My wife noted that as adults when we wake up we are immediately assaulted by worries, concerns of what to do or what we have not done and so on.
And that is the intent, to keep us in a perpetual state of constant mild anxiety.
As a child, the first thing you do when you wake up, is stretch. Animals do it too.
And that is just one aspect in which we have been conditioned —Pavlovian style— to abandon our God-given natural process of maintaining bodily health, and instead take on the self-destructive attitudes, behaviours, modalities, habits and practices that are today considered “normal” or even “necessary”.
I have written before about WWIII Fatigue. Idiot Fatigue is somewhat worse.
It is the realisation that only a minute number of people are not entirely fooled by most of the absurd lies we all have to live under, like Fiat Money, the given reasons for War (instead of the valid reasons one may have for the murder of evil people), the concept that anyone anywhere is actually living in a Democracy instead of a tyrannical and demonic machine, lies so blatant you have to be functionally retarded to believe them: 9/11, the “official” story of the Moon landings (as opposed to what I think happened), the covid scam, “vaccines”, and on and on, and on.
The reality is that we are surrounded by idiots. Imbecilles. People too stupid to have an original thought if their life depended on it. People who are so dumb they are literally self-euthanising themselves and their entire people in the name of some absurd lie that boils down to having “good manners” towards people that literally want to rape and murder you and your people.
And professor Cipolla was, and remains, absolutely right. The number of idiots is ALWAYS more than you can possibly imagine.
Which means that things will get very dark eventually.
It’s not that the evil Satanists trying to kill most of us are any smarter really, no, they are just more evil, more focused and driven by the demons that own them, to perpetrate their monstrous plans on us in the hope that they will rule in Hell instead of be playthings like they plan to make the survivors among us.
But they too are stupid.
For one they bet on the evil guy, which is KNOWN will and can only, ultimately lose.
But such is the way of the fly. They have no concept of long term planning, or even thinking of tomorrow. Tomorrow is someone else’s problem. Even if that someone else is them in the future, because to them, that guy in the future is not them, but some random guy they don’t care about. That is how short time preference works. Only the perennial here and now exists in their stultified brains.
And so I wonder, if the Satanists were smart, all the idiots would already be dead, and then they would have a problem because while the survivors may not all be good, at least some of them would be, and if they are not idiots, they could prove a problem. But the Satanists are idiots too. Cunning, but not actually intelligent as such.
So what will result is an ongoing drawn-out chaos that will fatigue even the few smart evil Satanists in due course. The cattle will not die off fully in their lifetime you see, and if they need to escalate to a full nuclear war they too may end up as casualties, regardless of how well they think they have planned, because… that’s the trouble with idiots, as professor Cipolla stated, they are far more dangerous than mere evil people. Their idiocy makes them unpredictable and makes them do things so stupid no one can predict or prevent the damage they can cause; least of all the idiots themselves.
So, whether you are a smart (and ridiculously wealthy, because of fraud and lies and so on) Satanist, or a smart Catholic (surviving by your wits and reflexes alone probably) the reality is that you may be in a similar state of being, which is to wait until all the idiots, or at least a large enough number of them, have died off. Only at that point, can you then begin to rebuild, or if necessary, fight back. Put it this way, if 7.5 billion people died all tomorrow, whoever is left, will have trouble enough to survive and create a functional way to continue surviving, whether it will be by foraging for food in the post-apocalyptic ruins, or gathering enough half-dead slaves to keep the airflow in your underground evil Satanist ™ bunker going by tying them up to manual windmills once the power fails (because of some idiot you thought was an electrician).
If you are a secularist you may find little between the Satanist and the Catholic, or you may prefer the Satanist because he has the illusion of comfort, but that comfort is, like the “pride” of the homosexuals, merely a fake. A veneer. That is… just another lie. What they do not have, what they will neve have, is an inner comfort. The Catholic’s life may seem harsh, and unforgiving and painful, and it is, externally. But internally we are at peace. We need not hope, nor fear. Because unlike the Satanists, who deep down know their debt WILL become due, and they WILL be eaten, and not quite last, but rather, before even the Catholic, certainly from the metaphysical perspective. While we Catholic know that no matter what befalls us, our souls are on the side of Justice, and God. Their master will consume them eternally for their brief, temporary, and anxiety-wracked lives. Ours will give us eternal life and serenity in our hearts.
But the Satanists cannot think, nor see ahead. They’re the flies, of the Lord of the flies.
Although Gab took a sharp downturn in usage when Torba decided to fully monetise Gab, it’s still one of the few places where a certain liberty of speech, especially political speech was permitted to an extent that while not approaching the 1990s, came close.
Today he advised people to not post anything even remotely hinting at a violent response in the face of the Trump assassination, which is about the limit any platform online simply cannot cross nowadays, but what I found interesting is that he made a comment that for the first time reflects what I have been doing and telling others to do for about two decades. And since two decades is about the time it takes for a lot of what I see as obvious to start to become accepted fact, I am hoping with some actual real hope for once, that the tide might actually be about to turn on the whole freakshow that is Clown World and their insane degeneracy, LGBTPedo agenda, “antifascism”, communist hive-think, nonsensical feminism, destruction of logic, knowledge of objective reality, demonisation of men in general and white, heterosexual males in particular.
Here is his comment. I have a couple of comments on it and a TL;DR version in my own words at the bottom.
After tonight’s events I have come to the realization that I no longer want any association whatsoever with any liberals. None. Not in the community, not at church, not anywhere. The reasons for this decision are rooted in the belief that being around these people poses a threat to our sanity, safety, and families. First and foremost, the constant bombardment of liberal ideologies and beliefs has become a source of mental and emotional exhaustion. The never-ending debates, the constant need to defend our values, and the relentless pressure to conform to their worldview have taken a toll on our mental well-being. These people are insane and in associating with them we allow their madness to infect us. The safety of our families and communities is at risk when we associate with liberals. The liberal narrative often promotes a sense of victimhood, division, and chaos, which leads to violent protests, property destruction, and even physical harm to those who dare to oppose their views as we witnessed tonight. We must prioritize the safety and well-being of our loved ones by distancing ourselves from those who subscribe to such destructive ideologies. Get and stay far away from these people.
He’s right broadly speaking, and I understand his reticence to host any incitements to violence on his platform, but there are two points of actual objective, factual, observable reality he’s missing and a third even more important one without which nothing will change, and they are these:
First: Retreating from these people is NOT the answer. It’s what the general population of not yet insane people have been doing for seven decades in a row. Enough. Fuck retreating. Make THEM retreat, and get back into whatever closet or rock they crawled out of. Be in their face. Stop tolerating their nonsense. No, homosexuality is not normal. No, it will not be taught to me or my children as being normal. It is unnatural, deviant, degenerate behaviour that carries extremely high health risks and is associate with extremely elevated incidence of child sexual abuse, rape and molestation. And I don’t give a flying solitary fuck if that upsets you. You can get upset about the sun rising in the East too and I don’t give a fuck about that upsetting you any more than the other facts I just stated. It’s how reality works. Deal with it. Your mental illness is not my problem and trying to make it so will not go well with you.
The same applies to EVERY one of their bullshit agendas. I don’t want my country, culture, religion, nation or people to be overrun by foreigners that not only have a different culture, religion and nation, but who are demonstrably, statistically, a net threat to my people. No, I don’t need to “respect” your pedophile religion, and fake “gods” and fake “messiah”. Go believe that shit in your own place and don’t expect me to pretend your fake religion is “equivalent” to mine, when mine created the best situation humanity has ever seen on Earth and yours has done no such thing but in fact is demonstrably a net negative when compared to mine. And no, I don’t give a shit if you think that makes me “racist” or a “bigot”. In fact I am. I absolutely discriminate against people incapable of facing and loving the truth above their own personal opinions based in selfishness, ego, cowardice, and intentional evil. The colour of your skin matters very little to me, except I have had a tendency to find slightly cappuccino coloured pretty girls more sexually enticing, perhaps, on average, but then I am not exactly a “bigot” in that regard either, since I have appreciated all sorts of diversity in the females of the species. All of which are moot points now since I am happily married and Catholic. The point is that my “racism/bigotry” is reserved for the shitty nature of your inability to face reality as it is, your capacity or lack thereof to act as a civilised human being; not only when everything is good, but also when things are less than ideal; and your overall level of virtues I appreciate, like honesty, courage, directness, patience, loyalty and so on, and your personal philosophy and belief systems and/or religion. And if your religion says fucking kids is fine, then fuck you, and fuck your religion; and that means Judaism and Islam. It’s in your books so stop pretending it’s not.
Feminism is toxic. The Patriarchy is good and what has built anything worthwhile on this Earth and Catholicism (not Novus Orcianism) is the one, true, holy religion on Earth. And while I will not hate you for not understanding that last point, as I missed it myself for most of my life, thanks to lies we are all raised under, and would have continued to miss it but for God’s Grace, I certainly understand the conviction of someone that thinks Catholicism is fake, gay and retarded. I was one of you. I can only suggest you read The Crusades,which is flawlessly historically accurate and now available easily in digital format here. I don’t think any man that is not, gay, fake and retarded can read what those men were like and what they did without getting an overwhelming sense of respect for them.
The whole point of this first point is simply this: No. retreating is NOT the way. Pushing back, directly, unequivocally, loudly, and unambiguously and unapologetically is the way.
Second: While I do not like or advocate for needless violence, I have always, and will always, advocate for self-defence. These people have been making you retreat psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and now physically, by violence and the threat of violence. I am supposed to let a predatory pedophile twerk in front of my toddler children but if I call you a fag, I can go to jail? Well, guess what: fuck you. I’ll call you a fag and physically remove you from anywhere near my children if I see you acting that way. And wake up: no one is voting these people out of the positions of power over you that they gained by subterfuge, bribery, fraud and murder. Do you really think the Clintons didn’t have a bunch of people killed? It was public knowledge in the early 1990s, now it’s “expected”. You think the war in Ukraine is not about money, power and control as well as intentional genocide? Or that the genocide in Gaza is not? Go see a few of the telegram channels that show you what the Jewish people and soldiers of Israel are doing to children in Palestine. And their mothers and fathers who have been labelled as a whole people as worthy of total elimination by standing politicians in Israel.
You think your vote is going to stop Bill Gates and Soros and WEF Klaus Schwabs and the other billionaire mentally ill degenerates from pumping chemtrails, mRNA, nanobots and 5G towers all around you? You think the people who run and own the Bank for International Settlement will not use every trick in the book to enslave you, including mass murder on a global scale? Because if you still believe you live on a fair planet based on some fiction called “democracy” then you really are too stupid to convince you of anything meaningful.
The only thing that will remove such people from the equation is force. The fact you have barely begun to understand how they have been intentionally poisoning you and your children for almost a century while destroying, infiltrating and corrupting anything that stood in their way (primarily the Catholic Church with its dogmas and nobility as its enforcing and defending arm), doesn’t mean they have not been attacking you. They have. You’re only starting to see it a bit now. When you realise 9/11 did not at all happen the way you have been told on TV, even when it literally did not play out as they are telling you in front of your own eyes, like announcing building seven too has collapsed while it’s still standing behind the live broadcaster, and hasn’t been hit by any plane at all. Or the entire Covid, genetic serums, and 5G genocidal scam. Or pretty much ALL vaccines, even the “real” ones, from the very start, being actually anything but good for you.
They have been trying to cripple, enslave, and murder you for generations. Self-defence is just fine. Which of course means identifying the real culprits and perpetrators as well as defending yourself in the immediate situation you may find yourself in. Violence to defend yourself from violence is fine. So learn to protect yourself and put things in their proper perspective.
Third: And this is really the key point. While you must, absolutely, push back on every level, vote in local elections, put yourself forward as a candidate, change things from the people you associate with to the local PTA or Home Owners Association board, all the way to the local council, professors in academia and so on, as well as absolutely defend yourself and your loved ones from any physical or violent attacks of force against you, you should not get bogged down in this so much that you lose sight of the real enemy. And while you may not be able to get to the real puppet masters directly, you can certainly get to their fifth puppets a few times removed.
Replace that woke teacher. Get a new sane mayor. Stop tolerating that degenerate freak that is a friend of a friend or even a family member. It’s simply time for you to make a choice. Reality or lies. Truth or fake. No, there is no way, ever, that a man can get “preganant”. Yes, there are ONLY two sexes. No, “gender” does not define the “sexuality” or rather sexual preference, of any living thing, it’s a word used in grammar to differentiate words, in romantic languages for example, that have feminine or masculine gender. Like il gatto (the cat) is masculine but la gatta (the [female] cat) is feminine. But also la tavola (the table) and la macchina (the car) are feminine, so it’s not limited to the sex of an animal. Again, this follows from point one and two above: push back in all the dimensions required, but never lose sight of who, specifically, both collectively and individually down to the specific person, has pushed for, financed, and legislated for, the current level of insanity; and who they have oppressed, murdered, cancelled, ruined emotionally, financially and physically. And as soon as you are able to, remove them from their positions and bring them to account for their crimes against humanity.
Succinctly then, the TL;DR is this:
1. Push back
2. Violence in self-defence is just fine
3. Know with specificity and precision who the masterminds are when it comes to your enemies.
None of these three points are controversial or difficult to understand, so stop being, or pretending to be, shocked. Man up and carry on.
I have literally just finished updating the testimonials I have been bugged to update by my IT friend. It really only took sending out a general message to a few of the latest clients I had, so I have no one to blame but myself, for not updating this in over a decade. As usual, my prowess at self-marketing is right up there with the number of bees at the top of Mount Everest, living Dodo teeth and other such things.
At any rate, given that there has definitely been an uptick in interest in using my services for this despite my not exactly advertising it. At all. I thought, okay, fair enough, let me see if I can re-organise myself a bit and I have made it easier for me to do sessions, since, as I said, the demand is on the increase despite my prices going back to what they were when I started.
Anyway, most evenings are now possible if you are interested, and whether it is coincidence or not, over at Sigma Game one of the posts I read today was about the difficulty people have of changing themselves, their habits and so on. And I agree, change is difficult for most, and I have written about this at some length long ago already, Nevertheless, it is possible if you commit yourself to it.
The three surest ways I am aware of achieving lasting change, are:
About 20 years mastering a skill (it tends to restructure you to some extent).
Controlled, guided “trip” using LSD with professionals in attendance (not available anymore, at least not legally, and even if it were, not easily or affordably).
Hypnosis (main problem being that most hypnotists are simply not very good, like most psychologists too.)
Given the above alternatives, (I have personally experienced 1 and 3, but not 2 in any way shape or form) option 3 is undoubtedly the fastest and least likely to cause serious harm if something goes wrong.
NOTE: Yes this is long. It also may literally change your life for the better in ways that are hard to imagine. And I wrote it primarily because my experiments on myself and in my own life seem to be bearing fruit.
Something very few people understand, even military men, veterans, life-long martial artists, strategists, UFC guys, boxers, and everything else in between, is that the number one, most important, absolute weapon you have, above all others, is this: Your Mind.
Your Weapon
Even people who you might assume have a grasp of the basic concept often miss the wood for the trees on this. I have been asked this by a few people who fancied themselves as overall decent strategists:
“What is the most important thing for a fighter?”
And to my reply of “Your mind,” they invariably scoff or try to divert it to some lesser aspect of my answer, like “Isn’t it getting up again?” or willpower, or perseverance and so on.
Well, guess what. Every one of those things begins in your mind.
Perseverance, later thinking, discipline, flexibility, pattern-recognition, literally all of it, begins, and ends, with your mind.
It sounds so stupidly obvious right? Duh! “Of course it’s your mind!” you’re thinking. What a dumb post…
Now consider a few other things.
The connection between your mind and your body has limits that are NOT understood by medical science almost entirely. The average doctor has no concept of the Placebo or Nocebo effects. They may mention them without realising they literally can save your life from supposedly incurable diseases as well as kill you when there is no external factor that should result in your death.
Unscrupulous grifters have made a whole industry of half-baked “truths” wrapped in lies concerning your ability to do anything from cure cancer to become a millionaire by the sheer power of repeating “affirmations” and “changing your mindset”.
Over 99% of hypnotists, psychologists and psychiatrists have little to no understanding of the link between the mind and the reality around it. There are enough experiments in neuroscience which are of the reproducible kind (meaning they are actually valid science) that essentially prove a host of things we can’t adequately explain:
Reality is literally changed by you observing it.
The mind can perceive, receive, and send information across vast distances or simply by focusing on something without any apparent way to do so (i.e. telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote viewing, psychometry and so on are actual things that exist).
The pain/emotions felt by loved ones can affect your mind as if you were experiencing it. And this can also function in connection with the item immediately above.
The mind is capable of entering altered states and/or dimensions where it can access information it had no previous knowledge of, and that information can be beneficial to the owner of the mind as well as others if/when it is shared/applied in the physical realm we inhabit.
Some degree of communication with people who have passed on can exist.
Some degree of communication with entities from other dimensions can exist. The intentions of such entities towards humanity in general can apparently range from beneficial to utter hatred (commonly thought of as Angelic beings, Demons and something in between, like Faeries).
There are also a great many stories, legends, and anecdotal events that seem to indicate that a certain level of miraculous manifestation of things may well be the result of a directed mind that using the correct approach, focuses or considers something in a way that sees it take place in the real world.
If you have digested all of the above, great. Keep that whole giant point present in one corner of the mind, then read below and get the next info-dump and then put that in one another corner of your mind, because only once you have put these two baseline points in your mind and can contemplate them from a bird’s eye view appropriately, can you then begin to see the third point, which defines our current situation. Only then, can I present you the overall theory and paradigm shift that I want you to digest and begin acting upon.
Your Weapon’s Base Efficiency and Maintenance
You know that old adage that “If you don’t program your mind, someone else will?” Well, it’s absolutely true. And while you may nod sagely or pay lip service to it, not a single one of us really appreciates the extent to which this is true. Not even me. And I am waaaaaaaayyyy beyond the normal human curve on this.
If you have small children, present them with a little problem that you know how to solve in one way. Give them time, encouragements and a good sensation you believe in them and most times you will find that they come up with ten different ways you didn’t think of on how to solve it. Imagine if we kept that way of thinking into adulthood. I certainly try to and I have changed career, country, and wives, a number of times. I have moved home 54 times and I am 54 years old. I have gone from being so broke all I had to eat was a bag of flower, some salt and tap water, to blowing over four grand on some clothing a girl I was seeing liked. I have spent more on a rifle I wanted than on any car I ever bought. And I have had many strange and incredible life experiences. I now have 5 children, am trying to learn to be a farmer, which is nothing I have any talent for and as of yesterday I just broke a part of the connector to the trincia because I am bad at this, but eventually I will become good at it. Because in my life, anything I have put my focus, mind and effort into, I have been able to achieve. Not without smacking my head into the occasional steel wall a few times mind you, but I have a deeply embedded belief that I am absolutely able to achieve whatever I decide to focus on. It’s harder to have laser like focus with 5 kids and wife than when you are single, but it’s also more important to be able to do so, so the focus is even more intense for me.
Despite all the above, I have always expected resistance from the world. And indeed I have found it. Whenever I changed job or country or home, almost everyone I knew was of the idea that “I was making a mistake” or that “it wouldn’t work” and so on. Very few people were ever supportive, and I learnt as a result to ignore pretty much everyone in that respect and only take the useful parts of any advice with regard to elements of whatever I was deciding to do.
My point in describing my own experience is not to make you think how cool I am, but rather the opposite if anything. What I am explicitly stating is that even with a lifetime of experience that validates my point that your mind affects your outcome more than any factor whatsoever, I am not, a millionaire with my own private island and fleet of all-female crewed yachts. Probably due to the fact that it is my belief that in order to achieve that it is very likely you would need to compromise some serious aspects of your integrity or soul. And in my over half a century on Earth I have come across only maybe one guy who potentially did not compromise himself and was very wealthy, but he had also started out with a lot of money from his father. Whether his son does as well, now that the man has passed, remains to be seen. I have not had such a situation in life so I can’t speak much to it, but I have observed enough wealthy people to know that it is rare for a son handed great wealth to remain a human being I think highly of from the perspective of how I measure people’s value.
My method of measurement may be a little “brutal” but it is absolutely correct in judging a man’s character and often also ability and other factors such as honesty, reliability, loyalty, and so on. One of the surest ways to know a man’s real heart is to put him in physical danger. the martial arts dojo I trained in for over a decade was perfect for this. people who acted like lords and masters of life, placed on that floor turned into scared, wet little men, and guys that were almost homeless could be literal lions without fear. The status one had in the so-called “civilised” world meant nothing on that dojo floor. And it was not all ability based. there were people who were technically very good that were weak internally, and guys that could barely adopt any of the classical stances that were nevertheless fighters in their heart. The mind a man has when facing physically and emotionally frightening things will very quickly tell you the condition of his weapon. I was no more than seven years old, maybe less, when a thing happened that made me freeze with fear. As it turned out it was nothing real, just an event my brain (and my brother’s too) interpreted as some kind of horror film about to play out with us as victims, when in reality it was a non-event. nevertheless, I resolved consciously back then to never react that way again. And in fairness, I never have. At other times in my life a few times things happened that were absolutely life-threatening or had the potential to be, and I never froze again. Even if I have been fearful, I never stopped acting and moving and doing, and without fail my tendency has always been to move towards the danger, to face it rather than to run away from it. I don’t think I can take credit for that though, as that is the case when others are involved too and it is a pretty baseline aspect of people whether you sort by self or sort by others. I tend to sort by others, certainly in extreme situations, and if anything, in life I had to try and force myself to sort by self a bit more. to the outside observer they are likely to assume I am much more of a selfish asshole than I actually am, but the conscious actions I take in “selfish asshole territory” are not faked; they are designed to reduce the numbers of “opportunistic parasites and general pains in the ass” types and keep them as far from me as possible.
Despite all the above, it should become relatively clear that my internal processes, despite being absolutely well-above average in terms of keeping people I don’t want near me at a distance, and allowing me a certain level of ability that has to date resulted in overall “success” as most people would define it, contains a high level of “conflict”.
In order to explain this better, let me explain a bit more: even if never achieving anything particularly spectacular, I would say that having achieved “good enough” status in a number of completely different fields qualifies in itself as a kind of pretty spectacular skill. And in a few fields I have certainly achieved a good level of world-class ability, even if not the usual “world-class” recognition that goes with that level of skill. Mostly due to the fact that those who get there are doing almost exclusively that one thing, while I am merely focusing on getting my own ability up there, not making a living off it or doing that to the exclusion of other things or even my main work.
The shifting from one skill or talent to another in such relatively rapid succession meant I generally always dealt with “resistance”. Any new endeavour has a high initial failure rate. Add to that the naysayers, the negative thinkers, the short-sighted and the resistance has never been confined merely to the practicalities involved, but rather to the false expectations of a weak world outside of my head too. The overall general frame of reference I have internally then, tends to be something along the lines of:
“Right, I am going to do this new things now, which should take X amount of time, except for the negative influences of A, B, C and D which will make it 2X and then the things I don’t know and mistakes I will make along the way that would maybe have not been all that relevant to X but mixed in with the various reactions from the outside world, will make it be at least 3X.”
By negative influences of other people, I mean really practical stuff, like to take one example:
I absolutely know my fiction writing is far better than the average “successful” writer in my genre. But I never took (nor take) the time to market myself, spread the word, network and do all the other things, including getting a proper agent and so on. I barely even ask people to leave me a review when they like my stuff. And I know my non-fiction writing is ALSO better than the vast majority of things written in any of the non-fiction fields I have so far covered. And yet, I am not a writer that makes a living from his writing. In a world where pure meritocracy is justly rewarded, I would be. But we live in a world where whoever makes the loudest noise generally wins At least until violence ensues, as America and nato are currently finding out with respect to Russia. I have always been rather secure in that aspect of life. Probably growing up with guns and doing martial arts from childhood had a lot to do with it, but also perhaps a genetic component. My paternal line of men seem to have always been people unafraid to get into armed conflicts as and when required.
Aside the practical reality of these negative influences there are also the “woo-woo” aspects which are, to my mind, actually more important than the physical ones. Consider that it has been neurologically proven that your brain will experience physical pain to a loved one as if it was happening to you. They literally can’t tell the brain scans apart. Does it not follow therefore, that if a loved one has zero faith in you, or worse, actively disbelieves your ability to achieve X, your own brain, unconsciously, will pick up on this and make it its “reality” just as it does with the physical pain experienced by the loved one instead of you?
Now, please don’t all become a bunch of whiny bitches blaming your failures on the people around you not being “supportive”. You’re probably a lazy, fat fucker that doesn’t get off his ass enough, but I mention this point, because it is a thing, and yet, it has also been demonstrated that whoever has a stronger belief system influences the other. So if you are a negative perspective see-er and a depression prone downer of a person that always feels unsatisfied, unhappy, miserable, bored and tired, guess what, you will tend to bring everyone around you down too. And since it is energetically harder to be upbeat and positive and happy, because it literally consumes more energy, on a long-enough timeline, the fearful, the depressed, the scared, the perennially negative-thinking types, will tend to drag down the overall perspective of everyone around them. Remember this when you next watch “the news” or read a newspaper. And note the general doom and gloom tone of pretty much every piece of information about the world you see around you. So let me continue with the example of my own brain as the test subject.
But in any case, aside the negative expectations of others and the reality of practical learning curves, the point is that I expect resistance. I expect strife. I expect struggle. And it invariably is there. What if I were to change my mind to expect an easy and simple natural ascension to heights of wealth and good results without the strife?
Doing so is not my natural inclination. I certainly am overall optimistic, but long experience has also taught me that if you can spot a problem from far enough away, you can generally at least avoid the worst of it, so I tend to be on the lookout for potential problems. What if I trained my brain to be on the lookout for potential “good waves” that would have me sail so far above the potential “rocks” (problems) I would normally see in the distance that they no longer are even a thing?
Well, it is not an easy or necessarily quick shift to make (but is it? Does it really need to take years? Or is it simply a choice?), but logic makes it clear it is a necessary one. And look at how quickly a child can go from total desperation to instant joy. If they can do it, why the hell would you not be able to? I have always believed this, and it is one of the sources of frustrations I have had over the years in my relationships. Women tend to want to focus on the negative in life. I have no idea why, but they love to wallow in misery. Just look at the absolute tripe, shitty films, and nonsense they almost universally claim is the very “essence” of love. I shit you not, my ex-sister in law, in all her best and truest good intention, gave me a DVD to watch as the “truest” embodiment of love (I had just had the latest somewhat painful break-up with some girl). It was the film PS I love you.
There is not a man on Earth that would watch that shit and think, oh yeah, this is all about true love. Quite the opposite really. But from the female perspective of wanting to be the centre of the universe while wallowing in her own misery and yet still being loved for herself, yet never changing from the miserable downer she is… oh well. It’s fantastic apparently. While for most men, probably dying in a fire is preferable.
My point (yes, yes, I write long sentences and take diversions along the way to better illustrate the overall point. Pay attention and don’t get lost, you feeble-minded half-wit who can’t deal with extended sentences!) is that:
You do have the capacity to switch emotional state quickly.
You do have the capacity to control your own thoughts.
You do have the capacity to repeat a behaviour until it becomes a habit.
The brain is plastic and remains so the more you use it and shift it throughout your life.
Given all of the above, you must, logically, have the capacity to shift even life-long patterns of thought and behaviour quickly and permanently. And there is probably an optimal way to do it, which I would guess has to do with everything from better nutrition, to learning the basics of logic, clear language, mathematics, as well as (mostly) internal factors such as your unconscious beliefs about yourself, reality, God, the possibility of X or Y being true and so on.
What the limits of any of our abilities is, is nowhere near as clear or even known as everyone around you would have you believe.
In short then, Your mind is your weapon, and its current state, is very poor. If we were to make an analogy, your World War II Mauser pistol, with selector switch that allows single shot, three round burst or fully automatic fire, has been lying in mud for 50 years and you have no ammo for it.
Even if you clean it and recondition it to perfection, you still have no ammo for it and are unsure of even how to load it or operate it. In short, you may as well be a caveman trying to figure out what it is and how to use it. At best, you may use it as a bludgeoning weapon, and those of us who are are already ahead of the curve even if technically speaking we are still very much on the very start of the retard slope of it on the extreme left of that curve.
Your Enemy’s Use of Your Weapon
Let’s start with a premise. Assume for a minute that your internal mental state determines your quality of life. This remains true regardless of your belief concerning whether your internal state can materially affect reality by such things as manifesting the things, people or conditions you want. At its most basic level, even if you are poor, ugly and alone, but are internally relatively happy and content, it sure beats being poor, ugly, alone and also internally miserable, depressed and hopeless.
So, even at its most basic level, this point remains true. It is also generally a logical fact that if your internal state is generally good, you will tend to have more energy available for everything from thinking to doing physical work. And having more energy available has, throughout human history, in any way that energy can ever be measured, generally correlated positively with a “better” or at least “easier” quality of life. And though those terms are subjective and may in fact be net negatives in an objective view, the fact remains that with more energy you can do more.
So, as long as you do more of the right things, it make sense that even if the only benefit you got from having a better internal state is limited to these things I discuss in the above two paragraphs, you’d still be better off putting into practice whatever would improve your internal state.
Add to it that there is at least the possibility that your internal state also may have a measurable effect on reality around you and therefore, on the principle of the butterfly effect, possibly radically affect the outcomes in your life on a long enough trajectory, (it is in fact empirically proven, but most people are simply not aware of the repeatable studies done and the neurological results achieved, nor are most people willing to wade through such things in detail to prove it for themselves) and you’d have to be a complete moron to not take the time and effort to sanitise your brain and how it thinks.
Right about now, you may be beginning to realise most of humanity is composed of morons. And that you are one of them too. Welcome to Professor Cipolla’s perspective of the human condition.
Given all of the above then, what is constantly being reinforced throughout this planet, to everyone on it, by every means possible. And if you are not in a coma, have you noticed what has absolutely ramped up dramatically in the last four years? Pay attention.
You are indoctrinated by a school system that instead of limiting itself to teaching you how to read, write, do mathematics, use language correctly and specifically, teach you how to observe and measure and test the world around you, spends most of its time to tell you implicitly and explicitly that your value is directly proportional to your ability to perform well at certain functions. This is not really wrong in certain respects. If you can’t do the basic things education is supposed to teach you at least decently, life is likely going to be more difficult for you. However, while it is true that your ability to do math will affect your ability to be a successful accountant, it says nothing about your ultimate value as a human being. One of the most honest people I ever met was intellectually incapable of grasping the concept of square metres, but I have yet to encounter a human being that was as scrupulously honest as that man. If human beings were correctly evaluated on their character as well as their ability (and of course that opens up a whole other debate on what and how you determine “correctly evaluated”) most people who work in finance would be relegated to cleaning out latrines by hand, as their minimum penance for their sins.
But let me try to stick to the point. The enemies that absolutely do NOT want you do be able to determine and use your own mind properly, very much would need you to have an internal state that is the exact opposite of the one you would pursue if you were a rational, logical, intelligent human being. So, aside the fact that we’re all morons and so not pursuing what we should, the enemy makes sure that instead of:
Sensing Nature
Being in Nature
Learning about nature and its cycles
Learning about animals and their cycles and natures
Taking time to think and rest
Taking time to teach and care
You spend almost the entirety of your day with/on:
Concerns about money
Concerns about success
Concerns about stuff
Time at work for others to do things to earn enough money to survive
Just doing as you’re told
Not rocking the boat even if the boat is full of shit and sucking your soul dry
Fear at every level:
Economic crashes
Not being loved
No one caring about you
Never being able to get out of the “hole” you’re in (whatever it is)
Never having time to yourself
Never having time in nature just for the sake of it
Not knowing anything about nature, its cycles or animals and theirs
Polluting and worrying about the pollution from fake things like “climate change” to very real things like chemtrails
Never taking risks
Never get curious about any of the things that divert from the prescribed path you should follow to “make it” in society
Worrying about what other people think about you
Not feeling appreciated, loved, or cared for
Not having “time” to appreciate, love, or care for anyone else
Seeing all the problems you still have to face
Not seeing any beauty anywhere
Stunning yourself in front of the TV with various “shows” and “Entertainment” that reinforces stereotypes you are told 24/7 you must conform to or else you are a bad person. Everything from:
LGBT nonsense that is clearly a deviation from nature
Absurd lies like men being able to be women and vice-versa
Nonsensical things like “gender”:
a) being a thing relating to humans instead of language (the correct word for differentiating between the only two sexes, male and female is sex; not gender.)
b) being a “social construct” when the right words for defining a “social construct” are actually made-up bullshit.
c) being “fluid” or “non-binary” or purple for that matter. I mean… it’s made-up shit, so you can Calvinball it as much as you like, but it doesn’t make it any more real.
Feminism being a good thing
Masculinity being “toxic”
Women and girls being just as physically capable and strong as any man or boy.
Girlbosses being all awesome
There being a real wage pay gap
Women being more empathetic and nurturing than men (they are less so. Yup. Look it up. And see the statistics on who abuses and even kills children more and what the general outcomes for children of single parent families are like)
Meritocracy being evil
Communism and commonality of outcome regardless of input being good
Jews always being smart and the good guys or the victims, never the underhand, nepotistic, stateless parasites that use usury and other financial tools, as well as a general influence with the mass media and entertainment industries which they disproportionately are present in, to degrade and destroy the host nation, financially, morally, ethically and especially degrading and perverting Christianity in particular; and having done so since before the time of Jesus, which is recorded even by ancient Roman emperors and statesmen of the time. Which may have something to do with the usual eventual pogrom and “persecutions” that seem to afflict only them and no one else, for no reason whatsoever at all. Any suggestion the reasons might in fact be the one described above, and there being plenty of evidence for it in each occurrence of them being “cast out”, can only be motivated by totally baseless antisemitism; for no reason at all.
The need to ignore observable reality with respect to the behaviour of various people from various cultures, religions and ethnicities and their incompatibility with each other and the inevitable problems that arise when such different people are forced to live in proximity to one another.
Every race on the planet being able to be the victim of racism except for white people, who are the only perpetrators of racism on the planet.
In general, white, heterosexual males being if not actively “evil” unfairly advantaged by some “privilege”. Why this should be other than the success such white heterosexual men have achieved in human history, with respect to everything from military conquest to scientific achievements, through their own efforts, is never explained.
Avoiding noticing observable reality at every level. Stating that the average Caucasian IQ is higher than the average Negroid IQ is taboo. And apparently so would be pointing out that the average Japanese IQ is higher than the average Caucasoid IQ. We are not supposed to notice there is a preponderance of blacks that are faster runners than whites and harder to knock out by being hit in the head in boxing, nor that on average the median Australian aborigine is not going to do anywhere near as well on a maths test as the average Chinese. We are all supposed to be absolutely equal and if we are not we are all supposed to artificially reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator, because apparently, if we are all as “efficient” as the most crippled, mentally handicapped, gay post-operation, transgender “lesbian”, that thinks math is racist, the human race will flourish.
The suggestion you should do anything outside in the real world instead of rot your brain with he “entertainment” just listed directly above, instantly makes you a right-wing radical, potential domestic terrorist and obvious racist that hates homosexuals and wants to burn them at the stake independent from the fact that homosexuals are at least eleven TIMES more likely to indulge in the sexual abuse of children (and that on the REPORTED cases, which are always a fraction of the total cases).
Now, if you got through all that without running yourself a warm bath with some nice razor blades and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the tub with you, you may also have noted that I barely skimmed the surface of what is attempted to be pumped into your brain on a daily basis.
But wait! That’s not all! They are also:
Poisoning you with everything from genetic serums while trying to call them “vaccines” to injecting the same genetic altering stuff in your food.
Literally also the vaccines actually poison you.
Make you sick in many and varied ways then sell you the cure, which often just makes you sicker or even if it works doesn’t address the cause, only the symptoms.
Creating nano-technology and deploying it that literally makes you prone to being controlled at a distance by technologies that go back at least to the early 1990s and absolutely exist and have been tested and proven to work.
Using AI to note patterns of behaviour and reaction to emotions as well as individuate you specifically, so as to be able to automate general responses they can get from you at every level, intellectual, emotional, logical. Which allows them to control from the individual to masses of people autonomously, to produce any effect they wish, from mass hysteria to potentially mass hallucinations (for “supernatural” events), to you specifically possibly going so far as committing suicide.
Creating a totalitarian surveillance reality where you can no longer be anonymous or even participate in basic things like movement, travel and food shopping unless you follow the imposed regulations which are becoming stricter, more limiting and more expensive on a daily basis.
Constantly ensuring the legal system punishes anyone trying to resist this reality they are imposing on you, while ignoring or even rewarding those who add to the chaos, indiscipline, crime, and general degeneracy we are increasingly surrounded by.
At every level and in every turn, denigrate, deny, ridicule and try o actively suppress any belief in God, your own mind’s ability to overcome all of the above and so on.
If you actually pay attention you will note that not all religions are treated equal:
Islam is fine.
Judaism is fine.
Generic Protestant “Churchianity” is fine. Especially if they fly LGBT-Pedo flags.
Buddhism, especially if generic chanting variety is fine or at least not commented on.
Hinduism is fine.
Atheism is not just fine but almost glorified.
Agnosticism is fine and goes uncommented, mostly.
Zen meditation, esoteric Yoga and so on is fine.
Wicca and Paganism (both essentially LARPS) is fine.
Even Satanism is seen as eccentric but not really a “threat”.
Catholicism (Novus Ordo variety, so post Vatican II Satanists in disguise but still weighed down by the cultural weight of actual Catholicism) is seen as suspect and not really fine, but, yeah, ok, as long as they are “Catholics” that support abortion and gay marriage, it’s “tolerable”. And the original latin mass (even if it’s not really original because Vatican II changed it) should absolutely be abandoned.
Actual Catholics (Sedevacantists) that still perform the original Latin Mass and absolutely do NOT recognise any of the Novus Ordo Clergy as even Catholic, never mind valid… Well! These are obviously dangerous would-be terrorists that need to be infiltrated immediately by every intelligence agency available, and their priests and bishops preferably made examples of, along with their beliefs needing to be ridiculed, slandered and libelled.
I mean, it’s enough to make you curious about being a Sedevacantist Catholic, isn’t it?
So, assuming you are least resilient enough to have got this far without suck-starting a shotgun, what now?
So, we have discovered the following:
Your Mind is your real only weapon in life.
There is plenty of evidence and even empirical objective facts, to indicate that your mind can be used to literally improve your personal situation and quality of life in ways that are almost magical. While the overall reality remains objective, quite a lot of what you can achieve within it, may be at least in part, subject to your own subjective internal states and ways of being, acting and believing.
You are a drooling retard (don’t worry, me too if it makes you feel better. Well, ok, maybe with a little less drool for me, but still, let’s not squabble) and you’re not maintaining it or looking after it at all and have barely any idea at all of how to use it and certainly no real idea or experience whatever of using it as intended.
Your enemy (or THE Enemy if you prefer, with help from his minions) is running your brain for you. Pretty much 24/7. Which in turns affects and effectively controls your mind.
And now, probably, you’re at the point where you’re “thinking” (because you’re a drooling retard, remember? aAnd brainwashed by your enemy too):
“Yeah, yeah, cool, but can I just take a pill to fix all this? Because it sounds like you’re going to tell us to do some heavy lifting, or some work, or some difficult, tiring things… oh… Gawd… I’m already tired just imagining it, I don’t even know how I got this far… this is TL;DR. Someone better tell me if this guy starts selling vitamins. I may buy. What’s on Netflix?”
The Solution
If you are a retard, you will find the Solution to both be:
A lot easier than you thought!
Too hard to do.
And you know you’re a retard right? Remember how we figured it all out, we’re retards? Don’t go forgetting now, while I recount to you what the solution is.
All you need to do is:
Ignore the mass media and entertainment world as much as possible. they are not reality. They are lies told you to control your thoughts. And in almost every single case have zero informative or useful content for your actual day-to-day existence.
Take control of your own emotions and brute force make yourself think differently. Make the thoughts generate feelings and emotions. Actually make yourself feel happy. Make yourself feel calm (harder to do than happy!). It really does not take a lot of practice to realise you can actually make yourself feel however you wish. And while yes, there may be some things that invade your mind with worry, and it may be extremely difficult to make yourself feel a positive emotion when such things are before you, you may still ne able to do so while at least “partitioning” or temporarily “putting aside” those specific things.
Become conscious of the effects of your directed feelings that you make happen within yourself on your body.
Use your mind to consciously alter things in your body. I first learnt to do this through martial arts, but I can change my heartbeat, blood flow to a limb in my body, or production of adrenaline consciously. You can absolutely help unblock a stuck muscle, a point of tension and so on by simply imagining the area and willing it to relax. You should experiment with different approaches. Imagine more blood flowing there and carrying away lactic acid and other toxins. Imagine a flow of energy opening and relaxing the muscle there. Imagine your breath filling and cleansing that area and your exhalations removing tension by expelling out of the body. There are many ways you can explore this and my book on Systema covers principles of relaxation and mental attitude in general in a lot more detail in case you want to go deeper than can be expressed in a simple blog post (despite it’s length).
Begin to grasp the concept of how prayer works. I described this somewhat in the very short book BELIEVE! And in this video I did a few years ago, here. And then test it out in your own life.
With regard to whatever evil shit is going on in your life, practice the concept of rejecting it positively in your mind. This is NOT the ignoring of an issue, or the doing nothing about it. But rather the conscious, positive, thought, which you must translate to a feeling internally, that this thing, whatever it is, will not beat you, and even as you take actions to better the situation, you keep this feeling internally alive. You don’t need to worry about your positive thought being “realistic” either. I’ll give you a silly but relevant example. I got bitten by some flying little bugs we have here that unlike mosquitos and other things are almost invisible and have me reacting to it worse than a mosquito bite. one such bite was between the knuckles of my left hand and itchy as all hell. Well, I just focused for a moment on it and “imagined” all the “poison” or irritant, or whatever, being ejected from the little hole I had scratched over the bite and after about a minute of this it stopped itching. I was surprised but not convinced so I practiced doing this with other bites and not doing it with some. Unless I do the conscious exercise the bite continues to itch even a day or so later. When I do the exercise a little scab of yellowish fluid forms and the bite stops itching within a minute or so. I didn’t think such a thing could work, but I also learnt to not let my expectations limit my attempts at doing odd things. I do try not to “fly” off tall building and such, but when tested at this level, what’s the worst that can happen? I stay itchy. And at best, I figure out a way to apparently eject whatever the little bastards pollute me with.
Now… think of that applied to things like chemtrails, nanotech and EM waves. I am not saying you can become an immune superhuman to all that stuff… but… what does it cost you to try to imagine your body and natural systems rejecting and becoming impervious to those things? And even if it “only” activates the placebo effect, since the placebo effect has been proven to absolutely improve things… why wouldn’t you do it? Are you some kind of retard? Oh… yeah… wait…
So there you have it. I truly hope you can take the journey with me from the left side of the curve to the cowled mystic genius side of it on the right.
After all, if your mind is your ultimate weapon, how about you start using it? And while defence might be the first thing you begin to use it for, in time would it not make sense to use it in offence too? And wouldn’t the first way to do so be to teach others how to use this formidable, unstoppable, weapon we all are born with?
You’re welcome. And I plan to keep sharing what I learn more directly than I have until now. Feel free to share your stories here too.
It is not new for me to write some fiction that later gets revealed to be a lot closer to fact than anyone, including me, had ever thought.
It is also the case that my non-fiction, tends to both be correct as well as ahead of the current paradigm of how reality operates by several decades.
This has been consistently true in really all of my published books, starting with the Face on Mars, which predicted realities about Mars and its magnetosphere as well as many other aspects of the Face and related “City” that have now essentially been proven true even if the level of “noise” from NASA and other current events has had the tendency of sweeping most of these facts under the conscious threshold of most people.
This makes it so that The Face on Mars remains absolutely relevant today and still explains more about human history, what happened on Mars (with factual, empirical evidence, not some woo-woo opinion) antigravity technology, and its origins and consequences than any single volume work ever written to date. And despite one of it central concepts being plagiarised by journalists like Graham Hancock, they still get the baseline history and its rather obvious deductive conclusions wrong, mostly because they have their own egos and pet opinions to overcome. A problem I don’t suffer from since I am merely genuinely interested in the facts, wherever they may lead me.
My personal opinions or imagined flights of fancy I put in my fiction work, as I did over a period of almost 30 years in my fiction omnibus of three books collated in one: Nazi Moon.
And as it turns out, a lot of the fiction in that story, certainly as relates to the technology, but also as it relates to human history to some extent, has outperformed my wildest expectations, since many of the things I thought I was simply “exaggerating” for cinematic effect, in fact prove to be a lot closer to already existing technology than I was aware of at the time of writing.
This is not really all that surprising, because if you are interested in physics, astronomy, space-flight technology, and so on, as you discover some of the enormous lies we have been fed and discover the truer aspects of certain concepts and technologies —and then you find geological and astronomical evidence that fits perfectly with the discovery and the theory you might have pieced together— then, any speculative projections you might make in order to write related science fiction will likely have a logical projection and thread that is often going to fit reality. Even if that reality is hidden or unknown to you when you come up with it.
What I did not expect was that I was spot on even with my most recent fiction, (In the Shadow of Monte Castello) which is what I would call mostly fantasy. That is, the “science” part of my Inferos Vortex series is pure “handwavium”.
Or so I thought.
As it turns out, my absolute fancy guess at the “real” purpose of CERN, turns out to… well… actually be the real purpose of CERN.
At this point I really don’t know what to say, other than load up on silver, small forges, and get thee to a Sede priest right away for baptism and bottles of Holy Water!
And yes, I promise the Inferos Vortex Series is going to be very quick. Book 2 will be out this month, and we’ll see if I do a book 3 or more, but if I do I promise they will be fast on each other’s tails unlike my Overlords of Mars (Nazi Moon) series which took me years to do.
I can say this with some confidence because I wrote book 1 – In the Shadow of Monte Castello in a little over a week. That’s because I wrote it mostly as a divertimento thinking about the opening scene as I was walking on the fields of my property late at night. When I decided to put it down, the rest followed completely naturally and amusingly. I genuinely had a lot of fun writing it. And the same goes for book 2, which is already 80% done despite the last month having been extremely difficult time-wise, and the book being considerably longer than the first one. I will definitely get book 2 out in the next couple of weeks or so and then we will see if it warrants a book 3. Which I have no idea about yet, as I rarely know how things will go until I see where the story goes myself.
What?! You think I control all aspects of what the characters in my story get up to?!? Those guys all have minds of their own. They’d run off the pages and roam the world free if I didn’t keep them inside the computer on my desk!
The usual suspects running the planet all suffer from a disease that is incurable in their ranks:
They are completely deluded regarding how reality works. They essentially, and at its deepest level, believe in magic. And more specifically, in their ability to do this magic and have reality warp to their will.
This is a complex subject and I hope at least some of what I write here will be understood at the level I intend.
Depending on your outlook, you might say that “magic” to a certain level does exist, if you assume things like miracles can, have and do occur. Describing and defining this level of metaphysical reality is complex and difficult in part because of the very subject matter not easily lending itself to what I would call strict scientific testing procedures on the one hand, and partly because we quite simply don’t even have the right words to describe certain aspects of the phenomenon, so we use analogies and approximations and the result is sub-optimal; especially given the constant efforts by the wicked to increasingly pervert language at even the most basic level, such as using the word “gender” —which is a purely linguistic related word to define words in romantic languages that have a masculine/feminine— to try and describe imaginary, false, and absurd concepts of sexuality as if they were a natural and normal part of life.
So let me try and define a few concepts first, which will, if understood, not only explain why nothing works anymore, but how the world “rulers” are ultimately as doomed as the “useless eaters” they hate so much, though their eventual downfall and demise is on a much longer and gradual path, but I am not sure it is necessarily preferable to the relatively short and brutal one they have in store for us.
Please keep in mind that none of these definitions are necessarily perfect, or complete, except the first one that defines reality.
Reality: While we may not always be aware, or even capable of being aware or understanding every aspect of it (or even perhaps the majority of it when considered in terms of the entirety of creation) it remains a fact that reality is objective. That is, for any specific event, situation, perspective, at any given time and place, there is an overarching reality or truth that is true independent of the positions or relative aspects of perception or fact of any of the constituent parts of the situation, circumstance event or concept. As a result, our powers of observation, deduction and induction, based on logic, are fundamental in our ability to understand and deal with reality in a useful manner.
Ethics: All ethics, if they are to be objective, must, necessarily and inescapably, be tied to the Will of the Creator. Absent a creator, no system, behaviour or action can be said to be any more or less ethical or moral than any other. At best you can claim a preference of one kind or another, but there is, nor could be, any objective reason why murder or rape could be considered intrinsically wrong when compared to acts of charity. And ultimately, absent a creator and thus a valid, objective authority for any ethics or morals, nothing matters. Not only does the individual return to meaningless dust, but so does the entirety of the human race, with the same total absence of meaning. As an aside, for the nodding nihilistic atheists, this in itself is not the only reason or evidence for there being a Creator, it is just one of many data points.
Practical aspects of physical reality
While there are many and important aspects of abstract reality as well as philosophy and logic which may be considered non-physical, there are many aspects that concern primarily the physical realm, even if they may well be driven by non-physical realities, and the average human being is mostly concerned with this aspect of reality in his day to day life. This is not to say the non-physical aspects are not important, or even primary in their influencing and directing our actions and reactions on the physical plane, they absolutely are, and as such, the question inevitably arises for each one of us of how and why you do as you do. Or not do, as the case may be. In short, your behaviour on the physical plane, is absolutely informed by your philosophical belief. This is true even if you are not aware of what that belief is.
You might say as an Atheist you don’t believe in a creator (and as such you also don’t believe in ethics as objective, even if you will argue the opposite until you go blue in the face, all you can argue for is your preferences, which have authority over precisely no one outside of yourself unless you are willing to impose your preferences by the use of force. And yes, this is the absolute reality, even if you don’t realise it. Trust me, as an ex-atheist I at least understood this point even then) and so your “unbelief” informs your choices. You might never have considered any of these things deeply, as most have not, and thus inhabit the general morass of vague Agnosticism and Churchianity that most people exist in, which is really just a more comfortable self-deception to allow you to deny you only do what you prefer instead of what is objectively more just.
You may also ascribe to various philosophies, ideologies, religions and beliefs that are mostly wrong, or in any case at least partially wrong. In fact, it is a given, certainly in real Christianity that not a single human on Earth is perfect and only Jesus was, by virtue of being God made man as per the mystery of the Trinity.
Nevertheless, some ideas, philosophies and so on are demonstrably closer to reality and consistently produce better overall results than others. As such, it certainly matters what your beliefs are, regardless of whether you even know what they are in any depth or not.
Once you understand these three basic concepts, it becomes obvious why certain people behave in ways that are relatively absurd in terms of objective reality that is cognisant of an objective aspect of Truth, Justice and Ethics.
Let us now think about such things in some more detail and see why this naturally leads to a generic degradation of services at all levels.
Some moral points to determine your overall philosophy.
Let’s begin with a few easy ones.
Would you say a philosophy that accepts child rape as natural and normal is something you personally prefer as a philosophy? Or that at any rate you think is the best approximation of objective reality? If not, would you then agree that any such philosophy as might exist that has the normalisation of child rape as part of its tenets is a philosophy that even if it had other components that might be accurate in reflecting reality, this one glaring error in it is enough to declare the whole thing suspect and therefore not to be used or accepted in any general way as a whole?
Of course that leaves a great many other systems of belief, but if you are similar to myself in regard to child rape, you may at least be steering clear of those two. Hinduism results in strict caste systems determined by birth, not any kind of meritocracy, and thus, aside from any other aspects of it I tend to be inclined to think it is nonsense, since I have met people from all walks of life and their character is not determined purely from who or where they were born to, but also by their choices in life. That still leaves Buddhism, Taoism and Shintoism, along with a general Zen Agnostic Stoicism. Buddhism has many facts and most rely on the principle of not doing harm, which is a good start, however, those versions that did rely on non-violence to extreme levels have been for the most part taken over by other philosophies that are quite happy to use force. See Tibet for example. Or the Amish when rules against raw milk came into force.
Taoism, shintoism and generic Zen agnosticism and Stoicism all are generally relatively practical, can encompass aspects of self-defence and do not concern themselves overmuch with the after life, other than a generic reverence for the dead ancestors and maintaining a good overall family name reputation. Its adherence to various principles of justice or ethics can be somewhat arbitrary in that they are most often coloured by regional, cultural or geographic aspects and can vary greatly from place to place. This tends to suggest a general lack of coherence that indicates it cannot be a good approximation of reality beyond general over-arching views that are held together by a feeble reliance of possibly tradition or general amorphous concepts of “justice” that in any case each individual may feel personally different about and thus react differently to. Absent an overarching moral imperative beside a generic “do good” perspective, what exactly “doing good” entails, as well as its opposite, remains at least partially subjective to each person and thus ultimately not particularly fair or objective in the finer aspects of life.
When you look at Christianity, the situation is not much different. Almost all versions of what people call “Christianity” do not, in fact, have detailed, written down, specific positions, rules, principles or laws that one can refer to, other than one: Catholicism.
The result is that in every other aspect of Churchianity, the adherence tends to again be of a generic, amorphous, undefined type, of “overall do good” with the only real difference from say Buddhists, being that they ascribe their behaviour to being “Jesus followers” instead of “Buddha followers” or imitators. Leaving aside the fact that in both instances the practitioners fall very far short of the imitation of their supposed Godhead.
Only Catholicism took the step of ensuring its rules were codified and written down throughout the two millennia of its existence, and even that was a rather messy and difficult thing to follow as the documents piled up and only a select few had full access to them as well as the capacity to grasp their nuances and details. Finally however, all of these documents were vetted, examined and checked for ensuring no contradiction existed and were summarised and encoded in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. This astonishing document essentially comprised (and referenced for completion) all of the dogmatic beliefs of the Catholic Church into one volume. No other religion has ever done or even attempted this. And here are a few important points to note:
Firstly: The broad history of Catholicism demonstrates many things, but among the two most important ones are that:
It was ferociously attacked from the very start, and many attempts at subverting and changing and perverting it have been made constantly throughout its history. The very fact it continued and continues to exist unchanged in its core (divine) philosophies, while making various changes and allowances (all of which can and at times have been returned to origin and/or done away with) for the human aspect of managing a world-wide organisation is in itself probably indicative of supernatural and miraculous protection given the absolute flaws in every human alive and the clear infiltration in the Church from the earliest times of frauds, impostors, nefarious enemies of the Church, greedy and power-hungry misers and so on.
Catholicism has not only civilised the world in terms of providing many human improvements like the scientific method, the abolition of slavery, the elevating of women to a role in the family that is respected while not pedastalised, an increase in art, architecture and beauty in general, as well as the raising of logic, mathematics and philosophy as a whole towards a more holistic, humane and charitable aspect, but it has done all this all while respecting the individual instead of mechanising him and his contributions to the human race.
These two aspects of catholicism are absolutely fundamental to evaluating it in the proper human and historical context. Despite many evil and corrupt men that pretended to be Catholics throughout the ages, the overall contribution of Catholicism to the human race has been overwhelmingly positive to a degree that absolutely no other philosophy in all the known history of mankind can make claim to. It’s not even remotely close. And this point alone should immediately make you begin to suspect that perhaps then, at least certainly in its overarching ways, Catholicism may indeed be the best representation of reality we have ever been able to come up with. This in itself, as a purely intellectual exercise is a fascinating topic to explore. If you do take the time to do so, it becomes pretty obvious fairly quickly that the Catholic Church too, suffered a huge tectonic shift as a result of the Vatican II heresies where two millennia of dogmatic and divinely inspired rules were literally flipped to their opposites. Luckily, prior to this event, the Code of Canon Law of 1917 had already been put together since Pope Pius X had seen the writing on the wall with regard to the massive subterfuges infiltrations that had started since the late 1700s and by the start of the 20th Century were Hellhound towards the destruction of every royal House in Europe (because since Charlemagne nearly a millennium earlier, European nobility had been recognised as the defenders of the Catholic faith). By 1958 however, the last valid Pope (as per Catholic dogma) had died and impostor antipope had usurped the Throne of Peter (this was not a unique occurrence, there have been over 40 antipopes in the Church’s history before 1958). This is clear and obvious if you simply follow the rules defined and described for all eternity in the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which covers the entire period of the history of the Church up to 1917. The only other ex-cathedra documents which need to be considered are those published by valid Popes from 1917 to 1958. After 9th October 1958, there has, to date, not been a valid Pope back on the throne of Peter, although valid Priests and Bishops continue to exist, that is, the ones that never faltered and continue to follow the proper Catholic rules as set out in the CoCL of 1917, the valid Popes, accepted catholic tradition and the Bible. None of these people are in the Vatican currently, which is now an infested hive of pedophiles, freemasons, satanists and homosexual orgies fuelled by cocaine.
There is a third aspect of actual Catholicism (now referred to as Sedevacantism [from Latin: Empty Chair, as the chair of Peter being empty of a valid Pope]) that is also extremely important: A willingness to defend itself by whatever appropriate means, including violence if necessary. This universal divine right every living creature has, is a natural part of Catholicism, as is the concept of the death penalty for certain crimes. This means that Catholicism does not suffer from the “non-violent” trope that has been pushed on humanity by those who want to have the monopoly on violence. In this respect then, Sedevacantist Catholics are the biggest real threat to those who would rule us by virtue of their “magic” word-spells.
And if you look around, the Satanists in the Vatican rail against sedevacatists with more vitriol than any other group, while they extend brotherly love to religions and people that literally would prefer every Christian on Earth dropped dead. It’s quite the contrast to observe. Now, why should this be?
Well, consider:
The ruling class that sees itself as lords and masters of humanity with everyone not a member of their club being at best their slave or sexual plaything to be discarded and used at will, from children all the way to adults, operate by subterfuge and manipulation. In their view, their cleverness at making you believe, agree with and even celebrate increasingly outrageous nonsense is indeed their very power. And you can hardly blame them for believing their word-magic is a real thing. They have, after all, achieved almost all of their objectives to date, even if it took several millennia. The point is that just like the Gordian knot was “dissolved” instantly by Alexander’s sword, all the carefully crafted web of lies overlaid upon falsity, baked in with deception, fermented in duplicity and matured in subversion, to which you have been subjected constantly since birth, will come crashing down in one fell swoop once you see the pattern and investigate it and recognise the constant, pervasive deception you have been subjected too. Once you dig deeper into human history and go to primary sources instead of the narratives you have been fed, and once you begin to follow the money, all the way back to their origin today, and once you follow it in the media, in entertainment, in politics, and you see it, and you keep seeing the same pattern over, and over, and over, it becomes impossible to be fooled any more.
Once that happens, the word spells no longer work on you. The “magic” of the usurpers is forever broken. At that point, you realise that you and we have something that is akin to Alexander’s sword: The simple ability to build. To do. To create. And that as long as we ignore, excise, ostracise, and eject the “wizards” from our midst, there is very little they can do. They are completely incapable in the real world of things and truth and objective reality. Like the wizard of Oz they are absolutely impotent when faced with such things as objective, factual, physical reality.
If you doubt it, look at the war in Ukraine. Incapable of doing anything physical with any kind of skill themselves, they bamboozle, and “word-magic” hundreds of thousands or millions to their death in wars that they orchestrate but never take part in. How many wars would take place if the people behind the curtain were paced on the very front of the first front line? Almost none. What would have happened if every Ukrainian male had said, “No. I will not fight. Let Putin come in, demolish the CIA offices and the CIA biolabs and take out the puppet government the USA has frankly admitted it placed in charge of Ukraine from 2014 using word magic, money and Mossad operatives to cause the Maidan “revolts” as they do everywhere when they start their colour revolutions.”? There would have been no war. Millions of people would not have been displaced, the totally corrupt elements of Ukrainian society would have been removed and the people controlling America would have screeched to high heaven with little consequence.
If you can understand all of the above, you will begin to understand that nothing works only because you have been fooled into believing a complete web of interwoven lies at every level and have been rendered practically useless in the physical world. You have been coerced and manipulated to stop learning any real physical skills and farm out the whole thing to third and fourth worlders. So much so that in the intervening 70 years, some of those guys have since got really good at the manufacturing of everything from widgets to microchips. See China.
Even as a child when the concept of “export of goods” was first presented to me in primary school at age 7, I thought it made no sense because they told me the best stuff gets saved for export. I was like…”Why? Keep the best stuff for us and sell the less good stuff to those who have none of it and need it even if it’s not the best.” It literally is a concept so simple a child gets it that you do not outsource your defence weapon construction and key industry manufacturing abilities. But this is apparently too difficult for the puppeteers to understand. Why? Because, remember, they believe in word magic.
All you need to do is get back to basic, rebuild things yourself, educate everyone around you about the wizards and their lies and word-magic nonsense and simply keep them and their lies out of your head first, family second, friends next and community last.
Let them have no hold on you at all. Eventually, they may well try to use some of their brainwashed servants to try and apply force to you, but by then you should have built up enough reality-based effects that you should have quickly become a veritable force to be reckoned with and as the education of these concepts continues, the wizards will become less and less powerful.
The current demise in the service quality at all levels is a direct result of this nonsensical belief in lies and word-magic over the practical, empirical and factual reality that makes your nose hurt when you walk into a wall.
Whatever you decide to do, do it yourself. Do it well. You want to code? learn it yourself. You want to farm? Farm. You want to build engines, you start learning how to do it. That’s all you need to do. And surround yourself only with people of this mindset. Marry and make as many children as you can. Do that, and even if you have passed the half-century mark, like I have, there is a good chance you will see some good fruits amidst the chaos that is coming even before you drop dead. You will quite likely see the beginnings of flourishing mini-city states and communities that are so self-sufficient that in a couple of generations they will likely really begin to consider becoming a star-spanning civilisation. The technology exists. It the communities free of the parasitic invasion of the liars that are lacking. So, do as I do. Build them. You build them. You. Not your neighbour, not some other guy… you. Or if not, at least join one. Not everyone is born to create and do. Some are better at following and supporting, but do one or do the other. any other option is a loss for you and your entire progeny, if it even will exist, without your choosing to either do or support.
It is usually my practice to observe something for a fairly long time before making any kind of new observation that is not commonly noticed by most, but in this case my observation is only about 4 years in the making so it may be a premature one, nevertheless I think it can be helpful to some, so here it is.
The human race is rapidly going to split into various different strata or types. It is hard to resist the analogy with the Role-Playing Game set in a post-apocalyptic world called Gamma World, although it is not really that as much as a mixture of the series Altered Carbon (season 1 is all I saw) and H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine.
The untermensch/morlocks
The vast underclass of morlocks will invariably have various and differing characteristics but their overarching feature will be their powerlessness, poverty and being at the mercy of not just the ruling class, but of every class above them. In practical terms they will be the untouchables of the Hindu caste system. And it will be a fine line between them and the homeless crack-heads that will begin to drop dead like flies in large numbers. At any rate, you don’t want to be one of these poor creatures we may refer to as NPCs. By and large the teeming masses of India, Africa and Asia, whether in their original geographical locations or overseas, invading other countries, are all people who will only “provide” poverty, crime, disease, and collapsing infrastructure at every level. They will be used cynically as weapons in their masses, as is already the case, and will constitute the vast majority of humans on Earth. If you are unfortunate enough to be born in this situation it will be extremely hard for you to get out of it and it will be made harder as time passes. These are the people they want to use as cannon fodder, science experiments, medical test-beds of new technology, and so on.
The lower class
This is where the kind of people who had their own home and a little bit of disposable income will soon end up. Barely making ends meet, renting, not quite eating the bug paste, but not eating meat or fish either other than on special occasions. They too will be at the mercy of every class above them and possibly will be required to be “vaxxed” and have a “universal basic income” even if at first it might be called something else at first; some kind of hook from the government to reel you in.
The rich
These will be of two types, the generationally wealthy, that is, people whose parents and grandparents made the wealth and they essentially are just inheritors of it, and perhaps a few of them will not be total moral vampires, but they will be rare and few and far between. It’s not the wealth per se that necessarily corrupts, but the fact that it is literally almost impossible to make any great wealth if you are not somehow in with the corrupt. The other type will be those that have fully embraced their natures and have no problem lording it over others.
The Chief Vampires
These are those who fancy themselves the elite and their lieutenants. The Bill Gates, the Klaus Schwabs, Soros’ spawn, Zuckeberg and so on who are the mere handmaidens of the real puppeteers like the Rothschilds owners of the Bank of International Settlement, the Federal Reserve and so on. They absolutely see the morlocks as useless eaters and/or playthings to do with as they wish and are most amused by, including mass murder of them etc. the lower class are their faceless go-to slave class that does whatever menial task required of them and barely above the untermensch and untouchable status, and in fact quite interchangeable with it individually but slightly less so on large scales projects. They see the rich with a mixture of amusement and contempt. Amusement at how the masses view the rich with such hatred and envy when these Chief Vampires know that they are, as a class, entirely bought and paid for mostly and certainly every single one of their lieutenants is.
The rich can be thought of as the footsoldiers of the Chief Vampires, and as such considered to be their first line of defence. How the masses react to the rich gives the Chief Vampires the data they need to then direct their lieutenants accordingly. The contempt comes when any of those allowed to form part of the class of the rich makes the error of thinking they belong to the same class as the lieutenants of the Chief Vampires, or worse, the actual Chief Vampires themselves.
The Lieutenants are the real enforcers and workforce of the Chief Vampires, putting in place the systems that the Chief Vampires want to be realised in order to control the rest of humanity as they wish.
The Independents
There will be several different types of these, and in a way this entire class, with its many types, essentially forms the core of what we might call the original humanity. Despite the large number of factions identified below (and even sub-factions within them) independents as a whole are a minority on Earth, comprising probably no more than 20% of humanity at the most optimistic, and realistically, almost certainly less than 10% as a whole. Consider for example that the Caucasoid race as a whole is somewhat less than 10% of the world population and the majority of those people are not independents even if the largest number of independents tend to be Caucasoid.
Independents will tend to be resourceful, and generally dislike having anyone impose their rules on them. As such they can be thought of as interchangeably useful, obstructive, dangerous, admirable, a threat to be extinguished, someone that one is secretly envious of, and even entertaining diversions to be messed with or made examples of. And they can be thought of in this way by everyone from the rich, the Chief Vampires and even the independents classes themselves. Furthermore, their status within each class by the various individuals in them can and usually does shift even for the individuals, or can have multiple labels on them at once. A Chief Vampire might actually notice an independent as a curiosity and at times perhaps even toy with them for entertainment, study or to satisfy their hint of envy at these creatures that attempt so desperately (and in the eyes of the Chief Vampires futilely so) to be… well… free and indeed independent. The rich will tend to somewhat admire and envy them as well as occasionally hate them for it, but it’s the lieutenants of the Chief Vampires who generally hate them the most. The independents are the very antithesis of what the Lietenants themselves are: people who regardless of the consequences and at times even just ignorance or blind faith, believe and even act as if they were free to think and do as they please! How dare they!
Security Personnel – Theseguys are generally not exactly completely or even meant to be independents, but by virtue of their positions have some autonomy and at times and historically can and have become even forces to be reckoned with when/if they turn on their masters and/or leave their employ. Their positions give them insights into the inner workings of the machinery of control and while they are mostly picked for their lack of imagination, propensity for following orders and so on, you get the occasional one that has some slightly more evolved brain or who slipped through the net by ascribing to samurai principles of duty without setting off too many alarm bells about other aspects of his character that are actually well evolved beyond the usual soldier/cop/grunt level.
Cult Leaders – What? You thought all Independents were the good guys fighting the good fight? Some of them are just grifters with a narrative and in it just for themselves. The Chief Vampires (CV) their Lieutenants, and even the rich can see these types as a sort of pressure release valve. They soak up large numbers of the disaffected, particularly single, heterosexual, younger men, and also drain them of what little finances they have along with giving them some grift or nonsense to waste their energy and time on. These are the Andrew Tates, the Jordan Petersons, the Ivan Thrones, most of the “famous” YouTubers and politicians and talking heads. They keep the teeming masses of Morlocks and the lower classes in check, and spinning on empty, which keeps things safer and more manageable by the people higher up like the rich and their masters and so on. Regardless of whether the cult leader or grifter actually believes their ideology or is in it just for the grift, they are mostly useful idiots to the classes above.
Religious Communities – In many respects these are often indistinguishable from cults because, well… so many of them are in fact cults, though they may not be focused on any individual/s as such. And even when they form a functional mini-society they are almost invariably never a threat to the rich and above since they are mostly of the non-violent variety. So for example, the Amish are not a threat and they remove any potentially disaffected who could organise in more dangerous ways as far as the rich and above are concerned. They may fit into the Chthulian model of being “eaten last” as long as their movement does not become too big or in competition with any aspect of the plan the CVs have in store for humanity. Some exceptions might be:
Islamic Jihadists – but not often as these are usually just useful idiots that can be wound up then released among the masses to keep anger and resentment focused on islam and their members instead of on the real architects of various terrorist attacks and so on.
Mormons – these are not a threat to the higher echelons but where they have “stitched up” an entire state, they may become part of the new rich; which is not a real problem as they are manageable as any of the rich are.
Trad Caths – these would be hangers on to the only real opposition the CV ever had are mostly a source of amusement and entertainment for the CV and their Lieutenants because the low-ranking members of it don’t realise that the entirety of the supposed “Catholic Church” has been driven and owned by the CV since 1958 and as such is entirely toothless and filled to the gills with the types of people that are purely in it to do the beck and call of the rich, the Lieutenants and above all the CV.
Sedevacantists of type 1 (SSPX, Ratzingers, trailer park “Popes”) – These fancy themselves as the last remnants of of true Catholicism but are in fact fooled ignorants and just as ineffective as Trad Caths at achieving anything concrete, and in fact are mostly useful idiots because they soak up a great deal of the disaffected European origin youth who might otherwise organise and become a problem. Their constant bickering, infighting, positioning for the most “purity of faith” keeps things nice and chaotic and nonsensical and that means ineffective and as such are great at sucking up any potentially troublesome people who might otherwise use their zeal in more effective ways against the CVs and their plans.
Sedevacantist of type 2 (1958 Sedes) – these are a real problem. They hold to the real Catholicism and have been the only real effective enemy of the CVs for the last 2,000 years. And the CVs had to move in shadows for centuries in order to infiltrate and bring low the Catholic Church and these upstarts are the only possible eventual threat, but they are small, economically completely insignificant and constantly bombarded with the temptations of modernism at all times and the confused and confusing autists of type 2 sedevacantism as well as the annoying and pompous Trad Caths that function as very effective barriers to entry for most normal people unwilling to wade through the various and multiple false narratives the CVs and their Lieutenants have funded to the tune of millions in order to present any form of sedevacantism as essentially all type 1 trailer park “Popes” with “craaaaazy” ideas. These type 2 Sedes are however absolutely resilient and relentless, so an eye must be kept on them and confusion, strive and chaos in every aspect of Catholicism must be kept alive and well so as to create such a storm of conflicting and apparently irresolvable information as to make any sense of it nigh on impossible for the average person even if the actual reality of Sedevacantism of type 2 is direct and simple enough that a 10 year old can grasp it in a matter of minutes if it is presented clearly to them. It is interesting to note that the fake Pope currently in the Vatican has literally been friendlier to atheists stating they too go to heaven than to Sedevacantists which are so hated that a journalist in Italy was even hired to write a book to discredit them called appropriately enough Sedevacantisti, yet the “arguments” in it are so weak and laughable it had the opposite effect and since then the very word sedevacantists has been almost taboo and ONLY used to refer to people like the SSPX or trailer park “popes” since both of these factions hold absolutely incoherent ideologies that do in fact present as completely illogical and thus present as pretty much “crazy” indeed to anyone rational; which is, of course, the intent of the CVs.
Barons – These are people that may have achieved genuine wealth without being bought and paid for. Their wealth is not on a par with the rich even, never mind those above them, but they have achieved a level of safety in this regard that somewhat insulates them from the plans of the CVs and their Lieutenants and even the Rich, and they may have come to conclude that the plans of the CVs and so on are distasteful enough they want no part of it. They are able for the most part to remain separate from the turmoil, but sooner or later they will have to declare for a side and they are well aware that going against the CVs will entail a battle that will try to ruin them and their offspring in the long term, so in the main they are not clear and present dangers and can be kept mostly “on side” or at least not very effective by the rich and the Lieutenants they may come into contact with. These types also tend to be cautious so are unlikely to declare openly against the plans of the CVs and even if they do they can usually be converted or persuaded to become just another grift or cult that syphons off any energy that would otherwise become more focused against the CVs in more meaningful ways.
Warlords – These are mostly prevalent in already Chaotic and broken societies and historically could be large enough to even be regarded as a whole “nation”. These however have mostly been broken up now, North Korea and the Houtis being the current exceptions. In other instances these may be regional African leaders, though the leaders of such can become leaders of independent nations, such as the events of the last year or so in Niger. These types are usually in a constant fight for power and survival so in the greater scheme of things nothing for the CVs to be too concerned about… unless… and until someone like Putin comes along and helps them organise better as an antagonistic block that may go rogue down the line and require a nice little war to be brought back in line, along with the opportunity for blood sacrifices, child trafficking and profit that war invariably brings to the CVs.
Hermits and Lone Wolves – Not really a threat to the CVs due to their being individual dots on an entire landscape. Even if one of them goes rogue, it is far more likely they bump off only a very minor player like a judge or a Rich, and so on. Historically they never even get violent much at all and if they do they don’t get to strike to even the Lieutenant level, never mind the CV level.
Now that the various types have been identified, chances are that if you are reading here you fall into one of the independent categories.
Personally I have gone from Lone Wolf, which was most of my entire life, simply wanting to be left alone, to now being still a relatively Lone Wolf but creating a religious, Sedevacantist Type 2 community around me. I am still too small and the community too new, small and scattered to matter at all, and perhaps, even if I eventually succeed, I will be only thought of as an oddity worthy of study for a while in the curiosity one might have for a tiny creature that fancies itself as relevant, but I have no doubt that if I do succeed in any meaningful way, the eye of Sauron will take note.
But my point here is a much broader one than merely what grouping you or I fall into. My point here concerns the future of my children and their children and the children after them.
I am aware of the existence of technology that can easily get us to the starts. And have been aware of it since my mid twenties. More recently I have also become aware of the spiritual realities involved on this planet and the way things really work.
My concern is that if the Chief Vampires get their way, humanity, or certainly the part of humanity that actually matters, that is worthy of being a star-faring race because of their nature, not just the availability of the technology, will not make it.
And I want us to make it.
I do not know if only this planet, or —as I more likely suspect— the entirety of material creation is under the Dominion of the Prince of Lies, but regardless of the extent of his reign, temporary though it is, it is my duty, and yours, if you are a real human being, to fight against him and all his minions, whatever forms they take.
The only people that may get access to that technology and use it in a positive, non-destructive way, to increase human freedom instead of decrease it, and reach out to whatever other intelligences must exist out there in due course, are those that currently fall in the Independent class.
Technically any weird sequence of events may get an Independent faction to achieve antigravity technology. Holding on to it against the onslaught that the Chief Vampires would unleash against such a group will be extremely difficult though. But even if they manage to do that, there remains an aspect that is going to work out for the good in only one of those faction: Sedevacantists Type 2.
That’s because absent an absolute moral path, the errors of ego, human flaws and so on, only get magnified as errors with terrible consequences for large numbers of people. Throughout the history of humanity, only a few people had the will and faith to choose death over breaking what they perceived as their sacred duty, and we still know their names millennia later. Many of these were Pagans or Heathens of some kind:
The Samurai, the Spartans, the Romans of warrior class, and probably others, but, while undeniably honourable in their ways, there was no absolute sense of Justice, Charity, Mercy, Beauty, and above all: Love.
Only Catholicism has had the kind of Martyrs that consistently died for Love of mankind as a whole, unspeciated, unpartisan, and indeed, our Lord Himself died for the love of his very enemies. The many, many martyrs of Catholicism like those who went willingly to be eaten by lions or to be shot by firing squad as a Priest who would not break the vow of confession. The Catholic warriors who went to certain death to protect Christendom as a whole, even when those who called for their help stabbed them in the back.
Only adherence to dogmatic Catholic principles, can result in a star-faring humanity that is not a blight on the rest of the Galaxies around us. And for those of you that think any “Christianity” will do, no. It won’t. No version of Christianity other than Catholicism has had the number of consistent martyrs of the type I just described.
Eastern “Orthodoxy” has a few (mostly by claiming Catholic martyrs as if they were “theirs” too) bit even that is only due to its relative nearness to Catholicism when compared to the other heretic versions of Chirchianity trying to pass as “Christians”. The same goes for the Copts even if their numbers are far lower than even the Eastern schismatics.
So, although my choice of becoming Catholic (1958 Sede) did not originally have anything to do with the eventual hopeful future of humanity, it turns out that, as is logical, the truth reflects in every way itself.
Above all, Catholicism is true, and if you do take the time to study it and its history and it fruits, you will soon enough come to realise that no other religion has been as beneficial and created as much beauty for humanity. It is the only light worth moving towards.
And wither way, whether you like it, see it, believe it or not, we are, as a species, being prodded, pushed, forced and in every way, good or bad, being made to keep moving towards the speciation I have laid out above. So chose a path, because if you do not, one will absolutely be chosen for you, and the likelihood is that without a lot if action from you, you will be shoved in the ranks of the Morlocks. So…
Gather your lonely eyes to your bright screen, young-one. Read in your solitary life, how we of the old world used to roam the lands without cell phones or any other means of communicating at a distance, and engaged in rituals you know nothing about.
You associate the acronym RPG with computer generated games you play by yourself, on a screen, perhaps at best talking over the internet with a few other strangers. Political correctness now being s draconian that the mere calling of another player a “faggot” will get you banned from the server in many cases. You have been robbed of your history, because it is always year zero in your dystopian world, and as you stuff more carcinogen-laced, nutrient-free, soy-based, fat-free, but lard-inducing pretend-food into your sickly, inflamed body, you are unaware of the origins of RPGs: Role-Playing Games.
They started all long, long, ago, in a land far, far away. And the grandfather of them all was Dungeons & Dragons. Back then, personal computers did not really exist yet, these were the early 1980s, and neither did mobile telephones. I first heard of these games as if they were some sort of illegal thing that only one kid that was year older than my friend and I had, and that you could not use alone. Nevertheless we went to his home and asked if we could take part, and he said yes.
So we gathered in his lounge, about 5 or six of us, my friend, my brother, the boy we had gone to who owned the books, and a couple of other guys, neither of whom we had met before. We were told to roll some six-sided dice in order to create the “stats” the attributes our characters would have. But even before we did this, we marvelled at the gems before us, because along with normal dice we had all seen before, were a bunch of see-through dice inscribed with numbers, but they were unusually shaped and looked like nothing we had ever seen before.
A tiny three-sided pyramid was a D-Four, a four-sided dice! A dodecahedron shaped one with pentagonal faces was a twelve-sided dice, a pointed one onto ends was a D-8 and there were a pair of D-10s of different colours, which when rolled together could generate a D-100; one die being the tens, and the other the units. And then of course, the one die that ruled them all: The D-Twenty. Where a result of 1 was a critical failure, and a result of 20 a critical success. And if you rolled two twenties in a row you then got to roll on the special critical success table with a D-100 and some of the results were awesome, like a decapitation of the master you were fighting instantly.
You needed to calculate what your armour class was, and depending on that, you would be more or less difficult to hit by the monsters, the referee, who presented the scenario and acted for all the monsters and NPCs (non-player characters) would recount the story and present you with situations the group had to deal with. The various classes were fighters, which could also have sub-classes like knights, paladins, and Rangers, and later, also the evil Anti-Paladin, you could be a magic user, who were weak and could not wear armour nor wield anything other than a staff or a dagger or maybe one other weak weapon, but if they survived long enough would eventually gain powerful spells like invisibility and fireball and so on, or be a cleric who could wear armour and use quite decent weapons, as well as cast spells granted to them by their deities, that were usually of a healing nature. No one wanted to be a druid because aside the no armour they also had crappy nature-spells and no one wanted to be a bard, because who wants to be some long-haired prancing faggot in tights who plays a banjo and sings when you could wield a bastard sword, be an expert dagger thrower and wear chain mail and a +2 shield that was also +4 protection versus Dragon breath? Thieves and assassins were untrustworthy but sometimes needed and Rangers were the coolest of all, because we had all read the Lord of the Rings. Paladins were supposed to be cool, but really were seen by most of us as real puritanical pains in the ass that wouldn’t let you flirt with the hot princess you just rescued before you delivered her, a bit disheveled, back to the king; though we did all take exception to the dwarf raping her dead body when the rescue didn’t go as well, and without even discussing it, every player attacked the now naked dwarf while he was molesting the corpse of the princess.
Yes, such were the things that sometimes happened between surviving pit traps and many other types of traps once that infamous book to traps came out, or the new monsters that were in the fiend folio and so on.
Then Traveller came out and now your character could die while you were generating him, even before he had started playing at all. If he did survive, he then had to contend with aliens, space pirates, crappy laser guns that needed a backpack if you were not from a high enough tech level, faulty hyperspace drives that would deposit you into unchartered space with no way back, leaky space suits, absolutely deadly space battles that would wreck your space-ship, and imperial customs searches that would tend to end up with your crew becoming fugitives or prisoners on some god-forsaken asteroid mining radioactive isotopes while you tried to find a way to escape.
And after that Top Secret was out, and you tried your best to take part in some secret agent stuff, though in our case that usually resulted in massive mayhem in downtown LA or whatever city we were supposed to be in, with police sirens, the military and the mafia all having running gun battles with disgustingly high civilian body counts, through shopping centres. Unless we were playing out The Thing in Antarctica with a few twists.
Some of us even played Killer, the very first Live Action Role Playing Game, that’s right, the real LARP. This was a game where each player got a dossier at random, which would be his or her “target” they would have to assassinate, and you could do this by say taping a little note to the bottom of their cup in school that said “poison” and if they drank from it without noticing the note, they were then “dead”. None of us had phones with cameras because they didn’t exist, but if you could take an actual photograph of them and have it developed, and you put a cross-hair which had to be strictly in the middle of the picture both vertically and horizontally, and the cross was on a vital area of the body, then you had successfully “sniped” them. Or you could shoot them with a water pistol and so on. Of course, doing this during class times could easily get you detention, but that just added a certain “frisson” to the game.
The point is that when you played these games, sometimes for days with little sleep between at your friends homes or your own home, especially during the school holidays, you would come across, or invent, scenarios that were sometimes frustrating, but more often than not hilarious, fun and which would make you all laugh. The action all took place in each other’s imaginations, and today when I tried to play such games with people in their twenties even, very often I could see the atrophied brain cells struggling to image the scenes described to them. They would draw a weapon and fire it in the middle of a shopping mall like some kind of psychopath, without any thought of realism. Our running gun battles in downtown San Francisco were the culmination of large bank robberies gone disastrously bad, they weren’t how we started out when some NPC questioned us!
You can see the lack of interest or curiosity when you describe a zombie attacking them or a dragon poking its head out of a cave. They don’t even ask if it’s fast or slow zombies. No curiosity about how decomposed and mechanically viable the zombies are (because it matters, is it a realistic zombie, or is it more a magical type of zombie?) No question about the colour of the dragon’s head (red ones breathe fire, but black ones acid, and so on). It’s sad really.
But aside the laughter and friendship, which are both very important, you learnt so many other things, how to have some kind of team-work going, how to figure out ways to solve problems, and have a ‘there must be a way” attitude no matter what the problem facing you was. We got so good at this that my brother and I even derailed official adventure models that had been professionally produced to result in the players ending up arrested and captured because the fight they faced would otherwise be too impossible to win. Except, using the pre-generated characters from those same modules, so without any special or indeed any change to them, we would defeat the small army of enemies placed against us.
That attitude, with the camaraderie has actually served us all well in real life. When some intractable problem comes up on the farm, my first thought is not “Aw, I need to purchase something, or get a professional here, or…” My first thought is “right, there has to be a way around this”. It’s just instinctive. And sure, maybe some of it comes from growing up in Africa and being a hunter from young age, or in the case of my friend who helped e adapt a part of the tractor, it was because as a farmer’s son, with little money, he too had to invent his own entertainment and make his own go-carts, and little weird wooden toys, not to mention small but functional bombs using fire-crackers and match-heads.
But the point is that your being glued to that phone or PC or TV, and not interacting with other humans in real life of more or less your own age, regardless of if you are 13 or 23 or 33, or even, sadly, 43, is just not good for you. It really isn’t.
And I have no way of making you experience the reality of what I am telling you other than writing it here, far away from you, so you can read it, alone, on your little screen, far away from me, but please believe me, it’s worth doing. it’s worth the embarrassing, scary idea of asking a couple of your friends if they want to try playing a few games to see if it’s fine enough.
And you need to convince them to stick with it for a few games because none of you know how to do it and you may be so socially awkward at first you will be too shy to play properly and spell out well how your characters act, or if you are the referee you will be scared to sound foolish when you describe a weird scenario. But that’s all part of it. And trust me, it doesn’t make you a nerd to play such games with a few friends. Just ask Vin Diesel. Or me, or the friends I had growing up. In fact, if anything, exercising our imaginations made us better at talking to people, coming up with funny things to say on the spur of the moment, or realise that man, as anxious as you might be, if you don’t get off your ass and go ask that pretty girl if she’ll go out with you, nothing is gonna happen, so you do get up and you do go and ask. And usually they turn out to say yes, but even if they say no… ah well… in real life you would have faced off against a red dragon, and probably got your face melted off you even if you survived; so what’s a little rejection. Eh. There are plenty of prettier girls to ask out for coffee. Or maybe she’ll change her mind if you quickly change tack and say: “Oh good! Phew! You’re really pretty, but I can’t STAND coffee drinkers. Awful people. I’m glad we got that out of the way, so, how about a tea instead? glass of water? Sparkling maybe? What’s that? with a slice of lemon? Still no, how about a fruit juice, because I’d really rather not involve any alcohol in our first date, I mean, sorry, but I just want to be safe, girls who make me drink alcohol invariably want to take advantage of me and I just can’t even!” She might still say no, but she’s almost guaranteed to smile a little, and if she really doesn’t, and still says no, and maybe is even rude about it… hey, at least you uncovered her true nature and made your saving through against illusion/charm spell that her appearance was trying to foster on you. Good riddance!
Anyway, you don’t HAVE to play in the flesh, pen and paper role-playing games with real people, and no one can make you, but I really, truly, hope you do. You really don’t know what you are missing out on if you don’t.
And yes I will recommend the game I created, and the ready made adventure module for it in case you are not sure where to start, because it’s funny, easy to learn on and still relatively “realistic” and you can use it to play almost any kind of scenario, and you would benefit from my years of playing RPGs in it because the design of it is both simple yet can be as nuanced or complex as you are comfortable with if you want to get a bit deeper with it. And you can get the digital version then in the best old-style tradition, print the PDF at home, or pay a bit more and get the full colour paperback from Amazon (link to the Amazon version is in the description at the links above). But you don’t have to play this game specifically. I just hope you play one, Any one.
But I have a different take on it. I too ignore the freaks. I don’t read newspapers and the only TV we watch is a film we choose to put on. But I am busy planting stuff, cutting grass, fixing up machinery, cutting wood for winter.
Now, I am lucky and I have a little farm, and though it works me to near death, I love it. And some poor GenZ in the USA might just be counting his pennies to get a rucksack and some cheap ammo, but the sensation is the same.
We’re just quietly working away and building our fiefdoms. Big or small as they may be.
And we enjoy watching the sun set from our porch. sometimes it looks like the world is catching fire, of course, hard to tell at dusk, sometimes, but that’s ok too.
The importance of stretching
My wife noted that as adults when we wake up we are immediately assaulted by worries, concerns of what to do or what we have not done and so on.
And that is the intent, to keep us in a perpetual state of constant mild anxiety.
As a child, the first thing you do when you wake up, is stretch. Animals do it too.
And that is just one aspect in which we have been conditioned —Pavlovian style— to abandon our God-given natural process of maintaining bodily health, and instead take on the self-destructive attitudes, behaviours, modalities, habits and practices that are today considered “normal” or even “necessary”.
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By G | 25 August 2024 | Posted in Ancient Technology, Brain-Mind Functionality, Human Performance, Increasing Happiness, Medical Science, Social Commentary