Archive for the ‘Human Performance’ Category

On Natural Rhythms and Money

Bear with me. I don’t know how long this post will be, because I am trying to connect things that are absolutely important and true, but mostly completely invisible to most people, and that IQ gap thing makes it hard for me to know what is obvious to most people and what is not. So, at a high level let me identify the issue and also identify the solution. Then I will get into the details, time permitting.

The Problems

  • Human beings are not living according to natural rythms
  • The Pedovores running this prison planet are intentionally disrupting any natural rhythm as much as possible. They do so in multiple and ever increasing ways and intensity:
    • Constant cycle of fear porn
    • Constant cycle of ubiquitously available actual sexual porn
    • Unnatural working rhythms
    • Unnatural family time orientation
    • Pollution of food and water sources
    • Electromagnetic pollution
    • Constant disposable lifestyle leading to disposable mindset
    • destruction of long attention spans by multitude of means
      • mobile phones
      • TV
      • Internet
      • Video above reading
      • audio above reading
      • lack of historically accurate knowledge
      • lack of history in general
      • pharmaceutical means
      • pervasive drug use
      • destruction of in-depth study of anything
      • preference for shallow emotional answers to deeper logical ones
      • txt spk instead of written words
      • induced dyslexia by “teaching” children to read “whole words” instead of one letter at a time (the result is a child that encounters a word he has not seen before does not know how to read it, guesses internally, and as such understands no context and gives up and/or can’t comprehend what he has read fully)
    • Intentionally harmful genetic engineered food
    • Chemtrails
    • Intentionally chemically altered water and water sources
    • Manipulation of female hormones by contraceptive pills
    • Manipulation of male hormones by female hormones in the water supply reducing testosterone
    • Medication of children due to “ADHD” when all they need is to run around in the forest for a good part of the day
    • Unhealthy work/live environment (everything from proximity to high tension cables to various sources of EM waves, microwaves, lack of sunlight and bad postural chairs
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Constant brainwashing/indoctrination by all mass media

That is the list of the effects mostly. What is the result?

Essentially a very unhealthy life that is a constant overpressure on our nervous system and thus on our very life, mind, emotions and hormonal balance. It literally affects everything. Our mood, our very health right down to killing us. our relationships, and our ability to foster good ones and maintain them, at every level. Increasingly, our life is looking more and more, every day like the scrambling for mere survival by a bunch of underfed, poisoned, diseased rats in a cage.

How is it enforced?

By the economic model under which the whole planet has been enslaved, for the most part.

  • The system of money, which almost all human beings today need to live in some form of comfort or other, is completely artificial, not linked to any intrinsic value related to the work, ability, or even natural resources a person has in the vast majority of cases (well over 99.999% of cases). The money is not even related to a finite resource like gold. Merely to artificial constructs most people don’t understand. The actual “money” ic created from nothing, related to nothing, by those who control the system. You have to work for it at the cost of your time and effort, the people who own and run the system have access to infinite quantities, which they can bestow at will, under some guise or other, to their willing subjects and enforcers of a certain way of forcing the rest of us to live under.

A second way is by the limited and controlled release of technology only decades after it has been identified and bought, cordoned off, secreted, or murdered into control by the same powerful pedovores running things.

  • Did you know that pretty much all programming that is supposedly all “new” was available in the 1970s?
  • Or that antigravity technology was probably rediscovered in the late 1800s and certainly by the Germans during WWII and is still hidden from the rest of us?
  • Or that the ancient Greeks and Romans used radio to fool the masses with their pantheon of (demonic) Gods?
  • Or that Harold Aspden discovered properties of the electron and got them correct to several decimal places long before they were identified in the mainstream literature, as well as proved that Einstein came up with literally nothing new, by simply reading through the Royal Society’s Papers prior to 1910?
  • Or that a lot of this information was easily available on the interned in the mid 1990s, as I reported in my book The Face on Mars, that is now quite difficult to find?

What is the solution?

Paradoxically, the solution comes first and foremost by removing yourself from the system of control. You can have all the healthy food, and decent lifestyle you want, but if it is subject to the enforcement aspect, then it can (and will) all be taken away at a moment’s notice.

So step number one has to be to get out from under the monetary system and step two to get out from under the technological system.

Well, we can’t all become Amish!” Scream the mouth breathers.

No. I am not suggesting you should. What I AM suggesting is that you need to find a way to become independently able to source clean water, decent food and enough electric energy to run what you need. A separate means of communication that is secure would be a laudable next goal.

Well, you are talking science fiction for most of us!” Scream the mouth breathers. Drooling.

No I am not. The vast majority of humanity lived this way for most of human history. Yes, human history was very brutal, but guess what, it is very brutal right now, and it isn’t gonna get better. AND, you have the advantage of being able to figure this stuff out while we/you still have access to all this high tech stuff.

So… in order of chronological stability then, the process should most likely be:

1. Purchase/own some land in a place that can grow you enough food and feed enough livestock to feed you and your family. Regardless of whether that is just you or a family of ten. “Oh but how…?” Each of us has to find his way. I wrote a series of posts on this very topic in more depth. Part 1 to 4 of that are available here.

2. Find ways to be as off-grid energetically as you possibly can. My attempt at building a gasifier for this very purpose has so far met with failure, but I KNOW it is possible. I am just trying to rebuild a technology from scratch with only a few indicators. I know at least a few other have done it, so it’s possible. However, I am slowly becoming convinced that while possible, it is probably a very sub-standard solution for a variety of reasons, including the tolerances of our modern engines and the availability of wood that has sufficiently dried for long enough in the correct environment. That said, I am currently exploring other options even as I continue to try and fix the gasifier into a working unit.

3. Find and create an alternative to money. To that end, I have constructed a small chart of equivalences for ammunition to 2023 dollar values. Keep in mind this value/rapport is forever fixed to 2023 values, but over time it will mutate. if ammunition suddenly becomes very scarce, or a certain type of it becomes very scarce, then that value will go up relative to other items.

Calibre – HandgunUSD cheapest average cost (2023)
.22 Long Rifle$0.10
.25 ACP$0.40
.32 ACP$0.45
.380 ACP$0.33
9mm Parabellum$0.25
.38 Special$0.33
.357 Magnum$0.52
.40 Smith & Wesson$0.48
.41 Magnum$2.00
.44 Magnum $0.80
.45 ACP$0.40
.50 Action Express$2.00
Calibre – Rifle
.22 Long Rifle$0.10
.223 Remington/5.56mm NATO$0.50
7mm Remington Magnum$1.05
.30-06 Springfield$1.05
.308 Winchester/7.62mm NATO$1.05
.300 Winchester Magnum$1.50
.338 Lapua$6.75
.375 Weatherby Magnum$4.10
.460 Weatherby Magnum$10.00
.50 BMG$3.75
12 Gauge Shotgun
Bird shot (2 to 10)$0.40
Buckshot to Double 0$1.40
ConversionNumber of roundsCalibre
1 US dollar equals10.22 LR
1 US dollar equals2.25 .32 or .45 ACP or .40 S&W or .357 Magnum or .223 Rem Mag or 5.56mm NATO or Shotgun shell (birdshot)
1 US dollar equals1.44 Magnum or 7mm Remington or .30-06 Springfiled or .308 Winchester or 7.62mm NATO or Shotgun slug
2 US dollars equal1.41 Magnum or .50 AE or .300 Winchester Magnum or 1 Shotgun shell of buckshot
3 US dollars can also be 2.300 Win Mag or Buckshot
4 US dollars equals1.375 Weatherby Magnum or .50 BMG
7 dollars equal1.338 Lapua
10 dollars equal1.460 Weatherby Magnum

So, that could be an alternative currency presently. Though I suspect, if the zombie apocalypse happens ammunition will become far more valuable that what the above scale suggests today.

You could do the same thing with eggs or apples, or whatever else. You could even revert back to using gold by weight. Although, of course, governments frown upon you walking around with backpacks of ammunition, or gold for that matter. makes you wonder why, isn’t it. The point is, that you need to be able to trade either time and effort or something materially tangible for goods and services. The government also frowns upon this because they can’t tax you if you do that, but it’s really hard to prevent. Although, that is what digital money is all about. And if you think you won’t get fooled into using it, guess again. You have an amazon account? a credit card? online banking? you use an ATM to get cash out? Well, you are already using digital cash. And it’s a small step to forcing you to use only that, without ever seeing physical cash. So. Start by getting used to using only hard cash as much as you can. And try and insist on being paid in the same. It’s not going to stop the tide, but it will help slow it down.

Most people will leave this third point for last thinking it’s impractical, too hard to figure out or get anyone else to agree with. Well… are you starting to understand how it is the primary means of control?

If, however, you are able to produce your own food and energy, it’s not that big a step to find an alternative way to trade for goods and services. So, while escaping the economic slavery is the most important part, doing so at a practical level for the average person will come only after they have secured shelter, food, water and energy.

On Natural Rhythms

If you achieve this trinity of sanity, AND you consciously make an effort to ignore all the constant psyops going on around you and instead intentionally and consciously build a haven of mental sobriety, sanity and joy in your home, you will begin to feel revitalised, happy and alive. In fact, the only sad aspect of your life will possibly be the small number of people able to live as you do and become part of your community.

Now, I am nowhere near having secured all three points, however, I have the shelter and at least until really serious breakdowns take place, the water, even if it required purification, I could continue for a while. The food source is scant, and the next item I need to put some serious work into, and on the energy front, so far, I only have emergency items I can use for a limited time to keep things going for a few days. So, as I said, far from ideal, AND I still need to generate quite a LOT of the vile invented smoke-and-mirrors money to secure certain future-proofing of the house as well as means of producing food more efficiently and so on.

All that said, I assure you my personal mental health has much improved even if my physical health has taken a bit of a toll, which is nothing more than my impatience and built-up stress combining to make me injure myself and not take better care of my body while I try to prepare as much as I can before some economic collapse makes everything even harder.

You may be a lot further away, or like a guy I am aware of, have worked for nearly two decades obsessively at making money as a day trader and then dropped it all to buy a huge ranch with all the solar power and off grid and fencing and guns he wants, and with more extended land further out to farm more animals and so on. Few people have had that mindset from two decades ago, much less the mental strength to keep at it and the fortune and skill to make it actually work. If you are one of them, I salute you. I lived very much like a grasshopper, but I’m still one of those ornery tough ones with spikes all over their shell and while I may not be quite up to a fully stocked ant-hill, well… if the apocalypse comes, I may do even better than a lot of ants.

But enough about you and me, let me get to those natural rhythms and why they matter.

The difference between following natural rhythms and not doing so, is immense.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in Africa for the most part, when it was still wild and had little in the way of laws or rules and rural Italy, which while in a civilised country, in the late 70s was still essentially free for children and most adults too. This created a foundational basis of reality I never forgot. it was apparent to me from an early age that the whole system of money, work, career, schooling was all just a giant deception. A system of making us little better than corralled sheep to fleece.

Left to their own devices, honest men perform extremely well and create a civilisation the likes of which only Catholicism managed to usher in. Sadly, Demonic Protestantism hijacked vast areas of the globe and later infiltrated even the healthy parts, reducing almost all to ruin. We can therefore only speculate as to what kind of future would have been created with technology used by devout Catholics. I suspect it would have been the kind of glorious thing hinted at in the film Tomorrowland or what I imagine when I think about a world of airships, that carry Biplanes for exploration and leisure trips. Like the USS Akron.

The USS Akron, the world’s first purpose-built flying aircraft carrier, could launch and retrieve three [later up to five] F9C Sparrowhawk fighters while in flight. Filled with non-flammable helium instead of hydrogen, the Akron was considered by the US Navy to be much safer than its German-built counterparts of the era. Unfortunately, nature had little respect for the opinion of the US Navy; in 1933, a powerful storm drove the Akron into the sea and claimed the lives of 73 out of her 76 crew. Among the dead was Rear Admiral William A. Moffett, one of the Navy’s strongest airship proponents.

or even cooler USS Macon

The USS Macon was especially interesting for being a kind of “flying aircraft carrier”. Namely, it could carry five Curtiss F9C fighter aircraft. These were one-man biplanes stored in a hangar within the body of the zeppelin.

Sadly, the Macon too was lost at sea and that put an end to the concept, (because by then everyone had started to become a quitter!) although even bigger versions had been planned, that included top-side runways and whole squadrons of biplanes in their hangers.

Imagine a world where the commercial interests of life are SUBJUGATE to the human spirit instead of the other way round.

Imagine a world where the human mind, emotions, biorhythms, and needs lead the technology instead of the technology dictating to our minds, spirt and body how to be and act and live.

Because that, in essence, is what happens. Do you really think there are not alternatives to electricity that are free and easier and safer to use than the ones we have spend decades and trillions of dollars to perfect? Tesla had already figured out wireless transmission of energy more than a 100 years ago. But you can’t put a meter on that.

The antigravity technology rediscovered by Nazi Germany’s scientists is indeed dangerous, but put to positive use, it would absolutely render our planet a paradise, with everyone having enough energy, no pollution of billions of kilometres of concrete and asphalt required, no use of fossil fuels and pretty much clean energy forever for everyone. As well as access to the entire Galaxy, not just out solar system.

But of course, you ar not allowed to know or develop or build these things.

There are numerous stories of real world examples, of men from many nations, including Italy, who discovered, or re-discovered these technologies and as soon as they tried to implement them they either got bought out, threatened into silence or were assassinated.

almost 50 years ago, a hydrogen car that worked efficiently and did not pollute was demonstrated. In the USA, well-functioning electric cars were produced and worked and then were suddenly recalled from every single owner that had one, including, if memory serves, Mel Gibson, and memory holed.

The point is that if you get back to a working and living that avoids all the poisons and distractions of the modern world, the type of family life you can have for a start improves in quality by several orders of magnitude (assuming you are the right people for each other, if not, well… the point is that the truth will out!). Secondly, while you will always be busy, you will also begin to think properly again, and consider possibilities that you never had the time or inclination to consider before. And remember that pretty much every single invention that changed the world was created by an individual and almost never by giant corporations. Yes, it’s true the little guy invariably got screwed and forgotten, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In an honest society of honourable men, the inventor would be able to live well off his invention and people would respect his work.

But such a society needs to be built from the ground up and as I mentioned above what you need to begin to create it, the next step is to build a community around you of like-minded people.

What else you got to do for the remainder of your lifetime anyway?

So go for it.

The Subtlety of the Demonic within Protestantism

Oh I know, protties will ass-u-me that this is just yet another rant against their facile and absurd version of Christianity. But no, it is actually something quite subtle yet very important.

It has taken me about the last two years to really begin to observe the clarity with which the protestantism zeitgeist affects really not just protestants specifically, but in fact, pretty much all of the English-speaking world. Regardless of your religious beliefs, I think if you take the time to read this, and then make some observations, there is a real benefit you might gain from it. Even if you remain a protestant (tragically misguided as that position would be).

In a succinct three sentences, the problem is this:

Protestantism mechanises human beings, and is designed to do so by its ultimate “creator”, reducing the humanity between people and subjugating the individual to ever growing rules, as if he were simply a cog in a machine.

Catholicism (the real one, not the Novus Ordo version, which is just a Satanic perversion of Christianity) on the other hand is religion best suited for human beings, it ennobles, elevates, and improves the condition of the individual at the individual level, and thus of the family, and thus of society at large. Never losing sight that the individual is the key and his or her individuality is a gift and joy when expressed within the protective confines of Catholic dogma.

This assertion, which might at first seem mere opinion, can be verified by you in a number of ways. Most of these are what I would call large scale statistical studies/observations and as such, while individual counter-examples can be found aplenty, they do not in any way invalidate the overall thesis. Here are some of the easiest and most profitable areas you may wish to investigate for yourself:

Marriage – Divorce and Abortion – Family unit Cohesion – Children

While the Novus Ordo Satanic cult has damaged this institution a lot in the intervening nearly 70 years, even today, divorce, even in nominally “Catholic” families is viewed as a great failure and although the stain of scandal is much reduced, there is still a hint of it. This, of course, stems from the concept that marriage should be for life. A stance that the Catholic Church always had, and even the present day Satanic impersonators find difficult to reverse, though they give out annulments like confetti as of late. In fact, until the early 1900s, even amongst protestants, divorce was still quite the stain. It all changed with the introduction of contraception in pill format, invented by a Jew, and readily taken up by Protestantism. Although condoms had existed for a long time, their use was banned by Catholicism, since, as per Catholic dogma, the PRIMARY purpose of marriage, is to raise a family, which means children, which means divorce is out because you should be adult and possessed of reason enough to know this BEFORE you even enter into any kind of sexual liaison with the proposed wife/husband. Meaning you will make your choice based on their suitability for that as your PRIMARY point, and your compatibility in terms of sex, lustful attraction, and so on, only as a distant second, if not third or fourth. The reason being obvious, in that two people actively working towards creating a harmonious environment for their children will both work towards finding a harmonious compatibility of a sexual nature, and, as my pre-Catholic experience tells me, almost any man and any woman can become sexually really quite compatible, when they both aim to do so, even if at first this might not seem the case. The honest wish to have children and raise them together makes it an easy thing to ensure both parties work hard at any apparent incompatibility or lack of symphony in their individual ways. So it all stems from the lack of contraception amongst Catholics, which is a far deeper and fundamental aspect of marriage than most people today, imbibed in the Protestant mindset, even begin to realise. Divorce is the result of placing the lust/attraction/ephemeral traits of the potential partner ahead of the fundamental/primary/lifelong attributes. If your focus is on the ephemerals, these will inevitably change and degrade over time. The fundamental aspects, are far more resilient and knowing this consciously helps you make better choices from the very start. The extreme of this attitude of focusing on the ephemeral instead of the fundamental is, of course, the total inversion of the very essence of marriage, where children are seen as an inconvenience to the extent that we then murder them in the womb. Tearing them literally apart, limb from limb so as to not get in the way of our buying a new iPhone and having sex with whoever we fancy, without any wish to even have a long conversation with them, much less spend a lifetime together. Catholicism has this aspect correct, and protestantism has it completely wrong and inverted. As a result protestant society is no longer family oriented and what children result from the bonobo-like couplings of humans are often urban-feral examples of disrespect, savagery, complete lack of moral character or discipline, and the denizens of broken homes. You can see this in broad terms by simply observing the generic or “average” behaviour of teens in Anglo-Saxon/teutonic countries (which are overwhelmingly protestant) and comparing them to nominally and presently really ex-Catholic countries, like Spain, Portugal, Italy and to a lesser and modified, but still valid extent, South American also ex-Catholic countries. The family unit in such cultures still matters, and children will tend to get corrected sharply and quickly if they behave in unacceptable fashions (much less so now than say 50 years ago, but it still is a much improved situation when compared to the protestant countries).

Anglo-Saxon or (God forbid, American “law”) Vs. Roman law

The British legal system is fundamentally flawed in that it tries to mechanise and compartmentalise human behaviour in a number of pigeon-holes. You kill a person you get punishment X to Z depending on prior case law (that is, whatever happened in the past to some other guy in supposedly similar circumstances will fit here too, regardless of square pegs and round holes). And quite often, even just punishment X regardless, and not even the option of Y or Z.

The American legal system is actually a complete perversion of any hint of justice and merely a façade to keep the average plebeian and brainwashed American mostly quiet, into thinking they have an actual functioning system of law and order, when in truth, all they have is a system designed to keep the oligarchy well and truly above the rest of their society, while they do whatever they please at the expense of the little people.

Roman law, instead is a perfectly humane and human-based legal system, where a general principle applies, but the details to each case are looked at in the specific. So, yes, murder is generally always wrong, but the pre-meditated murder of a little old lady to steal her pension, is quite different from the premeditated murder of a child rapist. And while the Anglo-Saxon system pretends to adhere to this with various degrees of penalties for various degrees of murder, in reality, the practical aspects are that very often people are forced to make a guilty plea in order to avoid prescribed sentences. The Roman system of law, which is rapidly being ousted by the ever-encroaching Americanism spreading like a plague over the planet, is fundamentally different in that it is dependent on human aspects of life that we are all both familiar and subject too. In Italy, still today, construction contracts are only a few pages long, because the so-called spirit of the law, applies and is self-evident to any honest person. By contrast, in UK law, —which remember has a principle of “the reasonable man”— a similar contract, for a similar job, would be at least a couple hundred pages. In America, it is usually a few hundred pages and also references a bunch of other documents which can run to several thousand pages. As in for example, the Federal rules for Acquisition Regulations. Which is a stack of Satanic nonsense compiled into several volumes that sits well above a metre high if you pile them on top of each other.

Work Ethic and Social Dynamics

The protestant work ethic is often touted as a superior thing above those shiftless Catholics. And I myself, having lived mostly in protestant countries and working as a freelancer all of my life, have also, always appreciated the aspect of the “mechanisation” of work-related routines. The interchangeability of personnel, also meant that as long as I outperformed my colleagues, I would always have a job, since I had an almost endless supply of firms that would be only too eager to slot me in, cog-like, in their machinery. And outperforming my colleagues was not hard to do if your slight autism lets you play “by the book” while your Venetian genetics uses all the instinctual genetic humanity involved to produce results the poor binary thinking protestants can’t even imagine, never mind implement. By contrast, working with my countrymen was exasperating, they would almost never respect deadlines and at times even used strong-arm and duplicitous tactics to stay in the game. As in “Eh… you are already neck deep with us, if you try to get rid of us and change supplier you will lose out even more, so… suck it up and wait/pay.” To which my general response was to play along while I set up an alternative, then I would dump the offenders with a claim on them to boot. I had zero interest in wasting my time talking with them about their (or my) dog, children, whatever, that had zero impact on the job. I never particularly enjoyed my job or work, and I tried to avoid the rat race as much as I could, but when I do enter it, I give it my best to perform my job well. My attitude is pretty much samurai/soldier when it comes to work. It may be a necessary evil, but that doesn’t mean I should be half-assed about it. I perform well for whoever hires me, and have always done so, even when the specific people that hired me, or even the company as a whole may have been populated by complete assholes. When/if their evil/retardation/dishonesty/harm-causing behaviour crossed a certain point I simply left. And in a few cases, took corrective action to the point they would fire me. I have never been fired by “surprise”, I always knew it was coming and why, and it was usually because I put them in a position where they either corrected their ways (which, paradoxically would also improve their profit margins) or got rid of me for being a “meddlesome interloper” as they would see it in their corrupt view, instead of an honesty and profit increasing asset, as I would see it, looking merely at the bottom line and not the egos of the people involved.

All of that preamble to say that I too was under the mistaken idea that a Protestant work-ethic was superior. Well… after a couple of years in a decidedly non-protestant operating country, I have to re-evaluate that idea massively. So, here in note form, are the “positives” of the protestant work ethic:

  • Increase efficiency in the final result overall
  • Increased efficiency in production/delivery/timeline
  • Increased efficiency if there is illness/absenteeism
  • Reduced down time when critical people die/leave
  • Standardisation of systems and methods across the board
  • Standardisation even across industries
  • A supposed “positive” is work-life being very distinct from home-life
  • Due to the standardisation even average or sub-average people can “perform” “adequately”.

Now, pretty much every one of those points turns into a negative for the Catholic work ethic. Less efficient, and so on. However, two of those points above are a “positive” in the Protestant world, but actually a negative in the Catholic world. So let’s consider what the positives of a Catholic work ethic are:

  • Personal relationship based results. Loyal customers and well-performing companies are generally given automatic preferential treatment.
  • Meritocracy based results. Those that perform well can rise to the top because the average is so generally poor on things like delivery timelines.
  • In general, attention to quality in bespoke items is second to none. Timelines are non-existent, but often quality is unmatched by Protestant systems until those systems are mechanised by sufficiently advanced technology; in some industries this wipes out the Catholic competition, but in others the Catholic version is unlikely to ever be replaced by mere AI and higher technology.
  • The absence of a neat separation between work and home life seems impractical and intrusive to Protestants, but, if your society is composed of Catholic-observant human beings, then there should be no huge separation. Which is why they take a siesta in the middle of the day and see their families for lunch. The human connection aspect is more important than the chase for profit margins. Seeing your children at lunch-time and taking a break is good for the family and the mental health of all involved. The customer is of course important, but always second-fiddle to my family and my good friends. As it should be. And of course, those good customers that become also friends, eh… you might work through the weekend or at 3 am to help them out. Because they are friends, not because of profit.
  • The relationships are generally more human-based. In general, if I do work with an Italian firm (after careful selection and experience with them) I am also happy having those guys over for lunch at my house or vice-versa. This has hardly ever been the case with the semi-automatons I worked with (even quite pleasantly) in the Anglo-Saxon world. While I am happy enough having Giovanni the client or sub-contractor over for lunch, the last fucking thing either me or John from the UK want, is to spend any more time in each other’s company after work. And that’s even if I like John and he likes me. John may be a great guy, and he may think the same of me, but John knows, that he will see me at the office, and he will keep well away from my front door. And I will extend the same basic courtesy to him. This is why Anglos will have “team-building” days. The Latins look at that and go, “What is this shit? Are you trying to force us to like each other? That’s not gonna work!” And it doesn’t. I never heard of a Latin firm doing “team-building” days. They do invite and spoil clients to lavish dinners or things like that, but even then, it is only in the last decade or so that this has become more common-place. And generally used to be more of a way to introduce themselves to a client. Hey we build blue widgets and you seem to like blue widgets, can we take you for a nice dinner and chill so you will later come visit our factory and see what you think?

In short then, the protestant work ethic is a better machine. But do you want to spend half your life inside a machine? Or would you rather spend your life surrounded by all the messy inefficiency of humans, but also their beautiful and redeeming human aspects too? I for one was convinced the Protestant way was better. I am misanthropic by nature (and by virtue of my IQ I learned later in life, which makes me feel generally bored or exasperated by average humans for the most part) and have learnt since a young age that I can be fine in quite extended solitude. However, if you develop your charity, humanity, and grace, broadening your perspective of the average human (yes, ok, he may not grasp physics, or astronomy, or respect deadlines, or keep proper accounts, or, or, or… but… he is a great dad, a loyal husband, and will come help you with totally unrelated stuff at 2 am because he’s a good guy) then the Catholic perspective is INFINITELY better, because it allows you to interact with your fellow humans in a much more pleasant way even if you have very little in common with them, and that interaction is not the same as the plastic-world “Have a nice day!” of the USA. It may be a grumpy “Ah, what a shit day, fighting with the wife, screw it!” or it may be “Have a nice day!” but it is intrinsically more human and connected. So yeah, you may not get your work done in the timelines you wanted and if that is all you see, you will eventually move to a 15 minute city merely for the organised functions. Or you know, a prison. Things run on time there too. But if you are interested in the humanity of life, then, you will begin to enjoy the messy side of life, out here in the Catholic “jungle”.

The Subtle Implications of Boxed-in/Binary Thinking

This is the most subtle aspect, but —in my opinion— also the most important. Because Catholicism is true, and founded on God’s Will, it generates a certain “built-in” charity and grace when dealing with the rest of humanity, tempered by a steely resolve to do whatever is necessary to preserve our way of life, our loved ones, and innocents in general. There is a very wide and fluid range of human interactions, which have as wide a capacity for harmony even between very different personalities as possible. Which is not to say that there are not hard lines. There are. But, just as God finds extremely improbable, even miraculous ways to turn even evil to an ultimate good, so too, the average Catholic has a much wider supply of responses to life and other people, all while inhabiting the very clear lines of Catholic dogma. The protestant, not having a culture or tradition, or habit of being imbibed in humanity and its myriad idiosyncrasies, nor viewing them through a theological lens that is also in keeping with both God’s mercy and charity as well as God’s Justice, is far more limited in his response to both situations and people. Things tend to fall into a good or bad category. Permissible or forbidden. Much like the Anglo legal systems, these approaches to life, events, and especially other people, including your children, is very sub-optimal, and over time leads to quite serious perversions of reality and life. Particularly for the raising of children.

My wife at times got upset with me for treating each of our children differently when faced with situations that are apparently, superficially, the same. It took some time for her to begin to appreciate what I explained, that each child is unique, and their internal motivations, drives, and responses are unique and different from each other. It has absolutely nothing to do with any child being more or less like me, or me caring more or less about any one of them over another. I would take a bullet for any of them without hesitation in exactly the same fashion. The point is that you need to adjust the lesson to the individual (again, Roman Law over Anglo “law”).

Having had the benefit of doing and teaching martial arts for some decades, it became very clear that everyone improved faster when the lesson was general for everyone, but the corrections or suggestions were unique to every person in the class. how much more important this is with your own children!

But to a Protestant, this can seem unfair, unbalanced, or being biased or preferential of one person, or group of people, over another. It certainly can appear that way, and be experienced that way by the subject of the treatment, but it is in fact, nothing of the sort. It is the best approximation of actual Justice, since one tries to adapt the situation to the details of the individual or group involved. Anyone that has ever been in serious martial arts, or life and death situations on a regular basis as a pert of their routine, will understand this. Farmers will understand this too. Basically anyone that has to deal with reality in ways that give a serious consequence if you don’t deal with reality but rather your own erroneous perception or idea of it.

This “simplification” of perception, is a real issue and a real problem in the Protestant dominated Zeitgeist (which is pretty much almost completely global by now). And it applies at every level of life, be it the interpretation of natural phenomena (see Rupert Sheldrake’s excellent ideas on even things such as the speed of light on this and other topics), reality in general, theological concepts simplified to the absurd (sola scriptura, sola fides, once saved always saved, all completely unmitigated nonsense any normal child of ten sees for the completely illogical rubbish it is), and really, pretty much all human interactions. Everything from sex (instead of lovemaking) to friendship, becomes transactional and calculated, even if unconsciously, to an extent that damages and degrades the actual humanity between humans. And in fact has steadily done so for five centuries, and taken some nitrous oxide in the last fifty or so.


The afternoon siesta, the inability to use watches or stick to well-balanced “just-in time” delivery schedules, all pale in comparison to the benefits gained by stopping in the middle of your work-day because you saw Paolo and you grab a coffee together, as is, your ability to forgive Giorgio for having done the same thing and coming to pick up your car a day late.

Just as I would rather die fighting to be left OUT of a 15 minute city, in the feral and untamed, wild and unpredictable “jungle” outside of it, so too, I have come to appreciate the humanity of my Catholic ancestors to a huge and fundamentally important degree. I hope you can benefit from these thoughts, and am very open to discussing these points with intellectually aware and honest interlocutors. So, feel free to let me know your views, while keeping in mind the rules.

Clown World Fatigue

I wrote about World War III Fatigue and it was well received. Now let us look at the more pertinent problem, because it directly affects your future. And because I am not one of those black-pill nihilistic losers, when I talk about a problem I am trying to give you solutions. So read this through to the end, my despondent little friend:

Clown World Fatigue.

1. Anyone who has not had a lobotomy by now understands a few key things:The War in Ukraine is the West trying to make the whole world their globohomo playground and it’s not going well for them. Russia, China and others are finally able to shake off the US deep state that has been vampiric-ally sucking their souls with a lot less bloodshed than they would have had to do before this (while failing). Of course, countries with a deeply entrenched group of parasites in their entire structure, like Italy, Germany, Spain, the UK (though they are also vampire spawners) and so on, are going to have a very hard time trying to disengage from the USA without actual armed rebellion in the streets, which no one is really wanting to have happen anyway. But the official puppets pretending to govern, are hardly going to say: “Yeah…take your 140 bases, including the nuclear ones, and fuck off back to Yankee-land.” And if they did, they would probably die of a different type of “suddenly.” That said though, by and large, the world will splinter along a multi-polar, more sane part, and a globohomo infested, insane part.

2. Covid and all it’s related crap is a depopulation agenda and it was just a test run.

3. Chemtrails, HAARP weather and earthquake manipulations, chemicals in the water to damage, sterilise and hurt you are all realities, the “Apeel” chemicals Billy the goat Gates wants to put on all food is not there for your health. His genetically engineered mosquitos released in Florida have, suddenly, created malaria where it had not existed at all before, what a Cohen-cidence. They are running multiple lines of depopulation in an accelerated timeframe. They have been doing it for decades with “vaccines” that sterilised people in India and Africa. And now they are trying to wipe out first and foremost Caucasian Males, because they are the biggest obstacle to the full depopulation/enslavement agenda.

4. None of these things are “paranoid fantasies”. They are literal conspiracy facts that the globohomos of clown world are actively involved in. People like you and me who see it are simply noticing reality. And we know how much certain people hate the NOTICING of certain objective facts. Facts that by the way are all out in the open now. Read the WEF site, or Agenda 2030, or what the WHO and UN plans for us, and so on, just read it. They are TELLING you what they will do, it’s not a “theory” of any kind.

Right. So you know all that and you are fatigued about worrying about it. They implement the new digital only driving licence and you’ll just go along with it because eh…you’re just one guy and eh… And so on.

You’re not being loaded into cattle wagons on a shoddy tramline. You’re being gently prodded with a VR headset to stay in your cubicle and stop eating organic meat and take this shot of “essential vitamins” and stay on your 6G brain-tumour forming electronic implant and so on.

It’s all depressing right? It makes you just wanna give up.

That’s their plan.

And here is the antidote. And you are FAR from alone. We are the majority.

Do what I said in the WWIII post too. But above all, begin to think of yourself as the resistance under occupied territory. Figure out how to live without TV. Without smart-phones. Say no to digital cash.

We all have some limits here and there, but trust me when I say that a paper rail card a dumb phone and reading books on your way to work on the train is a far better use of your time even if you are in a filthy giant city. I know, because I did it. Had a more than 2 hour commute one way. I read a LOT of books.

And always, look to buy that little piece of land as per the posts I did on how to take on Clown World and Win. Always work towards that. Find a lost place in the mountains where you can own guns and feed yourself with your hunting and foraging and crop planting.

Look, the Taliban fucked up the USA. If they could do it, so can you when and if it eventually comes down to them hunting you for being the last of the unvaxxed.

Think of every hero in every underdog film.

Whether the original Star Wars (the only ones that count), or the grittiness and realism of Child 44, or the funny, but frighteningly fast-approaching reality of the Paranoia RPG, the hero is always a guy with little to no chance of winning right? Well, buddy, it’s YOU. What did you think you were gonna be in? Some chick-flick rom-com? Well, it might be, in the Paranoia world there was a hilarious game module where for whatever reason the troubleshooters stop taking their meds for an extended period of time and one of the male characters starts getting attracted to one of the female characters, sneakily doing dangerous things like holding hands, which if the computer suspects you of having anything like an actual sex drive, he will immediately ask for your disintegration at the nearest euthanasia booth.

So if you wanted a Rom-Com, you got it. And you better have six clones, as you try to convince one of the last unvaxxed women left to join you in your mountain cave retreat where a fur blanket made from bearskin is the luxury you permit yourself in winter.

Is it hard? Sure.

But aren’t adventure films hard on the protagonists? But hey. You chose the life of a hero buddy, now get on with it.

What’s that you say? You are bespectacled accountant that sits at a computer all day?

So was I buddy, for about 15 years. And now I have a .300 Win Mag and a bunch of shotguns and I still don’t know crap about farming, but I’m learning.

Rom-Com, Drama, Thriller, and Dystopian Science fiction, it’s all the same. You got your movie. We all got our own movie to star in. Now go win this fight man.

Reality is Quite Different than you Think

This topic is potentially endless.

I have blogged about the Maxwell equations. Written about the real history of humanity and antigravity technology. Written about the incredible abilities a trained human can achieve with the correct knowledge. And even created role playing games designed to get you to start thinking in certain ways that will help you in life, regardless of what happens.

On this very blog, you can find posts on how to not just survive clown world (in detail), but take them on and win.

And I have also written about Christianity, which I think is far more important… if only you really get it. Which apparently, quite a few people did, since, despite me being anything like a “theologian” and having lived most of my life as a Zen-Agnostic somewhat hedonist, over 100 (and counting) people converted to proper Catholicism (Sedevacantism) as a result of reading some of these works. And some are getting married in Church and soon will be making children too.

But despite all of that, the sheer volume of lies, the scale of the deception, and even worse of the neutering, and in some cases literal castration of everything male, starting with children, and the weakening of the entire human race as a result, is sickening.

I mean we literally have 100% confirmed pedophiles, with pictures and videos of himself with CHILDREN doing sexual things, being the son of the “president”. That “president” that can’t string a sentence together, is in all likelihood a pedophile himself, and worse, if some of the videos about “allegedly” him that were on that computer, are any indication, and apparently literally shits himself regularly. That guy, who supposedly got more votes, miraculously than Trump. That’s who’s supposedly “running” America.

And cocaine clown pretending to be president of Country 404, syphoning billions and grinding human beings to meat for the sake of his habit as well as the money that is all going to corrupt Ukis, Americans that all have their sons working for some gas giant there and just happen to be the sons of “president” and senators and so on.

And trafficked children, for sex, tortured for adrenochrome, and salt for organ transplants, all from the same hellhole. And the world slumbers on.

The Barons of the feudal age would have charged the ivory towers of their “rulers” and replaced them very swiftly. But today, the bovine pre-eminence of fat, hormonally challenged, intelligence stunted balls of lard pretending to be humans is such that any hint of having to think beyond their next Big Mac, or fizzy soda, or porn, or video game, is an intolerable pain and injustice.

So, what are the chances that you, yes you, dear reader, that tiny, sliver of consciousness that is still not completely brain-dead, come here, read this and pay attention to one sentence, just one, that is more important than all the others put together if only you would hear it. If only, you would take it on and use it.

If only.

Well, I can’t force you. And despite who I was for a long time, today, I would not want to force you to pay attention to it. I do, however, wish that all those who do not pay attention to it, keep well away from me. Please do. It’s unpleasant for both of us otherwise.

You ready for that one sentence?

Who am I to listen to, you say? No one. No one important. I have done and seen a lot more than most men ever will. I have travelled a lot, learnt of different cultures all over the world. From the Khoi-San of the Kalahari desert, who tracked for us and taught me how to find food and water in the desert as a child, to the semi-secular muslims of Kazakhstan, which are very pleasant people. To the happy, friendly, and often gullible and ignorant Americans, who, by and large, are simple, nice people, to the English. The Irish, the Scots, the Polish, the Russians, the Latvians, the Bulgarians, and many other people in between, from deepest Africa to the most exclusive gentlemen’s clubs of London. I have trained in karate and Systema until I could teach it and did, over some four decades. I changed countries and careers several times. I married and divorced twice and I am a father several times over.

I have learnt skills most never learn, and read more books than most people read in a few lifetimes over. I speak and read at least 4 languages and a smattering of others.

I have written books and planted trees, in case you were a Hemingway fan.

But in truth, none of that matters all that much. From one man to another I am just a man after all. I have made plenty of big errors and probably will do many more before I die. I try to learn from them, as I can, as everyone does.

But in all of that, the most important thing I found is one. Easily said in one phrase. But will you hear it? Will you take it on? Will you dig into it? Will you, in short, consider it truly and deeply?

I hope so. I do. I pray you do.

Here it is then:

The most Truth you can ever find will be found in the original Catholic Church, which today only exists as Sedevacantists.

That’s it. Now go dig. And don’t stop. Because even if you take it on, and even if you study it deep, and even if you become a full blown Catholic. If you keep studying. If you keep working at it instead of just sit on your butt because you think you’re done after baptism, then, my friend, you will find joy, and miracles, and literally a life you could Never have imagined filling your heart so full.

May God guide you.

Fixing Eyesight

I did an experiment with Hypnosis and curing eyesight years ago that yielded some permanent improvement in literally one session. The details of that experiment are here, in the Adventure Science Library section.

I recently received an email from a gentleman that wishes to remain anonymous, probably due to his having a normal job and not wanting to be associated publicly with me, I would guess. Anyway, below is our exchange, which I found to be informative and I present it here in case it is useful to anyone else. Especially anyone else that might want to replicate the mysterious Mr. Cook’s eyesight fixing apparatus.

Hey there, I came across your website while trying to find an in-depth personal account of someone healing their eyesight with self-hypnosis, and what you said about Mr. Cook’s laser dot projection really caught my attention.
I wanted to ask (because I can’t understand) how could an observer somehow “keep” or alter the movement of a laser dot if that dot is obviously being controlled by some other mechanical function. In my head, it’s like watching a car drive up the street, and then suddenly you’ve managed to make it stop moving, even though it’s obviously still being operated by someoneand still movingforward.
Does my confusion make sense? I want to be able to understand because I want to recreate a rudimentary version of this setup that Mr. Cook had. But the logic of it is still tripping me over.
If you can help me (and also inundate me with more info on eyesight, hypnosis, and lasers, if you so wish to) I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank You, [Anonymous Eyeman]

Hi [Anonymous Eyeman], as far as I can recall from memory (on one article I read some 30 years ago or more) the principle is a kind of optical illusion. So, when you exercise your eye muscle in a certain direction the illusion is that the dot will “move” to a certain position.If you take your eyes and through your eyelid squeeze it gently a bit, you will see it deforms your vision (improves it a bit if you are myopic) this, as far as I understand it was a similar thing. I do not know the exact setup of the lasers and how they created the illusion of their “moving” to the correct spot. But the point is not that the observer physically moved the dots by observation, but rather that straining his eye muscle in a certain way would result in the optical effect in his eye that would make the dot appear to change position.As for further information on hypnosis and eyesight it’a all on the blog. look in the Adventure science section and use the search me function on the right hand side of the blog to search for keywords that will turn up anything I wrote on it over the years.I wish you all the best and if you manage to build a functioning apparatus PLEASE let me know. G.

Thank you for all the details and information.
Once you told me that the main principle at hand was an optical illusion, I looked through a bunch of well known ones and came across this:
You had mentioned in your original blog post that Mr. Cook was involved with fighter planes at one point in his life. Well, plane pilots suffer from many different optical illusions, one being the “Autokinesis Effect.”
This effect specifically happens when someone stares “at a fixed single point of light (ground light or a star) in a totally dark and featureless background.” By focusing on this fixed point of light long enough, the light will appear to move. This causes pilots to mistakenly identify stars as other aircraft in the area.
The reason this happens (and why it needs to be on a dark featureless background) is because without a reference point of objects to compare the light to, we can’t really tell whether the object is moving or not. And because our eyes have tiny movements that we don’t normally detect while standing still, our eye movement is what causes these fixed lights to move, so long as we focus on it.
It could be that Mr. Cook came across this eye-healing technique through his background with figher planes and pilots. Maybe he intended to help pilots better overcome this optical illusion and accidentally found that it had healing properties when developed into a controlled experiment. Who knows.
I just wanted to share all that because it was rather exciting discovering it all.
And yes, if I manage to build a functioning aparatus I will definitely let you know. [Anonymous Eyeman]

Hi [Anonymous Eyeman,] that is indeed fascinating and the best new information on this topic I managed to come across in some 30 years! Thank you!If I get time I would like to post your email on the blog. Please let me know if you wish to remain anonymous or if you prefer to have your full name included, or something in between. Many thanks, G.

I would definitely like to remain anonymous, so in that case give me whatever name you’d like to give me in your blog post.
Also here is some further reading about the Autokinesis/Autokinetic Effect:
And here was a brief experiment that was conducted in 2004 with participants:
Happy to hear that I helped shine some light on this mysterious Mr. Cook and his work. [Anonymous Eyeman]

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