There may be just a *tiny* little bit of a clickbait in the title, but I can only take the man at his word and console him in knowing that there is a path forward!
In his post Vox stated:
This makes me wish I was a Roman Catholic so I could be officially excommunicated from the synagogue of Satan that presently occupies the Vatican. I absolutely deny the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” and I definitely deny the Second Vatican Council.
I, of course, pretty much stopped reading at “This makes me wish I was a Roman Catholic” and finished with “Why, yes, you can be!”
And on reading the rest of the sentence, I really am not changing much either, because as a Sedevacantist, Bergoglio and the other Satanists hate us with the passion of ten thousand of the lowest pits of Hell, and we do rather enjoy it. So I’m basically just saying, come on in, some of us are quite dark ourselves, and we are all severely excommunicated from the pits of Hell by their imps.
Plus… if Vox converted to Catholicism it would pop so many protestant heads I would laugh for a week. But I honestly would try not to gloat. You know, except in private. Mostly.
That out of the way, now about Vigano.
Well, what else is there to say, I wrote all that needed to be said about Vigano way back when I published Reclaiming the Catholic Church, in chapter VIII. I reproduce a good part of it here for the clarity of those confused souls who think that Catholicism is wishy washy about anything, and especially heresy and heretics.
Now let me address a specific hypothetical example.
A rather recent development has been the letters and statements that “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Vigano has released which essentially condemn Vatican II and say it should best be forgotten, wherein a fifth column of impostors has essentially been admitted was responsible and that a parallel false church was created. (July 2020 as of this writing)
A lot of supposedly “traditional” Catholics have rejoiced and tried to claim Vigano as the poster boy for “real” Catholicism.
Well… let me burst that little soap bubble with a two-handed sword strike.
Vigano received a doctorate in Canon Law. And since he was ordained in 1968, this means the Canon Law of 1917. In other words, he cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be assumed to be ignorant of Canon 188 part 4. Furthermore, his assertion that he remained quiet for the next 52 years after his ordination, is inexcusable and even if we assume he was validly ordained (he potentially could have been at least), his more than five decades of silence condemns him. As does his continued promulgation of the Vatican II heretics since he still refers to the impostors as though they had been legitimate Popes. Meaning he too continues to remain a public and notorious heretic and has long ago vacated his office.
But let me not be entirely uncharitable to the man. It is certainly a good thing that he has at least spoken up somewhat, but do not be fooled.
I listed several important issues then stated:
But let me pose a hypothetical. Let us assume that Vigano, shortly after the publication of this book goes on to pronounce all of Vatican II heretical along with the related antipopes, repents his own silence and cowardly dereliction of duty genuinely and publicly, recants any and all associations with anything Vatican II and swears on pain of death to be a model priest from that day forth.
If he did all that, I am almost certain that a great uprising of nominal Catholics, and probably also a good number of actual Catholics would rejoice. Don’t misunderstand me, it would be a good thing, for sure, but I am also quite sure that there would almost immediately be a call to elect him Pope. And from a purely practical point of view, I would probably also agree that this could begin to be a first step towards reclaiming the Church almost in its entirety. But how we personally feel about it is completely irrelevant, because as per Catholic Canon Law, even if Vigano did all that, he would still, as spelt out very clearly in Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, at best, have to spend the rest of his days in penance hidden away in a monastery; with authority over precisely no-one.
So, even if he were to become a new “Pope” he would be breaking Canon Law in doing so and as such would effectively still be yet another antipope.
Assuming all that happened anyway, if —while being yet another fake “Pope”— he did truly reinstate the Catholic Church, then abdicate in favour of another valid Bishop who would take his place afterwards and become the first valid Pope in over six decades, we may say, after the fact only, that he had at least redeemed himself enough to be permitted to finish his days in said monastery and be well-remembered as someone who at least acted correctly even if very late in the day.
Given his timidity, I would hardly expect this hypothetical Pope Vigano to do the right thing though, which would be to:
- Immediately excommunicate or at the very least suspend, all Novus Orco “clergy”.
- Institute actual Catholic Bishops (the few who remain) to the various and most urgent offices of the Church.
- Call for a complete exorcism of the entire Vatican City itself.
- Make use of even mere Priests, or if need be laymen to promote as many as necessary into a new set of Cardinals for the eventual continuation of the Papacy
- Establish a properly staffed Office of the Inquisition and in due course pronounce sentence on each and every fake “cleric” of the Novus Orco Church starting with the highest ranks and moving their way down to the lower ones.
And that’s just for starters. Such action would also require a removal of all lay people from the Vatican and a re-staffing of it with actual Catholics, particularly with regard to matters of security.
Eventually, a commission for investigation of the Vatican Bank would have to be set up and protected from the inevitable attacks that would come from the deep state of multiple countries deeply involved with all sorts of filth, starting with the USA but probably linking almost every corrupt politician on Earth.
If he did all that, while I would be willing to admit that yes, he would then probably be a valid and repentant Catholic, he still would not be a valid Pope, nor could he ever again take up acting as even just a simple Priest in an out of the way parish. The law is clear. He would have to be sequestered away for the rest of his days in penance.
But this is all really high fantasy anyway and I am quite sure none of it would happen, because if it even started to it would not surprise me if the Vatican was bombed from orbit by a “stray” American satellite, tactical nuke, redirected asteroid or what have you. Our hypothetical “Pope” Vigano would definitely be in a difficult position, but those would be the actions a brand new and real Pope should take or —as would be his case— even an invalid one but who is genuinely trying to reinstate the Catholic Church.
Impossible though these points may be to carry out all at once, any potentially new Pope (assuming he was actually elected by the remaining Catholic Bishops and Priests who remain, not the Novus Orco impostors) who did not at least move in that general direction would be very suspect in the extreme. Certainly, the suspension of all fake clerics and replacing as many as possible with actual Catholic Clergy would have to be the first priority, and the installation of a proper Inquisition the second one.
As it is though, Vigano has not even called out the public defectors from the Faith for what they are. He is still referring to Roncalli, Montini, Wojtyła, Ratzinger and the others as “Popes”.
In short, we are still a very long way away from Vigano being anything other than perhaps a temporary distraction. Nevertheless, I will continue to pray for the man. As a long-time sinner myself before I saw the truth, I should not begrudge a possible late bloomer, even if he will never be anything more than a Priest with no authority over anyone, in the best of cases. Which is not to say that he could not still be a force for good, if he ever finds the courage to act as a proper Catholic.
That all said, we know God simply loves to use broken and worn out human wreckage to renew His Church in the most unexpected ways. If He saved me through His Grace, I believe indeed almost anyone at all can be saved. Though I might personally dislike the idea, I know my thoughts on the matter are completely irrelevant. God has proven many times that He will choose whoever He wants to renew his Church, and if Carlo Maria Vigano is that man, then more power to him. And if not, no matter, because:
We are not given to a Spirit of Fear!
Now, as you can see, if you read through all that, technically speaking, and as a layman, we cannot accept Vigano at face value, and even if he did return the Church to real Catholicism, Canon Law is clear on the issue. That said, and as I have already stated officially four years ago, God does act in mysterious ways, but unlike the “Orthodox” who would leave such things to “mystical unknowns” without pronouncing themselves one way or the other, or worse, the average Protestant, who frankly can’t be relied upon to understand how a simple knot in a rope is made or unmade, never mind follow basic logic, canon law, or much of anything else requiring strict reasoning and logic, Catholics are perfectly clear on the matter:
Vigano should have, and officially can have, authority over no one even if he IS a truly repentant and perhaps even a validly ordained Catholic Bishop. And even if he were made Pope and restored the Church to pre 1958 truth and reality, he would still count as an antipope.
Which might not, necessarily, prevent him from becoming a Saint (if he fulfilled the other requirements). If that sounds convoluted and counter-intuitive, it is clear you’re a binary thinker probably steeped in Protestantism. Catholics understand that humans are all flawed and that God’s mercy is infinite, but so is his justice. Simply because you truly atone of a sin, does not mean you avoid punishment for it. It just means you can, in due course, be forgiven for it. And for a heretic clergyman, that forgiveness from us laymen, at least in terms of acknowledging all the good deeds he may have done, it does not obviate the punishment, which in this case is that he should have authority over no one.
As I wrote back in 2020, it would not surprise me unduly if Vigano did become “Pope”. It certainly would be a great thing, and his excommunication is bound to increase the ranks of the Sedevacantists tenfold rather quickly. And if Vigano openly declares he is now a 1958 Sedevacantist, it will certainly boost the ranks and I am sure various institutions of sedevacantists will welcome him with open arms.
I for one will continue to simply observe and neither give the man praise nor unduly excoriate him, but I will not diverge one atom from Canon Law.
We know what happens when we do that. We get The Roncalli and the Begoglios and even, yes, the cowardly, too silent for too long Viganos.
Catholics are not given to timidity in the face of heretics. So let us correct those errors of our grandfathers and fathers, and return to the conviction, honour and fortitude of the Bohemonds, Tancredis, Valettes, and their kind from the time of the crusades and before and beyond. But let us never gain stray into the timidity of the Rebellion of perverted fake monks and English Kings, or the demonic inspirations of the French Freemasons and their kind.
Nothing New Presented as News
This “shocking development” is literally nothing new. This possible use of interferometry has been known for decades and been used since astronomy started to use radio and other wavelengths to produce better resolution images and data collection via interferometry.
And I doubt even this use is new at all. At any rate, it’s not as if the fact that privacy is completely dead hasn’t been known by anyone that even remotely paid attention for more than 30 years.
The only difference is the extent, reach and consequences for the odd thorn in the side of the establishment. The counter to that is massive community response. What communities, if any, will begin to push back, and in what ways remains to be seen over the next decade or so.
I am confident that my specific choice of the Sedevacantist remnant is the way to go. The Amish or possibly so group of inter-related rednecks in the Appalachians will have their own ideas, and more power to all of them, but don’t be fooled, it is becoming absolutely clear that standing on the sidelines is not an option for anyone anymore. Whether this is Revelation Times or not is immaterial. What is certain is that as Jesus specifically stated, either you are with Him or you are against him.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, it is a sobering intellectual exercise to consider which side you take if in absolute terms Catholicism (Sedevacantism) is actually true and your options are only get with it or get against it. Try it. After all, it’s just a thought experiment right?
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By G | 23 June 2024 | Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Believe, Catholicism, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Crusades - Iron Men and Saints Vol. 1