Archive for the ‘Human Performance’ Category

Government Work


2013-06-12 18.34.34

The Thames footpath along the river near my home has been shut down for what no doubt passes for “health and safety” reasons, but in my opinion should more accurately be renamed Fraud, Laziness and Backhanders. Read more »

Telepathy – The Real Thing

If you only watch one youtube video this year, I think this should be it. Even if you completely ignore the stuff on remote viewing (I did mostly, because it’s too vague for me) the rest is still brilliant and amazing. Especially what he explains about Windows Operating System at minute 46 or so and the very last question too.

No More Secrets

Achilles Tendon Rupture Recovery Manual

Reading Time: 12 minutes, (but if you follow all the links an hour or so); Skimming highlights, 2-3 minutes.

Before we get into the very serious business of making sure you can heal your ruptured Achilles tendon in the best way possible, I think we can all agree that if that statue is a faithful representation of Achilles, then we can better understand why he was eager to live fast and die young. He certainly wasn’t going to be remembered for his penis size was he? Read more »

Systema Books Shipping SOON!

FINALLY! It’s here! It’s been printed, and the first small shipment for the VIPs (those of you who have already paid for this book) should be sent out early next week, so the books should be with you by the end of next week or so.

You should also be able to find the book on in the next few weeks, but for those of you who can’t wait any longer, we still have a few copies available for the VIP shipment and you can still get one here:

I am happy with the quality of it, and I hope you will be too. My thanks to all of you who have been so supportive over the last few months. Enjoy your training!

Stress Symptoms and Moving

My outdated (but efficient) preferred method of dealing with stressful situations

As you may know, moving home is considered one of the most stressful things in life; right up there with death and divorce. In this article I hope to pass on my wisdom concerning the art of moving home. In actual fact, if you bother to research it at all, you will discover that moving rates about 20 points, with death of a spouse being the worst event and worth 100 points (though given the high incidence of marital homicides one wonders how accurate this scale is!)

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