce your own food, the only thing left is petrol and fuel to run farm machinery. And if you have a community, one tractor goes a long way among friends.
More importantly, working the Earth creates human connections unlike any you ever had before. I created the pen and paper RPG Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse in order to give young men an easy introduction into sitting around a table with a few friends face to face instead of behind computer screens, because with a few hours of practice you can interact in the flesh, sharing your imaginations and laughing a great deal, while you don’t even realise you are solving problems that may well help you later in life. That is a soft entry into the reality of human contact and camaraderie. If you want the fast forward version, start farming the land and getting to know your farming neighbours. No man that works the land is an island, nor can he be. You will regain a sense of humanity that you have never experienced before unless you are in fact from a farming family. The benefit of your specific culture, religion, ethnicity suddenly becomes obvious. You begin to understand why people from “diverse” backgrounds cannot live in harmony unless the diverse percentage is a tiny one indeed that knows it is a guest and acts like it. And I apply that to myself too. I am a Venetian in a land that is Not my own. They are Romagnoli, and probably a better people than mine. They are friendlier, more generous, kinder. Venetians are known to be brusquer, curiouser, more confrontational, suspicious, and generally ornery and unfriendly. And about as territorial as badgers, with a similar temperament towards invaders. But we have our reasons. We have travelled and dealt with the world you see. Nevertheless, as I am not in my land here, while retaining all my Venetian characteristics, I do my best to be a good neighbour and friend and treat everyone politely until they give me reason not to, which so far has not yet presented itself, somewhat to my amazement and incredulity. Because that is what rural farmland is like pretty much everywhere on Earth. The language and culture may vary, but I am fairly sure that although I would personally be far less comfortable as one, I could probably get along with my Afghani goat farmer neighbours in Afghanistan, if I were to move there and become a goat farmer. And they probably would treat me well and kindly despite me being a kaffir with a heretic religion as far as they are concerned. The moment I import 50,000 of my people there however… well… one can hardly blame them if they decided I was suddenly persona non grata.
The point is you need to prepare yourself AND your people. Just as a farmer prepares the soil for planting, you too need to start. And though it may be late, there is still time. Begin. Either get your own place, hustle to do so, however small, or join forces and get one with other people (and use contracts, don’t be stupid) or help a guy who already is doing so by joining his community.
Potentially the land I have could feed several families living nearby who might not own any land at all, but they can help by providing their time, resources and labour. That is what a community is about and for.
So prepare yourself and others to become entirely independent of the beast system. That also opens you up to another good thing. Big families. If you can feed and house all of them, as well as raise them yourself because you are at home all day on your little piece of land, you can have plenty of children. And they can be raised with truth in their life instead of the lies you and I were fed from childhood.
So do not be black-pilled. Be excited about the great adventure before us all, wherever you may be starting from.
God smiles upon those who exert themselves in the right way. May God smile on you, reader.
Vox recently posted on some of the details of why economics is a lie.
While this is a step in the right direction for the average normie, it doesn’t nearly go far enough in explaining what a total and complete nonsense modern economics is, and has been since the time of medieval Venetian accounting practices.
One of the reasons that in my professional life, in the financial aspects of both the construction industry and the security industry I have always, without exception, outperformed every single target that was ever put before me, sometimes by multiples of the expected figures, is precisely because I have always absolutely and completely ignored the nonsensical practices that are taught and promulgated by supposed professional economists, accountants and other financial “experts”. That level of professional “success” is not coincidence. And I put “success” in inverted commas because it is not really the result of playing the same game. It would be like competing in a football game were all the other “professionals” only have one leg. Most of these people have actually bought into the lies they continue to perpetrate. It’s a bit like the people who believe/follow the Novus Ordo fake “Catholic” Church thinking they are Catholics, when in fact they are merely fooled and deluded ignorants.
And don’t get me wrong, these people still “function” and “work” and “produce” in that sector of economics and finance and indeed produce reports and conclusions based on complete nonsense that has almost no relation to reality whatsoever, but because they are all listening to and playing by the same idiotic nonsense, there is a certain level of “coherence” that allows the whole system to stumble along like the drunk and incontinent uncle at the Christmas dinner.
But reality has very little to do with the nonsensical methodologies used by economists in the first place and various financial “professionals” in the second place.
When I was deciding what to study at university level, I briefly started a generic Business Degree, within which, economics was a quite large part of the course and had separate subjects for macro-economics and micro-economics which all tied in with the accounting subject. I did not last more than two months in the course because reading and digesting the material in those textbooks it became absolutely obvious it was all a bunch of utter nonsense. Most of it theoretical wish fulfilment fantasies that the accounting practice was essentially designed to “clothe” as being valid emperors. It was all fake and gay and it made it absolutely clear that everyone involved in those subjects that used or relied on such practices was either an idiot or a deceiver and quite often both.
The reality of how one could avoid all that nonsense was to not play that game. The over-riding forces that dispensed with all the lies and nonsense of economists, accountants, and various financial experts were of two types, and often related.
The first was the law of the land. While the law is often also nonsensical, especially in the USA, it absolutely trumps economics in day to day life. So if you understand and become familiar with how the law as actually applied to contracts (which can differ somewhat from the theoretical and financial matters, you can mostly ignore all the “noise” made by accounting and economic practices, and just focus on those pivot points and fulcrums of those clown disciplines that actually make a difference. All you need to trump all economic “predictions” and so on is a basic understanding of the law and how to use ledger entries as first invented by Venetians several centuries ago. And if you want to get really fancy use a red pen for outgoings and a black one for incoming revenue. And keep “potential” entries (i.e. those not as yet realised) separate or with an asterix or note in a column next to it that gets crossed through when it is realised.
The second aspect of reality that trumps even the law, as well as literally ALL of the economic and accounting practices is brute force. At its pinnacle, you can see it as currently playing out in Ukraine. All the idiocy of the USA and their puppet satrapies in Europe account for absolutely nothing in the face of Russian use of reality-based force. And keep in mind that Russia is still playing by an extremely fair gentlemanly code of war.
At a lesser level, force can be the result of merely understanding the realities of the legal system and applying them forcefully, which keeps things on the right side of legality. Beyond that, you enter into the realm of dealing with criminality, which I have encountered in my work as a close protection service provider, which entailed real physical threats against both myself, the team I operated with and our client (all of which were handled successfully by us, I am happy to say), but also in my work related to the financial aspects of business, where fraud, theft and illegal activity by various businesses or individuals were uncovered as a result of my work. Sometimes as a result of being hired explicitly as a forensic accounting investigation, and other times when I came across it as a routine part of my work.
In any case, the order of reality based economics is as follows:
1. Brute Force
2. The Law as applied
3. The Law in theory (which should never be relied upon, but which a lot of people are fooled by)
4. Real accounting (money in and money out) with real profit/loss ledger entries and reality based predictions and projections.
And that’s it. All the nonsensical theory that economists and accountants and financial experts all around the world use and either ignorantly believe in or deceitfully use to further their own ends can be safely and pretty much completely ignored if you understand these principles. And for most people, you only really need to grasp points 2 and 4 and it will serve you well your whole life. A grasp of the realities of point number 1 is also very important to have so that you don’t end up being suicided if you tread on the wrong toes inadvertently, as well as being able to recognise such possibilities before they come up. It certainly has kept me from entering in situations that would have been extremely dangerous, and I have not been one to shy away from complicated situations, but even those had to be based on understanding the realities of life and knowing that if one deals with elements of society that will cross the line from the law to criminality, even those situations have a certain set of rules that people tend to abide by. It is then merely a matter of remaining on the correct line of legality without compromising yourself to the point where you become an obstacle that the other side is prepared to remove by crossing into criminality.
On at least two occasions in my professional life, I definitely was able to avoid becoming an accidental statistic by simply understanding these realities and making the other side aware that while getting rid of me was certainly possible, doing so would ultimately result in them having losses that far outweighed the irritation I or my work may have been causing them. Neither side was bluffing, and as a result I was able to navigate the situation with a level of calm that others in merely adjacent positions not only did not have, but could not understand and assumed I was either naive, insane, or brave beyond reason. None of which was the case.
It has been a mild irritation, among many, of course, that most people who fancy themselves as “in the know” with respect to financial realities, often speak profound nonsense on these topics, and people often believe or listen to them because they may be wealthy and thus appear successful. In fact, I suppose by the standard terms most use for “success” they are. But it’s all sand castles built on sand castles, relying on sand foundations on a beach where the tide rolls in regularly.
Such people also assume that my commenting and indeed actions with regard to not just my life, but that of people who see what the trends are is borderline “conspiracy theorist” paranoia.
The reality is simply that, as per my prediction of the financial crash of 2008, which I assumed would happen by the year 2000 at the outmost, back in 1995 or so, I am merely considerably ahead of the curve.
I also am constitutionally, intellectually, and spiritually, averse to essentially dealing in deceit, so I have never been able to make use of such understanding of reality to make a huge amount of money in say, trading in the stock market for example. It’s not for a lack of ability or capacity, it is because doing so is something that would tend to consume my soul on some level. I have zero problem with confrontation or even facing physical danger, and taking all kinds of risks (because they may appear as reckless to others but are very much calculated ones from my perspective) but the constant and daily practice of dealing in lies and nonsense and fake math would take a toll on my psyche that I am simply not prepared to pay, and never have been.
But that is not to say I can’t recognise that aspect in others. I have worked for or with literal billionaires, as well as millionaires, politically influential people, captains of industry and leading experts in a number of diverse fields, and while each of these people was unique and talented in various ways, only a tiny number among them had lives that I would consider personally worthwhile. In fact, the only one that immediately comes to mind is a gun-shop owner that has done very well for himself.
That is not to say the others have pointless lives. I am sure from their perspectives my own life is irrelevant to the point they cannot even contemplate trading places with me. What they would probably be surprised to know is that despite their billions or millions, the feeling is mutual from my side.
If ever a multi-millionaire with a conscience similar to mine appears in my life, and we were to work together towards the creation of a better system of human life/experience, the resulting model of city-state would be very likely to become a model for a much improved humanity going forward. And after a certain tipping point would become practically unstoppable.
I think such an event is probably impossible unless it happens as the result of divine intervention on the billionaire/millionaire after the fact of their wealth, because the path to such wealth is often littered with choices and requirements that tend to chip away at such a sense of ideological imperatives as I continue to have well past the naive stage of youth.
So I won’t be holding my breath for Elon Musk to give me a ring anytime soon, after he has a vision from our Lord or something similar; and I’ll continue on my path, which reminds me I have now bought a gigantic chicken coop and I need to plan where to have it installed on our farm.
And to all those reading who are considering the points I make in this post, never forget the reality that copper-jacketed lead, always trumps gold when push comes to shove. Gold trumps the law. The law trumps accounting and economics, and basic math does too. And below that is only lies, deceivers and delusions.
The Entire Problem and the Ultimate Solution
UPDATE: This was posted yesterday and as I was surprised at the low engagement I came to look at it and the post had been deleted. Luckily we are prepared for such things and it is now restored, but it is interesting to note that it definitely was published yesterday as several people I contacted had in fact read it. What do you know, I must be over the target again. And if I get cancelled here, not to worry, we have prepared for such events if they happen.
Vox’s most recent post has helped me coagulate the necessary elements of communication that I have been obviously missing —those troublesome 30 IQ point bridges of communication— in order to transmit to the average person concepts that should be absolutely obvious to everyone, at least as far as I am concerned, but that are apparently completely opaque to the average person.
This has been so much so an issue that throughout my life I am continuously… not exactly surprised, but something similar to it, perhaps the right word is repeatedly disappointed in the average human response to various events and specifically to events of a wide-ranging, global nature.
I have lived long enough that it is not a surprise, and I concluded long ago that the average person is a moron that has quite literally not a single original thought in his entire lifetime, being driven by the nonsense he sees on TV or that the media in general presents as a narrative.
This infects everything and creates a reality that is many orders of magnitude uglier, stupider, more boring, irrelevant and inconsequential in every respect than it needs to be.
And I mean everything. I am not taking about merely technological advancements that would mean we could already be travelling amongst the stars, not just between the moons and planets of out solar system (and no, I do mot mean in theory, I mean in practice, the technology not only existed but was even already developed decades ago, and that’s before we even bring antigravity technology into it — see The Face on Mars for further details). No, I am literally referring to everything in your life, from the type of interaction you have instead of what it could be, with your child, your wife or even your pet or a walk in nature, to the experience of beauty, love and intimacy you could have for everyone and everything around you, as well as the practical, real world, effective applications of reality based technologies and methodologies that could quite realistically cure almost every ailment we know of and bring humanity to live on other planets.
I know, it sounds like utopia and a pipe-dream. I KNOW how it sounds, but what have you got to lose except a few minutes reading this, and what if I am right? Strange as it seems, what if I can show you just how twisted and insane and stupid what you think is the limit of how things are is?
And what if you spread this around and other people get it too? Because I tell you right now that from all I know about resonance and its effects, it takes approximately only 1/1000 of a population, whether of living beings or of things like photons, to resonate at the same frequency, after which a tipping point is reached and the rest of the population (of living beings or photons) all “convert” to the same frequency and you get an effect that is so unexpected, so miraculous that it completely shatters the previous paradigm.
Simple light becomes a laser that cuts through steel. A population of frogs all suddenly learn a skill none of them previously even had. A small vibration becomes an earthquake. And I am not even convinced we need 1/1000 of the entire world’s population, which given we are about 8 billion now would mean 8,000,000 people. And Eight million people is not that many. There are plenty of YouTubers with many more followers than that. So this article could easily spread through the aether and change the world. The ideas I will present here are certainly not beyond anyone’s grasp in and of themselves. The difficulty is not in understanding or even testing and realising the truth of any one of its components or even a few of them. The greatest difficulty is in understanding (and verifying if necessary so it is real knowledge, not merely a theory held for a few minutes only to be discarded because it makes us feel uncomfortable) each part of the whole theory, each component, and then holding them, or putting them, all together into one coherent whole and seeing how each part affects the others and causes the inevitable, inescapable, resonating effect that no force can stop. No human force or even demonic force if you believe in such things.
Because unexpected as it may be, while each component part does not in itself necessarily present as part of a greater and more wholesome whole —in fact, some parts may even appear or even be, brutal, separate and “ugly” in and of themselves— when joined and infused with the other parts they too change and morph into something altogether wholesome and truly a harmonious whole.
So, allow me then to present first each component part of this larger idea. Each subset is simple, easy for anyone to understand and verify for themselves, you will not have any trouble here. The second half of each of these steps is to show you how that very simple and obvious truth was perverted and changed to the point that you yourself, while agreeing with the obvious point later come to think of it more in terms of “yes, but…(insert insurmountable objection here)” instead of “yes, that’s true and obvious and not a problem or difficult to put in practice.”
The third step is the big one, and that is to show you that if you can keep the simple and obvious true concepts in mind all together and link them, you come up with a system of behaviour for yourself and humanity at large too, that produces the “miraculous” conditions I mentioned above. The beauty of this is that even if you are the only one to do it, your own life will immeasurably improve in every way. It will not be the “miraculous” fly to the stars version it would be if at least 1/1000 of the planet gets it and acts it too, bit it will still kick the crap out of whatever your life is like now. Big claim? Sure. Real? Absolutely. Demonstrable? Provable? Yes, also absolutely. All you need to do is apply the concepts I will list below and understand how and why they have been perverted, and reject the perverted version and apply the original, true and obvious aspect together with all the other true and obvious and original aspects. Just doing that, I guarantee you, will absolutely change your life for the better.
And to be clear, better does not necessarily mean easier. Easy is a mutable concept and you may want to remember that old meme, that lists a bunch of things that are hard, and their opposite also being hard, and ultimately coming down to you choosing your hard.
For example, learning to read is hard. Being illiterate is hard. Choose your hard.
Being healthy is hard. Being unhealthy is hard. Choose your hard.
So I warn you now that like everything else in life, this too is like that. Reading all of this and putting it into practice is not easy. Continuing not to do it is far worse. So, choose your hard.
Right then, to the concepts first and later to how they have been perverted.
The Simple, Basic, Truths, and their Inversions
1. Physical Force Trumps everything else.
Regardless of if it’s money, gold, status, influence, etcetera, when push comes to shove, physical violence is, always has been, and always will be, the final arbiter of any conflict resolution.
Corollary to 1.
Eventually, anything important enough, will come down to physical violence.
2. Objective reality exists
It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, if you like it or not, if you understand it or not, or even if you are ABLE to understand it or not. Every single experience of life we have confirms again and again and again that objective reality exists and is absolutely the same for everyone in the Universe. Your delusion that you are living in a dream, can fly, have your own “truth” or anyone else does, is absolute nonsense and has zero impact on reality, other than causing harm to yourself and anyone else stupid enough to believe such lies. You can easily disprove this by trying to flap your arms to fly off the fifth floor of any convenient building, thus removing your own delusion, as well as the negative effects of it for anyone else inclined to listen to your nonsense.
3. Equality has never existed and never will. this is an objective aspect of reality.
Men and women are intrinsically different. Each man is different form every other man and groups of people of a certain ethnicity, culture or religion differ from each other in massive ways. While philosophically no one person has more of a “right” to life or is even necessarily “superior” in every respect (because the superiority depends on what you are measuring) only a mentally deranged person is unwilling to admit these differences, and similarly, only a coward is unwilling to admit that they affect much of life. People of differing origins, cultures and religions, should, as a general rule, stick to their own kind for the most peaceful and best results. Diversity and proximity inevitably results in conflict and conflict eventually leads to violence (see rule 1 above). The only sensible approach in life is to be aware of the differences, accept them, evaluate them on their own merits and act appropriately in the context within which this all takes place. Broadly speaking, each person should generally stay in their own nation, marry and reproduce with his or her own kind and people, and respect any different cultures or nations when visiting them. Genetic assimilation is not really possible in periods that relate to individual human lifetimes, and generally are not a good idea. While regulating these things with laws is seen as cruel and inhumane, there isa path to it that is acceptable. Reducing permanent immigration by foreigners to a small percentage in each case, using work-permits or temporary work visas, being tough on illegal immigration and so on is all perfectly humane and sensible without affecting any but a small percentage of people. The exception should never govern the rule.
4. Everything you do and say has consequences. Always did, and always will.
“Free Speech” is a completely Freemasonic idea that was perpetrated and could only be believed by possibly the most gullible population on Earth: Americans. It has never existed in the entirety of human history and never will even millennia from now. It is an idea so stupid that I was aware of this even as a young teenager, immediately upon the first time I came across the ridiculous concept.
5. Almost all political systems devolve into a struggle for the levers of power by those implementing the systems. Secular system absent a divine doctrine do so faster by orders of magnitude.
The only partial bulwark agains this has historically been been adherence to religious principles that unfortunately do need to be enforced and invariably the enforcers tend to become corrupt over time and correction becomes required. A system that recognises this and has produced the best results and been tested over many centuries, and has so far produced the best results for humanity has ever seen has been Catholic Christianity. At least until it was infiltrated (which took centuries) and perverted and twisted to produce the fake Novus Orco inversion of it. The only remnant of it being the fast-growing Sedevacantist (or unchanged and original version of) Catholicism. A corollary to this may have been the methodology invented and adopted by the Venetians to elect a Doge. No other system on Earth was as concerned with Justice as Catholicism. While other relatively stable systems did exist (Shintoism under Feudal Japan, Taoism under Imperial China, Traditional beliefs under the iron-fisted empire of Genghis Khan, the Rule of Imperial Rome prior to Christianity, Spartan culture, and others) none of them lasted anywhere near as long as Catholicism, which, though much reduced, still exists, against all odds, and has risen again and again throughout history, despite events that should have snuffed it out (the Arian heresy, the Roman Empire’s persecution of it, the infiltration of it by Satanists (Freemasons), the destruction of the protecting arm of the Church (the Royal houses of Europe)). Furthermore, it continues to exist and once again is growing. It is also single-handedly responsible for the largest increase in Justice, Beauty and the behaving with Virtues (Courage, Temperance, Justice, Fortitude, Loyalty, Honour, and so on) than any other religion, ideology or philosophy in the entire known history of Humanity.
The Catholics are the only people to originally ban Usury and recognise the Christ-Killers (Jews) as needing special prayers for their salvation, since they had chosen to be generationally guilty for the crucifixion of Christ.
6. Jews do NOT have the same belief system or veneration of the same virtues we have.
They simply believe they are the Chosen people, the only ones with real souls and everyone else is a beast of burden designed to serve them and no perpetration against them, including murder is a crime in their belief system. Present day Judaism is Talmudic and the laws of the Talmud are absolutely clear that anyone not a Jews is at best a beast of burden for the Jew to exploit.
Their ejection from some 110 countries or more is the direct result of their behaviours towards the host nations, and not a coincidence based on irrational hatred of Jews for no reason.
The Talmud specifically states any crime including murder of non-Jews is not a crime and that having sex with children under the age of three is also not a crime, along with many other behaviours that are intolerable to normal people being perfectly acceptable when perpetrated on non-Jews.
The BIS (Bank for international Settlement) is a giant superbank that yes, does control the finances of the entire planet and is run by the Jewish Rothschild family among others, though under a hidden veil of secrecy for the most part.
1. Violence is wrong, evil and never the answer.
From “toxic masculinity” to “words can never hurt you” to jailing people for self-defence or even defence of others, we have all, globally, been trained to believe violence is ALWAYS wrong. This is, of course, and absolute lie.
Corollary inversion to 1.
Certain classes of people/crimes should NEVER be responded to with violence. Women, homosexuals, the criminally insane, or whatever. This is, of course, just a furthering of the lie. If a black, handicapped lesbian is about to stab my child, you can bet your ass I would happily turn her head into a pink cloud and sleep like a baby, consequences be damned even in current clown world. In a sane world, of course, such an event would just be followed by the crowd giving a gentle golf clap of approval.
2. Everyone has their own “truth”
A man can be a woman, women can be men, men can get pregnant, everyone is equal but black/brown/off-white people are oppressed, homosexuality is perfectly normal, natural and to be celebrated, “adopting” babies from surrogate mothers to fulfil homosexual fantasies of having a “family” is not child trafficking and a perversion of the very essence of human nature. Pedophiles are just normal people and we should all accommodate them because age is just a number, sex with children is fine as long as the child “consents”. The objective statistics on child sexual abuse by homosexuals, higher incidence of suicide by sexually mutilated people undergoing a “sex change” and the incidence of violence in lesbian “marriages” are all just coincidences or part of a vast right-wing conspiracy, as Hillary Clinton would put it. I could add about 17,000 other insane nonsense to this list. You get the idea.
3. There is only one race, the Human race.
And everyone is equal. Except if they are white, then they are more racist, evil, oppressive and undeserving than anyone else. Racism can only be done by whites. George Floyd was a saint murdered by a racist policeman and no factual proof that he died of a heart seizure induced from a fentanyl overdose and that he was a violent criminal that threatened and injured a pregnant woman, among other felonies should ever be brought up. Systemic oppression, internalised misogyny, and internalised racism are real things and don’t you dare say otherwise. The fact that an Australian Aborigine and a Swedish woman look about as different as any other subspecies of creature might, and also have measurably different cognitive capacities and drastically different approaches to everything from problem-solving to adequate medical care or food consumption is not to be noticed. The jews are also absolutely never, ever, ever, the bad guys. they are victims and always will be, even when they genocide other peoples. Also, stop noticing it.
4. Free Speech is the best and truest way for a “democracy” to work.
This lie was invented simply so the Freemasons could ignore blasphemy laws to begin with and gradually every other moral, ethical and decent concept of behaviour.
5. God is dead and Science and Secularist Atheism is the only sensible way forward. Please ignore the 100 million dead bodies this ideology in its various forms has produced in just the last 100 years or so. Above all, Catholicism is the worst of all, and filled with dirty pedophiles (ignore the fact that they are known as poor victims called Minor-Attracted-Persons when not part of “Catholicism”. Further ignore that such people were burnt at the stake in higher numbers than any other class of perpetrator during the Spanish and Portuguese inquisitions and were never tolerated by the Catholic Church prior to the Vatican II inversion and the first of the current fake Popes from 1958 to today). Every other religious belief is also not ideal, but they are ALL, without exception, better than Catholicism. Catholicism is the absolute worst. It is also the only religion that is specifically “antisemitic”. Well, originally anyway, the Novus Ordo has finally realised the Jews are like our older brothers and we should respect and revere them.
6. Jews are persecuted innocents that can’t help being so successful in so many spheres of life because they are just smarter and more hard-working than everyone else.
Their success has nothing to do with nepotism, bribery, blackmail, underhand financial behaviours, usury, murder, or any other immoral tactic. It is also illegal and antisemitic, to notice that they have a higher incidence of child sexual abuse than anyone else, that their Talmud specifically states crimes against non Jews are fine, or that sex with children is acceptable. In fact, criticising the Jews in general or suggesting 6 million of them did not die in the Holocaust (even though they admit as much even in the Holocaust museum in Israel) is a crime and punishable by imprisonment and fines in many areas around the world and it should be a crime to criticise Jews anywhere by anyone in the world as per NOAHIDE Laws. The idea Jews control most of the world finances, mass media and entertainment is just a lie, And when it is demonstrated it is not a lie it is just because jews are so intelligent and successful.
That will do for now. Just six little (big) truths and if you can process them all at once in your head, then some other very basic, also simple, truth naturally will coalesce out of knowing the six above facts. In brief these are:
1. The need for a holistic, virtue-based (real virtues, not fake ones promoted today like the aptly named D.I.E. Ideology (Diversity, Inclusivity, Equality) system of belief that is as much as possible resistant to corruption, infiltration and subversion is required. It must necessarily be:
2. The need to act as required in defence of the natural order of things, that have formed part of the most successful system of beliefs that has brought the most good to the largest number of people in the history of Humanity, that being, being the nuclear family, traditional marriage, traditional male and female roles and a reliance on honour, beauty, truth, honesty, charity, mercy and justice. But never at the detriment of truth, and above all justice.
3. The need to reject as a whole the current system/s of control, which ultimately means the need to separate yourself from the need of FIAT money, at least until when such a new system has been implemented that does not permit usury and does not rely on the current systems of banking in place as control mechanisms. In the short term this means to achieve the self-sufficient production of food, clean water and energy for your immediate family and then your expanding community guided by the above points.
4. The need to have the capacity to protect yourself, your family, and your way of life, by all available means and avoiding violence when and if possible, but including it when this is no longer possible to avoid, under the principle of self-defence and Just war.
If you do realise these four principles, then you may find that the initial point is in fact, the cohesive belief system. Because without it, nothing lasts in time. And that System, as far as the human experience goes, has been Catholicism. It really doesn’t matter if you like or believe this, because remember, objective reality is a thing, and if you bother to study human history at all, the benefits of Catholicism overall, compared to any other system are simply undeniable by anyone even remotely honest. If that is the case, and if you are honest, then at the very least it deserves further investigation; and if you feel so inclined to save yourself some time you may wish to read Believe! (short quick read of a couple of hours) or Reclaiming the Catholic Church (more than five times as big as Believe! and packed with references you can verify for yourself.) But in any case, you need not buy my books specifically. Just educate yourself and see why Catholicism worked and still does. Then get up and begin forming your own community of Sedevacantists or join one of the ones already in place and forming, like the one I am building.
Once this veil of lies has been ripped from you, you can begin to see, even if you are not yet a catholic, so much of what you believe is an absolute lie. From the way you relate to your spouse or children or co-workers, to the way we live, work, and think about money, time, life in general, education and human worth and value as well as fundamental concepts like sex, marriage, love, intimacy, and so on. If the interpersonal relationships interest you, then you can also read Caveman Theory, which unlike the other books is NOT available in paper format on Amazon due to its content being politically “unacceptable” as is all truth today and throughout most of human history.
In any case, realise that you are in no way as powerless and without options as you feel. And that the people ruling over you have almost no power once you see them and their lies for what they are and begin, without fanfare, without rage, without much of anything except steely-eyed determination, to remove yourself from their systems of influence. Use, leverage, and make us of their systems as you can and must in order to remove yourself gradually and permanently from them. Consider these simple but very true facts:
Think through these concepts and see if you still recognise the world we currently live in as even remotely sane.
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By G | 4 June 2024 | Posted in Believe, Billionaire Pedophiles, Brain-Mind Functionality, Caveman Theory, Caveman Theory, Christianity, Clown World, Fighting SJWs, Increasing Happiness, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Social Commentary, Systema, The Crusades - Iron Men and Saints Vol. 1, The Enemy Within, The Jews