Archive for the ‘Sedevacantism’ Category

Real Catholicism is Inevitable

Several years before I became Catholic (Sedevacantist) I had already identified two concepts that would be fundamental in the eventual rebuilding of civilisation. By 2014 I had voiced this clearly in a stream by Vox Day, stating that both Christianity as well as City States would become pivotal parts of the future.

Vox noted with interest that this comment was being made by someone who was not, and never had been, any kind of Christian.

Since my becoming baptised on 25th May 2017, I have also clearly stated that:

* only Catholicism is actual Christianity, and,

* currently, the only Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantists.

Eventually, there will be only three sides to the conflict, from a spiritual perspective:

* Intentional and Conscious Satanists

* Erroneous Heretics/Pagans/Heathens/Atheists/Agnostics (i.e. all those not necessarily outright evil, but following false religions to appease their own egos and demons).

* Actual Believers (i.e. 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics)

And we already know that in the end only a tiny remnant of believers will be left before our Lord returns. Sedevacantists do seem to fit all the criteria:

* There are not many of us,

* We are thorough zealots with an unflinching faith the likes of which I have never seen in any other positive context, only viciously negative one that have abandoned reason (which is a foundational principle of Catholicism) and become essentially either demonic cults of personality or of some demonic entity.

* Our religion is the only Christianity that has ever existed, which put together the Bible, which ad the traditional Mass and Popes even before the Bible was put together, which educated the world and so on. All other heretic offshoots are laughably inadequate as contenders, and this is easily demonstrable to any objective and impartial observer.

Bit there is a worldwide trend, a pattern that is becoming more and more distinct, even as its resolution gradually refines from the chaotic fog of the darkness trying to swallow all of us whole.

Convinced Protestants and their churches are crumbling. Lifelong Protestants are converting to Catholicism in sudden and unexpected ways, such as how David the Good has done.

And even those who continue to try to deny the absolute truth that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, inadvertently give themselves away by praising things like the majesty of ancient Catholic cathedrals, the like of which none of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism has ever built or will ever build.

Or subtly implying that the crusades and the crusaders were cool. They were, and they were also exclusively Catholic. Or saying “Christian Nationalism” must rise, when the very point of Catholicism was that it ruled men’s beastly passions to the point that kings and emperors followed its dogma and created the most humane and human-beneficial society ever created on Earth so far. And the only National Christianity that has ever been truly meaningful is, again, the one that ruled Catholic Nations for centuries.

Torba of Gab talking about a generic “Churchianity” so ill-defined it makes it clear he is not any kind of Christian at all, but just your NPC Churchian. In the end, you can dance around the truth only so long, but eventually, the truth will inevitably come out and be inescapable.

Like math, and more certain than the Sun rising in the East, you can hate the reality of it, you can rage against its “misogyny” or how “rude” it is for excluding the colour purple from trigonometry, or how “racist” it is for excluding absolutely everyone who is not a proper Catholic from being a Christian. Or how you want to call out how the spiritual battle invariably leads you to conclude it’s Satanists vs Catholics and always has been, without referring to Catholicism, which is the very religion that explained it all to begin with and did so alone for over a thousand years before schismatics hungry of Earthly power and human intrigue split off, followed by the Satanist inspired rebellion against God spearheaded by a fake monk that was probably Jewish and certainly connected to other Satanic people in power who wanted to diminish the Church. Or want to refer to “scripture alone” —like a bunch of brain damaged chimps— while trying to deny that scripture itself was put together by the very traditions and people you rage against and that very scripture you “believe in” has had 7 books ripped out of it by a maid-raping pervert.

Despite the human tendency to egotism and absolute levels of cognitive dissonance in order to protect that abysmally erroneous ego, there is a trend happening.

The fake religions are becoming more and more brittle and vacuous, the heretics are wavering like mirages in the sun, and Sedevacantist numbers keep increasing, both by new converts joining and by the continued adherence to Catholic principles and the production of many new babies.

The only Christianity that will make it through the dark times is the real one. The same one that the Apostles had, that the saints and martyrs had, that the crusaders and the knights of Malta had.

The only Christianity that ever existed. And not even the false usurping impostors of it currently squatting in the Vatican like malignant larvae can stop the truth of actual Catholicism.

Nothing can stop it at all.

It is, in fact, inevitable.

The Divinity in the Primitive

Present day “wisdom” which is essentially the fumblings of retards with pretensions of adequacy, has it that the so-called primitive part of us is a brutish thug with little in the way of redeeming qualities.

The truth is quite different.

Aside the fact that the ancient Greeks, Romans, Japanese and so on had advanced functioning cultures, though only the Roman one lasted some 800 years before collapsing, the longest empire beside that of the Catholic Church, which has so far lasted two millennia (and counting, if in a much reduced form), the truth is that they had great thinkers too, the like of which on modern times seems to be lacking.

But I am now referring to an even more ancient aspect of our nature. The one of the time of Cro-Magnum and the Neanderthals. The one of sabre tooth tigers and mammoths, and even older.

The side of us that can kill on a whim, have sex to reproduce as a biological imperative free of any logic or reason.

In its basic form, this aspect of humanity has been painted as the eternal boogy man to hide, destroy and stamp out.

But if you have noticed all the lies you have been told to date, is this any different?

Allow me to pose a few premises or syllogisms for a thought experiment.

1. God is real and good

2. God makes humans

3. The purpose must be good and as such at least some humans or perhaps even some part of all humans, must, necessarily, be good.

In ancient times the instinctive beast-like natures were activated due to being in survival mode. And as such helped propagate such instincts thanks to those who survived.

Time and biology marched on, and people die and people tell that dead person’s story. So over time we got stories of what became heroic personages and by the middle ages, the very concept of courage, honesty, chivalry, justice, and so on were an intrinsic part of the fabric of Christendom. Exemplified by the Catholic West to a quality and quantity never before or since seen.

The point is that in that period, the beast-like nature was tempered and honed into the pinnacle of an instinct that had now been imbibed with Catholic principles of virtue.

One only needs to review the historical record of how the crusaders behaved in 1095 to see that there was a sense of justice, charity, self-sacrifice and devotion that was absolutely real, expected and demonstrated that today is essentially mythology that is not present in any facet of life, but rather in only a few and select individuals that by a mixture of genetics, happenstance, and personal discipline, have moulded themselves into such men.

And they are in almost every way vilified by the modern world and every attempt is made to label them as toxic, violent, aggressive, misogynistic, brutish, troglodytes to be caged.

Almost every instinctual response they may have, including those absolutely forged in divine Justice, is today labelled as somehow scandalously brutal and unacceptable.

While the opposite is the case.

A case in point, not to aggrandise myself, but to elucidate the point from real, lived, experience may better express what I mean in a relatable way.

Ona trip by train in London once, a black man with a bicycle boarded the train and then stood next to a white woman of middle age, who looked like a perfectly normal lady going about her day.

He started swearing at her for no discernible reason. They had not boarded together, she had not spoken to him at all. He started of with comments of the sort:

“Hey bitch, what you gonna do, huh?”

“Bitches like you, I know, you’re a whore. Fucking bitch. I will fuck you.”

He would go quiet for a second or five then start again. The train compartment I was in was full, and I was sitting at the opposite end. I watched this for at least a minute or two, not a soul in that compartment reacted. All in perfect British unison, they seemed to all be deaf-mutes. The lady kept her head slightly bowed looking straight ahead in obvious distress. Having made my calm observations for long enough, I felt first of all disgust at every member of the (supposedly) male species in that whole compartment. Then, pity for the woman, and finally, the slight beginning of anger at the stupid monkey, harassing her. His confidence in his ability to behave that way clearly tied to his belief —probably through experience— that most white people in the UK are afraid to confront a belligerent African.

Having lived 25 years in Africa, I am well aware of the chips on various people’s shoulders. None of which are ever justified. Even when there is a trend. Is there a trend of Afrikaaners thinking badly of Italians? Sure. Of Germans doing it too? Sure. Do I care? No. Never have. Why? Becaise it doesn’t matter at all. It is not my job to know nor care what anyone else thinks about what they assume I am or might be like. The only thing I need to do is act or react as appropriate to any given situation, person or moment in line with MY code of ethics. Mine. Which is absolute and absolutely clear and equal for all people. Even in my unfairness (for example, I will choose my child’s life over the life of ten children I don’t know) I also accept that another person is entitled to the same unfairness if they are in that position.

And MY code of ethics has little to do with the laws of any country on Earth, because my code is primarily if not entirely based on the concept of justice. While all systems of human laws are primarily (at best) based on preserving “social order” which generally also means one set of rules for each strata of society depending on power and money available to them. Justice cares not at all for either aspect.

And that is why I decided there and then to educate the stupid monkey pretending to be a human insofar as such a creature cam be educated. So I shouted:

“Hey!” Which made every sphincter in that compartment suddenly clench.

“You are going to shut the fuck up or I am going to get out of this seat and every fucking bone in your body.” It was said at a volume that no doubt could be heard in the next compartment over too.

And all of a sudden, there was not so much as a paper rustling. Perfect stillness and silence. It’s amazing how the impending prospect of sudden violence makes everyone suddenly focus and be aware. The stillness is calming to me. It is nerve-wracking to most and sends some into an almost hysterical state of silent panic. But for me it is calming, because it is the prelude to finally releasing all the stupid tensions and stresses I have to hold in daily when surrounded by the unconscious. The zombies that go about like the undead. The monkey like this fucker, flinging shit every day of his life simply because mo one ever took the time to break his nose every time he behaved like a monkey instead of a human being.

Eventually he spoke up, only confirming exactly what I had judged him to be.

“Is it because I am black?”

That’s all he had. That was his shield.

“Keep talking and if I get up from this seat by the time I am finished you will also be blue, red and a bit white too if some bones break well enough.”

The train had pulled in to the next station and the African was now rather panicked. His race card had been checked and ignored.

“Well, anyway, you can’t assault me, because there is an undercover police here, and he’ll arrest you.”

At first I thought he was just making it up but I glanced at the man he had indicated and I saw fear and shame in his eyes. The disgust I felt was palpable.

“No. He won’t do anything. And this is the last time I tell you. Speak again and I will get up. And once I am up I will come over there and break every bone you have in you. And I will stop only when I am good and done. Then, after, if I feel like it I might let that faggot cop arrest me. But you won’t know either way. You’re not going to be conscious by then.”

There was silence as the train doors opened.

The African took his bicycle, swung it round and as he quickly exited said:

“Anyway, this is my stop.”

At that point the whole compartment actually burst into laughter. No violence was going to happen, the threat for it had evaporated and the last comment was so fake and ridiculous it just resulted in everyone releasing their tension with laughter.

A stop or two later I reached my destination and I made a point to cross the car and step past the plainclothes cop. Looking him square in the eyes I told him:

“You consider yourself a policeman? You are a disgrace.”

He kept quiet and didn’t respond at all.

The point is that even if I had got up and beat the shit out of that guy with the bicycle, that would have been nothing but good. It would have made him hesitate to ever behave that way again, and that would only be a net good. But in modern society, they want to stop any semblance of justice from happening. In fact, in the UK right now, they want to make injustice the rule. You can kill, rape or do all sorts of things and get away with it, depending on the colour of your skin. And since those reading are almost invariably assuming that my reaction was also based on skin colour, the use of the word “monkey” supposedly proving it in their own (actually racist) minds, they would be at a loss to explain how a very nearly identical scenario I was also involved in involved a small Indian man as the victim and a white, definitely English man as the offensive monkey. In fact there were two such incidents. One in which I actually did have to intervene. So on the race basis I am 2 for 1 against the whites.

Because that’s just how things played out. I also had other situations happen with people with dark skin and people with white skin. But the one thinking about such things is you. Not me. I know you think about them so I point things out here, and yes, there ARE differences in culture, behaviour, religion between different ethnicities. And no, they are not often compatible. But that is not the issue being discussed here.

The issue being discussed here is that thanks to reason, logic, and through it the virtues that Catholicism has stated are virtues, that have since permeated almost all Western society as now being considered generic virtues, it has been possible to tame the beast-nature to have a divinely tinged response.

I am not certain if such a quality can be purely trained or taught. I feel a component of it is almost certainly genetic. Logic dictates this is most likely the case, although, of course, proper understanding of the faith, training, learning mental and emotional discipline, and a strong desire to become a certain way, all help in making this way of being a reality.

The point is that it has been shown historically through the ages to be a possibility, various societies had warrior castes that achieved a similar level of divinely inspired reactions.

So; if you are that way inclined, begin to explore your own inner world and motives, and see if you can’t learn to lean more towards a more natural, tempered, honest and true aspect of your true nature. And remember that every man is different. My “sliders” (for you Gen Z and younger computer gamers) or “stats” (for pen and paper roleplayers of Gen X) are almost entirely shifter on the character trait: Seeking Justice (stolen from the old and not very successful Role playing hame called DC Heroes, based on the characters from the DC comic books.)

But your own true nature may be to achieve martyrdom, to sacrifice your time and efforts to God or those you love in a spirit of joyous giving.

It may be to seek material success (in which case you netter stay as conscious as possible, since your instinctual nature is probably closer to that of a feral rat).

Nor is the judgment of “society” necessarily any indication of what is good or evil. Especially lately. You are likely to be told that making a large family is “bad” when it has always been a blessing from God until the so-called “modern” age.

They will tell you absurd nonsense such as violence is never the answer, which is a lie so obvious that a child gets it, since the only reason they teach that is so that they have the monopoly on the use of violence.

So use your own mind, your own reason, to evaluate things. Ideally Catholicism first (meaning understanding that today the Vatican is not Catholic but Satanist) and then your own choice of who you are or want to be.

Godspeed to you if you take me up on this.

American Naivety

I have often made it clear that I consider Americans to be among the most naive of people. Usually in less than flattering terms. But it is not a hatred for Americans themselves, that prompts this. In the main, as with every country, there are trends, though America is so vast that it has multiple regional variations, an overall view of Americans is that they are friendly, superficial, somewhat artificial, think America and Americans are the best at everything, and they are very, very, naive.

Their naivety is by design from inception so it’s to a certain extent not their fault, and to be expected, because it was baked in from the very start if their fake nation, built by Satanic design by Freemasons.

Nevertheless, their “innocence” and arrogance, particularly given the last few years of unveiling of the curtains behind which the goblins that run the USA has happened, is irritating.

Their silly and absurd beliefs in utter mythologies such as free speech, or the power of the constitution and so on are truly mystifying.

Vox recently posted about The Law, and how it is not being respected by Clown World, but the astonishing thing is that anyone even needs this explained at all. A normal 7 year old in Italy absolutely understands that some words can get you killed, that no piece of paper or supposed law is worth the paper it’s written on, and so on.

I think most normal people around the world understand this.

Adherence to any kind of legal system is only contingent on one thing, and always has been, and always will be:

The people with the ability to use force the most, make the rules. It has always been this way and always will be.

The case of the Brazilian judge is also a case in point. If a man with a gun got into that Judge’s house and put it to his head, with a request for X to have unfettered access to Brazilian citizens but also the bank accounts of that specific judge, within minutes that would be granted.

I really don’t understand what is so difficult for anyone, including Americans, to grasp about the concept. The ONLY law that exists is that which can be ENFORCED. And the benign or noxious nature of it is fully dependant on the character of those with the power to do the enforcing.

That’s it. That is all the law that ever can exist for human beings.

Which is why a morality based religion based in fact is necessary for a society to flourish.

And of all the religions that have ever existed, only Catholicism has resulted in the overwhelmingly positive aspects of human progress. While other societies based on other religions did happen, none of them are even remotely comparable in terms of quality of life to the societies that had been created by Catholicism.

Sedevacantism is the only reasoned and logical choice.

Torba Still Doesn’t Get It

Leaving aside all the various evidence that Torba is probably not at all what he presents himself or his platform Gab to be, even if you were to simply take him at his word, his grasp of human nature, as well as geopolitics is naive at best.

In his latest round of request for financial support for Gab he says:

Consider this: many people have no issue paying $150 a month for a cable bill to watch the fake news media, but they balk at the idea of spending $10 a month to support platforms like Gab. They’ll readily drop $10 every morning on coffee that they could make at home for pennies, without a second thought. This inconsistency in our priorities is baffling and must change if we want free speech online to survive. Please consider supporting our efforts by making a donation, upgrading your Gab account to GabPRO, or purchasing merchandise from the Gab Shop. It’s time to rewire our brains and recognize that if we’re not paying for the product, we become the product ourselves. We must collectively support free speech platforms by building a patronage network, just as we would support any other vital service or cause we believe in.

And a little later:

To build a strong patronage network, it’s crucial to foster a sense of community and shared values among supporters of free speech. This can be achieved through regular communication, transparent financial reporting, and the creation of exclusive content or experiences for patrons. By nurturing a sense of belonging and investment in the success of free speech platforms, we can create a loyal and dedicated base of supporters who are committed to the long-term sustainability of the free speech wing of the internet.

Ending with:

Free speech is not free, and it’s up to all of us to ensure its survival. By recognizing the true costs of running social networks, reevaluating our priorities, and forming a robust free speech patronage network, we can safeguard one of our most precious rights and foster a healthier, more open digital landscape for generations to come.

There are at least three major structural flaws with pretty much everything he says. Any ONE of which is enough to render what he says moot. But let us look at each in turn:

First – The culture of Free is not an accident

It was created by mostly intelligence agencies to gather information on the users, but more importantly, by the people behind the intelligence agencies in order to not just gather information, but confirm psychological aspects of human nature in an input/response feedback loop. At least at first. Very quickly it then moved to:

Input —> to produce desired response

feedback loop that has since been studied, perfected and refined.

And as we have seen thanks to the first openly murderous and information-free test run they set up years earlier and ran essentially openly with minimal cover for the outrageous lies they were selling, the average person has as much discernment, individual thought, independence and ability to reason on their own as the average garden petunia. Right to the point of injecting themselves, and worse, their children, with a genetic serum whose 30 year old attempts have never resulted in anything but catastrophic results in every animal trial ever done.

So… right off the bat, the problem you have in an appeal to reason is that both professor Cipolla (there are always more idiots than you think there are) and Vox Day (Most People Are Idiots) are absolutely right. Which means the people who even can reason is minimal.

But even the few who might have been able to reason have essentially been brainwashed into apathy over a period of decades. It takes an uncommon state of being to be relatively immune to this kind of neuro-psychological manipulation. So the pool of actively and genuinely independent thinkers is even smaller than you think.

Second – Neither is the atomisation of culture

Torba goes on to mention “community” while having no clue as to what actually forms one, or keeps one alive. Again, this state of affairs of no one any longer having any experience of what community really means is not something that came about by accident.

The infiltration and destruction of every culture that has ever produced anything positive has been a long and studied effort by the same people mentioned above that has been going on for much longer. Their primary target has been religion of course, because that is the real glue of a community. If you are one of the few capable of individual and original thought based on the evidence before you, you will note that the one religion that has brought the most elevation of humanity above all has been Catholicism, which was finally deeply infiltrated from 1958 on and has nearly collapsed after Vatican II, the only remnant left of it being Sedevacantists (i.e. actual Catholics). You will also note that this assault on community (the Church) has been ongoing for centuries and that the shadow version of it, Protestantism has the atomisation baked right into it, since every single person is supposedly able to interpret the entire edifice of Christianity on their own based on false histories told to them since childhood. Don’t forget, the ONLY rule of Protestantism is that each man, woman or child can and should interpret anything in the Bible by themselves. There is a reason why the devil smiles at the 40,000 denominations of heresy Protestantism has resulted in.

Aside Protestantism, every other infection of humanity with parasitical ideologies invented in the last couple of hundred and fifty years or so (not coincidentally from about the formation of the first Freemason country in the world and the official start of the Illuminati) is designed to atomise people due to a delusion/illusion of “freedom” and “democracy” and destroy the traditional, patriarchal, nuclear family that has been responsible for every single advancement of culture and humanity in real human terms (as opposed to national GDP). Charlemagne had set up the concept of nobility being placed where they were by God, but mot as with previous Pagan rulers such as the Egyptians, Japanese or even Ancient Romans, who tried to Deify their rulers, but more as an “accident” of Fate or inscrutable mysteries of God’s mind. A nobleman was to be a servant of God and thus also the protector of the Church and protector of his lands and people. But this was by no means guaranteed, because as any Catholic knows, all men are flawed. The point was not that a nobleman was appointed by God so people must necessarily assume he is good and Godly. The point was: God put him there; now let’s see if he is going to do that position any justice.

The Church being the Spiritual guide, nobility being the material/practical protectors of it from outside enemies in times of war, and hopefully noble guardians and protectors of commoners in time of peace. That is where the whole concept of chivalry comes from: Catholicism. And no, it was not about pedastalising women like the fake “pastors” of Protestantism do today, nor relegating them to second class citizens fit only for sex and rearing of children as again, Protestants did do, and also accused Catholicism of doing. No. Women had and have their proper and unique position as cherished daughters, wives and mothers, to be safeguarded, protected and loved, and doing so lovingly means also leading and taking care of the hardships the world invariably throws at you.

A lasting community can only exist in the context of reality. When that reality is based on purely material concerns the community does not last beyond a few generations at most. Without a basis deeply embedded in a Spiritual truth, no community survives.

The Zen/Buddhism stoicism of the Samurai or the Chinese has truth in it, to the extent that “chop wood carry water” is true. You need to do what you need to do to live. So do it and get on with it. And you may as well enjoy it as best you can.

Judaism/Phariseeism is deeply rooted in serving the Prince of this world, who is very real, and as a result, they have been “successful” at taking almost total control of the financial aspects of how the entire planet is run.

But no religion has been as beneficial for human beings as Catholicism. Don’t take my word for it. Do an objective comparison. Assuming you are one of the dozen or so people left that can actually be mostly objective.

Protestantism instead has been the relentless secularisation of Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) with the most devastating consequence being the allowing of divorce. Which leads to sex before marriage. Which leads to contraception. Which leads to abortion (murder) so as to not interrupt the “pleasure” of fucking for fun, instead of uniting as one to create a family with children.

But Torba understands none of these things, having been raised in the heretic soup that is Protestantism and liberalism, with a flamingly gay brother to boot, how can he? Assuming, of course he is not actually intentionally working as yet another gatekeeper.

Third – the Money

Just on the first two points you now realise you are surrounded by unthinking morons that have been trained since birth to only care about themselves and their stupidest, most selfish, petty, idiotic concerns of the moment at all times.

Now realise that not only is the entire gigantic amounts of money that gets regularly given to sell-outs, shills and puppets of the controllers behind the known bankers and “movers and shakers” in the hands of the controllers, and as such they can fund or bankrupt whoever they decide literally at will.

But even more importantly, and never understood by the masses —yet it was something as a four year old I realised even if I did not fully grasp the implications of it— the ENTIRE construct of Fiat money is completely arbitrary, fake and made up, and is totally controlled by the people who create such thing as the Bank of International Settlement (BIS). Look it up. I also talked about it before. So, while you struggle to eke out a living, the freemason down the street is provided with millions. But even if you manage to make “your own” money, it doesn’t matter, because the whole concept of the entire creation and supply of it is in their hands.

Until you become free of the need for fiat money, you will always be at the mercy of the creators of it. And if you try to set up a system to bypass it, they will immediately kill you. See Gaddafi etc.

The Connection

These three points are intimately linked. It is not a coincidence that the Satanic Pedophiles that run the world on the basis of literally controlling the very concept of money and its creation out of thin air, also worship the enemy of Humanity and have worked tirelessly for two thousand years to prevent the truth and good that a Catholic world would represent, and for a brief period nearly did even as it overcame assault after assault of the centuries.

It is not a coincidence that the same people orchestrated the destruction of every royal house in Europe, (except the fully freemasonic British one) because they represented the protectors of the Church and a natural hierarchy humans respond to.

It is not a coincidence that the same people caused WWI, the Bolshevik revolution, and WWII and the same people created COVID and its related mass murder factories.

It is not a coincidence the same people caused the Ukraine war and the current genocide in Gaza.

They are all the same people spread out over centuries, retaining generational control. And the ONLY opposition they EVER faced was by Catholic Western men. No wonder they spent all that time infiltrating it for centuries. And no wonder that today, Sedevacantist are the most maligned of all “Christians”; because any false “Christianity” will do, but not the real and only existing one: real Catholicism as it has always been from the time of Jesus.

Fourth Bonus Point – Free Speech always was a myth

Only a people as naive and innocent (due to masterful brainwashing by the usual suspects) could ever believe something so absurd as “free speech”. Even as a child it took me only seconds when I first encountered the concept to ridicule it.

Speech has never been free and never will be. Ever.

Given all the above, it is absolutely clear, that even if Torba were legitimate, which is questionable at best, he has zero understanding of what makes for a lasting counter to the global Satanists.

St. Benedict on the other hand did.

Of course, if you were raised like Torba you will not have any clue why retiring to desertic hills to build monasteries one at a time helped change the world, while asking for money online to fund your “free speech” will probably not.

The truth is not difficult to understand or see, but you do need to be objective as much as possible to even begin to be able to reason, and you can’t see the truth if you can hardly reason your way past not injecting a deadly poison into your body because some talking head on TV tells you to.

And of course, if that truth makes you too upset to notice the other things I am saying… well… what can I say, other than: enjoy your offended.

Wife Ambush

So I was holding the little turtle, she is blonde and has her mother’s blue eyes, she screams “Daddy!” every time she sees me after I have been away for an hour or so, and she wakes me up by saying “Morning daddy!” with a kiss and hug to go with it. She has always been so direct and clear with everything and though she is not two yet she speaks enough to explain anything that she wants to express. I had asked her mom to put on some music and I was spinning the little turtle around dancing with her.

The first song that came on sounded like some country and western love song, kinda whiny and drawn out, and I said so; half to the little turtle and half to the wife, something like “Sounds a bit whiny…” but whatever, my little daughter, like all of them, just likes to dance and if I swing her round a bit with the music she smiles or laughs.

The wife didn’t even betray a smirk or anything, just looked up then carried on ironing a patch on one of my perennially ripped jeans. Then, as she knows I would, because I always do, I started hearing the actual words.

And all I managed to say was…

“Oh, it’s about… I thought…”

And then, without any warning or even understanding of why really, a whole bunch of crying burst out of me. Tears and that coughing thing a man may do when trying to stop, except I couldn’t. All the things I passed through with Scorpio Girl, who is twelve now, and who I didn’t have any time with for 5 of her first 9 years, who is here for the third year with us now, came flooding back, even while I was holding the little turtle and her total innocent love and honesty, that I would murder thousands to protect, and the other two girls too, of course, but these two, the first and the latest, they hit me at the same time like a one-two from Mike Tyson in his prime.

I still haven’t really processed it in a way I can put into words. I don’t know if I ever will, I have always been like this. Stuff of this sort probably just adds up. Scar on scar. Builds an armour I don’t know about. And all the women and broken things before just buried it I don’t know where.

And Lucie comes along and finds that gap, and shines a beam of sunlight in there. Among all the broken things and what it maybe used to be shines through as she begins to dust and clean and repair something I forgot I even had in there.

The little turtle was worried looking at me crying, tears on my face she had never seen. And Lucie came to hug us both. I told the little turtle I am fine, I am happy, I love her. And she seemed to accept it, if maybe not fully convinced.

I went to lie down upstairs on my own a minute to try and understand what happened. And the best I can do is what I write here now, so far.

One other thought came to me that is irrelevant to the specifics of this but I still think is relevant in a wider world context, and it is again a difference between what one might at first imagine is the difference between Latino men, spics and dagos like me and Northerners like the Anglos, Swedes, Germans and so on.

But on reflection, I think stems more from —once again— the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. The reflection of the reality of God, as it expresses in man versus the caricature of it.

The difference is perhaps best expressed in a way that my father pointed it out once when I was a young teenager. I don’t recall what the context was. And my father has never been a very soft man, anyway, but he was describing this difference between the Anglos and us:

“They think if you show your emotions you are weak. They are stupid that way. They think if you cry because your dog died you’re a pussy, and maybe even say so to you. Then when you kick them in the balls and break their nose for disturbing your private moment of mourning, they think you’re a crazy person. The truth is that they are weak. Just because a man cries when something hurts him doesn’t mean he can’t cut you open from belly to throat without blinking when you piss him off.”

It wasn’t a life lesson I really ever needed to be taught, as I was this way instinctively, always have been, but the verbalising of it had crystallised it for me nicely.

I don’t have that crystallisation as to why exactly I burst out crying so suddenly, and I don’t especially need it for myself, but it is probably important conceptually for others. A contextualisation of spiritual truth matters in the wider context. It is, after all, how the truth of God has spread and expanded in its details thanks to the Catholic Church’s dogmatic truths, expounded and detailed over the centuries from the basic principles of the gospels and Catholic tradition harking back to the three centuries before the Bible was even compiled.

Anyway, I am not sure what you may gain from this story, other than some generic concepts which will no doubt get twisted into mutant versions of what I wrote, be it “Latins are more manly and in touch with their feminine side!” All the way to: “The kurgan is a pussy and no one should take any advice from a man that cries because of a song!”

Without forgetting the “He’s obsessed! He makes it all about Catholicism and how it’s the best religion ever!” For the record, I am no more “obsessed” with Catholicism than I am with 2+2 being 4. It just is true and that matters.

And if I cared what people said about me, well… I think by now anyone that knows me realises there is no danger of that being a threat to my psyche.

Oh, and of course, the final lesson to take away from all this is that women are devious creatures even in their most loving and caring aspects.

The song:

Orania 33 years later

If you are, like me, considering building your own community, with like-minded people, then you really need to see this video:

Regardless of the fact that I was never fond of Afrikaaners in general, and certainly not of the NGK (main protestant denomination of heresy in South Africa), the simple fact is that I entirely support the concept of what they did.

And just so people who think I am superciliously arrogant can get a shock, I will admit for the second post in a row that I was somewhat wrong 30 odd years ago when Orania was announced.

I assumed it would remain a backwater semi-desert with little to show for the efforts of what I considered the half-retards that are Afrikaaners.

As always, there are exceptions, and I certainly have met Afrikaaners that were absolutely awesome people in all respects. But as a general rule, I found them lacking in imagination, far too brainwashed by generic Protestant puritanism and literal illogical nonsense that simply makes zero sense, and more often than not rude and with a chip on their shoulder. Basically, what one of the black guys that worked for my dad said once: “Afrikaaners are just another tribe of Africans. They just have a white skin.”

That all said, it is an absolute fact that they have made their community a success. And in the scheme of things 33 years is not very long.

If I can create a Sedevacantist (aka Catholic) community one quarter the size in the next 20 years, I will have considered it a success.

I have far less exposure than they did from the start, but hey, thanks to you guys reading, maybe the concept will spread.

The point is not that ONLY Sedevacantism will work. In the short term, say 10 to 150 years, probably several versions of community will work. What I do think will make the difference is in the long term: say the next 500-1000 years.

I believe real Catholicism will continue to exist even then and some of those proto-communities I am building right now will be real ongoing communities, city-states, or even brand new nations. Orania… well, it clearly intends to be around and the Afrikaaners have had a rather resilient history, primarily because unlike many other people, they have never foregone the concept of violence.

Violence is a way of life in Africa, and whether you realise it or not, recognise it or not, or can even understand it or not, violence is an aspect of humanity wherever you live on Earth.

Being very clear about that and ready to use it at the least reason for it, tends to ensure that on an individual level you may suffer dire consequences, but as a people en masse, you are almost guaranteed to keep existing in time, OR get completely wiped out if you go up against a numerically larger, and just as violent people.

The Afrikaaners have always been comfortable with violence and responding to violence with more violence, and that goes a long way towards making you last in time.

Catholics definitely have the edge spiritually, and intellectually speaking, and in antiquity they absolutely were formidable warriors. But a couple hundred years of pharisee propaganda, global hegemony by protestant “philosophies” and so on has considerably weakened the instinct of self-protection through violence when and as required.

It is not completely gone or generically extinct, because, well, I and a few people like me, still exist, but whether there are enough of us, are able to organise ourselves enough and in time, remains to be seen.

At any rate, is it not interesting how a highly motivated community, with similar values and traditions, armed to the teeth, have a level of internal violence that is practically non-existent, even when located in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by one of the highest crime rates in the entire world.

Proving the old adage that an armed society is a polite society, as well as the fact that more guns in the hands of normal citizens who just want to be left alone, makes for a much safer society than the “gun free” liberal stab-zones now spreading across Europe.

If you are not building a society of people ready and willing to ostracise anyone and everyone that is not part of the in-group, you should be trying to genuinely join one that is already forming.

On the Spanish Inquisition

Vox posted on the lies told by Sabrina Penty of the Daily Mail online from the UK concerning the Spanish Inquisition.

You can correct Sabrina’s lies and mischaracterisation of Catholicism, the Spanish people and the Spanish Inquisition specifically but letting her know at her email address posted under her name on the article in question: [email protected]

She is a “foreign” correspondent, and if I had to guess, I would guess she may be a Jewish Israeli. but that’s just a guess of course. Apparently she also reported on South Africa, and studied in the UK so she may be South African, or perhaps just living outside UK. Why do I assume she’s Jewish? We’ll get to that.

Now, let me explain the viciousness of the absolute nonsense she peddles, and why it is obviously intentional falsehoods that she peddles and not a simple “error”. The alternative is that she is so incompetent, or mentally deficient, that allowing her near writing instruments like pens or other sharp objects may constitute a crime of negligence for the safety of herself and others.

For hundreds of years, people were burned at the stake, stretched to death, or otherwise tortured for the sole reason that they were not Catholic. 

The Spanish Inquisition is considered to be one of the most shameful and grotesque periods in Roman Catholic history. According to some modern estimates, around 150,000 people were prosecuted for various offences during the three-century duration of the reign of terror, of whom between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed after enduring some of the most spine chilling acts of torture imaginable. 

She starts off with an absolute lie. How can we prove it? Well, but using the very thing she pretends or implies to have consulted.

Extensive archival material contains accounts of torture victims’ cries and descriptions of funeral pyres, atrocities which continue to horrify historians to this day. 

Those of you who have read Reclaiming the Catholic Church, will be aware that I covered the Spanish Inquisition in some detail, by referencing the largest archive in the world of not just the Spanish, but Portuguese and Roman Inquisition too.

The data I had at the time of writing was from April 2019, but as a result of today’s post I went to look up what progress has been made since.

This is from their website:

The Early Modern Inquisition Database is an ongoing project to register trials from the Spanish, Portuguese and Roman Inquisitions. As of October 2021 it contains more than 108.000 entries with information on  100.000 trials from Portugal and Spain.

The first version of the database is planned to be released in the first half of 2022.


In 2015 data on more than 31.000 trials in the Portuguese Inquisition was added from the records of the Portuguese National Archives. Cleaning and coding of this data is ongoing.

As I am not aware the first version has been released, I assume they have been delayed. The difference is about 7,000 cases have been added but we can’t know yet if to the Spanish, Portuguese or Roman Inquisition, or most likely a mixture of the three. Though possibly they are mostly from the Roman one since that was looked at last.

At any rate, from that summary you can see that the Spanish Inquisition contains approximately 69,000 cases, the Portuguese one at least 31,000 cases, which means the Roman one must contain about 8,000 cases.

So, right from the get go, she has more than doubled the archival cases we actually have from 69,000 to 150,000. She covers her tracks by saying “some modern estimates”, but that’s like someone saying “by some modern opinions, Sabrina has had sex with 1,200 men.” In other words, it’s pure bullshit.

Nevertheless, the Spanish Inquisition can be divided into roughly two periods:

From 1480 to 1560 (80 years) where documentation was less thorough, and then from 1540 to 1700, where documentation was basically complete (which also goes to show the Catholic Church took EXTREME pains to make sure everything was properly documented and done according to the rules of the time). So there is a period from about 1540 to 1560 where the documenting was basically increased and made far more thorough.

The Highest estimated of the total number of prosecutions, are as per the Tables below (reproduced from RTCC).

Let’s now look at the two most touted “Holocausts”:

  • The burning alive of women for the crime of being pretty, not responding sexually to the advances of some predatory churchman, etcetera, etcetera, and,
  • The Burning alive of poor, innocent Jews who did absolutely nothing wrong except fail to convert to Catholicism.

Pleae consider the plight of these poor thousands of souls we have all been told were first tortured to near death for fun, then burnt alive.

Now let’s look at the actual numbers that we have definite and definitive figures for, a hundred year period from 1540 to 1640:

Continued from RTCC:

Nor was it quite the holocaust of the middle ages some Jewish academics present it as, given that the total number of Jews executed under the inquisition for the period was 16. Keep in mind that Marranos where people who were pretending to be Christians in order to continue trading and in most cases make actual war alliances with Muslims, in order to fight the Christian Spaniards who were actively reclaiming their land from the Saracens.

She continues:

While the Jewish population in Spain was viciously targeted during the Spanish Inquisition, the religious fervour of the Catholic Monarchs also led to the persecution of Muslims and protestants. 

In 1507, when Francisco Cardinal Jimenez de Cisneros was named gran inquisitor, he promoted the suppression of the Muslim population of Spain with the same zeal that Torquemada had directed at Jews. 

Perhaps hoping everyone forgets that Protestants didn’t even exist until 1521 and that it was a German Monk that was probably a Crypto-Jew trying to yet again destroy the Catholic Church.

But luckily, I foresaw the usual lies of Protestant, Jews and Muslims against Catholics, and in RTCC I ended the section on the Spanish Inquisition thusly:

On average then, a high overall estimate is that less than 3% of all trials led to an actual execution, meaning the death toll over a period of some 220 years was approximately of 13 people a year.

Contrast this with the period between 1530 and 1610, during which the English averaged 750 executions per year, many for petty crimes, for a total of some 60,000 deaths in an 80-year period. And that doesn’t take into account the many thousands of executions of Catholics prior to this period, by decree of King Henry VIII (including 2 of his wives).

Now, back to Sabrina, why to I assume she is Jewish? Well, because Jews have been the sworn enemies of Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) from the very start, and have been absolutely instrumental in infiltrating the Church with Communists (Communism is an entirely Jewish creation, as anyone who has studied Karl Marx or the Russian “revolution” [i.e. Jewish takeover and the killing of the Tsar] knows), homosexuals, freemasons, Carbonari, Illuminati, and so on.

The ploy of the Pharisees that did not convert to Christianity but continued to worship Satan (again, this is not hyperbole, it is admitted by the biggest Rabbis of Israel that their God is Satan, the ruler of this world, not God the Father, and they also believe Jesus is in hell in a lake of boiling excrement, please do NOT take my word for it. Look it up. Do some research of your own), and in doing so mastered the art of subterfuge, lies and duplicity, which is still the motto of Mossad to this day. By playing the victim at every turn, they leverage the sympathy and ethic from other human beings that they lack towards the entire rest of humanity, because of their dogmatic religious beliefs.

So, given that her article has not one source, is filled with massive exaggerations, lies and distortions and pages of detailed horrors the Catholics supposedly did with glee and greed in their heart, I suspect Sabrina is simply trying to push the narrative of her people. But I could, of course, be wrong. Perhaps she is just one of the goyim that are paid to run the narrative on behalf of her masters.

In any case, the lies told about the Catholic Church, Catholicism in general and so on, are and have, mostly been pushed by Jewish agitators behind the scenes. In RTCC, I also explain how, unbelievable as it sounds, the main architect behind the Vatican II abominable usurpation of the Vatican by Satanists in 1958 was actually orchestrated in its very inception, by a Jew, one Jules Isaac. You can read an archived article about it here.

But again, the narrative will just be that while the jews are all allowed to spit at Christians, revile, lie and persecute us, as they did in Gaza by bombing Christian Churches (as well as hospitals and schools), we Catholics, are just vicious anti-semites if we dare say any of the factual things that Jews do as a generalised group. And while exceptions always exist in all directions, generalisations are still statistical facts.

And never mind their actual dogmatic religious beliefs, like say, what they think it’s ok to do to little children. According to their holy Talmud, mind you, not just me saying so.

So that is where my suspicions about Sabrina come from. In case you wondered.

Anyway, she really is a crappy reporter if she couldn’t even get the basics right, which, of course, is par for the course for “journalists”.

WWIII – The Nuclear Threat

Simplicius does the work I am too lazy (and bored by the subject) to do in terms of explaining in detailed steps what exactly is going on at the front lines of WWIII that we have been in since early 2020 when the biological, genetic, and psychological attack on much of humanity was started by the Satanic Pedophiles that run most of this planet. His post on the (more) recent attempts by the gay cocaine dwarf to create a nuclear incident is rather detailed and informative, and takes you through the whole things well.

The likelihood of some kind of nuclear incident soon at one of the two nuclear plants is definitely raised to “probable” in my mind, due to the fact that they have a lot of embedded foreign media types now reporting (totally illegal, by the way) from the area of Russia that the Ukis have managed to push into.

Here is a small part of his post:

Right now, the information campaign being coordinated in parallel with the Kursk offensive is reaching a deafening fever pitch. NATO and its vast intel machinery are working overtime to push the narrative that the Kursk campaign is ‘overwhelming’ Putin and Russia, that internal fissures are threatening to swallow Putin’s ‘regime’ whole, and that things are generally collapsing for Russia. Even the latest Western articles are switching to this last blind shot in the dark to give Ukraine a chance: 

The latest push includes all kinds of provocations, such as foreign journalists—from UK and Italy—embedded with the AFU, illegally entering sovereign Russian territory to report from it. 

Here’s British CNN correspondent illegally entering Russian territory:

[Go see the two short videos on his site]

This includes infamous American mercenary outfit ‘Forward Observation Group’ flaunting the fact they too are allegedly in Kursk: 

This is a timed and calculated provocation, meant to push Russia to the brink, hitting every conceivable pressure point of outrage, stoking ancestral Russian pride and patriotism. And it’s true, the invasion is a black eye on Russia, to an extent—but it must be considered within the grander overall scope of the situation: things feel terminal for Ukraine; Zelensky is accelerating as if propelled by some unprecedentedly urgent impetus. By his own actions, he’s demonstrating that Ukraine appears to be on the brink, and the West is giving its all in what may amount to be one final heroic propaganda provocation to try to stir Russia out of its comfort zone. 

[see video of that warmongering asshole ex-mayor of London Boris Johnson at Simplicius site]

We can see the two-pronged urgency emerge from the dire situation on Ukraine’s eastern flank in Donbass, as the collapse continues to accelerate there. 

Do read the whole thing, especially if you are still somewhat prone to reading Western Newspapers or watching Western News Channels, or caring about Western pretend voting charades and so on.

If however you want the unfiltered Kurgan summary, here it is:

It’s all kabuki as usual. The Ukis, pushed by the (((US-Bankers))) led NATO puppets, managed to get a foothold in Russia somewhat near a second Russian Power Station in the Kursk region, (the first one now being in “new” Russian territory if I recall right). The idea is to either:

Promote Russian willingness to come to the negotiating table, which is totally retarded, because Putin has already made it clear there will be no negotiations with people who are agreement incapable, so any “negotiations” will be limited to Putin saying: “Do this.” And the Ukis and combined Clown World saying “Yes sir, thank you sir.”

The other alternative is to try and provoke Russia into a nuclear event response. What I mean by this is that the Bankers running the USA like their bitch, and the USA running most of Western Europe like their poodles, will try to cause some kind of nuclear-like attack on Russia. I mean by this, the destruction of one or both of the nuclear plants, a dirty “tactical” nuke or two in the area or something similar. Prodded to this extent, Russia will have no real alternative but to respond in some fashion. What that response would be is hard to say, but keep in mind that apparently UK spies from MI6 and the usual American mercenaries and CIA types are all helping with he attacks on the power stations. And this is being confirmed by Russia but pretty much by the fact that countries like the UK and Italy already have embedded presstitutes in the forward operations of the Ukis (with my deepest apologies to crack-whores, street-walkers, and prostitutes who are a far more honest, dignified, and honourable lot than your average Wester journalist).

If the Clown Worlder Pedovampires manage to push Putin to a nuclear response, the gloves are pretty much off and Europe is likely to become a literal wasteland, complete with mutants, radioactive craters, and a scorched Earth, to one degree or other. This is the hoped for response by the Satanists. I know its hard to believe, but you really need to educate yourself about what Freemasons are, what they believe, who they are serving, and what their ultimate master-plan, as laid out in quite some detail by their guru Albert Pike is. It literally is the bringing of Hell on Earth to satisfy their master Lucifer and bring on what they see the new era of “enlightenment”. Which is one of their pet phrases, along with “equality, brotherhood of man, and freedom”, yes, the egalitè fraternitè and libertè of the French revolutions, which murdered Catholics by the tens of thousands, including torturing babies, bankrupted the French government and blamed it on Luis and Marie Antoniette, who lost their heads on it, and the money was used to fund the American revolution that created the first Freemason country in the world, the USA. Which is why all manner of degeneracy, filth and absolute inhuman crap spews forth from there.

Programs like Jerry Springer, in the early 1990s were unknown in the rest of the world, and the first time my brother and I saw them we were flabbergasted at what a cesspool of total degeneracy America was. We called those shows “Why did you fuck my uncle’s dog.” because in essence, that is what they were. And most of that stuff is pushed by the people who run Hollywood and many of the media there, which, Cohen-cidentally, also happen to mostly be Jews, who also Cohen-cidentally, if you listen to their Rabbis and read their Talmud, tell you quite clearly that the Judaic religion worships the ruler of this world, that is, Satan, not God the Father.

This is not hyperbole. You really should investigate the matter yourself if you don’t believe me. Please go ahead and prove me wrong.

Now, as to whether they will succeed or not in making Europe the hard battleground for WWIII, I think it’s always possible, but somewhat unlikely.

First of all, even the puppets of the “Americans” running America and by extension Europe, are starting to realise that if it does devolve to Nuclear War, they too will get fried. But more importantly, the average European citizen has absolutely no wish whatsoever of even entering a conventional war with Russia. Never mind a nuclear one.

The Clown Worlders in Europe are banking on Putin’s decency, which is to say, that they think even if they produce a dirty nuke bomb somewhere in Russia (that is not say Moscow, or St. Petersburg) Putin will be too humane and polite to nuke London or New York. Maybe. If I was him, I also probably would not nuke one of those two cities. But Langley in Virginia? You bet. Or maybe Quantico. Or one or two of the Amrican Nuclear bases in Europe. Not with a Tsar Bomba, mind you, just an equivalent tac nuke. Probably a clean-ish one to let the citizens know, “Hey, sorry, but if you guys don’t get rid of these pedovampires, we have to, and if you live near them and continue to support them, well… we’ll try to not nuke you with dirty bombs, but ya know, omelettes and eggshells.”

So that’s my take.


The one I always tell you guys. Get out of the cities, prepare as best you can to be fiat-money independent, water and food secure, security secure (guns, ammo, defences of your home and family), and build a community of co-religious people with common mindset and interests. For me it’s Sedevacantists, and only Sedevacantists, because in our brief 3 years here we have already noted that people who wanted to be part of this community but were not proper Catholics invariably flaked, gave up, or turned on us. All things I expected, but was refreshing to see happen in real terms. It’s solidified the remaining people to see things as they are and it is a unanimous perspective now among us. If you’re not a proper Catholic (the only Catholics left are Sedevacantist), we’re basically not interested in your joining us.

Catholicism has risen from the ashes time and again, and overturned heresies and situations that by all metrics should have wiped it out countless times. The reason is that Jesus promised he will be with His Church until the End Times. And that’s good enough for all of us here to have utter faith in. Our job is simply to prepare and make things as ready as we can for His return. Which, as far as I can tell from Revelation, simply means to hold on and not lose faith no matter what foul evil befalls us.

I know the people who usually link to these updates are unlikely to do so now, because I think most of them are protestant, but hey, if you think your Church from the year 1800 or even 1521, or your Novus Ordo fake “Catholicism” is going to out-perform the only Christianity that has ever existed on Earth, you go for it. Create your community of co-religionists and good luck to you.

Idiot Fatigue

I have written before about WWIII Fatigue. Idiot Fatigue is somewhat worse.

It is the realisation that only a minute number of people are not entirely fooled by most of the absurd lies we all have to live under, like Fiat Money, the given reasons for War (instead of the valid reasons one may have for the murder of evil people), the concept that anyone anywhere is actually living in a Democracy instead of a tyrannical and demonic machine, lies so blatant you have to be functionally retarded to believe them: 9/11, the “official” story of the Moon landings (as opposed to what I think happened), the covid scam, “vaccines”, and on and on, and on.

The reality is that we are surrounded by idiots. Imbecilles. People too stupid to have an original thought if their life depended on it. People who are so dumb they are literally self-euthanising themselves and their entire people in the name of some absurd lie that boils down to having “good manners” towards people that literally want to rape and murder you and your people.

And professor Cipolla was, and remains, absolutely right. The number of idiots is ALWAYS more than you can possibly imagine.

Which means that things will get very dark eventually.

It’s not that the evil Satanists trying to kill most of us are any smarter really, no, they are just more evil, more focused and driven by the demons that own them, to perpetrate their monstrous plans on us in the hope that they will rule in Hell instead of be playthings like they plan to make the survivors among us.

But they too are stupid.

For one they bet on the evil guy, which is KNOWN will and can only, ultimately lose.

But such is the way of the fly. They have no concept of long term planning, or even thinking of tomorrow. Tomorrow is someone else’s problem. Even if that someone else is them in the future, because to them, that guy in the future is not them, but some random guy they don’t care about. That is how short time preference works. Only the perennial here and now exists in their stultified brains.

And so I wonder, if the Satanists were smart, all the idiots would already be dead, and then they would have a problem because while the survivors may not all be good, at least some of them would be, and if they are not idiots, they could prove a problem. But the Satanists are idiots too. Cunning, but not actually intelligent as such.

So what will result is an ongoing drawn-out chaos that will fatigue even the few smart evil Satanists in due course. The cattle will not die off fully in their lifetime you see, and if they need to escalate to a full nuclear war they too may end up as casualties, regardless of how well they think they have planned, because… that’s the trouble with idiots, as professor Cipolla stated, they are far more dangerous than mere evil people. Their idiocy makes them unpredictable and makes them do things so stupid no one can predict or prevent the damage they can cause; least of all the idiots themselves.

So, whether you are a smart (and ridiculously wealthy, because of fraud and lies and so on) Satanist, or a smart Catholic (surviving by your wits and reflexes alone probably) the reality is that you may be in a similar state of being, which is to wait until all the idiots, or at least a large enough number of them, have died off. Only at that point, can you then begin to rebuild, or if necessary, fight back. Put it this way, if 7.5 billion people died all tomorrow, whoever is left, will have trouble enough to survive and create a functional way to continue surviving, whether it will be by foraging for food in the post-apocalyptic ruins, or gathering enough half-dead slaves to keep the airflow in your underground evil Satanist ™ bunker going by tying them up to manual windmills once the power fails (because of some idiot you thought was an electrician).

If you are a secularist you may find little between the Satanist and the Catholic, or you may prefer the Satanist because he has the illusion of comfort, but that comfort is, like the “pride” of the homosexuals, merely a fake. A veneer. That is… just another lie. What they do not have, what they will neve have, is an inner comfort. The Catholic’s life may seem harsh, and unforgiving and painful, and it is, externally. But internally we are at peace. We need not hope, nor fear. Because unlike the Satanists, who deep down know their debt WILL become due, and they WILL be eaten, and not quite last, but rather, before even the Catholic, certainly from the metaphysical perspective. While we Catholic know that no matter what befalls us, our souls are on the side of Justice, and God. Their master will consume them eternally for their brief, temporary, and anxiety-wracked lives. Ours will give us eternal life and serenity in our hearts.

But the Satanists cannot think, nor see ahead. They’re the flies, of the Lord of the flies.

Secular Dating Advice

The videos of Orion Teraban are generally good advice and this one is too, concerning what he refers to as the present day dating market.

However, it is not correct to say that things were really any different ten or even twenty years ago.

I have been essentially out of the dating market since early 2017 now, but I was certainly in it from about 2004 or 2005 until then, with a hiatus of some 5 years or so between 2008-9 and early 2013 which is how long my second marriage lasted. Before that, online dating wasn’t really a thing for me because I had been in a long relationship since before the internet until that ended and I met my first wife shortly thereafter, which sort of imploded about the 2004/2005 point.

There are some observations I found interesting in comparing my own experience with what Orion states in the above-linked video, and as these may be useful to younger men that are still in the process, I thought it would be useful to share them.

The first point is that the advice concerning the having high hopes but low expectations is absolutely correct and is probably pivotal if you’re not going to he a bitter and resentful weirdo. Personally, maybe because of my slightly autistic but high IQ perspective, this was never really an issue after a certain point. At first my main frustration was really more about my perception that women’s brains appeared not to function properly. Logic appeared to be a mystery to them and when you layered that on top of the basic 30 point IQ communication gap that I tend to have with most people, it honestly felt as if I was trying to have a meaningful relationship with monkeys.

If you are a woman reading, I realise how all this sounds misogynistic, etc. etc. But your feelings on the matter are irrelevant, because this is not about you, but rather my lived experience. So, you can either continue reading and possibly learn something about male and female interactions that may be useful to you, or you can get offended and stop reading or rage against it, either way, my life and perspective will not change one iota. So, comport yourself accordingly, and consider this your lesson number one in basic logic.

Now, returning to us, men, the experience felt disturbing to me because on the one hand I had the vague idea (instilled by boomer lies) that men and women were supposed to have equivalent brains, and on the other, my lived experience was that I was generally dealing with creatures that were possibly more akin to a pet you can have sex with than a real, thinking, human being.

It seemed to me that the female brain was hardly at all interested in any of the abstract things that interested me on almost any level, and were instead apparently fixated almost entirely on the human interaction level, to the point that gossip, drama, and needless emotional negativity consumed their lives. The only positive aspect of this was the sexual component, in which they could become as interested as I was, even if they started out relatively tame. Once I demonstrated to them certain aspects of their own physical and/or mental sexuality they had either not explored or encountered before, they generally speaking became, sexually at least, quite entertaining. And they quite often also mistook sexual compatibility with being deeply in love. A facet I tried very hard to prevent them from confusing, certainly when I was not interested in them in that way.

I did not want to have a pet-like relationship where the main component of the relation was essentially only great sex. It got to the point where I started to worry that I would end up seeing women in general as just that, creatures to have sex with but not even bother trying to engage in any other meaningful discourse. I knew this was not reality either, though it also quickly became obvious that the boomer lie of equality between male and female brains was just that: an outrageous lie.

As a result I also took up reading about the differences between male and female brains and although the literature on it is scant (because God forbid anyone tells the truth, doing so gets you cancelled if not incarcerated these days) one of the more useful books on it is Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter. Though I note with some cynicism that the linked book is an “updated and revised” edition, so I am not sure if it still says the things it used to or if the “updating” has resulted in a sanitising of any politically “unacceptable” facts.

At any rate, the reality is that the male and female brains have noticeable structural differences. And once you know this, a basic grasp of logic will immediately tell you two things:

One: they will perform differently

Two: they will have developed (or been created) differently for a reason that is valid in reality, regardless of what political narratives by homoglobos, boomers, satanists, feminists, or anyone else, will tell you to the contrary.

In large part, that is how I developed my Caveman Theory, (see books I wrote) and using it as a model certainly proved very useful in my life.

What changed for me was that I began to study the women I dated more as a scientist might, and noted a number of behaviours that while irrational in the specifics of my circumstances with them, had an original logical and biological imperative behind it. Once I catalogued these behaviours and recognised their origins as per my model of reality, it was then just a matter of on the one hand accepting reality as it is, which was the easy part for me, and on the other, reconciling what my tolerance for humanity could be raised to without me losing my mind.

I discovered that I could genuinely enjoy the company of women, regardless of what I would have labelled as their chicken-headed behaviour a few years earlier, as long as it was somewhat limited, or at least when they had a certain level of self-awareness. Women that were aware of their irrational behaviour were quite entertaining and even endearing at times, which made up at least for a bit of the times they behaved essentially insanely from a male perspective.

The change was that I had gone from processing women as:

beings incapable of reason that had only sex and a generic companionship level to offer for the relative trouble having them around entailed


Partial aliens that had biological motivations stuck in reasons that originated from millennia in the past if not millions of years ago.

Suddenly they were interesting beings again, and I could appreciate them not just generally but also at the individual level.

Yet, I was also aware that becoming overly invested in one of them that did not cross the threshold of minimum ability to reason and be self-aware that I required, was a stupid thing to do and entirely my fault.

This realisation was of course gradual and only improved over time. Nor did it necessarily make me aware of various pitfalls that can be encountered, such as getting involved with narcissists that have oscar-like acting abilities, and ignoring various red flags because you’re into exploring all the facets of this partially alien species.

The outcome, from a purely secular standpoint is indeed a rather brutal one. You will bounce from one woman to the next, leaving behind the ones who you can’t tolerate beyond a certain level or who vice-versa can’t tolerate you.

It is true that in this purely secular mode, it becomes easy enough to bed various women and it is true that in that milieu, you find plenty of women who also are just interested in the sex and not much else. Certainly I had plenty of encounters where the main factor was just to satisfy our respective curiosity of each other’s bodies. Those situations usually lasted no more than a few days, and sometimes only mere hours.

But then you realise too that even though you are now able to fulfil pretty much any purely sexual desire you may have, there is still something missing.

Considering women as a kind of partially alien species still does not permit that level of intimacy that gives you a sense of deep fulfilment. Yet, at the same time, and paradoxically, as so many deep truths are, if all you focus on is your desire for that deep connection, you are almost certain to never get it, or experience it, other than perhaps only as your own delusion; which is all the more devastating when the illusion inevitably collapses, and the faux-relationship ends.

It was then that I realised that the only thing left in terms of relationship challenge and goals was the very thing that boomers have advised my generation against all our lives: creating a family and having children.

My first attempt at this succeeded only insofar as my daughter was created, but failed by every other metric after which I had a revelatory experience and began to study the reality I had encountered concerning the reality of a Loving God I had never really believed in before.

In reading parts of the New Testament I realised that the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman that led to the creation of functional families, was not only absolutely correct and made perfect sense, but it was also so far removed from my own experience and even way of seeing things that it might as well be in another Galaxy.

I resolved to simply drift through life with whatever female companionship I could tolerate. I had no specific need for a permanent relationship, personal loyalty beyond a few (but relatively absolute) aspects, or even much in the way of connection beyond any woman I had anything to do with not irritating me past a certain level.

I did not try to mask any of these realities and I still wasn’t short of female companionship, but I was mostly indifferent to it beyond some biological and emotional basic needs for sex, some human connection, and a certain level of peace.

Gradually however, as I deepened my understanding of God, and concluded the Christian God was the real one, and more specifically the Catholic God, and even more specifically that only the sedevacantists were still actual Catholics, a natural, organic, and quite honestly mysterious change came over me, and in some way, mysterious and unknowable in human words, yet, life, God, myself, and the Universe, all seemed to conspire to get another, extremely unlikely one, to come closer to me over time and then, all of a sudden, in one day, move in with me.

The first few years were certainly difficult, and there are plenty of practical issues left even today, but for the most part, the emotional and intellectual ones we have worked out. And in some ways though we have been married 7 years already, it all feels as if it happened a few weeks ago. And in other ways it feels as if we have been together for 40 years.

The difference between my marriage now, the only one I did as a baptised Catholic in a Church with all the correct Catholic procedures for it by a real Catholic priest and also a Bishop, and the relationships I had before, is not something that is in any way easy to put into words.

What I can say without ANY hesitation at all is that it beats all the other experiences put together in terms of fulfilment and peace it brings to my life.

The connection is real and deep and although generally speaking my wife is not especially interested in astronomy, martial arts, or even, the theological details of Catholicism, I certainly can converse with her about pretty much any topic and she is more than capable of keeping up with any of them, being as there is no IQ communication gap, and this is undoubtedly absolutely fundamental for me. And although women on that IQ range definitely have a bunch of quirks, some of them truly trying for an impatient man like myself, (for example, she simply has no conception of time, and can take hours to get ready then sometimes do it in minutes, but it’s a process so random that no computer will ever be able to model it), I can handle them, because the positives she brings —in far more important aspects of life— clearly outweigh any minor irritants.

But none of this can transmit the sensation of connection I have with her that goes beyond anything I can explain in secular terms. We just barely even have the words in any language to even address it, and I don’t intend to try.

My best advice to you is to first discover the truth about God, the rest will take care of itself.

My book Caveman Theory is geared towards secular people, but the thread in it is based on pure logic and if you can do logic well, the natural place you end up at, by the way, is the same one that Catholics have taken for centuries:

Proper marriage and making children.

May you find your right path.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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