Archive for the ‘Medical Science’ Category

Laying of Hands: A True Story of Miracle Healing Personally Experienced

Those of you that grew up in the 80s, when cell phones didn’t exist, and computers where machines used by NASA, may also have had the misfortune of attending a high-school that had a terribly high male to female ratio.

In these cases, you are no doubt familiar with Dungeons & Dragons.

For the rest of you, suffice it to say that in that realm, every adventuring party that wanted to have any chance of survival, tried to incorporate at least one Cleric. They had the power to heal wounds by magic you see.

This story however is not make believe, or part of some role-playing fantasy game. It is a true story, set in the same reality you and I share.

It happened years ago, when I was only 17 years old.

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B.E.M.E.R. Technology to Heal like Wolverine

As you will know if you read this blog, I underwent surgery for a complete rupture of the Achilles Tendon in my right leg on the 24th of June 2010. Yesterday, not quite 9 weeks later, Redhead Girl invited me to go for an early dinner at a local restaurant that overlooks the Thames. We walked to the restaurant and back, a distance of about four kilometres along the river. I did so unaided by crutches.

According to the doctors on staff at St. Thomas Hospital, which I saw last Tuesday, I should still be using the air-boot cast for another 3 weeks, never mind walking around unaided. So how did I do it? Do I have a mutant healing factor?

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