Archive for the ‘Sedevacantism’ Category

Nothing New Presented as News

This “shocking development” is literally nothing new. This possible use of interferometry has been known for decades and been used since astronomy started to use radio and other wavelengths to produce better resolution images and data collection via interferometry.

And I doubt even this use is new at all. At any rate, it’s not as if the fact that privacy is completely dead hasn’t been known by anyone that even remotely paid attention for more than 30 years.

The only difference is the extent, reach and consequences for the odd thorn in the side of the establishment. The counter to that is massive community response. What communities, if any, will begin to push back, and in what ways remains to be seen over the next decade or so.

I am confident that my specific choice of the Sedevacantist remnant is the way to go. The Amish or possibly so group of inter-related rednecks in the Appalachians will have their own ideas, and more power to all of them, but don’t be fooled, it is becoming absolutely clear that standing on the sidelines is not an option for anyone anymore. Whether this is Revelation Times or not is immaterial. What is certain is that as Jesus specifically stated, either you are with Him or you are against him.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, it is a sobering intellectual exercise to consider which side you take if in absolute terms Catholicism (Sedevacantism) is actually true and your options are only get with it or get against it. Try it. After all, it’s just a thought experiment right?

Vigano, Catholicism and the Conversion of Vox Day

There may be just a *tiny* little bit of a clickbait in the title, but I can only take the man at his word and console him in knowing that there is a path forward!

In his post Vox stated:

This makes me wish I was a Roman Catholic so I could be officially excommunicated from the synagogue of Satan that presently occupies the Vatican. I absolutely deny the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” and I definitely deny the Second Vatican Council.

I, of course, pretty much stopped reading at “This makes me wish I was a Roman Catholic” and finished with “Why, yes, you can be!”

And on reading the rest of the sentence, I really am not changing much either, because as a Sedevacantist, Bergoglio and the other Satanists hate us with the passion of ten thousand of the lowest pits of Hell, and we do rather enjoy it. So I’m basically just saying, come on in, some of us are quite dark ourselves, and we are all severely excommunicated from the pits of Hell by their imps.

Plus… if Vox converted to Catholicism it would pop so many protestant heads I would laugh for a week. But I honestly would try not to gloat. You know, except in private. Mostly.

That out of the way, now about Vigano.

Well, what else is there to say, I wrote all that needed to be said about Vigano way back when I published Reclaiming the Catholic Church, in chapter VIII. I reproduce a good part of it here for the clarity of those confused souls who think that Catholicism is wishy washy about anything, and especially heresy and heretics.

Now let me address a specific hypothetical example.
A rather recent development has been the letters and statements that “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Vigano has released which essentially condemn Vatican II and say it should best be forgotten, wherein a fifth column of impostors has essentially been admitted was responsible and that a parallel false church was created. (July 2020 as of this writing)
A lot of supposedly “traditional” Catholics have rejoiced and tried to claim Vigano as the poster boy for “real” Catholicism.

Well… let me burst that little soap bubble with a two-handed sword strike.

Vigano received a doctorate in Canon Law. And since he was ordained in 1968, this means the Canon Law of 1917. In other words, he cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be assumed to be ignorant of Canon 188 part 4. Furthermore, his assertion that he remained quiet for the next 52 years after his ordination, is inexcusable and even if we assume he was validly ordained (he potentially could have been at least), his more than five decades of silence condemns him. As does his continued promulgation of the Vatican II heretics since he still refers to the impostors as though they had been legitimate Popes. Meaning he too continues to remain a public and notorious heretic and has long ago vacated his office.

But let me not be entirely uncharitable to the man. It is certainly a good thing that he has at least spoken up somewhat, but do not be fooled.

I listed several important issues then stated:

But let me pose a hypothetical. Let us assume that Vigano, shortly after the publication of this book goes on to pronounce all of Vatican II heretical along with the related antipopes, repents his own silence and cowardly dereliction of duty genuinely and publicly, recants any and all associations with anything Vatican II and swears on pain of death to be a model priest from that day forth.

If he did all that, I am almost certain that a great uprising of nominal Catholics, and probably also a good number of actual Catholics would rejoice. Don’t misunderstand me, it would be a good thing, for sure, but I am also quite sure that there would almost immediately be a call to elect him Pope. And from a purely practical point of view, I would probably also agree that this could begin to be a first step towards reclaiming the Church almost in its entirety. But how we personally feel about it is completely irrelevant, because as per Catholic Canon Law, even if Vigano did all that, he would still, as spelt out very clearly in Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, at best, have to spend the rest of his days in penance hidden away in a monastery; with authority over precisely no-one.

So, even if he were to become a new “Pope” he would be breaking Canon Law in doing so and as such would effectively still be yet another antipope.
Assuming all that happened anyway, if —while being yet another fake “Pope”— he did truly reinstate the Catholic Church, then abdicate in favour of another valid Bishop who would take his place afterwards and become the first valid Pope in over six decades, we may say, after the fact only, that he had at least redeemed himself enough to be permitted to finish his days in said monastery and be well-remembered as someone who at least acted correctly even if very late in the day.

Given his timidity, I would hardly expect this hypothetical Pope Vigano to do the right thing though, which would be to:

  • Immediately excommunicate or at the very least suspend, all Novus Orco “clergy”.
  • Institute actual Catholic Bishops (the few who remain) to the various and most urgent offices of the Church.
  • Call for a complete exorcism of the entire Vatican City itself.
  • Make use of even mere Priests, or if need be laymen to promote as many as necessary into a new set of Cardinals for the eventual continuation of the Papacy
  • Establish a properly staffed Office of the Inquisition and in due course pronounce sentence on each and every fake “cleric” of the Novus Orco Church starting with the highest ranks and moving their way down to the lower ones.

And that’s just for starters. Such action would also require a removal of all lay people from the Vatican and a re-staffing of it with actual Catholics, particularly with regard to matters of security.

Eventually, a commission for investigation of the Vatican Bank would have to be set up and protected from the inevitable attacks that would come from the deep state of multiple countries deeply involved with all sorts of filth, starting with the USA but probably linking almost every corrupt politician on Earth.

If he did all that, while I would be willing to admit that yes, he would then probably be a valid and repentant Catholic, he still would not be a valid Pope, nor could he ever again take up acting as even just a simple Priest in an out of the way parish. The law is clear. He would have to be sequestered away for the rest of his days in penance.

But this is all really high fantasy anyway and I am quite sure none of it would happen, because if it even started to it would not surprise me if the Vatican was bombed from orbit by a “stray” American satellite, tactical nuke, redirected asteroid or what have you. Our hypothetical “Pope” Vigano would definitely be in a difficult position, but those would be the actions a brand new and real Pope should take or —as would be his case— even an invalid one but who is genuinely trying to reinstate the Catholic Church.

Impossible though these points may be to carry out all at once, any potentially new Pope (assuming he was actually elected by the remaining Catholic Bishops and Priests who remain, not the Novus Orco impostors) who did not at least move in that general direction would be very suspect in the extreme. Certainly, the suspension of all fake clerics and replacing as many as possible with actual Catholic Clergy would have to be the first priority, and the installation of a proper Inquisition the second one.

As it is though, Vigano has not even called out the public defectors from the Faith for what they are. He is still referring to Roncalli, Montini, Wojtyła, Ratzinger and the others as “Popes”.
In short, we are still a very long way away from Vigano being anything other than perhaps a temporary distraction. Nevertheless, I will continue to pray for the man. As a long-time sinner myself before I saw the truth, I should not begrudge a possible late bloomer, even if he will never be anything more than a Priest with no authority over anyone, in the best of cases. Which is not to say that he could not still be a force for good, if he ever finds the courage to act as a proper Catholic.

That all said, we know God simply loves to use broken and worn out human wreckage to renew His Church in the most unexpected ways. If He saved me through His Grace, I believe indeed almost anyone at all can be saved. Though I might personally dislike the idea, I know my thoughts on the matter are completely irrelevant. God has proven many times that He will choose whoever He wants to renew his Church, and if Carlo Maria Vigano is that man, then more power to him. And if not, no matter, because:

We are not given to a Spirit of Fear!

Now, as you can see, if you read through all that, technically speaking, and as a layman, we cannot accept Vigano at face value, and even if he did return the Church to real Catholicism, Canon Law is clear on the issue. That said, and as I have already stated officially four years ago, God does act in mysterious ways, but unlike the “Orthodox” who would leave such things to “mystical unknowns” without pronouncing themselves one way or the other, or worse, the average Protestant, who frankly can’t be relied upon to understand how a simple knot in a rope is made or unmade, never mind follow basic logic, canon law, or much of anything else requiring strict reasoning and logic, Catholics are perfectly clear on the matter:

Vigano should have, and officially can have, authority over no one even if he IS a truly repentant and perhaps even a validly ordained Catholic Bishop. And even if he were made Pope and restored the Church to pre 1958 truth and reality, he would still count as an antipope.

Which might not, necessarily, prevent him from becoming a Saint (if he fulfilled the other requirements). If that sounds convoluted and counter-intuitive, it is clear you’re a binary thinker probably steeped in Protestantism. Catholics understand that humans are all flawed and that God’s mercy is infinite, but so is his justice. Simply because you truly atone of a sin, does not mean you avoid punishment for it. It just means you can, in due course, be forgiven for it. And for a heretic clergyman, that forgiveness from us laymen, at least in terms of acknowledging all the good deeds he may have done, it does not obviate the punishment, which in this case is that he should have authority over no one.

As I wrote back in 2020, it would not surprise me unduly if Vigano did become “Pope”. It certainly would be a great thing, and his excommunication is bound to increase the ranks of the Sedevacantists tenfold rather quickly. And if Vigano openly declares he is now a 1958 Sedevacantist, it will certainly boost the ranks and I am sure various institutions of sedevacantists will welcome him with open arms.

I for one will continue to simply observe and neither give the man praise nor unduly excoriate him, but I will not diverge one atom from Canon Law.

We know what happens when we do that. We get The Roncalli and the Begoglios and even, yes, the cowardly, too silent for too long Viganos.

Catholics are not given to timidity in the face of heretics. So let us correct those errors of our grandfathers and fathers, and return to the conviction, honour and fortitude of the Bohemonds, Tancredis, Valettes, and their kind from the time of the crusades and before and beyond. But let us never gain stray into the timidity of the Rebellion of perverted fake monks and English Kings, or the demonic inspirations of the French Freemasons and their kind.

The Magnitude of the Lie

It is truly difficult to transmit to other human beings how massively almost everything they believe is either complete nonsense or a lie.

I occasionally stray into the human pits of despair that are online “debates”. They are not really debates at all, they are more like the entertainment of watching someone club stupid people to death. It’s not exactly soul enriching or worth the time. Nevertheless, given my gushing optimism for the human race, being as I think only about 98% of it is composed of absolute morons, it is necessary for me to once in a while dip my foot in the festering sewer that is the average normie mindset.

Specifically I have watched a few clips of Andrew Wilson vivisecting the “brains” of a few feminists, only fans prostitutes, and related NPCs.

In truth I had to force myself to stomach more than a few minutes of the absolute IQ sapping radiant stupidity that comes out of these women’s mouths, because it is so absurd it literally could set your nerves on fire. I don’t know much about Andrew other than he says he is married has children and is an Eastern “Orthodox” Christian. He argues dialectically and has the patience of a saint despite being a schismatic and not exactly a genius since he stated on one clip I saw that the Catholic Church agrees with the Eastern “Orthodox” but they don’t agree with Catholicism. That’s obviously nonsensical, but after all, he is American and probably raised Protestant, so making the shift to Eastern Orthodox is certainly a step in the right direction.

That aside, and also putting aside the absolutely completely degenerate mindset of the whores on the whatever podcast, it needs to be realised that while the women’s mindset may be on the extreme end (one hopes), the reality is that a LOT of the issues they “believe” in, stem from the pernicious lies spread by feminism and their ever-present (((pushers of degeneracy))).

It is hard enough to realise how wrong most so-called “normal” positions are on DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality) but when the bell curve on one side is shifted so far into literal Babylonian total depravity, it colours the rest of life and redshifts it all that much closer to Hell.

Now, I am no prude, I have enjoyed far more sex and sexual adventures and partners than the average man by at least an order of magnitude.

I certainly understand the allure of the forbidden, the temptation of the taboo, and the visceral pleasures of the flesh. I also know that I am unlike most men. The things I can (and have) survive, or go through, or walk past would cripple most men. It is not an exaggeration to say that, nor is it a boast. It is simply a fact.

Some guys are better chess players or smarter or more able to design a functioning rocket, I just happen to be better than most at surviving situations that most men may well find almost impossible to navigate. And it’s not even necessarily the function of great intelligence, it’s more akin to a talent or perhaps lucky survivor’s statistics, I mean, they say that death, divorce and moving home are the three most traumatic experiences a person can undergo. I was close to, and lost all four of my grandparents between my early teens and my 30s. I had two divorces, the last one included my first daughter too; and I have moved home 54 times and am now 54 years old. I also started my “career” a number of times, in different fields, starting from zero and with little or no money a number of times. I also have 5 children now and a Catholic (sedevacantist) which was unthinkable say 15 years ago. So perhaps it’s just a matter of if you throw enough guys into a meatgrinder life, at least a few survive and maybe they get better at it.

My point here is simply that when I discuss the issues facing men (or women for that matter) who want to be in a proper, life-long committed marriage to form a coherent and traditional nuclear family, I am not just whistling theoretical dixie. You could say I have definitely been in the trenches, the air-raids, the tank battles, the drone attacks, the psyops and the treachery that the modern day “battle of the sexes” and all the absolute bullshit that is shovelled into people’s heads about men and women and their roles in society that goes with it.

Nor have I come through it unscathed. No one goes through that stuff without taking body shots, but the point is that I always had this intrinsic belief that no matter how much you damage me, if I am still alive, I will get up again at some point. Maybe I’ll be crippled, maybe I won’t be able to run or fight as well, but I will get up. And I will not stop.

That mindset has allowed me to walk through valleys and mountains of deceit, lies, intentional misinformation, propaganda, and false narratives that most human beings are not even aware are being actively perpetrated on them.

And after all that, these are the simple, basic, truths I have concluded make life MOST worthwhile to live, in no particular order:

  • Be a MAN. Honour your word and give it out as rarely as possible and only if you really must. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
  • God is real and he is the Catholic God, and the One True Church is the Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo “Church” is a Satanic lie and should be rejected even harder than the poor ignorant Protestant 40,000 denominations of nonsense. Catholicism describes objective reality bette than any other system or philosophy, period.
  • The most important thing you can do in this life is be a good husband and a good father and lead your woman to having the opportunity of being a good wife and good mother. Within this context, the following things are true:
    • School is a damaging prison for children and unnatural for the most part. If at all possible educate them yourself (assuming you have at least the basic tools and intellect for doing so). If not immediately possible try to enrol them in the most rural, small, ethnically similar school possible.
    • Going to work out of the home and letting your wife do the same so your children can be raised by strangers is unnatural and not good. Your work should be such you can show it to your children and they can learn from it if possible, but in any case, you should be present in their daily life.
    • Your wife should be the nurturer and shelter for your children from your disciplining and rules laying down.
    • Rules of life with regard to how to treat others, each other and family should generally be laid down by the father, and be in agreement by the mother.
    • A little corporal punishment correctly administered goes a very long way towards instilling discipline and respect and becomes unnecessary for the most part once the child has reached the age of reason.
    • For the best raising of children, the mother should make it clear the father is the most important person in the house, and the father should make it clear the mother is the most important person to him as far as respect and deference of the children is concerned, but both parents should also be clear in their action and thought and spirit that the lives of their children are more important than their own or even each other’s lives.
  • Children are perfectly logical, don’t lie to them and explain things calmly and gradually and truthfully and they will astonish you with the level of comprehension they have.
  • Do not ignore your children. If one of them is upset find out why and deal with it. If they are being a spoilt brat, punish them or educate them as required, but do not let things fester. Mental torture that lasts long is more damaging and less educational than a spanked arse in just proportion.
  • Justice above Law.
  • Courage is more important than intelligence, imagination more than knowledge, and faith more than wisdom.
  • There is no Love without Justice and there is no Justice without Love.
  • Marriage is for life and should be in Church and almost no one today is equipped to make it a truly life-long commitment. Finding a woman that understands this and is willing to fight for it too is exceedingly difficult, and may not in fact exist in the wild, and you may have to educate, shape, and lead them to this truth. It is particularly hard to get women to understand this because marriage involves sacrifice and the general solipsism and biological selfishness of women has been weaponised against them by Feminism since the early 1960s without any respite. However, it is not impossible. The Truth will out, but it takes humility for a woman to accept this reality, even when it smacks them in the face repeatedly in life.
  • Reject any woman that has any kind of entrenched feminist ideals in her brain. Simply do not even bother wasting time with them. Even if you are a hedonist secularist without any religion, even just using them for a one-night stand is very often more trouble and riskier than the simple, secular pleasure, of sex for a night or a couple of nights at most is worth. And entertaining any kind of relationship with such a creature is demonstrably going to be more damaging to your life than probably trying to sleep with a venomous snake in your bed for the rest of your days.
  • Most religious people are liars and/or ignorants who have no idea what the basic tenets of their religion are, but you should absolutely judge them and treat them as if they did know.
  • Most humans are driven by their emotions and the lies they have bought into. Study Professor Cipolla’s theorem and learn it well, so that you might be fortified against the reality facing you.
  • Antigravity technology exists and was re-discovered officially by Thomas Townsend Brown first, then developed much further by the Nazis during WWII and eventually by the US Naval Research Laboratories.
  • Yes, the financial system is essentially controlled by the Rothschild family and a few others, and yes, they do want to enslave the rest of humanity, and yes, many of them are honest-to-God Satan worshippers. Regardless of whether you believe in the devil or not, they do. Regulate yourself accordingly.
  • Do not be too afraid to speak your mind. Of course, time and place, the truth can and will get you killed at times, so exercise some discernment, but do not keep quiet in the face of any of Clown World agendas. They are an insane and unhinged minority, let them know they need to get back under the rocks from which they crawled out of and be silent.
  • Logic, reason and objective reality are important and real things. Learn them.
  • Free Speech is an idiotic and deluded idea that has never, and will never, exist as long as humanity exists. Realise this truth, even if you are American and have been brainwashed into believing such a thing exists or ever did. Honestly, actual unicorns are more likely to have existed than this absolute fiction.
  • The IQ Gap is real and having one in your marriage is not a good thing. try to find a woman that is at least within 30 IQ points of you at most. Especially if you are relatively high IQ.

You certainly don’t HAVE to take my advice on life. No one is forcing you to, certainly, but, I would at least consider the words of a man that had survived multiple combat situations I might find myself in. Or who managed to find a way to reconcile the world with a lasting marriage and creation of a family, or who managed to play the system into accumulating enough wealth to leave a good legacy for his family. We all have choices to make as to how we choose to live, die and what we want to leave behind, if anything. there are many more bullet points, but this is about what I can do in one post. If you want more detailed information concerning relationships, Caveman Theory is there for it.

Ann gets another one right

Despite my making fun of her pride and inability to do proper logic with respect to Sedevacantism, the Neo-Sedevacantist Ann Bernhardt has posted a very true and pertinent post. Enjoy it here.

Just remember that Ann is completely wrong about Catholicism and NONE, not a single one of the fake Popes from Angelo Roncalli on have been even Catholics, never mind legitimate Popes. Vatican II is heretical in toto and so is anyone who does not reject it and all its pomps.

In short, proper Catholics are 1958 Sedevacantists. Ann is only a 2023 “Sedevacantist” and she still has not told me when the time lag between “crazy” and “totally reasonable and properly Catholic is.” I hope she does so before another 52 years pass. I might not make it to 106.

Told ya

I certainly was not aware of this when I wrote the Rise of the Patriarchy style post yesterday that is certainly due, but it sort of makes my point better in one tweet than I can in I a thousand words. And notice… teenagers.

The return of a hardcore patriarchy is inevitable. And the younger generation is going to be the one doing the grunt work. And when a whole generation starts to simply use force in order to return things to a semblance of justice, sanity, rule of law, logic and so on, guess what: no government on Earth can stop it, and the more force they try to use to kill such a movement, the more the result will be the opposite.

Generation Alpha is going to be a very interesting generation. They are being bombarded from birth with absurd lies and if my generation does their job (we can’t rely on millennials to do anything as they are the younger incarnation of boomers to a large extent) which simply entails giving them the unvarnished truth about any specific topic, and teaching them how to do math, and logic and learn to think objectively about things while controlling their emotions, so as to use them instead of be used by them, well… in that case I think at least half of them will love objective truth with a burning fire not seen since the Crusades.

With any luck it will also be backed up by the ultimate Truth of all, real Catholicism. And we know from history that the harder you come down on Catholics, the more they grow and become larger in number and power.

Burning pedophiles at the stake needs to become law again

As I don’t keep up with what pedophiles and their supporters get up to, for the most part, I am generally unaware of what happens in the Vatican or in the SFWA ranks.

But as I read VP most days, I have no become aware of the fact that the Science Fiction Writers of America, a group that has sheltered and protected pedophiles for decades, is not trying to pretend not only that Marion Zimmer Bradley was not the monster that she was, but tangentially, and by default, trying to imply that her victim and daughter, Moira Greyland, is somehow lying about what her own mother dis to her.

I have communicated with Moira directly online several times and although we have not met in real life, it is my absolute certainty that she has suffered things I would not wish on anyone and although I bought her book and will continue to support her however I can, I could not bring myself to read it, because —despite what people who think they know me might guess— I have a sensitive nature, which means that reading about some of the things she underwent would never let me sleep again, since most of the perpetrators are dead already and I would not get the satisfaction of seeing them literally burn at the stake.

I am absolutely not joking or exaggerating when I say that if it were up to me, the legal punishment for people that do such things to children would be to chain them to a sturdy pole, pile up some wood under them, dowse them in petrol and set a match to them.

It should absolutely become the law again and it should be the punishment for them all around the world. There is absolutely no doubt that if we made that happen, pedophiles would almost disappear overnight. Or at least after the first thousand such fires.

Moira is a gentle and kind soul and the vermin who are trying to glorify her abuser while simultaneously slinging mud in her direction at a minimum, deserve bankruptcy and twenty lashes and branding as pedo supporters. And yes, I would make such laws if I could.

As for separating the art from the artist, meh, I can go with that, but not when child raping and molesting is involved. In such cases a pyre of everything they ever did should go up in smoke alongside them. And no, I don’t care wha technology or knowledge might be lost.

In fact, pondering this very thing, has made me finally understand the Catholic conquistadors that burned most the stuff they found concerning the Mayan and Aztec cultures. Once you realise what those “cultures” got up to, it becomes hard as a Catholic to deny they are inspired by demons, and any benefits that would arise from them would be tainted with a poisonous evil that would inevitably pollute anything that came from it.

Even Jesus, who is God said they would be best drowned in the sea, and He is infinitely merciful. It makes absolute sense to me then, that pedophiles should get absolutely no mercy whatsoever from anyone as long as they are breathing on this Earth.

Non Una Cum Catholic Masses Around the World

So Tony, one of those young guys described in the Kurganate (which is now also expanded and updated and stored here on this blog, so as to centralise everything I do) has created a complete list of properly Catholic Masses that do NOT join the name of Bergoglio with the Holy Mass (non-una cum – that is, literally: “not one with”) and which retain the prayer for the conversion of the Christ-killing Jews.

It is found here and so far covers Europe and the USA, but I assume in due course it will also cover Latin American and other areas of the globe.

So now you can find out where the nearest Church performing a proper mass is.

The Magnitude of the Lie

It is truly difficult to transmit to other human beings how massively almost everything they believe is either complete nonsense or a lie.

I occasionally stray into the human pits of despair that are online “debates”. They are not really debates at all, they are more like the entertainment of watching someone club stupid people to death. It’s not exactly soul enriching or worth the time. Nevertheless, given my gushing optimism for the human race, being as I think only about 98% of it is composed of absolute morons, it is necessary for me to once in a while dip my foot in the festering sewer that is the average normie mindset.

Specifically I have watched a few clips of Andrew Wilson vivisecting the “brains” of a few feminists, only fans prostitutes and related NPCs.

In truth I had to force myself to stomach more than a few minutes of the absolute IQ sapping radiant stupidity that comes out of these women’s mouths, because it is so absurd it literally could set your nerves on fire. I don’t know much about Andrew other than he says he is married has children and is an Eastern “Orthodox” Christian. He argues dialectically and has the patience of a saint despite being a schismatic and not exactly a genius since he stated on one clip I saw that the Catholic Church agrees with the Eastern “Orthodox” but they don’t agree with Catholicism. That’s obviously nonsensical, but after all, he is American and probably raised Protestant, so making the shift to Eastern Orthodox is certainly a step in the right direction.

That aside, and also putting aside the absolutely completely degenerate mindset of the whores on the whatever podcast, it needs to be realised that while the women’s mindset may be on the extreme end (one hopes), the reality is that a LOT of the issues they “believe” in, stem from the pernicious lies spread by feminism and their ever-present (((pushers of degeneracy))).

It is hard enough to realise how wrong most so-called “normal” positions are on DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality) but when the bell curve on one side is shifted so far into literal Babylonian total depravity, it colours the rest of life and redshifts it all that much closer to Hell.

Now, I am no prude, I have enjoyed far more sex and sexual adventures and partners than the average man by at least an order of magnitude.

I certainly understand the allure of the forbidden, the temptation of the taboo, and the visceral pleasures of the flesh. I also know that I am unlike most men. The things I can (and have) survive, or go through, or walk past would cripple most men. It is not an exaggeration to say that, nor is it a boast. It is simply a fact. Some guys are better chess players or smarter or more able ro design a functioning rocket, I just happen to be really capable at both inserting myself into very weird/freaky/dangerous situations and coming back out of them. Not necessarily unscathed, but at least not crippled either. Besides, you know that old saying, scars heal, and chick dig them.

My point here is just that what advice or strategies or tactics I could give would for the most part not be useful, and in fact would most likely be damaging for most people, so I try to refrain from writing for you the “how to survive the Demonic aspect of humanity as you delve in areas of Hell where even demons fear to tread”.

It would cause more harm than good.

But I do hope that you will at least consider my stories and conclusions. You don’t have to put your hand on a hot plate if someone tells you about it and what happens when you do.

So, even if I assume it will fall on deaf ears, please, try to consider the following facets of what I can tell you is the truth based on my over half a century on this Earth.

For Women

If you’re a virgin or have a low(ish) body count of say 3 or less, KEEP IT THERE.

And instead of telling you the usual things about religion etc, I’ll tell you about the actual, undeniable, brain science related to why.

I don’t expect any of you women that might read this post to do so, but just in case there is a freaky 130 IQ slightly autistic girl that wants the data, read Richard Semon’s The Mneme, and Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter, and read my own post on how the human mind works too. That will give you the basics. But since 99.999999% of you will not read those works, allow me to give you the cliff notes. Every time you orgasm and/or have sex with a man your brain literally creates neural pathways towards creating a pair-bonding experience that in nature is supposed to be very strong and lasting (for both of you but much less so for men, due to differences in biology). These pathways are powerful and get deeper and more meaningful over time. They literally make valleys in your brain where the neurones interact with each other (it’s why “smooth-brain” is an insult denoting absolute stupidity because a brain with no valleys literally has no neurones interacting very much at all). Think of it as inscribing an old style vinyl record. The more you play that song (bang that guy) the deeper and more rich and textured will be the song.

If on the other hand you have a new song try to re-write over the last song every couple of weeks, pretty soon it’s all just white noise and all you get is the very temporary high of the actual orgasm or “new” body experience. Guess what this does to your ability to EVER pair bond with a man to have a family, and children and a stable existence. It literally kills it. And no, you are NOT different. No one is. It’s literally how the human wetware works. Those onlyfans whores who suck dicks on camera for cash? Yeah, ASIDE from no man really wanting to ever wife up someone like that, even if they did, you will not be able to stay. You literally would not be able to commit and stick it out. Like a junkie, even if it was fillet mignon put before you, you would find some excuse to go get your fix and then get back to eating second-hand McDs from trash cans.

If you’re a middling slut say 4-8 body count.

Read the above. Make better choices and try and take your time in selecting the next man (see below) and try to indeed make it your last one. It will take conscious effort. You will need to overlook his flaws (we all have them) and acknowledge your own too (much, much, harder for women to do). You need to know marriage is about making and raising children together, and in that respect, you should absolutely fixate into your head that marriage is for life. Your next man is to be the father of your children. And make sure he knows that is what you are in the market for, and realise if you pocked the wrong guy… tough titties. It’s FOR LIFE. That is the WHOLE and ONLY point of marriage.

If you just want to ride dicks until you get too old and wrinkly to get any, and will die alone and have been partially eaten by your cats by the time the stench of your corpse attracts enough attention to be discovered, then, by all means, carry on. Just don’t bitch about the consequences down the line. And there is no reason to get married at all in this case.

If you’re an advanced slut 9-15 body count.

As above, but you’re already at a threshold of past recovery. Most women with this level of body count will struggle to remain in a marriage even when kids are involved. The typical female solipsism will almost certainly make them want to “find themselves” and “recover their joy” and “eat, pray, fuck (oh sorry, they’ll call it “love” but it’s not) and they will just “want to be happy”. If you’re one of these women, you need to take a ling self-appraising look in the mirror and at the very least become conscious of the neural scratchings you have all over your brains and what they are doing to you and your relationship/s now and will do to you in the future.

If you’re a complete slut with a body count of 16-30.

Chances are you’re unrecoverable and your chances of a happy family life are slim. Divorce and heartache are the most probable outcomes.

The same lessons as above apply. How you deal with it from here on is up to you.

If you’re a City-Girl/nymphomaniac/amateur whore (you don’t charge hard cash because it didn’t enter your mind)/borderliner/habitual drunken slut/etc with a body count 30+

Assuming no hard drugs, alcoholism, childhood sexual abuse, or other serious daddy issues are involved, you are probably a highly sexed woman with an actual nymphomaniac trend. In general though, at least some, and usually more than a couple if not all four things are involved. You probably need a time alone in some remote place to introspect and rebalance. Your neural pathways are a scrambled mess, but with almost superhuman like determination, you could write your own path. It’s not anything most humans ever do. But short of some miraculous thing happening to you, the chances of a successful family life are small to none.

Professional Sluts: Body count up to and over 100.

Whether these are actual prostitutes or just really highly sexed women, and regardless of the reason why —not because it’s not important, context always makes a difference— the reality is that their pair-bonding ability is non-existent. In the case of professional whores who charge cash for sex they may well have a body-count of thousands. And IF they get past the seeing men as simply wallets with legs (which is hard for most of them to do) and IF they somehow conclude they would like to be with someone permanently and into old age (rarely do they want any, or at least, any more children), they may well have a more rational and considered approach to it and paradoxically, because their pair-bonding capacity has been all but completely cauterised, they will be more able to observe more objectively what is there and thus, potentially at least, make not terrible choices. They might actually pick decent enough men to spend the rest of their days with. However, their ability to do so will be rooted in brutal practicality that may feel rather cold and calculating, and as such, not be exactly enticing for a man to bond with. On the other hand, such a woman, IF she decides she wants to be in a permanent relationship, may well go the distance. The amateurs (party girls who just liked the dick a lot, and/or were drunks or junkies or whatever) are actually more of a train-wreck likelihood for a permanent relationship than professional prostitutes.

This is basically playing Russian roulette with five chambers loaded. At best. Most times it’s like playing Russian roulette with a semi-auto pistol.

As for the women this applies to. I don’t know what to tell you ladies… you’re seriously broken. All I know is God loves you and that sometimes, if you really ask, He really does show you the way.

For Men

The ability of a male to pair bond is also affected by multiple partners, but not as much or as deeply as that of a woman. That’s just biology. A horn dog guy is far more likely to cheat on a woman he decides to settle with than leave her. Which is why, historically, in many cultures, the odd affair here and there was more or less tolerated and occasionally even the woman could have one (if with far less frequency and with far more social backlash if it became public) and the general attitude was to pretend it didn’t happen and continue the relationship. That dynamic is essentially not prevalent anymore and is instead switching to more generally dysgenic situations like open relationships where one or both partners also have sex with other people from time to time. I am here, referring primarily to the “first world” or the West, or if you prefer, the predominantly caucasian part of the planet, which is just under 10% or so of the global population. Most African, Indian, and Chinese and Arabic relationships still follow their cultural traditions and will continue to do so for some time yet. The overall result of this is that while birthrates in the West of caucasians continue to drop, the birth rates of non caucasians will continue to stay the same or drop considerably less than those. The eventual result will either be a hardening of racial intermixing by the caucasians or eventual racial extinction as eventually the caucasian side vets mixed into the other races to become a remnant only in DNA, perhaps like Neanderthals did.

My prediction is that both things will happen, and if antigravity capable space travel becomes more prevalent than os admitted to today, the eventual colonisation of other planets will have been done primarily by the people who invented and perfected the technology, which essentially means caucasians.

That is a side issue, but it explains the consequences for both the planet and those of caucasoid origin, for the destruction of the traditional family unit as caucasians have had it for several millennia.

Personally I all for preserving every type of cultural and ethnic type that is either not harmful to others directly, or is segregated into its own area and kept there where it is. So for example, I am entirely for leaving the people of Sentinel Island alone as they clearly wish to be, for Arabs not to have Catholic Churches or Jewish Synagogues on their land and so on, but I am also for there being no mosques or synagogues on Catholic lands and so on.

Of course, my preferences have nothing to do with the natural way things unfold (absent my making my preferences count, that is) and the likelihood of the traditions of my people (the Venetians) disappearing are real if we don’t organise and work against that.

As a man, this should concern you. And if it does, and you think about it, it becomes obvious that the root of the issue is first of all the nuclear family, and secondly, that that was held together really well by above all Catholicism. Not some generic “christianity” which permitted secularism and all its Satanry to infiltrate, including Novus Ordo “Catholicism”, but rather, full blown Catholicism which currently resides only in sedevacantists.

Once you have reached the intellectual, objective, studied, reasoned, position that the nuclear family and sedevacantism are both true and necessary for civilisation, the next step is to simply wife up and community up.

There are enough people already doing this in my immediate sphere of influence that I am aware of, which is quite a bit smaller than the sphere of influence my books and videos have created so far, that I am confident that there will, indeed be enclaves of, or city states of, proper Catholics. I predicted this way back in 2014 and it’s proving to be slowly starting to happen on a general level amongst the young, even if they often lack the details. Even so, it is enough to see there is a shift happening. And paradoxically, the harder the (((powers that be))) try to swing against it, the more zealously Catholic they become. It’s truly interesting to observe, but with that preamble, let us look at your position vis a vis the women described above:

For younger men (and all men in general)

It is invariably easier and more beneficial for you and more likely to succeed if you pick a woman with as low a body count as possible that is wither already on the right path with respect to Catholicism, or is at least willing to be led there. The leading is important and should never be direct and authoritarian. This generally comes across as rigid, is often the left-over puritanical Calvinist zeitgeist of the fake religion of Protestant binary thinking and is completely counter-productive.

Instead YOU be as good a Catholic as you can be and explain your position with logic, reason, and charity and empathy, while not making ultimatums or demands that are immediately final before you really understand the consequences of you doing that, which in the main will at minimum be the dissolution of your relationship. A woman that loves and respects her man will gradually follow his example as long as he is coherent with himself and reliable to her.

I am personally aware of maybe only one woman that started out as sedevacantist among those couples that got together after coming across my work, but all the others converted to it in due course. And happily so, because there was no imposition.

Similarly, it has been shown that if the father attends church, the children are likely to do so later in life to an order of magnitude more than if only the mother does so.

Women and children naturally want and feel good to follow the way of a man that behaves like a good father and husband. It is basically how nature and God has built us. Every son wants to look up to his father, every girl wants to do so as well, every wife too. And every man wants to look at his wife and children and feel overjoyed grace at their love of him, as well as the urge to do his absolute best for them because of it.

Your best bet for this is to start with selecting a woman that has her neurology as close to this as possible. Body-count is the quickest and most reliable data point on this.

For older or more experiences men

If you’ve been around the block a few times yourself, your ability to negate some of the worst aspects of hypergamy and solipsism in a woman may let you select some that are higher in the slut-o-meter category, but:

  • It will STILL be hellish hard, and,
  • You STILL need to have a sense of your initial selection that has a baseline of possibility

That last point means that while it is possible that an ex-prostitute, ex-junkie, or current actual nymphomaniac ends up making a really excellent wife for someone, the chances of it are vanishingly small, to the point that it makes miracles like walking on water almost pedestrian by comparison. And that’s just the first half of it. The second half of it is that even if such a woman has the potential, the likelihood that it is you specifically that will activate it are, again, in the miraculous side of things. In general, such a woman might come to the right way of being, only when matched with something like an ex-pimp/serial killer that has had a personal experience of God that has re-written his DNA.

Or as my grandmothers used to say, “God makes them and then pairs them up.” Meaning every freak probably has its counterpart out there. But that is not a strategy for finding a wife and making a good family. Don’t try for that possibility and don’t look for it.

It does not work from intention, and only happens to a very few random people by the Grace of God alone. Their road is not one anyone should try and emulate, ever. Please understand that.

The best advice for a man is for him, regardless of age, to steep himself as deeply as he can in Catholicism proper. To understand that EVERYTHING that calls itself Catholic after 1958 that does not explicitly reject all the fake Popes from Roncalli on and reject all the “priests” and “bishops” who do not specifically and clearly reject Vatican II and its fake Popes, is NOT Catholic at all.

My books, BELIEVE! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church provide concise and detailed explanations of Catholicism complete with many references you can verify for yourself, and have helped many people understand the magnitude of the absolute lie and lies we have been steeped in from birth, so they may be of use to you too.

But whether you buy my books or not, I hope you study the points I am making here. If you do so honestly, eventually, you too will join us, because in the end there are only two sides, and no one gets to sit on the fence forever.


If you have read this far, male or female, married or not, Catholic or not, if you bother to take the time to honestly investigate what I discuss here, I think it will profit you regardless of where you end up. At a minimum, you should be able to conclude that the nuclear family is ultimately the core of life, and that as such there is a philosophy of it that marries up naturally with reality.

Investigating honestly what philosophy that is that most reflects reality as we find it, and that is best able to predict things because it is in fact based on how reality really operates, if you are objective and honest, in the end, there is no way around it, you will see that Catholicism really is that Way.

And I certainly don’t expect you to take my word for it. I just hope you will look, that is all it will take; God will do the rest. As long as you don’t actively reject His Graces, (which we all can do, having the free will to choose poorly) then you will come to the Truth eventually.

Well, I agree…

The writer at Les Femmes —an unfortunate name for a blog about Catholicism if ever there was one, since it’s author apparently is unfamiliar with the New Testament, specifically 1 Timothy 2:12; Corinthians 14:34 and perhaps most of all, Titus 2:5— has made a long list of bleatings about how the SSPX is NOT, NOT you hear, NOT in Schism with Rome.

Well, I agree. Seeing as the SSPX recognise Bergoglio as a Pope, meaning they are heretics, even if they state one should resist and not obey him, which is schismatic if you actually believe Bergoglio is a valid Pope (which he is not, and I doubt he has ever been even remotely Catholic).

Whichever way you look at it, what they absolutely are not, is logical, coherent, or validly Catholic. You can’t both Recognise and Resist a valid Pope. And in any case, anyone that recognises a Heretic and his Heresies as though he were Catholic, becomes a heretic too, as per Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio.

No doubt, her bleatings will continue, and continue to be wrong. Oh well, c’est la vie des femmes! More often than not anyway.

Ann Barnhardt – Novus Ordo Sedevacatist

I like Ann, she is terribly, terribly in error, but she mostly means well. A little too much pride in her thinking she is right and not checking her work on that score, but no one’s perfect. And I really would not mind at all except she is leading too many people down the wrong path, and that matters. She has a counter on her site now, that looks like this:

I mean, she’s just way off on the math.

It’s actually been 65 YEARS, 8 MONTHS and 7 DAYS.

So, come on Ann, I thought you worked in finance before, or cows, or something that had some math in it.

Anyway, at least she’s on the right track. But I still really would like for her to answer the question of how LONG can an Interregnum last according to her.

We know it can definitely be 2 years without anyone sitting on the Throne at all, because it happened before. And we know it can be up to 70 years when there is at least one VALID Pope and one or more fake ones (and this is therefore not really an Interregnum). But we also know that way back in 2013 Ann also thought the 1958 Sedes were “crazy” so she doesn’t have 65 years before she is crazy too, not, only about 54 or so.

And it’s getting pretty close to the two year mark, so… What will it be Ann?

I still have that tequila bottle if you’re willing to answer! And if that’s too unladylike, perhaps a nice sherry?

I know, it’s a little mean of me to make fun of the lady, but dammit, I can’t stand it when people are completely illogical and hypocrites to boot because they just want to protect their pet theory, regardless of facts, objective reality, and (literally) God.

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