Archive for the ‘Clown World’ Category

Putin Troll Level – Master

This is truly hilarious. Both because he can hardly keep a straight face, and secondly, because I absolutely believe he is telling the truth.

Having Kameltoe Harridan as President would certainly be far more effective than having to nuke America, and the results of it would almost certainly be far more beneficial to Russia even if the USA didn’t launch any nukes back.

Connor McGregor for President

If voting in a Western “democracy” actually worked/was fair/achieved anything real, I have no doubt Connor would win.

As things stand in the West however, I would not be unduly surprised if instead he had some life-threatening “accident”.

I’ve never been a fan, mostly due to how he markets himself, even if I understand that in the modern world, the whole hyperbolic thing is smart, I suppose. That said, I genuinely think he would without shadow of a doubt be absolutely better for Ireland (and the world in general) than any of the current politicians in Ireland (and the world in general too).

Many years ago I wrote, for my own clarity of thought, a white paper on how to run a much fairer version of society. I never published it, party because I figured if it got any traction it would likely get me killed, partly because I have never had any political ambitions, and mostly because it was really just a thought experiment to see if I could do it. I doubt I can find the thing as it probably got lost in one of my many moves. Nevertheless I could probably reproduce it, and I am fairly sure it would not get me killed today, nor get any traction. I mention it however, as one of the things that one had to have on their resume before being electable was at least 5 years in a boxing/martial arts setting where you actually get to do some serious sparring. There were other requirements, but this was one of the key ones, and Connor certainly has that.

As for his marketing style, what can I say, I am older, and was raised in a mix of stoic Japanese budo/samurai ethics and Venetian Noblesse Oblige honour, so the bluster and spectacle is not really ever going to be something I admire, but I am also very aware it is merely marketing and says very little about the man himself, or his actual character, if anything.

I personally and fully support him and wish him the absolute best in his courageous attempt to become President. In fact I am definitely sending some prayers his way, and may God see to it that Connor gets elected president in Ireland.

Torba Still Doesn’t Get It

Leaving aside all the various evidence that Torba is probably not at all what he presents himself or his platform Gab to be, even if you were to simply take him at his word, his grasp of human nature, as well as geopolitics is naive at best.

In his latest round of request for financial support for Gab he says:

Consider this: many people have no issue paying $150 a month for a cable bill to watch the fake news media, but they balk at the idea of spending $10 a month to support platforms like Gab. They’ll readily drop $10 every morning on coffee that they could make at home for pennies, without a second thought. This inconsistency in our priorities is baffling and must change if we want free speech online to survive. Please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation, upgrading your Gab account to GabPRO, or purchasing merchandise from the Gab Shop. It’s time to rewire our brains and recognize that if we’re not paying for the product, we become the product ourselves. We must collectively support free speech platforms by building a patronage network, just as we would support any other vital service or cause we believe in.

And a little later:

To build a strong patronage network, it’s crucial to foster a sense of community and shared values among supporters of free speech. This can be achieved through regular communication, transparent financial reporting, and the creation of exclusive content or experiences for patrons. By nurturing a sense of belonging and investment in the success of free speech platforms, we can create a loyal and dedicated base of supporters who are committed to the long-term sustainability of the free speech wing of the internet.

Ending with:

Free speech is not free, and it’s up to all of us to ensure its survival. By recognizing the true costs of running social networks, reevaluating our priorities, and forming a robust free speech patronage network, we can safeguard one of our most precious rights and foster a healthier, more open digital landscape for generations to come.

There are at least three major structural flaws with pretty much everything he says. Any ONE of which is enough to render what he says moot. But let us look at each in turn:

First – The culture of Free is not an accident

It was created by mostly intelligence agencies to gather information on the users, but more importantly, by the people behind the intelligence agencies in order to not just gather information, but confirm psychological aspects of human nature in an input/response feedback loop. At least at first. Very quickly it then moved to:

Input —> to produce desired response

feedback loop that has since been studied, perfected and refined.

And as we have seen thanks to the first openly murderous and information-free test run they set up years earlier and ran essentially openly with minimal cover for the outrageous lies they were selling, the average person has as much discernment, individual thought, independence and ability to reason on their own as the average garden petunia. Right to the point of injecting themselves, and worse, their children, with a genetic serum whose 30 year old attempts have never resulted in anything but catastrophic results in every animal trial ever done.

So… right off the bat, the problem you have in an appeal to reason is that both professor Cipolla (there are always more idiots than you think there are) and Vox Day (Most People Are Idiots) are absolutely right. Which means the people who even can reason is minimal.

But even the few who might have been able to reason have essentially been brainwashed into apathy over a period of decades. It takes an uncommon state of being to be relatively immune to this kind of neuro-psychological manipulation. So the pool of actively and genuinely independent thinkers is even smaller than you think.

Second – Neither is the atomisation of culture

Torba goes on to mention “community” while having no clue as to what actually forms one, or keeps one alive. Again, this state of affairs of no one any longer having any experience of what community really means is not something that came about by accident.

The infiltration and destruction of every culture that has ever produced anything positive has been a long and studied effort by the same people mentioned above that has been going on for much longer. Their primary target has been religion of course, because that is the real glue of a community. If you are one of the few capable of individual and original thought based on the evidence before you, you will note that the one religion that has brought the most elevation of humanity above all has been Catholicism, which was finally deeply infiltrated from 1958 on and has nearly collapsed after Vatican II, the only remnant left of it being Sedevacantists (i.e. actual Catholics). You will also note that this assault on community (the Church) has been ongoing for centuries and that the shadow version of it, Protestantism has the atomisation baked right into it, since every single person is supposedly able to interpret the entire edifice of Christianity on their own based on false histories told to them since childhood. Don’t forget, the ONLY rule of Protestantism is that each man, woman or child can and should interpret anything in the Bible by themselves. There is a reason why the devil smiles at the 40,000 denominations of heresy Protestantism has resulted in.

Aside Protestantism, every other infection of humanity with parasitical ideologies invented in the last couple of hundred and fifty years or so (not coincidentally from about the formation of the first Freemason country in the world and the official start of the Illuminati) is designed to atomise people due to a delusion/illusion of “freedom” and “democracy” and destroy the traditional, patriarchal, nuclear family that has been responsible for every single advancement of culture and humanity in real human terms (as opposed to national GDP). Charlemagne had set up the concept of nobility being placed where they were by God, but mot as with previous Pagan rulers such as the Egyptians, Japanese or even Ancient Romans, who tried to Deify their rulers, but more as an “accident” of Fate or inscrutable mysteries of God’s mind. A nobleman was to be a servant of God and thus also the protector of the Church and protector of his lands and people. But this was by no means guaranteed, because as any Catholic knows, all men are flawed. The point was not that a nobleman was appointed by God so people must necessarily assume he is good and Godly. The point was: God put him there; now let’s see if he is going to do that position any justice.

The Church being the Spiritual guide, nobility being the material/practical protectors of it from outside enemies in times of war, and hopefully noble guardians and protectors of commoners in time of peace. That is where the whole concept of chivalry comes from: Catholicism. And no, it was not about pedastalising women like the fake “pastors” of Protestantism do today, nor relegating them to second class citizens fit only for sex and rearing of children as again, Protestants did do, and also accused Catholicism of doing. No. Women had and have their proper and unique position as cherished daughters, wives and mothers, to be safeguarded, protected and loved, and doing so lovingly means also leading and taking care of the hardships the world invariably throws at you.

A lasting community can only exist in the context of reality. When that reality is based on purely material concerns the community does not last beyond a few generations at most. Without a basis deeply embedded in a Spiritual truth, no community survives.

The Zen/Buddhism stoicism of the Samurai or the Chinese has truth in it, to the extent that “chop wood carry water” is true. You need to do what you need to do to live. So do it and get on with it. And you may as well enjoy it as best you can.

Judaism/Phariseeism is deeply rooted in serving the Prince of this world, who is very real, and as a result, they have been “successful” at taking almost total control of the financial aspects of how the entire planet is run.

But no religion has been as beneficial for human beings as Catholicism. Don’t take my word for it. Do an objective comparison. Assuming you are one of the dozen or so people left that can actually be mostly objective.

Protestantism instead has been the relentless secularisation of Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) with the most devastating consequence being the allowing of divorce. Which leads to sex before marriage. Which leads to contraception. Which leads to abortion (murder) so as to not interrupt the “pleasure” of fucking for fun, instead of uniting as one to create a family with children.

But Torba understands none of these things, having been raised in the heretic soup that is Protestantism and liberalism, with a flamingly gay brother to boot, how can he? Assuming, of course he is not actually intentionally working as yet another gatekeeper.

Third – the Money

Just on the first two points you now realise you are surrounded by unthinking morons that have been trained since birth to only care about themselves and their stupidest, most selfish, petty, idiotic concerns of the moment at all times.

Now realise that not only is the entire gigantic amounts of money that gets regularly given to sell-outs, shills and puppets of the controllers behind the known bankers and “movers and shakers” in the hands of the controllers, and as such they can fund or bankrupt whoever they decide literally at will.

But even more importantly, and never understood by the masses —yet it was something as a four year old I realised even if I did not fully grasp the implications of it— the ENTIRE construct of Fiat money is completely arbitrary, fake and made up, and is totally controlled by the people who create such thing as the Bank of International Settlement (BIS). Look it up. I also talked about it before. So, while you struggle to eke out a living, the freemason down the street is provided with millions. But even if you manage to make “your own” money, it doesn’t matter, because the whole concept of the entire creation and supply of it is in their hands.

Until you become free of the need for fiat money, you will always be at the mercy of the creators of it. And if you try to set up a system to bypass it, they will immediately kill you. See Gaddafi etc.

The Connection

These three points are intimately linked. It is not a coincidence that the Satanic Pedophiles that run the world on the basis of literally controlling the very concept of money and its creation out of thin air, also worship the enemy of Humanity and have worked tirelessly for two thousand years to prevent the truth and good that a Catholic world would represent, and for a brief period nearly did even as it overcame assault after assault of the centuries.

It is not a coincidence that the same people orchestrated the destruction of every royal house in Europe, (except the fully freemasonic British one) because they represented the protectors of the Church and a natural hierarchy humans respond to.

It is not a coincidence that the same people caused WWI, the Bolshevik revolution, and WWII and the same people created COVID and its related mass murder factories.

It is not a coincidence the same people caused the Ukraine war and the current genocide in Gaza.

They are all the same people spread out over centuries, retaining generational control. And the ONLY opposition they EVER faced was by Catholic Western men. No wonder they spent all that time infiltrating it for centuries. And no wonder that today, Sedevacantist are the most maligned of all “Christians”; because any false “Christianity” will do, but not the real and only existing one: real Catholicism as it has always been from the time of Jesus.

Fourth Bonus Point – Free Speech always was a myth

Only a people as naive and innocent (due to masterful brainwashing by the usual suspects) could ever believe something so absurd as “free speech”. Even as a child it took me only seconds when I first encountered the concept to ridicule it.

Speech has never been free and never will be. Ever.

Given all the above, it is absolutely clear, that even if Torba were legitimate, which is questionable at best, he has zero understanding of what makes for a lasting counter to the global Satanists.

St. Benedict on the other hand did.

Of course, if you were raised like Torba you will not have any clue why retiring to desertic hills to build monasteries one at a time helped change the world, while asking for money online to fund your “free speech” will probably not.

The truth is not difficult to understand or see, but you do need to be objective as much as possible to even begin to be able to reason, and you can’t see the truth if you can hardly reason your way past not injecting a deadly poison into your body because some talking head on TV tells you to.

And of course, if that truth makes you too upset to notice the other things I am saying… well… what can I say, other than: enjoy your offended.

You “teach” with that bigoted attitude?

It is a shock, I am sure you all realise, to see that “Iggy” who clearly works at NIC EDU, which is The North Idaho College of Education would use such horrific language to respond to me on this post.

I mean the Transphobia and mysoginy just drip off that comment. How can a real College of higher education in the USA reconcile having such an obvious hater of women in all their forms on their staff?

I mean, I suppose they may have a few impostors filled with hate towards ALL women, sneak in precisely so as to probably harass and downgrade female students, but the even more horrifying thing is that I wrote privately to the university, using their official email and everything, and… NO RESPONSE!

This what I sent them:

Hello, I wanted to make you aware, that a person using the email [email protected] Has tried to post the following comment on my blog (see attachment).Now, my blog is certainly not politically correct, but no is forced to read there or comment on it. If they do, their comments will be made public at my leisure and pleasure, and while I know nothing about your institution, I wanted to make you aware of how this person comports themselves in public while using your email addresses. Below is a screen capture of the comment. I am currently keeping the issue private on my blog, but if I do not receive a response within 24 hours on what action has been taken (if any) against Iggy, I will then make the comment public and add my commentary.
I personally am constantly exposed to sunlight as my blog is of course public, and I think everyone else should own their actions and comments in public too.
I leave it to you how to deal with this individual. All my best, G.

On the 19th of August, so I have given them ten times more than the time I said. And since there was no response, I have to, for the sake of education, women, trans-women, and justice in general, make the world aware of what kind of person works there. I am sure you all agree that sunlight is best for all. Feel free to help the North Idaho College of Education come to the right choice concerning this individual.

Here are their contact details. I used Cardinal Contact, [email protected] but since I got no response from there, perhaps some of the other addresses are best to make the people in charge aware of things.

Or maybe there is an “Iggy” in their staff

I am sure we are all concerned citizens and want to do the right thing.

Orania 33 years later

If you are, like me, considering building your own community, with like-minded people, then you really need to see this video:

Regardless of the fact that I was never fond of Afrikaaners in general, and certainly not of the NGK (main protestant denomination of heresy in South Africa), the simple fact is that I entirely support the concept of what they did.

And just so people who think I am superciliously arrogant can get a shock, I will admit for the second post in a row that I was somewhat wrong 30 odd years ago when Orania was announced.

I assumed it would remain a backwater semi-desert with little to show for the efforts of what I considered the half-retards that are Afrikaaners.

As always, there are exceptions, and I certainly have met Afrikaaners that were absolutely awesome people in all respects. But as a general rule, I found them lacking in imagination, far too brainwashed by generic Protestant puritanism and literal illogical nonsense that simply makes zero sense, and more often than not rude and with a chip on their shoulder. Basically, what one of the black guys that worked for my dad said once: “Afrikaaners are just another tribe of Africans. They just have a white skin.”

That all said, it is an absolute fact that they have made their community a success. And in the scheme of things 33 years is not very long.

If I can create a Sedevacantist (aka Catholic) community one quarter the size in the next 20 years, I will have considered it a success.

I have far less exposure than they did from the start, but hey, thanks to you guys reading, maybe the concept will spread.

The point is not that ONLY Sedevacantism will work. In the short term, say 10 to 150 years, probably several versions of community will work. What I do think will make the difference is in the long term: say the next 500-1000 years.

I believe real Catholicism will continue to exist even then and some of those proto-communities I am building right now will be real ongoing communities, city-states, or even brand new nations. Orania… well, it clearly intends to be around and the Afrikaaners have had a rather resilient history, primarily because unlike many other people, they have never foregone the concept of violence.

Violence is a way of life in Africa, and whether you realise it or not, recognise it or not, or can even understand it or not, violence is an aspect of humanity wherever you live on Earth.

Being very clear about that and ready to use it at the least reason for it, tends to ensure that on an individual level you may suffer dire consequences, but as a people en masse, you are almost guaranteed to keep existing in time, OR get completely wiped out if you go up against a numerically larger, and just as violent people.

The Afrikaaners have always been comfortable with violence and responding to violence with more violence, and that goes a long way towards making you last in time.

Catholics definitely have the edge spiritually, and intellectually speaking, and in antiquity they absolutely were formidable warriors. But a couple hundred years of pharisee propaganda, global hegemony by protestant “philosophies” and so on has considerably weakened the instinct of self-protection through violence when and as required.

It is not completely gone or generically extinct, because, well, I and a few people like me, still exist, but whether there are enough of us, are able to organise ourselves enough and in time, remains to be seen.

At any rate, is it not interesting how a highly motivated community, with similar values and traditions, armed to the teeth, have a level of internal violence that is practically non-existent, even when located in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by one of the highest crime rates in the entire world.

Proving the old adage that an armed society is a polite society, as well as the fact that more guns in the hands of normal citizens who just want to be left alone, makes for a much safer society than the “gun free” liberal stab-zones now spreading across Europe.

If you are not building a society of people ready and willing to ostracise anyone and everyone that is not part of the in-group, you should be trying to genuinely join one that is already forming.

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