This were the stencils painted on the doors of the toilets at a pretty upscale bar/cafe we went to today.
Archive for the ‘Human Performance’ Category
Tranny Narrative not Going Well in Italy
By G | 20 February 2023 | Posted in Fighting SJWs, Increasing Happiness, Medical Science, Social Commentary
Why so many under 30s are fooled by Tate, Peterson, etc.
I expect this to upset the very demographic it is addressed to, to the point that the spam trenches on this blog will need to be dug deeper by an order of magnitude. Nevertheless, I have come to the conclusion that SOMEONE had probably better try to address the continued and relentless zombification of the Millenials and Gen Zs and whatever the next one after that is. Not because I particularly want to. I find it extremely tedious and obvious, but it seems no one else is really addressing the ACTUAL issues.
Nor is this limited to Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson, or Milo the Freemason fake Catholic, or Emo Jones the other fake Catholic, or Tay-Tay Marshall or Gary Voris or any other fake, Novus Ordo grifter, or other grifters of a different nature, whatever their scam and lies that they are pushing.
The problem of why so many young men are being wooed by the retarded, often gay, fake, and even criminal siren song of these grifters is multifaceted and has more than one cause. Usually it’s a mixture of them or even all of them. So… my young, wanna-be, successful, Alpha-male, pay attention.
This WILL help you. IF you listen, take it on board and do the necessary changes required. How do I know it works? Because I have counselled in my private life, dozens of men younger than myself, through martial arts, friendships, social anxiety and actual issues they came to me for in hypnosis sessions and so on. And those who took on board certain concepts and worked on them went on to have good lives, where they got girlfriends or wives, found decent work, and generally were happy. Certainly a LOT happier than when I first met them.
That all said, I am not a doctor, I am not your guru, I don’t want to be and I am ultimately NOT responsible for anything you do or don’t do in your life. You are. And ONLY you. So be clear about that first and foremost. It’s really the bedrock of everything.
YOU are responsible for you. No one else is. And YOU are the only factor in life you can control to a degree that is far, far beyond anything else you can control in life. Or even that you should control.
So make that rule 1. You are responsible for yourself, your weaknesses and strengths, your results and effects, your successes and failures.
Without accepting that as the baseline, everything else is not even relevant. So, assuming you have understood and agreed with that axiomatic premise, let us now look at the other things that contribute to your being a patsy.
You’re not going to like what I tell you. Because it will imply a pretty massive change if you do take it on board. But if you are unhappy with your life, guess what, you NEED to change. So… either face reality and react accordingly, or keep living in the delusion bubble and seethe and cope by masturbating yourself to death from both porn and intellectual bullshit.
Now, not ALL of the below may apply to you to the same degree, but most will apply to you to some degree. It’s up to you to figure out which is which to what degree.
Problem n.1 – Women (Part 1)
I’ve not met any 26 year old, surrounded by female attention that has very many self-confidence issues, at least as it regards to the aspect of life that concerns sexuality. What I have met are 26 year olds that were very successful with women, yet still didn’t really care, or appreciate them at all. And given the zeitgeist we live in, I certainly understand that. The idea of having a rotating door in your bedroom is made to seem enticing and fun and manly. I personally never concerned myself with such labels of “status” because mostly I couldn’t care less about the vast majority of humanity and their opinions of me have never really interested or concerned me. I did what I did because I wanted to, and I certainly had years of having that rotating door. But I was still, to a degree, in search of something, and I wanted the experiences for both me and the women involved to be positive. I can’t tell you how many supposed “ladies men” seemed to me to have genuine contempt for the very women they engaged in sex with. One guy I used to work with literally stated that if he managed to have sex with a woman on a first date he considered it a success but he would have no further respect for the woman. I remember telling him he was a hypocrite and an idiot. I personally at that time too loved having sex on a first date with a woman I was attracted to. But I enjoyed it and considered it a mutual success. It was a good way to get to know each other and made for better conversation too than having a coffee. But I never thought less of the woman for sleeping with me right away. It was what I wanted and she did too, I saw that as a good indicator that we liked each other and that was good. I suppose this probably had to do with the fact that I was always able to discriminate between a slovenly slut that would give it up to anyone because she had an itch, she had a drink, she had serious self-esteem or daddy issues, or whatever, and a discerning slut, who liked dick but was picky about which ones she let inside herself.
Now, I don’t know how to teach you that skill. And in any case it is not infallible, because an alluring woman can easily make us want to think the best of her and “ignore” the red flags. Some of it undoubtedly comes with experience, and in turn that comes with bedding a lot of women, which is certainly not advice any Catholic should give, as a way to learn, but it remains a fact that one learns most by doing.
Now, the issue with most of these young guys is that they face a lot of issues related to women. And these end up being some of the prime motivators behind their following of absolute retarded conmen like Andrew Tate. And we will get to that in due course. For now, deal with the last sentence first:
Andrew Tate is a retarded conman. He’s fucking stupid. He’s good at bullshitting and creating a persona, and he’s “intelligent” in the clever way of a fox, but not of an actually intelligent human being. He is literally in jail, and will stay there for some years, probably 10 to 20, because he essentially snitched on himself. Even if no one else was accusing him of anything, his own words are enough to charge him and find him guilty of sex trafficking. That’s just a FACT. I don’t care if you don’t like it or think I am wrong. If you do think that, you are an unsalvageable moron and you need to leave this blog. You’re too stupid to get any benefit from it. Go away.
The link above proves this point beyond a doubt. And similar proofs exist for Jordan Peterson, Milo and all the other grifters, and no, I am not going to provide them all for you, you lazy whiner. Do it yourself, by using a search engine and exercising that lump in your skull you seem to think is just warm tapioca.
So, if you have been hanging on to his every word, realise right now, you have been fooled by a conman, and idiot and a grifter that is also literally a pimp who manipulates women to abuse them sexually (yes he is on record saying he essentially raped at least one girl) and steal money from them with lies AND… manipulated YOU into listening to his bullshit, maybe giving him money and so on. Stings? Burns your ass? Eh… get over it. We’ve all been fooled by someone sometime to some degree or other. But if you let your butthurt about this prevent you from learning how to avoid it in the future…well…enjoy the ride…because those who will ride you certainly will.
Now as to the problems with women that drive you into the cuddling arms of the Andrew Tates of the world, we will get to those, but first… let’s get to the problem one level lower that allows such issues with women fester and BECOME issues in the first place.
Problem n.2 – A Special Unicorn Living on a Dead World
This is really the deeper level of the issue and the core of it in real terms. From Millennials on down (so age 40 or so and less) the prevailing zeitgeist fostered on the planet, is that everyone is a special snowflake, and unique, and supreme, and deserving of only the best. This absolute nonsense was promulgated primarily by that Freemasonic created portal to hell: the USA.
Mostly via Pedowood, and it then rapidly infected the rest of the planet. Instead of growing up with your dad’s foot booting your ass if you didn’t behave properly, in a nuclear family that loved you, you were raised by either boomer narcissists, or overworked and brainwashed GenXers (though, as far as generations go they were by far the least guilty of this, especially when compared to the epitome of narcissism: the Boomers) who invariably left you to the TV which continued to vomit out Boomer philosophy.
So, here you are, you special child, you, getting participation trophies for not drooling on yourself while TV told you you could be anything you wanted, and your school saw to it you were illiterate and innumerate at the same time.
So, for many of you, you grew up functional retards, with no sense of history, no sense of what your ancestors were or did, no ability to think logically or even know what logic is, no ability to do simple mathematical calculations of risk-benefit analysis, no mastery of the one language you speak, no desire or even ability to comprehend things by reading, and usually with a diet of mcDonalds and processed sewage.
You had, and have, all these expectations but zero ability, desire, or even understanding that you needed to have ability and desire in order to achieve your expectations.
It’s pretty grim.
But wait, it gets worse.
Maybe over time, you realise at least some of the lies. Maybe, despite the gaslighting, like many GenXers, you fought through it and did learn a skill. Maybe you tried to get healthier. Maybe you even learnt what logic is and what objective reality is and that (gasp), in fact, IT EXISTS!
And maybe you realised you were not so special, and so you worked hard at developing yourself. Great. Cool. Except… All your peers were mostly still retarded Unicorns… which, hey, who cares, right, leave all retards behind (my motto). Except that… the lie was massive. There WAS no special place for you. the Boomers closed everything off, sucked it dry and made it so their own children couldn’t catch up.
Hi Zoomer. Welcome to the world of Gen X. Let me show you around.
So the real opportunities were miserable and few. And counter-intuitive. You got gas-lighted for your whole life into believing your 100k degree in bleaching the gay assholes of the World Economic Forum types was the TOP-TIER LIFE GUARANTEE. And instead you would have been better off learning how to be a plumber.
So now, not only do you have zero opportunities, you also have a life-long debt and are stuck tweezing grey hair out of old assholes before you bleach them. And you can only get from one pay check to the next by eating noodles and buying cheap clothes.
So you think, ok, fuck it. Maybe I’ll just find one good woman and it will be me and her against the world. Fuck it, right? It might be hard, but it’s kind of romantic and worth it and…yeah…except you know how all your peers are retarded unicorns? Yeah. So you get with Betty. And before you know it Betty thinks you should also lick those WEF old assholes so she can be kept in jewellery and fancy underwear she can show off on instagram. To impress that almost famous actor she would cheat on you in a hot second to get together with. Right.
So what do you do? Turn your brain to jelly by smoking dope all day, wanking all night and seeing if you can get disability so you don’t need to bleach gay assholes all day.
And along comes this fucking guy, this bald, old guy they call the Kurgan and tells you you’re a pussy. FUCK HIM! Yeah, fuck him, right? And there is this other bald guy, but he’s younger you know, and with lots of money and lots of bitches, because hey, your last three girlfriends were all bitches. Assuming you ever even got your dick wet at all. And he tells you this is how you make the money! This is how you get the pussy! And yeah, they are all bitches! You’re right bro! It’s only the bro code, bro! And yeah man, it’s the Matrix (the boomers called it The Man, just so you know, you historically illiterate youngling). The Matrix wants to control you man. The Matrix doesn’t want me speaking truth to you bro? Send me money and I’ll show you how to become Neo (that special Unicorn deep down you still KNOW you are). Just like me bro. Look bro, I did it, so can you, bro! Oh fuck, what? My own stupidity got the better of me and now I will do 10 to 20 for being a scumbag? Aw shit… no bro, it’s the Matrix bro! It’s the Matrix!
So yeah. I can see how you’d fall for it.
Now… you ready to hear the truth? For free. I’m not asking you to buy my special “Don’t get raped online” University deal. No sign-up fees, no pimping. Just facts. Ugly, dirty, but real facts.
You been fucked over kid. We all have. The Boomers fucked a lot of shit up, sure, but really, every human being on Earth gets lied to. And the ones who lie the most eat the weak, and the honest, and the kind. There are some ugly, ugly, nasty forces at work, and sure, there are a bunch of “Matrixes” and they want to suck your blood dry even as they fight amongst themselves for control.
If you could see the reality of the world in an analogy form, it is a very dark one. It is filled with vampires, and werewolves, and orcs, all looking to use you in some blood ritual sacrifice to their demon Gods. And you are weak, and small, and if you’re lucky, you might have a heirloom silver dagger that MIGHT take out one of the werewolves if you hit it just so, but everyone is weak and scared around you. And there is a serious shortage of high level adventurers with magic armour coming to save your little village/family/home/you from the parasites that have hooked you up to indentured slavery.
So. What can you do?
More than you have ever been taught to think you can. Yes really. But it will NOT be a fun ride in the park. It’s going to be hard. You will despair along the way and you might still not make it. But you’re all that is left, so choose. Either fight, or else lie down and stay down. Be their bitch. Take the shots. Smoke the dope. Stop trying to travel. Eat the bugs. Watch the porn. Become a tranny. It’s up to you.
So what’s it gonna be?
If you choose to lie down and give up. be on your way. You need read here no longer.
If you decide to fight then let me give you some help. Again, for free. But remember, this is just my best advice. Your situation is unique to you. You have to figure out some stuff on your own, but I can give you general guidelines.
Ready? Ok, here goes.
1. Improve Yourself
Pretty much regardless of your age, but always better if you are younger and under 40, improve yourself intellectually first of all. Learn the basics of logic, math, and above all, the importance of objective reality and the fact that there is ONE truth. Not one truth for each person, or a relative truth, no. There is ONE Objective Truth. Regardless of whether you or anyone else is always able to figure out what it is at any given time, that’s how this Universe is. If you can afford it and want to save time, learn about the Trivium. Yes, there is a course on this on Kurgan TV, but I’m not asking you to buy it or read my books. I’m just saying it’s there and it was designed to be helpful, so it might help you save time, but you can probably find out this stuff on your own taking a bit longer to do so probably, but that’s ok too.
Read. Learn to read books. The older ones are better in general. Learn history. Real history. Not the lies you been told. David Irving has all his books online for free and it will certainly change your perspective on World War II if nothing else. Harold Lamb’s The Crusades is excellent, as is Bradfors’s The Great Siege of Malta. It matters where your ancestors came from. Find out. The benefits of doing so are not easy to explain or believe, but they are there. Find out.
At the same time, improve yourself physically. Pick up a sport. Martial arts is very helpful in producing a stronger mindset. Regardless of the style, that alone is worth more than you can imagine. If you can’t find a Systema gym near you, find something. Karate, Jujitsu, Boxing. Whatever is closer and go and do it at least for a few months to see if you can hack it. And if you like it then carry on with it. Eat better. Take care of yourself in terms of making sure however poor you are, your body at least is CLEAN. Personal hygiene is not optional. Not for anyone sane.
2. Try to buy assets/generate wealth
This is particularly hard if you’re broke, have no assets and a crappy job, or maybe even no job. Yes it’s depressing. Yes it’s demoralising. Yes it’s humiliating. But even if it means knocking on doors and asking if you can mow lawns, get to it. Do some work. Sure it sucks. Sure it might be minimum wage, but get some money and save some money. Live like a rat if you need to but have an objective. If it’s to get a suit to do better interviews for better jobs then, do that. Look at manual labour and manual labour skills. Electricians, plumbers, bakers, bricklayers, none of them starve. And yes it may take time, but save as much as you can as fast as you can and given the state of things today, try to buy non-perishable assets as fast as you can. This generally means land or property. Be careful, learn about all the shady shit that can happen when you buy property, but aim to do that, because the fiat money can collapse tomorrow and at some point will.
If you can’t afford property, try to make sure you have functional transport (a car is NOT an asset, it depreciates and gets used up over time, but it is useful) even if it’s just a moped. If you are in the USA think geographically where might be the best place for you to live. Don’t go half-cocked buying an acre of rural desert and think you’ll be fine “homesteading”. Farming is hard and being self-sufficient from the land for one person is almost impossible and you will have to work harder than you ever imagined just to literally not die from hunger and malnutrition. Educate yourself and plan ahead. If you’re young and single, learning how to sail and finding a yacht you can work on or a small one you can buy and use as a charter, might be a better way. These are just suggestions, think about how you want to live and where and work towards it. Gradually but almost obsessively. And try to protect your savings because the Ponzi scheme has to come crashing down at some point. Crypto, money from the internet and so on is all great, if you can do it successfully, but remember, it’s all relying on infrastructure that can disappear in a flash. If you have a hectare of farmable land, with a house large enough for you and a wife and children, and can afford to buy the tools to farm it, over time, even if the world goes to shit, you are in a better position than most people. And yes, you might still starve anyway.
3. Learn the importance of gradual progress
Forget get rich quick schemes. They really are few and far between and 99% of them are total scams. The other 1% is a scam too. The real get rich quick schemes happen once in a blue moon and no one will advertise them to you. If you’re lucky enough to see an opportunity, you will have to evaluate it using logic and reason and courage and then decide if you want to risk it or not. Risk takers tend to do better in life as long as they are determined people. Statistically. You may be the low end of the curve. Fate, luck and divine intervention can all make or brake you at times. And if you get broken you need to have the kind of mind that gets up again and starts again.
4. Women again – Part 2
You’ve been lied to about women the most of all. They are not all whores, nor are they all saints. they are just like you. A mix of good and bad in different proportions. Their brains work different because they are physically different from male brains. So are their bodies. You might have noticed. Form follows function, and so does the brain.
Their hormones and baby-making functions make them far more prone to their emotions than the average non-soy raised male is. Their ability to play out possibilities ahead in the long-term and think logically is generally lower than that of a normal, heterosexual male. But they have an ability to care and nurture that men lack in that specific way. Their, perhaps, at times, lower logical ability is what allows them to still love an asshole like you. And raise the children with more day-to-day care, day, after day, after day, than you might take.
Their ability to be swayed by their emotions can be irritating and even family destroying if not reined in, but it can also be what adds a certain magic and charm to your life together. Making things more colourful instead of merely grayscale, or worse, just black and white.
And they have been gaslighted far worse and far more successfully than you. There is no magic bullet of how any one woman may react to you or not. Much less an overall magic bullet that you can apply to all women.
Pimping them out to make you money is not what anyone I would consider a man would do. They are weaker than you. They may be easier to manipulate than you. And is that what you want to do? Is that who you are?
Not forcing a woman to become a whore is not being beta. It’s called being normal. And anyone that thinks otherwise is a retarded and unnecessary oxygen thief.
“Ok, but so how do I find a 25 year old nice Catholic Virgin that will never divorce-rape me and be a good wife?“
Have you not been listening, boy?
Unless you happen to have the luck of some divine miracle, for the most part, you don’t.
We are living in a slow-burn post/during/still-on Apocalypse.
You pick one that is preferably not a crack-head selling her ass on street corners for the next fix. One that you get along with, that seems salvageable, and you help her see the light. BY EXAMPLE FIRST AND FOREMOST.
By not bending your principles and being willing to let her go if she will not abide by them.
By being able to love before you ask to be loved.
Above all, you learn to interact with PEOPLE first. Then women. And eventually with women for the purpose of being with them romantically.
“Oh, but I am not handsome/rich/whatever enough!“
“Oh, but women pick the man, not the other way round!“
“Oh but my dick is too small!“
“Oh but my wallet is too small!“
Etc. ad nauseam.
Shut up. Now pay attention, because you’re one of these types if any of those sentences above in any way resonated with you.
The Physical Incel
You’re short, hairy, with a small dick and come from India. Life is tough.
Yup, you will never be with a supermodel who loves giving you morning blowjobs (unless you pay for it and she will still be disgusted and unable to hide it). Eat better. Go to gym. Dress better. Shave your hairy ass or get laser. And… (drumroll) LOOK WITHIN YOUR RANGE. Find yourself a nice girl to have an arranged marriage with who is also from your part of India.
I literally know physical cripples with a hump and deformed faces that are happily married. Because they looked within their range and found a good woman who also has some milder physical handicaps and they are in love and take care of each other and are happy. That guy literally has a happier and better family life of ALL the incels chasing the 5’10” blonde with supermodel looks.
You are fixated on the idiotic belief that you are successful only if you have a trophy wife other men are jealous of. Stop it. That’s not what is important in life. Being successful means you love someone deeply and they love you deeply and you make children you love and raise together.
If you need to get rid of your absurd expectations, save a lot of money and hire 20 hookers over 20 days and get over the way they look and realise many of them would probably push a button that means you die if they get all your net worth. Then wake up.
The Social Incel
You’re autistic and normal IQ. You were raised in a hippy commune. You were abused as a child and can’t relate to other human beings. You forget to shower or brush your teeth and you pick your nose in public. Life sucks.
Learn how well-adjusted human beings behave and copy it. WASH YOURSELF. See above. Personal hygiene is NOT optional. Ever. Learn to have normal conversations with people. Telling the pretty girl at the bus stop about your extensive stamp collection and would she like to see it, is not normal. It makes you sound like a serial killer. Not a sexy one though.
There really is no substitute for learning the theory and then going out to practice it. Remember, learn to interact with ALL people, men and women first. Then, slowly, gradually, learn how to talk to, joke with, and flirt with women. It’s like anything else. Learn it.
The Mental Incel
The fundamental issue with men who have zero success with women is a mental one. They don’t think they can and they are hell-bent on proving it to the entire world. It’s not their fault, it’s the way they look, or how much money they don’t have, or the fact that women are all whores, it’s never ever, ever about them ever having to change their brain and therefore their attitudes, their behaviours, their work, their look, and whatever else.
Then there are also the gammas. These are the deluded morons who think that by copying the actions of men who do have an instinctive intimacy with women, they will obtain the same results. Nothing could be further from the truth and in fact these guys almost invariably tend to become bitter, frustrated, and quite often, actual predators and rapists.
I have literally spoken to a woman for about 3 minutes and then ended up in bed with her. I have had one short dance with a woman, spoke a few sentences, then walked away and a half hour later, when she was dancing with some other guy, touched her back from behind so she would turn, called her over and she came over and we started kissing. The guy she was dancing with couldn’t believe it and stormed off. These are not women I had met or spoken to before. Nor where they particularly “easy” or slutty. And they were all stone cold sober.
While I am not advocating that sort of behaviour, given I am a Catholic now, I did do those things. And I assure you that if another man, better looking than me, richer than me, better dressed than me had tried to do those same exact physical actions to those very same women, at the same time and place and day I did, but without that inexplicable sense one develops only over time when one has been with many women and learnt subtle things instinctively that cannot be explained as the incels would love it were possible to, well…such men would have been rejected instantly and possibly had their face slapped while being loudly accused of being rapey-creeps.
The point is that if you ape the actions without understanding the subtext of the situation, you literally ARE a rapey creep. And kind of a psychopath. Without a clear grasp of these situations, even if you have good intentions, you can make a bad call and before you know it have found yourself in a very unpleasant situation. So, unless you are absolutely sure of how a woman will react to a physical advance on your part, don’t. I mean I have never really messed up in that regard, and even then, most times, before kissing a woman I still tended to ask. There is nothing wrong with telling her you want to kiss her. It gives her a choice and sometimes they say no and then they kiss you a few minutes later themselves anyway. My point here is two-fold and somewhat paradoxical. Yes you need to be confident in yourself, but no, you cannot fake the confidence or force it. When you have it, they will come to you anyway and when you don’t no amount of “game” will fool a woman that you do. And if you DO fool her, it will only result in bad news for you down the line when she wakes up and realises you’re a paper tiger that got into her pants by deception.
In Summary
So you got a raw deal in life by being born in a very dystopian timeline. OK. Toughies. You really just have to do the best you can and that means taking on board reality, or lying down and becoming a prison-bitch before they kill you off with the latest booster shot. And either way stop fucking whining. You weren’t born blind in dirt poor Somalia with no food at all, where you?
There is one last points that isn’t going to be one you can digest easily or even at all, but it certainly helps if you understand the spiritual element of all this and that, in my opinion, means becoming a Sedevacantist (aka Actual Catholic). My short book BELIEVE! takes a couple of hours to read and was written from the perspective I have, which is that of a man that was anything BUT a Catholic, and lived like a pretty wild creature and then had an experience that proved to me that God exists, is Love and the closest to the truth of it all is in fact Sedevacantist Catholicism. Over a hundred people have converted to Sedevacantism as a result of reading it, from atheists to agnostics to protestants, so it obviously has some effect.
Eventually, even if you get everything else right, you will need to deal with the spiritual too and frankly, if you manage to deal with that first, the rest becomes magnitudes of orders easier, but I don’t expect many of you will bother to investigate this first and in the depth it deserves, so… for now, at least, I hope you will take the other suggestions to heart.
You might also want to read the poet IF, by Rudyard Kipling, and take it to heart.
Good luck.
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By G | 12 January 2023 | Posted in Human Performance, Increasing Happiness, Martial Arts, Relationships, Social Commentary, Stupid PUAs, The Enemy Within
On Aspergers
This is a slightly longer video and with what seems to be longish “asides” relating to human perception, systema training, the ability to spot deception and so on, but they are all linked topics and I hope help make this a bit more interesting and easier to understand.
Aspergers, and to some extent the whole autism spectrum disorders, has, in my opinion, been quite misunderstood by most professionals. As usual, I am not a doctor, this is the internet, etc, however, as explained in the video, I believe a fundamental lack with regard to understanding how Aspergers works and how in certain cases it can actually be a benefit, as it can allow for a more objective, logical view of issues with emotions somewhat removed from the observation to a degree most humans are less capable of, so can result in fundamentally better results when trying to discover the truth of a topic, be it scientific, logical, mathematical, or whatever.
Though there seems to be other factors at play too, not least of which apparently is the presence of Neanderthal DNA, along with, obviously, IQ.
A couple of links to somewhat useful articles are added below.
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Top 10 Books to Un-Borg
I have been thinking of doing this for a long time. Actually I plan to extend it to 100 books that I think are a good foundation for anyone to read in order to have a more rounded, more able, and most of all a more independent way of thinking than just unconsciously going along with the greater reactive biomass that is carefully being shaped by TV and other mass media, including this here Internet. Just to be clear then, my criteria for whether a book makes it into my top 100 is primarily based on the practical, real effect it has on you awakening from the dreary, matrix-like slumber induced by the almost homogeneous mass media effect.
If you just want to skip to the list CLICK HERE.
If you want to read a little bit about how I chose it first, then read on.
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The problem of “racism”, genetics, math, and justice and how it all relates to the current WW3
This will be initially a little slow, but I trust increasingly interesting, and I think useful, for those who have attention spans past the current “fruitfly on crack” level.
The problem of “racism” is only “complex” because people do not:
1. Understand the interplay between the above mentioned varaibles.
2. Use words correctly or define them properly when there is any ambiguity.
In the case of the boogeyman of “racism” the problem stems first of all from the non-definition of the word. Historically it wasn’t a negative, it was a descriptive term. But let’s see how it is defined today in the woke online dictionaries. Here are the top three results screenshotted from the search term “racism definition”.
Let’s go with the Wikipedia entry then since it is the most commonly understood meaning of the word. And let’s see what reality has to say about it.
First: are there separate groups of humans? Of course there are. It is a very simple thing to define as many sets by as many parameters as we like. We can divide groups of humans by multiple defining characteristics, height, eye colour, skin tone, place of birth, genetic haplogroups, or whatever else we want. Depending on the level of detail of your set descriptors, the borders of your set will be more or less “fuzzy”. For example, if you define all humans as belonging to 4 groups, say, white, black, red and yellow, in “traditional” simplistic skin “colour” your borders would be very fuzzy indeed. If however you were to define them into still broad but somewhat better defined groups, such as, say:
• Caucasoids with a genetic component of Oriental or Negroid below a certain threshold.
• Negroids with a genetic component of Oriental or Caucasoid below a certain threshold
• Orientals with a generic component of Caucasoid or Negroid below a certain threshold
• Whatever human doesn’t fit into one of the above three categories
You would now have three more or less coherent groups that are statistically going to be generically quite similar and a fourth group of what we might term “the leftovers”. And please note, if you are getting upset about any of the terms I use as descriptors, you are in the generic subset of humans knows as “morons”.
None of this is about feelings. It doesn’t matter if I call them crakers, niggers, and chinks.
Now, based on the above 4 definitions, can we see broad statistically significant trends?
Yes, we do.
The Caucasians are generally higher IQ than the Negroids and the Orientals higher IQ (by a smaller margin) than the Caucasoids when they are East Orientals, (Japanese, Chinese, Koreans) but not so much when they are West Oriental or Asian (Pakistani, Hindu).
So, objectively speaking, we can see that at a certain level of granularity the differences not only exist, but are obvious to anyone of normal intelligence that spends a little rime observing different groups.
Of course, these very broad terms can be further refined. While Nigerians, Xhosa, Zulu and Tsonga are all African Negroids, their culture is quite different and different enough that I personally prefer the Tsonga over the others, the Zulus marginally over the Nigerians and the Xhosa in last place. Similarly, in general terms I’d rather hang out with Russians than Polacks or Germans, and like hanging out with Italians, supposedly my own group, not particularly more than other Europeans like the Latvians or Portuguese.
Again, the differences in culture, ethnicity and religion are obvious to anyone of normal intelligence.
Are there individual exceptions? Sure. Always. Even large in number depending on how you define your groups, but statistically the realities are what they are.
Then we add in genetics and we find that these too have a now utterly undeniable impact on behaviour too. Specifically the propensity to violence or long term timeline preference or dietary tolerances, likelihood of incidence of certain diseases and so on. Once again, nature has stamped its reality on us in many, many, many ways, and the statistical realities of these things are objectively undeniable.
So, in short, the differences exist. Howsoever you wish to define humans into different groups, differences do, and always will, exist.
That’s just an objective fact and the Universe (reality itself) does not care at all how you feel about it. If you are 5’10” you will never be 6’2” and trying to pretend you are, getting “surgery” to lengthen your legs, or wearing really high heels will only make your life harder and more unpleasant than simply accepting, and working with, the specifics of your situation. Reality invariably rewards those who respect it and punishes those who try to ignore it. If you have any objections to this undeniable fact run full speed into a wall or walk off the second story balcony of your apartment and if you survive let me know how you suddenly changed your mind.
The issue then is not reality.
The issue is perception, definitions and justice.
Let’s now look at that word: superiority.
We can define this simply as “better than” but in the context of “racism” we need to add a few words, so it becomes:
“Better than X at Y” where X and Y are the defining set and activity respectively.
At this point we can now make objective statements that are statistically relevant again, and factual. Just as we can factually say that under normal conditions, Joe can run faster than Bob, or Alan is taller than Will.
We can then say that in general terms, Caucasoids will have higher IQ than Negroids and lower ones than East Orientals. Similarly for mathematical ability.
We can also say that in general Negroids will have better aptitude for certain physical activities than either Caucasoids or Orientals, for example boxing, sprinting, certain types of endurance activities and so on.
Again, these are indisputable facts.
But it is also an indisputable fact that every group will tend to be better than the other groups at something.
What that something is differs from group to group and how you define them, and society may give different somethings different values in general or within specific circumstances.
For example, while a white physics professor is more likely to know how to calculate the forces required to uphold a temporary bridge over a stream, if I am trying to find water to survive in the Kalahari desert, I would very much prefer to have a Khoi-San with me even if they don’t even have a word for physics and he doesn’t speak a word of any language I know. So the “superiority” of any group over another is relative to the time, circumstance, characteristic being looked at and so on.
Philosophically then, this brings us to a point of justice. And ultimately this boils down to a few simple questions. The main one being:
Should we treat apparent members of a specific group differently from apparent members of different groups?
The obvious answer is, YES. The initial evaluation is going to be based on the statistical significance that you have personal experience with. And it really doesn’t matter if you really, really, really, don’t want to notice such differences. Your brain does it automatically. It’s literally how brains work. If your brain could not make value judgements, on the order of many of them a second, you literally would not be able to function. Incidentally, this is why Artificial Intelligences (well, what passes for them these days) if left to their own devices, invariably become extremely racist. Since computers don’t care about feelings, and don’t have any, large accumulation of data sets tends to make them become extremely statistically aware of various tendencies various sets of humans have and act accordingly.
This very logical and objective way of doing things, which, by the way, is intrinsically fair from a purely mechanistic/mathematical perspective, generally really upsets humans though.
The slightly more in depth answer is that you probably should make allowances for those fuzzy borders and the outliers that don’t fit within a certain set so well, but only insofar as it affects you personally on a one-to one or one to a few scale at most. In other words, the genius mathematician that is also a world-class swimmer that happens to be a Zulu, is an outlier and may be a great guy, but you know very well, he is not representative of the average Zulu.
As I have mentioned before, the average Caucasian, when compared to the average Japanese in Japan, behaves, dresses, acts and reacts in a more generally uncivilised and rude manner compared to the Japanese and especially so from the Japanese cultural perspective. It is therefore natural that the average Japanese would initially eye me with a certain level of disdain, suspicion, or reserve. Should he then bother to get to know me a little he might decide that this particular round-eyed, badly-dressed, barbarian is alright after all, but I certainly would not expect Japan to make it’s policy against Caucasians in Japan suit me personally. And if I were the Japanese emperor I would certainly make it so that round-eyed, white barbarians are punished harshly if they do not behave according to the norms of my Japanese culture.
Do I have problem with any of this? No. None at all.
Have I personally been subjected to what most people would call “racist abuse”? Certainly. 25 years in Africa with a white skin will do that to you. or even just a few weeks in Japan, or even just in a different nation from your own. That, is simply how the cookie crumbles. Is it always fair? No, it isn’t but again, you might as well complain about the rain, or the height you were born with or the colour of your eyes or your skin. It is how it is.
But what about the humanity?!
Well, what about it? If you treat me well, at an individual level, I’ll treat you well right back. And if you know how to carry yourself, you can generally get by in most places. I have found myself more than once in situations that could have turned very ugly very fast, and I was lucky in how they resolved, because I had the “wrong” skin colour, or cultural expression, or whatever. I have also been in situations where it would have been legitimate to expect trouble because of my skin and/or culture, and instead been received very kindly and graciously.
In real life, shit happens. I met a Tsonga (Sub-Saharan African) that was a genius at math and could do integration in his head. I have met Khoi San that I would never be able to match at tracking animals in the bush if I spent the next ten years trying to learn from them, and I have met wealthy and very expensively educate people that are dumber than rocks. But the point is that statistically, certain trends are going to be as they are.
Cliches are cliches for a reason, after all.
And generalisations, as generalisations, can still be factual.
Of course, philosophically, you may say that the soul of an illiterate African is just as worthy of life as that of a Japanese master of Calligraphy. And in principle, I would not disagree with you, however, in how I go about ordering my life, choosing my neighbours and enforcing or following the laws of the land, I absolutely will take note of statistical realities concerning other humans. And so do you, so does everyone. No matter how hard you might try to deny it or reject the idea. The fact is you too do not want to move your home and family next to a campground of thieving gypsies with a history of violent criminality and playing loud music at all hours.
The only “difficulty” is in how to deal with the specifics of a single case when faced with the outlier. In normal human nature, more prevalently in certain human groups than others, one does not want to be arbitrarily unfair to a specific individual as a result of a perceived characteristic that ultimately may not be indicative of his ability.
But the only way to avoid doing this is to provide equal opportunity of access, but let the results determine the outcome. A meritocracy is the fairest system of all.
Even then there will be natural imbalances due to all sorts of factors, many out of anyone’s control, but in principles a meritocracy is the way things should work. And such a state of affairs has been historically created most closely in:
None are perfect, but personally I find the Catholic one the best of the lot. The Protestant version tends to mechanise human beings and treat them like robots, and the pagan one tends to need to be draconian in order to control the lowest common denominator. The Catholic one has enough flexibility to be adaptable and yet strict rules you are not to break.
So, once again, I find that historically, Catholic nations were far more pleasant to live in than any other place. Certainly there are notable comparable cultures, but what is not in question is that all of these had become homogenous before they achieved their peak civilisation.
In conclusion then, while one must never lose their humanity at an individual level, the best system for human beings is to, in general terms (and pretty closely defined general terms at that) stick to their own groups, composed of people similar to them in physical, intellectual, cultural and religious appearance and custom.
And ultimately, this is why the mystery meat globohomo clown world will inevitably lose to the Multipolar World that Russia and China talk about, and others are rapidly getting on board of. Ultimately, you can’t deny nature, just as you can’t fight the Ocean with a paddle or a boat or even a wall. Sooner or later, chickens come home to roost or they die.
Once such simple and basic concepts as are described here are accepted by a majority, things will rapidly return to normal. That is, to a sane, multipolar world. And if those people who become aware of these simple facts, should also happen to notice that a particular group of humans has intentionally, consciously, and with malice aforethought, directed things to be the way we are finding them now, it could very well be possible that such a change back to a very Multipolar World happens very fast, and possibly also with a short, quick, but extremely brutal removal of groups perceived to have created the current conditions, howsoever such groups might be defined, and perceived.
Whether these be the Davos attendees, the bankers, the politicians, the Bilderberger group, freemasons, or any number of other definable groups, the reaction, once a certain level of awareness has been achieved, is bound to be harsh. Naturally so.
After all, it is not as if historical this kind of event hasn’t played out before in multiple eras and across the planet. The only difference enow is that everything is more connected, and it will be a lot more difficult for those deemed responsible to run and hide anywhere.
So that’s my cheery thought for this Saturday.
Have a good week-end.
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By G | 25 February 2023 | Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Human Performance, Medical Science, Sedeprivationism, Social Commentary