Archive for the ‘Medical Science’ Category

This is why

For now at least, adoption by gays in Italy is still banned.

Vox posted on how China has now banned adoption of Chinese children by foreigners. Something Russia had done back in 2012.

And the reason?

It is important to understand that “adoption” by gay “couples” is literally the definition of human trafficking. A baby is being sold to people to satisfy an unnatural urge.

Because let’s be clear, if you are a heterosexual man or woman that cannot have children due to some accident of life, the fact is that aside that unfortunate point, you have all the instinct of a normal man or woman that wants children, and as such, you’re likely going to care for an adopted child well.

On the other hand, let’s look at the homosexual version under each of their shifting goalpost theories:

The “I am born that way” theory.

I actually accept (based on a study I read some 30 years ago when science was still generally able to reproduce results from studies) that about 10% of what was then about 1% of the population that was homosexual does get born with that proclivity. So in general, about 0.1% of the population. I consider that to be an accident of nature, like for example a woman I met, who was a chimaera and had also Y chromosomes, presented as a woman in pretty much every respect, but had no uterus. It’s an unfortunate condition and her only option to have children would be adoption. Nevertheless, the sexual impetus of this chimeric woman was completely female. Her DNA got some crossed wires but not her brain. Being curious I asked her in depth questions about her life, which she did not mind as most people tended to avoid the issue. She had no attraction or desire for women, only men. In such a case, if she were in a stable relationship with a man, adoption would be acceptable all other factors being in order.

Let’s now look at the state of a man genuinely born with a sexual attraction to men only. Such a man is already in a precarious position because in the first place, if you are aware of the statistics on gay sexual practices, the chances of ever being in a stable homosexual relationship are minuscule. Secondly, even if such a thing did happen, the chances are about 9/10 (or more today) that the other partner is of the variety of homosexual that is not “born that way” but rather “made that way” either by sexual abuse or an overactive imagination that eventually went down a fetish that became a compulsion (this was essentially the gist of the article [in Scientific American I think] I read 30 years or so ago). This theory by the way is strongly evidenced as being correct also due to the large number of homosexuals that stop being homosexuals. Their voices are heavily censored and even violently so by homosexual radicals and activists, but a significant number of homosexuals do change and become heterosexuals. I personally knew at least one such man who had been a friend of relatives, and the event that had turned him completely was a sexual encounter with a woman. The point here is that even if the homosexual man that is genuinely born that way were in a stable relationship, about 9/10 times it would be with a person that is a homosexual because of either some tragedy in their childhood (sexual abuse) or some sexual fetish that is clearly unnatural and tends to be linked to the sexual abuse of children at about 11 TIMES the frequency of non-homosexuals. And that’s on the REPORTED cases. Which are always a fraction of the real number.

But even if two “born that way” homosexuals get together in a solid lifelong partnership we still have a major problem, because a child adopted by them would naturally become socially confused and would not be receiving the natural responses to his mirror neurones that a child with a make father and female mother would. Inevitably this would result in a complicating and confusing of his own sexuality which is bound to render an already difficult start (being an adopted child) even more so. And by the way, such a hypothetical pairing of two “natural” (born that way) homosexuals, is also extremely unlikely, because let’s be real, two such unfortunates have some aspect of their wiring twisted to present as what a female would have in respect of sexual attraction, and therefore BOTH would want to be the “bottom” to use gay parlance, which means it’s even less likely that such a pairing would occur in the first place.

So even in the “best” or most “natural” of homosexual situations (that is, “born that way” situation) it is still a clearly screwed up situation that no child should ever consciously be placed into.

The reality

As already explained above, most homosexual relationships will not include both partners as being “naturals” (born that way), and in fact will be the result of usually very temporary, or almost certainly non-exclusive “relationships” between two gay men. If you think my points here are based simply in “bigotry”, you really need to do some research on your own into the realities of homosexual lifestyles and the statistics connected to them which are absolutely solid and have been confirmed and reproduced by pretty much anyone that has done objective studies on this that are not financed by special interest groups from either side.

In such far more prevalent gay “relationships” the likelihood of children being sexually abused is AT A CONCLUDED MINIMUM 11 times higher than with any heterosexual couples and also far more likely to take place from infancy too.

Again, this is not popular to say out loud because the globohomo narrative is nowadays being pushed along also with the threat of imprisonment if you dare tell the truth about it, but it doesn’t change the facts.

Even if that was the ONLY factor, it should be enough for any sensible person to immediately ban adoption by homosexuals. And it is far from the only factor. The incidence of domestic violence is highest of all in lesbian couples, as is the incidence of physical abuse or murder of children. The incidence of later drug use, alcoholism, suicide, and criminality is all higher for those “raised” by homosexual couples than normal man-woman ones. And that’s just some of the issues. There are subtler ones that I will not bother to identify since I am not aware of large data sets of statistics on them, but you can probably imagine a few of them.


Regardless of your personal sexual preference, or mine, it should not be rocket science, to understand that the best possible situation for an adopted child, is to be placed with as close to what might be his natural family as possible. This AUTOMATICALLY AND INVARIABLY means a couple composed of a man and woman that are seriously committed to one another (i.e. married) with a reasonable expectation that only death would dissolve that union. You of course can also add other factors, like trying to ensure the child is given to a couple of the same general ethnicity and cultural background whenever possible, if all other factors are equal.

Again, none of this is difficult to understand, unreasonable or illogical. The only “barrier” to understanding all of the above is an artificial one inserted by a false and degenerate ideology that is demonstrably destructive to any civilisation, which has been demonstrated throughout history, and that is pushed by people who deliberately want to destroy, the most humanly successful cultures the world of men has ever produced.

It is therefore absolutely a good thing when nations better protect their children by ensuring as best they can that any adoptees are placed with traditional couples best suited to their care.

The importance of stretching

My wife noted that as adults when we wake up we are immediately assaulted by worries, concerns of what to do or what we have not done and so on.

And that is the intent, to keep us in a perpetual state of constant mild anxiety.

As a child, the first thing you do when you wake up, is stretch. Animals do it too.

And that is just one aspect in which we have been conditioned —Pavlovian style— to abandon our God-given natural process of maintaining bodily health, and instead take on the self-destructive attitudes, behaviours, modalities, habits and practices that are today considered “normal” or even “necessary”.

On the “good” vaccines…

Tucker Carlson said he has to Bleep out a Segment of his Interview on YouTube, because Rob talked about a Medical Doctor who wouldn’t Give Their own Newborn Infant any Vaccines “because there are too Many Toxins in them”

• You have an immune system, and the mothers breast milk which act as an immune system…

• Today there are approximately 72 shots, between 16 different vaccines, before the age of 6

This subject infuriates me man… our children… our babies, our future has greatly suffered and died over the gross intentional malpractice of the pharmaceutical industry.

Like most people, I didn’t really have anything against vaccines, having been taught since childhood they were “good” for us.

When my first daughter was born I refused the vitamin K shot which they give to ALL newborns, because I had actually researched it.

It’s supposed to stop bleeding on the brain that happens to about 2 out of 100,000 births and then it is only potentially useful on those cases that have it due to being injured in birth as a result of use of forceps say. Which forceps were in fact used on my daughter, thanks to utter and complete incompetence of the two female Indian doctors that were present, who refused to do a C-section when it was clear her head was too big for her mother to birth naturally, and who then failed to pull her out using a suction cup, pulling so hard on her unborn head that it popped off and the doctor fell on her arse in the delivery room. They eventually had to cut the mother to get her out, all of which could have been done 6 hours earlier with a C-section, but by then was too late and required a cut to enlarge the exit.

After that little ordeal, she came out blue and terrified, and when her eyes finally latched on to mine, her little hand grabbed my finger and I stood there looking at her as she looked at me.

The same level of incompetent doctor will tell you babies’ eyes don’t work (it’s a lie they work perfectly fine, they just never used them before but she definitely recognised me as something worth seeing, because I think the eyes show another presence, another living creature and soul, so she fixed on that first) that they can’t smile (also a lie) and so on.

When the retarded nurse number 2 came along and tried to give her the vitamin K shot I told her not thanks. She started trying to argue with me by making reference to the MMR multi-shot vaccine, saying “that doctor has been discredited”, referring to the doctor that had shown a link between that shot and autism (who was later vindicated by the way). Showing with absolute clarity she had not a clue what the hell she was talking about. She had no idea what the shot she wanted to administer even was.

I told her she was just as incompetent as the rest of the staff we had met so far (the first nurse had failed to insert a catheter in the mother seven times in a row) and to leave the room. She brought back a young doctor who politely asked me why I was refusing the vitamin K shot. I congratulated him on knowing what it was he was asking me about, unlike his nurse, and pulled out the folder I had with all the proof that the stupid vitamin K shot injects 20,000 TIMES the level of vitamin K that a person first has when they develop it (babies don’t have it) for something that MIGHT help 2 times out of 100,000 but that has been shown to have statistical significance with the development of leukaemia 20 years later with an average of 2% probability.

He admitted he had never known this, asked me if he could copy the information. I told him to keep the file as I had two copies.

Even then I stupidly gave my daughter the first couple of vaccines. An error I would never repeat today, after I actually spent some rime reading up on the entire history of vaccines as well as what is in them, and what almost all doctors are specifically trained to NOT know about them.

And the main reason they try and force you to inject those poisons into your kids?

To “safeguard” other kids.

Which of course makes about as much sense as asking your neighbour to wear his seatbelt when he drives around in his car, so it makes YOU safer when YOU drive around in your car.

If your vaccine works at all, what do you care if I am vaccinated or not? You’re supposedly immune now, right?

Yeah… turns out if you actually read up on vaccines and their origins… it’s far, far, far, worse than you imagine.

And that’s the ones that are supposed to be actual vaccines. Never mind the mRNA non-vaccines, that are genetic experiments that change your DNA, have NEVER worked for over 30 years and invariably have resulted in the eventual death of the animals they were experimented on for over three decades.

So yeah… trusting doctors is even worse than trusting prostitutes, and far more likely to result in your eventual illness or death.

Serendipitious Hypnosis

I have literally just finished updating the testimonials I have been bugged to update by my IT friend. It really only took sending out a general message to a few of the latest clients I had, so I have no one to blame but myself, for not updating this in over a decade. As usual, my prowess at self-marketing is right up there with the number of bees at the top of Mount Everest, living Dodo teeth and other such things.

At any rate, given that there has definitely been an uptick in interest in using my services for this despite my not exactly advertising it. At all. I thought, okay, fair enough, let me see if I can re-organise myself a bit and I have made it easier for me to do sessions, since, as I said, the demand is on the increase despite my prices going back to what they were when I started.

Anyway, most evenings are now possible if you are interested, and whether it is coincidence or not, over at Sigma Game one of the posts I read today was about the difficulty people have of changing themselves, their habits and so on. And I agree, change is difficult for most, and I have written about this at some length long ago already, Nevertheless, it is possible if you commit yourself to it.

The three surest ways I am aware of achieving lasting change, are:

  1. About 20 years mastering a skill (it tends to restructure you to some extent).
  2. Controlled, guided “trip” using LSD with professionals in attendance (not available anymore, at least not legally, and even if it were, not easily or affordably).
  3. Hypnosis (main problem being that most hypnotists are simply not very good, like most psychologists too.)

Given the above alternatives, (I have personally experienced 1 and 3, but not 2 in any way shape or form) option 3 is undoubtedly the fastest and least likely to cause serious harm if something goes wrong.

At any rate, if you are interested you may want to either read up a bit about it here, or drop me an email and please take note of the process here.

This is the Ultimate Weapon

NOTE: Yes this is long. It also may literally change your life for the better in ways that are hard to imagine. And I wrote it primarily because my experiments on myself and in my own life seem to be bearing fruit.

Something very few people understand, even military men, veterans, life-long martial artists, strategists, UFC guys, boxers, and everything else in between, is that the number one, most important, absolute weapon you have, above all others, is this: Your Mind.

Your Weapon

Even people who you might assume have a grasp of the basic concept often miss the wood for the trees on this. I have been asked this by a few people who fancied themselves as overall decent strategists:

“What is the most important thing for a fighter?”

And to my reply of “Your mind,” they invariably scoff or try to divert it to some lesser aspect of my answer, like “Isn’t it getting up again?” or willpower, or perseverance and so on.

Well, guess what. Every one of those things begins in your mind.

Perseverance, later thinking, discipline, flexibility, pattern-recognition, literally all of it, begins, and ends, with your mind.

It sounds so stupidly obvious right? Duh! “Of course it’s your mind!” you’re thinking. What a dumb post…


Now consider a few other things.

The connection between your mind and your body has limits that are NOT understood by medical science almost entirely. The average doctor has no concept of the Placebo or Nocebo effects. They may mention them without realising they literally can save your life from supposedly incurable diseases as well as kill you when there is no external factor that should result in your death.

Unscrupulous grifters have made a whole industry of half-baked “truths” wrapped in lies concerning your ability to do anything from cure cancer to become a millionaire by the sheer power of repeating “affirmations” and “changing your mindset”.

Over 99% of hypnotists, psychologists and psychiatrists have little to no understanding of the link between the mind and the reality around it. There are enough experiments in neuroscience which are of the reproducible kind (meaning they are actually valid science) that essentially prove a host of things we can’t adequately explain:

  • Reality is literally changed by you observing it.
  • The mind can perceive, receive, and send information across vast distances or simply by focusing on something without any apparent way to do so (i.e. telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote viewing, psychometry and so on are actual things that exist).
  • The pain/emotions felt by loved ones can affect your mind as if you were experiencing it. And this can also function in connection with the item immediately above.
  • The mind is capable of entering altered states and/or dimensions where it can access information it had no previous knowledge of, and that information can be beneficial to the owner of the mind as well as others if/when it is shared/applied in the physical realm we inhabit.
  • Some degree of communication with people who have passed on can exist.
  • Some degree of communication with entities from other dimensions can exist. The intentions of such entities towards humanity in general can apparently range from beneficial to utter hatred (commonly thought of as Angelic beings, Demons and something in between, like Faeries).

There are also a great many stories, legends, and anecdotal events that seem to indicate that a certain level of miraculous manifestation of things may well be the result of a directed mind that using the correct approach, focuses or considers something in a way that sees it take place in the real world.

If you have digested all of the above, great. Keep that whole giant point present in one corner of the mind, then read below and get the next info-dump and then put that in one another corner of your mind, because only once you have put these two baseline points in your mind and can contemplate them from a bird’s eye view appropriately, can you then begin to see the third point, which defines our current situation. Only then, can I present you the overall theory and paradigm shift that I want you to digest and begin acting upon.

Your Weapon’s Base Efficiency and Maintenance

You know that old adage that “If you don’t program your mind, someone else will?” Well, it’s absolutely true. And while you may nod sagely or pay lip service to it, not a single one of us really appreciates the extent to which this is true. Not even me. And I am waaaaaaaayyyy beyond the normal human curve on this.

If you have small children, present them with a little problem that you know how to solve in one way. Give them time, encouragements and a good sensation you believe in them and most times you will find that they come up with ten different ways you didn’t think of on how to solve it. Imagine if we kept that way of thinking into adulthood. I certainly try to and I have changed career, country, and wives, a number of times. I have moved home 54 times and I am 54 years old. I have gone from being so broke all I had to eat was a bag of flower, some salt and tap water, to blowing over four grand on some clothing a girl I was seeing liked. I have spent more on a rifle I wanted than on any car I ever bought. And I have had many strange and incredible life experiences. I now have 5 children, am trying to learn to be a farmer, which is nothing I have any talent for and as of yesterday I just broke a part of the connector to the trincia because I am bad at this, but eventually I will become good at it. Because in my life, anything I have put my focus, mind and effort into, I have been able to achieve. Not without smacking my head into the occasional steel wall a few times mind you, but I have a deeply embedded belief that I am absolutely able to achieve whatever I decide to focus on. It’s harder to have laser like focus with 5 kids and wife than when you are single, but it’s also more important to be able to do so, so the focus is even more intense for me.

Despite all the above, I have always expected resistance from the world. And indeed I have found it. Whenever I changed job or country or home, almost everyone I knew was of the idea that “I was making a mistake” or that “it wouldn’t work” and so on. Very few people were ever supportive, and I learnt as a result to ignore pretty much everyone in that respect and only take the useful parts of any advice with regard to elements of whatever I was deciding to do.

My point in describing my own experience is not to make you think how cool I am, but rather the opposite if anything. What I am explicitly stating is that even with a lifetime of experience that validates my point that your mind affects your outcome more than any factor whatsoever, I am not, a millionaire with my own private island and fleet of all-female crewed yachts. Probably due to the fact that it is my belief that in order to achieve that it is very likely you would need to compromise some serious aspects of your integrity or soul. And in my over half a century on Earth I have come across only maybe one guy who potentially did not compromise himself and was very wealthy, but he had also started out with a lot of money from his father. Whether his son does as well, now that the man has passed, remains to be seen. I have not had such a situation in life so I can’t speak much to it, but I have observed enough wealthy people to know that it is rare for a son handed great wealth to remain a human being I think highly of from the perspective of how I measure people’s value.

My method of measurement may be a little “brutal” but it is absolutely correct in judging a man’s character and often also ability and other factors such as honesty, reliability, loyalty, and so on. One of the surest ways to know a man’s real heart is to put him in physical danger. the martial arts dojo I trained in for over a decade was perfect for this. people who acted like lords and masters of life, placed on that floor turned into scared, wet little men, and guys that were almost homeless could be literal lions without fear. The status one had in the so-called “civilised” world meant nothing on that dojo floor. And it was not all ability based. there were people who were technically very good that were weak internally, and guys that could barely adopt any of the classical stances that were nevertheless fighters in their heart. The mind a man has when facing physically and emotionally frightening things will very quickly tell you the condition of his weapon. I was no more than seven years old, maybe less, when a thing happened that made me freeze with fear. As it turned out it was nothing real, just an event my brain (and my brother’s too) interpreted as some kind of horror film about to play out with us as victims, when in reality it was a non-event. nevertheless, I resolved consciously back then to never react that way again. And in fairness, I never have. At other times in my life a few times things happened that were absolutely life-threatening or had the potential to be, and I never froze again. Even if I have been fearful, I never stopped acting and moving and doing, and without fail my tendency has always been to move towards the danger, to face it rather than to run away from it. I don’t think I can take credit for that though, as that is the case when others are involved too and it is a pretty baseline aspect of people whether you sort by self or sort by others. I tend to sort by others, certainly in extreme situations, and if anything, in life I had to try and force myself to sort by self a bit more. to the outside observer they are likely to assume I am much more of a selfish asshole than I actually am, but the conscious actions I take in “selfish asshole territory” are not faked; they are designed to reduce the numbers of “opportunistic parasites and general pains in the ass” types and keep them as far from me as possible.

Despite all the above, it should become relatively clear that my internal processes, despite being absolutely well-above average in terms of keeping people I don’t want near me at a distance, and allowing me a certain level of ability that has to date resulted in overall “success” as most people would define it, contains a high level of “conflict”.

In order to explain this better, let me explain a bit more: even if never achieving anything particularly spectacular, I would say that having achieved “good enough” status in a number of completely different fields qualifies in itself as a kind of pretty spectacular skill. And in a few fields I have certainly achieved a good level of world-class ability, even if not the usual “world-class” recognition that goes with that level of skill. Mostly due to the fact that those who get there are doing almost exclusively that one thing, while I am merely focusing on getting my own ability up there, not making a living off it or doing that to the exclusion of other things or even my main work.

The shifting from one skill or talent to another in such relatively rapid succession meant I generally always dealt with “resistance”. Any new endeavour has a high initial failure rate. Add to that the naysayers, the negative thinkers, the short-sighted and the resistance has never been confined merely to the practicalities involved, but rather to the false expectations of a weak world outside of my head too. The overall general frame of reference I have internally then, tends to be something along the lines of:

“Right, I am going to do this new things now, which should take X amount of time, except for the negative influences of A, B, C and D which will make it 2X and then the things I don’t know and mistakes I will make along the way that would maybe have not been all that relevant to X but mixed in with the various reactions from the outside world, will make it be at least 3X.”

By negative influences of other people, I mean really practical stuff, like to take one example:

I absolutely know my fiction writing is far better than the average “successful” writer in my genre. But I never took (nor take) the time to market myself, spread the word, network and do all the other things, including getting a proper agent and so on. I barely even ask people to leave me a review when they like my stuff. And I know my non-fiction writing is ALSO better than the vast majority of things written in any of the non-fiction fields I have so far covered. And yet, I am not a writer that makes a living from his writing. In a world where pure meritocracy is justly rewarded, I would be. But we live in a world where whoever makes the loudest noise generally wins At least until violence ensues, as America and nato are currently finding out with respect to Russia. I have always been rather secure in that aspect of life. Probably growing up with guns and doing martial arts from childhood had a lot to do with it, but also perhaps a genetic component. My paternal line of men seem to have always been people unafraid to get into armed conflicts as and when required.

Aside the practical reality of these negative influences there are also the “woo-woo” aspects which are, to my mind, actually more important than the physical ones. Consider that it has been neurologically proven that your brain will experience physical pain to a loved one as if it was happening to you. They literally can’t tell the brain scans apart. Does it not follow therefore, that if a loved one has zero faith in you, or worse, actively disbelieves your ability to achieve X, your own brain, unconsciously, will pick up on this and make it its “reality” just as it does with the physical pain experienced by the loved one instead of you?

Now, please don’t all become a bunch of whiny bitches blaming your failures on the people around you not being “supportive”. You’re probably a lazy, fat fucker that doesn’t get off his ass enough, but I mention this point, because it is a thing, and yet, it has also been demonstrated that whoever has a stronger belief system influences the other. So if you are a negative perspective see-er and a depression prone downer of a person that always feels unsatisfied, unhappy, miserable, bored and tired, guess what, you will tend to bring everyone around you down too. And since it is energetically harder to be upbeat and positive and happy, because it literally consumes more energy, on a long-enough timeline, the fearful, the depressed, the scared, the perennially negative-thinking types, will tend to drag down the overall perspective of everyone around them. Remember this when you next watch “the news” or read a newspaper. And note the general doom and gloom tone of pretty much every piece of information about the world you see around you. So let me continue with the example of my own brain as the test subject.

But in any case, aside the negative expectations of others and the reality of practical learning curves, the point is that I expect resistance. I expect strife. I expect struggle. And it invariably is there. What if I were to change my mind to expect an easy and simple natural ascension to heights of wealth and good results without the strife?

Doing so is not my natural inclination. I certainly am overall optimistic, but long experience has also taught me that if you can spot a problem from far enough away, you can generally at least avoid the worst of it, so I tend to be on the lookout for potential problems. What if I trained my brain to be on the lookout for potential “good waves” that would have me sail so far above the potential “rocks” (problems) I would normally see in the distance that they no longer are even a thing?

Well, it is not an easy or necessarily quick shift to make (but is it? Does it really need to take years? Or is it simply a choice?), but logic makes it clear it is a necessary one. And look at how quickly a child can go from total desperation to instant joy. If they can do it, why the hell would you not be able to? I have always believed this, and it is one of the sources of frustrations I have had over the years in my relationships. Women tend to want to focus on the negative in life. I have no idea why, but they love to wallow in misery. Just look at the absolute tripe, shitty films, and nonsense they almost universally claim is the very “essence” of love. I shit you not, my ex-sister in law, in all her best and truest good intention, gave me a DVD to watch as the “truest” embodiment of love (I had just had the latest somewhat painful break-up with some girl). It was the film PS I love you.

There is not a man on Earth that would watch that shit and think, oh yeah, this is all about true love. Quite the opposite really. But from the female perspective of wanting to be the centre of the universe while wallowing in her own misery and yet still being loved for herself, yet never changing from the miserable downer she is… oh well. It’s fantastic apparently. While for most men, probably dying in a fire is preferable.

My point (yes, yes, I write long sentences and take diversions along the way to better illustrate the overall point. Pay attention and don’t get lost, you feeble-minded half-wit who can’t deal with extended sentences!) is that:

  • You do have the capacity to switch emotional state quickly.
  • You do have the capacity to control your own thoughts.
  • You do have the capacity to repeat a behaviour until it becomes a habit.
  • The brain is plastic and remains so the more you use it and shift it throughout your life.

Given all of the above, you must, logically, have the capacity to shift even life-long patterns of thought and behaviour quickly and permanently. And there is probably an optimal way to do it, which I would guess has to do with everything from better nutrition, to learning the basics of logic, clear language, mathematics, as well as (mostly) internal factors such as your unconscious beliefs about yourself, reality, God, the possibility of X or Y being true and so on.

What the limits of any of our abilities is, is nowhere near as clear or even known as everyone around you would have you believe.

In short then, Your mind is your weapon, and its current state, is very poor. If we were to make an analogy, your World War II Mauser pistol, with selector switch that allows single shot, three round burst or fully automatic fire, has been lying in mud for 50 years and you have no ammo for it.

Even if you clean it and recondition it to perfection, you still have no ammo for it and are unsure of even how to load it or operate it. In short, you may as well be a caveman trying to figure out what it is and how to use it. At best, you may use it as a bludgeoning weapon, and those of us who are are already ahead of the curve even if technically speaking we are still very much on the very start of the retard slope of it on the extreme left of that curve.

Your Enemy’s Use of Your Weapon

Let’s start with a premise. Assume for a minute that your internal mental state determines your quality of life. This remains true regardless of your belief concerning whether your internal state can materially affect reality by such things as manifesting the things, people or conditions you want. At its most basic level, even if you are poor, ugly and alone, but are internally relatively happy and content, it sure beats being poor, ugly, alone and also internally miserable, depressed and hopeless.

So, even at its most basic level, this point remains true. It is also generally a logical fact that if your internal state is generally good, you will tend to have more energy available for everything from thinking to doing physical work. And having more energy available has, throughout human history, in any way that energy can ever be measured, generally correlated positively with a “better” or at least “easier” quality of life. And though those terms are subjective and may in fact be net negatives in an objective view, the fact remains that with more energy you can do more.

So, as long as you do more of the right things, it make sense that even if the only benefit you got from having a better internal state is limited to these things I discuss in the above two paragraphs, you’d still be better off putting into practice whatever would improve your internal state.

Add to it that there is at least the possibility that your internal state also may have a measurable effect on reality around you and therefore, on the principle of the butterfly effect, possibly radically affect the outcomes in your life on a long enough trajectory, (it is in fact empirically proven, but most people are simply not aware of the repeatable studies done and the neurological results achieved, nor are most people willing to wade through such things in detail to prove it for themselves) and you’d have to be a complete moron to not take the time and effort to sanitise your brain and how it thinks.

Right about now, you may be beginning to realise most of humanity is composed of morons. And that you are one of them too. Welcome to Professor Cipolla’s perspective of the human condition.

Given all of the above then, what is constantly being reinforced throughout this planet, to everyone on it, by every means possible. And if you are not in a coma, have you noticed what has absolutely ramped up dramatically in the last four years? Pay attention.

You are indoctrinated by a school system that instead of limiting itself to teaching you how to read, write, do mathematics, use language correctly and specifically, teach you how to observe and measure and test the world around you, spends most of its time to tell you implicitly and explicitly that your value is directly proportional to your ability to perform well at certain functions. This is not really wrong in certain respects. If you can’t do the basic things education is supposed to teach you at least decently, life is likely going to be more difficult for you. However, while it is true that your ability to do math will affect your ability to be a successful accountant, it says nothing about your ultimate value as a human being. One of the most honest people I ever met was intellectually incapable of grasping the concept of square metres, but I have yet to encounter a human being that was as scrupulously honest as that man. If human beings were correctly evaluated on their character as well as their ability (and of course that opens up a whole other debate on what and how you determine “correctly evaluated”) most people who work in finance would be relegated to cleaning out latrines by hand, as their minimum penance for their sins.

But let me try to stick to the point. The enemies that absolutely do NOT want you do be able to determine and use your own mind properly, very much would need you to have an internal state that is the exact opposite of the one you would pursue if you were a rational, logical, intelligent human being. So, aside the fact that we’re all morons and so not pursuing what we should, the enemy makes sure that instead of:

  • Joy
  • Serenity
  • Peace
  • Calm
  • Appreciation
  • Grace
  • Beauty
  • Gratitude
  • Love
  • Courage
  • Awe
  • Curiosity
  • Exploration
  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Discipline
  • Laughter
  • Intimacy
  • Closeness
  • Tenderness
  • Empathy
  • Sensing Nature
  • Being in Nature
  • Learning about nature and its cycles
  • Learning about animals and their cycles and natures
  • Taking time to think and rest
  • Taking time to teach and care

You spend almost the entirety of your day with/on:

  • Concerns about money
  • Concerns about success
  • Concerns about stuff
  • Time at work for others to do things to earn enough money to survive
  • Just doing as you’re told
  • Not rocking the boat even if the boat is full of shit and sucking your soul dry
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Fear at every level:
    • Terrorism
    • Pandemics
    • Economic crashes
    • Not being loved
    • No one caring about you
    • Never being able to get out of the “hole” you’re in (whatever it is)
  • Never having time to yourself
  • Never having time in nature just for the sake of it
  • Not knowing anything about nature, its cycles or animals and theirs
  • Polluting and worrying about the pollution from fake things like “climate change” to very real things like chemtrails
  • Never taking risks
  • Never get curious about any of the things that divert from the prescribed path you should follow to “make it” in society
  • Worrying about what other people think about you
  • Not feeling appreciated, loved, or cared for
  • Not having “time” to appreciate, love, or care for anyone else
  • Seeing all the problems you still have to face
  • Not seeing any beauty anywhere
  • Stunning yourself in front of the TV with various “shows” and “Entertainment” that reinforces stereotypes you are told 24/7 you must conform to or else you are a bad person. Everything from:
    • LGBT nonsense that is clearly a deviation from nature
    • Absurd lies like men being able to be women and vice-versa
    • Nonsensical things like “gender”:
      • a) being a thing relating to humans instead of language (the correct word for differentiating between the only two sexes, male and female is sex; not gender.)
      • b) being a “social construct” when the right words for defining a “social construct” are actually made-up bullshit.
      • c) being “fluid” or “non-binary” or purple for that matter. I mean… it’s made-up shit, so you can Calvinball it as much as you like, but it doesn’t make it any more real.
    • Feminism being a good thing
    • Masculinity being “toxic”
    • Women and girls being just as physically capable and strong as any man or boy.
    • Girlbosses being all awesome
    • There being a real wage pay gap
    • Women being more empathetic and nurturing than men (they are less so. Yup. Look it up. And see the statistics on who abuses and even kills children more and what the general outcomes for children of single parent families are like)
    • Meritocracy being evil
    • Communism and commonality of outcome regardless of input being good
    • Jews always being smart and the good guys or the victims, never the underhand, nepotistic, stateless parasites that use usury and other financial tools, as well as a general influence with the mass media and entertainment industries which they disproportionately are present in, to degrade and destroy the host nation, financially, morally, ethically and especially degrading and perverting Christianity in particular; and having done so since before the time of Jesus, which is recorded even by ancient Roman emperors and statesmen of the time. Which may have something to do with the usual eventual pogrom and “persecutions” that seem to afflict only them and no one else, for no reason whatsoever at all. Any suggestion the reasons might in fact be the one described above, and there being plenty of evidence for it in each occurrence of them being “cast out”, can only be motivated by totally baseless antisemitism; for no reason at all.
    • The need to ignore observable reality with respect to the behaviour of various people from various cultures, religions and ethnicities and their incompatibility with each other and the inevitable problems that arise when such different people are forced to live in proximity to one another.
    • Every race on the planet being able to be the victim of racism except for white people, who are the only perpetrators of racism on the planet.
    • In general, white, heterosexual males being if not actively “evil” unfairly advantaged by some “privilege”. Why this should be other than the success such white heterosexual men have achieved in human history, with respect to everything from military conquest to scientific achievements, through their own efforts, is never explained.
    • Avoiding noticing observable reality at every level. Stating that the average Caucasian IQ is higher than the average Negroid IQ is taboo. And apparently so would be pointing out that the average Japanese IQ is higher than the average Caucasoid IQ. We are not supposed to notice there is a preponderance of blacks that are faster runners than whites and harder to knock out by being hit in the head in boxing, nor that on average the median Australian aborigine is not going to do anywhere near as well on a maths test as the average Chinese. We are all supposed to be absolutely equal and if we are not we are all supposed to artificially reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator, because apparently, if we are all as “efficient” as the most crippled, mentally handicapped, gay post-operation, transgender “lesbian”, that thinks math is racist, the human race will flourish.
  • The suggestion you should do anything outside in the real world instead of rot your brain with he “entertainment” just listed directly above, instantly makes you a right-wing radical, potential domestic terrorist and obvious racist that hates homosexuals and wants to burn them at the stake independent from the fact that homosexuals are at least eleven TIMES more likely to indulge in the sexual abuse of children (and that on the REPORTED cases, which are always a fraction of the total cases).

Now, if you got through all that without running yourself a warm bath with some nice razor blades and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the tub with you, you may also have noted that I barely skimmed the surface of what is attempted to be pumped into your brain on a daily basis.

But wait! That’s not all! They are also:

  • Poisoning you with everything from genetic serums while trying to call them “vaccines” to injecting the same genetic altering stuff in your food.
  • Literally also the vaccines actually poison you.
  • Make you sick in many and varied ways then sell you the cure, which often just makes you sicker or even if it works doesn’t address the cause, only the symptoms.
  • Creating nano-technology and deploying it that literally makes you prone to being controlled at a distance by technologies that go back at least to the early 1990s and absolutely exist and have been tested and proven to work.
  • Using AI to note patterns of behaviour and reaction to emotions as well as individuate you specifically, so as to be able to automate general responses they can get from you at every level, intellectual, emotional, logical. Which allows them to control from the individual to masses of people autonomously, to produce any effect they wish, from mass hysteria to potentially mass hallucinations (for “supernatural” events), to you specifically possibly going so far as committing suicide.
  • Creating a totalitarian surveillance reality where you can no longer be anonymous or even participate in basic things like movement, travel and food shopping unless you follow the imposed regulations which are becoming stricter, more limiting and more expensive on a daily basis.
  • Constantly ensuring the legal system punishes anyone trying to resist this reality they are imposing on you, while ignoring or even rewarding those who add to the chaos, indiscipline, crime, and general degeneracy we are increasingly surrounded by.
  • At every level and in every turn, denigrate, deny, ridicule and try o actively suppress any belief in God, your own mind’s ability to overcome all of the above and so on.
    • If you actually pay attention you will note that not all religions are treated equal:
      • Islam is fine.
      • Judaism is fine.
      • Generic Protestant “Churchianity” is fine. Especially if they fly LGBT-Pedo flags.
      • Buddhism, especially if generic chanting variety is fine or at least not commented on.
      • Hinduism is fine.
      • Atheism is not just fine but almost glorified.
      • Agnosticism is fine and goes uncommented, mostly.
      • Zen meditation, esoteric Yoga and so on is fine.
      • Wicca and Paganism (both essentially LARPS) is fine.
      • Even Satanism is seen as eccentric but not really a “threat”.
      • Catholicism (Novus Ordo variety, so post Vatican II Satanists in disguise but still weighed down by the cultural weight of actual Catholicism) is seen as suspect and not really fine, but, yeah, ok, as long as they are “Catholics” that support abortion and gay marriage, it’s “tolerable”. And the original latin mass (even if it’s not really original because Vatican II changed it) should absolutely be abandoned.
      • Actual Catholics (Sedevacantists) that still perform the original Latin Mass and absolutely do NOT recognise any of the Novus Ordo Clergy as even Catholic, never mind valid… Well! These are obviously dangerous would-be terrorists that need to be infiltrated immediately by every intelligence agency available, and their priests and bishops preferably made examples of, along with their beliefs needing to be ridiculed, slandered and libelled.

I mean, it’s enough to make you curious about being a Sedevacantist Catholic, isn’t it?

So, assuming you are least resilient enough to have got this far without suck-starting a shotgun, what now?


So, we have discovered the following:

  1. Your Mind is your real only weapon in life.
  2. There is plenty of evidence and even empirical objective facts, to indicate that your mind can be used to literally improve your personal situation and quality of life in ways that are almost magical. While the overall reality remains objective, quite a lot of what you can achieve within it, may be at least in part, subject to your own subjective internal states and ways of being, acting and believing.
  3. You are a drooling retard (don’t worry, me too if it makes you feel better. Well, ok, maybe with a little less drool for me, but still, let’s not squabble) and you’re not maintaining it or looking after it at all and have barely any idea at all of how to use it and certainly no real idea or experience whatever of using it as intended.
  4. Your enemy (or THE Enemy if you prefer, with help from his minions) is running your brain for you. Pretty much 24/7. Which in turns affects and effectively controls your mind.

And now, probably, you’re at the point where you’re “thinking” (because you’re a drooling retard, remember? aAnd brainwashed by your enemy too):

“Yeah, yeah, cool, but can I just take a pill to fix all this? Because it sounds like you’re going to tell us to do some heavy lifting, or some work, or some difficult, tiring things… oh… Gawd… I’m already tired just imagining it, I don’t even know how I got this far… this is TL;DR. Someone better tell me if this guy starts selling vitamins. I may buy. What’s on Netflix?”

The Solution

If you are a retard, you will find the Solution to both be:

  1. A lot easier than you thought!
  2. Too hard to do.

And you know you’re a retard right? Remember how we figured it all out, we’re retards? Don’t go forgetting now, while I recount to you what the solution is.

All you need to do is:

  • Ignore the mass media and entertainment world as much as possible. they are not reality. They are lies told you to control your thoughts. And in almost every single case have zero informative or useful content for your actual day-to-day existence.
  • Take control of your own emotions and brute force make yourself think differently. Make the thoughts generate feelings and emotions. Actually make yourself feel happy. Make yourself feel calm (harder to do than happy!). It really does not take a lot of practice to realise you can actually make yourself feel however you wish. And while yes, there may be some things that invade your mind with worry, and it may be extremely difficult to make yourself feel a positive emotion when such things are before you, you may still ne able to do so while at least “partitioning” or temporarily “putting aside” those specific things.
  • Become conscious of the effects of your directed feelings that you make happen within yourself on your body.
  • Use your mind to consciously alter things in your body. I first learnt to do this through martial arts, but I can change my heartbeat, blood flow to a limb in my body, or production of adrenaline consciously. You can absolutely help unblock a stuck muscle, a point of tension and so on by simply imagining the area and willing it to relax. You should experiment with different approaches. Imagine more blood flowing there and carrying away lactic acid and other toxins. Imagine a flow of energy opening and relaxing the muscle there. Imagine your breath filling and cleansing that area and your exhalations removing tension by expelling out of the body. There are many ways you can explore this and my book on Systema covers principles of relaxation and mental attitude in general in a lot more detail in case you want to go deeper than can be expressed in a simple blog post (despite it’s length).
  • Begin to grasp the concept of how prayer works. I described this somewhat in the very short book BELIEVE! And in this video I did a few years ago, here. And then test it out in your own life.
  • With regard to whatever evil shit is going on in your life, practice the concept of rejecting it positively in your mind. This is NOT the ignoring of an issue, or the doing nothing about it. But rather the conscious, positive, thought, which you must translate to a feeling internally, that this thing, whatever it is, will not beat you, and even as you take actions to better the situation, you keep this feeling internally alive. You don’t need to worry about your positive thought being “realistic” either. I’ll give you a silly but relevant example. I got bitten by some flying little bugs we have here that unlike mosquitos and other things are almost invisible and have me reacting to it worse than a mosquito bite. one such bite was between the knuckles of my left hand and itchy as all hell. Well, I just focused for a moment on it and “imagined” all the “poison” or irritant, or whatever, being ejected from the little hole I had scratched over the bite and after about a minute of this it stopped itching. I was surprised but not convinced so I practiced doing this with other bites and not doing it with some. Unless I do the conscious exercise the bite continues to itch even a day or so later. When I do the exercise a little scab of yellowish fluid forms and the bite stops itching within a minute or so. I didn’t think such a thing could work, but I also learnt to not let my expectations limit my attempts at doing odd things. I do try not to “fly” off tall building and such, but when tested at this level, what’s the worst that can happen? I stay itchy. And at best, I figure out a way to apparently eject whatever the little bastards pollute me with.
  • Now… think of that applied to things like chemtrails, nanotech and EM waves. I am not saying you can become an immune superhuman to all that stuff… but… what does it cost you to try to imagine your body and natural systems rejecting and becoming impervious to those things? And even if it “only” activates the placebo effect, since the placebo effect has been proven to absolutely improve things… why wouldn’t you do it? Are you some kind of retard? Oh… yeah… wait…

So there you have it. I truly hope you can take the journey with me from the left side of the curve to the cowled mystic genius side of it on the right.

After all, if your mind is your ultimate weapon, how about you start using it? And while defence might be the first thing you begin to use it for, in time would it not make sense to use it in offence too? And wouldn’t the first way to do so be to teach others how to use this formidable, unstoppable, weapon we all are born with?

You’re welcome. And I plan to keep sharing what I learn more directly than I have until now. Feel free to share your stories here too.

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