Archive for the ‘Sedevacantism’ Category

Sedevacantism vs Sedeprivationism

For the TL;DR version just scroll to the bottom and watch the most excellent video on this topic.

This is not the first time I approach this topic:

Very detailed Post on it (weaponised Autism level).

The second post on it. More direct and clear.

And I was always clear on the fact that even if I used the term Sedeprivationism originally, I was clear in my 2020 book Reclaiming the Catholic Church that I was using the term completely differently from what most people that call themselves Sedeprivationists do.

I (being elitist in my linguistics) was referring merely to the etymology of the word. Strictly speaking, Sede Vacante is Latin for Empty Chair Which is shorthand for there is no valid Pope. However, strictly speaking, the chair is not empty. it is filled with an impostor, never-was-Catholic, Satanist and protector of pedophiles on Earth, currently Bergoglio. And this illegal and usurping occupation prevents a real and valid Pope from filling it. Hence Sede Privationist, a mixture of Latin and English. The usurper is Jorge Bergolgio is preventing the legitimate occupation of the chair of Peter.

But of course, by absolute divine law, codified in the Canon Law of 1917, which in no way cancels the perennial Papal encyclical of Pope Paul IV titled Cum Ex Apostolato Officio* but in fact refers to it, it is every single adherent to the Novus Ordo (I call them Novus Orco — the New Orcs) “clergy” too that is ALSO not a Catholic at all, but in fact an enemy of the Church. The Satanists have made this sound very complicated, but it exceedingly simple to understand. A child gets it.

You cannot be Pope if you are not Catholic, and you cannot be Catholic if you promote, promulgate, and espouse concepts that go against the Catholic faith (which is ENTIRELY codified and therefore logically consistent and clear) and act in ways that go against it too and call yourself a Catholic. When you do this publicly, notoriously and repeatedly, it becomes clear you are simply NOT a Catholic. End of. It would be like me calling myself a leader in the sport of golf. I can say what I want. I can dress like a golfer, I can even get some clubs and go tearing up a golf course, but since my golfing ability is nil, never having done it even once, absolutely no one sane would ever take note, care, or listen to anything I am saying about golf. Nor should they.

The sedeprivationist position ORIGINALLY, when it was first presented in the late sixties or early 70s, by the noted and well-respected Dominican theologian, father Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers, who was later made Bishop, it was a potentially if very temporary charitable “way out” for all the traitorous and cowardly “clergy” that did not immediately reject the false “elected” and Freemasonic enemies of the Church, Roncalli and Montini and their Satanic Vatican II heresies. It was a (VERY charitable) way to say:

“Okay, look, maybe you guys were asleep at the wheel, your weak and cowardly natures, coupled with the long-standing tradition to simply obey what you consider to be your superiors, made you “vote” or “elect” this obvious at best apostate, at worst sworn enemy of the Church as “Pope”, but come on, it’s fairly obvious what he and his predecessor were, so let’s get back on the right track, find the right way to get together and kick his heretic ass out of the Vatican and put back in a real Pope.”

And that, of course was the error on which the Freemasons and infiltrators of the Church have relied on for at least the last 250 years to infiltrate and corrupt it to the point that we have not had a valid Pope since 9th October 1958, and what people think is the Catholic Church is in reality, just another branch of Satanic fake Churchianity. The error being that devout Catholics got complacent and started to “give the benefit of the doubt” and “respectfully” not question supposed “leaders” in the Church.

The Satanists ALWAYS appeal to your kinder, charitable, more forgiving nature in order to insidiously enter your home, like snakes, and poison everything and everyone in it. That is probably why God also allows ornery, unagreeable, rude, too-direct, pains-in-the-ass like me to exist.

My misanthropic tendencies aside, the reality is that my ability to reason and do correct logic and dialectic are far above those of the average person and also the average nominal cradle “Catholic” that thinks he or she is Catholic but has never once even asked themselves what being Catholic means, has no idea what the Code of Canon Law of 1917 is, has never even read ONE of the 16 documents of Vatican II, and could not tell you who Roncalli was and why he was invalidly elected to usurp the rightful place of Giuseppe Siri who HAD been validly elected. Twice.

And no, my simply and boldly stating this fact out loud is NOT a matter of personal pride. It’s just not false humility, which too is not a virtue. It’s just a fact, and despite dozens of Freemasons trying to “poke holes” in any of my arguments, they have all utterly failed, which is why some of my work has in fact resulted in people realising the truth and coming back to the real Catholic Church.

However, all of this, if you care enough (you should if you call yourself a Catholic, since your belief in God should be extremely important to you) requires quite a bit of reading. The details in RTCC that I put together are undeniable and in the last 4 years not a single valid argument has been made against any of the information and details I presented in that book. Not one. People have lied, people have misrepresented and straw manned the arguments, but no one has been able to engage with them honestly and people who had no dog in the fight but took the time to look at my arguments and compare them with the “criticisms” have, without exception, even when not Catholic, understood that given the base premises of Catholicism, my arguments are the only ones that hold water.

Now, I am not writing this to tell you what a good and perfect Catholic I am. Or how smart and handsome I am. Think of me as badly as you like, its fine, but engage with the arguments I make, if you will.

As I wrote in BELIEVE! a much shorter book that is far easier to read and more popular, I am not a particularly a good Catholic. But I am an earnest one. And I absolutely have the temperament to NOT keep quiet, when someone, regardless of who he is lies or talks logical nonsense with respect to the truth. Pretty much in any area I am knowledgeable of, but absolutely and particularly in respect of Catholicism.

All that said, however, and if you would rather digest the list of the Sedevacantism vs Sedeprivationism argument in video format, I have not come across a better short form version than the one below. I do, of course, have a whole series on it on Kurgan TV, along with some other very interesting and unrelated topics (the face on mars, the lies of history, etc etc) topics totalling some 160 hours of video.

In short, the entire theory of Cassiciacum, or the “official” position of Sedeprivationism is simply not logically tenable or valid. The only valid position is that of Sedevacantism. Or, in fact, of being Catholic.

The position and even name of “Sedevacantism” sounds complicated and convoluted thanks to the efforts of the Satanists that have usurped the Church, so it is probably more effective to simply say that:

I am Catholic, not Novus Orco.

* It is in fact referred to in Canon 188, of which part 4 makes absolutely clear that all the non-Catholic clergy currently squatting illegally in the Vatican are not Catholics but at best heretics, and given the time lapse, currently probably actually full blown freemasons Satanists

TMOS Concepts – Part 3 – Your Personal Spiritual Reality Affects Your Effect in the Physical Reality

In part 1 we discussed the importance of spiritual group cohesion. In part 2 we looked at how the more reflective of a true spiritual reality the religion or belief system is, the more durable and resilient it is in creating a physical group cohesion. These are the inevitable large scale realities of mass change, and need to be understood at their scale before anything meaningful that has a chance to create real change in a society can even take place. As usual, the Intro:

This is the third in the Theoretical Models of Society series of Posts. Use the category of the same name or the Search Me function on the right-hand sidebar to find all related posts in the series.

It is generally helpful to a reader if they are already familiar with some of my other work, in order for this stuff to have the most useful effect on your life. In particular, The Face on Mars and Believe! would be the top reads to have done to have the generic global perspective of reality well in hand. Systema and Reclaiming the Catholic Church would have the most impact on a more personal level. On health/security/self-protection, and on the reality of Catholicism as it was (and remains with Sedevacantists) before Vatican II and why the Novus Ordo Church is not only not Catholic, but Satanic at its core. I will repeat this little paragraph on each new part, as I think it is important to have a general foundation if one is really interested in more than skim-reading before returning to the general slumber we are all being attempted to be forced into.

You may have the most wonderful ideas of how to make a better society, but if you are unable to base them on solid spiritual footings that are widely acceptable to the masses, and also broadly representative of reality, so that the operation of these spiritual principles produces tangible effects in the physical reality we all share, your ideas will never even get out of the crib.

In this part 3 we are going to explore how even if you intellectually grasp the above points, your ability to create real, lasting effects in the world, are unlikely to produce any meaningful results unless you too, at a personal level, are driven by a spiritual reality that has tangible effects in the world too.

It is important to understand how this works, and thus, also, to understand that this works regardless of whether your spiritual reality is good or evil. As long as it reflects reality enough, it will produce results.

For example, the Joel Osteens or Jim Jones of the world, may be conmen, they probably don’t believe the spiritual aspect of what they are selling, at least not in the way they sell it to you, and the basis of the spiritual ideologies they sell is a con, a fake, but —and this is important— the spiritual reality they are selling has at least some elements of it based in a twisted form of the real spiritual dimension. And they do believe in that, aspect of it, at least for themselves.

For example the whole spiritual gospel of “Jesus wants you to be rich and happy and successful” sold by the Osteens of the world, is a twisted aspect of a loving God wanting the best for us. American society has been so corrupted for so long that “love” in today’s times is often interpreted as being material wealth and goods. The average man and woman in America (and elsewhere too) if given the magic wand choice of having all the material wealth they want, but no deeply loving relationship, or a deeply loving relationship but being mostly poor, will take the cash and things instead of a truly loving wife or husband. It is understandable therefore that such a false gospel would “hook” a lot of people. And when I say “false” I mean that ultimately it is a lie from the spiritual reality perspective, however, it IS based on a spiritual reality too; one which is ultimately Satanic. After all, it is indeed the general temptation even Jesus was presented with by Satan, is it not? Material goods now, for your soul later. So it does have a “solid” spiritual foundation, in the sense that Satan is the Prince of this world and we are indeed under his dominion, here on Earth. So, this kind of spiritual reality is certainly something that can produce results in the physical world too. All the Satanists, blackmailable Freemasons, and Illuminati in the film and music industry, who have to signal their membership by the usual “ok” sign over one eye and so on, will attest to the fact that if you are willing to commit your soul to the devil, you can gain material wealth.

You may personally not believe in the devil as such, but the physical reality of the associations of such people with spiritual rituals to Satan, is now undeniable. Enough of these people have come forward and either repented or spelt it out that it requires only a little bit of research for you to confirm this.

Now, while the spiritual reality being sold to the masses by a Joel Osteen, a Jim Jones, or an Imam or fake “Catholic” priest of the fake Novus Ordo “Church” is far from the truth, and far from the real Loving God and His Will, it nevertheless has some power because it is based on aspects of spiritual reality. They may not be the good side of spiritual reality, but the bad side exists too. In fact, in the world (using the word “world” in the Catholic Christian sense) the evil, corrupt, bad side of spiritual reality is in fact the main situation of how things are currently; especially over the last four years.

This is not to say all is lost, quite the opposite, the revelation of just how much corruption and evil there is in the world is becoming so prevalent that we may well be heading into an eventual spiritual awakening by the masses. Whether this happens before or after even darker times remains to be seen, but the point is that the spiritual reality is a fact. Whether for evil or for good it exists, and it informs the physical reality. And ultimately, your chances of achieving good in the world are best if you are aligned with the spiritual reality that is truly closest to the truth of the ultimate good in creation.

Personally, what I have been telling you, is that after some 42 years on Earth observing and trying to figure out the real truth of the essence of reality, it took a shocking and life-changing event, a literal road to Damascus moment, for me to finally have the illusions of the world collapse enough that I saw enough of the face of God to know with absolute and permanent certainty that God is Love.

And in my subsequent investigation of that aspect of God, the spiritual reality that most closely represented what I was made aware of was the original, actual rules of the real Catholic Church, which are founded in Love and reason to a degree no other ideology or religion has ever compared with, and which has been tested in time over two millennia, to produce the absolute best societies the human race has ever seen.

And while perfection in humans on Earth is not possible, actual Catholic communities have a true respect of both the individual, regardless of age, or sex, as well as of the family unit, which is described as the cell of the body of Christ, which is defined as the wider Catholic society that has given us some of the greatest thinkers, works of art, martyrs, Saints, and peaceful societies ever seen, all while also being able to defend itself from the evil that also exists in the world.

Now, you may or may not agree with me and you may or may not be a 1958 Sedevacantist Catholic like I am. You might be fooled by people like Ann Barnhardt and be a 2023 Sedevacantist who thinks Ratzinger was a Catholic or even a valid Pope (he was neither, of course). Or you may be a Buddhist, or have bought into the absurdity of one of the 40,000+ “demon-nimations” of Protestantism, or you may think Gurdjeff had it right, or L.Ron Hubbard, and so on.

But whatever your ultimate belief system, it is only going to produce any results insofar as you actually truly are of it and believe in it fully.

So, even if you truly do understand and believe the usefulness of say real Catholicism, and this 1958 Sedevacantism, intellectually, but if you personally are not truly a believer in it, it is unlikely you will be able to create very much in the world of the physical from it. On the other hand, if you are a true believer, but have little interest in proselytising to the masses, again, it is unlikely you will be able to achieve too much in the greater physical world in terms of changing things on a grand scale.

The point is that whatever your personal belief system is at a spiritual level, it too has to first of all be aligned with spiritual reality, secondly, it has to be practiced in order to produce those physical results in the world, and third, your greater mission both within the spiritual reality as well as the physical one, has to be aligned too, for results to begin to appear.

In my own case, the spiritual reality for me internally is strong, especially if I compare it to the average human, or even the average true believer. By those standards, I am a fundamentalist zealot that would have fit in just fine with the guys going on the first crusade in 1095. By my own standards, I am barely scratching the surface, and really only starting to begin to approach what I would consider a minimum level of actual proper spiritual practice and piety now, some 7 years and a half after being baptised.

As such, my concern for the wider world has been relatively superficial, and been encapsulated mostly in my short book Believe! And my subsequent far more detailed work focusing on Catholicism specifically, Reclaiming the Catholic Church. And in the wider world those works have already produced results, in the form of over a hundred souls returning to, or discovering, actual Catholicism and being baptised into it, and some of them going on to help others see it, and/or improve their own lives and those of others in various ways, and/or to form families and have children who will also be raised Catholic and so on. Some are even intent on forming proper Catholic (that is, not Novus Orco) Churches in their country where currently no real Catholic presence exists. And all of these are good things. But on a personal level, I am still putting together my own house, trying to get to as self-sufficient a level as I can, in order to be able to then become a hub, for more sedevacantists to move here and become a real physical presence of note in the world. The obstacles I face are huge, and not easily tackled, but there is measurable progress, and I know that once I achieve real independence from clown world, primarily financial, which is the hardest part, but also in every other respect, it will open the floodgates to other people being able to do it as well, and at that point, the Sedevacantist community near me as well as further afield that I am in contact with, will explode. But it will not happen in a day. And there are, will be, and continue to appear, all sorts of obstacles, people that get in the way of you trying to create something good, and so on.

That is simply the way things are. It is also why the Church here on Earth and its members is referred to as the Church Militant. Because it is a fight. It’s primarily a spiritual fight, but it can be also a physical one. Making your home and family self-sufficient and as off-grid as possible, while also being able to remain integrated in the beast world enough that you can be a model for others to follow or copy, and yet not feel you are too far removed from the “norm” for them to feel capable of doing so, is far from an easy task.

Add in five children, (soon six) a house that needed massive works on it and still requires regular maintenance and constant little upgrades, the running of a farm in an activity I have zero experience in, the bureaucracy of any venture in the world today, the need to rely on others for some elements of this, and the continuing need for enough income to sustain all of it, and you can imagine why progress might be slow. I spent the first year and a half just getting the house liveable. And within six months of our arrival here, a major event that had serious and long term ramifications that are ongoing also happened. The down side is that it impacted everything in multiple ways and at a practical level made everything far more difficult; the up side is that my daughter, who I had not been able to raise for the last nine years, nor spend time with for the last five of those nine years, has now been living with me for the last three years. And you can bet that if everything else had to take (and in many ways continues to take) a back seat, well, so be it.

Some of you may think that this means I will not bear fruit in the long term. But if so you are mistaken. What is happening here is that my personal aspects of reality are first of all aligning with my spiritual understanding, and this process is lifelong. As I have always been a man apart, so to speak, from most of polite society, regardless of which country or culture I may be in, it makes sense, that my own, personal situation has to resolve first at least to an extent that makes it good, and stable, and secure, to a point that it then becomes a foundation from which to move in the wider arena.

This applies almost always in this fashion if it is to be stable in the long term (I have also added my own timeline to it, in order to give a sense of the process as it may apply to you and your beliefs):

Personal Spiritual revelation—> [3rd March 2013]

personal change—> [2013 to present and ongoing]

Personal spiritual growth—> [baptised 25th May 2017]

personal growth—> [married 2018, children born 2019, 2020, 2022, Believe! Published in 2019, RTCC published in 2020, bought farm in 2021, sixth child will be born 2025.]

Personal physical expression in the wider world—-> [Newly Sedevacantist friends appear and help us on the farm and in general – 2021-2022]

spiritual revelation in the wider world (to others)—-> [Newly Sedevacantist friends go on to spread the word, write their own books, get married, have children, etc. 2021-2024]

personal change in the wider world of people (the others go through their own spiritual revelations)—-> [2024 – first Sedevacantist buys property near us, more Sedevacantist babies are born, new sedevacantist budding communities are forming around the world, that are in touch with me/us/our friends]

spiritual growth in the wider world (expansion of the concepts, new members, attendance in churches goes up, etc.)—> [we are currently here]

growth in the wider world [this is the point at which wider communities begin to form and take hold]

What the timeline is like, to achieve strong, permanent, communities that will be able to resist clown world in true and meaningful fashion is hard to predict, but given the course of things, and the fact that while I have been aware of this process from 2014 onwards, I only really started to try to work towards creating something from 2018 at the very earliest in its protozoic form, I expect that within the next ten years there should be a definite sustainable group of sedevacantists where I am. It may happen sooner, depending on various factors, many out of my control whatsoever, but I doubt it will take any longer. And in 20 years I expect several strong such communities will exist around the world; some more successful than others, which will broadly speaking be a function of how close to the rules of Catholicism they actually stick to, with respect to things like non-una cum masses, and being proper Catholics, instead of binary thinkers; which is essentially a Protestant mindset, with merely a veneer of Catholicism over it.

From a personal perspective, frustrated and frustrating as I may find the slowness of the entire process, I also realise that in social, human terms, it is moving at breakneck speed.

My personal revelation was 11 and a half years ago (as of 2024), and it completely overturned pretty much all my lifelong zen-agnostic state of being. My own personal situation and challenges at that time seemed absolutely unsurmountable and beyond any possibility of repair to just “normalcy”, never mind actual achieving of “goodness”. But the only skill I always had that remained valid even spiritually was the inability to give up, or to stop fighting for what I believe is true, and being able to wait like a hunter if that is what is required.

There was no thought at all for even thinking remotely about building anything beyond the mere survival of whatever of my life I could put together just for my own bare minimum peace of mind. And that happened in the blink of an eye, so that by 2018 I was baptised and married in Church. It was only then, and only very much at arm’s length that I thought of the wider world; hence the two books, Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church in 2019 and 2020 respectively.

Then the whole COVID takeover of human brains by the Satanists with the use of global fear, followed by widespread mass-murder by fake vaccines and draconian and dystopic intrusions in all our lives with MORE chemical poisons like chemtrails, the introduction of graphene in all anaesthetic injections now being reported on, the contamination of foods with mRNA murder “vaxx” and so on happened. And at that point I decided to take care of my family first. Hence the farm in Italy in 2021. But it was an investment in time and money that would be further along if the aspects of my personal life that actually led to my initial spiritual revelation had not also miraculously resolved itself in a completely unexpected but oh so welcome way.

Call me selfish if you like, but having my daughter with me for the last three years, whose childhood had essentially been stolen from me, matters to me far more than creating a city state of Catholics. And in any case, it’s not like it stopped those efforts, but the practicalities related to this event have certainly impacted on the wider goals considerably, and I am only now, starting to think about the wider goals, while at the same time also very aware that I first need to establish a self-sufficient hub here, first for my family and myself, so that I then have the possibility to focus on the wider issues. Even so, slowly, the wider community continues to grow, and even begin to form around me, because that is the power of being connected to a spiritual reality that is true and good. If you had told me in 2014 that in a mere 4 years later I would be married, and that 4 years after that I would have three more children and reunite with my first daughter, I would have assumed you were just making up the most fantastic lie to make me feel better. But all of these things happened as if by magic, only as a result of me internally and personally doing my best, imperfect as that is, to follow the spiritual truth I became more aware of and that became more obvious to me the deeper into it and the more I tried to follow and live it.

So, in this rather lengthy and apparently rambling post (but it is not rambling at all in reality, if you pay attention to the macro as well as the micro intent!) the point I am trying to get across to you is primarily one: whatever your belief system is, if you want to create something lasting, it has to be based in something real. And that reality begins in the spiritual underpinnings. All of life does. Even in my brief period as an atheist I understood that.

As to what spiritual underpinnings you choose, I would say be careful. A lot of them are not based in the good. There is only one true God of Love. And like it or not, such a God does have rules for us to live by so as to achieve what is best for us. Just like a truly wise and loving father will tell his children what the rules of life are, for their benefit, yet he will not compel us by force to follow them, because love necessarily entails free will.

So, I hope that given my personal example, which is presented only because it is a real, tangible, proof of the logic that I presented and in any case was aware of even long before I was Catholic or baptised at all, you too begin to see the entire process and how it works.

Furthermore, your life may be less complicated than mine, or you may already have enough wealth, so maybe you can do things faster or more efficiently than I have, but even so, if your spiritual foundations are based in falsehoods, ultimately your community will not form or will collapse or become perverted.

Lastly, you may be disheartened by the time it takes, especially to start from scratch, and even more so if your specific spiritual underpinnings have little history of long term success. I on the other hand have spiritual underpinnings that have been responsible for the literal invention of the scientific method, the use of reason and logic for the investigation of the natural world, and the creation of societies that have been the best in the world bar none, and have done so uninterrupted despite constant attacks for 2000 years. So I feel pretty confident that regardless of my own personal success or failure, I am most definitely on the right track. And even after I drop dead —hopefully in advanced but coherent old age, so I get to meet my grandchildren if not great-grandchildren— others will carry on whatever I managed to start. And that gives my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, a chance to create and live in a world that has been permanently rid of the kind of scum that are trying to murder you and make your children their disposable sex toys.

So, if you don’t have the strength to form your own community, at least, dig as deep into reality and your own heart as you can. Find the deepest spiritual truth you can, and then join and help whatever community that is based on that same spiritual truth that you can find.

As for me, I will never stop or give up, but all and any glory is only God’s.

TMOS Concepts: Part 1 – Religion as Foundation

This is the first in the Theoretical Models of Society series of Posts. Use the category of the same name or the Search Me function on the right-hand sidebar to find all related posts in the series in due course. The precursor to this series as way of introduction is the post immediately before this one.

It is generally helpful to a reader if they are already familiar with some of my other work, in order for this stuff to have the most useful effect on your life. In particular, The Face on Mars and Believe! would be the top reads to have done to have the generic global perspective of reality well in hand. Systema and Reclaiming the Catholic Church would have the most impact on a more personal level. On health/security/self-protection, and on the reality of Catholicism as it was (and remains with Sedevacantists) before Vatican II and why the Novus Ordo Church is not only not Catholic, but Satanic at its core. I will repeat this little paragraph on each new part, as I think it is important to have a general foundation if one is really interested in more than skim-reading before returning to the general slumber we are all being attempted to be forced into.

The Foundation

Before anything of note can be constructed, the thought of it, and the abstract foundations on which it rests need to be clear enough if it is to have any chance of success. Therefore, although this is a little analogous to being able to understand the basics of mathematics before you describe how to build a bridge, it is very important stuff, even if it may appear rather “airy” and removed from the very practical aspect of putting bricks and mortar together to form the columns that will sustain the bridge.

The basic foundation of ANY meaningful social change is, always has been, and always will be, a commonality of purpose.

While this seems obvious, what almost no one realises today is that society in the West has been throughly atomised by use of the double wielding of two edged swords of appealing to greed, materialism, sloth, and pride.

In times of actual war where bombs are dropping on your head, you may well “come together” with people you would normally not associate with, but there are two major problems with that, the first is that such alliances are extremely temporary at best. The second, and more important one is that you do not have a commonality of purpose and ideology in times of peace at all, so the baseline for the initial commonality does not even exist.

There is also a third problem that is that actual war today is no longer anything that resembles any of the WWII films you have seen and read about. Modern warfare is as disjointed, atomised and impersonal as the rest of the atomised West. Drones you will not even see will take you out without you ever having seen an enemy soldier. Artillery and aircraft will do the same and the infantry movements will tend to be squad-sized and therefore also relatively atomised with at best squad-sized groups looking out for themselves; even at the expense of other squads. The days of massive infantry assaults are all essentially charges of the light brigade today and are absolute suicide in any modern conflict.

Because of these issues, the most fundamental thing to have right from the start is a common purpose, which in essence means a common world view. There are many factors that influence this.

The more obvious and less politically correct (but nevertheless factually true) ones are that race and culture play a massive role in this and the constant DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality) being pushed on Europeans and all caucasians generally (Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, etc etc) is unprecedented in human history. The reality is that you are far more likely to have more things in common with a white person that is a heterosexual and has your same nominal religion than with a black (African), brown (Indian, dot, not feather), yellow (Chinese, Korean Japanese) or red (feather not dot) person that is a homosexual. This is not rocket science, and your feelings about it are irrelevant, it’s simply a generically true fact, and the exceptions to the rule do not change the overall situation.

But even this is not the main issue. For example, even within each of the above-mentioned race-based groups there will be cultural differences that make a difference. A Spaniard, Portuguese or Italian is more likely to get along with a Greek than a German, Austrian or Norwegian, and vice versa.

If you reduce this even further, you get back to almost individual granularity, which is atomised, so again ineffective. And all this is natural. If you are Venetian like me, you don’t even really like other Venetians, or humans in general. Sicilians are also a little similar in that regard. And you thought we were both “Italians”; ha!

So, in order to be effective as a group, since the familial tribe-lines have been broken long ago, by the general same principles that the nuclear family has been destroyed, so have the links to ancestors, the pride in your family name, the knowledge of your ancestral history, and so on. Of course, even just in trying to recapture some of this context and keep your family together, you are likely to consume so much time and energy you have none left for anything else. On top of which, each of these points raised above is a rabbit hole you can spent a lifetime in; without getting out of it again in any meaningful or useful fashion.

So, then, what is the answer? The answer is a common ideology, but even there you have a problem, because ideologies in general are always in error to a degree or other and therefore eventually fail over time.

The only form of “ideology” that has in fact stood the test of time is religion. Now, you may be a convinced atheist, or more likely, a general agnostic, or possibly a generic churchian, but the reality is that only religion has banded people from different walks of life together in a very coherent fashion. When I say that, of course, I do not mean that every religion is equivalent, they are not. Absolutely not.

You have to consider them in turn, and in broad strokes they boil down to the few main world religions, in no particular order then:

Buddhism (I include Taoism and Zen Buddhism/philosphy in this)





Eastern Orthodoxy

Novus Ordo (fake) Catholicism (really a subset of Satanism/Freemasonry)

Catholicism (today only found in sedevacantists that recognise there has been no valid Pope since 1958, and all Novus Ordo clergy are invalid and likely Satanists or at best criminally ignorant)

Satanism (it goes by many names: Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Carbonari, etc etc)

Each has issues and very briefly, and necessarily in extremely summarised format then:

Hinduism: Caste system, hasn’t exactly produced the peaks of human ability or culture, as cow and human dung-filled streets, extreme poverty and disease can readily confirm.

Buddhism: For all that it is generally mostly harmless and rather neat and practical, it has not stood up well to the ravages of more predatory ideologies, the last one that did so was Feudal Japan, and they were defeated.

Islam and Judaism: While they can both be said to have a achieved a certain level of “success” (Islam in the overtaking of the native populations of other cultures by reproduction and having secured some oil fields of global importance, and Judaism by having cornered the global financial machine, and global entertainment and news media) both religions are essentially parasitic, paedophilic and Satanic in their activities. Islam is incapable of maintaining, never mind creating 20th Century infrastructure and technology, never mind 21st Century. They literally buy other people to do it for them, or enslave them, as they did when they took over previously Catholic lands and then the moronic “historians” of today tell us that a lot of the modern stuff like algebra “came from the Arab world”. No. It did not. It came from the Catholics they enslaved in the regions they put to the fire and the sword, as their religion demands of all Infidel lands. While Judaism is essentially in a parasitic and destructive relationship with the gentiles that they see as beasts of burden only fit to be their slave at best. Both religions also permit the rape of children.

Protestantism: Has been incoherent and atomising as well as secularising of actual Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) from the start. With each man essentially being his own “denomination” since each man can interpret at will the scriptures (which have been altered by the very founder of the start of this ridiculous melange of Churchianity, by old maid-raping Martin himself) there is no real community other than the same level of superficial “cohesion” you may have at a social club, which is all that Protestant “Churches” are.

Eastern Orthodoxy: is basically a far more insular and slower version of Protestantism, and as such is far more coherent than any of the above mentioned religions. It tends to be a far more practical than theoretical religion, is close to the original Christianity even if it does not bear the same fruits, did not proselytise much at all, tends to be nationalistically specific to each country, and backstabbed the Catholics that came to rescue them in 1095 for about 200 continuous years, meaning they are certainly not the one true church, but compared to the others above they are certainly far better.

Novus Ordo “Catholicism”: Or Novus Orco, as I call them (the new orcs) are simply the impostors that infiltrated the Catholic Church for the last 250 years (documented) that destroyed the lay arm of the Church in Europe (the Royal Houses and Nobility), formed the first Freemasonic country (the USA) and eventually took over the Papacy in 1958 starting with the demonstrated Freemason Angelo Roncalli. All their clergy are not Catholic by dogmatic Canon Law of the Catholic Church and specifically Canon 188.4 of the inviolable and infallible magisterium of the Church that compiled the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which vetted tens of thousands of documents in order to compile all the actual rules of Catholicism in one volume. This means ALL the Novus Ordo clerics are not Catholic and cannot perform valid sacraments and while the laity that are fooled by them are in error, they do not have fault while they remain ignorant of the usurpation that took place during Vatican II, other than the one of sloth, for not educating themselves about their own supposed religion. In short, the leaders of this fake and impostor Church are really Satanists (and you can tell by their fruits, homosexual orgies in the Vatican, rampant pedophilia, massive bank and financial frauds, etc etc) leading an extremely large number of fooled ignorants to perdition.

Satanism: They are the eternal enemy of Catholics first and foremost, and humanity at large, and go by many, many, many names and permutations, as the saying goes, their name is legion. Mainly Freemasonry in today’s world.

Actual Catholicism (1958 Sedevacantists): While this group is in effect the only one that has held on to the actual Catholic religion in its eternal format, and is reflective of how reality actually works better than any other religion or ideology ever found on Earth, and the fruits of Catholicism prove it, since it formed the most human-supportive and kind, just and true societies known in the entire history of mankind, discovering the true scientific method, creating works of unparalleled beauty in art, architecture, and philosophy, the down side is that their numbers are relatively small (probably no more than a million world-wide) and their religion has been overshadowed by the usurpers who are pretending to be the “real Catholics”. The details of these facts require some reading and time to understand, especially if you have no context of Catholicism to begin with. On the positive side their numbers grow daily and their churches are filled to capacity and more and further, it is young people making children that form the majority of it. Lastly, Catholicism has been in such dire straits before, but has inevitably risen again from its embers (see the Arian Heresy, the Persecution by the early Roman Empire, and so on).

Now, you may say the Amish are pretty coherent, and I would agree. However, the Amish are (like most Buddhists) committed pacifists, which means that when the SHTF, they will not be anything to be reckoned with. they will literally be wiped out.

Catholics, on the other hand have a long history of suffering great injustices patiently, but then fighting back with a ferocity that has been unmatched in success in battle by any other people expect possibly the pagan Spartans, whose empire in any case did not last but a small fraction of the time that the Catholic Church has been around, which is now more than two thousand years old if you count from the year 0.

Now, you may also just decide you will create your “cohesion” by having weekly meetings of the Beer Drinkers Association of Appalachian Rednecks, or whatever, and if so, good luck to you, but what I can tell you from experience is that I have NEVER encountered cohesion and loyalty as I have among Sedevacantist (Catholics). These are people that across time, space and any level of financial and personal hardship, simply help each other and soldier on, while they make a bunch of children unrelentingly.

And I used to work as an armed personal protection guy in a team of people in South Africa, and made life-long friends in various Martial arts clubs around the world. But literally none of those other friendships, that at times involved situations of life and death, even come close to the cohesion I have with people from completely different walks of life that however share their Catholicism with me. In fact, it is true to say that within Sedevacantists, the cultural and racial origins, DO take second place, which everyone would like to pretend happens in many aspects of life, but in reality, is actually extremely rare and confined to individual levels. In Catholicism (Sedevacantism) it is widespread. And more importantly, it is almost impossible to fake being a Sedevacantist. Which makes it difficult to be infiltrated by agents of the Enemy (in their many guises).

This whole long post then, is simply to point out two things:

  1. You absolutely NEED the coherent and cohesive religion if you are going to have any measure of success in time in the founding a more perfect society (the details of which will be forthcoming in subsequent posts on this topic).
  2. The best one I found, that models reality accurately, is not prone to schism and includes people that will absolutely stand with you in a foxhole, is proper Catholicism, which is today only found in the 1958 Sedevacantists, the one group that Bergoglio and his minions try to stomp out more than any other religion on Earth. incredible as it is.

So that is the foundation of any improvement you may wish to make in any society. You need to begin with the spiritual. And Catholicism is the only religion that is both absolute in its divine edicts, yet extremely subtle and nuanced in its human laws and the charity and understanding provided for the ever-erroneous human position.

You may disagree, in fact, most people will, without even bothering to educate themselves at all on the topic, because after all, as we are told, “the road to hell is wide and well-travelled”, nevertheless, don’t forget that Catholicism began with eleven scared men and four women and went on to become the largest religion in the world. Like it or not, even if today it is a tiny fraction of the size it was at its peak, it’s stood (and is still standing) the test of time, and its fruits are evident throughout the world.

Any objective betting man or neutral alien that had been observing our planet from afar would very likely bet on Sedevacantism. You will, of course, do as you wish, but them’s the facts.

Meta Barnhardt

So Ann Barnhardt writes about the cognitive dissonance of people so brainwashed they still think Bergoglio is the Pope even after he does the textbook apostasy of saying other religions lead to God, all while she herself ignores her own cognitive dissonance on the very same topic, which is espoused in the heretical documents of Vatican II which essentially say the same thing.

She is basically saying:

“Look at these fools pretending Bergoglio is the Pope when he is clearly doing a Satanic dance all over the altar!” All while she pretends Ratzi the Nazi was not doing the exact same Satanic dance all over the same altar.

It truly is a remarkable study in the ability of human beings’ astonishing ability to convince themselves of the most obvious and absurd nonsense in order to simply protect their own ego.

Barnhardt would have to admit she was just simply flat out wrong about actual Catholics (1958 Sedevacantists), and her position as a result being in deep error too. And I think her ego (pride) will simply not allow that. Despite her intelligence, and —I am sure— deep devotion, Ann may appear to be a very stubborn woman, and that in itself is fine, stubborn people can be wrong or not, but in her case, stubbornness is not the issue.

Pride is.

I have always given her the benefit of the doubt for years, putting it down to an over-zeal of loyalty to people who don’t deserve it because of the mistaken idea that they somehow serve or are connected to our Lord. I said as much in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church back in 2020 and I think before that on this blog.

But in reading her posts, it has gradually become clear that her issue is pride. Personal pride at that. Oh I am sure Ann is perfectly contrite to her imagination of what and who our Lord is. I am sure of that. But… when it comes to admitting her error to anyone else on Earth, and I mean a real error, an error that matters to her, I think she is almost wholly incapable of doing so, out of sheer pride. She is a woman alone and been so all her life, pretty much against the world, and I think having to face the reality of having been wrong about the nature of the only, and absolutely most important, relationship she has ever had, would probably be utterly devastating to her.

It would be the equivalent of a spiritual divorce on a person of deep faith. So, her ego prevents her from seeing it, even if the truth is that God would in no way abandon her, He never does. We abandon Him, not the other way round. But her shame, hurt pride, and having to admit a crevasse-like flaw in her thinking to the entire world, including all the uncharitable people who have attacked her over the years, is too much for her to deal with. I can’t say I condone it, but I do understand it, and in all honesty, feel sorry for her. I do hope she can find the strength to see the truth and proclaim it widely though. I have just prayed for her, and I hope God sees fit to give her the Grace she so clearly needs. Godspeed Ann.

UPDATE: As it apparently was not clear to someone new here, the ONLY Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantist. You can find out more by typing “Ann Barnhardt” in the Search Me function on the right hand sidebar.

The Bitterness of the Hags

Today, on SG, a brief and rather comical event reminded me that it is important for men, especially married ones with children, should be aware of the bitter, wall-smashed hags that will orbit their happy family with the evil intent to destroy it, merely to satisfy their Satanic ego.

The “argument” started because one such fat, very much post-wall hag, took exception to my simple statement that the reason we are in the current situation Church wise, is essentially because we stopped running heretics through with swords, as St. Luis suggested we should.

The point was made as a rhetorical corrective to a gentleman that had admitted giving people who do not deserve it (because they are deceivers and liars) the benefit of some charity. In this specific case, he was referring to the known liar and demonstrable deceiver, Jay Dyer, on which you can simply avail yourself of this 3 hour long proof (which I tried to make entertaining too) if you care enough to do so.

Being retarded, stupid, and thinking she now “had me on the ropes” She promptly rushed to make the accusation I was calling for the murder of protestants. It’s about the level of intellect you expect to deal with when it comes to these creatures. She of course did no such thing and her lies and idiocy was promptly and correctly nuked by one of the mods, which is as it should be on that platform.

There is now the minor issue of explaining for any wandering retards why my comment is not the advocacy for murder of non-Catholics, which I will address now, because as always, I am a kind and charitable person that hopes some of these absolute morons will be struck by lightning and grow 50 IQ points to put them in “normal range”, but please keep in mind this is not the point of this post. It’s a distraction from it.

The Catholic Church, as part of its unchanged dogma throughout its existence has ALWAYS made it clear that you are not to convert anyone by force, nor is it acceptable to try and kill people that disagree with Catholicism. HOWEVER, and there is a however, an important one. A Buddhist or a Muslim, or an Agnostic or even an Atheist going about minding their business is one thing, but a HERETIC, is quite another. A Heretic, by definition, is someone that professes, promotes and promulgate falsehoods about Catholicism. To make it personal, because morons only think on the solipsistic level, it’s one think if someone goes around thinking you are an assholes and has all sorts of wrong ideas about you. It’s another if they start accusing you falsely of being a wife-beater or a cheating slut that lies to her husband about her affairs and so on. In the first instance, you can absolutely ignore the person, and even be unaware of their ideas and existence. In the second, they are now a lying scumbag that needs to be punished for their lies.

Now, let’s take another example. Closer to the point. I absolutely do NOT like Islam or Judaism as religions, they are demonstrably pedophelic in nature along with many other issues I have with them, but I do not lie about their belief systems or activities. I simply document them and explain why I do not like them.

Heretics on the other hand, demonstrably lie and make false accusations about Catholicism. This is not difficult to see, verify or understand, In fact anyone honest can do so. Including convinced Protestants like Rodney Stark who wrote a whole book on some of the major lies that Protestants have been telling about Catholicism, in his excellent book, Bearing False Witness.

In what was Catholic Christendom, blasphemy laws were in effect for a long time, and it has been only to the detriment of civilisation that the Freemasonic infiltrations have removed most such laws from most countries (Italy still has some). The point being that there absolutely should be a severe punishment for defamation and calumny against a religion. Especially when ALL the rules of such a religion, ALL the dogmas of it, are set down in writing, in plain, simple, logical ways to understand according to Roman Law. Catholicism fulfils all of these criteria.

Protestantism does not, because the entirety of their only rule is basically “Interpreth as thou will”, which is absolutely a Satanic standard. Different denomination among their 40,000 ones (to be generous, because in reality since each one of them can and does interpet as they want it’s more like 900 million denominations, one per person) will tell you they so do have a standard, and promptly disagree with each other within minutes of you asking them to define it clearly, even among their own supposed congregation.

Again, making an analogy, I do not subscribe to Islam, I think it is a Satanic inspired religion and the best of the Muslims are simply seriously deceived people, like the Novus Ordo “Catholics”, but all that said, if I ever get hit by lightning and decide to visit Saudi Arabia, I will educate myself on their rules and laws and will follow them for my duration of the visit. And if I break any of them, I fully expect to be punished according to their laws, including having my head cut off if it reaches that point. This is really not difficult to understand.

If the relevant punishments for blasphemy in the Catholic Christendom had been fully retained in their most severe form, I am absolutely certain that the Novus Ordo Satanic Cult would not have been able to cause as much damage to Catholicism as it has. Again, this is not hard to understand, and really should not require the above 7 paragraphs to grasp, but retards gonna retard, and as I said, I am charitable. But all the above is beside the point.

In this specific case, while I chuckled at the seething chubby, I wondered, how does one of these creatures devolve to this level? As a natural scientist, I am curious about all sorts of weird and disgusting animals and life cycles, and while I readily admit that the study of strange insects is far more interesting and entertaining, the pondering of how the post-wall hags of fatness come to be, is probably more relevant to general human happiness.

If we can reduce their number or get rid of them entirely, the world can only become better. And for the retards, no, it is not a suggestion we gas them en masse, no matter how hypothetically entertaining the idea might be, but rather, the hope is that if we can discover the main mechanism by which these disgusting and unpleasant noxious beasts form, we may be able to prevent them from forming from na early age. Of course, the existing ones are beyond help, short of truly divine intervention on a grand scale, so this is not in the hope of “healing” these parasitic, oxygen thieves and noxious creatures, but merely to study and understand their undead “life cycle”.

Of course, brutal feminism must be at the core, as readers here will know, feminism is a terrible and pestilential thing introduced for the very purpose of destroying the nuclear family, and its evils are broad and deep and devastating, so we know that much.

Secondly, these creatures are generally unpleasant to look at as well, which inevitably results in their being mostly shunned by all but the most desperate of men, and as any man that has lived on Earth for a sufficient time while rooted in reality, the absence of both sex in general, as well as real affection renders women practically toxic and insane. It does it to men too, but in a less socially destructive way, aside the occasional mass shooting. the damage the post-wall toxic fattie does to society is subtler but far more extensive and pervasive and constant.

Like vampires, they perpetuate the lies of feminism at every opportunity, modulating it from soft whispers to strident squealing depending on their target. But this is just their permanent radiation. they also infiltrate families, usually by the pretence of being a “kind and loving” aunt, family friend, grandma, mother-in-law, and so on, whose only aim is to “help” and “improve” the targeted family unit. They inevitably do this by essentially becoming the homunculus on the shoulder of the wife and mother of the household and then proceed to metaphorically shit in their ear and brain in a Chinese water torture fashion. Gossiping, maligning, subtly at first and more directly later, the husband, the wife’s life and situation (which is inevitably never her choice but the oppressive enforcement of it by her evil husband, and so on and on, and on). She will malign and “correct” things to your wife and children without hesitation.

Women being social creatures, if your wife is not an uncommonly strong-minded and logical person, it is quite common that this noxious and sulphuric stench, seeps gradually into their brains until they come out with one or more of the various feminist narratives as being wholly true or even remotely applicable to them. Suddenly, from being a happy wife and mother they will gradually go to becoming a weakened, self-doubting, unhappy, “oppressed” woman at the “mercy” of an “overbearing”, “possessive”, “narcissistic” and “controlling”, “gaslighting”, evil husband. While the entire truth of the matter is that life is hard and shit happens, and you should just get down to it and get on with it while supporting each other as husband and wife against all the lies, slings and arrows the entire world sends your way pretty much constantly. And within your fortress of a marriage, make it as happy and content and loving as you can, while you keep making the moat around it deeper and shark-infested, and firing your cannons of truth at all the attempting invaders.

But what drives these human wreckage to do this? Invariably, without a single exception, it is because their own lives are so absolutely miserable. And in the truest foundational aspect of feminism, they will do everything they can, to reduce every woman, and especially married ones with children, to their own miserable, single or post-wall and post-divorce, misery.

And for that there is no excuse. Such creatures invariably also decry their own past victim status, whether it is real or imagined, as if it were some kind of excuse for their own toxic behaviour, but it never is.

I have known personally both men and women that were raped as children and did not become bitter, destructive human beings. Quite the contrary in fact. And I have known personally people that suffered horrible things. One of the kindest women I got to spend a little time with revealed she had been not only abused in childhood, but also gang-raped, stabbed and left for dead. She still had the stab scars on her body. Terrible things happen to all of us on some level and certainly some are far worse than others, but they are never an excuse for your own shitty behaviour. We do have free will (despite what protestant Calvinists necessarily believe if they could o any logic whatsoever and understood the consequences of their much loved “predestination”), so ultimately, how we behave, is on us.

Whatever their reasons, such creatures will never accept the factual reality that Catholic patriarchal society has created the best possible situation for human beings than any other religion or culture ever has on planet Earth. While you can criticise individuals and even (valid) Popes throughout the history of Catholicism, you simply cannot avoid the fact that following its infallible laws and dogma, created and creates, the best possible situation human beings have ever experienced. It’s not even close to ANY other religion or ideology. There simply is no comparison. Not in duration in terms of time, nor in terms of artistic, architectural, but most important of all, sociological achievements that are truly positive, and not just “progressive” which is now essentially code for Satanic.

And in case you doubt it, please understand the original “debate” on SG was prompted by a meme that Vox, who is NOT a Catholic, shared on his blog that nevertheless makes the point succinctly and utterly unavoidably. I reproduce it here below for your own contemplation in light of the above.

Pretty much what is wrong

With the world today.

It may sound unrelated, but this kind of machinations, mentality and way of living is why you are almost guaranteed that in our lifetimes, we will no longer see the building of a medieval style cathedral the likes of which were normal even in little villages.

If you can understand what it takes to want to build a proper Catholic Cathedral, the likes of which exist throughout Italy, for a total of some 100,000 of them, funded by the people who live in each little village especially, with all the relevant attention to detail, you might begin to understand why Catholicism is the only Christianity.

One Mass, in one language, regardless of country, one set of unchanging beliefs that govern one’s life and make the core of society the nuclear family. Communities where crime was essentially low to non existent and productivity and society was fundamentally geared to making life decent instead of its purpose being solely profit or the benefit of giant, faceless corporations.

Take some time and think on it.

The Innate Arrogance

…of Protestants in general and Calvinists in particular, is exemplified by this “argument” I had several years ago via FB messenger. The screencaps below have been so his name and icon do not appear. My words are in blue and his in gray.

Please notice that the absolute arrogance of his position is literally so baked in that he feels justified in using his own subjective feelings to justify it as not being present. It really is quite the study on just how irrational, blinkered, and intellectually calcified Protestant “thinking” is.

And please realise this guy is what I would consider one of the “smart” ones. And he clearly has some level of ability and intelligence in other areas. Unsurprisingly, he was single, and I believe he still is and probably always will be, because that level of rigidity of mind when clearly in an untenable position of logical error, is not anything the female subconscious finds attractive either.

And this is a side note that is not relevant to the entire “once saved, always saved” retarded position that he is arguing for here, but it needs pointing out that a man’s unmovable position of certain true and relevant things, is a very different thing from a man’s rigidity of position based on fear, lack of intellectual ability, and ignorance. One is actually appealing to women, at least unconsciously, even when they may disagree with the man in question. The other is repulsive, instinctually, even if they might otherwise be initially fooled into mistaking this for the other version, once the discovery of the difference is made, there is usually no recovering from the instinctive repulsion almost all women feel towards such a position. Especially when you can’t even justify it at a baseline logical level (women do not “logic” very well when it’s applied to them, but you bet they are very able of applying it to others, especially if to justify their feelings of instinctive repulsion!)

At any rate, enjoy. The conversation opens with my statement that knowing anyone’s status of salvation is essentially impossible for humans, since, unlike God, we don’t know anyone’s inner heart.

Let me know what your thoughts on this are.

Update: A reader has already let me know his take by text, which I found both amusing as well as insightful.

You have to have some level of intelligence to exercise this kind of stupidity. [It’s] Midwit word magic dressed as logic to protect emotions.

My response was that personally I find this sort of thing rather frustrating, because in reality I am an eternal optimist.

I keep thinking (erroneously) “but surely… if I can just show him in baby steps that 2+2=4…”

And invariably the response even before I finish the thought is, roughly: “NOOO! Purple!! ice cream! ICE CREAM!” Just as they start flinging their own excrement at the walls.

Kurgan Mail

An honest man wrote to let me know how Protestantism works. I have added a link to the stream in question, and redacted his name and a few lines to make identifying him impossible, since his family is still deep into Protestantism, with several of his relatives being “pastors”.

I’m emailing you to thank you for your work, in my struggle to wake.
In exchange, I’d like to add to David The Good’s answer to your question on your old stream, regarding about what Protestants think was going on for the first 1500 years of the Church. I’m speaking from personal experience, [redacted] I dare not attach my name publicly for fear of insulting otherwise fine and rational people:

First, you need to understand that as per the infinite love of God and the infinite wisdom of John Calvin (PBUH), not only is predestination real, but everyone is predestinated for salvation. Don’t think about the metaphysical implications of this too deeply.

Second, the germ of the real Church laid dormant for 1500 years, so that for the next 400 years we could rediscover all of the wisdom that was suppressed, and then in the 75 years that followed we could discard all of that wisdom and return to paganism. Again, don’t think about the implications of this.

Third, do not challenge base assumptions, no matter how tempting it is. Even if you went from something as innocent as evangelizing to slaves in one century, to jumping to the front of the line to bless sodomy in the next. Respectability is paramount, don’t be labelled a crazy. We’re all being saved anyway, so I’m sure God will understand.

It is quite revealing how deep the cognitive dissonance goes, and how blatant and obvious it is when spelt out in very simple and honest terms.

God bless this man, and I hope he finds his way to the real Church soon if he has not done so already. Ultimately the truth will set you free indeed. You just have to want to actually know the truth first.

Once more on Adam

An interesting post by Adam again was this one, for which he apparently received some pushback.

Having read it, I would say he only made the window-dressing error of the title he chose, and this singular phrase:

You treat your daughters as property that must be protected 

It is the natural poisoning of the mind that occurs in the predominantly Protestant zeitgeist of English-speaking countries, to reduce things to a simplified (and usually binary) mode of thinking. And such thinking is almost always a mistake. Few things in life are so black and white and when you apply an oversimplification to a complex situation, you are invariably in error to some degree or other.

Sometimes needs must: If I have only 2 weeks to train a battalion for war, some trainees will likely die in training, but the others will have a better chance to live through the war. But in matters of social engineering, it is worth taking careful observation of reality rather than play fast and loose with broad definitions that are going to fall short of the mark.

Adam’s piece is otherwise completely right, but those two unfortunate uses of the word “property” when applied to women in general, are an error.

In fairness to Adam, I think he quickly realised this and he wrote a follow-up that expanded on his thoughts.

I it he tries to better explain what he means by stating that “women are property” or should be treated as property, but the sneaky thread of sulphurous protestantism remains even in his expanded explanation. And this is important to note, because this is precisely how evil works. It infiltrates as tendril of mildly erroneous wordings or concepts and inevitably expands into a cancer on life in general.

Even in his expanded explanation, whether because of persistence in his error or perhaps some hint of pride in not wanting to admit it, Adam continues in his insistence of stating women as property. This is absolutely not a Catholic belief, but rather a purely Protestant one, and, tellingly, a Pagan one too.

Before I go on to correct the error and hence better represent Catholicism as it is, instead of how Protestants insist on trying to present it as (falsely, obviously) let me be clear that I am not taking shots at Adam. He is a friend, and a good man, (yes, even though he is Australian, proving we Catholics truly understand forgiveness!) and the point here is not to bash his good intent, or even his error, rather, I would say, the intent on my part is of iron sharpening iron. Adam is a good exponent of Catholicism in general and the more accurate he can become, the better the influence he will have on others who may be ignorant, fooled by the lies or confused in general.

Now back to the topic at hand.

In Catholic thought, women are not, and never have been, “property”, other than in (somewhat) one specific, and by the way equal, way: in marriage, they do not have authority over their body, their husbands do, and equally, the husband has no authority over his body, the wife does (1 Corinthians 7:4). And it is very much the case that this passage in the Bible refers pretty much only to the sexual congress that occurs between husband and wife. In other words, marriage constitutes a perpetual sexual access to your body by your spouse. Even then, this is not a mechanistic “sex doll” clause, as the immediately following passage in the same section makes clear (1 Corinthians 7:5).

Even then, the wife (or husband’s) body is not treated as “property” but rather as the spouse having authority over it. That is rights. Not ownership as such, but authority to use it sexually; a subtle but important difference.

In fact, Catholicism was precisely the very religion that freed women (and children) from being thought of as actual property.

Now, all that said, let me also be clear that Catholicism is also not the other side of the Protestant coin: the pedastilisation of women, where they can do no wrong, are spiritual saint purely by virtue of being female etcetera, etcetera. No. As always, Catholicism simply describes reality as it is, and recognises that women are the more fragile sex when it comes to dealing with the world. As such, they are to be protected from it and from their own, mostly unwise responses to it. Just as it is a parent’s duty to protect a child from his own unwise responses to a fallen and dangerous world.

The complainers that this “negates the agency of women” are retards bleating in the wind of their own ineptitude. The simple reality is that yes, generally speaking, children have less agency than adult women, and adult women generally have less agency than adult men. This is simply reality. Just like the sky is mostly blue in daytime, or black at night-time. Neither state is rigidly absolute, but only a complete moron would argue against these facts as being the obvious reflection of reality that it is.

So, while it is absolutely correct that as a father of four daughters it is my duty to educate, protect and love them, it is not true that I ever have, or ever will, treat them as property. And ultimately, while it absolutely is my duty to instruct and teach them and do my absolute best to see they are prepared to deal with the hellscape of the world we find ourselves in, at some point, I will be dead, and they will need to rely on themselves to navigate the world well if they have not yet found a worthy husband.

While I am alive, I will certainly help them evaluate any prospective suitors, but while that is a fundamental part of being a father and parent, ultimately, as is also clear in Catholic dogma, marriage has to be a freely chosen sacrament by all parties involved. In short, a better analogy is that while you can teach someone to drive, you can never be actually controlling their every move by some remote system of control. They may crash. They may die or run someone over. All I can do is teach them all I know as best I can. After that, it’s up to them, the choices they make, hopefully the good husbands they pick, and finally, the Grace of God.

In Catholic belief, all things are ultimately subject to God’s Will. Which is not to say we sit on our arses like Hindus or Muslims because in any case, the wheel of reincarnation will evolve us or Allah will do whatever he wants anyway so why bother. No. Catholic belief is that you absolutely must get off your arse and work tirelessly and to the bone to be the best you can be, and even then that is only to TRY to secure a place in Purgatory, which is by no means guaranteed, so that you might, eventually get to Heaven, instead of Hell, where the path to it is “wide and well-travelled”.

In short, if and when you do work your arse right off, then, God, invariably does bestow His Grace upon you.

One of the filthiest of the many lies Protestants created about their fake Churchianity, is that no one is “saved by works”. A twisted half-truth designed to leads untold millions to Hell.

While it is true that a lot of busywork without any faith achieves not Heaven, it is equally true that a faith that does nothing practical is also just as fake, sterile, and useless. Teaching people that all you need to do to be saved is “accept to at Jesus Christ is King” is literally telling people to have the same “Christian” standards that Demons have.

Demons too know very well that Christ is King.

And that is really the only “prescribed” rule of Protestantism, not can it be any other way once you teach people that they are all entitled to interpret the Bible (and everything else) as they choose. Which is literally a Satanic law (the only Law is that there is no Law, so you can do whatever you want is entirely Satanic, and Protestantism can be absolutely defined as “interpreth as thou will”, just another version of the Satanic law “do as thou will”).

The squeals of Protestants to the contrary —sounding so much like the noises made by demon-infested pigs as they run towards the sea— the reality is that no two Protestants can even agree on what the definition of a Christian can or should be. Which is why they have reduced it to meaningless nonsense like “accepting Jesus in your heart”, “being a Jesus follower”, “knowing and accepting Christ is King” or “having a personal relationship with Jesus”.

All complete generalities with less consistency than a thin fart in a high tornado. Ask them to define with precision what the rules for being a Christian are, and they become babbling gibbering mouthers, more prone to speaking in tongues than make a coherent argument, much less a united one.

The situation is, of course, entirely different if you ask any two Catholics how to define what a Christian is, they will tell you the Credo for a start; and all that is implied in it can be found in the Code of Canon Law of 1917, plus the Papal encyclicals and documents referred to therein, as well as those produced between 1917 and up to 9th October 1958, when the last valid Pope died. That is it and can often be quickly received in summary format by the guidance of a good priest or Bishop, of which there are only a few left, but they do exist, and will continue to do so, as they have through all the dark times the Church has navigated through.

Returning to the errors of Protestant infused thinking with regard to women, their level of agency, and the duty of men to protect them from the world and their own emotionally driven unwise choices, once again, the Catholic perspective is based in reality and as such infinitely superior to all other attempts at “controlling” or even merely understanding women.

Women are less capable in the practical navigation of the fallen world we inhabit, and as such need to be protected, cherished and helped through it by men who correctly see the world as it is, and inevitably, the best of such men can only be properly Catholic (i.e. Sedevacantist) because Catholicism is the best method we have ever had of seeing reality as it is, with logic, reason, and Divine Grace all working in perfect unity.

Vigano demonstrated to be just another fake Catholic

As I have been saying officially since 2020 and the publication of my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Vigano is not, and never has been, anything other than at best a knowing heretic, and more likely, simply just another Satanic gatekeeper in place to merely “net” (catch) those that might otherwise stray into the truth of Sedevacantism.

As I have repeatedly explained the point is that Vigano, having a PhD in Canon Law of 1917, cannot in ANY way be excused for “not knowing” about the heresies of Vatican II. Which logically means he is a KNOWING perpetrator of the Satanic and impostor cult of the Novus Ordo. Which means he never was a Catholic to begin with. But even if you want to be brain-damaged and pretend he ever was, his “Catholicism” was immediately and permanently forfeited the moment he accepted heresy instead of truth and his continued promulgation of Vatican II for more than 50 years makes him in any case, a public, pertinacious and public heretic, as per Canon 188 part 4.

This was NEVER in any doubt, and despite all the rah-rah about Vigano being a true traditionalist, the reality always was the one I pointed out by the very simple expedient method of merely following Catholic dogma as pointed out in Canon Law. Vigano is a heretic. Always was, and continues to be.

I therefore have not been paying any attention whatsoever to whatever he has been up to, but Adam Piggott, ever the optimist when it comes to these Satanists, has, and having recently caught up with his blog, lo and behold, here is the ultimate proof of my point:

Vigano being interviewed by that other fake Catholic grifter-dwarf, Tay-Tay Marshall.

I suppose Emo Jones will be the next to “interview” him. They may skip Michelle Voris however since he has once more revealed himself to be what he always was, a Satanic, flaming homosexual pretending to be a Catholic under the banner of his fake and un-Catholic “ministry” of Church Militant.

I have laid out the whole grifting structure of these impostors before, as well as how easy it is to know who is or is not an actual Catholic.

It really is NOT difficult to know who is a fake, impostor, Satanist, pretending to be Catholic, who is a potentially well-meaning but lazy and ignorant layman that has been fooled into error, who is PRETENDING to be one, in order to lead more souls into confusion and Hell, and who is actually a Catholic.

And once you have understood the details, it really is impossible to be fooled any longer.

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