Present day “wisdom” which is essentially the fumblings of retards with pretensions of adequacy, has it that the so-called primitive part of us is a brutish thug with little in the way of redeeming qualities.
The truth is quite different.
Aside the fact that the ancient Greeks, Romans, Japanese and so on had advanced functioning cultures, though only the Roman one lasted some 800 years before collapsing, the longest empire beside that of the Catholic Church, which has so far lasted two millennia (and counting, if in a much reduced form), the truth is that they had great thinkers too, the like of which on modern times seems to be lacking.
But I am now referring to an even more ancient aspect of our nature. The one of the time of Cro-Magnum and the Neanderthals. The one of sabre tooth tigers and mammoths, and even older.
The side of us that can kill on a whim, have sex to reproduce as a biological imperative free of any logic or reason.
In its basic form, this aspect of humanity has been painted as the eternal boogy man to hide, destroy and stamp out.
But if you have noticed all the lies you have been told to date, is this any different?
Allow me to pose a few premises or syllogisms for a thought experiment.
1. God is real and good
2. God makes humans
3. The purpose must be good and as such at least some humans or perhaps even some part of all humans, must, necessarily, be good.
In ancient times the instinctive beast-like natures were activated due to being in survival mode. And as such helped propagate such instincts thanks to those who survived.
Time and biology marched on, and people die and people tell that dead person’s story. So over time we got stories of what became heroic personages and by the middle ages, the very concept of courage, honesty, chivalry, justice, and so on were an intrinsic part of the fabric of Christendom. Exemplified by the Catholic West to a quality and quantity never before or since seen.
The point is that in that period, the beast-like nature was tempered and honed into the pinnacle of an instinct that had now been imbibed with Catholic principles of virtue.
One only needs to review the historical record of how the crusaders behaved in 1095 to see that there was a sense of justice, charity, self-sacrifice and devotion that was absolutely real, expected and demonstrated that today is essentially mythology that is not present in any facet of life, but rather in only a few and select individuals that by a mixture of genetics, happenstance, and personal discipline, have moulded themselves into such men.
And they are in almost every way vilified by the modern world and every attempt is made to label them as toxic, violent, aggressive, misogynistic, brutish, troglodytes to be caged.
Almost every instinctual response they may have, including those absolutely forged in divine Justice, is today labelled as somehow scandalously brutal and unacceptable.
While the opposite is the case.
A case in point, not to aggrandise myself, but to elucidate the point from real, lived, experience may better express what I mean in a relatable way.
Ona trip by train in London once, a black man with a bicycle boarded the train and then stood next to a white woman of middle age, who looked like a perfectly normal lady going about her day.
He started swearing at her for no discernible reason. They had not boarded together, she had not spoken to him at all. He started of with comments of the sort:
“Hey bitch, what you gonna do, huh?”
“Bitches like you, I know, you’re a whore. Fucking bitch. I will fuck you.”
He would go quiet for a second or five then start again. The train compartment I was in was full, and I was sitting at the opposite end. I watched this for at least a minute or two, not a soul in that compartment reacted. All in perfect British unison, they seemed to all be deaf-mutes. The lady kept her head slightly bowed looking straight ahead in obvious distress. Having made my calm observations for long enough, I felt first of all disgust at every member of the (supposedly) male species in that whole compartment. Then, pity for the woman, and finally, the slight beginning of anger at the stupid monkey, harassing her. His confidence in his ability to behave that way clearly tied to his belief —probably through experience— that most white people in the UK are afraid to confront a belligerent African.
Having lived 25 years in Africa, I am well aware of the chips on various people’s shoulders. None of which are ever justified. Even when there is a trend. Is there a trend of Afrikaaners thinking badly of Italians? Sure. Of Germans doing it too? Sure. Do I care? No. Never have. Why? Becaise it doesn’t matter at all. It is not my job to know nor care what anyone else thinks about what they assume I am or might be like. The only thing I need to do is act or react as appropriate to any given situation, person or moment in line with MY code of ethics. Mine. Which is absolute and absolutely clear and equal for all people. Even in my unfairness (for example, I will choose my child’s life over the life of ten children I don’t know) I also accept that another person is entitled to the same unfairness if they are in that position.
And MY code of ethics has little to do with the laws of any country on Earth, because my code is primarily if not entirely based on the concept of justice. While all systems of human laws are primarily (at best) based on preserving “social order” which generally also means one set of rules for each strata of society depending on power and money available to them. Justice cares not at all for either aspect.
And that is why I decided there and then to educate the stupid monkey pretending to be a human insofar as such a creature cam be educated. So I shouted:
“Hey!” Which made every sphincter in that compartment suddenly clench.
“You are going to shut the fuck up or I am going to get out of this seat and every fucking bone in your body.” It was said at a volume that no doubt could be heard in the next compartment over too.
And all of a sudden, there was not so much as a paper rustling. Perfect stillness and silence. It’s amazing how the impending prospect of sudden violence makes everyone suddenly focus and be aware. The stillness is calming to me. It is nerve-wracking to most and sends some into an almost hysterical state of silent panic. But for me it is calming, because it is the prelude to finally releasing all the stupid tensions and stresses I have to hold in daily when surrounded by the unconscious. The zombies that go about like the undead. The monkey like this fucker, flinging shit every day of his life simply because mo one ever took the time to break his nose every time he behaved like a monkey instead of a human being.
Eventually he spoke up, only confirming exactly what I had judged him to be.
“Is it because I am black?”
That’s all he had. That was his shield.
“Keep talking and if I get up from this seat by the time I am finished you will also be blue, red and a bit white too if some bones break well enough.”
The train had pulled in to the next station and the African was now rather panicked. His race card had been checked and ignored.
“Well, anyway, you can’t assault me, because there is an undercover police here, and he’ll arrest you.”
At first I thought he was just making it up but I glanced at the man he had indicated and I saw fear and shame in his eyes. The disgust I felt was palpable.
“No. He won’t do anything. And this is the last time I tell you. Speak again and I will get up. And once I am up I will come over there and break every bone you have in you. And I will stop only when I am good and done. Then, after, if I feel like it I might let that faggot cop arrest me. But you won’t know either way. You’re not going to be conscious by then.”
There was silence as the train doors opened.
The African took his bicycle, swung it round and as he quickly exited said:
“Anyway, this is my stop.”
At that point the whole compartment actually burst into laughter. No violence was going to happen, the threat for it had evaporated and the last comment was so fake and ridiculous it just resulted in everyone releasing their tension with laughter.
A stop or two later I reached my destination and I made a point to cross the car and step past the plainclothes cop. Looking him square in the eyes I told him:
“You consider yourself a policeman? You are a disgrace.”
He kept quiet and didn’t respond at all.
The point is that even if I had got up and beat the shit out of that guy with the bicycle, that would have been nothing but good. It would have made him hesitate to ever behave that way again, and that would only be a net good. But in modern society, they want to stop any semblance of justice from happening. In fact, in the UK right now, they want to make injustice the rule. You can kill, rape or do all sorts of things and get away with it, depending on the colour of your skin. And since those reading are almost invariably assuming that my reaction was also based on skin colour, the use of the word “monkey” supposedly proving it in their own (actually racist) minds, they would be at a loss to explain how a very nearly identical scenario I was also involved in involved a small Indian man as the victim and a white, definitely English man as the offensive monkey. In fact there were two such incidents. One in which I actually did have to intervene. So on the race basis I am 2 for 1 against the whites.
Because that’s just how things played out. I also had other situations happen with people with dark skin and people with white skin. But the one thinking about such things is you. Not me. I know you think about them so I point things out here, and yes, there ARE differences in culture, behaviour, religion between different ethnicities. And no, they are not often compatible. But that is not the issue being discussed here.
The issue being discussed here is that thanks to reason, logic, and through it the virtues that Catholicism has stated are virtues, that have since permeated almost all Western society as now being considered generic virtues, it has been possible to tame the beast-nature to have a divinely tinged response.
I am not certain if such a quality can be purely trained or taught. I feel a component of it is almost certainly genetic. Logic dictates this is most likely the case, although, of course, proper understanding of the faith, training, learning mental and emotional discipline, and a strong desire to become a certain way, all help in making this way of being a reality.
The point is that it has been shown historically through the ages to be a possibility, various societies had warrior castes that achieved a similar level of divinely inspired reactions.
So; if you are that way inclined, begin to explore your own inner world and motives, and see if you can’t learn to lean more towards a more natural, tempered, honest and true aspect of your true nature. And remember that every man is different. My “sliders” (for you Gen Z and younger computer gamers) or “stats” (for pen and paper roleplayers of Gen X) are almost entirely shifter on the character trait: Seeking Justice (stolen from the old and not very successful Role playing hame called DC Heroes, based on the characters from the DC comic books.)
But your own true nature may be to achieve martyrdom, to sacrifice your time and efforts to God or those you love in a spirit of joyous giving.
It may be to seek material success (in which case you netter stay as conscious as possible, since your instinctual nature is probably closer to that of a feral rat).
Nor is the judgment of “society” necessarily any indication of what is good or evil. Especially lately. You are likely to be told that making a large family is “bad” when it has always been a blessing from God until the so-called “modern” age.
They will tell you absurd nonsense such as violence is never the answer, which is a lie so obvious that a child gets it, since the only reason they teach that is so that they have the monopoly on the use of violence.
So use your own mind, your own reason, to evaluate things. Ideally Catholicism first (meaning understanding that today the Vatican is not Catholic but Satanist) and then your own choice of who you are or want to be.
Godspeed to you if you take me up on this.
Real Catholicism is Inevitable
Several years before I became Catholic (Sedevacantist) I had already identified two concepts that would be fundamental in the eventual rebuilding of civilisation. By 2014 I had voiced this clearly in a stream by Vox Day, stating that both Christianity as well as City States would become pivotal parts of the future.
Vox noted with interest that this comment was being made by someone who was not, and never had been, any kind of Christian.
Since my becoming baptised on 25th May 2017, I have also clearly stated that:
* only Catholicism is actual Christianity, and,
* currently, the only Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantists.
Eventually, there will be only three sides to the conflict, from a spiritual perspective:
* Intentional and Conscious Satanists
* Erroneous Heretics/Pagans/Heathens/Atheists/Agnostics (i.e. all those not necessarily outright evil, but following false religions to appease their own egos and demons).
* Actual Believers (i.e. 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics)
And we already know that in the end only a tiny remnant of believers will be left before our Lord returns. Sedevacantists do seem to fit all the criteria:
* There are not many of us,
* We are thorough zealots with an unflinching faith the likes of which I have never seen in any other positive context, only viciously negative one that have abandoned reason (which is a foundational principle of Catholicism) and become essentially either demonic cults of personality or of some demonic entity.
* Our religion is the only Christianity that has ever existed, which put together the Bible, which ad the traditional Mass and Popes even before the Bible was put together, which educated the world and so on. All other heretic offshoots are laughably inadequate as contenders, and this is easily demonstrable to any objective and impartial observer.
Bit there is a worldwide trend, a pattern that is becoming more and more distinct, even as its resolution gradually refines from the chaotic fog of the darkness trying to swallow all of us whole.
Convinced Protestants and their churches are crumbling. Lifelong Protestants are converting to Catholicism in sudden and unexpected ways, such as how David the Good has done.
And even those who continue to try to deny the absolute truth that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, inadvertently give themselves away by praising things like the majesty of ancient Catholic cathedrals, the like of which none of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism has ever built or will ever build.
Or subtly implying that the crusades and the crusaders were cool. They were, and they were also exclusively Catholic. Or saying “Christian Nationalism” must rise, when the very point of Catholicism was that it ruled men’s beastly passions to the point that kings and emperors followed its dogma and created the most humane and human-beneficial society ever created on Earth so far. And the only National Christianity that has ever been truly meaningful is, again, the one that ruled Catholic Nations for centuries.
Torba of Gab talking about a generic “Churchianity” so ill-defined it makes it clear he is not any kind of Christian at all, but just your NPC Churchian. In the end, you can dance around the truth only so long, but eventually, the truth will inevitably come out and be inescapable.
Like math, and more certain than the Sun rising in the East, you can hate the reality of it, you can rage against its “misogyny” or how “rude” it is for excluding the colour purple from trigonometry, or how “racist” it is for excluding absolutely everyone who is not a proper Catholic from being a Christian. Or how you want to call out how the spiritual battle invariably leads you to conclude it’s Satanists vs Catholics and always has been, without referring to Catholicism, which is the very religion that explained it all to begin with and did so alone for over a thousand years before schismatics hungry of Earthly power and human intrigue split off, followed by the Satanist inspired rebellion against God spearheaded by a fake monk that was probably Jewish and certainly connected to other Satanic people in power who wanted to diminish the Church. Or want to refer to “scripture alone” —like a bunch of brain damaged chimps— while trying to deny that scripture itself was put together by the very traditions and people you rage against and that very scripture you “believe in” has had 7 books ripped out of it by a maid-raping pervert.
Despite the human tendency to egotism and absolute levels of cognitive dissonance in order to protect that abysmally erroneous ego, there is a trend happening.
The fake religions are becoming more and more brittle and vacuous, the heretics are wavering like mirages in the sun, and Sedevacantist numbers keep increasing, both by new converts joining and by the continued adherence to Catholic principles and the production of many new babies.
The only Christianity that will make it through the dark times is the real one. The same one that the Apostles had, that the saints and martyrs had, that the crusaders and the knights of Malta had.
The only Christianity that ever existed. And not even the false usurping impostors of it currently squatting in the Vatican like malignant larvae can stop the truth of actual Catholicism.
Nothing can stop it at all.
It is, in fact, inevitable.
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By G | 2 September 2024 | Posted in Believe, Catholicism, Christianity, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Crusades - Iron Men and Saints Vol. 1