Oh, what, you want my opinion on the Gay grifters pretending to be Catholics? Ah… when will you guys begin to take heed of the things I tell you about gay and fake Catholics being Grifters?
And this is why you can know without a doubt that NOVUS Ordo is NOT Catholicism, and why the only Christians left are Sedevacantists.
Interestingly though, the Sedes are more like the Empire… down to a few but loyal “emperors” and their “henchmen” going out there and through their diligent work, recruiting and uplifting proper Catholics, even as they spread the truth to rebellious fools.
While we mere laymen, do the Lord’s work with heretics.
It is now something like 4 years after the original debate and as always, time demonstrated that I was in fact right and everything the man said was nonsense or a lie.
I recently received this comment on YouTube which reminded me of the debate again, which is now, here, with all the commentary from me to give the full context, while the originals have all been memory-holed and disappeared. I wonder why, eh?
I’m at about minute 36 of your video, where you’ve read out the various canons and shown that they bear no relation to what Jay claims they are speaking about. I am struck by this because a few years ago I was watching his series on Tragedy and Hope, with a copy of the book in hand, same edition as Jay’s. He was summarising it page by page, citing where he was, and yet I found that his ‘summary’ bore no relation what so ever to the pages he was referencing. I don’t know why he was doing this, but it was very strange.
Interestingly enough, the comment itself has now apparently disappeared from YouTube, which has been behaving increasingly bizarrely. So I will not mention the man’s full name other than to say that if Stephen wants to get in touch and make his full name public so I am not accused of making things up, he can do so. In any case, it may be he deleted the comment himself not to receive the usual barrage from the dyer-bots, which can indeed be quite annoying.
At any rate, if you are into autistic theological debates interspaced with entertaining ridiculing of deceivers, you may wish to get some popcorn and go see it here.
Stephen Fry, outright LIES about Thomas Moore, and pretty much everything else regarding the Catholic Church in this 20 minute presentation.
The adoring comments by historically illiterate people under the litany of nonsense this deviant spouts is nauseating.
Fry’s historical knowledge doesn’t even rise to Wikipedia level of understanding. And we can hardly assume such an “erudite and intelligent” “man” (excuse me while I laugh out loud) is ignorant of these facts, can we.
So we MUST assume intentional deception.
Fry, at minute 7 and some 20 seconds begins with this outrageous lie:
“…just imagine in this square mile, how many people were burned, for reading the Bible in English. And one of the principal burners and torturers of those who tried to read the Bible in English, here in London, was Thomas Moore.”
and here is the relevant part of the wikipedia entry, which, as I say, is hardly a defender of the Catholic faith.
Controversy on Extent of Prosecution of Heretics
There is considerable variation in opinion on the extent and nature of More’s prosecution of heretics: witness in recent popular media the difference in portrayals of More in A Man for All Seasons and in Wolf Hall. The English establishment initially regarded Protestants (and Anabaptists) as akin to the Lollards and Hussites whose heresies fed their sedition.[note 5] Ambassador to Charles VCuthbert Tunstall called Lutheranism the “foster-child” of the Wycliffite heresy[66] that had underpinned Lollardy.
Thomas More, as lord chancellor [1529-1532], was in effect the first port of call for those arrested in London on suspicion of heresy, and he took the initial decisions about whether to release them, where to imprison them, or to which bishop to send them. He can be connected with police or judicial proceedings against around forty suspected or convicted heretics in the years 1529–33.[note 6]
Torture allegations
Torture was not officially legal in England, except in pre-trial discovery phase[67]: 62 of kinds of extreme cases that the King had allowed, such as seditious heresy. It was regarded as unsafe for evidence, and was not an allowed punishment.
Stories emerged in More’s lifetime regarding persecution of the Protestant “heretics” during his time as Lord Chancellor, and he denied them in detail in his Apologia (1533).
Many stories were later published by the popular sixteenth-century English Protestant historian John Foxe in his polemical Book of Martyrs.Foxe was instrumental in publicizing accusations of torture, alleging that More had often personally used violence or torture while interrogating heretics.[68] Later Protestant authors such as Brian Moynahan and Michael Farris cite Foxe when repeating these allegations.[69] Biographer Peter Ackroyd also lists claims from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and other post-Reformation sources that More “tied heretics to a tree in his Chelsea garden and whipped them”, that “he watched as ‘newe men’ were put upon the rack in the Tower and tortured until they confessed”, and that “he was personally responsible for the burning of several of the ‘brethren’ in Smithfield.”[20]: 305
Historian John Guy commented that “such charges are unsupported by independent proof.”[note 7] Modern historian Diarmaid MacCulloch finds no evidence that he was directly involved in torture.[note 8]Richard Marius records a similar claim, which tells about James Bainham, and writes that “the story Foxe told of Bainham’s whipping and racking at More’s hands is universally doubted today”.[note 9]
More himself denied these allegations:
Stories of a similar nature were current even in More’s lifetime and he denied them forcefully. He admitted that he did imprison heretics in his house – ‘theyr sure kepynge’ – he called it – but he utterly rejected claims of torture and whipping… ‘as help me God.’[20]: 298–299
More instead claimed in his “Apology” (1533) that he only applied corporal punishment to two “heretics”: a child servant in his household who was caned (the customary punishment for children at that time) for repeating a heresy regarding the Eucharist, and a “feeble-minded” man who was whipped for disrupting the mass by raising women’s skirts over their heads at the moment of consecration, More taking the action to prevent a lynching.[70]: 404
Execution allegations
Burning at the stake was the standard punishment by the English state for obstinate or relapsed, major seditious or proselytizing heresy, and continued to be used by both Catholics and Protestants during the religious upheaval of the following decades.[71] In England, following the Lollard uprisings, heresy had been linked to sedition (see De heretico comburendo and Suppression of Heresy Act 1414.)
Ackroyd states that More zealously “approved of burning”.[20]: 298 Novelist Richard Marius maintained that in office More did everything in his power to bring about the extermination of Protestants.[72]
More took a personal interest in the three London cases:[49]: 105
John Tewkesbury was a London leather seller found guilty by the Bishop of LondonJohn Stokesley[note 10] of harbouring English translated New Testaments; he was sentenced to burning for refusing to recant. More declared: he “burned as there was neuer wretche I wene better worthy.”[74]
Richard Bayfield was found distributing Tyndale’s Bibles, and examined by Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall. More commented that he was “well and worthely burned”.[20]: 305
James Bainham was arrested on a warrant of Thomas More as Lord Chancellor and detained at his gatehouse. He was examined by Bishop John Stokesley, abjured, penalized and freed. He subsequently re-canted, and was re-arrested, tried and executed as a relapsed heretic.
Moynahan alleges that More influenced the eventual execution of William Tyndale in the Duchy of Brabant, as English agents had long pursued Tyndale.[75] This was despite the fact that the execution took place on October 6, 1536, several years after More had resigned as Chancellor and been executed, as well as in a totally different country. A historian has called this “bizarre”.[49]: 93
Go on and read the whole entry, by ALL accounts, Moore was a very fair man, as mentioned, going on to whip a man to save him from a lynching. He was a loving and devoted father and step-father and he promoted the education of women more than anyone else had ever done at the time.
Everything else Fry mentions is very much as with this one historical character assassination based on nothing but outrageous lies and his own deviant nature, rebelling at the fact that Christianity has always known that his specific sexual deviancy, leads to nothing good, since it is, in a very obvious and fundamental level, simply unnatural. The human species would literally die out after 45 years if everyone on Earth decided to become a homosexual. And that’s without even mentioning a litany of other problems that lifestyle creates for both those who practice it, as well as those it is inflicted upon by sexual violence when they are children.
And to be clear, I see homosexuality as an unfortunate deviancy if it is there from birth (which it is in a MINORITY of cases, as evidenced by science done over 30 years ago, which was widely reported at the time even in scientific American and such publications but that has been memory holed since), much like one might be born with six fingers, or without legs.
And a sexual deviancy for those that progressed into it consciously and gradually, and a case of particularly vicious trauma for those that end up there as a result of sexual abuse and/or rape. There are known cases where men who are repeatedly raped for years in jail, who absolutely were not homosexual when they went in, come out and are unable to perform sexually with women any more. But such things are not talked about. And lest Stephen Fry accuse me of wanting to burn homosexuals at the stake, let me be absolutely clear that I personally do not care at all if someone choses to be a homosexual, as long as he doesn’t try to tell everyone, or anyone, else that it is a normal and natural thing to do. It is not. Math is also not racist and men cannot become women or vice-versa. And night follows day and water is wet. I also would like it that those people who chose to stop being homosexual and decide to heal whatever ails them, are allowed to do so without persecution, which, unfortunately, the LGBT lobby does.
And let’s not forget, in case, you are unaware, or assume I am simply “casting wild aspersions” that Stephen Fry has certain “predilections” shall we call them? And as the images below would seem to indicate, has had them for years. He also regularly comes up with rather odd things to say.
Cohen, (above) incidentally, was dumped at age 40 for a 26 year old, when Fry was 54 and supposedly offered Cohen a bunch of money from the sale of a house Fry owned in exchanged for signing an NDA.
Who is Steven Webb, which it is reported Fry introduced as his new partner? he’s the guy in the image below.
And who did Fry get engaged to after Webb?
And they went on to get “married” too.
Make up your own mind, but —unlike his accusations against Thomas Moore, which are completely false— there is certainly nothing untrue about what I have linked to here.
What that says about Fry in the specific, I will leave for the reader to decide. I will however, point out that this is just one point of his 20 minute rant, and the other 19 minutes or so could all be gone into similar level of detail.
This exercise is one worth doing if you care to, because it will once and for all demonstrate to you, the precise way in which people like Fry intentionally and expertly, twist, manipulate and pervert facts, in order to present a totally false narrative. Once you have seen the breath-taking facility with which they lie and misrepresent, obfuscate, and pervert facts, you will become a lot more immune to their lies. Which can only be a healthy thing.
If you want to really delve, deep, I do identify the 11 things that deceivers do in my book, Reclaiming the Catholic Church. They only have those 11 modus operandi, nor is it limited to religious lying, it applies in any context in life where they are trying to gaslight you into some false belief based on lies, and once you have seen each one of those methods, the world will suddenly make a lot more sense.
Once you see things as they really are, it might be a bit grimmer, but you can’t fix anything if you’re not even aware what the problem is. And the main problem in this world is liars and deceivers like Fry, and the people in power who make him look like a good choir boy.
In typical, cowardly, effeminate, weak, English, passive-aggressive fashion, Bruce Charlton, or Brucie, as he will henceforth be named, has obviously seen my latest exposition of him for the liar, blackpiller and general heretical gnostic and non-christian sophist that he is.
Because trust me, that little wormtongue checks to see what I say. Except he is too cowardly to actually come out and try and respond, so instead he makes some vagueposting about sedevacantists.
So, because he probably has some kind of humiliation fetish, in line with all his other “quirky” passive aggressive, worm-tonguing, I will oblige, and once more vivisect his rubbish right here at my blog. His rubbish has a grey background to represent the fog-fart nature of his shrivelled soul.
JRR Tolkien and the disaster of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) – implications for the legalistic sedevacantist position
His friend (and fellow Catholic) George Sayer; believed that Tolkien saw little or nothing wrong with the pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church.
Well, Brucie, that would be because there was little to nothing wrong with the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. I mean, it was already infested to the gills with communists, homosexuals and Freemasons, as history has proven, and Bella Dodds has confessed, along with other undeniable proofs, some of which I highlighted in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church. But that problem aside, the Dogma of The Church was as pristine as it has ever been. Not that most would know it, since most have literally no actual idea what the dogma of the Catholic Church is. They only THINK they do, thanks to 500 years of Satanic/Protestant lies, as even other honest Protestants will readily admit, like the Baptist Rodney Stark in his Bearing False Witness, or the man who wrote The Four Witnesses, Rod Bennett, who ended up converting as a result of reading up on the first 200 years of Christianity.
This is worth contemplating because it shows that a Catholic as devout as Tolkien could be in deep opposition to Vatican II; but without making reference to “legalistic” aspects of the validity of Papal elections. I imagine Tolkien would have found that whole “sedevacantist” line of argument on both sides to be extremely distressing and fraught with dangers – especially when engaged-in by lay people.
God, Brucie, you’re such a raging faggot. Let me explain ladies and gents: Here, Brucie, while he waves his wrist limply in my general direction but without ever making eye contact, is trying to imply that because people like me (probably, as far as Brucie knows, and thinks, and expects) respect the memory of Tolkien not just as a writer (personally I respect him a lot more for having literally invented the Elvish language. JRR would have been an absolute genial game master for a Dungeons and Dragons game!) but as a Catholic.
So, because Brucie says so, I (and other sedevacantists) are supposed to now assume that Brucie had a direct line of knowing what JRR would have thought or said about Sedevacantism, and because Bruce saysso, we should recoil in horror at taking a position Brucie imagines JRR might have had (should have, according to Brucie, nay would have had) with respect to Sedevacantism. That’s right ladies and gents, we are supposed to assume because Brucie says so, that Tolkien would have wagged a stern finger in our direction and told us: Bad Catholic! Submit to a fake Pope.
Seriously. How passive aggressive and sophistic and gay, GAY, Brucie, GAY, do you have to be to behave like such a little, whiny, bitch?
Besides which, what do you care? You like the Moronic Mormons. Go find yourself a tuba hat with a “seer-stone” in it so you can decipher your own bullshit, eh, Brucie?
This may have some implications for traditionalist Catholics who all agree that the RCC took a severe wrong turn, a down-turn and movement towards apostasy, with the Second Vatican Council.
Oh Mah GAWD! Brucie! Bring out the fainting couches! IMPLICATIONS you say (with emphasis on YOU SAY) Good God Brucie, what’s next? Will CONSEQUENCES ever be the same again, now, after the IMPLICATIONS?
My point is that the disastrous nature of Vatican II may be regarded as common ground among serious Roman Catholics. And indeed all serious Christians of any- or no-denomination, who wish for the recovery and renewal of spiritual health in the largest and most influential Christian church – this may be common ground quite apart from the legal arguments.
What a transparent and ineffective satanist you are Brucie.
Translation: Because Catholics recognise that the Novus Ordo is just the latest and most noxious branch of Protestant heresy (with apology to the Protestants, really, because the Novus Orco really is Satanic) everyone should come together and all be “christians” together. Making the satanic nonsense of the fake churches a common cause, why a… a… dare I say it, a fraternity even, you know, like in the Freemason words of “Spiritual Fraternity among men of Goodwill”. What’s your code name in the “brotherhood” Brucie? I propose if they haven’t given you a Freemason codename yet you ask for Brucie-of-the-flower.
In other words; sedevacantism can reasonably be regarded as one of several (or many) possible hypotheses for explaining the disastrous effect of Vatican II; and, most importantly, how to set it right.
And here he is, trying to add sewage to sedevacantism. The usual sewage by the way, nothing original even.
“Oh it’s just a THEORY!”
“Just one of many HYPOTHESES, you see”
“It’s all very LEGALISTIC and COMPLICATED, you see.”
No Brucie, No.
It’s childishly simple. The Catholic Church has and always had, unchangeable divine dogma, which is ALL codified, and was ALL collated and summarised and approved by the INFALLIBLE Magisterium of the Church in the Code of Canon Law of 1917.
That’s ALL the Rules of Catholicism from the year zero to 1917 all in one place, Brucie. And guess what, as Code 188 part 4 makes eminently clear, as do ALL the other even tangentially related codes to it, ANYONE, who publicly defects from the faith —which teaching heresy as though it was valid doctrine counts and always has counted as doing so— is no longer a representative of the Church, and NO ONE need say or approve, or pass ANYTHING. Its done. The law itself convicts them. It’s VERY clear, and VERY simple. A Child gets it. If you are NOT a CATHOLIC, you are not in the club. You can’t speak for it, you are not part of it, you are irrelevant to it, and even anything you did while you might have been a member before then, becomes instantly invalid and worthless. It’s Very, very, very, simple and only sophists and freemasons like you have tried to make it “complicated” by lying, and lying, and lying, with every breath you take.
It is indeed possible that the sedevacantist legal arguments for why the papal seat is empty might be true; but the legalistic solutions may nonetheless be ineffective or counter-productive in solving the Roman Catholic Church’s many and deep problems.
Hahahhahahah and here he reveals his true nature. Pay attention to what he says:
“Oh yes, X may be true, but we can’t have truth be used to solve anything!”
“No, no, truth is counter-productive to solving anything, you see?!”
What a disgusting creature. He probably has candle-lit dinners with Jordan Peterson, while they agree on truth being untruth.
That is, indeed, my opinion – I mean that the sedevacantist solutions (i.e. their advocated approach to dealing with the RC problems) are ineffective, and would be counter-productive: they are wrong in their spirit.
Firstly Brucie, no one, literally no one on Earth gives a flying crap about your opinion. You are absolutely irrelevant to everyone with the possible exception of your cat, if you have one. But even if some misguided soul cared anything for your opinion, let me assure you that not a single Catholic does. That is Sedevacantist or even just nominally ignorant lay Novus Order kind that is simply fooled by the impostors pretending to be Pope and Bishops and priests. Because you are NOT Catholic Bruce. You’re a Gnostic. You are the enemy. We really don’t consider you at all other than as I am doing now, to make an example of you for others to point and laugh at the tarring and feathering and ass-kicking you’re getting here metaphorically speaking.
Secondly, who on Earth would YOU be to judge what is or is not wrong “in the Spirit” whatever that new-age-gnostic phrase is supposed to mean. You silly, cowardly wormtongue, Brucie, go fret for your tuba hat and the Angel Moroni, go on, get out of here, you spiritually empty sack of lies.
And third, Sedevacantism is growing by leaps and bounds. Our Churches are literally bursting at the seams, with often standing room only, and guess what, it’s young people in them. People making children. LOTS of Children Brucie. I know, I know, a lifelong incel like you can’t understand, especially given the faggotry you speak, but believe me Brucie, Sedevacantism is booming.
Because I think it can be known in advance – from multiple experiences in multiple churches – that legal solutions will not have a good effect; that a re-set is impossible (and the attempt undesirable) because it will empower the wrong people and set faithful Catholics at each others throats…
Again, first, NOTHING can be known in advance, especially not by “people” to use the term loosely, like you.
Secondly there has never been any such thing as “multiple experiences in multiple churches” the way you mean it, because there is no such thing as “multiple churches”. There is ONE Church, Brucie, the ONE, True, Holy, and Apostolic CATHOLIC CHURCH.
It doesn’t matter if YOU believe in it or not. None of us care. It is an unchangeable Catholic dogma that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, so there IS only one Church. The Catholic one. Obviously. And logically. Because unlike what “people” like you want to pretend, Brucie, there is only ONE truth. Can only BE one truth. Either Catholicism is true, in which case we are right, or it is not, in which case Christianity doesn’t exist. And again, it doesn’t matter if you and the rest of the world disagrees. We don’t care. We never have cared in two millennia. Catholicism IS Christianity and the ONLY Christians are Catholics.
Thirdly, there is absolutely nothing to “re-set”. The Catholic Church continues as it always did undisturbed. All that Vatican II did is expose all the fake Catholics, those too lazy to learn the facts, those too lazy to hold the line. And of course, the infiltrating Satanists. It’s fine, we’re fine. As I said, our Churches continue to grow and basic game theory makes it mathematically obvious that by being as we are, either eventually we win, or, it’s the end times and we win anyway too. Besides which, either way, the current goings on are all prophesied, so we really have nothing to worry about.
Lastly, faithful Catholics are never at each other’s throats. Stop making shit up. Catholics call out deceivers, gnostics, satanist, and liars like yourself, because it is the duty of every Catholic to do so, and we will always call your kind and Bergoglio’s and all the fake impostors out. But there is never any issue between faithful Catholics. Because we’re all one family. Of course, those genuinely deceived into thinking the Novus Ordo is the “real” Church are just fooled ignorants at best and very lazy ones in the worst cases, but all it takes is a little study and they will see the truth. And THAT is what you fear Brucie, which is why you keep attacking the Sedevacantists, unlike any other of the fake denominations you carry water for. Including the absurd Mormons with their insane idea that a sex pervert with a tuba hat with a “seer-stone” in it was the only one that could decipher the hidden scrolls from the Angel Moroni, and that those pronouncements created the Book of Mormon. That is who you publicly carry water for the most in fact. You’re such an obvious degenerate, infiltrating, miserable, sad little clown Brucie.
That this negative potential can be known in advance from experience, and legalism eschewed, even despite that (probably) nobody has yet proposed any other clearly promising and practical way of genuinely revitalizing the Roman Catholic Church in the West.
There is nothing to “revitalise” never has been. The Novus Orco is not Catholic, so you go ahead and “revitalise” it any gay way you want, Brucie. The actual Catholic Church and its practitioners will continue on as we always have and continue to grow our churches and communities and families.
For what little it is worth; I suspect that an answer might be found in the actual practice of Roman Catholicism at its Christian best; rather than in abstract theories about the matter.
Sedevacantism IS the practice of Catholicism, Brucie. So you have that as a pesky little spanner in your intended works of subversion. Because nothing else IS.
Something to do with the lives of ordinary Catholics (including ‘ordinary’ Saints); rather than the models and hypotheses of canon lawyers, theologians, philosophers, church bureaucrats or the like.
Look at the wormtongueing. It’s almost impressive. Here Brucie is trying to say that Catholic Canon Lawyers, Catholic Philosophers, Catholic Theologians and validly ordained Catholic Clergy (that’s what he means by bureaucrats) have the wrong model of Catholicism. The arrogance in even trying this trick is stunning. Incidentally exposing Brucie’s narcissistic streak in thinking he can get away with it.
It’s a sleight of hand of course, he’s pretending your average street crier with a megaphone is the equivalent of an actual Catholic priest. Or that your current day “philosopher”, who is unaware after 4 years of University that Logic is indispensable in philosophy, is somehow comparable to, say, Thomas Aquinas. It’s all implied you see, none of it spelt out, typical sophist language. Letting your own mind fill in the false “gaps” he implies without stating.
And ending off with that “humble” appeal to “just ordinary folks” don’t you see? Good old Marxist approach, eh Brucie? I’m starting to wonder if you may have been born in a synagogue, Brucie.
The problem you have Brucie, is that “ordinary Catholics” who are actually Catholic, are all, in the main, kinda like me. Really not susceptible to your lies. Because once you have seen the truth Brucie, you can’t be so easily fooled again. And the lies of your kind are failing more and more regularly and more and more people see you for the masked soul-robber you are.
Maybe the most luminous, rich, and inspiring aspects of the pre-Reformation Catholic ‘world’ – something rather like GK Chesterton’s imaginative pictures of “Merrie England” – could be found to contain clues toward the changes that are needed and would work and could grow; and also (and vital) what aspects ought to be de-emphasized…
You shameless vermin, someone should really slap your mouth for daring to mention good men like Tolkien or Chesterton in that whore’s hole you speak your nonsense out of. Chesterton and Tolkien were proper Catholics, which is why Tolkien made a point to LOUDLY protest the Novus Ordo fake Mass every single time he went to Church. He would have got on just fine with us other Catholics. i.e. Sedevacantists. Especially since he died in 1973, when the situation had hardly crystallised, since Vatican II ended at the end of 1965, and people were still trying to see if there was anything salvageable. De Laurier’s only published his thesis on Sedeprivationism in 1979, six years after Tolkien had already passed on. And Lefebvre opened his SSPX seminary only in 1970. Both of these in continental Europe, not England. So Brucie is also imagining things that are counter to likelihood by many orders of magnitude. I feel quite certain that had Tolkien been able to transported to today, he would almost without a doubt be a Sedevacantist.
Selected cuttings from that ancient tree of faithful living might be planted to yield new and different fruits, but recognizably derived from the same root stock.
And again, in the end, he gives himself away as the modernist deceiver he is.
No Brucie, Catholicism is not Protestantism. We don’t do “branches”.
Oh, and Brucie…? Every time you lift your head above the parapet to try and lob dirt on Catholicism, that is, the ONLY Catholicism left, Sedevacantism, I’ll be here.
Those who read here know that the Novus Ordo is nothing but a coven of impostors and pederasts, but a reader sent me the following, at the end of an email:
On another topic, have to tell you that the mascalzoni in the House of Windsor (you mentioned them) are not British but Germans, likely Ashkenazi. Even wiki admits: in 1901, a line of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha succeeded the House of Hanover to the British monarchy with the accession of King Edward VII, son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In 1917, the name of the British royal house was changed from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor, taking its name from the royal residence in Berkshire.They changed their names because of the anti-German sentiment in England after that war to end all wars.
I knew about their Germanic genes, of course, but until I found out all the male sons are circumcised by a Rabbi, or at least a few decades ago, I would have probably thought the label of being Ashkenazi was fanciful invention.
Considering the more recent information that the males are indeed snipped by a Rabbi, AND that they are the last surviving royal house in Europe, when all others were wiped out by the machinations of the Satanists (Freemasons, Illuminati, Carbonari, they took different names in different countries to further muddy the waters) certainly does make it look like quite the Cohen-cidence. Not that I have any incontrovertible evidence one way out he other, nor care particularly, as my interest in the entire ruling class is essentially limited to that a carpenter may have had in the late 1700s in, oh, say France.
Blackpilling deceivers, gnostics, and sophists need to be ignored. At least until we can change the laws back to outlawing them, ostracising them from civilised society, and in the worst cases make their nightmares come true by burning them at the stake.
My version: Ann, show me where in Canon Law it states there is a limit of duration to an interregnum.
Adam’s take: Ann, ALL of these “Cardinals” are demonstrable demon worshippers. And when Bergoglio kicks the bucket THEY will be “electing” the next “Pope”. Can you see why I am using inverted commas and why we 1958 Sedevacantists are correct and not you, laughably wrong 2023 sedevacantist?
But Ann will not respond to either of us, I am certain.
But that’s only because you’re an ignorant heathen, a pretend-Christian of some rebellious Protestant denomination, or you simply never got round to reading the Patristic fathers, the history of Christianity, or the Bible. Take your pick, it doesn’t matter, because the point of this post is simply to show in the clear light of day, what a sophist, deceiver, and mollusc Bruce Charlton is, and why anyone sane will ignore pretty much anything he has to say.
I first came across Bruce because of an admittedly brilliant little pamphlet he wrote (free on the internet) called Addicted to Distraction. It really is good and you don’t need to be in any way religious to enjoy it.
That said, pretty much everything else after that has been a steaming pile of Gnosticism, spiritual deviancy, and sophistry.
For reasons only known to himself, (or perhaps the demons riding him) Bruce decided that the best thing he could do to Adam’s post was discourage anyone from being a proper Catholic. i.e. a Sedevacantist.
Interesting; since Bruce has professed for some time that he feels the closest thing he is Christianity-wise, is to a Mormon.
I thought he’d misspelt Moron (as I think Mormons have too) but he repeated it quite a lot a while back. Now, far be it from me to criticise anyone who believes Joseph Smith wasn’t a complete sex perverted charlatan who made the whole idiotic thing up, including there being golden sheets of words written by an Angel called Moroni (there’s a hint here, honest!) that he put inside a box and that only he, and he alone, could read, and then only with a seer stone inside his tuba hat, but no one else was allowed to see the sheets and the “translated” Angelic words were noted down by a scribe on the other side of a screen from Smith who “read them” using his special tuba hat. And that was how the Book of Mormon, and his fucking everyone’s wife, and the entire Moronic/Mormonic religion came about.
If you think I am having a fever-dream-hallucination, you are wrong, that insanity is literally how Mormonism came about. Yes. I know, it makes the Scientologists with their Xemu seem a LOT more plausible.
But yeah, when THAT guy starts telling people to NOT be proper Catholics… well… light him up is what I’m gonna do, so here it is. And here is Bruce’s first Gnostic comment.
bruce g charlton 1 day ago
@Adam – One difficulty of going back to Vatican II is logistical, given the importance given to a valid apostolic succession. Because most of what has happened in the RC church all over the world over the past half-century would be utterly invalidated.
Indeed, so large and complex is this problem, that it seems (obviously!) utterly impossible to unpick the valid from the invalid – and spiritually almost lethal even to try.
In other words, I am sure that a strict and logical legalism – even if completely honest and rigorously applied – cannot extricate the RCC from the mess that it now inhabits. Therefore, that legalistic approach to the problem is doomed to fail, and therefore should not be embarked-upon.
But that does Not mean the task is impossible, merely that a legalistic approach cannot accomplish the task.
I am sure that insofar as Roman Catholics are motivated to live in accordance with God’s will; then ways will be found in practice to “short circuit” these problems – and these ways will be clear and simple, and known in their hearts to be valid, by those Roman Catholics of genuine good will.
Thus will a part of the Roman Catholic survive and thrive – to the benefit of all.
But the strictly legalistic approach would (will) need to be let-go at some point; or else it will block what is necessary and good.
That’s not the way this works. All that happened over the last several decades is in fact invalid and it can and must be recognized as such. Catholicism is not Romantic Christianity.
But I think mine was more balanced, fair and complete:
Bruce, you whiny, gnostic, coward. Crawl back under the retarded rock of Moroni you climbed out from under. You literally stated that the absurd cult of Mormonism is the closest you come to Christianity, and here you are, once again, trying to dissuade anyone from even thinking about sedevacantism; aka actual Catholicism, which is thriving and expanding daily and makes perfect sense since what happened with V2 is really simple enough an honest ten year old can understand it. But not deceivers like you. Just like you ran away from the truth I forced your nose into at my blog (you deleted my replies on yours) run along now, sede blogs are not places for spineless Brits like you.
If you think that didn’t explain too much, you’re right, but that’s because me and Bruce have had this out before, so if you need more information, you might start here for generics on Sedevacantism, or buy one of my books Believe! (short) or Reclaiming the Catholic Church (long).
If instead you want to read up on Bruce and me, knock yourself out, here. I started to call him out over a year ago.
Bruce ignored my comment, of course, but felt the need to keep making random sophistry up. Which is such bullshit I just need to break it up and comment on it.
Problems don’t go away just because they are unacknowledged; and the worst real problems are those due to unacknowledged metaphysical assumptions.
No, Bruce, the worst problem is intentional, lying deceivers like you trying to lead souls to Hell by lying to them.
One such is that the bottom line essence of Roman Catholicism is legalistic in nature – i.e. that the legal aspects trump all other considerations.
No Bruce. The Bottom Line of Catholicism is that it is the TRUTH. And the Truth cannot be lied about, changed, made different or perverted. Legalism, as YOU use it is simply subterfuge, lies, and twisting the truth. What the Church does is not “legalism” Bruce, it’s defending the factual, inerrant, infallible, eternal TRUTH. Yes, your very Nemesis, the thing that sends you scurrying like a cockroach for shadows and sophistry. You would not know this, being what you are, but you see Bruce, honest men will NEVER flex or bend or break before creatures of shadow like you. Nope. We will look at the truth and point it out, and call you out for the deceiving liar you are.
Until That is recognized as an assumption, and that assumption compared with other possible assumptions, then discussion cannot proceed beyond primary school playground verbal scraps (yawn…).
Yawn away you little runt. There is nothing assumed in Catholicism. It is reasoned, thought out, proven, checked against scripture and tradition and divine dogma, and reality. And because Jesus instituted the Church on Earth, and he is not a liar, the Church too, despite being filled with flawed men, remains infallible in its Magisterial teachings. Yes, even after there has been no valid Pope since 1958. Because Jesus promised he would be with us until the end times, and so it is. Real Priests and real Bishops continue to exist. Just nowhere in the Vatican. None within the Novus Ordo Satanic impostor religion pretending to be Catholicism. But as it always did, the Church continues to exist.
If discussion gets trapped by unexamined legalistic assumptions that contain necessarilydestructive consequences, then it will be Roman Catholicism that suffers.
There is no legalistic assumption, only undeniable fact and reality. There is nothing destructive in Catholicism. And in case you are wondering, yes, burning heretics at the stake is salutary and civilisational, as history has proven time and again, not destructive. Not even for the heretic, since contemplating his own burning flesh gives him time to ponder his errors and possibly repent, thus entering Purgatory and eventually Salvation too.
This is why fifth columnists within all churches have so often hidden their real (and anti-Christian – often personal, or ideological) agendas behind a façade of strict legalism. Such agents destroy and personally profit (or simply enjoy the process of destruction), while pretending to protect.
Nope. You’re now trying to conflate sophists and liars like yourself with being strict. The truth IS strict, Bruce. Reality IS strict. That’s just how it is. And so, liars like you are called out for the liars they are.
And the same can happen unconsciously, delusionally, or from a desire for “certainty” – in order, to “settle the question” once and for all. Many motives are possible.
Look at all the nonsense you’re throwing at Sedes, hoping something will stick. Amazing. Well, I know you’re not doing this “unconsciously” Bruce, it’s very intentional and conscious on your part. Nor is it delusional. Underhanded, subversive, deceitful, false, and cowardly, yes, it’s all of those, but not delusional. Well, except if you think your ploy will work on actual Catholics, then yes, you would be delusional. But that’s not your target, is it Bruce, no, like all the gatekeeping Satanists, your target is the newly interested neophyte. You aim to prevent anyone from even looking at sedevacantism. Because you know if they do they will see the perfect reasoning of it and become proper, actual, Christians. And that would leave you out in the cold. Well… for. bit, you’ll get to a real warm place in due course.
The point is that In These Times we can be sure that (later if not sooner) our fundamental assumptions will be exposed, and tested to breaking point. The question is: what then breaks?
You. Bruce. You break. And all those like you. You know what doesn’t break? Catholicism. Or Catholics. At most we die. And either as martyrs (the best of us) or as warriors, taking as many of you scum as possible down with us, except your ride will be a lot lower down and more permanent than ours.
It was good to see I was not the only one that recognised Bruce for what he is. CT had some pertinent thoughts on the matter.
I should add that I regard the basic “sede” stance – i.e. that the RCC was poisoned by Vatican II – as obviously correct.
Here he uses one of the tried and tested methods of the deceiver: “Oh but I agree with you, see? Now come walk with me down this yellow-bricked road…”
But I suggest that this position can and should be reached without recourse to legalism, and the solutions to Vatican II should not be legalistic either.
Transaltion: But I suggest that this position can and should be reached without recourse to TRUTH, and the solutions to Vatican II should not be TRUE either.
I would have thought it obvious that the Holy Ghost can and will (as I said) “short circuit” the impossibly complex legal problems to provide direct answers that can be agreed by all Catholics of good (i.e. genuinely Christian) motivation.
See? You are a “good” Catholic, if you listen to old uncle Bruce here who has genuine “Christian” motivation. And we’ll skip right over the simple fact that Catholicism IS Christianity. That the ONLY Christianity that has ever existed IS Catholicism, and all else is heresy, nonsense, lies and deceit.
What a serpentine mollusc you are Bruce, you might as well write, All men of good brotherhood can agree that good brotherhood and equality and liberty is the true “catholicism”. You freemason brothers would be proud.
But this can only happen if other factor/s than legalism are regarded as primary and foundational to the Catholic faith. Legalism (aka Pharisees-ism) – if adopted – will empower the wrong people by focusing on the letter, will utterly fail to solve the real problems – and will prove utterly destructive of the Christian spirit (as it always has done and will continue to do). If any church survives, it will be an empty shell.
Translation: But this can only happen if other factor/s than TRUTH are regarded as primary and foundational to the Catholic faith.
See Bruce, you have a bit of a hurdle here, in the sense that K2 or Mount Olympos is a “bit of a hill”. Catholicism has always stayed very clearly that it is the ONLY, ONE, TRUE, HOLY, APOSTOLIC, RELIGION. You really can’t get away from that. Now, you can agree or not. Don’t agree, then you’re not Catholic. Buh-Bye. Off you go, piss off and don’t bother us again. No Catholic cares about your opinions of Catholicism, you are not one of us, you don’t count. End of. Or you agree, in which case, you can’t water down the truth Bruce. You can’t twist it. You can’t change it. You can’t ignore it. Which is what you are advocating for. Precisely what you’d like Catholics to do is completely anathema to us. Oh, does it hurt you feel that we plainly say, we are right and yes, all of you who are not with us are wrong? Hmmm…I wonder who else said if you are not with me you’r against me. Anyone? Anyone? Guy in Galilee? Answered to the name of Jesus? Ever heard of Him, Bruce? Guess what, we Catholics ARE with him. People like you, I’m fairly sure He’s gonna say “I never knew you.” Go look it up. You might as well read that Bible one day eh?
CT too also fired back. More gentlemanly than I, as is often the case. But then I am not going for polite. I want to obliterate any shred of credibility these charlatanic gnostic deceivers have, forever. So Orbital Nukes is more my speed.
You often make these weird mistakes — e.g. “pharisees-ism” — that make me wonder sometimes what language you actually speak.
No, God won’t “short-circuit” His own law. That’s a stupidity that only a maleducated, non-Christian midwit could envisage. The plain truth is that outside of the Church there is no salvation, therefore all who wish to be saved must be brought into It, legally and publicly because there is no other way. Baptisms and other sacraments must be performed properly, evil must be publicly renounced, penance must be visibly performed before the apostates can be accepted as Catholic.
You are not even a member of the Church. You are so far from being a well trained and educated cleric that you can only aspire to be a layman. You have no say, are entitled to no opinion, can offer no relevant advice on the matter.
Quite. And on that note, we once more, turn the page on the non-Christian, liar, deceiver and intentional sophist Bruce Charlton.
Imagine if you Bonobos could speak like humans, with a near full vocabulary, but retained their bonobo interests and brains although they were trying to pretend to be the rightful rulers of Earth. In short: Planet of the Apes, the original film.
Then imagine these apes pretending to discuss an item of basic philosophy or religion, or metaphysics. And imagine how you might feel and what you might think observing them.
Any attempt at trying to seriously engage with them on the topic would be utterly frustrating, as you might only get a few basic concepts across before their limited ape brain got them back to talking about bananas and how they are intrinsic to the question at hand. Or how rutting with the nearest female bonobo right then and there was. All the while pretending they are sophisticated philosophers even as they rape the nearest female and shortly eat the banana she was trying to keep for herself.
Would you get angry and beat the male and try and educate him? Would you take the banana from him and at least try to prevent him from stealing it from the other ape? Would any of it be worth doing at all?
Or you might poke at them with a stick or a sentence, to see what they might do. You might get more fond of one or two oft mhm who seemed to have some beginning of a kind of understanding, or more human-like behaviour. But in the end, you would realise they are bonobos.
Arrogant as it will sound, this is very often the case I encounter when I come across the average “theologian on the internet”. They say the most absurd and retarded things, with no basis in the factual information they are pretending to base their opinions on. Literally none.
So, I am often finding myself making comment like this one:
And people think “Oh, what a rude bigot!”
Insofar as they think of anything at all past the nearest fetching female ape with a banana in hand, that is.
But you see, for the half-dozen or so of you that might not be apes who actually read and comprehend… the fact is that I didn’t just become a Sedevacantist (that is a proper Catholic) by chance. I wasn’t born into it. I rejected religion as a whole in general and Catholicism as it was preached to me by the then Novus Ordo (but probably validly ordained) priest we had come talk to us in school when I was 7. I have read thousands of books and probably hundreds on various concepts of physics, astronomy, philosophy, various religions, and metaphysical beliefs. I literally read hundreds of research papers on everything from neurology to ESP testing. I practiced various forms of martial arts and the associated exercises of mental and physical control that goes with them. I have read pretty much everything Milton Erikson wrote on hypnosis and practices self hypnosis on myself for over a year and a half before I tried it on anyone else. I have yet to fail at a single session of smoking cessation done on others and have helped people heal even from clinically diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia that meant they were on mandated medication. I have read enough stuff on neuroscience and tested various practices on myself to know most doctors haven’t got a clue of the level of brain-body-mind connection that exists and how much it is interrelated.
So, when I had a unique, Road to Damascus experience, I didn’t just go “Oh, right, I’m Catholic now!”.
Nope, I spent the next 4 years obsessively reading and researching Christianity, which I had already read up on a lot of stuff before already, but now I went back to the very earliest writings on it and started there. And slowly but surely it became obvious that Catholicism was far and away the closest interpretation of reality as it actually is that exists. And I didn’t just assume this. I tested it. I tested it scientifically with prayer and various methods of belief and so on. And my life radically changed path in ways that are literally nothing short of miraculous.
If you take the approach I did to Christianity, which is to assume nothing, to release all and any preconceived ideas you had and just do the work of researching it from the very baseline, it becomes absolutely impossible to assume that Protestant-anything has any validity whatsoever.
That’s because Christianity absolutely has rules. Which, of course, is perfectly logical. If God is good and loving and logical (the word Logos literally is part of Christianity) it makes absolute sense that you have rules and things you can do and things you should not do. And things that you need to do and things you need to NOT do. Simply saying “I believe in God and Christ is King!” just is NOT enough. Nor would it be enough for anyone even remotely reasonable and good. That level of “belief” is literally identical to the one demons have. They know God is real and they know Jesus is King. Which is why they have to flee before him and people who invoke his name with true faith in our Lord.
And if you study Christianity, you realise that Catholicism IS Christianity. It always was. Infallible Popes and everything else. And you realise the lies told about it and the eternal and relentless attacks against it from the very start. And you also begin to see how the politics and byzantine machinations of the East led them to splinter away for purely human and worldly reasons, even though they recanted their errors several times, even four centuries later at the ecumenical council in Florence. What is more, you see the fruits of Catholicism literally throughout the world. And as you continue to study you begin to realise the evil of freemasonry, Satanism and the Judaic principles behind it all. And you begin to appreciate a lot more exactly what Jesus meant in Revelation 3:9. Or how America came about and who made it as it is, and who controls it to this day.
You begin to see the French Revolution and the so-called “Enlightenment” and the Industrial Revolution in a new light and why they had to happen after the staged Rebellion by the fat German sex pervert, aided by the wife-murdering, impotent, English King.
You begin to understand the absolute majestic heroism of the Crusaders and the vicious lies told about them by Protestant historians for centuries.
You begin to grasp the treachery of the Eastern “orthodox” backstabbers and the further lies they tell about the oh so “unjust” fourth Crusade that sacked Constantinople. Which was eminently just in the scheme of things, and rightly and deservedly so, by the logic of any reasonable man.
Then you read the Code of Canon Law of 1917 and you begin to now really understand why what you always thought WAS the Catholic Church in fact is no such thing and hasn’t been since 1958, when the first fake Catholic, a confirmed freemason named Angelo Roncalli, took over the papcy by an completely invalid “election” with many more fremasons already entrenched in the Vatican. After that foul day on the 28th October 1958, there has not been a valid pope since and almost the entirety of the catholic Clergy became apostate and heretical by continuing to promote the absolute and obvious heresy of Vatican II. Absolute and obvious to anyone who has bothered to do what I did and research the history and the ways of Christianity from the very first principles, without any preconceived idea of what I might or “should” find.
So, you then go and investigate both he fake Bergoglian-led home of pederastry, communism, and lies, and you compare it to your investigation of Sedevacatnist priests and bishops and their congregations. And here it becomes obvious that the Novus Ordo clergy are really Novus Orco. Just new orcs, spouting the same gnostic and satanic lies all attackers of christianity always spouted. They are fake and they know they are fake. Perhaps the very newer and younger priests aren’t aware even of Vatican II, but if that is so, whose fault is it? If I study to be an engineer, do I not learn about bending moments? Catholicism is not magic. It is based on reasons and logic. there is a REASON why it was Catholic monks that invented the scientific method and applied it to pretty much everything.
But the Novus Orco “Church” is fake and gay and pederastic, and the fruits it produces are the same, rancid and abusive. It literally has nothing to do with actual Catholicism, which is now, exclusively the purview of Sedevacantists. Nor is it my opinion that makes it so. It is the same, logic, reason, and scientific method that does so. With he added benefit that it is supernaturally protected from error by Jesus’s promise to always be with “us” that is, the church.
All the rules of Catholicism are written down. And why would they not be for any ACTUAL RELIGION BASED IN TRUTH?!?
It’s not write your own rules, nor choose your own adventure book and if you don’t like the outcome you just choose differently until you get the result you want. A real God that Loves us would have a way for us to KNOW the rules and for them to be clear and simple, and available. Even despite EVERY human being being flawed and imperfect. THAT is the amazing, miraculous thing. If you read the Code of Canon Law of 1917, it is absolutely obvious that a society based on these rules would produce amazingly good results. And we have 2,000 years of proof of it too. Literally no other religion on Earth even comes close to having done what Catholicism has done for humanity. CATHOLICISM. Not some vague and corrupted “christianity”.
And protestantism has brought us, in straight line order:
Contraception, which leads to sex before marriage and sex for entertainment. Which in turns leads to…
Divorce. Which was only accepted by Protestant denominations in Christianity and at first still thought of as pretty scandalous, so they went ahead with…
Fault-free divorce. Which of course led to…
Sex as mere sport/entertainment/pleasure with no connection to marriage, which naturally led to…
Killing babies so they don’t get in the way of having sex just for “fun”. And killing them by the most horrific way possible by sucking them out of the womb in pieces, ripping them limb from limb. And by the MILLIONS. Every. Single. Year.
Gay “marriage” which leads to…
Child trafficking. Because that is literally what adoption by homosexuals is, since they are obviously unable to reproduce naturally. Which leads to…
Transgenderism and the associate child abuse and sexual mutilation.
And so on and so forth. You can scream and shout and tell me that the Novus Orco “Catholic” Church is now heading down the same path led by its “pope” Bergoglio, and I of course agree with you. The Novus Orco is a creation of Protestants and Jews.
So… perhaps now you understand why when some brainwashed protestants, with all the best of intentions, I am sure, gets all shouty about how the Catholic Church is not the Real, One, True, Holy and Apostolic Church, I hover between wanting to bitchslap them le Valette style, until they recant —and I’d probably be happy to do the same 4 months in jail for it if it means every other cretin becomes aware of the reality of behaving like such a retarded ape— or laughing in their face and scrubbing them entirely from my life forever, as I would any annoying and irrelevant insect.
In fact, it is my rather miserly level of Christian charity that keeps me engaged from time to time with the rutting bonobos and their cursed bananas. Because I know, in such efforts, the few who are capable, who can read, who are not impossibly lazy and illiterate, may and do pick up the thread and do the research, and in time, they may get there. And getting there is the important part.
Whether they do so through my books or not is not important, though it does save a lot of time, since I have put a lot of references for people to verify for themselves within them.
I have been told by several people who also happen to admit that on investigation, they really cannot falsify or deny my logic and hence they too should really be Sedevacantists, that one of the things that prevents them from doing so at times is the WAY I present this information. With sarcasm, humiliating examples of people’s ignorance, and ridicule of their sophistry and ruthless exposition of their lies. You can go look at the videos I did on Jay Dyer if you want, to see their point.
But I feel the only point they have is that perhaps, my behaviours in that respect might earn me a little more time in purgatory (assuming I make it there). Firstly, Jesus himself was not averse to insulting, ridiculing and generally making the Pharisees and the idiots look like liars and morons, so, you know, I feel I’m on fairly solid ground here.
But more importantly, the number of people who have written to thank me and have gone on to get baptised, confirmed, married and proceeded to have their friends and family become interested and closer to doing so themselves outnumbers the complainers of my lack of “decorum” by at leasttwo orders of magnitude. That’s times 100 for those of you who are not sure what an order of magnitude is (x 10).
So… if you’re holding your breath for me to become a softer, gentler, kinder Kurgan with the fake Pagans, the sophists, the morons, the Protestants, the “Orthodox”, the liars and especially the fake, Satanic Clergy of the Novus Orco, well… good luck with that.
The largest battleground for human happiness and misery is in the field of romantic relationship between a man and woman.
UPDATE: you can now read how to make the best of the current situation in my book Caveman Theory. Available ONLY at my E-Store as it is too politically incorrect for Amazon. But read the post below to get a general sense of things first. As the book in large part is written to help you navigate the current situation and achieve success in the kind of relationship you want to have.
If you just listen to the first 7 minutes of this podcast on it, the lady in it identifies really quite well the basic issues facing young people today and what I found particularly useful is that she indicates, as does the guy doing the podcast, the specific fact that it is the general zeitgeist of the world to present things as if love itself is not part of the equation any longer. They refer to recent movies, Barbie and apparently Snow White and how the main woke actress in Snow White, Rachel Ziegler, says:
“She’s not going to be saved by the Prince, she’s not going to be dreaming about true love, she’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be. The Prince in the original movie stalked her.”
Imagine, someone from the hypokrite class thinking this way about the classic story of Snow White. The word hypokrite of course, was the original term for actors in Ancient Greece. You can see why it’s relevant to study the classic, and etymology, yes? Actors in classical times were essentially thought of as basically prostitutes. And while the glorification of whores is also nothing new (The temple prostitutes used to get paid to have sex with any man that donated to the temple and were held in high esteem by mostly Babylonian/Sumerian people, while the Greek Herodotus, in his Histories referred to the practice of forced prostitition at least once as “foul”.
The foulest Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land to sit in the temple of Aphrodite and have intercourse with some stranger at least once in her life.
As pretty much the entire #metoo movement proved, thinking most actors and actresses are essentially highly paid prostitutes is really about the size of it. And in fact, having met a few actresses and also a few prostitutes in my life, generally, a highly paid whore who makes no pretence of being anything other than what she is, in my experience of conversing with such people, are far more honest and interesting than those who fancy themselves as artists that should be venerated. And if you doubt, me look up the term “yachting” when used in the context of famous actresses, fashion models and so on. Having worked as close protection for some wealthy people from all around the world, I can tell you that some world-recognised names of women that literally everyone knows, have, in fact, been bought an paid for to have sex with, like any common prostitute. It just cost more. And while I have no personal experience in the matter, if I had to bet on it I would bet that the more expensive famous whores probably performed worse than the cheaper unknown ones.
But I digress. The point is that the famous people a lot of young people look up to are essentially spouting the narrative they are paid to vomit out of the orifices they use to make their money.
And that narrative, as the man and woman in the podcast state, is that love makes you weak, is some kind of outdated, or outmoded way of being, removes choice and fun from your life, causes unnecessary suffering and is no good at all. And it is a narrative being pushed, as the lady correctly identifies, primarily by people who are undesirable to the opposite sex.
I have been saying for years that I have yet to meet a beautiful woman that is reasonably normal (i.e. hasn’t suffered some genuinely dramatically traumatising event) that is in any way a feminist. Pretty women pretty much can get a LOT of what they want primarily by playing to their straights and those are the feminine qualities. And if they are really smart, they will use those to snatch a quality man who has masculine qualities.
The blue-haired manatees that scream feminism, and the incel-gargoyles that become MGTOW types, along with a few others that are internally as repulsive as the aforementioned generally are externally, are essentially deeply miserable human wreckage and as they say, misery loves company, so they try to drag everyone else down to their level of despair.
The narrative is so pervasive and so prevalent in literally every aspect of life that you don’t even realise in how many multitudes of ways it is pushed on you and at you throughout every single day. If you read my last blog post before this one, perhaps, you might begin to become more aware of how insidiously the lies about reality and ESPECIALLY about relations between men and women are inculcated in you by subterfuge, stealth, unstated assumptions (one of the biggest culprits and methods), and so on.
Reality all around you is narrated and presented in a twisted manner in order to make you think that the current narrative of feminism-über-alles and being a strongly independent woman and an asexual automaton male, are the pinnacle one should strive for. That is, when they are not pushing the idea you should sexually mutilate yourself in order to become a tragic parody of the opposite sex.
So you bet, there are a lot of unhappy young men and women, unfulfilled in any relationship they attempt to get into and so on. Even if one of them has actually seen through most of the fog, finding a partner that has too, or that at least is amenable to being shown the way through the lies is difficult. It requires patience, skill, intelligence, and genuine research that does not collapse into embittered despair.
I have mentioned these type of things over the years a lot, both on this blog and on my Youtube channel, so search through it and see the videos on the topic too, and pluck what you can from it, but in just a few key sentences, as a starting point, please try to keep this in mind:
Male and female brains are physically and structurally different. That has an effect.
Male and female hormones and the female cycle of hormones are wildly different and this affects everything.
Women are far more swayed by their emotions and hormones than men are, generally speaking, and as a result less likely to be objective overall. Their biology demands a certain level of “selfishness” that has served humanity well in the survival of the species. Just like male biology has a tendency to be more logical and objective and (at least until fairly recently) be more prone to self-sacrifice for the sake of his family, has also served the survival of the species well.
Yes technology has made our survival far more likely than it used to, but our biology remains essentially the same and the answer is not to try and modify our biology to suit the machines, but rather to alter the machines to suit our biology. This last point has literally not been understood by any one of the myriad “relationship” experts you see all over the internet and seminars and books. Which should tell you how useful a lot of their other advice is (which they generally demand money for). Well, you read it here first. For free.
Above all, a lifelong marriage for the purpose of raising multiple children in a loving, strong, family, with emphasis on overcoming hardship and sticking by your blood whenever you can, with the ethics that Catholicism has, —that is, the original real Catholicism (sedevacantism now), which includes Just War and the Death Penalty, as well as the DUTY to defend innocents, yes even with violence, yes even with pre-emptive violence— produces the genuinely happiest life you can possibly imagine.
I stumbled into it by never giving up my fight against perceived nonsense from childhood until my late 30s. the Boomer zeitgeist did a lot of damage to my generation (and your too), but I sincerely hope you throw off the mental shackles I got rid of mostly by brutish (yet correct) animal instinct (at least at first) by conscious understanding and reasoned contemplation of reality and truth.
March on brothers and sisters; and win.
Lest you think I am unkind… let me be clear, that even though you may be a gargoyle, it’s up to you what TYPE of Gargoyle you make yourself into.
The Loser, Omega, Poor-me, Gargoyle-Incel:
The “Red-Pilled” All-women-are-bitches, MGTOW Incel-Gargoyle:
Or… The…
I’m a Gargoyle! And I kick all the ass! NON-Incel Gargoyle:
PS: Please ignore the demonic undertones, Gargoyles are traditionally representative of demonic beings, while the unfortunates that look like them are not necessarily evil any more than anyone else is. I hope the images illustrate the point I am trying to make in a sufficiently obvious manner. You can’t help some of the cards you are dealt. But you have absolute authority in how you play them.
Some years back I did a video on the Lies You Are Told in general History, and more recently on Kurgan TV I did a series (which I will pick up again soon, on the more specific lies of history starting with pre-history really and eventually working my way to the present day (all in due course).
And of course, if you read this blog, you are aware that for some 30 plus years, all the supposed “crazy” theories I held have, over time, been proven to be absolutely factually correct. It’s not because I am some oracle, it’s just I pay attention to things, can do basic math and logic and have had to deal with the rabid flying monkeys some people refer to as Journalists and the Mass Media in general.
By now, anyone that trusts a Mass Media Outlet can be considered to essentially be a full-blown Zombie.
You always need to interpret newspapers, TV news, and so on as being the lowest form of crack-whore and deceiver, who probably worships Satan in their spare time. And I apologise in advance to crack-whores for the comparison.
As long as you do that, you MIGHT be able to understand the truth behind their obfuscations, and can then confirm it by researching a topic on your own.
But the problem has been so pervasive and for so long, that people are essentially anaesthetised into believing “official sounding” or “authoritative sounding” or “famous person speaking” or “super rich person speaking” as being “true”.
And not only is there no correlation whatsoever between truth and those categories of people, but if there were to be a correlation, you may find it is negative.
Steven is clearly an intelligent guy and he made a lot of money. I also found out recently he comes from Botswana, which made want to say ‘Hey! Give me five, man!” Since I grew up there. He is a lot younger than I am and a millionaire, so despite the originally smaller group of people that used to live there, I don’t believe our paths or even our parent’s paths ever crossed while I was there. But it’s always nice to know that someone that comes from or spent some time in the same little-known area as you, did well for himself. It genuinely makes me happy for him, and even makes me a little “proud” as silly as that sounds given I had nothing to do with his success and that I don’t know him at all; but it’s still a fairly common human response.
His podcasts are genuinely interesting in-depth interviews with pretty extraordinary people, and definitely entertaining. Steven himself appears to be a very decent person too and although I never met the guy, it is obvious he is extremely well-read and at least a couple or three standard deviations north of normal IQ.
That all said, his guests, which cover a very wide range but are usually experts or wealthy men and women in their field, are, as I said, genuinely interesting, but even so, there is an overarching veneer of respectability that is to a certain extent rooted in falsity.
And I absolutely do not mean to imply with this that Steven is in any way trying to do anything other than get to the real truth of very interesting topics. I genuinely believe he really is interested, and he really is trying to get to the bedrock of truth of whatever he gets interested in. I realise his podcast to a certain extent is also a “performance” and like all of us he has a “mask” to some degree or other, but I have spent enough time watching a half-dozen or so of his podcasts over the last few months that I am confident in saying that if I had to judge him, with a gun to my head, I would say he is likely:
Truth Seeking
Interested in People and their well-being
Self-motivated (very much so)
Confident in practice, yet has a core deep down that may still wobble internally
Very intelligent
If I were really pushed I might also say that if absolutely forced to, I would likely bet that he is no stranger to the female of the species, and probably indulged quite a bit before (I think?) apparently settling down with one girlfriend.
I would guess he is mostly (and honestly) agnostic religiously speaking (as was I for most of my life) though I am unaware of his position at all on the matter and if he has said what it is, I have no idea.
So, all in all, my point is that I absolutely and genuinely expect that Steven tries to put out information that is truthful, practical and useful for as many people as possible. I have nowhere near his reach, wealth or effectiveness, and our styles of presentation are probably almost diametrically opposite, and he is without any shadow of a doubt far, far, far more polite and, shall we say: “professionally spoken” than I am, but at core, I recognise the intent is very similar. If we figure out something important or that might be good for other people, we genuinely want to spread it, aside from any money or commercial considerations. Which yes, we may indulge in to some extent or other, but really is not the primary motivator at all. We all have to eat and he does his podcasts for free, and if I had his money, I might even produce my books for free too.
This long intro, is not to suck up to Steven, I am fairly sure he will never have any interest in interviewing me, if he ever even came across me for my ideas. I present it because I want to be absolutely clear in how you are personally being deceived, and how people like Steven have (in my opinion) genuinely ZERO interest in trying to intentionally deceive you, and yet, the zeitgeist of the world is such that deception is baked into the very fabric of almost any information you consume.
Allow me now to use Steven and his (most excellent) podcasts to point out what I mean.
Let’s start with Scott Galloway and the podcast I saw in full of him, here:
Now, before you get all concerned, please don’t worry about me, my sex life is great, as the three children we have had in the last 4 years should prove. But I know a LOT of younger men are having a bad time of it, which is why I get emails and I try to comment on the topic when I can. And why perhaps I have some success at this, since at least 3 young couples in their early to mid 20s that came across my ideas over the last couple of years are now happily married and working towards their first babies. So I thought I’d listen to what some other supposed expert in the field had to say.
And if you listen to the podcast, Scott makes quite a lot of valid points, then at some point (about halfway or so on) he kind of goes completely off the rails by presenting and baking in his viewpoints of politics. He literally says Putin is a murderer, Trump is a criminal and essentially saying parents that decide to give hormone treatments to their children for the eventual sexual mutilation that is known as “transgenderism” are you know… normal, instead of the child-abusing freaks they are. He repeats some of these absolutely insane points along with the idea that Ukraine is winning the war against Russia. I mean, anyone that really thinks Russia is on the ropes and thinks this as of 1 month ago, is clearly either doing a lot of heavy drugs, or is completely delusional.
Once you become aware of this and you rewind and listen to his “good points” you then realise that they too are somewhat tainted. Notice how he says that masculinity needs an update basically. Because you know, things that literally worked and created civilisation for thousands of years are somehow now suddenly “bad” because of technology and our supposedly superior brains of the modern age. That modernism is great theme is one we shall return to again, both in this post as well as in general.
I have already described how the mechanisation of humanity as a direct result of protestantism and the much vaunted “protestant work ethic” which came about due to the industrial revolution is really a Satanic and dehumanising principle. Something Steven instinctually (if not intellectually yet I believe) grasps, since if I remember well, I heard mention of the fact that he has a rule of no meetings before 11 am. Meaning he has already shaped his work as he wishes more or less instead of necessarily as is demanded by “the world”.
So let me make a stark comparison of two hypothetical worlds, and you tell me, if you are a man, which world you’d prefer to live in.
Scott world: You can “transition” your child to a “different” sex by mutilating him/her and giving him/her physical irreversible operations to do so perfectly legally and the zeitgeist accepts this as normal. One parent only can force this on their children and the other parent cannot prevent it. LGBT Pride Parades are a normal part of life and naked, sexually suggestive, adults can take part in these in front of small children without any repercussion. LGBT agenda in schools is considered part of normal education, and transexuals that may be convicted pedophile in drag can always read to small children in libraries, along with possible displays of hardly covered genitals. You are not allowed to respond to ANY verbal statements with ANY physical violence, no matter what. You are not allowed to respond with deadly force even to an attacker, no matter the circumstances, without undergoing at minimum a very lengthy and expensive trial with economic, social and possibly physical (incarceration) effects even in the best of cases. Weapons are limited to ownership or use only by police/military, and thus the use of force is mandated only for specific government employees. Any physical altercation of any nature whatsoever results in automatic assault charges for at least one and possibly both parties. Martial arts are heavily regulated and practitioners are considered as “dangerous”, so if they are EVER in any physical altercation, they are considered as unfairly “armed”. Physical restraint of even a violent home intruder is considered kidnapping and not permitted.
NOTE: EVERY aspect of Scott World is currently a reality in at least some countries around the world. All the LGBT Stuff in most of the Anglo-Saxon world and the gun stuff in the Anglo-Saxon world outside of the USA for the most part.
Kurgan World: Any form of “transitioning” is outlawed, regardless of age. Psychological counselling is offered for people with sexual dysphoria. Homosexuality is not permitted to be taught in any fashion as being “normal” or natural, since it obviously is not. And “pride” parades are not permitted by law, nor is proselytising of homosexuality. Homosexuality itself is not specifically outlawed, nor punished by law, however any public displays of it would fall under an obscenity law (say a fine or so depending on the severity of the display). Any homosexuality performed on anyone under the age of at least 18 (and preferably 21) would also be considered a crime, similar to having sex with an underage person. Any doctor that performed un-needed surgery on people who wish to be amputees, would be incarcerated for intentional grievous bodily harm and mutilation of another, and obviously stripped of their medical licence. Men who chose to settle their differences by unarmed combat are not subject to any prosecution as long as both agree to the fight in front of witnesses and do so away from public areas. In the event that a physical attack on a man is launched in public, for whatever reason, he has the absolute right to defend himself with force. The force should generally be appropriate to the attack, but in any legal disputes on the matter, the erring should be on the side of the victim. So, if a 6’3″ 250 lbs bodybuilder violently attacks and sustains that attack on a 5′ 120 lbs guy, and that little guy draws a .45 colt and places three rounds in the bodybuilder’s head, eh… good shooting Tex, is about all he’d get from the cops. If the last two rounds where after the bodybuilder had already hit the floor and was lying in a pool of his own blood, yeah… maybe Tex loses his gun licence and gets some community service. Anyone braking into your home, armed or not, who gets shot dead or shot wounded and/or crippled is not going to get to sue anyone for anything. Cops do NOT get special treatment for unlawful behaviour, and any citizen can make a proper citizen’s arrest just like any cop, as long as he is following the correct procedure. Concealed weapon carrying is permitted to anyone who applies for it formally and has not been charged previously with some firearm or general violent crime offence. Drink driving results in immediate loss of licence, and have to do community service along with a doctor’s note certifying the man has attended AA like meetings for an uninterrupted 6 months, before he is allowed behind a wheel again, with a licence with a single point on it from then on. Meaning any infraction results in loss of licence and similar situation for a year before he gets it back. Third strike and he’s out of driving for good. Public indecency, obscenity, or extreme vulgarity is punishable by law, as is public blasphemy of the national religion. Persons in position of authority or public officials (government employees) who perform criminal acts are punished more severely (generally double the sentence of a normal citizen at a minimum). The death penalty exists and is swift and efficient for certain crimes (child rape or murder, murder without any mitigating factors, imprisonment with aggravating circumstances [e.g. imprisonment for the purposes of rape, torture, sexual trafficking and so on]). Generally the breaking of agreed upon contracts incurs quite stiff penalties, and the principles of Roman Law apply (Principles guide, specific cases are judged on an individual basis based on their specifics). The murder of a confirmed rapist of a child, by literally anyone, but especially anyone connected to the child by friendship or family relationship, is not considered a crime in itself, but if done in public would fall under the obscenity laws and one may face punishment for it. Unprovoked assaults of anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, sex, religion or ethnicity, is subject to stiff penalties and these are enforced.
Those are your choices. Let’s ay you can only pick one of them and there is nothing in between. I genuinely am not aware of anyone actually male that would pick Scott World. Are you?
You see, there is literally NOTHING WRONG with men resolving their differences with some sensible but brutish violence. In fact, it would really resolve a lot of the world’s problems if that was returned to. It is only the Scotts of this world that disagree with it. And once I heard his take on the whole “transgender” child mutilation thing, I became instantly aware that Scott must have probably been a member of a tribe that seems to think it’s ok to foster that kind of thing on Europeans, although they tend to reject it in their own societies. So I decided to google him. And wouldn’t you know it…
Early life and education
Galloway grew up in Los Angeles, California. His father was a Scottish immigrant to the United States who worked as a sales executive. His mother, a Jewish emigrant from London, England, worked as a secretary.
Yup, just as expected. Yet another Cohen-cidence. That now confirmed fact wasn’t even remotely in the back of my mind while I listened to the podcast with Scott, until I noticed a pattern that is now fairly obvious not just to me, but to most people that are paying attention now, and that is: whom, exactly, pushes which type of narrative.
And the guy is planning to write a book on Masculinity. Yeah. Good luck with that. You might as well read a book on mental health and not being an egomaniacal globalist written by Jordan Peterson. Oh… Wait…
But if you were to just gloss over his trangendersim nonsense, or his absolutely deluded take on Ukraine, or Trump for that matter, given that Trump, like him or hate him has had investigation after investigation pushed on him, and came out squeaky clean every time. While Biden, literally can’t complete a full sentence, is incontinent, has all the behaviour of a long-standing pedophile, has molested children on camera under the guise of… what? Sniffing them? As if THAT was acceptable? Is a known taker of monies from foreign interests he was absolutely not allowed to take money from, is a certified blackmailer, and has covered up for his drug addicted, pedophile son, in every way possible. And yes, Hunter Biden is a pedophile, the images and video from his laptop, which are now confirmed beyond any doubt as being real, even by the fully partisan FBI on his side, demonstrate this without any possibility of doubt. But Trump is the criminal. And Putin a murderer. According to Scott. Right.
Ok, then, that’s sort of an extreme example though right? Not really. Steven does not challenge Scott on any of these absurd points. To be fair he doesn’t agree with them either, but you can see the wisdom of the Romans now surely, yes?
Qui Tacet Consentit – He who remains silent consents.
And that, like it or not, is really the truth of the matter. I have no idea if Steven agrees with Scott on transgenderism, Trump and Putin. I suspect probably and mostly not. But under the veneer of wanting to be civilised, Steven remains silent. Then again, Steven is far more British than I am and I am far more African savage than he is, despite initial appearances. I would have laughed in Scott’s face and forced him to prove his ridiculous assertions with any facts he thought he had, just so as to expose him to global ridicule, not just my own.
My interview skills would be kinda more like this:
Do I mean to say that Steven is allowing lies to propagate if he doesn’t agree with my take on things? No. I am saying that the lies are so enmeshed in the current zeitgeist you need to be consciously awake to see them, because we have started to accept complete nonsense as if it had any basis in reality. Like math being racist. Men being able to get pregnant and “trans women” being real women. Or 2+2 being anything other than 4.
Let’s take now a completely different podcast, in case you are about to start accusing me of being an indefatigable noticer. Let me pre-empt you: I am. I notice. I pretty much always notice, sooner or later.
Let us look now at Bryan Johnson
Bryan is obsessed with immortality. It’s sort of a clikbaity reductionist sentence, but as far as normal humans go, it’s a fair assessment. The man has gone to absolutely incredible lengths to try and figure out how to reverse and slow down the ageing process. From a scientific standpoint it is absolutely fascinating, and he puts all the information out there for free for everyone. Even though the man is a self-made multi-millionaire, it is absolutely clear he is not primarily motivated by money.
In fact, by his own admission, he struggles to get his main point across, which —if I understood him at all correctly— is primarily that our future could and would be so far removed from what we think we know now, that we might as well be Homo Erectus a million years ago, trying to conceive of us and our technology today.
Bryan has done some incredible studies on the human body and brain and created a helmet that gives you instant brain feedback. I sure would LOVE to have one of those, and he has figured out that one of the very best things you can do for your health is eat a tablespoonful of extra virgin olive oil at every meal. I kinda knew proper olive oil was good for you to begin with, but his scientific and obsessive approach allowed him to realise it really is one of the very best things you can do for your body.
And as it happens, my own olive oil, cold-pressed, unfiltered, and without any kind of screwing around with it, literally happens to have been voted the best in the world bar none, for two years in a row.
And I could relate absolutely when he was saying that the stuff you buy in shops is not really proper extra virgin olive oil. He’s right. But he only sells the good stuff. And mine definitely qualifies. So, hey Bryan, if I can be your oil guy in Italy, please get in touch.
Does Bryan lie? Is he deluded? No, I don’t think so at all. I think Bryan is not neurotypical, but then, neither am I. He is absolutely driven and I may be wrong, but I don’t even get the sense that he is necessarily terrified of dying. He might be, I can’t say for sure, but I sense for him it might be more of an intellectual challenge. His main take seems to be: Look, no one knows a damned thing. We are monkeys scratching in the sand. So I want to figure out how it actually works. In a very undeniable way the man is a genius.
And like perhaps all geniuses, he might go down a road that really benefits mankind, or that creates unmitigated disaster, no one really knows. I don’t believe Bryan is looking to create a bad outcome for anyone, quite the opposite. I really think he is at heart, a very honest, curious, intense person of probably impeccable integrity. We neuro-a-typical freaks tend to be too interested in our own little projects we obsess over to have much room left over in our ever-spinning brains for deception. And in that sense, I recognise Bryan as a fellow freak. I don’t have his money, perhaps not even his drive, though I think I do, it’s just that mine was in different and perhaps multiple directions, and I achieved different things. He made millions, I learned to disarm people with loaded guns and probably handle myself very well in any physical confrontation throughout most of my life, and hopefully still some way into the future too.
To be perfectly honest, Bryan’s end goal of increasing longevity is only somewhat interesting to me. I like the idea of being physically more able than I have been lately, given my back injury, niggling knee injury and overall decline in health after catching Covid and then two pneumonias. He does freaky things like inject himself with things I am not certain might not impact his genetics permanently, but I would bet money he didn’t get Vaxxed either, just like me. And I would be shocked if I was wrong about that. I like the idea of being able to be fit and healthy right up to the day I drop dead, but I am not particularly against dropping dead. The biggest issue I have with death is that I started to make children late in life and I am curious! I want to know what happens with them and their children and their grandchildren. But if I am right about what happens at death, if there is any way to be, and I think there would be, some part of me will likely be quite aware of it, for quite some time anyway. Aside missing out on more time with people I love, death has never held any fear over me. And I faced it several times in situations I was sure would be the end at the time and I never flinched, so I’m fairly sure I’ll be ok on the day.
Philosophically I also think that death is probably necessary, and ultimately a good thing, in the normal affairs of a good life well-lived. Of course it feels absolutely tragic and unfair and evil when it happens in unexpected ways to people who we are sure had a lot more to offer or had such horrible ends. But my point is not that Bryan is in any way a bad guy or a liar, I am as reasonably sure as a person can be from watching a couple of hours of one podcast of a person that Bryan is probably a very honest and earnest person. It’s just that his whole fascination/obsession, while absolutely valid, as is any topic of genuine scientific endeavour that is not actively harming anyone else (Bryan experiments all his stuff on himself first and one volunteer so far I believe), and while I can be fascinated by the science and details of it, personally, the search for immortality, or even just life extension by a hundred years, is not something that keeps me particularly interested in se.
Furthermore, the people who ARE interested in it are possibly the very worst elements of humanity. Can you imagine another century under the incessant egomania of the Boomer generation? The recurring politicians passing the baton amongst each other for generation after generation, like the Italian politicians did from the close of WWII until their death from old age? It’s enough to send a shiver down your spine and pray for nuclear war or rogue asteroids.
My point here is that the ever-grasping for a longer life at all costs is a mistake. You are FAR better served by reaching for a GOOD life, well-lived. And please understand the Paradox: I believe Bryan IS living his best life well-lived. He is doing what he wants to do and doing it with great intent and passion. As I said, I am not even sure that immortality is really his core goals. I mean, sure it kind of “has to be” because of the topic, but I think the intellectual curiosity is probably the driver. It would be like me trying to create antigravity machines, yeah, yeah, ok, I care about all the sexy physics, free energy, and so on of antigravity technology and aether science, but in reality, it absolutely would not be the core driver. The core driver for me would be to get into such a spaceship and wormhole my way across the Galaxy to go and see all the alien planets and weird creatures and strange civilisations and amazing sights that the Universe has to offer. And I think in a way Bryan’s search for immortality is similar; sure, ok, it would be great to live forever for him (maybe) but really I think he would perhaps be really more stoked to have figured out what our future a million years from now looks like, I think.
And people who don’t get that would be hung up on the longevity thing, and be chasing that with all the anxiety and additional fear of death and therefore wrong focus on the present life they have, which would have long-term, and probably quite drastic and overwhelmingly negative, impacts on their day-to-day existence.
Yes there are the absolutely obvious lies, like, bombing children in Gaza is good and fair and helps the whole West. Or people of a foreign ethnicity, culture, language and religion, being offloaded by the hundreds of thousands and millions into countries that are not their own is somehow good for the natives of those countries. Or equality among human beings being based in physical reality instead of a spiritual intangible relating to souls.
Then there are the subtler lies, like Hitler having been the absolute, worst, worst, most evil man in the entire history of the world. When compared to say Stalin. Or Ted Bundy. Or a bunch of others. Or maybe that hey, people being gay hurts no one and we should stay out of people’s bedrooms. Sure, nice idea in theory. And now we have tranny story hour at the library for toddlers, by convicted pedophiles. Oh and don’t you DARE say there is a straight link between the two things, you dirty bigot.
And then there are the really subtle lies that you are not even aware you believe in and are ruining your life, like the idea that female and male brains are the same or operate the same or even can operate the same (bar physical oddities and mutations that are in no way the norm).
These lies affect your life negatively. And it really is important you begin to consciously pay attention and evaluate things properly. Bryan is kind of right in saying we pretty much know nothing about anything and we are little better than monkeys scratching in the dark. He’s not really wrong about that. However, we CAN know something. And it is our God-given duty (and gift) to be able and willing to try to do so.
And as a final point —that I hope you look into yourself, and that no doubt sounds insane to people like Bryan and Steven— the best approximation for how reality really works, and what is absolutely best for humanity, I advise you to look into and in due time, and after proper consideration, embrace and join, the real Catholic Church.
Which I have to stress every time is the sedevacantist one.
Sedevacantists are the only actual Catholics practicing actual Catholicism as it really was and remains to this day. The Bergoglian pedophile hive of frauds in the Vatican and all those who subscribe to the Novus Ordo heresies are absolutely not a reflection of anything other than Satanic intent to hide, obfuscate and destroy the one institution and organisation that has most elevated humankind more than any other religion or ideology, bar none.
I think you can see why there is no absolutely no fear, or chance whatsoever, that I will ever be invited to appear on Steven’s podcast. I’d probably get his entire channel banned within the first ten minutes and then catalyse an absolute avalanche of cancel culture on every business he is in any way involved with.
And I’d probably make it worse by playing the African card for fun; saying they just want to ban me because I am too light a shade of African, and Steven’s partly white privilege is being used as the excuse to silence my noticing.
Hi Steven. It’s ok, if you ever read this, and want to get in touch, I promise I won’t tell. Nor would you be the first famous person whose association with me I never mention. I am motivated by curiosity and truth you see, not fame or status (other than one very specific type of internally, self-evaluated status, unique to me, that is of pretty much no consequence to anyone else).
To the rest of you, I hope that this post if of some use to at least a few of you and hopefully a lot of you, to help you see the lies, the unintentional ones especially, baked into our very lives, as well, of course, as the more readily perceivable ones.
And this is why you can know without a doubt that NOVUS Ordo is NOT Catholicism, and why the only Christians left are Sedevacantists.
Interestingly though, the Sedes are more like the Empire… down to a few but loyal “emperors” and their “henchmen” going out there and through their diligent work, recruiting and uplifting proper Catholics, even as they spread the truth to rebellious fools.
While we mere laymen, do the Lord’s work with heretics.
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By G | 8 December 2023 | Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Humour, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary