Archive for the ‘Increasing Happiness’ Category

Why the Valley of the Saints?

If you have taken a look at the link in the sticky post above, you may have wondered if my wanting to get the little valley where I have my olive trees become filled with trees sponsored by well-wishers in the name of Catholic Saints is some kind of appeal to pious religiosity.

In reality it is not due to that. Don’t get me wrong, I think it would be awesome if every tree gets sponsored under the name of a Catholic Saint, I do think it will and does change the atmosphere, but I really don’t mind if you want to sponsor a tree in the name of your aunt Gertrude instead, or your dog Rocky, or whatever (within reason and decorum of a certain standard, which is not THAT high, what with me being me, but it will exist at least).

The reason is that when I arrived here, the owner had cut every light fitting internally and externally and left exposed wires all over the place, as well as removed the coverings of all the verandas. It was February and it snowed literally as we arrived, and twenty minutes later our cars were stuck here near the house for three days.

We had no kitchen sink, or indeed a kitchen of any kind, just a tap sticking out of the wall and for months my wife cleaned the dishes in the bathroom tub and sink until we finally got a basic kitchen installed.

The electricity would trip every few seconds because we had dozens of external cables exposed to the wet weather and we only had one hot plate that the loyal crusader had delivered to him. And thank god for that young man, as he had arrived before us, cleaned the place, build our beds that had arrived before us, and found an electrician to at least add some lights in each room, and he had also got a plumber to fix the main water valve that the seller had left hanging by a thread. So when we got here after 2 days of travel and the last day being a 16 hour drive, at least we had a place to sleep. But we had no gas stove as a delay meant it had not yet arrived, we had no gas bottle and the cars were stuck with the snow, not able to climb back out of the little road to the house.

That is when we met the neighbour. Supposedly a “rough man” that didn’t get along with anyone. He hooked up a 50 metre extension to his workshop, the only building anywhere near our place, and with my own 50 metre extension connected to it we at least had power to a nest of multi-sockets that would make a fire-chief lock us all away for years.

His last words to me that day where: ” I have five kilowatts here. If it trips, I’ll leave you this little window open, from there you can get to the latch and open and restart the breaker. I’ll see you in a week.”

When he returned a week later I walked up the path to meet him and he had brought us a litre of his own unfiltered oil. the same one I now produce, which is literally the best in the world. No joke, it won first prize two years in a row at the Dubai expo and then the Monte Carlo Expo, and as I don’t use any kind of insecticides or any other additives to the soil or anything else, my olive oil is in fact, now even better than his, which was in any case superlative.

I told him that I really did not know how to thank him nd to please at least come in for a drink, a bite to eat, a coffee, something, and he refused everything, smiling, happily and telling me:

“Look, I am good like bread, but I just have two rules…” I listened intently, looking him in the eyes as he continued, “… people must mind their own fucking business, and not break my balls.” Even before he finished I knew what he was going to say and I had started smiling. I grabbed his hand and forearm meaningfully and told him we would get along famously, as I had the same rules.

Since that day until the day he died, that man is one of the very few human beings that gave me more than I ever gave him or even had a chance to repay him. His picture is in our lounge, and aside from his immediate family, we were the only people at the cemetery when his ashes were buried next to those of his three lost children (miscarriages all, but one had been born alive).

The other closest neighbour went to get a gas bottle and brought it half-way down the road to us, risking to get his car stuck too. The next neighbour up received Amazon deliveries for us until the snow melted and the vans would come down to us. Another neighbour I had hardly ever seen gave us some of his grapes later in the year saying he had to many and to just come get them from his vines as he couldn’t eat them all and they would otherwise go to waste.

The only person so far that could be considered to have the asshole label is the guy who sold me the property. And no one around here appears to have liked or got on with him either, so it’s not just my view.

The point, is that very shortly after we had arrived here, I really did feel as if we had arrived in the Valley of the Saints.

So that is why I thought it would be a good name for it.

And I plan to name the biggest tree we have, which is near the house and not too easy to collect olives from, after my friend and neighbour who passed away only a short ten months after we met him.

Sponsor an Olive Tree in the Valley of the Saints

This is where you can sponsor an olive tree in the name of a Saint for yourself or others. Prayers will be offered for yourself or the person/s it is being sponsored for, as well as the Saint in question. Once the first 50 trees are sponsored I will add the next 50. CLICK HERE to see how you can sponsor a tree in order to help create a Catholic (sedevacantist) community faster and receive prayers for your effort.

The importance of the “Placebo” effect

What has been called the placebo effect is in reality something far more complex and interesting than you have been led to believe.

And it has bearing on the current world situation to a very high degree.

The conclusions I come to are going to sound “fantastic”, at least to those unable to do logic and/or research the factual information I present for themselves, so as to verify I am not making anything up.

So, the approach will be to list a number of factual tests that have been done and have achieved the same results in a number of repeatable studies. Then I will present some additional information, usually not linked to the placebo effect at all, which will also require some research on your part in case you don’t want to take my word for it, which I always encourage you to do anyway. The research I mean, not taking my word for it. And finally I will explain what I think the placebo effect really is and how it works. And why it’s very important in the present dystopian reality we inhabit.

What is the placebo effect? A basic introduction.

The placebo effect is one that was noted by doctors when administering to a group of people some drug or medication that was supposed to make them better while administering to a control group sugar tablets or some other innocuous substance that did not contain the drug being used on the other patients.

What was discovered is that those taking the sugar tablets or saline solution or water, or whatever absolutely drug-free thing was being given to them, still healed better than people who received nothing and sometimes healed better than the ones taking the medication. This was thought to happen as a result of “mind over matter” the people receiving sugar tablets were not aware of being the control group, so they thought they were getting better and this somehow made them better. Some extreme cases of this have been well documented in a book called the holographic universe.

But if simple belief in a drug you were NOT being given could heal you, did you need the drug at all? So a series of tests with double blind situations were done. Over decades here is what the results showed time and again.

  • If the patients did not know who was receiving the placebo (non-active sugar pills or water, etc) and they believed they were getting the drug they healed better than people not receiving anything.
  • If the doctors administering the placebo did not know it was a placebo and thought it was an effective drug the patients improved too when compared to those who got nothing. In other words, the belief of the doctors alone transferred to the patients. And if I recall right, this was the case even if the patients knew it was a placebo but the doctors did not.

So. How would classical materialistic based science explain this transference of “belief”?

It can’t.

How does the placebo effect actually work?

Well. The Western version can’t. Unless you are familiar with at least some of the concepts discussed by Harold Aspen, Thomas Bearden, Michael Persinger and others and you are able to synergistically understand the links between them. You also need at least a rudimentary understanding of the physics of Burkhard Heim.

In Russia however, this is understood far better and in short, the psychotronic healing chambers I discuss in my “fiction” work are an easy way to grasp the concept of how you can heal people by use of various electromagnetic/frequency/resonance fields which can be induced mechanically. And I have it on good authority that such psychotronic healing chambers actually not only exist, but have existed for a long time. Decades at the very least.

The really important thing to note is that mechanical means of achieving such healing certainly may make the process easier and accessible to all, but they are not an absolute requirement.

Everyone from Tibetan monks, who are more likely to be able to “activate” such responses from the body, to even people I know personally, have at times healed in ways that are thought to be miraculous. You could, in effect say that the placebo effect is the way science has discovered or measured the results that can be achieved with genuine faith.

Of course, the danger here is that of falling into the trap of the unwashed, stinking, hippie masses of New Agers that will tell you if your child dies of cancer it’s because you and your child have negative vibes and don’t pray hard enough. Which is not just idiotic, bit also cruel in the way that only the truly uneducated ignorants can be.

So, allow me to explain the mechanism in simple, yet hopefully also relatively complete format.

My working hypothesis, which I have arrived at only after more than 15 years of practicing clinical hypnosis, is as follows:

  • Yes, there probably is some state of mind/frequency/prayer that theoretically could or can heal just about anything. I have written in some more detail on this concept of how to pray correctly in both my Systema book as well as as in Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church. HOWEVER…
  • And it’s a HUGE however, there usually can be and almost always are, very real obstacles to your being able to achieve this specific state for any given thing. Particularly when it is of a huge importance like the health of your child and so on. The reason being that fear, desire, doubt, and so on are all counter-productive, and how can you NOT have all of those things when something really important is on the line?
  • In addition to the above-mentioned “states of mind” situations, there usually also are other physiological factors. Various blockages in your body which translate into mental counterparts. If, for example you have chronic tension in your shoulders and neck, you will have a corresponding mental mind-map that is similarly “fossilised” and thus unable to relax or otherwise assume the required physical state to produce the more etheric mental state (or electromagnetic field at the right frequency, if you prefer).

In normal effect, the placebo effect is the residual or partial ability you unconsciously have access to, or rather, to be more accurate, that your body has access to (almost without your awareness of it entirely) in order to naturally heal itself. Being unconscious, your conscious efforts to produce the same result will generally fail, unless you have achieved a relatively high level of internal congruity which honestly, 99.99% of human beings never are even aware of, much less actively seek it.

So what to do? And how do I know this anyway?

Learning to control your own body internally is a good first step, but even after a couple of decades of martial arts or meditation or learning how to control your heart rate, breathing and so on, it will not guarantee your ability to enter the right frame of mind or physiological state.

I know this because I have practiced martial arts for about 4 decades and hypnosis for more than 15 years. Hypnosis is intimately related to changing mental states and allowing your body to heal itself. Hypnosis goes beyond what most people assume is mere “suggestion”, which some interpret to mean “gullible” or weak-minded or something of the sort. All of which is nonsense.

Everyone can be hypnotised. In fact animals can be too. Which is not to say that every hypnotist can hypnotise every person. But the state of hypnotic trance is not only achievable by everyone, but it has profound effects on us when used correctly.

I have had patients that had visited up to 15 hypnotists, unsuccessfully, and smoked for many years, completely stop smoking after a 45 minute session with me. I have also seen the effects of hypnosis on the physical body, having experimented on this myself with regard to pain, scarring, healing of injuries and so on, but also on the bodies of others, from people that had MS to an accidental burn not evidencing as having taken place.

There is also the work of Peter Garajev, which I discussed in some depth in my System book, which explains how our DNA can also be thought of as a sort of mini-wormhole creator for information. Which is why things like timeline and regression therapy in hypnosis work and can seemingly reach back in time and undo various trauma or alter the past consequences in how they play out here in the present and the future.

The relevance today.

If you have read/understood my previous post on the space of variations, and the Mandala effect possibilities you may have begun to understand, that there is certainly enough scientific evidence (and I mean that as ACTUALLY scientific, not circus-monkey, politically trained “science”) that as God on some level wishes us to be co-creators of reality, and as we are made in His image, and we do have creationary power to some degree, we may well be able to influence reality. Certainly, at the very least, as it pertains to our own health; and quite possibly in much larger ways too. Your absolute faith can and does produce results and you can verify this for yourself scientifically by keeping track of your own experiences. Learning to control your emotions will inevitably help in many other spheres of life too, as does learning to flexibilise your body physically, as the practice of Systema teaches with pretty much every drill. And for a push into the direction you want to go, you can also use hypnosis, either learn how to self-hypnotise, or take a session or more, as needed.

In short, you have far more power over your own states of being than you have been led to believe.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words…

This is essentially the totality of the entire Andrew Tate story.

Except that he’s going to be in jail for some years, of course.

Whoever made the meme got it right.

The Stupids – And the Solution

Vox has posted something I can commiserate with very much, namely his attitude to the average human post covid.

one of the few benefits of being an elitist intellectual is that you assume the vast majority of the programmed quasi-minds that surround you will not only disagree with you, but are not even capable of understanding your position if it was explained to them very slowly and with small words.

But I was a little stunned to discover that I had somehow given the average individual too much benefit of the doubt. I did not see that coming. I’ve been told my entire life that I was too arrogant, too harsh, too dismissive of the intellectual capabilities of others, and yet, when push came to shove, it turned out that in the end, I had erred on the side of generosity! I truly did not see that coming.

I don’t see how it can be a good thing, but now I have absolutely no regard whatsoever for the opinions of others, unless and until they are observably proven worthy of consideration.

I have had exactly the same experience. While I have been often told I am an arrogant bastard, that I should have more compassion for my fellow man, and so on, as it turns out, I too had thoroughly erred on the side of generosity too. While I assumed the average human was a complete idiot, I had not realised at all, just how much more widespread the problem was. Even those people I thought merited some consideration, because they could grasp certain basic issues, as it turns out, in most cases, were no better than circus monkeys trained to do a trick for others’ entertainment, with no real grasp of the issue at all.

My reaction has been a little different, in that I generally did not have any consideration for the opinions of others to begin with. Although I did, for my own sanity, and at least entertainment, try to find something interesting, whenever possible, about said others. With many, it was merely enough to get me through a dinner or so without calling them retards to their face, but what can you do; noblesse oblige.

What I did note, probably by growing up mostly in deepest, darkest Africa, is that you can generally rely on genuinely low IQ people more, in many senses than you can in those supposedly educated and of at least nominal, or even “above average” intelligence. The genuine illiterate who imagines the operation of a car as some sort of magic, can generally be relied upon to be, if not always truthful, at least extremely predictable. It doesn’t make for good company, other than in the narrowest of senses, but it can be a relationship that has a certain level of respect and dignity. Admittedly it’s probably closer to having a smart pet you like than an equal with which you can discuss the finer points of philosophy, but there is no confusion as to the abilities and really stations in life in terms of those abilities. And having grown up a hunter, I certainly don’t begrudge such people their lives, any more than I do that of a wild lion or hyena, including if they were to maul me and eat me. Of course, one needs to take precautions and if required, blast a wild animal with a suitably powerful weapon so as to protect yourself and your loved ones. It’s true it’s a trickier thing when they have two legs and appear to be human, but the basic response is the same, you just have to be more careful.

The dangerous ones are the ones that fool you into thinking they may be your peer. Just like those “conservatives” that end up stabbing you in the back, when it counts. Or the vegan conscientious objector in your trench that throws all the bullets of everyone in the mud because “violence is not the answer”. Those guys need to be shot first and placed in front of the sandbags outside the trench to protect the sandbags from enemy fire.

The life of a really intelligent person, if often quite a lonely or at least loner-like existence. My own mother, in one of her rare times she even noticed anything, commented once when I was about 16 that although my own father fancied himself a loner, I was on another level, as I’d pass weeks of my vacation time simply reading books or doing things by myself. She asked if I didn’t get lonely. My reply was simply pragmatic.

“What choice do I have?” Was I to hang out with retards and that would somehow make my day better? It wouldn’t. As the old saying in Italian goes, “Better alone than badly accompanied.”

So, my reaction to discovering that even those I held out some hope for are, for the most part, just circus apes on this planet of the apes, has been a little different. I have noticed three things, that are relevant:

  1. Those of similar intellect are few and far between and in general are on their own path and unlikely to veer from it.
  2. Actual Catholics, Sedevacantists, are the most reliable human beings I have come across as a class, by far. It’s not even close.
  3. Possibly because being Catholic means utterly believing in hierarchy, there is little friction when a team of Catholics is put together and the roles are clearly explained beforehand.

This has led me to the conclusion that for the rest of my days on this Satanic Domain, it makes absolute sense to begin the process of creating what I believe will be the only hope in the future for my children or my children’s children: City States.

It is questionable what level of success I will have, but in the long term, meaning after I am gone, most likely, the only people who may retain some semblance of actual freedom are those who:

  1. Are able to defend their property, will, lives, property and so on.
  2. Have the numbers to do 1.
  3. Have the economy to do 1.
  4. Have the means to do 1.
  5. Have the conviction and an unchangeable set of rules to do 1.
  6. Have the will, the faith, the indomitable spirit of being to do 1.
  7. Have demonstrated this already by being Vaxx Free and having chosen to be Sedevacantists.

And as far as I can see, the only way that can happen is by creating a community of proper (Sedevacantist) Catholics.

To build it one man and one woman and one couple and many children at a time. To build a Church and get a proper priest on site, to have our children learn and train and practice and learn and grow together, to have our Catholic children grow up to marry the other Catholic children that they grew up with. To teach them above all to be, yes, as innocent as doves, but also to be as wise as serpents. And to be able protect from, and to strike back against, any enemies who try to infiltrate, weaken, destroy, or pervert those communities, in whatever way is required to secure those communities, those people, those values. To learn commerce and finance and all the subterfuge of the enemy and then to exclude them and their ways from our communities and exclude them forever.

Catholicism is the only religion that has succeeded at this for as long as it has. It is true that Shintoist Buddhism served to isolate Japan for a while, and perhaps Imperial China may have had their own ways, but you didn’t want to be a Chinese if you could help it. And while being Japanese would have been fine, they didn’t last nearly as long. And I don’t see a tradition of Zen-Samurai forming communities. It isn’t going to happen.

So yes. My reaction has been what some started calling The Kurganate, as a joke, and so we took on that name. And yes, it’s not a democracy. And everyone is free, yet everyone has their place too.

There may not be many people that use their brains well. There are some that are able to be faithful and loyal though, and that is a good thing.

I know several men are already preparing to move near me and actively saving, getting married, looking for property and building themselves up to do so. So it can happen and it will happen. I don’t know all the details of how fast, or how big, or any of that. But I know it will. Like with anything else, I just have to keep going. And I hope you will too.

The March to Hell is Gay

It is almost impossible for a secular person to even begin to understand what has happened to this planet and its people over the last few hundred years.

The two main reasons are:

1. The change is very gradual over time so that one generation merely complains about the previous one or the latest one but, also due to family ties, no doubt, doesn’t really take up arms, metaphorically or literally, to return things to a more Just, more True, more Beautiful and Good state of affairs.

2. The primary motive is imputed to mere human foibles and weaknesses, which is correct as far as it goes, but ignores the primary motivator and movers behind the human element. Absent this point, it becomes truly impossible to see the issue as it really stands, and therefore, quite naturally, also impossible to fix or even marginally improve, both individually as well as socially. That motive force, I ask you, especially if you are an atheist, or agnostic, or lukewarm Churchian, to bear with me a moment, and for the sake of pure intellectual thought experiment, assume for a moment that what you read next is simply correct, and run the model in your head, seeing how it would apply. If you do this exercise honestly, you may well be stunned into realising that the model answers more questions and situations than you could possibly have suspected. And that, logically, means the model is superior to anything you’ve used up to now. So here it is: the motive force behind all the degradation and corruption of our present situation derives from demons. Demons and their ruler, Satan. Spiritual entities that have various powers and abilities to interact with the material world also directly in mostly rare occurrences, but whose primary means of achieving their aims is to influence, subtly, nefariously, indirectly, and fuel the flaws, sinful nature and weaknesses and cowardice that is present in every human being.

I ask you to keep this model in mind, whether you believe it or not, as you read the rest of this post, and then, after, note for a few days how it models the world. If you do, you may find your way, eventually, to the real Church Militant; but for now, let us merely observe the last few thousand years of human history and note the arc of human virtue and its counterpart, human weakness, sin, or outright evil.

Before Christ, the best of humanity could probably be found in the Roman Empire or the Greek classical times. Even so, life was decidedly brutal. While men certainly exhibited a level of concepts of honour and valour, including the ability and will to commit suicide rater than lose dignity, similarly to later Japanese Samurai, it was also true that certain practices of the day were abhorrently vicious. Rape, murder for entertainment, enslavement of defeated enemies and so on were all normal occurrences of the day. While the Spartans certainly were formidable warriors, their brutality even with their own people was similarly legendary. Defective children were abandoned to the elements because they would not make healthy warriors or healthy birthers of same.

Their gods were fickle, dangerous and used human beings as set pieces in their Olympian squabbles. Truly their influence was really demonic, and as far as catholic thought goes, that is precisely what they were. The “Gods” in the Old Testament, that the one supreme God chastises for their tragic and evil non-compliance with leading humanity in a good way, is noted in Genesis as well as the Psalms. Their legendary offspring, the titans or nephilim were also deemed to be not only giants, but also unquestionably corrupt beyond redemption.

After Christ, the viciousness of the Roman Empire, along with its utter degeneracy began to collapse and gradually humanity was elevated into a level of scientific method, beauty, art, human behaviour and charity for your neighbour that has been unsurpassed in human History. And this happened most and most rapidly in those areas that were Catholic. Despite the unending lies of the fomenters of the “enlightenment”, the so-called “Dark Ages” were anything but. Had the psychotic pedophile and demon inspired “Prophet” of Islam not started a vile, murderous, rape-and-pillage oriented religion, who knows to what heights this planet would have reached? Are you even aware that hundreds of years ago Catholic theologians contemplated aliens, invented the actual, real, functional scientific method and dragged humanity out of Barbarism into what is in fact, the Risorgimento, the rising from metaphorical (and often literal) death and the murky waters of demon-filled “life”.

If you are not familiar with this history, allow me to suggest for your four books. If you actually read all of these, I promise that your perspective on the past is going to shift drastically.

In order then:

  1. The Four Witnesses
  2. Bearing False Witness
  3. God’s Battallions
  4. The Crusades – I have read thousands of books, this might be my top one. Certainly it’s in the top 5. But reading the other three above first will heighten the appreciation and enjoyment you will get from this one.

Bonus book: The Great Siege 1565

If you take the time to just read even just one or two of those books, you might well note the dramatic shift in attitude to life, honour, duty, valour, courage and so on.

In today’s world, feminism has been injected into every so-called “modern” culture, and throughout human history, what has happened to societies that had rule by women imposed on them? Without exception, transgenderism, homosexuality and child sexual abuse become rampant. The brutality of Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece was in large part required in order to prevent the depredations of competing tribes of peoples from murdering, raping and enslaving your own people. But the degeneracy that quickly results from effiminating mankind is a special kind of chaotic hell that has only viciousness at it heart, and that turned against the most defenceless member son society: Children.

Being raised a few hundred years ago meant you certainly had a hard time of it from the start. If poor and of peasant stock, you had to work hard daily to simply survive. If born wealthy and of noble stock, you were trained to be a warrior and take part in wars from a young age, to defend your lands, your peasants and your King, or whichever noble higher up the ladder you aligned with. But in Catholic creation, the nobility had a duty to protect his charges and by and large, noblemen were men that had the respect of their people because when called to it they did not hesitate to go into battle for the right reasons. This parallel reality of the noble warrior is, paradoxically, better known to Westerners from the Japanese counter-part of Samurai, while they ignore their own history of even more charitable and equally courageous men within their own ancestry.

Now, why do you think you are not being made familiar with such history? With eh type of men and attitudes that existed for centuries? With the way a boy was raised or disciplined a few hundred years ago?

Today the mere idea of a spanking for a child is seen almost as some kind of abuse. And in fairness, those parents who do still install corporal punishment around the world, often, because absent a proper moral, ethical and logical foundation based in Catholic principles, do so out of mere rage or frustration, or without a real understanding of the role of such an act in respect of your own child.

The imperative is to raise your children as “friends” and to ensure the poor darlings know just how special they are, regardless of their lack of manners, lack of ability to focus, lack of ability to read a room, lack of ability to not just be little narcissistic imps. And they becomes such little terrors, not because they are born bad, quite the contrary, children are fundamentally born with an awesome capacity to be logical and make very logical conclusions from their observations. They do this instinctively and in keeping with their natural sex. Boys will tend to be more direct and simple, girls will tend to be more circumspect and devious in their ways. While a boy may simply ask for something that he knows is not really good for him, say eating all the chocolate he can before getting sick from it, a girl will try to get in your good graces before pulling at those emotional strings.

There is a reason why fathers tend to be more forgiving of their daughters than of their sons. Mostly because as men, they want and know the importance of their sons being able to be strong when required, compassionate but also just, and to be able to overcome whatever difficulty they encounter mostly on their own, because life will often throw that at them. But faced with their daughter saying pretty please and giving a hearty smile and a hug, strong men falter. Similarly, while their mothers will not be fooled by their endearing ways, they will often let a son get away with more, because after all, he is their little prince, and damn the world.

And such balance is good and healthy.

But if you listen to the metrosexualised working couples on a diet of TV and Netflix, with their children in government schools, who are barely aware of what their own children are exposed to daily, you will tend to think that such concepts are bigotry made flesh and evil, evil, evil. And gay couples who want to purchase small children to pretend to play at “family” are jus as healthy and normal as any heterosexual couple who produces their children the “old fashioned” (normal, proper and correct) way, by procreating them with each other. Never mind the statistical reality of what child sexual abuse in homosexual “couples” looks like. Because after all, math is racist! Or something.

So teaching your children to farm, to hunt, to shoot, to defend themselves, to reason, to do logic, to know their ancestry and traditions, to learn about the “rituals” of Catholicism and what they mean and what they are and the benefits they bring to everyday life, oh, no, no, no, that would be some troglodyte regression to cave-times.

Which is why the average “parent” injects their children with weird foreign substances that demonstrably cause more harm than good, as anyone that, like me, used to think vaccines were good… until I actually read up on their history, the “science” behind them, the actual ingredients and more importantly than all of it, the real motivations for them by the people who imposed them on us all.

The Genetic Serums passed off as “vaccines” for the last 3 years certainly got me to take note of what the “good” vaccines, which went from 5 or 6 to 30 in my lifetime alone, in many countries, actually are. What is in them and what they actually do or don’t do. If you take the time to research these things yourself, any normal person of normal intelligence that is not ideologically invested in a false narrative, but is instead simply after the truth, will be unlikely to ever inject themselves, or especially their children, with any of them.

Certainly those they would take would be a far reduced number and subject to control processes they can vet themselves with total transparency.


No, I am not. If it seems that way to you, it’s because each of these things, from your secular or at best Churchman model of the world is not linked. Each is a separate issue. Their causalities and determinants and originators are separate and disparate. But are they? Are they really? If you bother to take the time to examine these things, even from a secular perspective, it becomes difficult to avoid noticing certain linking factors.

The overwhelming presence of people that have huge financial impact. The overwhelming presence of a certain tribal group’s over representation in the entertainment, mass media and banking activities. The overwhelmingly mass-murderous and anti-European ideologies of these same people.

And if and when you do notice these things, you may be tempted to revisit history from only some 80 years ago and what and how certain groups that have since been defined as the most evil humans to ever have lived came to the conclusions they did and to act as they did. And how those acts may not be precisely what you have been told they were. At least not in a large number of cases. And maths, once again, becomes very bigoted if you apply it objectively to certain events of the Second World War.

You might begin to wonder why a certain tribe is protected from criticism legally in an increasing number of countries in the world, while that same tribe can do the very things that are illegal to do or say against them to pretty much the entire Caucasoid/European people.

And if you do notice all of these things, from a secular perspective, and you connect the dots, always from a secular perspective, the reaction that may well derive could be a secular solution. Perhaps even a final solution to the issue. And reaching such a final solution, you might be likely, to, in the event that such an unlikely event were to take place, follow a fiery leader with practical, if somewhat distasteful, final solutions.

And that would still play into the demonic world’s scheme of things.

While you certainly have the God-given right to assemble with whom you like, and to exclude whom you like from your company, and while they may pass laws to try and regulate your God-given rights, you can always bypass them. Because ultimately, if it comes down to being regulated as to how and when you breathe near whom, well, mass revolution and rivers of blood let it become then, because some fates are worse than mere death.

But from a secular perspective, that is really the only options. Submit to a totally tyrannical slavery of mind and body unprecedented in the entirety of Human history, or, armed rebellion and a politician hanging from every lamppost, overpass and tall enough tree.

It’s a Satanic gambit and while one option is marginally preferable to the other, neither is ideal.

IF, however, you understand the hidden, the intentionally occult, the “ridiculed” —by those intentionally trying to deceive, or those ignorant and maleducated enough to buy into the deceiver’s lies— concept of the demonic forces at work in this world; the fact that we are under the Dominion of Satan, that we are, literally, if on the side of God, special operatives waaaayy behind enemy lines, and that is why our Church is called the Church Militant, then, your duty, your mission, becomes extremely clear and relatively simple.

Which is not to say it becomes easy. But it is simple. Simple to understand. Simple to know in the marrow of your bones. Acting on it becomes easier not because the actions are easy, but because the distinct and deep understanding that it is the right path, makes the difficulties on that path much easier to bear.

It also becomes obvious that the work you need to do is, in this order:

  1. First of all on yourself. To know the Truth and live it. Ultimately, this means to know God. And ultimately, however absurd the proposition may sound to you now (it certainly would have seemed absolutely absurd to me eleven years ago) that the best model of God, His will, and how to best fit into the world, is the Catholic model (sedevacantist, obviously since what most people assume is the “Catholic Church ” is in reality the very hub of one of the portals to Hell, manned and populated by Satanists, freemasons and pedophiles, none of which are valid clergy being as they are not even valid Catholics).
  2. To lead others, first of all your spouse and family, to the Truth, and living it.
  3. In doing 1 and 2 above, ensure the safety, security, cohesion, education, intelligence, truth, beauty and loyalty, of your own family first and foremost. The family YOU and your wife create, not necessarily the one you were born into, though, if that is good and doable, so much the better.
  4. To lead by example, and begin to influence others around you to your ways. To begin to form a community of like-minded people.
  5. Reject, totally and absolutely, all of the following:
    • Anything and everything related to Vatican II.
    • All and every Novus Ordo “Cleric” they are not Catholics, they are not validly ordained, and in the unlikely event that they were in the past, they have been heretics for some 60 years or more, like Vigano. And heretics are to be shunned by all. Even should they repent, they are to spend the rest of their days in penitence secluded in a monastery, with authority to preach or expound their thoughts on precisely no one.
    • Anything and everything offered to you by globohomo world.
    • The false narratives presented to you on:
      • Feminism.
      • Toxic Masculinity.
      • Anything “gender”. It’s called sex. Gender is for grammar.
      • And there are only two sexes: male and female.
      • Equality. No two humans are equal, not even twins.
        • No culture is equivalent to another.
        • No ethnicity is equivalent to another.
        • No system of laws and rules is equivalent to another.
        • No religion is equivalent to another.
      • Tolerance. Tolerating evil is evil. It is not good.
      • Moral relativity. No. Wrong is wrong and right is right.
        • Justice is not complicated. If you think it is read On Natural Law, or the Science of Justice, by Lysander Spooner. It is 8 pages of A4 printed and is all the law and all the politics any honest person will ever need.
        • A world without Justice is a world in which Love cannot exist, only perversion.
        • “Social Justice” is not Justice, but the inversion of it.
      • Violence. While certainly violence is never optimal, from a Catholic point of view, it is, absolutely, at times, necessary. Such is the state of things in a fallen world, if we are to preserve Justice and Love. This is why Catholics absolutely believe in the death penalty, and always have. human dignity demands it. (When I say Catholics, I always mean the real ones, Sedevacantists, not fake “Catholic” Churchians that do not reject completely all of the Novus Ordo lies).
      • The LGBTQ agenda. Educate yourself on things like the incidence of violence in homosexual relationships, the incidence of childhood sexual abuse in those presenting as homosexual, the incidence of the perpetrators of child sexual abuse among homosexuals, as well as various other things, such as the incidence of horrific diseases brought on by their lifestyle, or their overall personality disorders beyond the obvious ones.
    • Reject absolutely the very concept of Truth Relativity. Objective truth exists and is a foundational concept of reality. Regardless of whether you personally are able to know what the highest truth of any given situation or event is, an objective, absolute position exists.

If you do this work, you will find that those texts discussing the way people lived, believed and acted a few hundred years ago, suddenly make a whole lot of sense and that your life is immensely improved by re-learning some basic principles of virtue, courage and perseverance in the face of a demonically inspired world.

Once again, this is not to say your life will necessarily become “easier” in practical terms, but it will absolutely become far more beautiful and significant, and that is a prize worth having a little discomfort for. After all, all the great achievements involved sacrifice. it is the very quality that makes us admire the achievement! And how much better an achievement to have begun the creation of a community dedicated to Truth, Family, Courage and the ability and will to resist the demonic processes and practices now so diffuse into the world.

Once you reclaim the ability to think, move and above all, ACT like a man, instead of some feminised version of one, and understand the judicious use of reason, and of all your other faculties, to achieve success, not by mere brute force, but by use of your intellect as required and to overcome the devious even at their own game if need be, in service of God, Truth, Beauty and the human virtues of the best of humanity, then, life truly becomes worthwhile living.

And remember how to define success:

To create a powerful, strong, family, with powerful, strong bonds and excellent values of the main virtues of honour, honesty (but learn to deceive the deceivers too) right action, justice, truth and beauty. And to not only resist the temptations and moral decay and degeneration of the worldly all around you, but lead others to salvation by example and create the tide that will reverse and overcome the evil and the deceitful in ways neither you nor I could even imagine, but that, when you follow God’s Will, appear to happen spontaneously in very unexpected ways.

And real success is to pass on a legacy to your children so they continue to build on what you started, never relenting, never allowing tolerance for evil to creep in, and never to become so soft that squashing the snake heads as soon as they appear ever becomes too distasteful for them.

I for one am doing my part. I hope you are doing yours, and that one day, we see each other from across the way and recognise: Ah. There is another brave soul who stood when it counted and held his shield next to mine, even if I may not have know it.

In case you had any doubts still… Why Graphene.

As anyone who is not functionally brain dead by now knows, the genetic serums passed off as “vaccines” by the depopulationists contained graphene. And once you see what can be done with graphene, it was sort of obvious to me that at least in part, this was a way to get millions of test cases on which to experiment with all sorts of control technology. Technology that can hack your brain, and your DNA (this was published in March 2019).

In fact I variously referred to the people who injected themselves with the serum as being equivalent to the human shields in the old PC game called Syndicate. In Syndicate, where you controlled up to four Cyborgs, you could eventually develop technology that produces a kind of mind-control tool that “zaps” normal citizens to follow your cyborg around, a useful thing to have, because the enemy cyborgs would now have to mow down layers of human shields before their mini-gun bullets hit your cyborg.

In my own RPG Game, Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse, one of the Mutant abilities those who took the serums can have is described as follows:

5G Connectivity – The mutant does not need a smartphone to receive news, entertainment and games. It’s beamed directly into his head. His level of control over this is to be referee determined. Drone Mutation – At certain times the mutant gets directed by a drone operator. The mutant will have no memory of what he did or for how long this took place unless he happens to have noted the time shortly before activation and checks it again after he is released from duty.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe they are there yet in terms of detailed mass control down to individuals thanks to the genetic serums. I think they are still working on that, but controlling crowds by directed microwaves is certainly already here and has been for decades. See Operation Crimson Mist in Rwanda. Oh, and by the way, the guy who wrote that was killed off. He had also exposed the utter bullshit story concerning who the perpetrator of the Port Alfred Massacre was. Bryant was a mentally handicapped guy framed for it, who was supposed to die in a fire. Instead he survived the fire. He “confessed” after being strapped to a chair and being “interrogated” for 3 days with 3rd degree burns.

The stuff Joe Vialls wrote about I was familiar with myself from other avenues, so none of this is news to me. I have mostly been aware of all these technologies since the early to mid 1990s. This graphene latest round is the next step in the Satanic Pedophile Club’s wish to control the world at all cost, and more importantly, make every single human in it a literal slave to them.

Does it sound insane? Sure. Is it? Sure, it is. They are in fact insane, which from the Latin, mean the opposite of healthy. They are a bunch of evil, corrupt, moral degenerate pedophiles, so, sure, they are far from well-balanced.

Oh, wait… you mean the ideas presented above, along with all the facts that back them up if you can still do any logic or objective thinking? You mean people like me and Joe Vialls sound insane? Yeah… well, see, after more than 30 years being right every single fucking time when I come up with the latest “conspiracy theory”, which the rest of the world then quietly assumes as fact approximately 20-25 years later, I really don’t care what anyone stupid thinks. I really don’t. I never really have, but I used to think maybe a few could be saved. The last 3 years have mostly disabused me of that notion. You go right ahead and take your booster shots. Take all the ones that they had set aside for me too. You can never be too safe.

The reality is that I am right about Mars. I am right about the antigravity machines, and I am right about the evil pedophiles that run most of the planet. I also happen to be right about Catholicism, about martial arts and a bunch of other stuff. But I am not telling you this to be glorified as some genius, smartboi(tm). Nope, believe it or not, you (more than likely) half-wit, I am telling you because some hopelessly hopeful spark within me, keeps thinking that maybe, just maybe, one of you stupid monkeys might just not inject your own child with some genetic serum and maybe that kid will grow up and find a way to be free. Free of all the human stupidity and human cowardice and weakness that surrounds us.

Most reading this will shrug and do nothing and change nothing. Some will say I sound “angry” or “bitter”. Neither is true. At most I am slightly saddened at having to be on this planet with so many idiots. I mean, there are so many cool things I could be doing with just a small-ish antigravity ship and a few gauss rifles. So much space to explore. So many alien things to observe and study. And even here on this planet, if we were not constantly hamstrung by a small tribe of psychotic child-rapists, we could make this place so cool to live on.

And even if it were wild and brutal, but natural, still, that would be light-years ahead of where we are now. I genuinely would prefer to live on a planet like the Xenozoic Era comic books, where humanity is holding on by the skin of their teeth and dinosaurs and all sorts of deadly things hide in the jungles all around us.

Do you still doubt that they are out to get you? To destroy the very concept of family, which they already largely have? To destroy you and your loved ones specifically and particularly. That voting isn’t going to fix any of it? Do you really doubt these things? Or are you just to scared to face them?

And the usual refrain: Oh, but what can I do? I am just one person.

Listen up.

Nothing, in the entire history of humanity, was ever fixed, improved or made better by a committee. It always, always, always, all, changes because of one guy. Just one. He may lead others, he may get help, others may even propel him forward, but it always starts with just one guy.

I know I am doing precisely that. I am literally doing everything I do, from when I wake to when I fall asleep to try and ensure, in every way possible, that my children grow up knowing the basic utterly fundamental true things about life.

Objective reality exists.

Consequences for everything you do and don’t do exist.

God is love and God exists.

Life is hard and you can and will fail. Many times. Just get up again.

Never, ever, ever, compromise yourself or sell out your principles. You don’t need to let them know what they are. You can let them think you have. You can lie to liars and cheat cheaters, but keep your own code yours; and true.

Learn to navigate in this world of lies and shit. You can’t always stay clean, but stay you. Always.

Family, the one YOU create, not necessarily the one you were born in, is the most important thing. Wether you’re a man or a woman, pick a wife or a husband that is willing to die for your children.

And pick a wife or a husband that will be baptised proper Catholic if they are not already, and will die before even thinking about divorce.

Be a good father or mother and a good husband or wife.

Save your asshole parts for the rest of the world. At home, be good.

Don’t ever give your power, loyalty, or trust to another human being that does not deserve it. Know that none really deserve it. And give it sometimes anyway, but choose. You choose. Not them, to whom and when and why. And know the answer to those things: The whom, the when, and the why.

Honour matters. Even if they will all tell you and prove to you it doesn’t matter to them. Your word matters. Even if they prove to you a million times over theirs doesn’t. Learn to navigate them and their lies and dishonour, but keep your own honour and your own word. Not for them. For you.

Love like a fool and hate like a madman, but be no fool and no madman.

And in the heat and the alarm, my son, smile at death and danger in its teeth, and know God and know your father, dead or alive, near or far, will always be with you. You are never alone.

And in the heat and the alarm, my daughter, do not fear, for God is with you, and know your father is with you, dead or alive, near or far, I will always be with you. You are never alone. So stay calm, see opportunity and seize it in whatever way you can, no guilt, no doubt, no mercy, no fear, no hesitation, and escape and survive. And when one day, finally, you too, come to an end; then don’t worry, you’ll only be coming home. And I’ll be there when you do.

Do you teach your children? Do you know you would die for them in cold blood in a horrible way if need be? Do you know you’ll do whatever needs doing to see them grow free of the parasites hounding us and that have hounded us since we were born? Do you know you should and will and must have children and change this world? If your answer to any of these is no, or I am not sure, then, you, do not know God.

Not at all.

And what’s worse, you also don’t even know yourself.

So you want relationship advice, young man…

As I said, y’all gone and picked a weird agony uncle, but whatever… so here goes.


  • This is mostly aimed at the same 18-24 year old Zyklons I wrote about earlier, but may apply to some millennials and some of the advice even to others. I know most of them are essentially illiterate, but maybe a father, uncle, or older brother that can read will find this post and pass it on to them. Or transcribe it to audio, whatever.
  • It is mostly meant for European descent males. Whether in Europe, North America, Russia, or wherever else they may be.
  • It is mostly meant for Purebloods, who I recommend very strongly breed only with other purebloods. Muties should stick to muties. I have explained why previously, but basically, this is the safest way to ensure that if there is to be a Pureblood continuation, it makes it, and if there are to be some mutants that naturally evolve to survive as a stable future line, that they do so too. It is the way of Gamma World. Deal with it.
  • Your feelings don’t matter to reality, or to me. The sooner you learn that and learn to deal with reality, the sooner you can begin to learn to have your feelings in the privacy of your own home with those who love you and whom you love. And yet learn to be disciplined enough to not let your feelings rule your actions or your reactions. And if you do not yet have a loving home, then guess what; that’s what I’m trying to do here, teach you how to make one of your own.


Look that word “axioms” up. Seriously. I’ll tell you, but do it anyway. These are fundamental realities that are absolutely true. Your accepting them as such or not is irrelevant to me, but will make a big difference to how you live your life and if you end up happy or miserable and if you ever get to 99 years old and a decent rocking chair to reflect on your past.

  • Winning is achieved by having a long marriage that produces multiple children who inherit from you all you can manage to create and accumulate for them before you die.
  • The Catholic dogma of no divorce, and marriage being primarily for the production, raising, and education of healthy, strong children is the most correct and objectively successful model throughout the entire history of humanity. Adopt it, regardless of your belief in Catholicism or not.
  • Research what r/K selection models are. Be a K. Raise your children to be K. Avoid r. Teach your children to avoid r.
  • Men and women are not equal, never have been, never will be, and never should be. Statistically, historically, and objectively, those relationships that work best are where the man lovingly leads, and the woman lovingly follows, with mutual respect and due care for their roles. Again, the Catholic model for this is objectively the best, most successful and head and shoulders above every other model humanity has come up with. It produces the most joyous, successful, and happy families, and societies.
  • When I say Catholic I mean, of course, actually Catholic, which today means Sedevacantist, and ONLY Sedevacantist. Do not ass-u-me that Bergoglio, the Vatican or ANYONE that in ANY WAY tolerates ANYTHING related to the Novus Ordo or Vatican II is a Catholic. They are not. If “clergy” they are knowing impostors working for Satanic ends. If laypeople at BEST they are lazy, deceived, ignorants. If you don’t know what a Sedevacantist is, pick up BELIEVE! And read it. It only takes about 2 hours and costs $10. And don’t worry, it won’t bore you with much theology, it’s been described as being written by a “Theologian-Berserker”. You’ll laugh.
  • Your generation has been lied to at a deeper, more fundamental level than possibly any generation before you. The deprogramming will be tough and may cause pain. Do it anyway. Yes, waking up from the Matrix sucks, but reality beats fake all the time. Always. All the history you have been taught is a lie. All the things you have been taught to tolerate are lies and you should not tolerate them at all. The future economic landscape for you is best described as post-apocalyptic. That said, there can be some opportunities in such a landscape if you deal with reality and are flexible. They will most likely not look like “traditional” jobs. Maybe you’ll make your fortune selling heirloom seeds of actual plants. I don’t know, you’ll need to figure it out, things move fast and my focus is elsewhere at the moment. Be aware of the lies you have been told. Peel them back like an onion.
  • NEVER, trust: Politicians, Lawyers, Policemen, Doctors. Do some good ones exist? Sure. Very few and far between, but guess what, they don’t mind you checking their stories out. Because anyone in any of those professions who is not corrupt to the bone, knows without a doubt that most in those professions are.

Alright then, now we got that out the way, let’s start:

The Basics

1. Read the other posts I already linked to above and use the Search Me link on the right to look for similar terms and posts.

2. The objective is to win. You do that by getting to 99 on your rocking chair having avoided jail, gold-digging whores, divorce, death, loneliness and all the shit that clown world will throw at you, and having an army of grandchildren and possibly great-grandchildren, all aware of clown world, armed to the teeth against it in every conceivable way, and happy, and joyous, and themselves going on to conquer more of our God’s green Earth out from under the pedophile, deviant scum that has robbed us of it.

3. You’re bound to fuck up along the way. It happens. Dust yourself off, get up, and carry on. I know what I’m talking about. I bought into some of the lies, everyone does, because we are born on this Earth, which is under the dominion of the Prince of Lies, and it had its impact on me.

Just as a short and very incomplete highlights list:

  • I didn’t even want kids (the world is too ugly!)
  • I didn’t believe in marriage until my 30s and then only as a secular kind of thing (the true spark was still buried deep).
  • With no thought as to how to select a wife except my passions, I picked badly. So: divorced.
  • Then I went through a lot of women as if they were disposable, which is wrong, aside from the fact a lot of them acted very much as if they were disposable.
  • I selected the next wife on secular principles rather than faith based ones and chose spectacularly badly.
  • I only realised having children was a good thing in my 40s.
  • And I went on to have a child with the second wife. The child is the only good thing that came of that, as her true nature revealed itself quite quickly after marriage and exponentially so after my daughter was born.
  • Second divorce. With rather more traumatic and long term consequences, I have partially described elsewhere. As a result I essentially lost access to my daughter for 8 years and for five of those it was pretty permanently. It’s fine now, my daughter lives with me and is an awesome young girl, but we both went through hellish times.
  • It took literally a road to Damascus moment to prove to me that God not only exists but cares about every single one of us personally. Smarter or calmer men have achieved that knowledge by the simple and correct use of reason, even if perhaps with a lower IQ, their steady and reasonable thinking led them to be proper Catholics. Tony has written a few short books that in part describe his journey. This one was particularly enjoyable to read. He was 26 or so when he wrote it. It’s true that at his age I had written The Face on Mars (since updated) but at 26 I was basically spending my time punching people and being punched, having a gun on me at all times, because I worked in what is euphemistically called the “security” sector, and my philosophy of life was mostly limited to contemplating how to best apply Go Rin No Sho and Hagakure to life on this gay Earth I found myself on. The cyberpunk version of a samurai seemed to be the only reasonable way.
  • Even then I only got baptised 4 years after I knew God was real. Because I didn’t particularly care about my immortal soul and my curiosity and lack of concern for myself led me to still work in a “commercial investigator” rather than a “people investigator” for a time.
  • I never saved in my life, as I didn’t particularly care too much about anything like a legacy, as I had not even thought about children until my 40s
  • In this time before baptism, while I did save for the first time in my life, I only did so sporadically, because although I had a daughter, I didn’t know if I would ever see her again before she would be an adult.
  • And I still consorted with women that were beyond wrong for me, and I knew it, but I did so anyway because, I was curious, unconcerned with any damage it could cause me personally, and in part also because I had some compassion. Misplaced though it was. I tried to not judge anyone in particular as being beyond redemption, thinking how wrong I had been about life; my absent knowledge of God for so long. You can wander down some pretty nasty paths that way.
  • Against all odds, I did marry again, properly and in Church for the first time, and we did indeed begin the process of a proper family with children. At the threshold of age 50. And I now have 3 children with my wife, all under age 4. Is it good? YES. But would it have been better if both me and her had our heads screwed on right and had started say 10 or 15 years earlier? Yes. It was impossible for us, and would not have worked any other way than it did, but ideally, yes. Because let me tell you, the energy levels are not the same even if by most standards I am well beyond the average level of fitness. Especially if you have no pension, a farm to try to get up and running, and still need to earn enough to feed everyone because the savings are gone into getting the farm.
  • I don’t have a pension and my “plan” sounds insane to most, as I aim to create a sedevacantist community where I live that can hold its own against whatever Clown World decides to come up with next.

So the point is, when you do fuck up, just dust yourself off and get up again. And keep getting up. No one learnt how to walk without falling over hundreds or thousands of times. So just get up again. And don’t listen too much to the ideas others have about what you should or should not do. Especially ignore the critics that have done nothing of their own lives.

4. Keep away from the big mistakes. The main one is drugs. They don’t lead to anything good ever in the long run. The escape they provide is the biggest lie of all and it only leads you to a place from which there is no escape. They invariably cause damage that is mostly unrepairable, and what damage can be overcome, is not easy to do. They rob you of a real life and they provide nothing that a natural high can’t give you. The artificial, extreme high drugs give you comes with an inverse tax on your body. There is no free lunch and no free high. The depressive stage that comes after the high lasts a lot longer than any high you get and over time becomes a pattern of your psychology.

5. Stay out of jail. Usually that means to mostly not do stuff that can land you in it. But if you did end up there, life is not over yet. Survive, get out and determine yourself to never go back.

6. Learn to control your feelings and your passions. And if some do rule you, try to overcome them over the years.

7. Since the aim is to win, which means to get to age 99, on your rocking chair, surrounded by grandchildren, possibly great-grand children and knowing you left your own children enough of an inheritance that they can later build on and pass on to their own children. That means you need to find a wife if you are a man, or a husband if you are a woman, anything else is a lie and ends nowhere good, and make children with them. Live a long life together, as happy and pleasant as you can make it, while raising strong, positive, capable children that will make for excellent adults who will in turn go on to have successful marriages and families. Since that is the aim, where and how you find your wife or husband is not as important as how you treat and act with them. Most women will follow the man they think they are in love with. Few women will actually know that they are really in love with a specific man. Most women will believe themselves to be deeply in love with any man that gives them three consecutive orgasms each time they have sex, every day in a row for a week. Most men, are usually better able to discern when they are actually in love with a woman, but they too can be confused by plentiful and imaginative sex. The thing is that in a relationship that is based on secular principles the sex is extremely pivotal, and the relationship will not last long if the sex is bad or lacking for at least one of the two. But sex takes on a different quality when the focus is family and children and a shared religious faith. It is still an important part of a relationship, to be sure, and one that is in every way superior to the merely secular aspect of it, but it is not the central pivot of it. And even for those of us that may be more demanding in that department, it is relatively easy for a wife or husband that is indeed family oriented, to satisfy their partner as long as they have a modicum of imagination and functioning libido. Since the focus is the overall harmony of the household, the act of procreation is in any case not a chore, for either the husband or wife, but rather, part of the creating of harmony between them that literally creates their family.

8. Keep the above in mind when you consider the ubiquitous amounts of pornography, fake romance narratives you are constantly fed in films and TV shows, random hook-up culture, and jaded, black-pilled attitudes. (((They))) want you degenerate, lonely, disconnected, depressed and despairing of any hope of finding anyone to have a good life with. That is what they want. Beat them. Beat the odds. Win.

9. Save by buying land you can build on, in a good location, or property. Add to it as you can in your 20s and 30s and 40s. If I had done that I would be retired and able to spend even more time writing, playing with my children or doing whatever I want, instead of busting my ass every day (at least I am still doing it more or less on things I choose rather than are chosen for me). Build tangible assets and raise your children to manage and grow your assets so that they can leave more of it to their own children. And teach them to defend it from predation and warn them of the parasites of society.

10. Be reasonable and charitable with the weak and those who deserve it, but be ready to drop it all at a second’s notice and become merciless and implacable with the evil ones. We are in the current shit-show planet we are because weak men allowed it to get here. Don’t be one of them. I try to be a reasonable and charitable person most of the time, but woe betide anyone who tries to harm someone I love or acts in certain unjust and unacceptable ways in my presence.

That’s all for now. If you have specific questions leave a comment or ping me an email. Comments are preferred as the lessons from them may help others who read them.

What 18-24 year olds need

A couple of points of reference for context before I address the title of this post.

1. Commenter Mark left the following on the previous post:

“If we look at the Industrial Revolution etc, we see mostly low-IQ jobs getting automated… but current AIs are close to being able to automate a lot of ~100 IQ jobs, which will certainly pose more of a challenge to society (something something useless eaters something something depopulation…).

Because AIs cannot think, however, ultimately humans will be needed to fix them. Care to guess whether our elites will realise this before it’s too late?

Final thought: trust online will vanish when video AIs are perfected. Imagine both MSNBC & FOX swearing that THEIR version of the interview is the real one, and the other a deepfake. Or for that matter, me watching a Kurgan stream to see “you” declare yourself an atheist, whilst someone else watches the real one.”

To which I replied:

Yes, these issues are “REAL PROBLEMS” for people that are about 120 IQ or less. People like me understand something from two perspectives:

1. Regression to analogue, human face to face, tribal, community systems of communication used by Cold War era spies and retrograding to not using any electronics beyond (maybe) a desktop to browse “current affairs” (current misinformation/propaganda), but in extremis even avoiding that altogether is a way of behaving that the globohomo enforcers will not know how to deal with and will ultimately fail at dealing with. You doubt it? See Vietnam. See Iraq. See Afghanistan. Or for that matter, see the Bundy Ranch when Federale turned up in 8 cars with guns and were faced with hundreds of cowboys with guns.
Can they “git ya”? Sure. See Waco. See Ruby Ridge. BUT… anyone who has thought this through would be aware of those examples and have planned accordingly. Also, if SHTF to the point of a hot civil war, and that sort of thing going on, the defensive approach will also include offensive misdirections. Is it easy? No. Is it dangerous? Sure. But, can it work? Yes. If 90 IQ people on the other side of the planet can make it work, even 110 IQ people on this side can do so too.

2. I have spent over 25 years in various African countries, been through at least one or two coups, massive rioting and changes of government, the collapse of Apartheid and lived in areas of extreme levels of crime that most human beings in the Western world simply can’t even imagine, never mind deal with. And guess what. The so-called super hi-tech US trained special ops people NEVER impressed me nor the people I worked with. It’s providential you posted this comment as it was going to be the next thing I address in future posts (as per my Covid Fatigue Post) and this makes a decent starting off point.

2. This 17 minute video on Replika,

which highlights even more starkly the current state of play in the AI business, the pit of despair of the young people it affects the most, and is primarily targeted to, and the outright greed and evil of the inventor and the people pushing it. It literally started from a ghoulish premise, launched itself into a parasitic spiral from the get go, and now is in a demonic/crushing the weak dynamic currently.

3. The Current Zombie Apocalypse.

I have, of course, discussed this at some length in various posts, but consider that today, the average young adult has been faced with:

  1. Constant social media upbringing, affecting their brain chemistry with dopamine and serotonin highs and lows as a result of purely manufactured artificial “content” online, which though not real, as in not in the flesh, has the same effect as if it were. And this has been by design, as various Faceborg whistle-blowers have explicitly clarified.
  2. They have been lied to on a global scale about not only all the same lies of history, both ancient and modern we GenXers were subject to, but additional super-emphasis on the absurd lies of :
  • Free Speech
  • Equality
  • Tolerance
  • Climate Change
  • Feminism
  • Girl Power
  • White Privilege
  • Endemic racism of Whites
  • There is only one race, the Human race
  • Violence is NEVER the answer (despite the fact that it has ALWAYS been the final answer throughout the entirety of human history, which is why governments try to retain a full monopoly on it)
  • Love is love
  • LGBTQ-Pedos are just like anyone else and their pedophelia is just another sexual attraction
  • LGBTQ-Pedos are born that way and this is why any who convert back to heterosexuality should be shut away and never heard from again
  • The Bible is evil and the Catholic Church is just a hive of Pedophiles (the Novus Ordo fake “Catholic Church’ is indeed, but that’s got nothing to do with actual catholicism, which has created the best conditions for human beings ever, in the entire history of mankind

3. All of the above has been done to them with an economic situation and prospects for them that are even worse than what GenX was subjected to in our own young adult phase.

4. Ubiquitous Pornography.

Literally everywhere and a ridiculing of anyone even contemplating remotely the idea of marriage, children and a traditional family life. Why would you want that boring, vanilla life-style when you should be chasing Lamborghinis and a retinue of gold-digging whores right into sex-trafficking jail-time? The situation is dire in that the girls too are just as affected and many, especially in the USA will think nothing of “rainbow lipstick” parties, random hook-ups and so on. In short, the natural instinct for pair-bonding and K-selection reproduction strategy is intentionally, and quite successfully, being pivoted to r-selection version, with all the consequences of Mouse Utopia incoming at breakneck speed.

Alright then, so WHAT do these poor young men and women need?

I can tell you in a single sentence, but the problem is that most of them will do nothing about it. Many, if not most are functionally illiterate. Reading comes to them as calculus comes to the average Gender.

They have very little motivation, fewer resources and they have been lied to on a scale that means they probably ignore most things regardless of who tells them what they can do to help themselves.

So you still want it in a single sentence.

Ok then. Here it is.

You need:

  • To do some meaningful physical activity. Martial Arts would be top of the list for the males and Dancing (preferably of the classical variety, unfortunately the environment of such activities for girls is extremely degenerate, so a LOT of caution is required), learning how to play a musical instrument, long form writing, painting or some other artistic endeavour for girls. For Martial Arts, you can read this and apply the concepts in whatever martial arts class you can find near you. If you can’t afford to pay for classes, go ask anyway, any decent martial arts instructor will train people for free if they speak to him privately and he knows they cannot afford to pay full price. Usually he will ask some other kind of contribution, maybe you go in early to clean the dojo, or whatever. A young man who has taken this advice recently texted me the following:

Maybe you’ll enjoy hearing this, I’ve been going over the Systema concepts again recently with the help of your book and applying it to my Brazilian jiu jitsu. Peoples takedowns if you don’t flinch/tense like a spastic are awful! I keep being able to take their back. Also keep getting asked if I do extra cardio. So I’m still an extreme beginner at Systema but it’s lending results

  • Read. And if you don’t know how to, LEARN. The best advice I can give you here is as follows: Dyslexia is largely bullshit and the result of being taught to read one word at a time instead of a single letter at a time to compose words. If you do it one letter at a time you can read anything. If you do it the other way, when you come across a word you never saw before your comprehension goes to shit for the whole page, paragraph or even chapter. One letter at a time is slower but gives you a huge advantage in comprehension. When you can read properly you can always speed up by learning how to speed read. Read a LOT of books. At age 12-19 or so I was reading on average 3-4 books a week. That’s not a lie and not an exaggeration or hyperbole. If you can’t afford to buy the books go to a library and use that. I read all sorts of stuff, from advanced physics and astronomy books to biology, to fiction, history, theology, and pretty much bunch of other topics. I will publish a list of non-fiction top books, but there is already a top list of fiction books here.
  • Interact with human beings face to face. It doesn’t matter how scared you are. It doesn’t matter if you have zero social skills. It doesn’t matter. Unlike swimming, if you try to interact with people in as normal a way as possible and fail, it will rarely get you killed, so you can try again, and again, and again, adjusting each time, learning each time, and gradually, as with anything, you will improve. It doesn’t matter how you start. If you’re an omega shut-in, start with a books club, or a martial arts class, or a yoga class, it doesn’t matter what. Go to a tango class and get really spun out. Just get some face to face time with other humans. If at all possible build friendships and have fun activities with them. I wrote a short but fun role-playing game precisely for this purpose, though most people assume it was some money-making thing. I assure you, the total revenue from selling a dozen of these books doesn’t even buy me a lunch. The cost is because it has a full colour art interior. The first module for those who don’t want to design their own adventure is not full colour interior.
  • Build up some kind of assets. Yes, the economy sucks. Yes, your savings may turn to Zimbabwean dollars from one day to the next. Nevertheless, get some kind of work and try, as best you can, to acquire some kind of property, even bare land is better than nothing. Keep in mind that you can buy run down shepherd huts with some land for under 30k Euro in various parts of Europe. I am sure the same is true in the USA and most places that are not Switzerland. Obviously, the more remote the place, the cheaper it might be, and the more difficult to build something on it down the line. But listen, when I was 26, I wrote the Face on Mars and printed it myself by using the printing machines of a printers throughout the night for a solid week. I only had a 1000 copies because that’s all I could afford to do and then I bust my ass going to sell them door to door at books hops to do signings that lasted a whole day. Carting the books and fold out tables and printing my own posters. Was it hard? Sure. But with he money from that I put a deposit down on a piece of land by the seaside in a remote place. more than 20 years later I sold it for over ten times the money I paid for it and used that money to put a deposit on the current place. And trust me, I am the absolute worst for long term asset planning. If I had given my future 10% of the attention I spent on so many other things, I would probably be comfortably retired now instead of struggling to reach month’s end every month. You can do much better than I did if you start now and keep this in mind.
  • Learn skills. Whenever possible learn a useful skill and try to get practical experience at it. Learn to weld, woodwork, do basic mechanics, basic electrical work, basic plumbing, basic building and farming. Learn to use firearms. And whatever else takes your fancy. I once had a Romanian girlfriend that had been a lingerie model who did not have a driving licence, but she had a pilot’s licence. She literally could fly a private plane, even though she did not have the legal requirements to drive a car, and had never learnt. It might be an odd thing, but she had taken the opportunity to learn when she could. That spirit is worth more than its weight in gold.
  • Learn about REAL Catholicism. Even if you are mostly illiterate, you can still pick up BELIEVE! which is a 2 hour read that has converted over 100 people. It doesn’t matter if you actually believe or not. The model is unsurpassed for creating successful communities, and frankly, also outstandingly heroic men and women that overcome absurd odds. So copy their template at the very least.


The reason for this are multi-faceted.

  • You will prove to be far more attractive and worthwhile once you have mastered at least several of the items above. making it easier to attract and retain the person you find most suitable for you.
  • If you focus on getting a relationship when you have little to offer, even if your intent is good, the process of learning things while trying to maintain a long term relationship will add strain to it. While this can work to bring you closer faster, most women today will bail at the first difficulty.
  • Relationships are a complex minefield all its own and we will try o cover them in a later post in more detail. Besides, as you go about getting the above point into shape, you will invariably meet other people and you can begin to practice your in-person social skills there, even as you learn other things. Think more synergistically (how each skill set helps other skill sets) rather than sequentially (I must do A before B before C… etc)

That’s it as a primer. The more comments, questions, etc I get, the more I can focus my subsequent posts to address specifics. I have received enough mail and advised enough young men to know what is required in generic terms, but I have no objection in principle to try to answer relevant specifics.

I hope it helps, generation Zyklon. Now get to it.

Best Fiction Titles

Leaving this pinned for a bit as people are enjoying them. New posts are below.

The below is the fiction titles of all time I recall and have enjoyed the most. No doubt some escape me, but overall, if you are looking for a good read, these are it. Where they are available for purchase online somewhere I have added a link.

The Sub-Genre column needs a little explanation. For Example, my book 2 in the Overlords of Mars series says “film” because the events in it are written more as you would expect them to appear in a film. And the Hyperion series is sort of, kinda, about Christianity, in a way, but a very cool, sci-fi way. Anyway, I hope you enjoy them.

GenreSub-GenreBook Title
FantasyChristianityThe High Crusade
FantasyPoetryThe Lost Books of the Odyssey
FantasyRomanceAll My Friends Are Superheroes
FantasyVenice MythologyThe Stress of Her Regard
HumourCartoonsCalvin & Hobbes
PoetryPoetryJohn Keats Complete Poems
ReincarnationLoveCloud Atlas (See the film which is better)
RPGFantasyThe Rules Cyclopedia – D&D or PDF
RPGSci-FiClassic Traveller Role Playing Game (the three little black books 1, 2 and 3)
Sci-FiAndroidsDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Sci-FiChristianityThe Hyperion Series (get the whole thing)
Sci-FiHistoryOverlords of Mars – Inception (book 1)
Sci-FiGraphic NovelAldebaran 
Sci-FiGraphic NovelAntares
Sci-FiGraphic NovelBetelgeuse 
Sci-FiGreek MythologyIlium 
Sci-FiFilm Overlords of Mars – Stasis (book 2) 
Sci-FiMarsJohn Carter of Mars the film too is good
Sci-FiPrecognitionThe Stochastic Man
Sci-FiTelepathyThe Hollow Man

And of course, I did forget some in the table there, so they are here:

The continuation of the Bladerunner (the original film) but in book format (and bury that foulness from the pit that was the film Bladerunner 2049) by KW Jeter. He actually has 3 more out, I didn’t even know as I had only read the second one. Which was brilliant.

I am sure I have forgotten many more, or perhaps I simply have outgrown some I really enjoyed when younger, like the Dragonlance Series, which I read when I was 16 and played Dungeons and Dragons quite a bit, but these above are the ones that stuck in my mind off the top of my head.

A reader reminded me in the comments I did not include anything by gene Wolf. For which I will lash myself in penance. My personal best loved of his books is Soldier of the Mist. But the man was a genius, you can’t go wrong with any of his stuff.

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