Archive for the ‘Sedevacantism’ Category

On Success with Women, evaluating types of men and IQ

Vox made an interesting post on Chris Langan.

It’s definitely worth a read.

I find it interesting primarily for reasons of philosophical intellectual differences I note between people of high IQ.

It’s the one place where the uniqueness of a human mind can become really quite interesting; if you’re into noticing such things anyway, which I am. A little explanation of what I assume is Vox’s general perspective, as well as how mine differs follows, all of which is merely a preamble to explaining what I think are the differences in how Vox and myself rate Chris Langan; allegedly the smartest man on Earth.

Vox’s SSH is the result of his observations of men within various social settings. Whether he was influenced by the PUA nomenclature or even their theory or not is unknown to me and somewhat irrelevant. The process of evaluating other men en masse is a relatively natural one, at least for men who are essentially unconcerned with other humans for the most part, aside how to mostly be left alone by the vast majority of them. I.e. what Vox has labelled the Sigma.

His version is far more detailed and specific about the sexual aspect. My own version of the SSH is something I came up with long before Vox’s version or knowing anything about him or PUAs. I talked about it before, along with a version of the female SSH I came up with much later.

The point I find interesting is that Vox’s version of the SSH is indeed more detailed and more clear in defining large swathes of the male population, but I think his generic motivation for noticing is probably quite different from my own.

I can’t speak to his motives but I would assume they are rather rarefied and somewhat detached from any specific issue. It’s more the approach if a butterfly collector I would assume.

My own version was far more akin to the intent of a hunter, identifying potentially dangerous animals, generic ones that may be useful or irrelevant and other hunters, which likewise could be dangerous, useful or irrelevant.

As a result, my version of the SSH only had three types of men:

Alphas: The natural leaders in a group. Generally my perspective is taken mostly from a very primitive and physical aspect. My Alphas differ somewhat from Vox’s in that I was primarily concerned with the physical alphas. Some captains of industry that are Alphas in every other respect, become practically irrelevant when the SHTF in a physical confrontation. This was probably a combination of growing up mostly in rather primitive societies, doing martial arts pretty much from the time I could walk, and working in close protection in South Africa for some years. The Alphas in this world can literally lead gangs, have other men do violence on their behalf and so on.

Betas: pretty much everyone that wasn’t an alpha. A very few may be technically proficient in physical confrontations, but this generally limits itself to the individual level, and I became relatively proficient at not worrying too much about any confrontation one on one quite early in my life. I was, of course, aware of there being a large variety of sub-categories in this one, but my approach was to deal with each type as they came up. Some were useful, (bravos) some annoying, (gammas) some irrelevant (omegas) and most a mix of the above (deltas) that could be useful, annoying or irrelevant depending on the specific situation, but overall, as a class they were not dangerous in general terms.

Scouts: my own class. These could be unpredictable and dangerous if you got on their wrong side, for whatever reason, and if dangerous could be a far more formidable enemy than an alpha even if generally they would not have anything like the social resources of an Alpha. They also tend to be chamaleontic and able to infiltrate other cultures or societies more successfully than any other type.

The Chris Langan’s evaluation

Vox’s is in keeping with his way of seeing the world. He gives Langan his due stating it is clear that the man is smarter than he is, yet notes rhat Langan’s lack of success with women is also a fundamental aspect of his mostly Delta status. And I think this is entirely correct. Langan’s biggest chip on his shoulder is that no one is smart enough to evaluate his grand theory of everything, (CTMU) and paradoxically, that no one is giving him the accolades he deserves. Which is fully in keeping with a Delta’s concern for being respected for their work as well as having someone tell them what to do.

As for having the thought that most people are too dumb to follow my ideas, that’s nothing new to me either. I published my concepts on The Face on Mars, Systema, the Catholic Church and Catholicism, and relationships between men and women, and then, once done, I can’t even be bothered to self-promote enough to make even a modest living from it. Which is the difference between Langan and myself, regardless of IQ.

More importantly, from my perspective, I don’t rate Langan at all on any scale that I care about.

Whether he is more or less intelligent than I am is irrelevant from my perspective. What I look at is his effectiveness. And in this respect I believe he is essentially a non-entity. I don’t mean fame-wise or even society-wise. I mean on a personal level. And while I am not in Langan’s head, I think it’s fair to say that it is fairly obvious he is far from pleased with his achievements in life, by his own metrics, whatever those are.

And he certainly is less successful than I am by my own metrics.

* He does not seem to have fathered any children (at least not that I could find any evidence of it)

* He seems to have been unable to let go of the resentment built up over his hard childhood (something I managed though I think his situation was far harder than anything I had to endure)

* I believe he is not wealthy enough to have at least a comfortable life, I may be wrong on this, but given it’s just him and his wife it seems to me he is still chasing fame and fortune in his 70s.

He also had a very hard childhood, so I am not denigrating the man, I am merely stating what are objective facts as I see them.

I also read his CTMU and frankly, it is nothing revolutionary. First of all he uses a lot of unnecessarily convoluted self-defined language in a dense format. This is both unnecessary and a sign of some degree of showmanship.

While creating neologisms for efficiency can be useful, packing a half-dozen of then in every sentence or two is not the way to be efficient. Nor the way to be understood by people you deem to be a lot dumber than you are. My IQ was measured at 152 and 157, but none of my books are anything that is too complicated for a person of normal intelligence to follow.

Could I make the books shorter? Sure. Probably by 80%, but then the number of people that could appreciate them would be minimal. In fact, one of my better achievements is Believe! Which at only 98 pages has nevertheless resulted in over 100 people getting baptised into Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka actual Catholicism).

Vox also rated Jordan Peterson as smart (which he is technically, with an IQ in the 120-130 range) so he is entirely correct, but I have largely ignored the guy because he is clearly an only partly sane occultist, pathological liar and grifting conman.

Vox’s more highbrow perspective is certainly more in keeping with what society gauges as being success, intelligence, and achievement, but none of those social metrics are anything that I ever thought of as being particularly important in general, and certainly not for me specifically.

I find it interesting that given the difference in childhoods, Vox, Langan and myself also seem to have rather different ways of measuring success and effectiveness, even if broadly speaking we see the same things (covid scam, 9/11 inside job, chemtrails, etc).

It is sobering to see that emotional events that we go through in childhood may be significant for the rest of our lives, regardless of IQ. This is not news to me, as I have been intimately aware of this aspect of humanity for a long time and confirmed it many, many times thanks to the hypnosis work I do. But it is good to remind ourselves of the weaknesses we all carry around, even, or especially, the ones most hidden to ourselves.

The economic crash

May finally be starting.

Nearly 3 Trillion USD wiped off the stock market in one day.

Tel Aviv diplomats leaving Israel.

Iran saying a “decisive” response to Israel is coming in the next 24 hours

(((America))) sending warships to the middle East

It is starting to line up quite a bit.

Hypothetically, is Iran were to actually nuke Israel, as in really wipe it off the map, the Jewish bankers running America would undoubtedly try to go for global nuclear war in a fit of demonic rage, so it could get really bad.

Then again, the guys actually pulling the nuclear triggers MIGHT suddenly be struck by conscience (doubtful) either way, it is unlikely that is Israel was wiped out the global war would not intensify.

The point is that the puppeteers, whatever you believe about them and whoever your own research states they are, are not, ever, going to be removed from power by peaceful means.

Nor will they stop with their demonic agenda.

Once you DO do your own research and look into it, the conclusion that these people are operating under a spiritual, that is, religious, belief system to at compels them to act as they do is inescapable.

And that religion is “Illuminism” and their God is Lucifer, the light-bringer. And their coming of the “Messiah” is what Catholics have predicted for centuries: The Antichrist.

I was never a religious person and I thought Catholicism was absurd (because the Novus Ordo Satanic “Catholic” Church that has masqueraded as Catholic since 1958, IS absurd, AND Satanic).

It took a literal road to Damascus moment to show me God is real and God is Love. And I then spent the next 4 years obsessively educating myself on Christianity. And finally concluded real Catholicism (only espoused by Sedevacantists today) was indeed the closest and best representation of reality, and in testing it ever since, I have only had repeated, unfailing proof that it is in fact the best and truest way to interpret reality as it is.

I no more wanted Demons and Satan to be real than any other libertine still stumbling around addicted to pleasure and excitement. But reality is as it is, not as we wish it to be, and ultimately, no one will be left on the sidelines.

As our Lord explained some 2000 years ago:

Either you are with Him, or you are against Him. Those are the only two choices available. Ultimately the choice between Good or Evil is binary. Though the road to it is far from binary, the final choice is.

And you will not be spared the having to choose; because not choosing is also a choice for the darkness.

So. Pick your master, for we all have one.

I pray those of you as hard-headed as I was get your road to Damascus moment right now, and that those of you a little smarter can get there by logic and reason alone, but I pray you all get there.

God is real. So is Free Will.

You are not a puppet. You get to choose.

I hope you choose well. Sedevacantism is indeed the Way. Research it for yourself, don’t take my word for it.

And the Fearmongering Continues

If you are the intellectual type, you can read this long-ass screed by Simplicius here, about how it’s all about to close in and the technocrats are going to own your blood with digital chips embedded in your ass (because that is the closest point to where the brain is for a lot of people) and Putin is also in on all of it, And you and me and everyone is doomed, doomed, DOOMED! Except if maybe you sit in the lotus position and meditate and pray that Generation Alpha (my son and daughters) will save you.

And in case you survive like a rat, you are even more doomed because then Nuclear war will wipe you out. According to this woman anyway, who.. WROTE A BOOK! So you really need to panic.

Here is one guy who at least puts a little reality back into the nuclear war scenario. And who also gives excellent book recommendations. For fun. That is fun books. I mean, he misses me out, but hey, I didn’t know about him either, but I feel we might get along. UPDATE: Adam Piggott tells me the man is a Covidiot who thinks Ukraine are the good guys. Oh well. You see how I am too optimistic still about humans…

The truth is really a LOT simpler. Especially if you understand one very, very, very, simple point:


I wish that single sentence would be enough for most readers to think about for 15 seconds, make the relevant logical syllogisms and then act accordingly.

If that were the case, there would be no COVID, the Satanists would have all been burnt at the stake and almost everyone would be a decent (sedevacantist) Catholic.

But instead we have OnlyFans tikTokers trying to discuss economic theory with their anus winking at the screen.

SO… allow me to expand…

You need to stop believing ll the bullshit on your screens.

You need to stop being such a fat, lazy, comfortable, weak, moron.

You need to simply get off your ass and start working towards what you want and ignore the naysayers, the black-pillars, the weak, the scared, the retarded.

Get fit, buy land in rural areas, get/built/buy a home there, I wrote plenty about how to defeat Clown World and yes, I know most of you are penniless and have no way to do this big style, but I addressed that too. Get a backpack, get a go bag. Figure out the geography, and at least prepare, but above all, DO NOT BUY INTO ANY OF THEIR BULLSHIT.

Start with civil disobedience and speaking your mind. I don’t care if I am in public, in polite company or anywhere else. I make sure everyone is aware of my stance of everything from the child-mutilating sex changes that Clown World wants to impose on children, to the genetic death serums they tried to force us to take, to the fact that it is mostly Jews that run the World economy and media, and that these bankers have been behind (and continue to be) behind every war, and human misery that has happened.

I don’t go around with a sandwich board, but anyone that engages in conversation with me that is not limited to the specifics of what the interaction is or the weather, and who asks my opinion or proffers their own is not left in any doubt of what I think about any of the topics they care to mention.

I had a guy that services gas bottles almost run out of the house thinking I was some kind of Nazi, which I think he was too scared to hear when I told him I don;t subscribe to Nazi ideology either.

The point is, I don’t do this with “fire in my belly”. I just do it. Like eating a sandwich or drinking a glass of water, and to the occasional shocked:

“Oh Mah Gawd! Are you Racist/Homophobic/Misogynist?”

I explain my position succinctly while testing theirs:

“Are you ok with raping little children? Are you ok with people whose religion is ok with it? I am not. Please answer.”

“Are you aware of the incidence of child sexual abuse both within the homosexual communities as well as their active incidence of perpetrating it? Why not? Are you aware if everyone was homosexual the human race would end? Can you define “natural” for me?”

“Are you aware women are more emotional than men? Do you think children have the same capacity for emotional control that adults do? Why don’t 4 year olds vote? Please explain to me how FIAT money works. Or define to me the principal foundational points of the three main world religions that affect life on this planet. Can’t do it? Why should you even vote then?”

It has a very salutary effect.

First, I have yet to meet a single person that openly disagrees with me. Secondly everyone is polite, regardless of their real opinions. Thirdly, they either stay far away from me after that, or else become friendlier.

But above all, I don’t CARE about what they are saying. And neither should you. Build your community. Build your food independence. Build your water independence. Stop relying on smart-phone anything.

Make them all work in cash money and paper, and if a shop refuses to deal in cash, stop using it.

The whole point is, as I said some 10 years ago:

City states will return.

Real Christianity (actual Catholicism in the form of Sedevacantsm has the only legitimate claim to it on Earth, regardless of if you like it or not) is what will make the difference.

They can’t impose their rules on people who don’t need them for anything and who are willing and able to resist them. You still have time. Move your ass. Stop whining and complaining and doing absolutely fuck all.


And now if you want to understand the future…

Particularly of Europe, but also of all the West, read this post, it only takes a few minutes and it absolutely describes precisely and exactly what the game-plan is and how it has already succeeded in Germany.

Except of course it’s worse because there isn’t even mention of the chemtrails and other ways they are trying to wipe us out completely.

Finally, ask yourself a two-part question, it is the most important question you can ever ask for your future and that of your children:

Who is pushing this agenda?


Once you answer those two questions fully and in depth, I would not be surprised is you:

1. Decide to become a sedevacantist Catholic, and

2. Want to move to the Kurganate regardless of where you live now.

There simply are no known alternatives that have been tested in time and worked as genuine solutions.


I got the little Viking and Piglet tiny metal crosses as they keep noting my simple steel one.

The little Viking’s is silver and pretty plain and simple on a silver chain.

Piglet’s is a little fancier gold-plated chain and gold plated little cross.

As it turn out the little Viking doesn’t like the feel of something around his neck so he leaves it off, though he is very conscious of it and its symbolic importance. Today he saw it next on the bedside table and asked about it, wondering if I got him a silver one so it looks similar to mine. I replied that was indeed the case.

Piglet (3) who was standing up on the bed near me, says:

“He’s got a silver one and I have a gold one…”

Then she flings her arms up to the sky, her fuzzy curly haired head also looking up at the sky like some miniature pagan and shouts:

“I love gold!”

In case there was any doubt, she’s obviously from Viking raiders stock too.

Challenge for the Naysayers

Statement: Catholicism has been the best civilisation humanity has ever experienced.

Go ahead and try and disprove that.

Some baseline issues to consider:

  • Catholicism is considered to be the religion that started (depending on your view of things) sometime between the year 0 and 34 AD, since the life, death and resurrection of Christ is the pivotal and foundational aspect of Catholicism (Christianity).
  • All other versions of “Christianity”, be it any of the 40,000+ versions of Protestantism, Eastern “Orthodoxy”, and including all Novus Ordo “Catholicism” are mere perversions of actual Catholicism, which is the only Christianity that ever has existed or ever can exist, since God is not likely to produce thousands of false and dead ends.
  • Catholicism in its best exterior-known fashion was absolutely infiltrated over roughly two centuries and ultimately almost completely converged to active Satanism by 1958 when Angelo Roncalli became the first of the currently unbroken line of Antipopes. Effectively this means that the Catholic Church has been greatly reduced and has been living in an Interregnum (between royal realms) since 1958. A condition that happens every time a Pope dies before another valid Pope is elected. It is an unusual situation but not entirely unprecedented since there have been periods of up to 70 years where is was very difficult to know which Pope was the real Pope since up to three of them laid claim to the throne of Peter and resolving who were the antipopes happened generally after they were dead, and there has also been a period of at least two years without anyone at all on the See of Peter too. The conclusion of all this is that the only Catholicism left is that espoused by Sedevacantists (ie those Catholics left who recognise that Vatican II and all things related to it are anything but Catholic, and continue to follow Catholicism as it always was and has been encoded in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917).

On that basis, I challenge anyone to find a civilisation in the entirety of human history that was superior for human beings than Catholicism.

So far I have been presented with only two possible alternatives, both absurd.

  1. An unspecified antediluvian civilisation (Eg Atlantis, Lemuria, etc.) Considering I literally wrote The Face on Mars in which I essentially proved that such a civilisation not only existed, but likely was responsible for the destruction of certainly one, and possibly two planets in our solar system and then continued to have a war here, on our planet, the idea that such people were technologically more advanced certainly follows, but that they were a superior civilisation, is laughable. Certainly by the way I measure a civilisation anyway, which is not limited to mere technological capacity. And which should be obvious to anyone not mentally deficient: Destroying a couple of planets and then continuing a generational war between the few survivors on a third planet doesn’t exactly inspire one with confidence in such a people’s concepts of mercy, charity, humanity, and so on.
  1. An equally unspecified pre-Christian people. This smelt rather badly of some Pagan LARPing nonsense, since the “pre-christian” people in question were intentionally left unspecified. Possibly because I have been rather clear in making fun of people that pretend that their supposed Viking ancestors were “superior” in civilisation/religion/belief system to Catholics. Which is hilarious for a large number of reasons, but I’ll identify only three. First of all, the barbaric, vicious and rape-oriented “civilisation” of the Vikings was absolutely a fucking horror show that modern people barely have any concept of, and secondly, because that’s just based on the little that we have left about their practices we are absolutely sure of, because a bunch of the other things that they believed or engaged in remains lost to the fact that they never bothered to write any of it down, preserve it or even bother to continue perpetrating it. But personally, and most hilariously of all for me, is the fact that my own ancestors absolutely were from those genetic people. The Franks and Normans that formed overwhelmingly the largest part of the first Crusade (1095 AD) were the descendants of the very Vikings that up to a couple of centuries earlier (about 900 AD) raided and murdered many Catholic monasteries and monks. In order to stop this, the Catholics offered them lands and space to protect themselves from their raids, on the understanding that they would fight off their kinsmen who wanted to continue raiding. And over time, all of these people converted to Christianity, without losing their talent for battle. My own family line can directly be traced back to the returning Crusaders when the Outremer was essentially beginning to be overwhelmed after a couple of centuries of occupation with no help at all from the “Orthodox” Easterners who had asked for Catholic help to begin with, and with ever increasing costs borne by Catholic Europe alone, and increasing numbers of belligerent Muslims. The returning crusaders with my surname came to Italy via present day Albania, quashed a feud that had been ongoing for 200 years, then split into two branches, one that remained in the south; the Golden branch, since the King of Sicily had made them Marquis (as well as all future first-born sons), and a Silver one (wilder explorers) who went further north to Venice and took part in the war of Candia were they were again rewarded for military bravery and given a perpetual noble title of Patricians (the lowest of Nobles). So, if anyone at all knows anything about such people, it really is me, and no, the Vikings absolutely were NOT in any way, shape or form a superior “civilisation” to Catholicism. In fact it is questionable if one should even consider them a civilisation at all. And pretty much the same goes for any other ancient culture, Spartan, Athenian, Roman, all were far from pleasant societies than anyone alive today normally imagines. Nor can we say the Chinese dynasties, or the Imperial Japanese ones were superior civilisations. The Chinese were far more numerous sure, but in terms of conditions of life for the average Chinese? It’s laughable.

In conclusion, the only “attacks” that will be forthcoming will be from:

Boomer tier ‘Muricans saying “We went to the Moon!” No, you didn’t the Nazis did it for you, and no, you didn’t really go anywhere near the way you think you did. And in any case, Protestantism has only and purely been the secularisation of Christianity (Catholicism) which has got us to where it is today, with their transgender Bishops, 40,000 plus “demon-nimations” and one rule to rule them all: “Interpreth as thou will!”. The rampant Clown World face of the West currently is Protestantism writ large. It is the “acceptance” and “tolerance” for the demonic, which is, of course, the very intent of the founders of America, since it was financed and created by Freemasons with funds from the French Revolution and the same Freemasonic Mottos of Equality, Fraternity (brotherhood of man) and Liberty, which all translate ultimately to “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. And since Protestants are absolutely ignorant of anything even remotely Christian, let me spell out that that law is literally the one Satanic Law, as espoused by Alistair Crowley.

Ignorant Eastern “Orthodox”, who will claim they are the true keepers of the faith, while trying to avoid the fact they are as split as the Protestants, with no visible head, their Churches segregated by nationality, but the final nail in their coffin being that they neither spread, the gospel anywhere close to how much the Catholics did, but rather, they stagnated, and secondly, their achievements in terms of humane evolution remained similarly stagnant, as did their art and philosophy. They didn’t create the scientific method, abolish slavery or change much of anything for the better. Catholics did.

Randoms. These can range from people who will try to pretend they are knowledgeable of Japanese civilisation, or Tibetan ones say, while missing the main point that even if we accepted the premise that Shintoism and the Samurai age was superior to Catholicism (it was not, but it certainly has a level of aesthetic appeal), or that Tibetan monasteries were the pinnacle of civilisation (they were and are not, and anyway the Chinks have taken them out) it remains a tiny fraction of the level and number of effects that Catholicism created on Earth when compared to these alternatives. The random brainwashed Protestants left bleating in the dark really have nothing meaningful to say. The so-called “Protestant work ethic” together with the Industrial Revolution, which can be placed under Protestant “achievements” is merely a mechanisation of human beings and ultimately does not actually produce the best quality of work, though it does produce large quantity of it while mostly dehumanising the people in it, reducing them to cogs in the giant machine dedicated to “profit”. And obviously all the evils that Protestantism has allowed to become “normal” by “tolerating” them remain too. Finally, pedophilic religions like Islam or Judaism are clearly inferior religions and systems of belief, one essentially still relegated to little more than desert nomads in terms of technology, ability and discovery, since all they have is taken or paid for and produced by Westerners, and the other hyper-focussed on enslaving the rest of humanity while turning a profit, in case their proclivities for raping children wasn’t enough.

I would certainly welcome anyone cogent, and dealing solely in dialectic, that would be willing to debate the fact that Catholicism is without question the best system for human beings that humanity has ever come up with, but so far the only two people that I thought might make a reasoned argument have either declined outright (Andrew Wilson – Eastern Orthodox), or stated that they may at some distant future date, possibly engage the topic with me (Vox Day – Protestant). And so far, I haven’t really come across anyone, on or offline that might have the intellectual capacity to hold up their end in an honest intellectual debate. Perhaps I should try to get a hold of William Lane Craig.

Commenters feel free to have a go, but respect the blog rules.

The Kurgan view through the Catholic Glass

A recent conversation with a guy I have a lot of time and respect for took me a little by surprise, since it appeared that somewhat out of the blue he went a little anti-Catholic.

It’s not that in itself that was the surprise, but rather that he seemed to have made some assumptions about my perspective which frankly, I am at a loss as to how he did that, since my views are pretty clearly identified both her and on my YouTube channel, on pretty much everything I care to discuss.

In order to make it even clearer, I thought it best to identify perhaps more clearly, if somewhat succinctly (for me anyway) some of my positions.

The use of generalities will be very common, and if you’re too stupid to understand that “in general” does not mean “every single time”, well, I can’t help you.

On Catholic crimes of conquest

Perhaps the most touted is the one concerning South America. Did Catholics do som bad shit there? Sure. Did they destroy Mayan codexes and such? Sure. Although if my memory serves one of the few salvaged was by a monk (I may be wrong). Did this somehow lower human knowledge of human history in some important ways? Perhaps. Am I really torn up about it?

No. No I am not. And keep in mind I was big on trying to figure out stuff about that culture for years. But the reality is that ultimately it was an extremely cruel and vicious culture, and there is more than a little evidence that some of the symbols used in it are reflective of some used in Freemasonry, and there is a guy who has written at least one book on the topic of Satanic cultures having such common threads. In case tearing open 20,000 living men, women and children to rip their hearts out to appease their gods wasn’t evidence enough.

On the Catholic practice of building Churches on top of Pagan shrines they had destroyed, so that the Pagans would still show up, and over time be converted, once again, I am not going to shed any tears of it. Might this have possibly reduced human knowledge with regard to lay lines and potentially some astronomical correlations and aspects? Possibly. But even if that were the case, what are the societies that were replaced by Catholicism like? Almost without exception (certainly none I am aware of) they were more brutal, violent, oppressive and vicious than Catholicism.

And as for the Inquisition supposedly being this bloodbath of thousands of innocent women being burnt at the stake, it is perhaps one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated by the Satanists of the so-called French “enlightenment” and revolution. Did you ever ask yourself why it is called the “enlightenment” and Lucifer is known as the light bringer? Or the fact that the American revolution was financed by Freemasons with French money to create the first country that actually operated from the start on the basis of Freemasonic principles barely covered over by a veneer of Protestant puritanism?

The grand total of “witches” killed by the Inquisition over more than 100 years is 12.

And they also killed only 163 pedophiles in the same period. I could top that in a week-end just by clearing out the Vatican.

So, overall, in general, no, I don’t care about the “atrocities” that Catholics may have committed against some supposedly innocent group of heart-eating, child-raping, goat-fuckers.

And while I am sure some innocents somewhere, invariably get killed in any kind of war or uprising and so on, by and large Catholicism has only improved life for all people under it when compared to what it replaced.

The simple proof of it is that no one can point to any other civilisation under which human beings have flourished and generally had as good a time than under Catholicism. Similarly, the greatest number of works of unparalleled beauty have happened under Catholicism. And please note that I am not saying beauty is a uniquely Catholic perspective, for example, I have always found Japanese aesthetics to be appealing too, I said the “greatest number” of beautiful works of art.

The de-chattalisation of women, children and the abolition of slavery all also followed.

Not to mention the literal invention of the scientific method.

So, overall, despite the inevitable collateral damage, conquering Catholics inevitably brought a better life than the alternative. And let’s not forget that while we as Catholics will convert and then happily mix with whatever we conquered (see South America) the Protties tend to exterminate (see North America).

On Race and Culture

It would be hard for anyone to really accuse me of racism if they have even the tiniest glimmer of insight into my personal history, but let me be clear that I absolutely am aware and notice and see and consider race. Because my brain functions normally. Just like I notice sunshine, rain, and any other number of things.

My position is again, very Catholic. But this probably needs further explanation, because the overwhelming zeitgeist of “Christianity” is really Churchianity and not actual belief. Protestantism has made it so a “Christian” is anyone that says he is. The reality is that unless you are literally willing to die rather than denounce Christ, you are simply NOT an actual believer. You’re a pretender.


IF you are an actual believer,

AND you actually understand agree with and do your best to follow Catholic dogma,

THEN, your race, culture, etc matter less to me. That said, I am not blind to either race or culture, and 25 plus years in Africa has made it abundantly clear to me that the average African is not suited to live in the average Traditional Catholic European country any more than the average Catholic European is suited to live in the average Traditional African Village. And there is nothing wrong with that. In fact I am absolutely for the Africans to have their own ways and cultures and nations and for every people to have theirs. I for one would very much like my nation to return: The Most Serene Republic of Venice.

Since that is not really how things are, I am absolutely for having very clear and strong borders and repatriating any illegals by the most expedient, efficient ways and I don’t care if they are a bit brutal too. Nor am I in favour of second or third generation people of a completely different religion and culture pretending to be natives of a country their ancestors came to.

It’s really not hard to understand. My father has lived in Africa over 40 years but he will never act, think, or behave like an African any more than a Zulu who has lived in Venice for 40 years can be a Venetian. And I absolutely wish to preserve every culture possible. The Zulus in Zululand and with their rules and ways to be respected by any visiting foreigner or foreign resident, and Venice for Venetians, with our rules and ways.

That is real diversity. I can then experience Japan in Japan and Botswana in Botswana and Venice in Venice.

And if your claim is that some people (say white Europeans) are far more technologically advanced than some other people (like say black Africans or Brown Indians) well, sure, I also agree there are differences between races and cultures. These are simple facts to observe. And the best thing one can do is to simply allow each culture and ethnicity to grow on their own terms.

There really is nothing any more “unfair” about it than saying a humming bird has an unfair advantage in flight over a lion. So what? They are different and let them carry on in their own way.

Not all cultures are equal. Some are objectively better than others. And Catholicism is unquestionably the best culture Humanity has ever seen. It doesn’t matter if it upsets you. It’s just as true that Japanese Katanas are the best kind of sword ever built for the purposes they fulfilled.

As for the outliers… sure… they exist in all aspects of life. Generally speaking I have been one myself in multiple aspects of life and have I been discriminated against for it? Sure. So what? The outlier will find a way. And again, my approach here is perfectly Catholic. Just like nothing could prevent Joan of Arc from being Joan of Arc, if God wills it, nothing is impossible. The priest Joan initially told her visions to told her to shut up and stop being crazy. Because he knew, most likely she’s just crazy, but if not… God will find a way. And even when I was not Catholic I always understood this very simple principle: life is not fair. So what? Buckle up sunshine!

On the LGBT-Pedos

Just like it is a fact that generally the IQ of caucasians is higher than that of Africans, no matter how many people it upsets, the fact also remains that the incidence of child sexual abuse committed by homosexuals is over ten times that committed by non homosexuals. And that’s on reported cases, which we all know are a fraction of the real number. So, at a bare minimum, no child should be given into “adoption” to homosexuals. And that is far from the only argument against it, by the way.

Secondly, from a purely natural perspective, it is absolutely clear that homosexuality is a deviancy, a clear defect, regardless of your opinion of how it comes about. Because if we all went homosexual, the human race would disappear and be unrecoverable after about 4 decades. And by the way, the only study I am aware of on it, which I read over 30 years ago, concluded that in about 90% of cases homosexuality in men was a result of either a choice, or sexual trauma and was reversible, while only about 10% of cases seemed to be a birth defect.

That said, I am no more for burning homosexuals at the stake than I am for doing so for people born with six fingers or missing a leg. I certainly will be absolutely wary around them, as I would be around anyone with proclivities that might play out as harmful towards my children, but ultimately my position is indeed that what they do behind closed doors, with other consenting adults, can and should remain behind such closed doors. Proselytising your deviancy as normal is not, and should not be permitted. And if you disagree, I would like you to now defend my personal preference for hunting pedophiles down on horseback with lances and making a corrida of it through all towns around the world.

If you are a pervert, you KNOW you are a pervert. So shut the fuck up, stay in your closet and lane, and don’t you dare try and normalise it.

Just like it would be absurd to tell golfers how it’s perfectly normal to shove a bucketful of golf balls up your arse every Friday night, it is absurd to teach that homosexuality is “normal”. It isn’t. And it never can be. Just like being born with only one leg is not normal. So as far as I am concerned, the rules Russia has imposed concerning the LGBT nonsense are perfectly fine. With one exception:

Pedophiles really should be burnt at the stake, and as my recent survey shows, (feel free to add your vote) most men really agree with me.


So, that covers the main topics. And feel free to try and critique my “bigoted” views but be mindful of the rules of this blog if you want to avoid an insta-ban.

IMBC Oratory needs some help

So the IMBC location where Don Ricossa of the Istituto Mater Boni Consili offers Holy Mass, needs a bunch of repairs, including the entire roof and a damp problem they had for a number of years.

They are receiving quite a lot of help from actual Catholics that have relevant skills. In Italy any construction issue needs an approved project design by a registered professional, which needs to be accepted by the council, etc. and these have costs, which thanks to a gentleman that has the relevant professional registration who attends Mass there have been avoided, however the oratory still needs about €13,000.00

Even if you do not live in Italy, as these are some of the last actual Catholics left, and they travel extensively theoughout Europe and even internationally to ensure the Mass and sacraments can be delivered to as many people as possible, if you can spare anything at all, please help.

In order to avoid gofund me type fees, you can deposit any amount directly into their account for this:

Banca Popolare di Milano 

Associazione Mater Boni Consilii

IBAN  ;  IT09I0503444440000000009930


Thank you to any of you that can help at all.

I will personally offer my prayers to all who donate.

The Coming Chaos

Simplicius has an excellent post on the inner workings of Mordor. And if you live in or near Mordor, it behoves you to read the whole thing. It really spells out in plain and simple language what some of us have known in the broader sense about the USA for decades, but also details the effects of the real vermin that infests that country.

Todd Starnes: 

Something smells. 

Why would President Biden announce such a momentous and historic decision on a Sunday afternoon on a social media platform? The letter he posted was not written on White House stationary. And his signature appeared to be photoshopped. Also, Biden’s signature was underlined and typically he does not underline his name. 

His staff only found out once the message had been posted on X. And Cabinet members were notified by the Chief of Staff — not Biden. 

The last time the public saw Biden he feebly walked down the stairs of Air Force One and had to be physically assisted into the presidential limo. He has not been seen in public since. 

How do we know Biden wrote that letter? And how do we know that Biden posted the letter on his X page? There wasn’t even an official White House photograph of the moment. 

His brother, Frank Biden, told CBS News that health “absolutely” was the deciding factor in the decision. And then he told CBS “Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time he has left.” 

Is President Biden still alive? Is he awake and alert? Is he in command of his faculties? With respect, we need to see proof of life.

It’s clear there is far more going on under the hood than meets the eye. 

Firstly, it all ties into the Trump assassination attempt and ongoing Congressional testimony of Director of Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle. The testimony has revealed there are likely a lot of things being hidden from the public about the would-be assassin Thomas Crooks and his potential dealings with the FBI. 

Tellingly, Cheatle refused to answer if Crooks was “acting alone”:

An investigation by Heritage foundation showed that a digital device visiting Crooks’ home multiple times has been geo-located to the vicinity of an FBI office in Washington DC in late June. 

The regime is being laid bare before our eyes. What are the chances that literally only a week or two after the failed assassination of his chief rival, the “most popular president in history” (80+ million votes!) unceremoniously drops out—and now there’s even talk of an imminent resignation from the presidency. Things are off the Richter scale of uncanniness.

That’s right peasants, in the interest of saving demonocracy, the illusion of democracy has now been done entirely away with to ensure you get the demon you deserve in place.

I of course have been saying for about 35 years that the only way to get rid of parasitic, vampiric, infesting, toxic, thieving vermin, is to simply eradicate it. And as I am, of course, dealing with brambles on a massive scale, I have taken to heart the kind note that a reader suggested with regard to a specific type of Spanish Scythe.

And while, I am far away from Mordor, it is well known, that servants of Sauron, in the form of Nazgul, are spread throughout all of the Earth, and they run the lands for him all over our accursed Earth.

But that is why I concentrate on eradicating the vile devil-spawned infesting things. And after, I shall build walls. Long, beautiful walls with look-out towers, so we can see any invading orcs from afar.

And when the Nazgul send their orcs, we will be ready.

I strongly suggest if you live in or near Mordor that you prepare accordingly, as I have advised for at least three years on this blog. Ge tout of the worst orc-infested areas, build communities of Men (Catholics) or whatever other tribe you belong to, Hobbits, Elves, Half-elves, whatever (Heretics and Heathens) to prepare and be ready to push back at the orc-hordes (SJWs, Feminists, Communists, LGBT-Pedoists, “Pagans”, “Wiccans”, Gatekeepers, Frauds, Impostors (Novus Ordo fake “Catholic” Clergy), Pro-abortionists, Freemason, Rosicrucians, Satanists, etc. after all, their name is Legion).

It is the only way. it has always been this way. Such is the battle between Evil and Good.

So take heart, make ready, grow your communities, your food, your clean water, your energy indipendence, and sharped your Two-Handed swords, war-hammers, Bastard Swords, Long Swords, Short Swords, Daggers, Arrows tips and bolts, balance your maces and flails, train your warhorses and raise your male children as warriors and your female children as feminine maidens that are nevertheless able to stab usurpers in the neck with their painted and pretty steel needles doubling as hair-arranging “pins”.

The wave of Mordor’s Chaos will surge over all lands soon enough.

So prepare, Western man. Prepare and be of a glad heart and raised Spirit.

Andrew Torba’s Comment

Although Gab took a sharp downturn in usage when Torba decided to fully monetise Gab, it’s still one of the few places where a certain liberty of speech, especially political speech was permitted to an extent that while not approaching the 1990s, came close.

Today he advised people to not post anything even remotely hinting at a violent response in the face of the Trump assassination, which is about the limit any platform online simply cannot cross nowadays, but what I found interesting is that he made a comment that for the first time reflects what I have been doing and telling others to do for about two decades. And since two decades is about the time it takes for a lot of what I see as obvious to start to become accepted fact, I am hoping with some actual real hope for once, that the tide might actually be about to turn on the whole freakshow that is Clown World and their insane degeneracy, LGBTPedo agenda, “antifascism”, communist hive-think, nonsensical feminism, destruction of logic, knowledge of objective reality, demonisation of men in general and white, heterosexual males in particular.

Here is his comment. I have a couple of comments on it and a TL;DR version in my own words at the bottom.

After tonight’s events I have come to the realization that I no longer want any association whatsoever with any liberals. None. Not in the community, not at church, not anywhere. The reasons for this decision are rooted in the belief that being around these people poses a threat to our sanity, safety, and families. First and foremost, the constant bombardment of liberal ideologies and beliefs has become a source of mental and emotional exhaustion. The never-ending debates, the constant need to defend our values, and the relentless pressure to conform to their worldview have taken a toll on our mental well-being. These people are insane and in associating with them we allow their madness to infect us.  The safety of our families and communities is at risk when we associate with liberals. The liberal narrative often promotes a sense of victimhood, division, and chaos, which leads to violent protests, property destruction, and even physical harm to those who dare to oppose their views as we witnessed tonight. We must prioritize the safety and well-being of our loved ones by distancing ourselves from those who subscribe to such destructive ideologies. Get and stay far away from these people. 

He’s right broadly speaking, and I understand his reticence to host any incitements to violence on his platform, but there are two points of actual objective, factual, observable reality he’s missing and a third even more important one without which nothing will change, and they are these:

First: Retreating from these people is NOT the answer. It’s what the general population of not yet insane people have been doing for seven decades in a row. Enough. Fuck retreating. Make THEM retreat, and get back into whatever closet or rock they crawled out of. Be in their face. Stop tolerating their nonsense. No, homosexuality is not normal. No, it will not be taught to me or my children as being normal. It is unnatural, deviant, degenerate behaviour that carries extremely high health risks and is associate with extremely elevated incidence of child sexual abuse, rape and molestation. And I don’t give a flying solitary fuck if that upsets you. You can get upset about the sun rising in the East too and I don’t give a fuck about that upsetting you any more than the other facts I just stated. It’s how reality works. Deal with it. Your mental illness is not my problem and trying to make it so will not go well with you.

The same applies to EVERY one of their bullshit agendas. I don’t want my country, culture, religion, nation or people to be overrun by foreigners that not only have a different culture, religion and nation, but who are demonstrably, statistically, a net threat to my people. No, I don’t need to “respect” your pedophile religion, and fake “gods” and fake “messiah”. Go believe that shit in your own place and don’t expect me to pretend your fake religion is “equivalent” to mine, when mine created the best situation humanity has ever seen on Earth and yours has done no such thing but in fact is demonstrably a net negative when compared to mine. And no, I don’t give a shit if you think that makes me “racist” or a “bigot”. In fact I am. I absolutely discriminate against people incapable of facing and loving the truth above their own personal opinions based in selfishness, ego, cowardice, and intentional evil. The colour of your skin matters very little to me, except I have had a tendency to find slightly cappuccino coloured pretty girls more sexually enticing, perhaps, on average, but then I am not exactly a “bigot” in that regard either, since I have appreciated all sorts of diversity in the females of the species. All of which are moot points now since I am happily married and Catholic. The point is that my “racism/bigotry” is reserved for the shitty nature of your inability to face reality as it is, your capacity or lack thereof to act as a civilised human being; not only when everything is good, but also when things are less than ideal; and your overall level of virtues I appreciate, like honesty, courage, directness, patience, loyalty and so on, and your personal philosophy and belief systems and/or religion. And if your religion says fucking kids is fine, then fuck you, and fuck your religion; and that means Judaism and Islam. It’s in your books so stop pretending it’s not.

Feminism is toxic. The Patriarchy is good and what has built anything worthwhile on this Earth and Catholicism (not Novus Orcianism) is the one, true, holy religion on Earth. And while I will not hate you for not understanding that last point, as I missed it myself for most of my life, thanks to lies we are all raised under, and would have continued to miss it but for God’s Grace, I certainly understand the conviction of someone that thinks Catholicism is fake, gay and retarded. I was one of you. I can only suggest you read The Crusades, which is flawlessly historically accurate and now available easily in digital format here. I don’t think any man that is not, gay, fake and retarded can read what those men were like and what they did without getting an overwhelming sense of respect for them.

The whole point of this first point is simply this: No. retreating is NOT the way. Pushing back, directly, unequivocally, loudly, and unambiguously and unapologetically is the way.

Second: While I do not like or advocate for needless violence, I have always, and will always, advocate for self-defence. These people have been making you retreat psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and now physically, by violence and the threat of violence. I am supposed to let a predatory pedophile twerk in front of my toddler children but if I call you a fag, I can go to jail? Well, guess what: fuck you. I’ll call you a fag and physically remove you from anywhere near my children if I see you acting that way. And wake up: no one is voting these people out of the positions of power over you that they gained by subterfuge, bribery, fraud and murder. Do you really think the Clintons didn’t have a bunch of people killed? It was public knowledge in the early 1990s, now it’s “expected”. You think the war in Ukraine is not about money, power and control as well as intentional genocide? Or that the genocide in Gaza is not? Go see a few of the telegram channels that show you what the Jewish people and soldiers of Israel are doing to children in Palestine. And their mothers and fathers who have been labelled as a whole people as worthy of total elimination by standing politicians in Israel.

You think your vote is going to stop Bill Gates and Soros and WEF Klaus Schwabs and the other billionaire mentally ill degenerates from pumping chemtrails, mRNA, nanobots and 5G towers all around you? You think the people who run and own the Bank for International Settlement will not use every trick in the book to enslave you, including mass murder on a global scale? Because if you still believe you live on a fair planet based on some fiction called “democracy” then you really are too stupid to convince you of anything meaningful.

The only thing that will remove such people from the equation is force. The fact you have barely begun to understand how they have been intentionally poisoning you and your children for almost a century while destroying, infiltrating and corrupting anything that stood in their way (primarily the Catholic Church with its dogmas and nobility as its enforcing and defending arm), doesn’t mean they have not been attacking you. They have. You’re only starting to see it a bit now. When you realise 9/11 did not at all happen the way you have been told on TV, even when it literally did not play out as they are telling you in front of your own eyes, like announcing building seven too has collapsed while it’s still standing behind the live broadcaster, and hasn’t been hit by any plane at all. Or the entire Covid, genetic serums, and 5G genocidal scam. Or pretty much ALL vaccines, even the “real” ones, from the very start, being actually anything but good for you.

They have been trying to cripple, enslave, and murder you for generations. Self-defence is just fine. Which of course means identifying the real culprits and perpetrators as well as defending yourself in the immediate situation you may find yourself in. Violence to defend yourself from violence is fine. So learn to protect yourself and put things in their proper perspective.

Third: And this is really the key point. While you must, absolutely, push back on every level, vote in local elections, put yourself forward as a candidate, change things from the people you associate with to the local PTA or Home Owners Association board, all the way to the local council, professors in academia and so on, as well as absolutely defend yourself and your loved ones from any physical or violent attacks of force against you, you should not get bogged down in this so much that you lose sight of the real enemy. And while you may not be able to get to the real puppet masters directly, you can certainly get to their fifth puppets a few times removed.

Replace that woke teacher. Get a new sane mayor. Stop tolerating that degenerate freak that is a friend of a friend or even a family member. It’s simply time for you to make a choice. Reality or lies. Truth or fake. No, there is no way, ever, that a man can get “preganant”. Yes, there are ONLY two sexes. No, “gender” does not define the “sexuality” or rather sexual preference, of any living thing, it’s a word used in grammar to differentiate words, in romantic languages for example, that have feminine or masculine gender. Like il gatto (the cat) is masculine but la gatta (the [female] cat) is feminine. But also la tavola (the table) and la macchina (the car) are feminine, so it’s not limited to the sex of an animal. Again, this follows from point one and two above: push back in all the dimensions required, but never lose sight of who, specifically, both collectively and individually down to the specific person, has pushed for, financed, and legislated for, the current level of insanity; and who they have oppressed, murdered, cancelled, ruined emotionally, financially and physically. And as soon as you are able to, remove them from their positions and bring them to account for their crimes against humanity.

Succinctly then, the TL;DR is this:

1. Push back

2. Violence in self-defence is just fine

3. Know with specificity and precision who the masterminds are when it comes to your enemies.

None of these three points are controversial or difficult to understand, so stop being, or pretending to be, shocked. Man up and carry on.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
Website maintained by IT monks