Archive for the ‘Sedevacantism’ Category

Child-Rape Assembly Line

If you want to know whether the tunnels currently being discovered in New York have been known about for a while, as have some practices of that particular religion, I suggest you read this article from several years back.

Don’t have lunch before you read it. But do read it. These behaviours have been hidden and are continuing to be, for far too long, and no one normal should tolerate ANYONE that does stuff like this.

Swift and decisive justice needs to be dispensed and if those in charge of doing so are unwilling to do so then they need to be immediately removed from their positions and prosecuted as accomplices.

On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”

Rabbi Rosenberg paused, gathered himself, and went on: “This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face—fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn’t stop. I was so angry, I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”

Now… if you came upon such a scene, what would be your natural reaction, and would they be able to cover it up if you dragged that old pedophile out by the beard kicking and screaming into the street? And why would you NOT do that?

It gets worse.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews who speak out about these abuses are ruined and condemned to exile by their own community. Dr. Amy Neustein, a nonfundamentalist Orthodox Jewish sociologist and editor of Tempest in the Temple: Jewish Communities and Child Sex Scandals, told me the story of a series of Hasidic mothers in Brooklyn she got to know who complained that their children were being preyed on by their husbands.

In these cases, the accused men “very quickly and effectively engage the rabbis, the Orthodox politicians, and powerful Orthodox rabbis who donate handsomely to political clubs.” The goal, she told me, is “to excise the mother from the child’s life.” Rabbinical courts cast the mothers aside, and the effects are permanent. The mother is “amputated.” One woman befriended by Dr. Neustein, a music student at a college outside New York, lost contact with all six of her children, including an infant she was breastfeeding at the time of their separation.

Now tell me that the justice system and the legal system is not “fixed” to enable these things happening?

And if you think this is the worst of it, you really are naïve.

There is a reason too that the current “Catholic Church” which not Catholic, nor a Church of anything other than Satan, has also been embroiled in child-rape for decades. And that is because since 1958, and then the creation of Vatican II the Catholic Church has been taken over by people who represented the wishes of mainly Jewish powerful people, Protestant “advisors” and even a couple of Eastern “Orthodox” observers. I covered this in some detail in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, which explains very simply and clearly why the only actual Catholicism left is that of the Sedevacantists, and what a Cohen-cidence, Sedevacantism is the only Catholicism that gets attacked by pretty much everyone, especially the Bergoglian Pedophile infested Satanic fake “Catholic” Church.

If you need a primer on who and how the Vatican II final blow came about (after decades of work placing infiltrators within the Church had already resulted in many of them being highly placed), then read this article concerning the Jewish Architects of Vatican II.

A small extract:

Charles de Provenchères, had made Isaac’s role perfectly clear some few years earlier. “It is a sign of the times,” the Archbishop said, ” that a layman, and a Jewish layman at that, has become the originator of a Council decree.”

Read the whole thing if you are interested in the truth about the History of the Church.

It really is high time that everyone realised that the old adage of the English, that good fences make good neighbours is the most sensible, and most likely to reduce rivers of blood being shed in the not too distant future.

The tribe running the American government like their personal lap dog, and the British one to a large extent (and for a long time), and currently committing genocide on a scale not seen since the Bolshevik revolution, Pol Pot, and World War II, really have a religion that is not at all compatible with Christianity.

It is simply a fact that people of different ethnicities, cultures, and religions are simply not compatible and trying to force them to be so can only result in war.

All Jews can return to Israel, and they should do so and perform their religion as they see fit there, and not anywhere else. Ditto Muslims to Muslim countries and Catholics to Catholic countries and these religions should not mix, as they do not, in fact, anywhere except in countries that are nominally European or European originating. You can’t open a Catholic Church in Saudi Arabia, and that is fine. And you should not be able to open a Mosque or a Synagogue in Italy. People of different religions need to remain in their place, and if and when they decide to travel through a country not of their religion, they should be permitted to do so only as guests and with he understanding that their behaviour while visiting has to respect local customs and laws.

Religion has been responsible for under 7% of ALL wars ever had by mankind and over half of that 7% was the result of Islam, however, many more wars were the result of financial manipulation due to things like usury, fiat money and the financial practices most prominent and used by overwhelmingly Jewish families and interests. Usury was banned by Catholicism originally as it is in Islamic countries. And it should be banned again in those countries, while no one should limit the Jews from continuing to perform it, among themselves, in their own country and as per their own religion and customs.

It really is the best way to ensure peace and avoid the kind of violence that currently Israel is involved in while trying to exterminate the Palestinians.

Let the Palestinians and the Israeli build a nice thick wall between them and let no Palestinian live in Israel and no Israeli live in Palestine. There is no reason for them to interact at all with each other. Which of course, has not been the case, since Israel has been steadily reducing the original Palestine to almost nothing, and the ultimate aim is to extinguish them altogether, as Net-a-Yahoo himself has essentially stated quite clearly.

If you want peace, see to it your nation becomes a nation of your people again, that any immigration is stopped and the number of foreigners living inside your country is reduced to a minuscule percentage with good reason to be there and with absolute and demonstrable intent to integrate in full.

Free Download at the Estore

Is you are interested in the real History of the Church and one of its heroic personages who many are completely unaware of, you can now read in English the truth regarding Monsignor Umberto Benigni, written by the inimitable Don Ricossa of the IMBC.

Referencing all the relevant documents, this work is a historically impeccable source that records the work done by Benigni with his secret service network tasked with discovering who the infiltrators in the Church were. The name of this network, Sodalitium Pianum remains alive in the tag line of the Instituto Mater Boni Consili, which I urge any would-be actual Catholics to investigate and get baptised by and support to the best of your ability. Their priests and Bishops remain among the last Catholic clergy left on Earth and they are superlative individuals with a moral fortitude and spiritual tenacity I can only admire and hope to emulate in my lay efforts, however miserable they are compared to theirs.

This is not a light article, as it run to some 217 pages, so is a proper treatment of the matter.

And… should you be inspired to become a proper Catholic and then create a proper Catholic community, or join the one I am trying to create here in northern Italy… well… studying the work of Msgr. Benigni should probably be required reading.

May God have him by His right hand and may He see fit to send us many more such men among our ranks.

Sedeprivationism vs Sedevacantism an Explanation

There seems to be either some confusion, or perhaps a new and fancier attack on the Church and it is the trying to drive a wedge between Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists, as if there was any real theological difference today in 2024.

So, let me nip this in the bud, as much as any layman who can read and think logically at an elementary level at least, can easily do. And which, in fact, cannot be disproved by anyone.

Keep in mind that I have read the entire Cassiciciacum theory in the original French too, so am not exactly jumping in here like some ignorant moron that hasn’t reviewed the facts, relevant Canon Law and so on. The point is that while I could write another 530 page book explaining everything in minute and fully weaponised autistic detail, it really is not required, because the core concepts are really quite simple and easy enough to understand and Canon Law is, as usual with Roman Law, exceedingly clear, humane and just.

As I say, all that is required is a normal level of ability to read and cogitate and a basic but correct grasp of logic and objective reality, which, given the state of Clown World today, is hard enough, but one hopes the average reader here, given the semi-constant insta-bans for not following the rules has purified the gene pool enough that he or she is easily capable of grasping the concepts I will present and further able to review them on their own for further clarity of verification if they have any doubts.

Let us begin then by first of all pointing out a couple of aspects of Catholicism that is quite misunderstood by the average anglo type:

  • Catholic charity requires that if there is doubt, one should try to (when possible) be charitable and allow for some mercy given the fact that all human beings are flawed and miserable sinners. However…
  • When logic dictates that there either is no doubt, or the doubt is minimal, then prudence requires you treat the suspect thing as suspect. In fact, in proper Catholic behaviour, the charitable act of being merciful does not invalidated the just act of pointing out the sin/flaw/error or downright evil of whatever is in doubt.
  • To Anglos this appears to them as a somewhat schizophrenic way of dealing with life, because while on one hand in a proper Catholic world, say, a pedophile would be burnt at the stake, the act of doing so is in the first place one of charity (giving the peso the opportunity to truly repent while he contemplates the fire burning him) and in the second place one of charity towards the victim and the other members of the community, protecting them from further harm and also educating them on the consequences of certain unacceptable acts. But even more confusing for them might be that the very parents of the child raped might pray for the soul of the pedo burning to death. Which does not in any way mean that the father of the child would not be the one applying the torch himself, nor that his prayers are in any way insincere.

This apparent “schizophrenia” is not due to any flaw of logic or reason in the Catholic, but rather, generally speaking, of a stunted and child-like grasp of human affairs, including justice and charity in the Protestant milieu in which Anglos tend to be raised.

Furthermore is the fact that Roman Law works in a far more just and fundamentally correct way than Anglo Laws, which is that Roman Law is principle based in general terms but with each case being judged on its own merits regardless of precedents in the law. A murder under Roman Law is not always the same kind of murder, and while Anglo Law pretends to also have some exculpatory levels of crime (manslaughter instead of murder one, say) in general terms, previous law dictates current law, which is, fundamentally, unjust. Since the very concept of a legal system is mostly absorbed by the zeitgeist of the environment we live in, most people perception of actual Justice is also fundamentally corrupted to some extent by their assuming (unconsciously for the most part) that Common Law, or the British, or American legal system is in any way representative of actual Justice. It is very far from it and while even Roman Law can obviously be used improperly by a judge, it is, in general terms, a far closer representation of Divine Law than any other system of Law ever created on planet Earth to date.

Right then, with that long introduction aside, let us begin.

The Basic Premise of Sedeprivationism

First presented by Father Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers the theory of Sedeprivationism was in essence an extremely charitable proposition designed to allow anyone of the clergy that was either confused, too timid as a result of al lifetime of obedience to their superiors, or otherwise unclear on what a Hellish turn the Vatican II documents had created and how Roncalli (who personally set up the wheels of Vatican II in motion and also approved the first two documents before dying) and Montini (who published the next 14 documents of Vatican II, every one of which is replete with absolute heresy) were obvious heretics, to be able to take a position that allowed them to continue being actual clergy, non-heretics and yet also give an opportunity to the arch-heretic Montini to possibly repent and return to Christianity (impossible to do in my view since I believe he was an infiltrator and non-Catholic from the very first).

Vatican II was the equivalent of a poisonous neutron bomb, that left the buildings intact but reduced almost all the then supposedly Catholic clergy to a bunch of infected zombies spreading heresy and the few survivors dazed and confused.

Sedeprivationism, in simple terms, basically stated that although Montini had clearly produced 14 documents replete with heresy and as such could not be a valid Pope (as per Canon 188.4), he might have been validly elected, as theoretically might have been Roncalli. In Roncalli’s case the very idea he was validly elected has since been absolutely demolished since he was a practicing Freemason and his election was forced by blackmailing Giuseppe Siri (who HAD been voted Pope, twice!) by telling him that is he became Pope a lot of Bishops behind the Iron curtain would be killed by the Communists. A convenient lie that was in fact pushed by Roncalli himself, an absolute Freemason and hence communist friendly plant whose entire intent was the destruction of Catholicism, as has always been the case by those who promote and even start various secret societies like the Illuminati, the Carbonari, the Freemasons and indeed Communism itself. If you are curious, you might want to figure out what ethnicity Karl Marx was and who pushed his agenda.

In any case, back then, when it was not yet clear which of the Cardinals that voted in the various false Popes might have also been heretics or not, since their position was not public and clear, as was Montini’s (and posthumously also Roncalli’s) des Lauriers’ theory allowed that it was possible (slim though that chance was) that both Roncalli and Montini had been technically, that is, materially, validly elected as Popes, but that given their behaviour, they clearly were not spiritually valid Popes, at least not until and if they repented.

This was, in the sensibilities of the time, a rather polite way of saying:

These two guys are thugs and murderers of souls, and if a bunch of you morons elected them as valid Popes, you should see it by now, repent and make it clear you don’t see them as actually valid Popes, given their thuggery and murder of souls. As for the thuggish murderers themselves, whether you are Jewish/Protestant?Gnostic/Satanist or simply secular apostate and imbeciles, if we assume you were materially validly elected and you make a 180 degree swift turn and repent and correct all your public heresy, well, God is merciful and we can pretend you are now a redeemed actual Pope by the Grace of God that promoted your absolute, sincere and true change of heart.

As I said, it was the most rose-tinted glasses, optimistic, and charitable view anyone could conceive of to allow a tiny margin of possibility of self-correction to the cowards, infiltrators, Satanists, Freemasons, Communists, pedophiles and homosexuals that had been injected into the clergy for decades (see Bella Dodd’s book to understand how this was done to the tune of thousands of fake clergy whose sole intent in joining the seminaries and the Church was total subversion), as also the list I reprinted in RTCC of Mino Pecorelli clearly evidenced beyond any doubt the massive number of official Freemasons (complete with codenames) that were already in high offices at the time of the third fake Pope in a row, Lucani.

Such a slim possibility filled with charity was indeed a viable possibility certainly up to at least 1965 when the last Vatican II documents were finally presented to the world, and given the slow movements of the Church on grave matters, one could reasonably extend that charity even to the 1970s, even the late 1970s, but by 1983, when the Satanists decided to come out with a “new” code of Canon Law, in order to try and invalidate the Code of Canon Law of 1917 which to date remains the most vetted document on Earth, having compiled and reviewed and checked and double checked every dogmatic document and position of the Church from the time of Jesus to 1917. And then having remained unchanged for the next 65 years except for a tiny modification to Canon 1099 part 2 done by the last valid Pope, Pius the XII himself. And when I say unchanged I mean unchanged despite an invitation to all Catholic clergy around the world to present any objection, question or argument against any canon. Tens of thousands of documents had been reviewed and checked to produce the Code of 1917 and tens of thousands more after it to make sure they had got everything right. There literally is no other document like it on Earth. And the “code” of 1983 is not even logically consistent within itself, as I have made clear before on this blog. So at this point it was absolutely clear that the Satanists now in the Vatican only aimed to continue the destruction of the Church and there was no repentance or halting it. I described this situation briefly in RTCC but since it is a 530 page book that refutes every single argument against sedevacantism ever produced to date, and no one has been able to counter it validly in any way, not everyone has read it. Hence this blog article to make the topic more accessible to all.

Given what we now know about Roncalli, and the constant unrepentant promulgation of the heresies of Vatican II, and absolutely following the Magisterium of the Church in the form of the infallible Code of Canon Law produced by two valid Popes in conjunction with a team of valid and pious Cardinals led by Cardinal Gasparri, it is absolutely clear, that anyone that continues to hold to the Vatican II fake Church is simply not a Catholic. No “clergy” who does can be considered to be anything other than at best a heretic and more likely a knowing Satanist with pedophile friendly intent at a minimum. And as such, as per Catholic infallible dogma as produced by Pope Paul the IV in his ex cathedra pronouncement Cum-Ex Apostolate Officio, such heretics should be shunned, others warned against them and deprived of all natural human kindness. In Catholic thought they are worse than mere murderers, for they intend to cosign your soul to eternal Hell.

As I said in my book RTCC at the end, the term Sedeprivationist today, should really only be used for two reasons:

  • Etymologically it is a more correct term, because strictly speaking, the chair (sede) of Peter is not actually empty (vacante) but rather it is filled by an impostor that is preventing (privation) the proper filling of it by a valid Bishop.
  • As a memory and remembrance of a great and courageous theologian and Bishop, Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers. keep in mind that because he was made Bishop in 1981 by Bishop Thuc he was later “excommunicated” from the fake “Catholic” Church of Satan by none other than Ratzi the Nazi in 1983, just when the “new” (fake and perverse) Code of Canon Law was produced.

In all other respects, Sedevacantism is absolutely correct and no one can make any argument against it, theological, canonical, logical or of any other valid kind. Let us therefore now look at that.

The Basic Premise of Sedevacantism

The essence of Sedevacantism is literally childishly easy to understand

1. If you are not catholic, you cannot be Catholic clergy.

2. If you defect from the faith publicly and notoriously, you are not Catholic.

That’s it. That is literally it. It really is not more complicated than that.

The Satanists pretending to be Catholic (fake clergy) will try to tell you that no man has a right to judge the “pope” as being a heretic, which is a conflation of one true fact with a lie, as is their usual modus operandi.

It is true that no man can pass judgement on the Pope. But there are two important points to note:

ANYONE can judge a non-catholic, non-Pope as being a non-Catholic non-Pope. In fact it is dogmatic catholic law that ANYONE can call out a heretic.

Secondly, it is not any man that decides if a pope is or is not a heretic, regardless of whether he had been voted in validly originally or not. It is, in fact, the INFALLIBLE Magisterium of the Catholic Church, which in its valid and infallible wisdom, produce the Code of Canon Law of 1917, which was approved by two Popes along with their Cardinals and therefore made infallible. And the Code of 1917 in Canton 188 part 4 reads as follows:

Ob tacitam renuntiationem ab ipso iure admissam quaelibet officia vacant ipso facto et sine ulla declaratione, si clericus: 

4º A fide catholica publice defecerit; 

Any office becomes vacant upon the fact and without any declaration by tacit resignation recognized by the law itself if a cleric:

4.° Publicly defects from the Catholic faith;

See that? Without any declaration and upon the fact itself. it really burns them. And if you want a totally autistic view of the whole of canon 188.4 that atomises the ghosts of dead horses, well then, here you go.

Right then, given canon 188.4 it is absolutely clear that anyone who does not specifically and actively condemn the fake Popes since 28th October 1958 and their heretic Vatican II documents, and changes to the UNCHANGEABLE Holy Mass (see Quo Premium also in RTCC), cannot be thought of as properly Catholic, and any “clergy” doing so are absolutely not valid clerics of Catholicism.

So we now come to the distinctions between current day Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists. What are they?

Having discussed this matter in some detail with a valid priest of the IMBC, the statement told to me was that this priest and thus most of the IMBC I would guess, simply take the charitable position that they, as individuals prefer not to pronounce the current heretics in the Vatican as being actual heretics, including, the (in my opinion) never-was-catholic Bergy the Oleous.

That is a valid personal position that a clergyman can take. It is based on the fact that only God really knows the Foro Interno of a human being, that is, his true heart concerning anything at all.

HOWEVER, and it is a big however, by ALL external indications (Foro Externo) the (at best) heretics in the Vatican (actual Satanists as far as I am concerned) ALL, without exception fulfill the precepts of Canon 188.4. And canon 188.4 refers to and does NOT invalidate in any way Cum-Ex-Apostolato Officio which was an ex-cathedra pronouncement of valid Pope Paul the IV, and which in any case, was even before this an obvious thing anyone of normal intelligence knew. In general, Papal ex-cathedra pronouncements are made only to further clarify an solidify a simple and obvious fact known to all but under attack by gnostics, Satanists and enemies of the Church. So, these fake Popes absolutely ARE to be treated as heretics in a practical sense. Which of course, all Sedeprivationist clergy does. They do not perform Una Cum (one with) masses (they do not use the names of fake popes in the Mass) and they do not promote or promulgate Vatican II and warn people against it, all as they should. The only practical difference is they do not outright call Bergoglio and such as actual heretics because, in a spirit of charity they hold the position that perhaps, by some miracle or mystery unknown to them, Bergoglio and such are all afflicted by some mind-worm, or whatever that makes them not actually responsible, somehow, for their heresies.

Well. They are entitled to their personal view, of course, and for the record, I do not have a personal view as such on Bergolgio etc. I mean, if I had to bet my life on it I would bet they are actual Satanists, non-Catholics from the start and heretics only in the best of cases (because to be a heretic you have to first have been Ana actual Catholic at some point), but honestly, absent any enforced need to make a judgement, I don’t have an opinion. I simply follow Canon Law and Catholic dogma and since they walk like a heretic, quack like a heretic, smell like a heretic, act like a heretic, and do everything else under the sun as a heretic, I will treat them, as is my duty as a heretic.

That’s it, and that’s all. In any case, the Sedeprivationists do that too with the only exception they don’t call them actual heretics due to their rather (in my opinion) unnecessary charity towards what I consider to be spiritual, intentional would-be mass-murderes of souls.

So, in essence, in practical terms, there is no real difference between a Sedeprivationist and a Sedevacantist.

One last note, if anyone says that if Bergoglio were to repent he would become valid Pope, this is, of course, absolute nonsense, since a heretic, even if he repents, by infallible and perennial dogmatic and divine Law, as pronounced infallibly in Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio, cannot ever again have ANY authority over anyone and must spend the rest of their days in constant penance in a monastery with, again, I repeat, no possibility to teach or have authority over anyone, ever again.

So, in essence and practice we are all Sedevacantists today. Sedeprivationism was a kind idea that has, in the course of time, been demonstrated to have been mostly overly charitable wishful thinking.

Nevertheless Father (and later Bishop) Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers was an outstanding theologian and Catholic clergyman. May God keep his soul in the eternal presence of His beatific vision as per His Will.

Clown World Comes at you FAST!

Well, what with the Ukraine war suddenly not existing anymore as far as the media is concerned, Israel being shown to be a country filled by apparently genetic pedophiles and genocidal psychopaths, and Orthodox Jews being exposed for having literal tunnels all over New York in which baby chairs, child sized mattresses and bloody rags seem to be the main furnishings, one hardly has the time to tell everyone that they should immediately become hardcore sedevacantists and pray for a proper Holy Inquisition of the pedophiles around the world, including those sheltering in the Vatican, as well as the Scourge of God on the heads of all the above mentioned pedovores and whores that work for the mass media (with my genuine, sincere and deeply felt apologies to actual prostitutes for comparing journalists to them).

So. Assuming you have been diligently ignoring the fake news and getting your information from the only viable sources (autists memeing on 4chan, so-called “conspiracy theorists” that have been proven right about essentially everything for the last 30-40 years or more), as well as ignoring the gatekeeping conmen such as the fake “Catholics” like Milo, Taylor Marshall, Emo Jones, anyone who doesn’t condemn the Novus Orco Vatican II Satanic sect, as well as the gatekeepers of “popular online media”, such as the completely bought and paid for self-sodomising on camera, face and gay Gavin McInnes, Tim Pool, and other assorted “The poor Jews only had those pedorat tunnels to pray in peace” types, you might be wondering…

Well, self, avoiding all the tsunami of degeneracy, having avoided the latest HAARP produced “weather” and “Earthquakes” and “volcanic eruptions” and not yet having succumbed to false accusations by the FBI/CIA/NSA/Deep State of any of the “democratic” supposed “countries” (satrapies) of the West, what do I do now?

Well, gentle reader, rest assured. In the coming days and weeks I plan to keep adding to my E-store so you have both fiction for entertainment and non-fiction for post-apocalyptic information you will treasure, as well as trying to launch a really good new business that I hope is successful primarily because it is health related and absolutely awesome, having tested this on myself with results that continue to amaze me, and no, do not worry, I am not about to sell you boner pills a la Alex Jones (also a gatekeeper from day dot as far as I am concerned). It involves only absolutely organic products that are 100% natural and contain absolutely zero additives of any sort and have been proven by literally weaponised autists to be precisely what works to reduce all sorts of inflammation, including the one caused by the genetic serums if you took them.

But I will tell you more about that once I have established viability and got it at least tentatively off the ground.

All that aside, I plan to produce a series of blog posts and eventually probably also a short book filled with basic but really simple and practical advice on how to navigate and thrive in the coming multi-polar world, if like too many of us, you are stuck on the wrong side of Clown World vs BRICS (and in any case, how to also continue avoiding the most nefarious aspects of life on Earth that will and do continue to exist also under BRICS).

It’s what I have been focussing on and while you are probably all by now clear on my absolutely completely zealot screaming from the rooftops advocacy for Catholicism proper (i.e. Sedevacantism) the series that will follow over the coming weeks and months will not be focusing on the religious aspect mostly. Of course, being as I am a good proper zealot, some related posts cannot be avoided, but in the main it will be a practical guide with practical applications. I will also have to conduct more polls to try and best serve as many of you as possible, so if you can respond to them and also help spread them and this blog around, I will be grateful, because the larger the data sets, the better I can focus my energy on what is most required or requested by you all.

Thank you all for your continued readership by the way, I have high aims for 2024 and a positive outlook for it although I have no illusions about any of it being easy for any of us. Anyway, adventure is never easy, but it can be glorious, and that is my intent going forward. And don’t forget to network, help each other and if you find useful stuff here, please share it with everyone you think might be able to make use of it. And now for one of those polls (which I might, like this one, “hide” at the end of a post, because I want to cater to the PCs of this world. The NPCs have plenty of other places to get their daily dose of lies, brainwashing and degeneracy from, this space, is reserved for those willing to put on armour and go and adventure in the broken world filled with mutants, scumbags and tunnel-digging pedophiles.

Do you:

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What do men Really Want?

I am first of all reminded of this funny meme which is of some woman on twitter/X saying:

It’s true, men only want one thing, and it’s disgusting!

and the reply below it by some Chad:

So, wash it.

While the response is funny, the reality is a little bit different, and that reality is why I don’t rate PUAs as anything good in general, losers almost to a man, and missing the point of life and teaching others to miss it too.

Vox recently had a post about how the lure of the forbidden, or the hedonist, or worldly pleasures of life, are very real and only a Churchian type that has no knowledge of life can comfortably and arrogantly counsel things like, no, no, never any sex before marriage, or whatever the mortal sin is, as if simply stating that were protection enough from the temptations of the world.

And I tend to agree. The way I put it before is that while the ideal is indeed ideal, and it absolutely worked in the past, in the current post-apocalyptic moral landscape of radiation pools, death-plague, and zombies, the old chaste ways might indeed still work, and perhaps they do and are really best regardless. Perhaps, in some hidden Shangri-La I never came across yet. However, my personal experience has been that given the hellish landscape, you need to be able to navigate a little hell before you can climb out of the pit, and so far, three marriages by people under 30, all three couples now expecting, and all directly or indirectly as a result of becoming sedevacantists and navigating various scenarios before landing a properly converted and Catholic wife (in all three cases very pretty women too, it needs to be said) convince me that my ways and advice have at least some merit in producing the seeded for results of what men (and women) really want. In short, while my methods (such as they are) might not have the imprimatur of Church Bishops, or anything remotely approved by anyone Catholic, they do seem to produce positive results.

To my mind, when at war, the rules are partially decided by the enemy, and if the enemy in this case perverts everything good into a parody of itself, my approach is to take all his perversion and convert it to a parody of itself and thus back to the good.

So, the slutty trampy girl with a good heart, who gives herself to anyone in a heartbeat in the delusion of seeking love, while not the ideal first choice, in the extreme of the examples I am making, might just be the one that turns around with the allure of a properly respectful marriage where you have a LOT of sex, to make a LOT of children, and have them fill your home and hearts. They tempt the nominally Catholic schoolgirls with ever more degenerate behaviour, well, how about we tempt the degenerate girls to wear strictly longer dresses, wear a veil in church and become awesome housewives and mothers? Let’s see who wins that fight, shall we?

In that vein then, let me tell you what every man in today’s fallen world really wants:

They want a woman that is sexy, beautiful, sensual, sexual, kind, nurturing and loving and loyal to them, that shares the views on marriage, children and family.

99% of men, if given the choice between being a fuckboi with endless pussy on demand from all corners of the world, but never a family, or one woman for the rest of their life that is sexy and sensual, able and willing, a good wife and mother and loyal and kind and nurturing to him and their children, that also challenges him with her views and humour and thoughts, would choose the good wife.

Those men who would not are mostly:

  • Boomers. Yes. Still today.
  • Immature, having tasted the fruits of easy fornication, and been intoxicated by them, they are like an alcoholic, mistaking the over-indulgence of drinking with the pleasure of having a drink with friends and good food while never losing yourself in drink.
  • Perverted or damaged by sexual trauma early in life, twisted life experiences and so on.
  • Neurologically (physiologically) defective from birth.

It is true that a normal man, absent sex, and wanting it, unless he has made a conscious decision to be an ascetic monk, a priest or whatever, can begin to go slightly insane from his unsatisfied lust (women go even more insane and faster when they are sexually ignored and neglected by men, by the way). And the overwhelming availability of pornography is also likely to spark unwholesome expectations from a woman or women in general.

PUAs prey on such men. “Teaching” them all sorts of nonsense in terms of relations between men and women, based on flawed and only partial truths or at times completely baseless assumptions, and all in the quest to: Get married? Have children? Have a functional, happy life? No. All in the quest to simply get laid. Because in their tragically useless and shrivelled lives, the mere achievement of having sex with some women, pretty, good looking or “high status” as they may be, with the definite intent of also impressing your friends with your “ability” to bed such women IS the Holy Grail of happiness. Well, it isn’t. And PUAs intrinsically, whether directly or indirectly are essentially selling the message that it is. The “learnt” attitudes are extremely ruinous for the prospects of an actually happy and meaningful life. It’s not even that the prize doesn’t exist. It can exist. It’s just that the prize itself is a cheap plastic imitation of the actual prize in life.

I truly believe that it is far less damaging for an incel to hire a professional to get over his curiosity/lust/physical needs, a few times, and get over that desperation, so as to rebalance his brain and begin to take the necessary steps to seek and find the relationship he really would prefer, which is almost always, the good wife.

Look at the supposed “masters of seduction” that were PUAs a decade or more ago, where are they, what have they done, how are their lives?

Jail, suicide, broken families, married to a potato with a kid, and still pretending to be “masters of seduction” and so on. Mystery has at least one child with some woman he is not married to (she apparently is quite pretty and not a potato, by the way, I don’t know, I don’t care) and is still pretending to be the aging wise man of “getting women”. Which I think in modern parlance of the younger generation, elicits only a heightened sense of red-alert levels of “cringe”. It’s sad and pathetic.

But to return to the original point, do not think I am unaware of the allure of the carnal pleasures. I didn’t start out that way, that is as a manwhore risking drowning by pussy juice, but I always have had a good imagination, and perhaps Italians really are more naturally sexual, and then when the relationships I had tried my best to be good for failed, I eventually concluded that I simply was not built, or able to, have them, so I simply indulged my preferences and avoided any tensions by simply walking away from any encounter that in any way started to have the hint of red flags, or issues, or whatever. The minute it wasn’t fun anymore I’d simply say “Sayonara” and “Next!”.

So I am well aware of the lures and traps and temptations. Mostly because I indulged every single one of them, pretty much. And somehow, despite this, because of how I am built internally, I managed to survive. Not a light navigation through Hell, but rather an extended tour of it with side passages into the lowest pits, you know, just to get the full measure of the place, and then, by Grace, (some) prayer, and truly just God’s Mercy, found myself in a position where the right woman (for me, that is, she could be thought of as having all the red flags one might think of for a “normal” man) was gradually, then suddenly, there. And for every red flag she had of her own, I probably matched it with one or several of my own.

And certainly it has not been all roses and daisies floating on a cloud made of unicorn-rainbow farts and harp music, but… as only two scarred and battle-hardened veterans of worldly life can do, once they have tried every pleasure, survived every outrage to their minds, bodies and hearts, and knowing yet, still, despite it all, that love counts, that truth matters above all, that justice is a thing, we helped each other heal and feel loved. Not always kindly, not always easily. But in between, underneath it all, always knowing, in our own separate and different ways: She is the One. He is the One.

I absolutely do NOT recommend my path to anyone. Please be smarter and faster and kinder and easier and more intelligent, wise and loving than I have been. And seek someone suitable for you that is already well on her way to it, or maybe already there. If anything, I am but an example of how, even when you are lied to from the start, and you believe it, and are hurt and damaged and broken, time and again, by life, by people who are supposed to have been on your side, by your own heart not letting you give up even when you should, and you just keep getting up, eventually, even the devil gives up; and God finds you. As long as you too, are seeking and not just whining about your lot in life.

So, if you have travelled on the dark side, and been poisoned, take heart. No it is not easy. No, you will not suddenly find a virgin nymphomaniac nurse that loves cooking and cleaning your one bedroom rented apartment in the wrong side of town. And yes, you will have to get off your own ass and work, and scrabble, and train, and get your spine to be erect, and stand, and take it, and deliver it. To learn justice and honour and truth and discipline and not lose heart or mind even when life seems hell-bent on breaking you. It is. The enemy is. And are you going to let it? I don’t know about you, but, true to my namesake given to me by online friends, a thing I always thought even before I saw the film as a teenager:

It’s better to burn out than fade away.

So. Get yourself and your own sense of self squared away. Think on it. Make up your mind. Which kind of man are you?

Are you brave? Are you a liar? Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you stand back up when life kicks you in the balls and knees you in the face? Or do you cry out for an ambulance and the police? Do you complain about things that you don’t like or do you change them?

Who are you? And who do you want to become? Because they are never the same thing as long as you are alive on this Earth. And if you reach the place you wanted to be a year or ten years ago, you will also have learnt new things you want to learn and become more or less of. So keep walking, Keep climbing. And pick a woman that understands that while she will be loved (and make sure you do), and she will be protected and provided for, to the best of your ability at any given time, and that she will be respected (and make sure you understand what that means for you AND for her), that life is hard and you are both only human. You will screw up. So will she.

And you will both need to keep choosing each other through and past all of it. And that is the only way to be that matters, and the only way that real, lasting happiness can be achieved by both men and women, and she has to give of her femaleness and womanly ways just as much as you have to give of your male and manly ways. And combine and co-create a family and navigate the idiocy of the world, the corruption of it, the twisting of it, together, like good sailors on a small, but strong boat can navigate even the biggest storms.

That, is what men want. And, whether they admit it or not, like it or not, say it or not, it’s what women want too. Take it from me, because I am a man, and unlike women, who will tell you a bunch of things they think they want but mostly don’t actually want, I’m telling you what the good ones want. And the ones that don’t want it, don’t matter.

Choose your character, player one.

Assume you are playing a game, whether a computer or pen and paper one any you get to choose if you play a villager or a Spartan. The villager has a low chance of instant death but his existence is composed of basically grinding his job until he hits the grave. The highlights would be getting married, avoiding divorce or plague-death, having children and getting a bigger home/more land or more success at the chosen grind path.

The Spartan can be killed instantly by a bunch of things, enemy soldiers, his own traitorous wife/best friend/political opponent, he owns little in the way of material wealth except a functional home and a little land and the latest in weapon technology. He has duties he can’t avoid that might also get him killed and his rewards are: not dying, surviving assassination attempts, being glorified from afar by the masses (or vilified, regardless of heroic or vile deeds) and not answering to anyone you don’t want to, though you will be put on wanted posters for defying the local baron.

Now… in a game…who do you pick?

Most people go for the heroic Spartan.

In real life?

Almost no one.

Why, oh meek-hearted friend?

The real-life timid Times are those so terrified of divorce and their own ineptitude with women that they self-label as “I’m really choosing to be sexless by choice, see, so I am not a loser” aka MGTOW aka incels.

I have nothing but respect for those who work the grind, support their families and do well by them, they are truly heroic people. But while it is an admirable trait in practical endeavours of all kinds, it is an absolute lamentable thing in metaphysical matters.

Regardless of your religion, if any, where is your sense of Justice? Of ethics? Of truth? Honour? Courage? Virtue?

Where, of timid man?

What thing or person or concept are you willing to die defending?

And if none, then what kind of man are you?

Choose sir. Choose what kind of man you are.

I have been a proper Catholic (sedevacantist) since I was baptised in 2017, and I researched it obsessively for 4 years before that, but even when I was a Zen-Agnostic, and lived more by samurai-type principles, I never turned away from a potentially deadly situation even when I was working for people whose lives were corrupt to the core. It was not about them. It was about me. And as helpful to those who hired me that mentality was for them and less so to myself, it still had a value, it still had an honour and a courage and a point. Misguided though it may have been.

That zealotry may have not been pointed in the exact best direction then, but it was not evil or wrong per se. I was more like an efficient tool that if used correctly would be a force for good and if used wrongly might help more the less good (but not for long, because my sense of justice too was not impaired, mostly).

Ultimately, the point is that regardless of anything else, I have always placed an extreme value on truth. And I really believe the world is composed of people who merely pretend to be that way, and they are the very vast majority, and a few who really are that way.

Those few are the ones who make a difference.

I might fail or not at creating a community of hardcore Catholics in Italy, but you can bet everything you own I am not doing it for any reason other than truth as best as I can see it and live it.


Which character are you? And what are you doing with you game-life?

Sibling Cooperation

The four year old leads the three year old into the tool shed which he knows he’s not supposed to go into without me. There are power tools in there but nothing connected or that can be switched on. At most he can trip and bump himself against a shovel or something.

The wife sees them sneaking in and lets me know.

I observe from afar and they come out and one of them says to the other, “Ok, now let’s go back inside.”

Their secret mission of minor rebellion achieved in what they think is complete success and conspiratorial loyalty, they return to the main house in harmony.

This is how you know you’re parenting them right.

Sede Priest Explains Cassiciacum, etc.

Father Steenbergen is one of the most awesome people I know, and I am glad he did this interview. He even refers to the Finnish couple who came to visit me towards the 1:17 mark, and shortly after, indirectly, to people like me, with words to the effect of… you wouldn’t BELIEVE the kind of people that are coming to get baptised these days! Meaning people with no Catholic history in their background whatsoever that come to it in almost miraculous ways. And it’s true. Just over a decade ago, the idea I would one day be a hardcore Catholic would have made me spill my drink if I had been drinking. And here I am now.

All sorts of people are waking up to the truth, and it’s accelerating from the attendances I have seen over the last few years.

Sede on Sede Violence

Adam has written a post about sedevacantism here.

Let me quote the pertinent part, in which he quotes a letter written by a fake priest who got chastised by a fake Archbishop, for doing a fake “traditional” blasphemous mass in Latin.

Let me quote a small passage from the end of his letter:

Despite the differences of opinion we have with them, we respect the Holy Father, Pope Francis and Archbishop Timothy Costelloe. We acknowledge them to legitimately hold their respective offices even if we do not understand and agree with all of their actions. We continue to pray for them in each and every Mass offered at St Anne’s.

The praying part is good and just. But the rest is straightforward naivety.

I find it a little ironic that Adam calls this fake priest writing to a fake Archbishop, “naïve”.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Adam and I consider him a friend, he’s a good guy and he’s visited me on the farm and a great time was had by all. I am not “having a go” at him. I also realise that his intent, or result anyway, is to educate and teach and thus bring to the truth those confused (or lazy) nominal “Catholics” that wallow (or prefer to wallow) in ignorance (or wilful ignorance) regarding Bergoglio and his retinue of pedophiles, cocaine fuelled partakers of homosexual orgies and general frauds and criminals that are currently in the Vatican as well as all those that continue to pretend that the Novus Orco is anything other than Satan’s Church.

Any ACTUAL Catholic knows this is the reality. Those who continue to pretend otherwise are either, lazy AND ignorant, flat out cowardly, or intentional deceivers. But that’s the lay people. None of the “clergy” can be excused. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

I don’t care if they tell you they were “fooled” I don’t care if they think Ratzi the Nazi was “Pope” instead of Bergy the Oleous. They have a DUTY to know. And their “ignorance” cannot be put down to mere indoctrination, generational ignorance or laziness. It is intentional.

It would be like a doctor not knowing that eating rat poison is bad for you. Or a surgeon thinking that use of an axe and no aesthetic for heart surgery is how you do it. Or an engineer thinking you can just pile bricks on top of each other without mortar to build skyscrapers.

These people are not naïve Adam.

They are guilty.

They are guilty of mass spiritual murder. They are leading souls to Hell on purpose. I would not give any mercy whatsoever to a child murdering rapist. Regardless of his personal sob story. So why on Earth give any to a mass-murderer on a spiritual level that is leading souls to eternal damnation?

To every Sedevacantist out there:

  1. Laity claiming they are Catholic MIGHT be, due to generational ignorance (born and raised in Novus Orco) but they are also LAZY. Because they profess that they believe in the Catholic God but made zero effort in studying the history and nature of Catholicism. So how important is it to them, really?
  2. Pretend clergy of ANY rank, that continues to profess the Vatican II Novus Orco heresies are HERETICS AT BEST! Get it? Because most likely they are KNOWING and INTENTIONAL Satanists. Certainly all the Cardinals that bowed down to the child-eating Demon Pachamama INSIDE the Vatican, absolutely are.
  3. You are infallibly and perpetually told that heretics are to be deprived of every natural human kindness. Ex Apostolato Officio.

So… you wanna become Catholic, then read a bit. Learn the history of the Church from the people who were there at the time. Read the patristic fathers. There are VOLUMES of stuff written before 200 AD. Read it.

And so learn what Catholicism is. Then follow it through. Read what Vatican II documents actually SAY. And learn why there has NOT been a valid Pope since 1958. Yes you can save yourself time by reading my books Believe! or Reclaiming the Catholic Church, but I don’t care if you learn from me and my work or somewhere else. Just learn.

And then stop acting as if the Satanist with Catholic masks on are relevant, or right about anything or not the fake, Satanic scum they are. Give them NO QUARTER.

I know, Adam is the nice guy going around the village saying “Guys, those people there are not really your friends, this is why…”

Well… there is a time and place. I am more the guy on horseback with a lance shouting “CHARGE!”

What Next?

There are three paths I can go down with respect to the next book I write.

NAZI MOON (linked) is now available at least in the US and CANADA and should be available soon in other countries too.

Do you Prefer I next write:

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I have been asked to do the relationship book by friends and men in general for years; at least 20 of them. I resisted the impulse* for at least a couple of decades, primarily because, as one of my alter egos/nicknames —given to me by friends in Italy over 20 years ago— said in one of the graphic novels he appears in: “Any man that says he has understood all there is to know about women, is either a liar or insane.” And it’s close enough to the truth in some ways. Nevertheless, I feel that after two divorces, a lot of women in between, and finally a proper Catholic marriage, not to mention 4 children I fathered, I have probably made —and persevered!— and (one hopes), learnt enough that it is probably acceptable to pass on a few pointers to younger men; at least on those issues I feel I have now got enough experience to retroactively note when I did the right thing (regardless of outcome), and when I did the wrong thing (again, regardless of outcome). I mention this, because as I say, there have been a lot of people asking me for this for a long time.

With regard to my non-fiction, each book I have written so far, is really mostly a compilation of my theories and conclusions formed with many years of experience.

The Face on Mars was the result of a lifelong interest in Astronomy from very early childhood. I understood what a light-year was at age four, thanks to an uncle who was, and remains, a total geek to this day. He also sent me a telescope in my early teens, with which I observed the mountains of the moon, and how the moon itself moved. I also saw Haley’s comet with it, from our home in Africa at the time. And to this day the concepts I put forth in that book were then, and for the most part continue to remain today, unique. Some have badly plagiarised aspects of it (hello Graham Hancock) but the overall main issue had not been understood by anyone I am aware of before I saw it. And most remain totally ignorant of it, despite the predictions and theories I made back in 1995, playing out as correct in the intervening time. The update in 2014 also added a new dimension to the reality of my ideas, which is partly expanded on a lot more in my fiction work.

Systema was similarly, a book I wrote after I had personally spend decades in the martial arts world. And I wanted to demystify a LOT of the nonsense that goes with many martial art “concepts” and their related egos, and which —in particular— seemed to have a vortex of “mystic ninjas” concerning the Russian system. Which is an impression many martial artists might have if they have not experience of it firsthand. By merely watching YouTube videos or hearing “fantastic” stories of almost magical ability, they are most likely going to assume it is some woo-woo nonsensical “martial art”. That thought is disabused within minutes of confronting any of the top exponents of it. Unfortunately, as always, along with the really good practitioners, there were also a lot of “mystic ninjas” and some of the practitioners did nothing to demystify the situation, so I did it. I have been doing martial arts since I was a very small child, thanks to my dad, so I had pretty extensive knowledge of it before I put hand-to-keyboard after almost four decades of it.

Reclaiming the Catholic Church was in some ways the “odd man out” because I had a road to Damascus Event in 2013 and the book came out in 2020, that is, only 7 years later. However, I had been reading different books on all the main religions, mysticism, “spiritual” and even New Age stuff, again, since my teens, and literally infiltrating various cults as a hobby, in order to see if anyone had anything that was demonstrably true, real, or worthwhile. I had settled on a basic Zen-Agnosticism, with a clear understanding there must be an intelligence behind creation (the math, astronomy, biology and physics, as well as logic, pretty much confirms it many, many, many times over) but no sense of a God as such that was specifically interested in us mere mortals, much less me specifically. That changed in a radical, unexpected and utterly surprising way, that while “subjective” in the sense that I cannot prove it to anyone else, was absolutely objective and very much so for me. The other part that helped was that because the Catholic Church has ALL of its rules and dogmas written down, it was fairly easy to follow the thread of its history and see the astonishing truth it is founded on. As it was, to see that the current inhabitants of the Vatican are, without putting too fine a point on it, flat out Satanists.

BELIEVE! Instead, published a year before RTCC, was a much smaller work, putting out my new, or updated, basic outline philosophy. For those who have read both books, you will notice that BELIEVE! is not even a fifth of the size of RTCC, at just under 100 pages, and is a lot more open with respect to overall views and concepts. RTCC was the follow up that basically said, “OK, so that’s sort of where I am with respect to religion as a whole (BELIEVE!) now let’s take a look at this one path that I state is the best one I can see so far, and in this book, (RTCC), I went full autist, covering every aspect of Sedevacantism (i.e. the actual, current, only Catholicism left) and demonstrating it in a manner that no one has so far even attempted to refute, much less succeeded. The result is that RTCC is the foundation on which BELIVE! is really sitting on, which is probably why even if a much smaller and less detailed book, BELIEVE! has resulted in now over 100 people converting to Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka simply: Catholicism).

The reason I point all this out, is because in these last two non-fiction books, it becomes obvious that even my overall looser and more generic ideas, as expressed in BELIEVE!, for example, clearly have had a lot of genuinely positive effects on people who read them. And we know it was this that sparked the results, because BELIEVE! came first, and yet, even without all the details (presented in RTCC), it had a serious impact on people’s lives.

I see a LOT of confusion, struggles and heartache among young men today concerning intimate relationships and finding the right woman.

I literally get questions, emails, or messages on the topic to a frequency that is starting to become hard to keep up with. And as anyone that reads my blog knows, I have a rather low opinions of PUAs, and would very much hate to be mistaken for one. That said, I know for a demonstrable fact that my advice benefits these younger men, because they are getting married, having babies, and resolving issues they had for many years of their lives. I have literally had everything from friends, neighbours and even strangers, asking for advice, on an ad hoc basis, to hypnosis sessions with people that were under clinical care as supposedly paranoid schizophrenics under medication that went on to stop the medication (yes with doctor approval and full knowledge of my sessions with them) and go on to have a productive life with a functioning relationship, when prior they were 29 year old virgins. And I have been doing this for at least 15 years, with positive results.

So, perhaps, there is some utility in putting together some of the baseline concepts concerning male-female interactions and so on.

The other options (SF saga continuation) or YA SF books are, respectively, more a divertimento for myself and, a less fun, but I think helpful addition to the current dearth of adventure stories for boys mostly. I am not aware of anything like the Hardy Boys and so on coming along anytime recently, which is why Castalia House is doing well printing old classics. I would not enjoy writing such books as much as my own adult Science Fiction, but it would not be too difficult to do and they should be able to be produced fairly quickly. Although, I am not likely to be acclaimed as a children’s author anytime soon, or even long after I am dust, so the effort might not be worth it.

Anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts on the matter, so please feel free to leave comments after you vote, thanks. 

* Vox, on this post, referring to someone else, Taleb, in this case, said something that holds true for most of us. Personally I have always genuinely tried to resist the temptation, and often people have been quite “deflated” when trying to make me their “guru”, when, after being asked something I know little or nothing about or at least I don’t feel qualified to take a stand on, I simply say “I have no idea”. Some were quite insistent nevertheless and I always consciously dissuaded that, as I explained in some detail in my book Systema: The Russian Martial System.

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