Archive for the ‘Sedevacantism’ Category

The Importance of Intellectual Rigour in Human Affairs

It has not gone unnoticed that I tend to be “unmerciful” in my descriptions of the liars, deceivers, and general gatekeepers we find ourselves surrounded by. Those who read my comments, after all, named me The Kurgan, precisely because of my happy-go-lucky attitude, mixed with a talent for taking heads, just like the maligned (real) hero of Highlander.

Those who pay attention however have noted a subtle but important difference between my criticisms and those of your average thunder and fire and brimstone “preacher” or critic.

That difference, difficult though it might be to see for those unfamiliar with truth, logic, reason and correct charity, is due to my subscribing, and submitting, to Catholicism. That is, in short, submitting not just to God, but to the rules of the Catholic Church. And, of course, as always, when I say The Catholic Church, I mean exactly that, not the current usurping impostors sitting in the Vatican or anything related to Vatican II and their false Popes, false clergy, false mass, false ordinations, false faith and literally satanic practices. As always, remember that Sedevacantism is the ONLY Catholicism left and Sedevacantists the ONLY Catholics left. It doesn’t matter if you like it, if you believe it, if you understand it or not. Just like the sun rising in the East, it is a fact of reality and one that can be verified fairly easily by anyone honest enough to investigate it, whether briefly as I did in BELIEVE! or thoroughly as I did in Reclaiming The Catholic Church. So, for the remainder of this post, this “aside” —which I have to keep hammering on because of the level of deception fostered on the average person— is simply deemed axiomatically accepted.

Rigidity of mind without divine grace becomes Calvinism. And Calvinism is not just retarded, illogical and demonstrably false, but it results in the kind of twisted puritanical nonsense that runs totally counter to human natures not just in the negative aspect of those natures, but in the positive aspects too. The kind of mental rigidity that supposedly “follows Jesus”, in typical Protestant fashion, is binary, black and white in nature not just in baseline principles, but in every aspect of its limited imagination, meaning that beauty, charity, compassion and so on, simply become casualties of the (limited) intellectual strife that such attitudes foster internally on people.

There are always two classes of theological concepts one can look at: The high-minded, detailed, intended aspects of a religion or faith, and the actual general effects it has on a population.

Now examine the high-minded versions of Calvinism… well… ok, what passes for high-minded in those mental cripples. Ultimately, it reduces to a sort of Islam. God already knows everything and already determined everything, so you are either one of the elect or not. You have to do everything exactly right as one of the elect, otherwise you are not one of them, but you can’t really know which one you are because only God knows for sure.

It is literally a lose-lose, retarded way to go through life. The “opposite” of Calvinism, the “Jesus is my boyfriend” TV-Evangelist style of “faith” is just as retarded, if in the opposite direction “Well, I follow Jesus, so I am saved”. The Once Saved Always Saved (TM) Franchise is just as moronic, in fact, perhaps more so than puritanical Calvinism. While Calvinism is the metal equivalent of living in a constant mental prison of guilt, shame, inflexibility and (essentially) existential terror, the libertine version of “christianity” fostered on people by the once saved always saved crowd is essentially total debauchery with a religious stamp of approval. And between these two extremes you get all sorts of colourful (as in rainbow striped) nonsense.

Catholicism has a difference from all of these intellectually unsatisfying (because ultimately false and falsifiable) positions. What you will notice in Protestantism, from Calvinism all the way to Jesus is my boyfriend, is that for all its supposedly vaunted “individualism” —after all, it’s all: interpreth as thou will— the aim is always to homogenise the masses. The individual, despite the lip-service paid to him or her, is really never actually considered. Nor can be. Since, by its very core, Protestantism is “unique” to every single person reading it, the illogical nonsense of Sola Scriptura being the mind-warping stick by which they live.

This “Sola Scriptura” nonsensical position is actually a very clever total inversion of individualism. Since every Protestant is theoretically capable of interpreting scripture all by himself (yes, it is as absurd as it sounds, given that the average person can’t even read two paragraphs of an article and rewrite it in their own words without crippling the message) you can’t possibly have a doctrine for it, which means that ultimately it all reduces to one grey oozing mass of “I am a Jesus follower!” with some within it, sticking absolutely inflexibly to some supposed “tenet” that they personally ascribe to, or that their sub-cult has brainwashed them into accepting as such.

Catholicism, instead, has always had the individual human person at its core. The core of Catholicism —as perfectly described even by the last valid Pope we had, Pope Pius XII, in his Mystici Corporis— is the lay family man or woman. The husband or wife that compose a family that makes children. The little guy is the guy in Catholicism. Yes, of course we have priests, and bishops, and a Pope, and it is a hierarchy, and there are also temporal secular leaders (emperors and kings and barons in times past) because even Heaven has a hierarchy, but the entire edifice is there for the purpose of serving the common man.

Catholicism has very clearly defined dogmas and rules, in fact they are all written down in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. So it certainly doesn’t lack intellectual rigour. But correct intellectual rigour deals with reality, not a fantastic lie of how man beings “should” be (but never have been). Puritanical Protestantism tries to force human beings to act, behave and think like automatons. Perfect machines that should never stray from the correct path. Or, alternatively, imperfect humans who will do all sorts of sin, so there is nothing to do other than say you follow Jesus and you’re saved anyway, so, you know…try to be “good” whatever “good” means to you specifically.

Catholicism is very clear on what is good and what is not good. It does not deviate from this. What it does is also recognise that as flawed humans, we are going to fail in some measure in trying to be perfect. In fact, it is practically guaranteed, since we are told none of us are perfect. This is why we have confession. The act of telling your priest your errors, weaknesses and bad deeds, within a context where the confessional seal will not be broken by the priest even on pain of death (which has been sadly tested throughout history and found to hold true) forces you to confront yourself weekly. To consider your actions before you do them in light of the having to confess them later. And gradually helps you become a better human being. Your sins are forgiven because you accept you have done them and try to not to them again or at least in the same way or to improve the length between your lapses, and your intent to do this is, must be, honest, lest your own self-deception begins to eat away at you.

And if you are of the high-minded variety and want to know the detailed ins and outs of Catholicism, well, you have entire libraries full of historical details of how this or that dogma and doctrine was interpreted, clarified and finally summarised in Canon Law. If you are legalistically, logically minded, Catholic dogma (and Roman Law) are an autist’s delight, because they are rules that follow a clear, bright, logical path, and that path is also humane. The more you investigate why this or that rule exists, the more the wisdom and charity and logic of the rule come to the fore, and slowly, you begin to realise that such perfect ruling does not derive from any human being, but can only be the purview of divinity. And that, as the Church teaches, the Church is merely the handmaiden of the Divine Grace that God gives us.

All the flawed humans that comprise and have comprised the Church have not been able to pervert or corrupt the truth, because the Church is indeed supernaturally protected from error. The Magisterium of the Church, int he form of Canon Law, is infallible because God has protected it from corruption. Even as the church was infiltrated and usurping freemasons satanists took over the Vatican, the Code of Canon Law was created and is the most vetted document in human history. Even as the Papacy was overrun by impostors, the truth of Catholicism was forever enshrined in writing. And even, as prophesied, Satan entered the Vatican, actual Catholics remain and continue to practice the same religion with the same Mass and the same ordinations and rituals as has been done for nearly two millennia. Yes Sedevacantists are the only remnant of Catholicism left, but this is not a shock, or even a surprise. If you read your Bible, it literally states this will be the case.

If you look at the high-minded sample of Catholics, you will not find any lack of logic, reason and reality-based factual, objective practices.

If you look at the overall common man and the mass experience of Catholicism, today, you will not see much evidence of it because in order to become Sedevacantists, most have actually got good powers of reading comprehension and tendencies to high-minded aspects of truth and faith, but luckily we have an abundance of historical facts to draw from. Even when most Catholics may have been illiterate, Catholic communities were the ones that had the best systems of justice, and societies that were safe, produced happy children and happy life-long marriages. Catholicism literally created the modern Western world and invented the scientific method (which we now have mostly lost to politics and lies).

Your average illiterate catholic peasant was a happier, free-er and more serene than your average protestant peasant by far. And the societies they created reflect this. Even today, almost 70 years since we had a valid Pope and the Church was so deeply and widely infiltrated by Satanists, those countries that used to be Catholics still have remnants of behaviour, even in their legal systems, that tend to concern themselves more with the individual and his real, human nature, than with he legalistic loopholes best suited for robots that the protestant nations have mechanised into creation.

The “loopholes” of Catholicism, like Baptism of Desire, say, are not loopholes at all, but rather realities based in truth, justice and divine grace. Not created by human minds trying to escape reality, like the nonsensical concept of “once saved always saved”.

A rule or law that does not consider the reality of human beings, is not based in reality, and as such is either useless or tyrannical, but can never be just. Catholicism has always, and will always be for the death penalty. Because some crimes deserve it and require it. Similarly, Catholic believe that yes, God can forgive any truly repentant soul. Yes, including a child-rapid mass-murderer. It is possible that at the last minute such a soul truly repents and instead of eternal hell is relegated to a long time in purgatory and eventually will also be in heaven and share in the beatific vision. It is absolutely possible. But, in Catholic thought, such a person would still be burnt at the stake. For his crimes demand it. And of course, while he is burning to a crisp, he may, indeed have time to reflect and actually repent, and God may well save him from eternal hellfire for it. But we, as mere mortals, can only ensure he is put to the fire, here on Earth.

It is perfectly logical, even if to the average protestant it may seem illogical or hypocritical, because such is the perspective when you can only see things in two-dimensions. To a 2D thinker, a line on the floor is an impassable wall, but to a 3D thinker, it is merely alive and one that can easily be traversed without any fault.

Consider then, the intellectual rigour required, for logic to be done correctly in the human context.

It may be salutary to have an example of this, and I may do a blog post on it soon.

This is not hard

To all the squealing of those hurt and offended by my zealotry, all I have for you, is the silence of assent.

Of course their squeals are silent too, because they go directly to the permanent spam grave and I will never see one of their idiotic comments again, nor will anyone else, but the point is really not difficult.

There are only two kinds of people:

Those who love the truth, and those who do not.

While people can be in error and indeed we all are at some point on many things, those who are intellectually honest can and do correct their error when presented with objective facts that disprove their theories, beliefs and ideas. Of course, in areas where personal opinions of individuals, can sway large sections of the uneducated population, errors abound and many of these are fostered on the less knowing by those wishing to control them.

And wishing to control others for personal gain, makes you fall into the side of those people who do not love the truth.

There really is no other more meaningful distinction between human beings than this. Either you love the truth and prefer it to any lie, or you do not. And if you do not, I don’t really care about you, your feelings, and frankly, whether you continue to breathe oxygen or not.

I am not talking about people in error here, we all are to some degree or other. I am talking about people who knowingly chose a falsehood for personal gain over a truth that will benefit others but not gain them any advantage. Those people are my enemy. Directly, indirectly and perennially. There is no middle ground. I do not care for liars and their hatred for truth. I do not want them near me. I do not want to work with them, for them or have them work for me.

In fact, I don’t even understand how anyone can have anything to do with a knowing deceiver. Why would you even want that anywhere near you?

So, while I can stomach the deceived protestant that simply states that Church history, the patristic fathers and all the other evidence against protestantism being valid is not important to him and he just believes in a generic good God that loves us and the important thing is to do good and be good and treat people well, I will have nothing to do with a liar that states flatly that Popes did not exist in the year 900 AD and/or that the whole of Christendom was in fact Catholic up until 1050 or so.

One can be thought of as a simpleton, but a friend, the other as a flat out, knowing liar and deceiver and as such, nothing but an enemy.

With respect to people such as Bruce Charlton, as I explained, I do not think he is necessarily an intentional deceiver per se, in the sense that he’s financed by Soros to spread lies, or anything analogous to that. I think he is simply someone so invested in his own intellectual ego that he comes up with fancy —and perhaps superficially attractive to some— heresy.

Charitably, I do not ascribe to him the intent of wanting to lead souls to Hell, only the effect of it. He’s more drunk driver than intentional van-into-a-crowd driver.

And as such he requires calling out and exposing. Especially since quiet correction did not work and in these dire times, clarity of faith is the most important aspect of our existence, whether you realise it or not.

So yes.

I am an absolute zealot for truth. I will go to the wall for two plus two being four, now and forever. There has never been any question of that in my entire life. The real question here is:

Are you?

A bunch of ecumenical heretics dislikes me. Oh dear…

As I have explained before, I dislike cowards perhaps even more than outright evil doers.

I mean, the evil doers at least could be said to have some kind of “principles” even if it is just to serve Satan and cause harm. But cowards, well, cowards have none, they are the squishy molluscs of humanity, willing to fit in any crevice and mould themselves to any lie. And in all honesty, I apologise to molluscs for the comparison.

Intellectual cowards are no exception. They perform twists of strawman-logic that would make a crack addled prostitute blush for shame.

My post on the intellectual cowardice and general incompetent nihilism of Bruce Charlton brought yet another bunch of intellectual heretics and cowards out of the woodwork to “defend” him. They show themselves up as intellectually dishonest right in their about page of course:

Who We Are and What We Believe

Ortho:  Right, correct, straight. As in orthodoxy (right teaching), orthogonal (literally, right-sided; thus, right angled; so, perpendicular, independent) and orthognomon (right knowledge, right indicator (as of a carpenter’s square or a sundial)).

Sphere:  A domain, especially of influence. Thus,

Orthosphere: A domain of Christian orthodoxy independent of conventional conservatism.

We are Christians: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. We believe our religion is true, and we take the Bible and the Church Fathers as our guides to the faith. We do not innovate religiously, for that is folly.

We affirm our respective traditions where they disagree with the other branches of Christianity, but we do so respectfully, for we have much in common (catholic or mere Christianity) and our enterprise has as much to do with society as with religion.


Let us count the ways in which they lie:

1. We are Christians: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.

Yeah… so you are not Christian at all. You’re LARPing at it by being actually completely Protestant. Actual Catholics don’t recognise the schismatic Orthobros as validly Christians, much less the absurd 40,000 denominations and counting Protestants. Actual Orthobros also don’t see Catholics and certainly not Protestants as being valid Christians, and only the Protestants can hold the nonsensical position that anyone who says Jesus is Lord is a Christian. I mean, demons acknowledge that too… so yeah, they are just a bunch of happy clappy, kumbaya pretend “christians”. The correct word (at best) for these types is Churchians.

2. We believe our religion is true.

No, you don’t. You can’t say you believe X is true when you also assert Y and Z, neither of which is X and in fact are specifically NOT X are also true. Especially when Y has several competing versions of Y and Z has 40,000 competing versions. So you’re outright lying. What you really should say is that you will pretend to believe all sorts of conflicting and mutually exclusive nonsense in order to appear “tolerant” of the world and its lies. Because apparently, being tolerant of lies is a virtue. For you. Not for anyone intellectually honest, of course.

3. and we take the Bible and the Church Fathers as our guides

No, you don’t. If you did you would be actual Catholics.

4. We do not innovate religiously, for that is folly.

Ahahahhahahaha seriously, these people… I shake my head… how can anyone even remotely honest write this? Well they can’t. Because how can you, with a straight face, say you do not innovate religiously when you literally accept as “true” over 40,000 versions of your “truth”? And directly go completely against the Bible, tradition and the Church fathers all of which tell you to not deviate from the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church? Well you can’t. You have to be an absolutely shameless liar to do so, or a complete and utter drooling retard, and usually both.

5. We affirm our respective traditions where they disagree with the other branches of Christianity, but we do so respectfully, for we have much in common

Translation: We “respect” each other’s lies because being liars ourselves we can hardly point fingers. It has been and will always be a fact that actual Catholics affirm and believe, dogmatically, infallibly and forever that: There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Because Jesus, the Bible, the patristic fathers. So… if one actually was Catholic, one certainly cannot accept any other “branch” of “christianity” as being in any way valid. The same goes for the Orthobros schismatics. The only Churchians who could come up with this nonsense are the protestants, which is what this bunch of heretics are, regardless of what they pretend to be.

6. Mere Christianity

I have explained before my dissatisfaction with CS Lewis, which goes back to before I became a Christian, precisely because it is a mealy-mouthed “defence” of Churchianity and in typical British fashion, he skirts the main points, never actually facing them on, unlike, say, G.K. Chesterton.

7. and our enterprise has as much to do with society as with religion.

Translation: We are of the world as much as we are of “religion”. That’s really it.

That’s all we really need to know about them. And their incoherent squealing defence of Bruce is even worse. Yes that’s quite the achievement but it is. Honestly, I think “unhinged” is probably a better descriptor for them given the utter word salad they come up with.

They lament that one should simply “tell the truth” and support anyone who does, ever, when they do, even if they are demonic. Yes they literally say that.

Just speak the truth, then, and support all others who do … whether or not they do so consistently. Do this, even when they be demons; for, even, and perhaps especially, the demons cannot but testify to that truth which founds their very being.

So demons testify to the truth. That’s a novel one on me. But hey, I always said it: Protestants have the same method of measure for being a “christian” that demons do. At least these guys admit it, I suppose. And that’s literally the only truth they tell about themselves or anything else. Unwittingly, no doubt.

Oh and according to them, I criticised Bruce because of envy. Heh. That actually did get me to chuckle for real, as, I am sure, it would anyone that knows me in real life.

So yeah, thanks for confirming my points, that you gnostic, non-christian, heretic Churchians are a scourge on truth, and serve only to do the equivalent of adding large scoops of sewage to the ice cream of truth and then expect everyone to pretend it’s ice-cream.

No. It’s not. It’s sewage.


I think Bruce Charlton is a gatekeeper

I am not yet convinced he is an intentional gatekeeper, like say, Milo Yankmypolus, but he is undoubtedly adding to the level of blackpilling despair.

I am more liable to put this down to his being the intellectual coward he is, as well as being a gnostic heretic, which, intentional deceiver or not, can only lead to Hellish effects, results, conclusions and beliefs.

It is the reason I despise cowards perhaps even more than I do actively evil people. The evil are just servants of evil and must be destroyed or they will destroy you. But the cowards… the cowards backstab you and poison the well in order to be eaten last. They pollute the mind of the gullible and young with the lies of fear and teach them cowardice as virtue and courage as “bigotry”. They are the fog-fart beings upon which all evil is founded.

And Bruce is an intellectual coward. Something I have evidenced before, and his net effect is to create only more despair and fear and weakness in all those who listen to or read his gnostic, heretical nonsense.

Let’s take a look at his “take” on certain things.

Here is a screenshot of his latest posts:

So, out of six posts, we have:

  • 2 posts equating, implying or directly saying that computers/the internet and so on could be/are/would be influenced by or used by demons.
  • One post on psychology that is really quite absurd, don’t take my word for it, go on, read it yourself and let me know how it changed your life.
  • One on the doom and gloom idea that even if we try to fight back against the forces of evil we are only contributing to the overall evil and destruction of all and his completely nihilistic nonsense ends with the panacea that we must only rely on the “spirit” since all battles in meatspace are only adding to the evil. It is possibly his most cowardly post yet and the one I despise most of the ones I have read. Bruce is obviously of the opinion that the Spartans should have just gone quietly into the night, and so too the knights of Malta and everyone who ever picked up a weapon and fought the tyrants and won. Pathetic, disgusting black-pilling coward. It is enough to make me believe he is a gatekeeper and intentionally so, but I know enough to realise that the probability is more on the side of him being your typical, nihilistic British geek. All theory and no balls.
  • One in which he totally cripples the very idea of precognition, which, by the way is a verifiable scientific fact, as the meta study by Honorton and Ferrari has amply demonstrated (I discuss this at length in the book Systema) and which I also have personal experience, as to other people I know, then he carries on in his bumbling, intellectually dishonest and also ignorant way, to get Karma and Destiny similarly wrong and “defined” in the same crippled way he “defined” precognition. It’s not just bad, it’s objectively, demonstrably wrong.
  • Lastly, one in which Earth becomes some giant being that “chooses” to be resurrected and everything is beings… honestly, it’s like the fever dream of a heroin addict, a bunch of utterly gnostic rubbish.

Bruce Charlton is your typical British geek, he clearly has been an incel most of his life and retreated in his specialboi ™ idea that he is very smart and has very important ideas to share with the world. Unfortunately his ideas are mostly delusion and as he becomes more despairing and probably lonely, he churns out more gnostic and heretical nonsense that if anyone bothered to try to take seriously could only lead them into the same pit of depression he probably inhabits.

In short, Bruce Charlton is not promoting anything real that will improve your life, your faith, or, especially, your reasoning ability. He is a fraud and ultimately a negative one.

Some are liable to say that I criticise everyone and are not sufficiently supportive of those that are “on our side”.

Let me state the obvious again.

There is ONE truth. ONE.

It is the same for you, me and the entire rest of the Universe.

Yes it’s true that none of us sees it perfectly, but where I see obvious error and deviation from what is absolutely true, I try to correct and help if possible, privately first, less so later and finally publicly when it affects things like the despair and salvation of others. Do I think Bruce Charlton is evil incarnate? No. I assume he’s your typically pedestrian Brit, unsatisfied with life and going about it in his quiet desperation, while sharing it with others in an effort to make himself feel more relevant as a whole, but instead, just spreading despair, nihilism, and heresy. I don’t care about Bruce. I am far more concerned with the people he might influence into taking his gnostic nonsense on board in any way.

It would be better for anyone to join a boxing gym and focus their energy in becoming a decent practitioner of boxing. And keep in mind I believe boxing over the long term causes a certain extent of brain damage. Even so, I absolutely believe it would be healthier to be a boxer than a follower of Bruce Charlton’s “ideas”. That’s all.

Nor is it true I attack everyone. There are a lot of enemies so I attack them when and as I can or see fit to do so. I have plenty of people close to me that are positive and good and with which I make plans for the future, and there are also the people I support and give shout-outs to, as, recently, for example, that German politician. But the snakes in the grass, the impostors, the frauds, the nihilists, well, they are the traitors in our trenches and they need to immediately be thrown out into no-man’s land as cover for our sandbags. Or to put it another way, with only one addition: It doesn’t limit itself to pedophiles and child abusers. It applies to all important distinctions of the truth.

The Fighter’s second most important asset


You can have the best mindset, the best geography, the best weapons, but if you are alone you will eventually be taken out.

That said, there are some important points that can be counter-intuitive, which one needs to understand so as not to give in to the black-pill despair they are trying so hard to force upon you (which goes to mindset, covered in the previous post).

Community goes to mindset (for most)

It is a fact that human beings, even misanthropic ones like myself, are creatures that require others of their kind to feel good and thrive. Ultimately, my misanthropy is a function of my IQ, which tends to “price me out of the market” in most cases. A common faith that is absolutely hot or cold, and not lukewarm churchianity can and does bridge the gap, because loyalty trumps intelligence in human affairs, and honesty (translated as genuine commitment) trumps numbers (of lukewarm “compatriots”). I specify these points about myself only because they hold true for all human societies that are civilisational (see previous post for the difference between civilisational societies and other types which are stagnant or parasitic).

For most people, community goes to (serves) mindset. That is, if you have a community of loved ones and friends around you, it makes life more bearable and keeps you in a more positive mindset than if you are alone, have no one that loves you and no one for you to love.

Those who have an intrinsic, fundamental warrior’s mindset, however, can make mindset go to (serve) community. In fact, that is the essence of a warrior. The word Samurai meant servant. Because a warrior’s ultimate aim, in the depths of his soul, is to protect the people he loves and bring honour and justice to the society he lives in. The stolen valour of the idiots that think wearing a uniform as a policeman or soldier automatically makes them “warriors” is just more of the fakery and plastic lies that have been fostered upon the planet by the parasites that run Hollywood and infect the general zeitgeist through lies in mass media, lies in schools, lies in entertainment, in film, in books, in the arts. Wearing a uniform does not a warrior make. Being one is the only way one is one, and paramount in a warrior’s way of being is a very refined sense of justice; which includes virtues like fairness, honour, honesty and courage, but above all, in the centre of the flame in his heart, at a warrior’s core, is sacrifice. His aim is to serve those he loves, to protect them and look after them. Not with words, not for glory or any fame, but because it is his nature. He would do that even if he would be covered in infamy.

Because of this peculiarity of mind, soul, intent, a warrior’s mindset can create community.

While normally community bolsters mindset, and this is true for everyone, a sufficiently strong mindset can create a community. It is, of course, a usually harder road, but can produce excellent results.

It is a path I have explored several times in my life, and also the one I chose presently. When I moved here, purchasing the land and home we are now in, I had no idea what the people around here were like and I did not care. I assumed the general mild personalities that one expects in most of Europe, and generally this is true of most places, but it did not concern me.

The core of my community is my wife and children, and everything beyond that, I will form myself by being the hub around which my type of community naturally wants to form.

Communities arise from chance and opportunities in most cases, but like any organic system, they can be engineered. The pedophelic parasites running things are demonstrating that daily, with shaping societies to accept all sorts of vile and absurd rules, taxations, forced toxic serums into the bodies of their children and themselves, limitations on what food and of what type you can eat or grow or have, and on and on and on. They are absolutely engineering society by brute force methods from the outside in, to the point that the Zyklon generation may have as many as one in five that believes the total fiction and counter-to-objective reality that the sex of a human being can be changed or is “fluid” or a “social construct”. In short, you have proof positive before your eyes that a community can be socially engineered to even reject objective facts and undeniable reality.

Just as you might think the ancients were foolish for believing in Zeus, yet you think it’s normal to accept homosexual “marriage” and adoption of children, seeing no possible evil consequences to the last two. While possibly understanding that worshipping fallen angels masquerading as gods is bad, you might accept that eating genetically modified foods that don’t produce viable natural seeds is required or even a net “good” because you have bought into the next narrative of “climate change” while ignoring chemtrails and HAARP geoengineering.

I point these things out merely to show you that not only can community be engineered by outside forces, and, that in fact it has been and is being engineered (to your personal detriment) but also to show you that you, yes you specifically and individually have also been subjected to this and still are in at least some areas. It is inevitable. We have all been lied to from birth and the process of seeing reality as it is while shedding the lies is far from easy, especially if your mindset is not that of a fighter (see previous post). Bit aside from all of these points, which are necessary for you to know about and see in order to see the bigger picture, the main point of this section is this:

A warrior mindset can be the core about which a community develops. In short, while most will try to move to a place they feel ties to, from cultural to familiar to faith-based and so on, a warrior can carve out a piece of land and say:

Here I stand.

And others will gather around him and follow him and create a community around him.

I chose this path because of two main reasons:

Firstly, I have done it before in several contexts in my life and always achieved it, initially doing so without the intent, only sheer bloody mindedness that I knew my way was true and good and screw anyone else that didn’t see it. Later in life I learnt I could do that and not even need to be so combative about it.

And secondly, I was (and remain) unaware of a community of people that sees things as I do and that are also hardcore sedevacantists. While I know quite a few Sedes, many of these are overseas now, and their situations and geography does not permit them to be near me now, and my remaining there would not have permitted me the creation of the type of community I sought either. So my choice was easy: pick a place that is geographically sound and that permits certain social realities, then, the community will come.

And this is indeed now beginning to form at the level where people are actively looking to purchase property within walking distance of mine, precisely so we can become a community of like minded people that help each other and create the type of society we want.

The point is, while most will feel it’s easier to simply join an existing community, and it is true, the type of communities we will need in the coming years and that our children will need in the future, do not currently exist in any kind of large number, so, we have to create them.

And that means someone has to start and be the focus of one. In short, take on the role of leader in some form or other, not for the glory, the gold, the concubines or anything other than the sacrifice of service for the safeguarding of the future of our children.

Which is why I say, if you already have such a community of, say, Appalachian mountain rednecks that think anyone who doesn’t marry their cousin is suspect, well, if they are your people, go for it, I hope you have a fetching cousin is all I can say. Is that the best solution? Not by a long shot, but anything that will actively resist the coming plans they have for you, short of cannibalism and first degree incest, is probably a better bet.

Personally I think a community that has the same Catholicism that the people who went on the first Crusade, in 1095, like Bohemond, Tancredi, and so on, or who defended Malta in 1565 like the Catholic knights there and their indomitable leader, Jean Parisot le Vallete, is not just the best solution, it is, the one true solution, because THAT Catholicism has been proven historically impossible to defeat; which is to be expected if you understand that our Lord Jesus Christ said he would be with is to the end.

Of course the Church has been infiltrated and the Vatican is a hive of pedophiles and Satanists, and yes, there has not been a valid Pope since 1958, but the remnant remains, Sedevacantism IS Catholicism, and the only one left and the only one that is as it always was, with proper ordination, proper sacraments and the true mass.

All those who investigate this issue honestly cannot escape the facts, which is why the short book I wrote a mere few years ago has helped more than 100 people to convert, get baptised and become Sedevacantist Catholics. (NB: the paperback is always more up to date than the kindle version in all my books).

And why those who wanted the details and the roadmap to how to reclaim the actual Catholic Church from the impostors that now usurp it also went on to read Reclaiming the Catholic Church. And why now they are beginning to make plans to move here nearby. And make trips here first to visit and help me on the farm. And get married in church to Sedevacantist women, and go on to make children, living as proper Catholics, with no divorce and no contraception.

Sure, the creating of a community is harder than the joining one, bit the beauty of Catholic communities is that within one generation we have multiplied in number several times.

I have five children and started only late in life, the last three are four years old, two and a half, and the last one is only five months old, and I am 53. There are newly wed couples in their early or mod twenties who are just starting out. Three such couples getting married just this year and yes they all found their way to sedevacantism theough my work, be it the books linked above or the YouTube channel, or Kurgan TV, where others also have contributed to a site that educates you about the reality we actually are in, the way to learn independently, and the real history of humanity, as well as other important skills.

I am but one man, and no, I am not especially important or to be glorified, God is. And yet look, in time, this place I chose will become a community of Sedevacantists and out children will play and learn with each other and grow in a place that is safe and true and men are men and women are women, truth and beauty and justice are present always and if others try to make it unsafe, we will repel them and make it so.

My point here in summary is this:

Mindset is the foundation (see previous post), and community is the first cornerstone, and if you can find a ready made one, great, but be careful because the kind of community you need to be part of to survive and thrive in the future has not existed for several centuries. We have to create them. And while the foundation of them are indeed to remain unchanged (real Catholicism) the current and future requirements are unique to our times. Yes the basis is the same, but the way they play out in the technology, defence, energy generation, communications and so on, we have to design.

And yes. I do have a plan. And yes, I will build it. And yes, they will come. They are already coming here. It’s no field of dreams. It’s fields of real men and real women, with real families, and, as the song says:

…beautiful fields lie just before me
Where God’s redeemed their vigils keep…

So, find your community, create one, or join us.

They are the Enemy Within

A YouTube commenter starts to understand:

Gabriel Garcìa Moreno

As I’m sure you’ve realized by now, Tay Tay Marshall is no intellectual behemoth. When he saw your superchat I’m almost certain he understood that he couldn’t properly answer it. I’ve come to the conclusion that Tay Tay is an intellectual lightweight and quite likely a grifter. Man, I want to like Vigano. I pay attention to his publications and videos and have noticed that he often calls out Freemasonry and Bergoglio’s shenanigans but you’re right, at this point he must put down his foot and declare every so called Pope from John XXIII to Bergoglio a heretic and an anti-pope. God bless you. Christus Vincit! Christus Regnant! Christus Imperat!

Adam Piggott, recently wrote a blog post about the fake “priest”, the Satan-worshipping Ripperger.

Adam’s piece is a very polite and well-written one, filled with human charity and honesty. He ended it thusly:

Fr Ripperger is wrong. So I will pray for him as I continue to pray for all of the clergy who have eyes but cannot see, who have ears but cannot hear.

And of course, this makes me want to smack Adam upside the head repeatedly. “Bad Catholic! Bad!” I want to say to him, with each blow.

And I may get to do it, as I think he will come to visit soon.

Yes, yes, I know, I am the “EEEEBBILL” Kurgan, without mercy, et-cetera, et-cetera…

But let me repeat what I have been saying now for about 5 years:

  1. That fake “priest” is not to be addressed as “Father”, as that is an honorific to be used for Catholic Priests. Ripperger is not Catholic, and certainly not a priest (except perhaps of Moloch, but that’s neither here nor there). He is a knowing Satanist, yes, he is, because he is perfectly aware that Vatican II is heretical, that Roncalli was a Freemason and that the Vatican is currently filled with Freemason pedophiles, homosexual and so on. Freemasons are Satan-worshippers, and in essence, so is anyone trying to destroy the Catholic Church; which EVERY fake “cleric” of the Novus Orco is doing, directly and openly, or implicitly and subterfugeously, but in any case, they are.
  2. At BEST, he is a heretic, because in my opinion he is a never-was-catholic. He certainly was never validly ordained, nor has he ever done anything other than perform unholy sacrilegious, blasphemous, fake masses that mock our Lord. So in my opinion, he is actually an active Satanist and outright enemy of the Church, and hence God; as are ALL the fake “clergy” of the Novus Orco.

Now, if he is a Heretic, remember, as a Catholic, the correct way to behave towards him is as defined, in the infallible, ex-cathedra, on faith and morals pronouncement (which means it will remain true for all eternity) of Pope Paul the IV in his Papal Bull of the 15th of February 1559, Cum Ex Apostolato Officio, which states:

(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess.


So no.

The impostor, fake “priest” Satanic-inspired Ripperger is not “wrong”. He is intentionally trying to send souls to Hell. It’s not a mistake, and no Catholic is to act towards him as if it was, nor give him “the benefit of the doubt”. Because AT BEST, he is a heretic. And that is the RULE of how you treat a heretic.

Personally I think he is an active Satanist and he is intentionally trying to send souls to Hell, so I’m gonna have even less sympathy or kindness for him than I do a heretic. As far as I am concerned he is an active mass-murderer of souls. And that is what EVERY Novus Orco fake “priest” or “Bishop” is.

And the only prayers I would have for such creatures, would be that his master comes to claim him as soon as possible and rids us of his presence on this Earth.

A bit intense, Kurgan!

You say what? Well, no. Not at all. Not if you actually BELIEVE in Catholicism. Not if you are actually Catholic, and follow the Catholic rules.

What most decent human beings REALLY struggle with is to even begin to understand the level of deception and evil of the impostors. Just like they are unable to conceive of the kind of mentality that forces little children, along with their parents, to take a genetic serum that will destroy their health and kill them in a few years.

They KNOW what they are doing. They RELY on your good nature, while they pretend to be “on your side” whether that is, be it “traditionalism”, or “anti-woke”, or “republican”, or “conservative”, or whatever, but they are in reality worse than an enemy charging your home with a uniform on and a machine pistol. That guy is OBVIOUSLY your enemy. You can SEE him coming!

But the snake in your own trench, that is the real vicious enemy, that’s a far more dangerous creature. The gatekeepers are NOT your friends.

Besides, if you have read my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, you would know, that this is precisely the modus operandi of the Carbonari/Freemasons/illuminati. The permanent instruction to the Alta Vendita (Carbonari) were found and the Pope at the time promulgated these documents to warn Catholics, and Christianity in general. And they specifically state that they are to always play both sides of the coin. They are to infiltrate the deepest and most cherished places by PRETENDING to be good men of kind and pious natures. While all the while secretly subverting, degrading, and all while gaining trust and influence. They are, remember always, servants of the Prince of Lies!

What do you think they are going to do? Play fair?

Now, I get it, you think it’s hard to be as “jaded” as I am, but you know what, it’s not true. The hardest part about seeing the truth of this situation is merely that most people are simply too good to believe how corrupt, underhanded and downright evil the impostors and gatekeepers are.

Now, I do struggle with the idea that Adam, an Australian, could ever be a decent guy, I mean… he’s Australian, come on. So that couldn’t possibly be it. That an Australian is too nice to see things as they are… absurd; obviously.

I put it down to his being too dim.

It’s true, I have a lot of dim friends. It gives me an excuse to smack them upside the head, you see. Look. We all need a hobby, don’t judge me. Besides, Kurgan head-smackings have been clinically proven to increase IQ by at least 10 to 15 points. And sometimes all the way up to 30 points, that’s 2 whole standard deviations. Sometimes they improves your looks too. At least if you have a face like Adam’s anyway.

So learn, people: ANY Novus Orco is NOT a Catholic, NOT your friend, and NOT doing or saying ANYTHING GOOD.

It’s all an act, or at best criminal negligence. Do you care which? Does it matter? Sure, it might… to God! Who is the ONLY one that can ever truly know the difference in a man’s heart. But to you and me? No. No it does not matter at all. If it walks like a heretic, talks like a heretic, preaches like a heretic, and acts like a heretic… well… guess what:

It’s your duty to treat him like a heretic!

Hollywood Fame and Glory

I can prove quite conclusively to you, within about an hour or two, less if you are a bit less brainwashed, and if you can do basic math, that the lives of the so-called “rich and famous” are a complete and utter pit of despair.

All you need to do is browse CDAN (Crazy Days and Nights) and scroll down the blog, reading the entries. If after about an hour or so of doing that and doing a quick mental guesstimate of the number of glitterati there are in the pool from which that litany of despair is taken, you will soon realise that the toll one needs to pay to enter that club is —literally— at minimum, a piece of your soul, and in many, even most cases, the entirety of it.

What CDAN does, above all, in my opinion, is list very clearly, the resulting human wreckage that a life dedicated to hedonistic materialism produces.

Most of those people are so far gone, so utterly lost, that a homeless guy who is not a drug-addict has a better shot at making a happy life for himself.

I knew this at a relatively young age, and then confirmed it when I was offered certain “tickets” to do with being involved in a tv documentary-series at various points and/or a film, both based on my book The Face on Mars. I was 26 at the time and even before these “offers” came in, I had already seen the effect of being an author with books on the shelves of the local bookshops had on “friends” and acquaintances.

The interviews I did for television and radio were absolutely geared to turn the whole thing into clickbait, and since I’m a pretty quick study and I realised the interviewer was trying to take the approach of letting me run my mouth to then edit things in some tinfoil hat fashion, I very quickly reverted to one word answers and mini-sound bytes. the result was they could not make me sound crazy, so they did what a friend of mine at the time suggested they would do, jokingly.

I explained to him the interview was a hit piece and they would try hard to make me look insane, and he laughed and said, “yeah they may morph you into an alien on TV! ha, ha, ha.”

Well, that is exactly what they did, I kid you not. When the interview aired, at one point they fade my face out and gradually faded a gray alien head over it. My friend and I couldn’t believe it and laughed ourself to tears. I was 26 and I didn’t care for these people or their lies.

An outfit that was supposed to do a 13 part documentary had only to produce an outline of the 13 part documentary, I had already lined up an investor for them and this was all they wanted. They had 2 months to do it. They produced 2 pages of incoherent A4 where they had also screwed up the major premise. I advised the investor to not deal with these clowns.

Graham Hancock plagiarised large parts of the book as well as its main concept and still got the basic premise wrong. It’s like… steal Ferrari’s plans for a fast engine and still build a crappy Mini Morris one. They aren’t even good thieves. The guy who wrote the original comics on which the film The Matrix is based more than a little, will tell you the same thing.

Elvis didn’t write his songs, though I like how he sings them, and so do many others. Everything in the entertainment world is basically a lie. And usually also very gay; when it’s not also pedophile infested.

Graham Hancock certainly made a lot more money than I ever will from my work, with “his” stolen, then half-assed-executed ideas. And sure, that can irk a person somewhat, but you know what, when I confronted him face to face on it in Cape Town, his demeanour was the one of an apologetic, scared, cardboard-cut-out of a “man”. He apologised, blamed his ghost-writers and “complimented” me on my astonishing and brilliant work. He was a middle-aged journalist of supposed world-renowned fame, I was I think 27 at the time, had little or no money and did karate on an almost daily basis and worked as an armed bodyguard/security specialist and sold computers now and then when I could.

And I wouldn’t have traded his life for mine for any amount of money on the planet. I could then, and I still can now, look in the mirror and know that whatever errors I made in life, they were honest ones, and that despite all my faults, and they are many, I, at least, did not become whatever subspecies of cowardly, underhanded, sneaky, slithering animal people like that become. My brother and others were more enraged than I ever was by such occurrences. Which makes sense. They saw only the surface loss of what generally gets perceived as money, fame, and glory.

But I got to see the people that supposedly had or created this money, fame and glory. And this is what I saw, time and again:

The fame was a net negative. People wanted to be with you, whether as friends or sex partners, based on your fame. They had no idea, who you are, nor cared. the scary thing about this was that it wasn’t limited to gold-digging whores. In fact it was something that affected roughly the same percentage of people that decided to take the genetic serum or buy into the lie of the rona. Men wanted to be my friend and women wanted to bear my children, because I had a book on the shelves of the local book shops and did signing events. Or because they heard me interviewed on the radio or saw me on TV in the UK or, the USA, or in one case, saw my book briefly on CNN apparently (I never saw it myself but several people told me they had in a brief mention).

What becomes absolutely obvious then is that most human beings do not live, love, or care about the person they are with, perhaps marry and even have children with. No. They do not. They care about the idea about them they have in their head of them. Or they later end up hating the idea they have about them in their head. It is absolutely rare that they even glimpse the reality of who or what you are even if you spend decades with them.

In the modern era, this “disease” is a lot worse than it ever was in the past before television, the internet and mobile brainwashing and attention destroying machines we call “phones”.

Seeing this firsthand, noticing a girl you might have thought of as attractive and even intelligent if you had met her under different circumstances, and then noting how she is so transparently offering herself as some kind of sacrificial sex toy, purely in order to have the “thrill” of having had a “famous” person inside her, well… I know I am the minority perhaps in this, but I assure you, it is depressing. It destroys a certain aspect of innocence that makes life easier and more beautiful, and is hard to live happily without.

And that’s just the “fame” part.

And if you did sleep with such a girl, chances are, that after a while (or maybe only after minutes if you’re no good in bed) she would too feel empty, and disappointed, and lacklustre, because her fantasy of who you are and how her life might become is a fairy tale. As much as the one you might have told yourself if you’d met her as a nobody at a party and saw how pretty and quick-witted she appeared. Only to realise later it was just a facade, she is not smart, or quick-witted, she just learnt a routine of things to do and say at parties.

That, right there, the shabby feeling of mild despair that grows on you if you do take the ticket, if you do reach for the “glory”? That is the real “glory”.

The fame makes you a cartoon caricature and the glory turns out to be dust and emptiness. I at least was wise enough to not indulge in either.

The money sure can be useful, but it invariably comes with those two strings attached, and no amount of money on the planet is worth that. Not to me anyway.

It is possible, to get at least some of the money and dodge the “fame” and the “glory” and if you are smart, you can even manage a certain level of “fame” in a way that it doesn’t harm you, but it takes uncommon firmness of mind, courage, and not a little luck, or fate, or divine providence, whatever you choose to call it. In short, it is very rare, and probably has a cost anyway, as all roads do.

All of these despairing things, are made a thousand or a million times worst if you are alone in it all. Even family and close friends can turn, like zombies in a horror movie, becoming infected and turning on you with those soulless, dead eyes. Imagine your own parents or children becoming swallowed by the despair and materialism of “fame” and “glory”, or, much more often, your wife, or husband.

And where, in a world like the one of today, do you find a wife or husband that is not ready to jump neck-deep into the mire of “fame” and “glory” given a half a chance? Especially for those who grew up with the internet as a done thing?

There is no easy answer, but I assure you that whatever difficulties I faced or will face in life, I would always choose them over the ones that come with Hollywood level “fame” and “glory”.

I made my life an exercise in living between the cracks and not getting caught by what Vadim Zeland calls “Pendulums”, and just to be safe, I never tried to “transurf” the waves more than a tiny little bit here or there, (long before I read anything Vadim wrote) because in this game of life, one big wipeout is enough to reduce you to shark-food. And even as it is, I took my wipeouts, and they were hard enough, and perhaps many would not have survived them, but I did; again, by my will, but also a lot of divine providence and grace, which the lost often call luck or fate.

My problem has always been the same one.

My DNA, as far back as I can find information on my ancestors, has the curiosity of the explorer in it, and the fearlessness of the fool. It is a dangerous combination, and I do not advise it to anyone. I certainly hope my son is wiser than I was, but already, I see in him, the brutal honesty he has with himself, the fearlessness in the face of danger, at times due to innocence, and other times due to calculated observation. And the calm, considered, approach to things that might be dangerous, which he has not yet investigated.

How to guide such a boy?

There is no simple or clear path, because these are the qualities of a man, and ultimately, as men know, we are born alone, and we die alone, and every choice we make, every effort, every despair, every victory and every crushing defeat, is ours, and ours alone, no matter who loves us and may help us, or who hates us and may try to destroy us. All we can rely on is providence, God’s grace and our tiny, but eternal flame of faith inside ourselves, regardless of if we know it exists in there or not. He has it, and perhaps all I can do is try to make him aware of it consciously. Maybe, if I can help him be less mute than I have been to myself, he might be able to more readily rely on that fire in the centre of his heart even when he is alone and tired and scared, and I am no longer around to do what I can.

Maybe, if I train him even as I play with him, he can learn to roll with the punches of life and pop up nearby and unexpectedly, and turn things to his advantage then too.

And above all, I hope I can do a good job of showing him the decay and deceit and lies and illusion of “fame” and “glory” and instead choose the real Glory of, and for, God, and Honour, and the ones you Love. And to know fame is a lying whore riddled with disease and fancy clothes, and make-up; and real fame is the trust and loyalty of your friends and your loved ones, and nothing else compares.

And hopefully, in the Fake New World that is being prepared for him, either we are able to collapse the shit out of it before it gets off the ground, or there will in any case remain a way for him to navigate the “pendulums” and “surf” the “waves” remaining as best as possible, untouched by the filth of the sewage from which they are formed.

The lives of the “rich and famous” are a preview of the Hell that awaits us all if we don’t wake up and return to what really matters: The virtues of Truth, Honesty, Honour, Fortitude, Courage, and Faith.

Except it will be worse for you will not even have the villas and the retinue of concubines and the drugs, because you will not even have the money to distract you from the despair.


Choose your path wisely, friend, and support that which is real, and see through that which is fake, and gay, and Satanic.

Truth = Action

The response to the previous post appears to require some detailing that I thought was obvious, but clearly is not for some.

The reason that things like:

  • The “relativity” of truth
  • The “racism” of math and the objective scientific method
  • “critical” race theory
  • The destruction of attention spans (TikTok, etc)
  • The “whole word” reading method
  • The pushing of “social” media
  • The absurd “new math”
  • The wiping out of classic history
  • The idea of “personal” truth
  • Body “positivity”
  • “Beauty” at any size
  • The “normalisation” of sexual deviancy in all its forms
  • The destruction of the very idea of traditional marriage
  • The implementation of fault-free divorce
  • The implementation of divorce at all
  • The implementation of contraception
  • The implementation of baby murder
  • Feminism in all its forms
  • The concept of “toxic” masculinity
  • The absurd idea that violence is “never” the answer
  • The monopoly on violence by government
  • The idea that 40, 60, 70% taxes is just fine
  • The idea that you need 4 years of expensive schooling to learn trades that have historically been learnt as an apprentice in a year or two
  • The mass media is there to “inform” you
  • A slew of other nonsense, make your own list

are pushed constantly at you, is because if they can destroy your ability to:

  • Understand as a fundamental principle that objective reality and hence objective truth exist, and that it is not relative at all, but absolute
  • Use logic, reason and the actual scientific method, the real one, which includes at a minimum the effective repeatability of experiments, the ability to do basic math, statistics, percentages, set theory, ratios, and fractions, not the nonsense they peddle now as “peer reviewed” scams

then, they have succeeded in effectively preventing you from being able to notice the truth to a degree that far surpasses that of any other time in history. Including when men worshipped either myths or demonic beings under the guise of “gods”, be they Babylonian, Aztec, Greek, Egyptian or whatever.

And why would the rulers of this planet, those with almost infinite power to decide the fate of entire nations want people not to be able to see objective reality as it is?

Very simple:

Because if you really saw it, you would immediately round up all your friends, and they would too and in minutes, a mob of righteously murderous men would rip them out of their ivory towers and burn them at the stake if they were feeling merciful.

The true reality under which we live is not just far more horrible than you know. It is far more horrific than you can imagine in your worst nightmares, and what some of these people get up to makes the human sacrifices of the Aztecs seem like a day at the beach.

The ability to discern fact from fiction, truth from lies, logic from fallacies and so on, is not just “a good idea” it is absolutely essential for a humanity that might live in the relative freedom of a chosen servitude; to God instead of Satanic pedophiles. The alternative is total submission to these demon-infested “rulers of the Universe”.

And that is why being a zealot for truth matters.

Stop being lukewarm

Revelation 3:15-17

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.  You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

It is possibly the biggest source of personal frustration when I encounter the lukewarm, which frankly, seems to be literally everyone, with exception of my children, and most pure being the littler ones.

I understand that obstinacy, especially given the average human monkey, leads to nothing good, of course.

And yes, we all see through a glass darkly. Every one of us.

Even so, some things are obviously true. Obviously clear to anyone who cares to look.

Two plus two is, and always will be, four.

It is also a sad fact that I doubt if there are even a handful of people that would be willing to die over that fact. If faced with the prospect:

“Defend that two and two is four to death, or, allow all of humanity to forego the very concept of mathematics, calculation and so on.”

Put that way, it would mean either you sacrifice yourself, or, humanity will literally be forever reduced to about the same level as bonobos, and in fact, possibly lower, in fact, almost assuredly lower; though I don’t expect most people reading this to have the imagination necessary to envision why unless they put some serious thought into it.

I also appreciate that the argument for Sedevacantism takes a certain level of ability and education. You not only need to be able to read, but have the intelligence, will and desire to do so, in the specifics of the details of Church history, law, dogma and credo. I understand that too. I know it is a minority that can do that and the rest tend to follow for the usual reasons, because their family or friends have done so and humans are at times essentially herd animals.

However, if you are one of them; and you have taken the time and effort to learn why Sedevacantism is the only valid Catholicism left, why on God’s green Earth would you give a second’s time to obvious heretics?

If you have understood and accepted that the Novus Orcians are impostors, fake “Catholics” then it is absolutely impossible that you should make any exception for any of them.

“Oh but…” just doesn’t come into it.

It doesn’t matter if on this particular Tuesday afternoon, of the blue Moon, he told the truth on this one point.

It doesn’t matter if he calls out Bergoglio.

It doesn’t matter if he saves starving orphans in Africa.

It doesn’t matter if “he makes so much sense”.

This is not about a “bad” Catholic that is badly catechised, or a weak one that fails. Or a bad one that is in mortal sin every week through a retinue of bad character traits. It’s about fake clergy pretending to be of a religion they patently are not.

They are, in essence, spiritual mass-murderers.

Would you extend the same “benefit of the doubt” to a serial killer? Does it matter if he had a really bad childhood? Or he hears voices? Or he really doesn’t realise the evil he is doing?

Are you going to be buddies with Ted Bundy because he really knows how to get women close to him?

And if you are an actual believer, spiritual mass-murderers are worse than mere physical ones. Physical mass murderers take your life on Earth and your body, but spiritual ones are trying to throw your soul into hell for eternity.

So, if you are a Sedevcantist, that is, an actual Catholic, you do not accept, in any way, shape or form:

Una-cum masses, they are a blasphemy and a heresy.

Novus Ordo anything.

Vatican II anything.

That includes ALL the fake clergy and pomp of the fake “Catholic” Bergoglian Church and ALL their members.

Because they are not Catholics. Just as two plus two is not five.

On the Weakness of the Heretics: Michael Lofton

I have covered the knowing heretics, fake Catholics, and Freemason Satanists several times, and by now, I should hope it is clear that I give no “clergy” that doesn’t specifically reject Vatican II and the Fake Popes from 1958 on any kind of pass. They are knowing heretics, and to be treated as such, as per Cum Ex Apostolato Officio; to wit (emphasis added):

(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess.

But… but… what about some poor wanna-be Catholic “priest” that is ignorant of the whole Vatican II issue, and the rampant sodomy in the seminaries, and the utter manifest heresy of Bergoglio in real-time, never mind all of it since 1958, you say?

Yeah… that’s like saying that an adult, who takes all the courses to be a firearms instructor, then points a loaded gun at a child and pulls the trigger and then claims he didn’t know the gun was loaded when he did it. Even if you assume he’s telling the truth, and even if you could somehow determine it with absolute certainty (impossible), the fact remains that such an idiot would and should, go to jail, or preferably the death penalty, for what is known legally as criminal negligence. Or as I prefer to call it, criminal stupidity. Yes, being stupid enough is a crime. Because really stupid people should not be allowed to take certain jobs. You don’t want a 50 IQ retard trying to fly a plane. And I don’t care whose feelings it hurts. Ditto these fake “idiot” “priests”. If they are that stupid, they have no business being priests, and no, I do not give them the benefit of the doubt, and neither should you. Why? Because it is Church dogma to not do so. If you act like a heretic, practice like a heretic, promulgate heresy, regardless of your possible retardation, we are to treat you like a heretic. And must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindess. See above.

So that deals with the intentional, knowing heretics.

But what about the laymen who are also trying to lead people to Hell? Well, once again, I have detailed some of these grifting liars, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, Michelle Voris, Milo Yankmypoleus and their kind. And one hopes it is now relatively easy to spot them. And we have a generic witch test for all who profess to be “Catholics”, it’s really simple:

Do you reject Vatican II and all those who promulgate it?

Anything other than a resounding YES! means you are dealing either with a knowing impostor, an egomaniacal fame or status hungry “smartboi”, or, at best, a deceived, lazy, ignorant.

Yes, yes, I know, charity and all that, but let me point something out here: It is by using and appealing to your charity when they have absolutely no right to do so, that these snakes enter your home and pervert it. And the Catholic Church also dogmatically explains that one should use prudence and avoid anything suspect.

Great. We got that cleared up. What then of the autistically persistent laymen? And here I add a couple of warnings:

  1. First of all assure yourself as best you can that they actually are simple laymen. The example of note here is John Salza. Who has written a retinue of lies against Sedevacantism, supposedly in defence of Catholicism as a simple, pious layman. Except… that Salza was (is) a self-confessed freemason. Oh, oh, but he’s not anymore… right, because Satanists are such paragons of truth-telling. Get it through your head, freemasons are Satanists, that is literally what Freemasonry is. The literal worship of Lucifer. The fact the lower echelons might not be immediately aware of it… again… see criminal stupidity above. And if a freemason did honestly convert and became a Catholic (there are historical examples) then the only thing they may continue to do is explain how freemasonry is Satanic. That’s it. And that is the only legitimate thing they might be allowed to speak on as laypeople. Because once you have been a Satanist, it’s really quite obvious you should never be allowed to say anything at all about Catholicism, other than it is the absolute truth and you were absolutely wrong. And should such a person go on to write long tracts on why this or that theological position is better or worse, they are to be immediately assumed to be simply continuing their Satanic mission. These people, once you discover they are in fact freemasons or associate with such, etcetera, can safely be dismissed as liars at the very least, and heretics almost to a certainty.
  2. But let us now assume you have satisfied yourself that they are not intentional deceiver or gatekeepers. And further (somehow) satisfied yourself they are not grifters either, making a buck from their “preaching”. And by making a buck I mean, literally making their living, or a substantial part of it from it. Because if they are, well, then their intent might not be consciously Satanic, but they are certainly at least useful idiots for Satan.

Ok then, assuming they even pass the Satanists/Grifter smell test, what are we left with? The smartbois. The Gammas who do it for personal ego/stature/status.

Are there honestly deceived people who believe they are “Catholics” when instead they are just fooled, lazy ignorants? Yes. Plenty of them. Millions. maybe even over a billion of them. Certainly.

Why do I call them lazy ignorants? Because they are. Is it harsh? Not really, it is a statement of fact. If I decided to call myself a prince of the blue garter belt of Liliputz, or whatever, you can bet I would not do so until I have studied with care what and how one becomes or is born as a Prince of Liliputz, and even if I fit those requirements, I would then delve deeply into what it takes to belong to the order of the blue garter belt, and why that isn’t gay somehow, if indeed it is not!

And how much more important is your claim to belong to a specific religion, to a specific God, with specific rules, because after all, if God is real, and Good, and Loving, then he MUST have, at a minimum, a Way for you to find Him and His rules and a way for you to KNOW what those rules are. And indeed there is: The Catholic Church. And it is your minimum duty to ensure you are actually in it, and not fooled into some travesty of it through your laziness of not bothering to learn your own religion.

So, if you’re one of the lazy ignorants, either get offended, flounce off in flamboyant fake indignation, or, get your lazy ass off the couch, and start reading. And learning.

But what about the smartbois?

Ah yes.

And here we encounter one such: Michael Lofton (because I am still being charitable here and still investigating him). He appears to have spent a LOT of time and effort to defend the heretic, fake, impostor riddled “Catholic Church” headed by the Vicar of pedophiles himself, Bergoglio. Now, why would that be?

If we give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he’s a true believer (in the Novus Orco, fake Church) and not a grifter (but he does make considerable revenue from his podcasts) or an intentional deceiver, then we need to assess what he is, and why he’s doing it.

At first glance, what I can say so far is that he certainly likes to use the sophist’s method preferred by Bill Clinton when asked if he had sex with Monica Lewinsky. For those young-uns among you, here is the detail:

During his grand jury testimony, Clinton questioned the exact meaning of the word ‘is’ in an attempt to defend a false affidavit in which Lewinsky claimed ‘there is no sex of any kind, in any manner, shape or form with president Clinton’. When asked by former Deputy Independent Counsel Sol Wisenberg, to confirm the affidavit was ‘utterly false’, the former president gets into semantics. ‘It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement,’ Clinton said with what seems like a smirk on his face. 

I remember watching that on TV and seeing the lawyer take him to task on it, saying effectively: Wait…what? Are you saying that your statement was “true” because you weren’t physically having sex with Monica Lewinsky at that specific time the question was asked?!

It was truly baffling and absurd. Well, Michael does quite a bit of this.

When cornered on certain topics he tries to dodge by becoming absurdly “specific” about certain words.

For example, watch this video from 53.20 on, where he admits that Bergoglio said that Proselytising is a sin. But, he goes on to “explain” that what Bergy-the-Oleous means by that, is “to use force” to convert people to Catholicism.

Which is, of course, abject nonsense. “What does he mean by Proselytism?” he says, “the question is, is proselytism the same as evangelisation?” And he goes on to say that “convincing people” of the truth is evangelising, and fine, but Proselytism is, according to him, understood by Bergoglio to be the use of “coercion and force”. He doesn’t explain how he knows this, or what evidence he has that Bergy-the-Olous uses this word this way, of course. But does it matter? No. Because we know very well what words mean around here.

But hey, don’t take my word for it. Let’s go to my 13 volume set of the Oxford English Dictionary and look them both up.

Evangelise means:

  1. to preach the gospel or
  2. to bring under the influence of the gospel
  3. the state or condition of being evangelised or converted to the Christian faith

And Proselytise means:

  1. To make proselytes
  2. To make a proselyte of

What is a Proselyte?

It is defined as:

  1. One who has come over from one opinion, belief, creed or party to another; a convert
  2. A gentile convert to the Jewish faith
  3. to convert form one religious faith or sect to another

In short, they are perfectly synonymous of each other, and if anything evangelise is the one that could potentially have some “force” attributable to it since in definition 3 it simply states to be “converted to the Christian faith”. And in definition 2 one might be “brought under the influence of” by having a gun pointed to one’s head with a command to convert. One (if autistic) might try to argue that in this case, the presumption is that perhaps it’s okay to do it by any means, including against the individual’s free will.

While in the definitions of Proselyte the implication of free will of the convert is clearly always grammatically present.

So, it is, of course a lie. Nonsense. And it is said to run cover for the never-was-Catholic, protector of Pedophiles on Earth, Bergy-the-Oleous, fake “pope” and grand vizier of Moloch.

He does this in other ways and in other videos. He in fact tried to dismiss the entirety of the Code of Canon Law using similar subterfuge, I forget now the detail and I can’t be bothered to look for it presently, but the case is clearly made, if you listen to him for any length of time on the topic of Sedevacantism, that he is dishonest.

So WHY is he dishonest? Is he getting paid for it? (I don’t know)

Is he funded by some rich heretic interested in funding gatekeepers like the money man behind both Emo Jones and Church Militant’s ex(sure)gay guy Voris, Marc Brammer? (I don’t know)

Does he make a substantial amount of money from his podcasts? Yes. Is it enough to keep him in the level of luxury he wants? I don’t know but I doubt it, these guys tend to be greedy.

So can I definitely point at him and scream “KNOWING HERETIC! BURN HIM!” Well, I certainly will treat him like one, because he is, but no, I can’t quite yet do that, because he may just be stroking his own ego instead of have a vested interest in sending souls to Hell for a third party.

But what we can be certain of is that the he is a sophist. And I mean that in the EOD version n. 3:

One who makes use of fallacious arguments; a specious reasoner.

And by specious, here they mean EOD definition n. 2:

Having a fair or attractive appearance or character, calculated to make a favourable impression on the mind, but in reality devoid of the qualities apparently possessed.

And, without surprise, he not only never argues Sedevacantism honestly, but he is absolutely terrified of even beginning to have an argument with someone that (though ultimately wrong) knows enough to prove him to be absolutely flawed in all his reasonings concerning Catholicism.

Peter Dimond is ultimately wrong because he doesn’t not recognise Baptism of Desire and of Blood, which the Church and Canon Law in fact do recognise, and as a result of that error he then rejects the few remaining valid Priests and Bishops (sedevacantists).

That said, Dimond would wipe the floor with Lofton, because autistic though Dimond is about baptism of desire (he literally twists the meaning of the black on white word of Canon Law of 1917 to “make his case”, not unlike Lofton himself) he is pretty rock-solid on most other aspects of Catholicism. In fact, barring that (serious and unfortunate error) and a few other points which are really so far-out as to be literally non-issues for almost anyone at all, Dimond is sound in his Catholicism. But note how Lofton resorts to specious ad hominem instead of answering the question.

If I were tasked with arguing Dimond I would say that we essentially only have one main point of contention, and it is baptism of desire and baptism of blood. I would have to research the various places this was clearly stated by multiple Popes etcetera, which would be pointless, because it is addressed in the canon Law of 1917, and Dimond has already shown that his approach to it would be autism redux with no ability to objectively evaluate the relevant code. So, arguing with him would be pointless and fruitless for us both. But I have no doubt he would be able to recite the various passages from Papal Encyclicals that he uses (erroneously) to make his case, from memory. I certainly could not.

Lofton instead, tries to side-step the entire major point of the Sede vs Heretics arguments, and never really addresses them in his own “takes”.

Tell us Michael, where is the Code of Canon Law, or the Dogma, that says 70 years is too much for an interregnum? Oh wait…what is that? There isn’t one?


And the Church has been without a Pope for a few years before and for over 70 with no clear way of knowing who was Pope because there were up to three at a time claiming it. But that was fine was it?

Oh and, no one judges the Pope… yet… there have been more than 40 antipopes before 1958, so… SOMEHOW we must be able to know when a Pope is a heretic, eh Michael? And definitely judge it so. Why don’t you explain that one away too.

But I want to now address those who get affected by specialbois or deceivers, whichever he is, like Lofton.

That is, those who get convinced by him on the basis that he introduces right at the start of the linked video, and that is, that oh, well, if there are only a few actual Catholics left (i.e. if Sedevacantism is true and there are “only” 200,000 to a 1,000,000 catholics left) then one should despair and become oh… he doesn’t know… Say Eastern “Orthodox” or a Copt or maybe a Syrian Catholic… (are there even 200k of those guys?!) because, you know, as Jesus Himself and all the Apostles clearly stated, Christianity is a popularity contest!

If you don’t have the numbers you just don’t play, right?

Go to a “winning” team like Russian Orthobros. Or stick with the Molochian usurpers LARPing at being “Catholic” clergy, because, hey, they have the numbers!

Right. Sure.

If you go along with hat argument, then, it is patently obvious, that your flaw here is not just your ability to do logic, perceive truth, or understand objective reality, but also, that you are supremely weak, and more akin to a herd animal than a reasoning, thinking, human being.

And, at best, that’s the type of “Catholic” Michael Lofton is, Ladies and Gentlemen, by his own admission at 18.10 or so of his video.

So I rest my case.

Matthew 7:13-14

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

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