Archive for the ‘Heretics’ Category

Challenge for the Naysayers

Statement: Catholicism has been the best civilisation humanity has ever experienced.

Go ahead and try and disprove that.

Some baseline issues to consider:

  • Catholicism is considered to be the religion that started (depending on your view of things) sometime between the year 0 and 34 AD, since the life, death and resurrection of Christ is the pivotal and foundational aspect of Catholicism (Christianity).
  • All other versions of “Christianity”, be it any of the 40,000+ versions of Protestantism, Eastern “Orthodoxy”, and including all Novus Ordo “Catholicism” are mere perversions of actual Catholicism, which is the only Christianity that ever has existed or ever can exist, since God is not likely to produce thousands of false and dead ends.
  • Catholicism in its best exterior-known fashion was absolutely infiltrated over roughly two centuries and ultimately almost completely converged to active Satanism by 1958 when Angelo Roncalli became the first of the currently unbroken line of Antipopes. Effectively this means that the Catholic Church has been greatly reduced and has been living in an Interregnum (between royal realms) since 1958. A condition that happens every time a Pope dies before another valid Pope is elected. It is an unusual situation but not entirely unprecedented since there have been periods of up to 70 years where is was very difficult to know which Pope was the real Pope since up to three of them laid claim to the throne of Peter and resolving who were the antipopes happened generally after they were dead, and there has also been a period of at least two years without anyone at all on the See of Peter too. The conclusion of all this is that the only Catholicism left is that espoused by Sedevacantists (ie those Catholics left who recognise that Vatican II and all things related to it are anything but Catholic, and continue to follow Catholicism as it always was and has been encoded in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917).

On that basis, I challenge anyone to find a civilisation in the entirety of human history that was superior for human beings than Catholicism.

So far I have been presented with only two possible alternatives, both absurd.

  1. An unspecified antediluvian civilisation (Eg Atlantis, Lemuria, etc.) Considering I literally wrote The Face on Mars in which I essentially proved that such a civilisation not only existed, but likely was responsible for the destruction of certainly one, and possibly two planets in our solar system and then continued to have a war here, on our planet, the idea that such people were technologically more advanced certainly follows, but that they were a superior civilisation, is laughable. Certainly by the way I measure a civilisation anyway, which is not limited to mere technological capacity. And which should be obvious to anyone not mentally deficient: Destroying a couple of planets and then continuing a generational war between the few survivors on a third planet doesn’t exactly inspire one with confidence in such a people’s concepts of mercy, charity, humanity, and so on.
  1. An equally unspecified pre-Christian people. This smelt rather badly of some Pagan LARPing nonsense, since the “pre-christian” people in question were intentionally left unspecified. Possibly because I have been rather clear in making fun of people that pretend that their supposed Viking ancestors were “superior” in civilisation/religion/belief system to Catholics. Which is hilarious for a large number of reasons, but I’ll identify only three. First of all, the barbaric, vicious and rape-oriented “civilisation” of the Vikings was absolutely a fucking horror show that modern people barely have any concept of, and secondly, because that’s just based on the little that we have left about their practices we are absolutely sure of, because a bunch of the other things that they believed or engaged in remains lost to the fact that they never bothered to write any of it down, preserve it or even bother to continue perpetrating it. But personally, and most hilariously of all for me, is the fact that my own ancestors absolutely were from those genetic people. The Franks and Normans that formed overwhelmingly the largest part of the first Crusade (1095 AD) were the descendants of the very Vikings that up to a couple of centuries earlier (about 900 AD) raided and murdered many Catholic monasteries and monks. In order to stop this, the Catholics offered them lands and space to protect themselves from their raids, on the understanding that they would fight off their kinsmen who wanted to continue raiding. And over time, all of these people converted to Christianity, without losing their talent for battle. My own family line can directly be traced back to the returning Crusaders when the Outremer was essentially beginning to be overwhelmed after a couple of centuries of occupation with no help at all from the “Orthodox” Easterners who had asked for Catholic help to begin with, and with ever increasing costs borne by Catholic Europe alone, and increasing numbers of belligerent Muslims. The returning crusaders with my surname came to Italy via present day Albania, quashed a feud that had been ongoing for 200 years, then split into two branches, one that remained in the south; the Golden branch, since the King of Sicily had made them Marquis (as well as all future first-born sons), and a Silver one (wilder explorers) who went further north to Venice and took part in the war of Candia were they were again rewarded for military bravery and given a perpetual noble title of Patricians (the lowest of Nobles). So, if anyone at all knows anything about such people, it really is me, and no, the Vikings absolutely were NOT in any way, shape or form a superior “civilisation” to Catholicism. In fact it is questionable if one should even consider them a civilisation at all. And pretty much the same goes for any other ancient culture, Spartan, Athenian, Roman, all were far from pleasant societies than anyone alive today normally imagines. Nor can we say the Chinese dynasties, or the Imperial Japanese ones were superior civilisations. The Chinese were far more numerous sure, but in terms of conditions of life for the average Chinese? It’s laughable.

In conclusion, the only “attacks” that will be forthcoming will be from:

Boomer tier ‘Muricans saying “We went to the Moon!” No, you didn’t the Nazis did it for you, and no, you didn’t really go anywhere near the way you think you did. And in any case, Protestantism has only and purely been the secularisation of Christianity (Catholicism) which has got us to where it is today, with their transgender Bishops, 40,000 plus “demon-nimations” and one rule to rule them all: “Interpreth as thou will!”. The rampant Clown World face of the West currently is Protestantism writ large. It is the “acceptance” and “tolerance” for the demonic, which is, of course, the very intent of the founders of America, since it was financed and created by Freemasons with funds from the French Revolution and the same Freemasonic Mottos of Equality, Fraternity (brotherhood of man) and Liberty, which all translate ultimately to “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. And since Protestants are absolutely ignorant of anything even remotely Christian, let me spell out that that law is literally the one Satanic Law, as espoused by Alistair Crowley.

Ignorant Eastern “Orthodox”, who will claim they are the true keepers of the faith, while trying to avoid the fact they are as split as the Protestants, with no visible head, their Churches segregated by nationality, but the final nail in their coffin being that they neither spread, the gospel anywhere close to how much the Catholics did, but rather, they stagnated, and secondly, their achievements in terms of humane evolution remained similarly stagnant, as did their art and philosophy. They didn’t create the scientific method, abolish slavery or change much of anything for the better. Catholics did.

Randoms. These can range from people who will try to pretend they are knowledgeable of Japanese civilisation, or Tibetan ones say, while missing the main point that even if we accepted the premise that Shintoism and the Samurai age was superior to Catholicism (it was not, but it certainly has a level of aesthetic appeal), or that Tibetan monasteries were the pinnacle of civilisation (they were and are not, and anyway the Chinks have taken them out) it remains a tiny fraction of the level and number of effects that Catholicism created on Earth when compared to these alternatives. The random brainwashed Protestants left bleating in the dark really have nothing meaningful to say. The so-called “Protestant work ethic” together with the Industrial Revolution, which can be placed under Protestant “achievements” is merely a mechanisation of human beings and ultimately does not actually produce the best quality of work, though it does produce large quantity of it while mostly dehumanising the people in it, reducing them to cogs in the giant machine dedicated to “profit”. And obviously all the evils that Protestantism has allowed to become “normal” by “tolerating” them remain too. Finally, pedophilic religions like Islam or Judaism are clearly inferior religions and systems of belief, one essentially still relegated to little more than desert nomads in terms of technology, ability and discovery, since all they have is taken or paid for and produced by Westerners, and the other hyper-focussed on enslaving the rest of humanity while turning a profit, in case their proclivities for raping children wasn’t enough.

I would certainly welcome anyone cogent, and dealing solely in dialectic, that would be willing to debate the fact that Catholicism is without question the best system for human beings that humanity has ever come up with, but so far the only two people that I thought might make a reasoned argument have either declined outright (Andrew Wilson – Eastern Orthodox), or stated that they may at some distant future date, possibly engage the topic with me (Vox Day – Protestant). And so far, I haven’t really come across anyone, on or offline that might have the intellectual capacity to hold up their end in an honest intellectual debate. Perhaps I should try to get a hold of William Lane Craig.

Commenters feel free to have a go, but respect the blog rules.

There is, indeed, always one.

Or a million for that matter, because the village idiots keep reproducing.

Allow me to introduce Ken.

Ken is one of the mouth-breathing retards who thinks he can “git me” with his tenuous grasp of metaphysics, Christianity, basic logic and special needs level of reading comprehension.

He thought he would post a wise and deep comment about “the Filioque” without even bothering to understand that word, where it comes from, what it signifies, or why it even exists.

Kind of like the equally stupid and drooling flat Earth cretins who hang on to the word “firmament” (from the freemason Bible intentionally mistranslated in over 33,000 places under the commission of flamboyantly gay King who also started the Freemason Temples in their current Satanic form, which is why the oh so revered KJV “Bible” is also known as the Freemason Bible (Satanist Bible, right, sounds like a good version to you)).

Just as the people who one truly hopes COULD walk off the edge, continue to think the word “firmament” for reasons best known to themselves means “giant bubble of glass that holds back an infinite ocean” without EVER bothering to find out what the word was in the original text nor what it meant. because if they did, they would find it means “the expanse”. You know, just like the Sci-Fi series of the same name all set in… (drum roll please) SPACE! In short, the very word the flat-brained idiots hang on to literally means sky in Hebrew.

Here, we have another version of what is basically a. lemur, trying to come to grips with the reading skills a normal six year old has mastered, enter (is it, could it be… “master” Ken, but of theology instead of bullshido?!) Let us begin dissecting this parasitic hanger-on:

The filioque is not so simple, because that phrase in the creed comes straight out of the gospel of John, and the gospel doesn’t have the filioque in it:

Right there, ladies and gentlemen, with that single first sentence, this moron has disqualified himself. Because he thinks (like all Protestant thinkers do, in grayscale at best) that the word Filioque is somehow MAGICAL! And if it’s not spelt in America-huh-n English like JE-AASUS spoke it, then you must REJECT the unholy pagan rites of Kath-hole-icism.

We will show below that the word is merely a CONCEPT. But we can’t expect Ken to understand things like abstract concepts. He clearly is one of those people who can’t even imagine an apple, never mind a concept.

% “When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you
% from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth
% who proceeds from the Father,
% He will testify about Me” John 15:26

Even the Douay-Rheims doesn’t have the filioque:

% But when the Paraclete cometh, whom I will send you
% from the Father, the Spirit of truth,
% who proceedeth from the Father,
% he shall give testimony of me. John 15:26

Note the second thing that proves he is absolutely retarded: That word that Jesus says: *I* or in full context “whom I will send you”.

Let’s do this at the pre-primary school level for Ken, shall we children?

Who sends it? Jesus does!

Where does it come from? The Father!

But who sends it? The Son!

YAY!!! Now clap your hands and take your blank and go lie down for a little nap after that exhausting use of brain cells, eh Ken?

The easiest thing for the various council fathers to do is to stick with scripture. To change the creed would require extraordinarily good arguments.

And here it is LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! In case you were wondering when it would make its appearance, here it is, the full blown special retardation that only Protestants can ever conjure up! Sola Scripture! Except, well, it isn’t what he believes it to be, is it. Because we literally just did look at the scripture, and guess what, it really quite clearly says the Holy Spirit comes from the father THROUGH the Son. So… yeah… you see why I use the word retarded so much when discussing Protestants who also would pretend to be faux-Orthos, because, oh, yeah, the Orthos too think that Sola Scriptura is completely retarded just as much as the Catholics know it is. But we’ll not tell Ken that, eh? He might cry.

Instead of providing those arguments, Rome has agreed to allow the eastern Catholics, and the Orthodox when they re-unite, to keep the creed as they have always known it.

There is no reunification, you special breed of incestuos experiment. But if there ver were to be, it would be under the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church and its edicts and dogmas.

Now let’s look at how dumb Ken was to even comment on my blog.

How difficult would it have been to at least TRY to grasp the situation before shooting his retarded mouth off?

Second result on duck duck go if you type Filioque brings up this, which even though is Novus Ordo based, (so beware) is actually quite correct, because it is such a basic and simple and obvious thing that even the impostors of the Novus Ordo see no point in belabouring it.

The Western Church commonly uses a version of the Nicene creed which has the Latin word filioque (“and the Son”) added after the declaration that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. Scripture reveals that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. The external relationships of the persons of the Trinity mirror their internal relationships. Just as the Father externally sent the Son into the world in time, the Son internally proceeds from the Father in the Trinity. Just as the Spirit is externally sent into the world by the Son as well as the Father (John 15:26, Acts 2:33), he internally proceeds from both Father and Son in the Trinity. This is why the Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of the Son (Gal. 4:6) and not just the Spirit of the Father (Matt. 10:20).

The quotations below show that the early Church Fathers, both Latin and Greek, recognized the same thing, saying that the Spirit proceeds “from the Father and the Son” or “from the Father through the Son.”

These expressions mean the same thing because everything the Son has is from the Father. The proceeding of the Spirit from the Son is something the Son himself received from the Father. The procession of the Spirit is therefore ultimately rooted in the Father but goes through the Son. However, some Eastern Orthodox insist that to equate “through the Son” with “from the Son” is a departure from the true faith.

The expression “from the Father through the Son” is accepted by many Eastern Orthodox. This, in fact, led to a reunion of the Eastern Orthodox with the Catholic Church in 1439 at the Council of Florence. Unfortunately, the union did not last. In the 1450s (just decades before the Protestant Reformation), the Eastern Orthodox left the Church again under pressure from the Muslims, who had just conquered them and who insisted they renounce their union with the Western Church (lest Western Christians come to their aid militarily).

So let’s take a little look at Acts 2:33, shall we?

But let’s read it in context too, shall we, instead of doing the Prottie select a random text to twist it at will dance.

31 Foreseeing this, he spoke of the resurrection of Christ. For neither was he left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption.

32 This Jesus hath God raised again, whereof all we are witnesses.

33 Being exalted therefore by the right hand of God, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath poured forth this which you see and hear.

34 For David ascended not into heaven; but he himself said: The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou on my right hand,

35 Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.

36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know most certainly, that God hath made both Lord and Christ, this same Jesus, whom you have crucified.

37 Now when they had heard these things, they had compunction in their heart, and said to Peter, and to the rest of the apostles: What shall we do, men and brethren?

38 But Peter said to them: Do penance, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins: and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Oh, so, this passage refers to Jesus again, receiving the Holy Ghost and then pouring it out to the others, just as… He said in… GASP! John 15:26! WOW! Will you look at that? it corresponds perfectly! It’s almost like MAGIC. If only you can read at the second grade level!

But wait, it’s not just one (or ok, two) simple trick, there is MORE!

(Perhaps I should use more fonts colours here and some more exclamation marks, so as to keep the brain damaged Protestants that are used to swallowing only adverts and soundbites into their atrophied brains more “engaged”? – let me know!)

We have Galatians 4:6 too! And again, maybe let’s read it in a bit of context eh? Like Catholics do, not like mouth-breathing retards like Ken PRETEND to (he can’t read, he obviously just repeats things he was told by rote).

And because you are sons, God hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father.

Therefore now he is not a servant, but a son. And if a son, an heir also through God.

So… uh… what Spirit is it that God the Father might possibly send to the people? Oh, wait… the Spirit of his Son. So… what Spirit could that possibly be? Some other Spirt, that is NOT the Holy Spirit? Wait, have we got it wrong all this time? Is there really TWO Spirits, the Holy Spirit and then another mysterious unnamed one? Which doesn’t appear anywhere else and is not named in the passage that proves the Trinity beyond any doubt? Well, Ken apparently must believe this, but anyone that can read does not. Because clearly what is being referenced here is the Holy Spirit, and lo and behold, once again, it proceeds from the Father at minimum THROUGH the son, because a very strong argument can also be made that if the Father sends them the Spirit OF the Son, then that spirit is an intrinsic part of Jesus (as it is, being it’s the Holy Spirit) and as such proceeds from him too.

And does Matthew 10:20 contradict anything? Nope, It just says that the spirit of the Father will speak through you. There is no contradiction here. If he had stated the Spirit of Christ instead of The Father, it would have been the same, given that the Trinity is all three of them. It was obviously just a normal sentence spoken as anyone would. He could have said the spirit of God and left it at that too. It makes no difference and is certainly nothing to hang on to as if Matthew had some how EXCLUDED Jesus specifically. In short, it is the usual Protestant nonsense of people trying to find some Calvinistic absolutism and getting it retiredly wrong.

And finally, one last point, note that the Orthos, once again, AGREED with the Catholics and rejoined them over 400 years after their schism and repeated betrayal and murder of many of the Catholics who came to help them despite the fact they were already schismatics for 40 years.

And then, once again, they put their tail between their legs and did as the Muslims told them to do. Not exactly what real believers in Christ would act, is it?

So there you have it Ken. And he has the honour of having forced me to add a whole new category to the topics on this blog, though they have featured many times, Ken prompted the addition of the topic: Retards.

Probably about the only thing he will ever achieve in life, if his reading comprehension is anything to go by.

There are only two types of people

Those who love the Truth and pursue it regardless of where it leads or if it agrees with their preconceived ideas or not, and the ones who lie.

Happy Tranny Day Americans!

So, the Satanist Pedophiles running America reached deep into their incontinent butt-puppet and made him sign, seal and deliver this on literally the most Holy day of Christendom.

See the tranny? Worship the tranny, bigot!

America has always been the leader of Clown World and I really wish Americans would take their country back and eject every single one of the deceivers that have bought pretty much every one of your politicians.

Pharisees are NOT your friends

Vox has posted a more detailed explanation of what I have been saying for nearly a decade now, and that is: Protestantism is corrupt from the baseline.

The blog he links to is definitely not pro-Catholic, as he absolutely lies about what the Catholic Church DID, if not about what was done by the Pharisees who have been trying to destroy it from the start.

As for the name of God, our Indo-European language tradition has an impressive and consistent history. In Sanskrit, the name was dyus; in Phoenician & ancient Briton it was dias; in Greek it was theos and zeus; in Latin it was deus.  The word YHWH never entered our Bible until nearly 1,000 AD when the Masoretic Text (MT) in Hebrew was completed and presented to the Roman Catholic church as the authentic original language and text of the Old Testament. The eastern half of Christendom at that time rejected the text as fraudulent and retained the Greek Septuagint of 285 BC, which they still use today.

        The name, “Jesus,” is the proper English pronunciation for His true Greek name of IESU. The Aramaic pronunciation for IESU is “yahshua.” That Aramaic name is then translated into English as Joshua. It was a IESU who led the Israelites across the Jordan into Canaan, their promised land. And it will be IESU again who leads God’s people from this kingdom of World into the Kingdom of Heaven. To use the Aramaic pronunciation, namely “yahshua,” is a mistake. Jesus, his disciples, and everyone else spoke Greek. Some of the Cain races who were their neighbors retained their native language of Aramaic along with the common language of Greek. Certainly, Jesus and his friends knew some Aramaic (He even spoke a phrase of it from the cross, Eli, Eli, lamasabachthani, where “El was a generic name for God. But Greek was their first language because it had naturally evolved from the Phoenician language of their ancestors. Those who claim that Jesus’ first language was Aramaic are simply wrong. Greek is the language of our people.

His lie, the implication that the Western Catholic Church is who believe the Masoretic texts and came up with YHWH, is typical of that kind of retardation that is absolutely required and prevalent for anyone to be Protestant. Namely, a total cognitive dissonance with any remotely logical aspect of reality. To wit:

The Catholic Church LITERALLY PUT THE BIBLE TOGETHER! And NOT from the Masoretic texts, which appeared only about seven centuries later! That is precisely what I have been saying on this blog for several years now. The Masoretic texts are the ones the Pharisees, or Talmudic Jews if you prefer to use the modern-day name for them, created, edited and perverted for seven centuries, before that sex pervert and literal hater of reason and logic, Martin Luther used them to still further cripple the original by also removing several books from it to make it fit his heretic nonsense fake religion: Protestantism. Only for it to be FURTHER perverted by the flaming Homosexual King James and his Freemasonic Bible the KJV which has over 33,000 transaction errors in it.

And no, the Catholic Church never “forgot” what the originals were. Not only did the Catholics, (yes with Popes, already) actually put the Bible together, they translated it into Latin. HELLOOOOOO…?

St. Jerome anyone?

The Vulgate is a Latin version of the Holy Bible, and largely the result of the labors of St Jerome (Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus), who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 A.D. to make a revision of the old Latin translations. By the 13th century this revision had come to be called the versio vulgata, that is, the “commonly used translation”, and ultimately it became the definitive and officially promulgated Latin version of the Holy Bible in the Catholic Church. 

Saint Jerome had been commissioned by Pope Damasus to revise the Old Latin text of the four Gospels from the best Greek texts, and by the time of Damasus’ death in 384 A.D. he had thoroughly completed this task, together with a more cursory revision from the Greek Septuagint of the Old Latin text of the Psalms. 

After the death of the Pope, St. Jerome who had been the Pope’s secretary, settled in Bethlehem, where he produced a new version of the Psalms, translated from the Hexaplar revision of the Septuagint. But from 390 to 405 A.D., St. Jerome translated anew all 39 books in the Hebrew Bible, including a further, third, version of the Psalms, which survives in a very few Vulgate manuscripts. This new translation of the Psalms was labelled by him as “iuxta Hebraeos” (i.e. “close to the Hebrews”, “immediately following the Hebrews”), but it was not ultimately used in the Vulgate. The translations of the other 38 books were used, however, and so the Vulgate is usually credited to have been the first translation of the Old Testament into Latin directly from the Hebrew Tanakh, rather than the Greek Septuagint.

And here is the preface he wrote addressed to POPE Damasus I. Yes, POPE, because The Catholic Church has ALWAYS HAD POPES, and everyone knew the Pope was the Head of the Chruch on Earth until, you know, Satan came along and first with a schism of the East, then, almost 500 years later, with the pervert with a penchant for having sex with nuns and raping maids, came along and fooled a lot of people even further.

St. Jerome’s Preface to the Vulgate Version of the New Testament

Addressed to Pope Damasus, A.D. 383.

You urge me to revise the old Latin version, and, as it were, to sit in judgment on the copies of the Scriptures which are now scattered throughout the whole world; and, inasmuch as they differ from one another, you would have me decide which of them agree with the Greek original. The labour is one of love, but at the same time both perilous and presumptuous; for in judging others I must be content to be judged by all; and how can I dare to change the language of the world in its hoary old age, and carry it back to the early days of its infancy? Is there a man, learned or unlearned, who will not, when he takes the volume into his hands, and perceives that what he reads does not suit his settled tastes, break out immediately into violent language, and call me a forger and a profane person for having the audacity to add anything to the ancient books, or to make any changes or corrections therein? Now there are two consoling reflections which enable me to bear the odium—in the first place, the command is given by you who are the supreme bishop; and secondly, even on the showing of those who revile us, readings at variance with the early copies cannot be right. For if we are to pin our faith to the Latin texts, it is for our opponents to tell us which; for there are almost as many forms of texts as there are copies. If, on the other hand, we are to glean the truth from a comparison of many, why not go back to the original Greek and correct the mistakes introduced by inaccurate translators, and the blundering alterations of confident but ignorant critics, and, further, all that has been inserted or changed by copyists more asleep than awake? 

I am not discussing the Old Testament, which was turned into Greek by the Seventy elders, and has reached us by a descent of three steps. I do not ask what Aquila and Symmachus think, or why Theodotion takes a middle course between the ancients and the moderns. I am willing to let that be the true translation which had apostolic approval. I am now speaking of the New Testament. This was undoubtedly composed in Greek, with the exception of the work of Matthew the Apostle, who was the first to commit to writing the Gospel of Christ, and who published his work in Judæa in Hebrew characters. We must confess that as we have it in our language it is marked by discrepancies, and now that the stream is distributed into different channels we must go back to the fountainhead. I pass over those manuscripts which are associated with the names of Lucian and Hesychius, and the authority of which is perversely maintained by a handful of disputatious persons. It is obvious that these writers could not amend anything in the Old Testament after the labours of the Seventy; and it was useless to correct the New, for versions of Scripture which already exist in the languages of many nations show that their additions are false. I therefore promise in this short Preface the four Gospels only, which are to be taken in the following order, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, as they have been revised by a comparison of the Greek manuscripts. Only early ones have been used. But to avoid any great divergences from the Latin which we are accustomed to read, I have used my pen with some restraint, and while I have corrected only such passages as seemed to convey a different meaning, I have allowed the rest to remain as they are.

So, yeah… the Catholic Church is NOT the one that was fooled into using the version of the “Bible” that was edited and messed with by people who literally HATE Christ and want him to be in Hell boiling in a lake of excrement. Nope. That was the Protestants. Via Martin Luther and Henry the VIII and then gay King James who commissioned the even further corrupted KJV and set up the freemasons Temples as the current houses of Sodom and Gomorrah that have always been: literal Temples to people who at the highest vertices all literally worship who…? yup, Satan. Coincidentally the same Satan that the most highly “respected” Rabbis admit is in fact, the real god of the Jews. A lot of those videos have been memory-holed now, because the genocide currently ongoing in Gaze is making a LOT of people start to take notice of how Jews really see non-Jews. Like, you know, calling us cattle, and saying it very clearly in their Talmud that any non-Jew who strikes a Jew should be put to death and that it is not a crime to rape little children, or kill or rob or defraud non-Jews. Don’t take my word for nay of it. Go get yourself a copy of the Talmud properly translated (really hard to do but they can be found) or, you know, just ask a really high up Rabbi.

Here is a little research you can start on with a couple of archive sites.

Archive 1: A general primer. Not the best references.

Archive 2: Famous Rabbi talks about what Gentiles are for in the Jerusalem Post. the article has since been disappeared, but was archived before it could be memory holed. Alternative copy if the first one disappears.

Archive 3: This is a whole archived book, and page 62 is relevant concerning the talmud, the whole book is fairly interesting but not as dense with references as I would like. Nevertheless, various Rabbis are quoted throughout the text.

Screenshots of the Talmud:

Henry Makov archive: No doubt this man will be vilified to the end of his days, but one needs to ask: Is what he writes about Zionism a lie? And if not… then why vilify him?

Larry Romanov on the richest man in the world.

But I digress. Why? Well because all the New Age, Woo-Woo, theosophy, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Carbonari, ALL have roots in and are often led by, Actually Jewish leaders. Just check who the leader of the Church of Satan is.

And look at the largest cases of mass-murder and genocide on the planet and who pushed the ideologies that led to those massacres. Look up who invented Communism, what the Russian revolution and how many perished and at the hands of whom.

The whole point here, my Protestant friend and ignoramus, is simply this: Do you really trust that these people, who absolutely HATE Christ with a passion of a thousand burning suns, to not edit the texts that tell us he is the true Messiah? And who called them a generation of vipers, and chased them out of the temple by whipping them in the face?

For 700 years.

And then they made you swallow gallons of that other made up word and cool aid: Judeo-Christianity. There has NEVER been any such thing.

The word didn’t even exist until around the time a Jewish guy invented contraception for women, which led to what? Oh, right, casual sex, which led to no-fault divorce, which led to abortion, which the French, who always massacred Catholics as commanded and directed by the freemasons that literally created America by financing the revolution and then the “Enlightenment” with its massacres of Catholics, have now enshrined into law. Yes, the French have now passed a law that murdering babies is a human right.

So yeah, is it really that hard to understand they pretty much brainwashed the Protties into believing some made up name is the secret, super-special, name of God that you should never spell out? It’s nonsense, it’s always been nonsense, just like KJV “Bible” which is literally known as the freemasonic Bible, is nonsense. No one who actually knows the very basic reality of the Bible and how it came about, and the basic history of Christianity for the first thousand years can POSSIBLY be so retarded as to become or choose to believe, to be a Protestant. It’s nonsense. Like really low-level, obvious nonsense. A child can see it. The only way you can be a Protestant is if:

  1. You are born into it and brainwashed into it from birth. Same goes for Islam really.
  2. You totally reject logic and reason, as you “Protestant Pope” Martin Luther made very clear you should, stating that “reason is the whore of the Devil.”
  3. You literally refuse to investigate the matter honestly on your own. I’m not asking you to believe me over the lies told to you by the people who loved you growing up, who in turn were lied to and so on all the way back to that deceiver Martin and his heresy. Nope. But I am saying if you consider yourself a Christian, then by God man, stop being such a lazy, ignorant, unschooled asshole. Pick a book or ten, go read up what was going on in the year 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300 AD. Go see how and BY WHOM the Bible was put together. Go on. Stop believing some cretin who calls himself a “Pastor”. What are you? Illiterate? Or just sickeningly lazy? Pick up a damn book or ten. I’m not even going to tell you which books. I have done so before all over this blog, but hey, ignore me, go find out for yourself.

This is also the reason why so many have been deceived by the Novus Ordo fake Church, created at the behest of who…? yup…Jews again, and Protestants. The Novus Ordo is no more Catholic than Joel Osteen. And probably considerably less so than the savages on Sentinel Island. The only Catholics left are Sedevacantists. And yes, uncomfortable as it may be for you, the truth is only Catholics are Christians.

So, yeah… who knew that YHWH is a nonsense word? That the rapture is also nonsense, that Martin was a deceiver and that the only law of Protestantism is literally Satanic (Interpreth as thou will)? Catholics. That’s who.

But hey, don’t take my word for it. Continue stuffing your face with plastic American cheese, believing “reverend” Gimmebucks and his wife Tammy are true leaders of Christ and not just grifters in skin suits and fake tits.

It doesn’t really matter to me all that much, I know it should, because your soul is in danger, but eh… we all have our flaws. I AM Catholic, but not a very good one, and although now over a hundred people that read BELIEVE! have returned to proper Catholicism, and several of them have been married since, and now have babies on the way, I really don’t have the energy to try and convince Protestants of much of anything. So you go on now. Go listen to Billy-Bobby-Jean the snake handler or Miriam shriekfest the female “Bishop” that is an LGBT ally in your “church”, at the crossroads of Protestantism and Satanry, on the corner of Inferno.

After all, Heaven is supposed to be perfect. Which means really stupid people probably aren’t going to exist there. At least not the stupid, arrogant lazy ones anyway. They are headed for warmer climates. So your not being there when (if?) I eventually make my way out of Purgatory, is really for the best, after all.

Judas’ Witnesses

A while back we had a somewhat amusing visit by a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an older man and a young and pretty woman. This tends to be the practice of Jehovah’s witnesses, to pair up an older person with younger one of opposite sex to tray and appeal to as wide a range of people as possible.

The older guy was walking down our driveway exclaiming what a beautiful place it was here and what a lovely forest and so on. I happened to have my scythe, seriously, no joke, as I was trying to clear the weeds and brambles around a dead tree I had to take down, and I started to walk towards them with the Italian version of “What?” on my face and a bit of a scowl. I don’t like people wandering onto my property unannounced and for no reason I could see.

To my “Yes?” The older guy continued to give no explanation and saying what an amazing property I have and how great the woods and the surrounds were. I kept walking right up to him and he eventually had to stop half-way down our long driveway. I just stood in front of him, scythe in hand, silent, waiting to see what he would eventually say he wanted. it was clear to me from his mannerism he was some kind of con man. I had no idea what nonsense he would be trying to sell, but I knew the type. Trying to be charming, affable, friendly. He had already irritated me in a number of ways. First by entering my property uninvited and unannounced. Secondly by ignoring my essentially asking him what he wanted without actually saying “What do you want?” but making it very clear that is what I was asking, and thirdly by his continued attempts to ingratiate himself into my good graces. So, although there was no mirror nearby, I have been told many times that my face is not particularly hard to read when I am pissed off and apparently it goes from “resting serial killer face” to “Imminently active serial killer face”.

Seeing me keeping silent he tried once more, in a way that he must have regretted later.

“Well, you have such a wonderful place her, like a paradise, nice and remote eh? No one here to bother you, well, except a few boars or wolves maybe, heh, heh.”

He really set himself up.

“I prefer wolves and boars to people. What do you want?”

His smile wavered and he brought his phone out and started to turn it while saying “Have you heard what the Bible says…”

He did not finish the sentence.

“I’m a sedevacantist catholic. Be on your way.” I pointed to the gate and turned and left. He wished me a good day as he quickly headed back uphill.

My daughter laughed at the situation and when she referred to them called them Judas’ witnesses. The first couple of times it was an honest mistake, because as she speaks three languages, sometimes words that are similar in one translate slightly differently in another. But it became our word for them pretty quickly.

It’s amazing how kids sometimes come up with much better words than we have for things. The 3 year old renamed the trampoline the jumpoline when she was 2 and it’s been the jumpoline ever since.

As an aside, someone told me once that the Judas’ witnesses try to convert you to their religion because the more people you convert the more likely you are to be one of the only 144,000 that will be allowed into heaven. So in reality, their trying to convert you is a kind of pyramid scheme were only the guys with the best numbers get it.

I never bothered to verify if this is specific to one set of Jehovah’s witnesses or all of them, nor do I care, because heretics will be heretics, so who cares, but I do think if true it’s a further nail in the coffin of heresy and hypocrisy they peddle, and it also makes me wonder… do they know which number they are on the heaven’s lotto game?

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