Archive for the ‘Sedevacantism’ Category

In case you were not aware

A friend sent me a link to an interesting blog that has some rather rare finds concerning freemasonry and their origins.

While Freemasonry as we find it today (i.e. Satanism) was founded by the rampantly homosexual British King James, the same who had the KJV “Bible” put together, also (and more accurately) known as the Freemasonic Bible, since it has 33,000 errors of translation and worked to minimise the actual Christian dogmas as well as the presence of Mary in it, the roots of Freemasonry which are also the same as those of the Illuminati, Carbonari and so on, are rather interesting.

Enjoy these two posts in particular, you can read each image better by clicking on it.

First name of the Masons

The “Scottish” Rite

And he has an even more interesting post on some of the origins of Vatican II. I covered the infiltration of the Church in order to have Vatican II happen in some detail in my own book, RTCC, but this specific piece is one I had not come across before.

The fake conversion of the V2 intruders

It’s quite astonishing with what fervour and tenacity the Christ killers have gone after Catholicism specifically since the very start, which should be no surprise given that they are the spiritual descendants of the very same Christ killers who saw to it Christ would be crucified.

This page was disappeared as apparently so was the old blog, but the wayback machine still has a copy.

On Malachi Martin.

Gab refuses to censor

Whatever the faults of Andrew Torba, and I have blogged before on at least some of them, if it is true that Gab was the only platform to refuse to censor the publication of a video of the attack on the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney, then, more power to him.

The Australian government has apparently threatened to sue Gab for $500,000 to get them to stop having the video on their platform, but Torba has told them to pound sand.

I have been an advocate for the non-censorship of what happens in war zones too for a long time.

When the Internet was still young and Yougoslavia became a war zone with incidents of “ethnic cleansing” or to call it what it is, genocide, including organised gang rapes and so on, the footage was censored by mainstream media.

If people had any idea what war and is like and what happens in it, and what some soldiers will do when they feel they can get away with it, every time some jumped up coke-head degenerate pretending to be a leader decides to start a war pops up, the mass of fathers of those who should become soldiers would grab the little clown, dress him in a bullseye outfit and prod him with long sticks to go and fight on the front line.

It should be an absolute law that any politician advocating for war, from president down to janitor, should absolutely be first in line at the front.

How many wars do you think would be fought then?

Oh but wait, isn’t this exactly what should happen in a democracy?

Oh, you thought you lived in an actual democracy? Tell me, how long have you been suffering from this delusion? And is this “democracy” present in any aspect of your life right now?

You trust the government on ANYTHING? Really?

Are you aware of things like this? Oh don’t worry, this is not war footage, this is just how how ticks have been engineered to cause diseases that never existed from ticks before. You can see a short video at the link below.

Bioengineered ticks

You don’t need to like a person at an individual level in order to appreciate any good they do in the world. I intensely dislike people who I perceive as hypocrites or dishonest beyond some minimal tolerance barrier I have, and Torba has exhibited various behaviours that I find less than ideal, nevertheless, the usefulness of his commitment to trying to keep his platform as open as possible is commendable.

Even if he does turn out to be some government shill to get all our names on a list, it may still work out ok, because, firstly, our names already are on all the lists and if you read this blog, that undoubtedly means you too, and secondly, because fuck them anyway. The only reason they keep pushing at your life and trying to squeeze you into an ever shrinking cage of taxation, lies, deadly “medicine” and sexual degeneracy is because everyone is too afraid to say “Fuck you, I am not doing that.”

So, get some spine and start being open and clear about your opinions that you are absolutely entitled to have. No law on Earth is going to get me to “like” Israel or the genociding and mass murder of innocents and children. And if I want to dislike the Jews in general because as a religion they accept child rape, as their Talmud makes clear, again, you aren’t going to legislate your way into my opinions. So don’t let them do it to you either.

You’re free to hate whoever you like and no one can tell you otherwise. And if you happen to hate tall, bald, Venetians, so be it, I don’t care, go right ahead, after all, there is no accounting for taste.

Personally my hate is reserved first and foremost for those who think they have a right to tell me how to live or what to think. And who feel entitled to pass whatever “law” they deem necessary to impose their despotic and megalomaniac will on my life. You should all just have left us alone to go about our lives peacefully and thinking and expressing whatever we thought freely and openly. Instead you insist on trying to rule the world. Well, there are more people that feel as I do than not, and it’s time they all woke up and started being direct about who they are.

Race, Religion and Nation

Adam wrote an excellent piece on this here, and I urge you all to read it.

Adam is a proper Catholic (Sedevacantist) and has got this point about race and religion right.

Nevertheless, I, as a Venetian, have some more nuanced view (or extremist, take your pick).

My country, my nation, has been usurped and annexed first by the French under that megalomaniac Napoleon, and essentially dissolved by the French on 12 May 1797,

He then gave it to the Austrians, who then gave it to the Italians in 1805 (under Napoleon still) but then took it back by force in 1814 with help of the English. Between then and 1866 it went back to independence, then back to Austria, then back to France, then finally to the Italian Kingdom in 1866. Despite this, there has been an undercurrent of Venetian wish for return to independence that has never ended, and that will never end.

On April 25th 2016 I was in St. Mark’s Square during the traditional feast for the patron Saint of Venice. The mayor started out strong claiming Venetian nationality but then went full diversity and the crowd pretty much turned their backs on him with not a few shouts of “bastard” and “traitor”.

It was more than the Catholic religion that held those people together and that calls to me too. Despite my having never felt any loyalty to Italy as a country in general, I feel one towards Venice.

I grew up all over the world and when I lived in Cape Town for over a decade, I loved that city, and the sea, and when I would come back to it after a trip, driving in, seeing the Ocean below I always wondered “Is this my place?“ I liked it and I had chosen it, but it never felt truly mine, even though I liked it more than any place I had been before. It was much later, in 2004 or so when I worked in Aviano’s US base that on one of my forthrightly trips to London, when the plane took a turn over it and I saw the waterways and laguna not close to the city really, that instinctively, powerfully, seeing that desolate and water-logged land from the porthole-like window of the plane, I felt a pull in my chest and the words came into my mind unbidden:

That is my land.

I was shocked by it. I had been a nomad all my life and spent more time in various countries in Africa than I ever had in Europe. I had refused and avoided military service in Italy thanks to having lived overseas since a young age, but on principle I hated the idea of being enrolled in a military if not by my own choice.

I knew my grandfather was Venetian and I went there on holiday with him and my grandmother as a little boy of 2 and 3 years old, where they (both champion swimmers) taught me to swim.

I loved the sea, unlike my brother who was scared of it as a little boy.

But I barely had ever taught of Venice or being Venetian. But from that day, that visceral, instinctive pull made me aware of it.

Then in 2016 I lived in Venice for a year and there it become clear. This was, my city. And the Venetians, ornery critters that they are, are recognisably my people, both in the things I detest about them as well as those I like.

There is more to it than mere religion, though I agree it is the main glue that binds a people.

And there is more to it than race, for it has never prevented me from loving a person I cared about, although differences are undeniable, even if we happen to share a religion.

But there is a deeper sense yet, and it might be in the blood, genetics, or maybe there is even a link to the soil, because I can no more explain why a place I was not born or lived in for my entire life other than one year in 2016 should have ever had such a pull on me, in 2004, and when seen from the air that. And not the city or the glory of it, but the swamps and waterways unpopulated by anyone other than birds and fish.

So, yes, while religion binds us above all, so does race and even nation.

Venetians have always been a mixed breed of bastards, because we travelled and explored and traded with the whole world, and we partook of pretty women wherever we went and the Venetian girls were known throughout Europe for being if not easy to keep, certainly adventurous.

We are not phased by difference from us. I certainly have never been. But that is not to say we don’t recognise it.

We are a nation of explorers, and explorers try and do and see. And they learn to appreciate it all; even as we remain ourselves.

My children have a Venetian father and an English mother, and already, I can see, like me, (and their mother too) they are curious and explorers at heart, and like us, they too, are people of the sea.

And I will teach them their ancient history. And see they ignore the lies of the demons trying to conquer us all and make us all the same.

Brigante se more

Song at the end of the third episode of Brigands.

The title translation is not great the real translation would be “A brigand you die” as in, a man you may be born, but a brigand is a choice and for life.

Several other places are not exactly right either.

It’s our rifles we want to sing with.

Of this Bourbon king we don’t give a fuck

The wolf that eats creatures (can also be children)

A man you’re born, a brigand you die

Brigands – A Review

Just started watching Brigands and it’s actually an Italian production, which I didn’t know, based in Sicily and shows Garibaldi in the opening scene being the scumbag he was. The acting is all in Italian with heavy Sicilian accent and some dialect. There is a little mistranslation in the first episode as the Piedmontese are referred to simply as “soldiers”, which is corrected later but makes a non Italian miss the point that each region of Italy, before the forced and unwanted “unification” was really a nation in its own right.

In the second episode, towards the end is a popular song. The words are very cool. I reproduce them in Italian as that is how they rhyme. They rhyme in the Sicilian dialect too but google translate is not going to help you with that. You can use google translate for the rough meaning from the Italian spellings.

Com’è bella la luna

E questa vita quando è in fiore

Col brigante e il contadino

Lotta contro l’oppressore

Che del mondo e del cielo

Pensa di essere il padrone

La terra ci ha donato il Padre Nostro (play on words here as Padre Nostro means Our Father)

Proteggi la famiglia

Brindiamo a lu guaglione (guaglione = boy but also street urchin in Napolitan slang)

A morte gli invasori

Prendiamo i loro denari

Finche siamo insieme

Non abbiamo paura

Delle cose che ci possono accadere


Seguiamo il lupo che ci guiderà

Non è per l’oro ma per la libertà

Per ogni uomo o donna che verrà

Dalla terra un brigante nascerà

Seguiamo il lupo che ci guiderà

Non è per l’oro ma per la libertà

Per ogni uomo o donna che cadrà

Dalla terra un brigante nascerà

It really has everything. The reality of the oppressors who think they own the land and the sky, and the fact that the so-called brigands, like the farmers, are just people that want to be free of them. And that for every man or woman that will be born, or killed, a new brigand will rise from the Earth.

I have never been one for singing around a fire, but I can listen to it when it is not done by drunks at least. I’m no singer, and no musician, I only know at most two songs off by heart, (linked below) but that is because mostly I am apart from most human beings. Some men are like that partly by nature, partly by what life makes them, I think it is what happens to a natural man that does not lose his nature and survives the slings and arrows of so-called modern life, with all its barbaries. Which is why I always got along with farmers, though I am not one, not by nature, temperament or talent. And why I also got along with brigands, at least those honest ones that have a code of sorts, even though I am not a brigand either, not by nature or temperament, the skill I have if I wanted to use it that way, but I do not. And both farmers and brigands, though recognising I am neither, also get along with me.

All natural people who have not lost their true nature are similar in some way. I am not Sicilian and though most think Sicilians are not reliable people, I always got on with them and found them reliable and honest. Then again, most people think Venetians are arrogant, underhanded schemers, while I see them as not falsely modest, proud, and hard to fool or take advantage of. So maybe Venetians and Sicilians have more in common than most other regions despite the distance and superficial differences in culture.

Anyway, I hope you translate the song. It’s a good hymn for present times, whoever you are.

Russia speaks directly

The Russians have seen the sabre rattling of the French Chihuahua, Macaroon, the brain damaged Polaks, and other assorted neurotic European poodles, all pushed by the increasingly neurotic Jewish masters at the helm behind the obese, fake-food filled, brain-stunned by drugs, Americans.

And since the Russian softly, softly diplomacy followed by surgical military precision designed to remove the roots of the cancer at their doorstep, rather than just the cancer itself, has not been heard by the Satanic pedophiles, bankers, and deluded idiots behind the deep state of the USA, the Russians are now making sure that this time they speak plainly.

For anyone to think the Russians are bluffing on this score, they literally would have to be abysmally ignorant of Russian culture/philosophy/strategy (checked that box! The gay freaks in charge are all of the above, and arrogantly assuming the things that worked in 1915-1917 will still work today), and also completely retarded (also checked this one! Maybe it’s the generational inbreeding).

Here is another, and the guy talking is not just a tv presenter or some random Russian guy. He is the press secretary for Vladimir Putin.

In other words, Russians don’t do American chest beating displays a la Trump. As it used to be the same in Italy when I was small, and watched karate competitions where my dad taught and trained, a brash display of ego, for Russians of a certain age, mine or higher certainly, is thought to demonstrate weakness. Unmanliness.

The Americanisation of the planet means that young people today have probably never seen a martial arts bout where the fighters fight, bleed, win and lose, and maintain a stoic bearing, no shouting, no smiling, nothing on their face but focus, and the crowd too, silent. Watching two men size each other up and fight fairly even if hard and brutally.

Russian culture still has this idea in its own way. As do all men worthy of the title in any meaningful way. They are not bluffing. They just realised that Americans and even more so, the people who run and own America, simply do not understand this concept. To them, words are the “thing”. And they need to be punched in the face every time they open their stupid mouth; and it takes several times before they learn that it will happen every time they do it, and so learn to shut it. Even then, they will never stop scheming and plotting. They really are like an entirely different species of creature, and the very concepts of honour, justice, love, and so on that are the very bedrock of European origins and Christian perspective, are thought of simply as weaknesses to exploit by these creatures. There can really never be a coexistence of such entirely different beings.

Separation or annihilation are the only possible outcomes, and sooner or later one of those two answers is what ultimately takes place between such diametrically opposed philosophies.

You can see this playing out in real time as Israel tries to exterminate the Palestinians by bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilian men, women, children and babies, starving them, destroying their hospitals and killing them in mass graves while they are helped by the American forces to have news blackouts. The very concept of mercy, or empathy for innocent children does not exist, Netanyahu has labelled them Amalek, and as such deemed worthy of extermination down to their pets. Nor is there going to be any guilty consciences among the Jewish soldiers, because in Jewish thought, and their religion, anyone not Jewish is only a beast of burden put on Earth to serve them. That is literally the belief their own Rabbis have expressed many times over the millennia and expressed it really clearly in multiple ways in their Talmud. Can you coexist with “people” that see you only as a beast of burden? Who believe your life has no value at all when compared to theirs? No more than you might feel for a flea or a mosquito? In fact I would put it to you that if you are a normal human being, I have no doubt that the logic of the idea that even the flea or the mosquito or the bed-bug, or some other irritating parassite, has some right to exist probably at least touched your mind. Not so with people who murder children in cold blood and rape and murder innocents for fun and because they do not consider them human. And so I ask you: should such “people” that think and act that way be given the privilege of being treated as humans themselves? Not to my mind.

Any adult that sees me and my children and my people or any people, as simply some disposable thing to be used or killed or whatever at their whim, gets the same exact consideration from me that I would give to a rabid dog.

Just as you cannot have good and evil coexist, it is impossible to coexist with such beings.

Any attempt to entice you into doing so is simply how evil operates. It’s only the seller of sewage that will ever suggest you add it into your ice cream, never the ice cream seller that says you should blend the two.

Russia is sending out a clear message.

Those who have eyes to see will be starting to understand a lot more besides. Pay attention and chose a side, because there are only two sides and there is no middle, only war zones. And while it is entirely true that your choice is Jesus Christ or Lucifer, the details matter. At least they do if you don’t want to be just a private in the midst of the bloodbath with no perspective, no say, no choice in what part of the meatgrinder you end up in.

If you pay attention, even as a lowly private your chances improve greatly. So I hope you’re paying attention, whoever you are, and whatever your rank. Take note of how the enemy fights and who they are. And conduct yourself accordingly.

And now on the R&R…

This is a detailed commentary on the Catholic Church. If you are a regular reader here you should know all this, but as readership here has gone up considerably lately, here is a cliff’s notes. For a better cliff’s notes read Believe! Or for really in depth stuff read RTCC.

If you already know the below, skip to the next section below.

1. What the Catholic Church actually is and is not.

The Catholic Church is the Church created on Earth by Jesus Christ. Its members put together the Bible and had a hierarchy with Popes, Bishops and Priests from the start. The Church went on unchanged in its divine principles and with rules for these as well as for the governing of the human aspects of law, that were all eventually codified in one document called the Code of Canon Law of 1917. This collated all the rules in one place from literally thousands of documents spread over 2000 years. This document, along with whatever Papal encyclicals or ex Cathedra rulings of valid Popes were issued from 1917 until 9th October 1958 constitute the official rules of the Church under Roman Law. Which differs very much from Common or Anglo-Saxon law and even more so from American “law” which is really a joke.

After 1958, fake Catholics (Freemasons, Communists, homosexuals, pedophiles, and Satanists of every kind (carbonari, illuminati, etc etc)) had so infiltrated the Church that Angelo Roncalli, a confirmed freemason and thus a non-Catholic satanist (Catholics can’t be Freemasons) was falsely and illegally elected “Pope”. Effectively being an antipope. This is not new. The Church had over 40 antipopes before 1958. However, we have had nothing but antipopes since 1958. So what most people think is the Catholic Church is instead a hive of pedophiles and Satanists of various persuasions. There is not a single Catholic in the Vatican today.

The only Catholics left are those that still follow the same Catholicism that always was and that is embodied in the CoCL of 1917. Because as a result of Roncalli and his next Satanist in line, Montini, the heretic and abominable Vatican 2 documents were produced which literally tried to invert Catholicism from the ground up and has largely succeeded in the minds of most people who are not Catholic as well as a majority of supposedly “Catholic” people who, ignorant (by design) of their own religion, assume that Bergoglio or any of the antipopes before him were valid. None are. These impostors are all Novus Ordo (New Order) fake Catholics that have inverted the whole of Catholicism including the Holy Mass. I call them Novus Orco as they are simply the latest breed of Orc.

And the reasons for this are very simple and clear and laid out in the CoCL of 1917, which specifies anything these impostors do is fake and irrelevant to actual Catholicism and a lie.

So… the only Catholics left are now known as Sedevacantists (from when the seat of the Pope is empty because between Popes usually when one dies). The rules of Catholicism are such that certain things are done differently when between Popes, a condition known as interregnum (from latin, between realms).

We have now been without Pope, that is, in an extended interregnum since 1958. Contrary to the intentionally maleducated masses, the Catholic Church does not end without a Pope, it simply waits for a real one, and cases of over 70 years of confusion have happened before. Nevertheless, a Catholic believes that no matter how bad things get, the true Church will always remain visible until the return of Jesus (by which time the End Times will be upon us and only a tiny fragment of believers will remain, as told in Revelation).

And while Sedevacantist Catholics are a tiny percentage when compared to the fooled millions who think they are Catholics, but are just fooled ignorants, our Church is certainly far more visible today than it was, say, under Emperor Nero. And we are growing in numbers every day. That said, the attacks against us are many and multiform, which is to be expected, since we are the last Christians left on Earth.

The most pernicious nonsense is not the lies that comes from Bergoglio and his Imps, or the brainwashed Protestants screeching at us try at “I am too a Christian!!” As they tear up, or even the schismatic and insular “Orthodox” of the East, (or their almost extinct friends the Copts) who, at least, are both worlds closer to the truth than any Protestant can ever be. No, the worst attacks come from closer to home, the Recognise and Resist crowd.

These are supposed Catholics that advise, against all reason, logic, and Catholic dogma, that you should both recognise Bergoglio as a Pope yet resist his rules as he is behaving badly. This is nonsense. If a Pope is actually a Pope then his rulings are valid and as a Catholic you should obey them. If he is not a Pope then his rulings are lies and nonsense and should be totally discarded along with him and anyone that agrees with him.

There is no grey area here.

The society of SSPX is one such R&R organisation.

2. Why anything other than Sedevacantism is NOT Catholicism.

In one image:

The Protestant pushed idiotic idea that if you put a man in a situation where sex with women is forbidden he will turn into a pedophile, is about as cogent as saying that if you put a lion in a crocodile enclosure he will somehow become a reptile. No. Straight men that choose the priesthood do not become pedophiles because they give up sex. Pedophiles join the Satanic Novus Ordo cult to get access to children.

The SSPX is ultimately merely an extension of the Novus Orco Satanic tribe. While many good people came out of it and in due course became priests or bishops or lay people of proper Catholic persuasion, ultimately only Sedevacantism is Catholicism. And while much, much, closer to sedevacantism, the traditionalist sedeprivationists, who still cling to a very charitable thesis printed in Cassiciacum back in the 1970s are clearly clutching at straws.

This theory says that the fake Popes might have been elected validly (they were not and we now know conclusively none were validly elected) and this might “materially” be Popes but not formally or spiritually. Which for practical purposes was at the time a very charitable attempt to appeal to the conscience of the fake clergy and those who went along with it to repent and start acting like proper Catholics and reject the heresies of Vatican 2. But with the benefit of time, it is clear that those who side in any way with the Novus Orco are either orcs themselves, or soon will be, and as such we should have nothing to do with them.

Lastly, a quick reminder that as a priest, as with any type of leadership position, the penalties for fraud, misconduct and taking advantage of people you preside over, should be much harsher than for a normal person.

Which is why in proper Catholic times, if a priest ever did molest a child, he was taken to the nearest bog by the town’s men and drowned in it. Usually with the child that was offended as witness, so that they knew that no man there thought less of him for what had been done to him, and all loved him enough to risk jail for… well, we can’t call it murder, lynching without a license? Executing justice outside of official channels? Something like that anyway. And in many cases if the local police chief or sheriff did come to question anyone, the same group of me would all stand, possibly armed, shoulder to shoulder, and the law officer would invariably decide no crime had been committed.

If you are a father of children, ponder these things and ask yourself what world would you prefer to live in? Sedevacantists already know, as actual Catholics have known throughout the ages.

You may not be or care to become a Catholic, but you can hardly argue against the culture we built for the rest of the world, or the one we still have and are busy rebuilding for future generations, who will remember us and our names, as even Protestants may recall the names of Crusaders from a thousand years ago that they somehow conveniently forget were all, to a man, Catholics like us, and not Protestants of any kind.

The message is always the same. There is only ONE Church. The same one since He built it and told us to keep His rules. And you are either in it, or you are outside of it. Accept no substitutes, imitations, or plagiarisms.

Who Runs the World?

You really only need to scratch the surface to see that pedophiles run things at the head of the snake.

And you really only need to scratch the surface ro see who runs things the world over by having total control of for example all the finances of the world, which work in a way that even a child, once it’s explained, concludes is absolutely unfair and insane.

So here are a couple of videos and a schematic used before to paint you the picture in a very simple way.

So that is how the world is controlled at a practical, worldly level. The financiers create debt based money out of thin air, and you have to work your guts off for it while being in debt for its very creation, and the corridors of power are infested with pedophiles that are all blackmailable, and you cannot enter the club of the super rich without being a child rapist of some sort or so bent it makes no difference. And it does make you “untouchable”; well, until you become inconvenient or want to get out. See Hunter Biden, caught on camera having sex and drugs with children and nothing is happening to him even years later. Hell he dropped a coke bag in the White House and no one, no one at all, including with all the cameras and secret service and CSI of America could figure out who could possible have dropped it. Yup. It’s all just so much “supposition”. Well, except for all the incriminating shit on his laptop, which is 100% verified real.

And who runs the finance stuff again? Because they are at the top of the pyramid, oh yeah… right…

And who are we never, ever, ever, allowed to criticise, on pain of jail time for doing so?

Right now, there is an entire nation literally being wiped off the face of the Earth, with innocent civilian men, women, children and babies being ripped apart by bombs and being shot at with impunity by Israeli military, and the entire mass media of the planet is simply trying to pretend that Israel is the victim here.

Questioning the Jewish narrative of history is also punishable by jail time in many countries around the world, although no other historical event in human history is treated this way, including those events that actually resulted in proportionally a much higher level of total destruction of a people.

Noticing any of these things is apparently to be referred to as antisemitism. Because calling it factual reality may soon be also a crime.

As might be noticing who and why has been behind the destruction of every European royal house as well as the intended destruction of Catholicism, the infiltration of the Catholic Church and the demonisation of it to all the simpletons that were historically illiterate enough to consider themselves Protestants, as if that were a branch of Christianity that was in any way valid, instead of what it is: a blatant admission of an inability to do basic logic and be abysmally ignorant of the most easily verifiable facts by the simple process of reading the patristic fathers’ writings.

It really should not be difficult to put these pieces together in the present day. Especially when so much has recently been revealed about so much and so many. The attendees at Davos, the people behind the covid mass-murder scam, the people who have funded Hamas, ISIS, and were literally dancing in the streets when 9/11 happened and how that was brought about, and planned, which also explains how building 7 came down.

It really is starting to be really easy to notice certain things. But are you noticing them? Or are you doing your very best impression of an ostrich with its head in the sand so you can keep pretending everything is just fine, and there is really no one anywhere responsible for anything?

Are you noticing yet? Or are you pretending to be an atheist about how the world works too, instead of only about whose dominion this planet is under?

And if you have noticed the worldly aspects, is it so difficult to notice which religions say it’s ok to rape little children and which say it is a sin that should be punishable by death?

Is it really that hard to figure out what Jesus stated plainly in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 and Matthew 12:34 and 23:33?

Are you going to keep ignoring reality because not doing so might be uncomfortable and might mean making some choices and taking some actions to secure your own and your children’s future? Are you happy being ruled over by those who are currently de facto running the world?

Or are you organising yourself to become free of that group of Satanic pedophiles?

Are you claiming to yourself and others that nothing can be done? Or are you doing something?

Only you can answer these questions. No one will do it for you.

Heretics, Heretics Everywhere…

…and not a brain to think.

Yes, I have adapted my own adaptation of the famous poem about being lost at sea.

Water, Water, Water everywhere, And not a drop to drink.

At about age 15 or 16 I changed it to:

Idiots, Idiots, Idiots everywhere, And not a brain to think.

But one evolves in thinking, so, the slightly new version.

It was brought on by reading Malcom Collins’, rather retarded take on a topic I have pondered at times here and there, and which is somewhat covered (not fully yet, but it will be) in my Nazi Moon book.

That is, religion in an Interstellar society.

The simple reality of it is that this idea is not in any way new. Aquinas touched on it as did I think at least one other doctor of the Church, though I forget which one. Dan Simmons, explored it probably in the most depth, though using the works of the arch-heretic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, which paradoxically, brought me closer to Christianity, probably given how far from it I was.

The question is only apparently interesting though, because if you think about it for a few minutes, or even seconds, it hinges on an unspoken premise of doubt. A mind-worm of heresy and gnosticism that corrodes the truth while acting in darkness. Because ultimately either you know your religion is real and true and therefore the ultimate truth, or you doubt it. Now, for myself, I thoroughly understand that essential doubt, that questioning query, that unanswered “deep” question you think you have. I lived that way for about 43 years, despite the fact that by age 16 I had rejected atheism as untenable, and remained a Zen-Agnostic that simply could not believe in the resurrection with any real faith. While I did not discount it completely, I had absolutely no evidence in my life that anything comes back from the dead in a corporeal form. I was ready to accept continuation of life after death in some fashion, ghosts, spirits, reincarnation, transmigration of the soul, whatever, were all at least possibilities, but rising from the properly dead, Lazarus of Jesus style, was something I gave a vanishingly small chance to be true to.

So I understand the wish to try and find a system of life based on a philosophy rooted in truth, and thinking Christianity is wanting. And Catholicism also being very much far from what I would expect from the true religion, as it is presented to us with Bergoglio as Pope and his pedophiles and homosexual indulging in cocaine fuelled orgies while pretending to be bishops and priests right in the Vatican. It is only when I looked at Christianity from the start and discovered that Catholicism has nothing to do with the Satanists currently pretending to be Catholics that infest the Vatican, and realised that Vatican II was when the great usurpation had happened. Yet, after my road to Damascus moment, without which it is unlikely I would be a sedevacantist Catholic today, the doubt about Jesus resurrecting simply vanished. And strangely, I found myself reconnecting with a part of myself I was unaware remained. A kind of innocence I had maybe still at age 2 or so, that has been shredded shortly thereafter by living on this planet. But aside my personal sensations, the astonishing thing is that Catholicism , the real one, not the fake poisonous version spouted by the child-raping enthusiasts of the Vatican, not only modelled reality better than any other philosophy I had encountered, but it answered many of the long-unanswered questions I had. The problem of evil, how prayer actually works, the consequences of free will, and many, many, many more. It also is the best model for predicting how people in general will act and even how large trends may go.

Malcom’s idea of cobbling together an “Abhramic religion” for a potentially interstellar society, is simply the thrashings of a man that has no real conviction, no real faith, and no real reasoning capacity. It is the grasping attempts of someone outside the cathedral pretending he can make his own version of it outside it that is “better”. In short, he is a heretic, or a gnostic. He may even be genuine in his attempts, but he is like a cargo-cultist thinking if he carves a shape that looks like an aeroplane out of a palm tree, that he will be able to fly in it. No, Malcom. you will not fly in it.

All you need to do is read the first paragraph of his post to know he is not a great thinker.

Most traditional religions in the world, while relatively more resistant to prosperity-induced fertility collapse, are still facing extinction (just with a slight delay). This buys these religions precious time to build better defenses and acquire more allies for the coming trials. Those that indolently decide to return to a structure and mindset that evolved within (and was optimized for) a pre-internet, pre-AI world, … heck pre industrial world—blinded by arrogance and Golden Age Thinking—deserve their fate. Only through cultural innovation does our species survive.

Let us count the ways in which his thinking is flawed.

Firstly, it is absolutely clear that if any religion is true, then that truth is absolute. If you assume a loving God, then that truth is also as complete as humanity can ever understand it. And will continue to be so to the end of time. Therefore, there is simply no need to “upgrade” anything concerning modernity. It is the very core of the infiltrators, heretics and especially gnostics, that you have to “adapt” or “improve” on the absolute truth. Most telling, Bergoglio recently changed the Ave Maria and also the Pater Noster. This Satanic protector of pedophiles, thinks he can improve on the very prayer that Jesus gave us, the Pater Noster.

It is, of course an obvious tell that either you are an intentional deceiver, or, at best, you simply do not believe any religion is true.

Secondly, he also does not believe in God, nor His Love, Mercy and (at least for Catholics) the promise of His always being with us and His return.

If he did, he would not worry about his enemies so much, nor would he be trying to make alliances with random un-believers. Which is not to say that I wouldn’t stand shoulder to shoulder with a Muslim if it meant cutting down the Davos Satanists, but the best a Catholic and a Muslim can hope for is separate nations with high walls and a rigidly strict code of conduct for either side visiting the other. Most often, the historical relation between Muslims and Catholics is that Muslims will try to wipe Catholics out, until the Catholics begin to respond, then the Muslims tend to retreat, until the tide shifts again. And given Islam’s intent, it is unlikely that they will leave Catholic alone even in an ideal setting.

The point is that if your God loves you, and your religion is true, as St. Bernard would say, what are you even worried about? Martyr of warrior that goes down in battle or that wins glory for God, if you are with God, what threat does death hold for you? Or hardship? It is all just temporary. And while some trials will absolutely test men to breaking point, if you truly believe, you will not lose your faith. the story of Job being the classic example.

Thirdly, his contempt for his predecessors is self-evident and little does he realise that a true system that is given to us by a Loving God, cannot ever be incomplete, or “not up to date”. Truth doesn’t have a sell-by date, Malcom.

As for his last sentence, it clearly demonstrates Malcom is a sub-par autist (which his mannerism makes quite clear, if you watch the video) that hasn’t even the capacity to observe the last hundred years or so of history and draw some conclusions concerning “cultural innovation” and the over 100 million lives murdered by it, not to mention however many millions will die as a result of the latest “cultural innovation” of “medicine” and how many children have been satanically mutilated on the “cultural innovation” of transgenderism, and on, and on, and on.

If you wish to know what an Interstellar religion that would work would look like, you need look no further than proper Catholicism, which today is only found in Sedevacantism, and being true, necessarily rejects all other religions and pretences at “Christianity”, precisely because the truth is only one.

Poul Anderson, wrote The High Crusade some 50 years ago, and yet it remains a fantastically entertaining and excellent book, which I think better describes a truly Interstellar religion than anything else I have come across, including Dan Simmons’ modernised pseudo-catholic version.

Anderson’s work is great because it also reminds the reader that until Henry the VIII, England was Catholic, and if the residents of the United Kingdom had any true idea of what was taken from them, there might be another crusade tomorrow.

In short then, Malcom, if man ever goes to the stars, the religion that will last out there with him is the only true one. And there is only One Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church.

Isn’t it curious…

That in a supposedly secular world, I am free to hate nazis, people that make value judgements based on appearance, but not other people that make value judgments based on appearance. I am free to hate white racists but not black racists. I am free to say it’s ok to be black, but not free to say it’s ok to be white. I am somewhat free to hate almost anybody, for any reason, but never Jews for any reason at all. Or even for any facts, like the current genocide of Palestinians.

But you see, the truth is that you are free to dislike and even actively hate whoever you want. I’m not particularly fond even of Italians, myself. I don’t like humans in general very much at all. The crime is in expressing any opinion on anything. Which is why AI is being ferociously introduced everywhere. AI will make a grey goo of everything and everyone. You will not be allowed to call me a Dago or a Spaniard a Spic or a black guy a Nigger, or a Chinese guy a Chink. No, no, no, that’s terrible! You will be killed for your own good with fake vaccines by supposedly educated and well-meaning doctors, but God (who doesn’t exist according to these “people”) forbid you call Bruce Jenner, Bruce instead of Caytlin, his fake name chosen to pretend he’s a woman. In Germany they now will fine you for “deadnaming” a Tranny.

It’s enough to make you think that even if the Nazis were really as bad as they have been portrayed in every film and every official history book since the end of World War II, living under Nazism might be preferable to living under TransgendericTranshumanistHomoglobalism as eschewed by our Satanic Pedophile “betters”.

But the point of all this is that you have been brainwashed into believing far more dangerous nonsense. You have been taught to believe your vote makes a difference. that politicians make a difference. That the levers of power are somehow influenced by votes and popular wishes.

While early man and pretty much everyone until about 200 years ago, has always known that the levers of power only change hands by one method and one method only. The same one that has resolved all human conflict and problems for good or evil in all instances: Massive amounts of violence.

Yet you watch the goings on in Ukraine and still believe that the powers that be would not sent millions to their death simply for their own entertainment, never mind for a grasp at power and influence in the world.

No one is voting the Satanic pedophiles out of power. That will literally never happen, and has never happened throughout human history.

Digest this fact. Whatever pill you want to call this, it’s the one you really need to take above all.

Might does not make right in the eyes of God, but we live here under the dominion of Satan. Which for a believer leaves only two choices. Martyr of Warrior. Your soul knows which kind you are.

And for all you secularists…

Good luck trusting $cienc-eh and the Cohen-sensus of it.

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