Recently, as everyone who is on the internet and not a boomer might know, Gab has decided to allow only accounts with a checkmark to post pictures and videos. This means paying customers.
The move was not very popular with most Gabbers and as a result Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab received some flak. Which prompted him to remove a bunch of people that criticised him from Gab and ban them.
Which made him even less popular.
Torba keep quoting scripture to defend his position on everything from changing his mind about free speech to why he did what he did.
There is a post that I fond a while back, that Vox Day also linked to, that seriously made Torba’s motives become questionable. And unlike Vox, I think it is pretty damning in its evidence AND conclusions.
In fairness, Vox tends to take the position of seeing Gab from a viability perspective, and given what I know of Vox and how he thinks, his personal detachment from the intricacies of whether, as he posted, it is a honeypot/grift combination or a genuine attempt at Alt-tech probably features very little in that equation.
Sure, from a practical perspective, ANY genuine Alt-tech will face formidable resistance from powerful enemies, so making the subscriber base put some skin in the game is essential to survival. No one is questioning that, but it’s also basic math, so not exactly an exciting revelation.
Despite its detractors, and among them also the valid ones, which are not few, Gab DID provide a service up to a point. If nothing else it allowed a free flow of information regarding the activities of people whom it is literally now illegal to criticise in any way in many parts of the world: Jews, and their aims, as well as their historical actions. Questioning the Holocaust is literally illegal in much of Europe. Questioning the murder of millions of Christians by the Bolshoviks however, is apparently fine even though the numbers are nearly an order of magnitude higher. Now, why would that be?
The thing is, for me, personally, the truth matters. And it matters more than the strategic aims. Which is not to say I am some spotless paladin of virtue. I think anyone that would accuse me of that would be laughed at by all, and I would be leading that charge, but personally, associating with actual deceivers is really not my thing. Which is not to say I won’t use their shit if it suits me. That includes Faceborg, Gab, and whatever else I may delve into. But I’m not going to buddy up to Zukboy or Torba for that matter, because whether Torba is actually a flytrap to suck in all the “antisemites” or as I prefer to think of some people, individuals that prefer the truth to comfortable lies, and then will sell them down the river or not, what I can ascertain for certain at this point is that Torba is far from honest.
And frankly I doubt he is any kind of “Christian” either. And by that I mean not only that he is not a Christian in the true sense of the word, since, as any reader here knows, only Sedevacantist Catholics are actual Christians, but I mean it even in the more generic sense of all the poor heretics who simply don’t know any better, because they are lazy, stupid, or both and as a result believe themselves to be “real” Christians while loyal to the Novus Orco fake Church, or one of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism and so on. No, I mean that I suspect Torba is not even one of those guys, but rather puts on the skin suit of a “convinced” and “Christian” man as easily as I change T-shirts. Which is not to say that he may not be playing this part even within the confines of his own home.
But in any case we can definitely ascertain a few things about Torba (and hence Gab, since this relates to that really and not to Torba as an individual):
He lies about Gab stats and lies massively on it (evidence below)
He can’t be any kind of very convinced Christian as the details of his family and some employees he kept on long past due make clear at the post above as well as this one below:
He has made some poor choices in terms of leading Gab. This in itself would not be meaningful either way, because mistakes are never optional, they simply WILL happen, but it’s the kind of errors that are made that all point to the same general conclusion, which I will lay out at the end of this post.
First let’s look at the evidence for the numbers being fake. Now, you may think all of this rests on only Judge Dread and that we are buddies or something. Truth is he had blocked me almost right away on Gab, I forget for what, I think I corrected him on something about Christianity. Turns on Poast he’s fine. The thing is about this guy that while his take may or may not be to your liking I can’t recall an instance of him posting something false. And in any case he is not alone in his assessment of Gab, in fact, many of his observations rely on information provided by others.
An important point to understand is that when Gab used the mostly open source code from mastodon, it remained open to scrutiny. And this is where a lot of this information comes from.
Here Judge Dread is referring to when Gab left the federated environment of mastodon. Many thought it was because that environment is more like the early internet, except with most of the posters limiting their posts of a socially suicidal level of politically incorrect to mostly politics, race, and noticing the actions of certain ethnicities in particular, as well as generic grifters and so on. It’s like if 4chan was on twitter, and I have to say I am enjoying it. You can find me on there as @TheKurgan but let us continue examining the Gab fake numbers issue.
Second image is larger for legibility it’s a very useful timeline that demonstrates quite clearly that Gab never had the numbers it claimed, and still does not.
The fact that the guy who posted that was immediately banned and his posts deleted is also indicative that it’s real. Otherwise why not post the real numbers, it’s easy enough to do.
So, to my mind, this conclusively proves that Torba lies about how many real live humans he has active in Gab. And I had reached the exact same numbers by other deductive processes. I am not a tech guy and I don’t really care, but I do notice things others tend to miss. One of the surest indicators for me was the number of followers that Vox Day got when he rejoined Gab.
Vox had initially praised Torba’s Gab and joined it and brought several people over given that the man’s blog is visited by over 100k people a day.
But the Nazi-themed pornographers on Gab started to make very rough memes aimed art Vox and his family and Torba refused to take them down or punish the perpetrators in any way. Vox left Gab and denounced it and so did a lot of other people.
After that Torba eventually banned all porn on the site. Supposedly because he’s such a Christian. And eventually he and Vox made peace and Vox returned to Gab. Almost instantly Vox had 35k followers. It wasn’t organic or believable simply because the Gab subculture is pretty obvious, and would be to anyone that hung out in alt-dot forums since the early 90s and used chats to discuss physics that were infiltrated by feds and so on. There are basically three types of gabbers, Boomers making Boomer noises about ‘murica and bootstraps or cruises, or whatever, who are totally irrelevant to reality, then a noticeable amount of feds of various types. Rather lacklustre really. I recall old Dean from my days on the alt-dot antigravity forums, he was a persistent fed who but in his eight hours diligently and though it was obvious if you spot patterns who he worked for, it got so we were even kind of friendly. He debunking the truth and most of us on that board making fun of his government job. I guess you just can’t get good help these day, plus, most of them are probably millennials. Anyway, they are rather obvious and crude in their tactics. And then there are the real Gabbers which can be further divided into two general camps. Obsessed pro-nazi Hitlerites that think the Fürher did nothing wrong, and the more balanced 4chan types who know WWII was not how it was presented but don’t obsess over it and instead make fun of all the grifters, liars, and fakers in no specific order. The point is that none of these demographics would gravitate towards Vox with such alacrity.
I believe Torba immediately gave Vox full access to most of the human Gabbers plus maybe a dollop or two of bots. So the more detailed investigation above confirm things for me as far as I care to have them confirmed.
But OK, you might say, the guy is just trying to make a buck… and yes, yes he is. Based on the linked blogs above, it’s fairly obvious that Torba not only wanted to make a lot of money, but his arrogance and ego made him think he could be the next Elon Musk Lite. In fact he offered Gab to Elon for a couple of billion at one point. I didn’t screenshot the post, because I don’t care either way, but I remember it and thought it was ridiculous, and of course it is.
While twitter is a government, deep-state financed, data collection ad zeitgeist warping mechanism, and Elon is still marching to the general drumbeat of the ADL, Gab, with its roughly 30,000 users at best, a good chunk of which are undoubtedly feds from Israel and the USA predominantly, is at best a blip on the radar which is worth dragging for the names of vicious terrorists that post funny memes. Clearly civilisation destroying madmen. Can’t have Hitler memes and Kekistan frog memes out in the wild there. You think I am joking, but Ireland, Canada, and to a lesser extend Europe are passing laws that will literally land you in jail under a hate crime for years, while muslims that have raped little girl that may not even have reached puberty literally have got away with zero jail time.
The point is that Gab is certainly not worth millions, never mind billions.
And there are other problems, its CTO is, well… see for yourself.
Gab was supposedly a completely dox-free site, but as it turns out, Torba will happily hand over names to any fed agency that asks, despite his loudly claiming the opposite.
So, as I said, we can conclude that Gab was never as popular as Torba claimed, and is practically on life support now, as can be seen by the kind of slating that Torba receives daily on his own posts on Gab, as well as the low response number. We can also conclude Torba was in it primarily for the money, and possibly a little of the fame, or infamy, same-same I think. But things did not quite pan out as he’d hoped.
I don’t thing Torba is necessarily in bed directly with any alphabet soup types, but I could be wrong, after all the level of generic incompetence on both sides of that divide would make it pretty hard to differentiate it from just a generically chaotic and badly managed social media site. I do think it is scraped and infiltrated to the gills with feds from various corners of the globe though.
And lastly, on a personal note, as can be seen by the details in the linked posts by others above, it is absolutely questionable if Torba is even remotely Christian. I mean, to me he clearly isn’t, because as you all know by now, if you’re not a 1958 Sede Catholic, to me you’re a pagan/heretic/whatever, but even by the standards of Protestants, which are essentially the same as those of demons (agree Jesus Christ is Lord, which even demons know) he still doesn’t really pass the sniff test, because the stench that comes off him is not of an earnest believer in error, but rather of a grifter wearing a mask.
And I promplty expect I will be banned from Gab as soon as this post makes it way to Torba or his gay brothers’ beady little eyes.
So, why the long effort-post on all this?
One reason: To Educate those willing to learn.
The most consistent failure of human beings over the last 4 years has been a combination of the following things:
Believing the mainstream media and government. On anything.
Doing as they are told by the above.
Latching on to the first person even remotely hinting at the truth.
It’s that last one in bold that’s the killer. it is Satanic standard practice, used since the dawn of man, to play both sides of the same coin. Freemasons do it as an almost inviolable law. As do Jews in pretty much any business dealing I have personally seen happen. As do the fake “Catholics” I have exposed many times on this blog, like Milo, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, and others.
It’s a trap.
I tend to focus on the intentional liars, grifters and deceivers, which all of the above mentioned are, but perhaps an even more dangerous type is the unintentional deceiver, which is where I would place torba. He’s not invested enough, perhaps not personally compromised enough to be blackmail able, and clearly probably not intelligent enough to be used directly and knowingly as a sponge to soak up anyone that might otherwise become effective at changing the zeitgeist.
My best guess is that Torba is an unwitting player at being the “conservative” or “right-wing” or “extremist” that really serves no purpose other than to defuse effective people sick of all the lies from getting together and forming groups of people that might change things, be it politically, in media, or however else. In short, insofar as he is not helpful to the cause of truth and justice, he is so by being a useful idiot to those who run things. And a minor useful idiot at that.
Gab has been “useful” is permitting a certain level of truth to escape the mental barricades they have worked for decades to install in all of us, and that too, in my opinion was mostly by chance and dumb luck. The freakozoid Nazi fan boys, LARPing Pagan “Odin worshippers” neurotypical weaponised autists and memers got a few things over the fence and that is good, but there is no one who will convince me that Gab is anything other than the personal and badly managed grift of Torba. And frankly, I don’t care, it’s fine. What I do care about is the truth, I’m not neurotypical myself, go figure, which is why this post.
Learn to spot the “other side of the same coin” boys and girls. Whether it be intentional or as in this case situational.
Anyway, I will be on Poast more. Here it is:
Go join and if you read my blog you can find me there as @TheKurgan along with several people who were banned from Gab.
This is my take too:
Now excuse me while I go ask Judge Dread about Catholicism and see if he blocks me again.
My post on “toxic” Catholicism got a friend or two to get in touch. Latest tally:
4 families that pray together have 19 children between them.
The third couple I have either met personally or been consulted with in some manner about life, marriage and so on are now also expecting a baby this year, so that’s 3 for 3 and they are all young men under 30 and their wives are amazing young women, well read, feminine and honestly beautiful.
Sedevacantist Churches are bursting at the seams and more and more proper Catholic priests are being trained and spreading the gospel and giving mass all over Europe, the USA and even Moscow and soon I believe also the Philippines.
We will outnumber our enemies and nothing will stop that. Plus, the effectiveness ratio of Catholics is an order of magnitude more than most humans, because they operate synergistically. Once the first few city states form, it will be a Reconquista that will make the Spanish one look like glacier-speed compared to wildfire-speed.
This is hard for people to grasp on ANY level because they get emotional.
But it’s a simple and clear concept.
There is ONE truth, objectively. Any deviation from it is error.
That is simple enough even Protestants understand it.
The problem is that is ALL they understand and then promptly go on to buy into whatever error they do and then quadruple down on it right into the pits of Hell.
And by Churchian I absolutely include the Novus Ordo branch of Protestantism falsely referred to these days as “Catholicism”.
It literally leads you to death, an ugly one at that, and not just for you but for your loved ones, murdered by your own hand because you trusted some deceiver pretending to speak for the Truth.
With all the historical veracity and evidence of… uh… the last 70 years of Boomerism Narrative.
And it does not do things in a blinkered, binary, inhuman mechanisation of the world. The truth is very much like math, but reality relies heavily on statistics and probability, not simple number theory like basic addition and subtraction.
The fruits of the most human, joyous and interesting civilisations on Earth are overwhelmingly Catholic in origin.
It really doesn’t matter if you like it, hate it, or are even able to understand it.
Either you do or take the time to learn to do so, or else you’re gonna end up in the place where you inject your own children with deadly poison. Genetic serum or moral relativism; either way the final destination is death, body and soul.
See the immediately previous post below this one, before reading this one. They are linked and you really need to see that one first.
The image below has been blurred for obvious privacy reasons, nevertheless I asked the two ladies in it beside my wife if it was ok to use and they both immediately enthusiastically said yes.
These are three catholic women with their children.
3 women, 15 children.
This, ladies, is what a strong, powerful, heroic woman looks like.
There isn’t one of the women in the picture who has a husband that wouldn’t take a bullet for them. Or that doesn’t appreciate the daily sacrifices they make and love them all the more for it.
I’m not one to “gush” or pedastalise women, as any reader of this blog will know, but neither am I the supposed “misogynist” some toothless overweight shrews might try to label me as.
The truth is that when I saw this picture, shortly after it was taken, it encapsulated for me everything that life is really about. The kids all played awesomely together, and the two women beside my wife are awesome people. The fact that between three of them they have made 15 children is nothing short of heroic, as far as I am concerned.
One of the mums said, “Nah, not heroes.”
I reminded her, as I will any man reading, that as far as I know, there isn’t a man alive that would consider giving birth ONCE not being heroic. Meeting a woman that has given birth to five or more children, as far as men are concerned, trust me, is the equivalent of talking to a Victoria Cross recipient.
Anyway, try and argue against that, Feminists. And… what’s that? Oh, wait, we can’t hear you over the laughter of our children, and the silence of your non-existent progeny, as ours go on to re-populate the Earth after the depopulation attempts of those who fooled you to begin with.
The guy who runs the Postcards from Barsoom substation, has an interesting post on the reality of demons. Aside being cogently argued for normies too, it has some nice art from the RPG Rifts.
I also like his affinity for Edgar Rice Burroughs stuff, I mean my older blog had the tagline a Martian in London, and I loved the film John Carter of Mars and of course have read most of the books. But that all aside, and the article being good too, the reality is that no one there TELLS you how to actually fight demons.
Forgetting about the initial barrier to begin with, that is, your conscious acceptance that demons are real, once you have passed that one, what then?
If it were as simple as arming yourself with a big crucifix, a holy water pistol and a blessed assault rifle that shoots silver bullets, life would be grant.
But that’s not how demons fight. They are evil, sneaky, vile, cowardly and they certainly do not prefer a head-on war when they can act by subterfuge and creeping evil by using their minions and the mechanising ways of bankers, taxation, government and demonc laws designed to cripple humanity.
Nevertheless here are some guidelines for you. I am not going to waste time justifying every aspect of what I say, because by now, you either have learnt to research anything you doubt by yourself, or your mind is already made up, so, what I write here is simply the best advice I have. Take it, ignore it, or laugh at it, I don’t care either way. those who are unlucky or unfortunate enough to end up relying on it will attest to the fact that everything I say here is sound.
1. Catholicism is Best.
Catholicism is the only valid Christianity in existence and always was. Your whiny Protestant or “Orthodox” noises notwithstanding. Go cry somewhere else, no one here cares. It’s just how it is.
In any event, even that is much degraded today because the only Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics. Probably no more than a million souls in all around the planet.
According to Catholic Dogma, only a trained Priest that has had the permission from a Bishop should even think of performing an exorcism or tangling directly with demons. This is a very wise and protective rule. I have had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with nefarious forces at least four or five times in my life, and while two were relatively mild affairs, one a mid-type event but that lasted months, the remaining two were really quite serious, and one of which honestly was a very narrow escape. My point is that dealing with demons is not to be taken lightly at all. Let me try to give you a rough idea:
You’re trying to face up to an entity that is immortal and has been around since the dawn of creation, is totally evil and hates you and everything you love with the passion of a thousand suns, is intelligent and has absolutely no moral qualms. It also is intimately familiar with the entire realm of human existence, while you are barely capable of even believing these entities exist, never mind be aware of their natures, laws they have to obey, what these laws might be, or how to invoke such laws, if they exist, and so on. And you think you’re going to go up against them and just dispatch them as if you were Biff the cool jock in a zombie movie where he brains a few slow zombies with his baseball bat? Think again.
Now let’s add a few more important points. They are telepathic, they can get in your head and make you hear or even see things, that may in fact be true, so as to cause you to question your very sanity. They can even affect material reality, once again, making you question your sanity, when an object you just put down disappears or reappears in a different place. You’re far more likely to think you’re in the early stages of dementia than a demon did it. And let’s not forget that if you do have dementia, they are far more likely to make you think a demon did it, just so you will appear even more unhinged to your loved ones. Are you starting to appreciate just how sneaky and evil they are? Because if you are, about now, you should be afraid. Very afraid, of tangling with one unprepared. And in case I have not been clear, you are always unprepared. But… and there is a but, a tiny light at the end of the tunnel, fear itself is not the answer. It never is. Caution is. And caution is not fear. We may all experience fear from time to time, but you don’t need to surrender to it. The very definition of courage is not to not be afraid, but to be afraid and act anyway.
Alright, say you have followed me up to now and at least intellectually you accept as a premise that not only Catholicism is the only religion that really understands how to deal with demons, but you also accept as a premise that their rules for dealing with them are the best or safest. Cool. So what if you don’t have an actual sede priest anywhere near you and yet you suspect some demon activity is involved? Well… my suggestions in this next section will be purely practical and purely protective. We’ll discuss actual fighting demons later.
2. Practical Protection from Demons
Again, without any justifications and blah, blahs, these are the things that will help keep you safe:
Be a properly baptised Sedevacantist (1958) Catholic. If you don’t know what that is, read my books Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church (see Books I wrote and my E-store or look for hardcopies on Amazon at the links provided).
Actually believe. As a real Sede Catholic does.
Trust, with absolute faith and unshakable certainty, in the dimity, protection and salvation within our Lord Jesus Christ.
Attend Holy Mass as regularly and as often as possible.
Have a proper Sede Priest bless your home and give you some Holy Water.
Pray regularly. Thank God for all the good things in your life as well as the tests you may be facing. Be as properly Catholic and good as you can in all you do.
Do sprinkle some Holy Water around your home if you feel the need and invoke the power of God and Jesus to protect you, your home and your loved ones.
These are the basics. If you suspect actual Demonic oppression or attacks, trust in god, and pray and absolutely use the name of Jesus Christ and say it out aloud that you belong to our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that as a Catholic, you do not belong to a spirit of fear. So trust in your Lord and your Faith in Him. They hate the name of Jesus Christ and that alone has the power to keep them at bay if not dispel them completely from your vicinity.
Do use Holy Water.
Do cross yourself and use an amulet or cross to remind you and reinforce you faith, not as an icon or idol, but as reminder.
3. Fighting Back
Please understand that I will absolutely repeat what the Catholic Church teaches on this matter:
Only trained exorcists that have had approval from the local Bishop should ever even think of attempting to deal directly with a demon.
We do, however, live in dark times, and a couple of things that are still true might be useful to know.
First, given that there is no current valid pope, Bishops have no authority of jurisdiction anywhere, so Priests can act as exorcists in their own right should they so choose, though it is obviously best if they are trained and do get the approval of whatever Bishop they operate with.
Second, despite all of the above, the rules for having exorcisms and dealing with demons be the purview of only trained priests is not a divine Law, but rather a Church Law. It is protective for the faithful, not an absolute. And you need to realise that exorcism is a skill that includes not only training and specific prayers that are generally used for it, but above all it requires an unshakable Faith. Any and all doubts or fears and weaknesses will be exploited ant taken advantage of and used against anyone that dares to attempt tangling with demons. So, while it is absolutely not advisable to do so, in certain emergencies or cases, you might not have any options. And if your back is against the wall, well, you might as well go down swinging. Sometimes, you even get lucky and survive it, as I can personally attest to.
In such an emergency, that is, one that you happen to find yourself in, not one you necessarily went looking for, you may as well fight back. And I repeat again, do not go looking for these fights. Please, just do not. And if you become aware of a situation that might entail these entities, do your utmost to avoid it yourself and get a proper priest to deal with it.
Lastly, be aware that the overwhelming cases of weird behaviour or events that get labelled “demonic possession” or demonic activity are most often actual psychological disturbances and/or rationally explainable events that do not involve demons at all. So keep that in mind. Right then, all the corollaries and warnings having been given, if you have no other choice, here are the best suggestions I have:
In the case of Demonic Oppression.
This is most difficult to identify as it will tend to just feel like a series of things going wrong, continuous bad luck, and so on. It mostly afflicts people who have just been baptised or who are contemplating doing so, or are on the path to discovering real Catholicism. The response is the same regardless of if it is actual demonic oppression by the minor imps of Hell, or just random bad luck. Throw yourself into your faith and Catholicism. Increase your prayer life and spread the gospel to family, friends, and strangers alike (without becoming a Bible thumping nuisance). Personally, when this started happening I wrote Believe!, which has now helped get over a hundred people to proper baptism and Sedevacantist Catholicism. After that I was left alone for quite a while. When it started up again I wrote Reclaiming the Catholic Church, which has become a basic reference book and manual for anyone wanting to understand Sedevacantism in depth, or wanting to refute the many lies told about it. The general demonic oppression I might suffer now is mostly indistinguishable from day to day life problems that crop up in all our lives. The point here is that a good offence is the best defence. If every time you get oppressed you become even more of a firebrand for Christ, and help convince, awaken and convert more people to Catholicism, they will tend to leave you alone more often. It’s just strategically not wise to poke a guy that starts lighting fires for Christ all around him and then some. So their attacks, if they come any more, will tend to be even more indirect. In such cases, simply redouble your efforts and ensure your immediate family are well educated in the Catholic Faith.
In Cases of Demonic Possession of Places.
Here, you really need to try and get hold of a priest to bless and cleanse the home, office or whatever, but failing that, prayer, your own use of Holy Water, and a strong and powerful belief in the cleansing energy of your faith and the protection and cleansing Grace from God, which you might imagine as a kind of “orbital laser” from Heaven to dispatch unwanted demonic entities, can definitely clear areas.
In Cases of Demonic Possession of People.
There are two types of demonic possession that can happen, partial possession and full possession. In either case, mores than in any other case, I strongly urge you to not ever try to deal with his stuff on your own, and to get a proper Priest and exorcist to do so. I personally believe I have seen and been in very close proximity to one partial demonic possession of a person, and it was absolutely freaky, and no, I was not able to liberate that person of the possible demon that may have been partially possessing herald my attempts to do so where weak and unsuccessful, besides the fact that an exorcism I believe can normally only take place when the victim actually also still has some free will to chose to be exorcised, though I am not certain of this. I can’t imagine what it might be like to have to deal with a full possession, not do I ever want to find out.
Final Words.
I again can only reiterate that you should never, ever tangle with this stuff, and if you need a little nudge to further convince you, then read the scariest book I ever read, Hostage to the Devil, by Malachi Martin. I always caution people to not read this book, because when you do, you will become aware of realities that for now you are blissfully ignorant of, and once you become aware of them, you can’t ignore that reality any more. Your ignorance in the vast majority of cases is protective. You basically being an NPC as far as the demons are concerned, means you’re not a threat to them, nor of any consequence. You’re probably just marching along to the general increasing degeneracy of humanity at large and nothing further needs be done to you specifically. The moment you become aware of this alternate reality, you can begin to potentially be a problem. In short, you might begin to attract some demonic attention. The reason people who begin to move towards Sedevacantist Catholicism begin to encounter various difficulties in life, as do the newly baptised, is precisely because once you have chosen a side, newbie that you are, if they can dissuade you or distract you right at the beginning, that’s one less soldier of Christ they have to worry about later.
Reading Hostage to the Devil will make you aware of things you can’t unseen later. So, I suggest you leave well enough alone. If you decide to read it anyway, I suggest you do so as a properly baptised and believing Catholic first. And with a strong faith and a detached approach to the information you will read in that book.
That’s about all the advice I can give you, and I sincerely pray you never have to use it to fight actual demons. But you may end up having to one day, perhaps we all will. If so, may your metaphorical sword be mercilessly sharp and true, and your armour impervious, pure, and perfectly able to deflect every blow the enemies of our Lord try and inflict upon you and your loved ones.
Ave Soldier. March on and remember: Nec Spe, Nec Metu.
This little book surprised me most of all, because with my completely inability to care about marketing myself or my books, it nevertheless found its own audience by word of mouth I guess and I have people emailing me that they bought several copies and they leave them in random churches with a note to take it.
It’s a pretty short book at only 98 pages and can be read in a couple of hours but has plenty of references and covers all the main perspectives of religious thought, or absence of it in turn.
At first individuals, then families would write me to let me know that they were becoming Sedevacantist Catholics, in some cases, nominally “Catholic” people thanked me for finally resolving for them why they had lapsed and felt the Catholic Church was not really any longer the real Church (The Novus Ordo Vatican II heretic mess is absolutely not only not Catholic, it is Satanic in nature and form). They returned to the real Church finding proper Priests and Bishops and getting baptised or becoming members of the scattered churches that are left and going to proper traditional Holy Mass.
The numbers of Sedevacantists, that is, Catholics that are realising what has really happened in 1958 continue to grow. Sedevacantist groups in England, Italy, France, the USA, Canada, Russia and even a budding little group in Finland, started by a young couple now expecting their first child, continue to grow.
You can’t stop the truth.
And although this little book was really mostly explaining my own perspective on things, it was written in the way I would have liked to find someone discussing these topics in my decades during which the closest I came to religion was a generally Zen-Agnostic somewhat existentialist or fatalist view that probably resembled Samurai-era Shintoism more than any kind of Christianity.
Apparently, my very direct take on things, including the nonsense that gets peddled as “Christianity” has resonated with more people than I ever expected. I hope you read it and enjoy it, and more importantly, it helps you in your passage through life.
There has been a long and quiet suffering by many Catholics (sedevacantists) that goes beyond the mere situation of the Church presently with regard to the non-Catholic, Freemasons, Satanists and impostors presently occupying the Vatican. After all, that situation is easily understood by anyone that cares to look into Vatican II and is in any case prophesied in the visions of many saints as well as in Revelation, so really, there isn’t much to worry about.
The situation concerns the growing gulf between Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists.
If you are interested in the details, you can either read my Reclaiming the Catholic Church, available on Amazon in paper format, or for less in digital format, direct from my E-Store.
Or you could read the argument as presented here, which is essentially absolutely correct.
I was unaware of the “Totalist” position, when I wrote my book, but logic is logic, and I made it clear in that book, as well as the reasons why, the only nod to the word sedeprivationism that I acknowledge was that technically it was a better name because the chair of Peter is not actually empty, but filled by an impostor that needs to be thrown off it on his ear ASAP.
But that is not what Sedeprivationists mean when they use the term, and they try to hold onto the completely outmoded and outdated theory of Cassiciacum of Father, and later Bishop, Guérard Des Lauriers. As I stated in RTCC, des Lauriers’ theory was a very charitable and possibly briefly “valid” idea to present to the world so as to give the more timid and cowardly clergy of the day (1965 to 1978 or so) a chance to speak up or at least take a position that did not promote the completely heretical Vatican II event and all those associated with it.
The Code of Canon Law of 1917, and simple logic a child can arrive at, is clear that since Roncalli was invalidly elected on at least three separate counts:
He was a Freemason, which means he was not, and could not be, a Catholic.
He was “elected” only after Giuseppe Siri was actually elected twice, and blackmailed into not accepting in order to protect what otherwise he was told would be a massacre of Catholic Bishops in the Communist East. Blackmail and any event that forces a non-free vote automatically renters the election invalid.
Even if you ignore those two points it cannot be contested at all that Roncalli approved and signed off on the first two documents of Vatican II, one of which contains direct heresy in a number of ways and the other though not containing direct heresy was a document that said the heresy of Vatican II should be spread throughout the world by every means possible, so it was heretical in intent if not actual words of the text itself. This even was and is absolutely enough to designate Roncalli an antipope and as such completely invalid.
Montini came up after Roncally, and produced the remaining 14 documents of Vatican II every one of which is replete with heresy and inverts catholic dogma. He also changed the mass, which is absolutely not permitted so there is absolutely no doubt he too defected from the Catholic faith as per canon 188 part 4, and that if we are so generous as to assume he was a valid Catholic to begin with, which is questionable at best.
Every claimant to the Petrine see after Montini continued to promote and promulgate Vatican II and its manifest heresies, meaning they too at best defected from the Faith, but in any case had already done so by not denouncing Vatican II. And the same goes for any supposed clergy that does not reject Vatican II and its fake “Popes”.
This is not a matter of opinion, but one of Canon Law.
The position of the supposed Sedeprivationists is essentially a modified form of “recognise and resist”. On top of which Bishop Des Lauriers’ thesis, which I have in the original French, and have read, is also really doing quite the disservice to Aristotle, using concepts of form and spirit or material and formal that clearly Aristotle never intended to be used that way and which really have no place in Catholic theology.
Nevertheless, I can understand the wish to give some kind of a charitable “out” to people who might have been on the fence in the tumultuous times of the usurpation of the Church from 28th October 1958 to say the end of 1965, after Vatican II finished, but even if we generously allow for a period of say ten or twelve years after that, surely, by 1978 everyone that was going to call a heretic a heretic had ample time to do so, and those who did not and worse, continued to promote Vatican II, like the cowardly Vigano, who even has a doctorate in Canon Law, confirmed themselves as Heretics too, falling foul of the same Canon 188.4.
This is really not hard.
The Sedeprivationist clergy seems bent on “hoping” for a miraculous conversion of Bergoglio and the other pedophiles, Satanists, cocaine-driven homosexuals busy doing gay orgies in the Vatican and so on. That’s not going to happen, and even if it did, the rule is that a reformed heretic should have authority over absolutely no one and should spend the rest of their days in a monastery in perpetual penance, so even if the miracle of conscience, repentance and truth hit every one of those miserable scumbags in the head and they honestly converted right there, they would STILL not be allowed to act as clergy, perform sacraments or do anything else that clergy does, as Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio makes perfectly clear and which is still referenced by Canon 188.4 which in any case is moot since it was an ex cathedra pronouncement valid in perpetuity and was in any case the rule before it ever needed to be spelt out by Pope Paul IV in the 16th Century.
So, by all possible perspectives, the Sedeprivationist view is in error. And while the clergy espousing it are absolutely valid priests and Bishops, no one is questioning that, they are in error. And as this error has now been perpetrated for a long time, with increasing grumblings from the lay people that is reading shores that go from America to Australia and even in Russia, where there are sedevacantist communities that all are starting to realise that you cannot square this particular circle, it becomes incumbent upon the laity to correct the clergy.
We are in the current shameful state because the clergy of the Church in 1958 was weak and the laity initially deceived and when it became obvious that an usurpation had taken place, the clergy demonstrated themselves to be in the vast majority of cases, absolutely weak and cowardly where they were not actively Satanic Freemasons involved in the corruption of the Church for decades.
And when that began t come to light, the laity had been slumbering in complacency and also in weakness and comfort and cowardice and did not call out the corrupt, fake, impostors nor the weak cowardly clergy.
We cannot allow a similar situation to stand today, when the clear error of sedeprivationism continues to be perpetrated with inevitable consequences of further error and ultimately confusion, error, discord and possibly even defection from the faith, as any error or deviation from the truth ultimately results in.
As I am used to being the lightning rod for such discussions and debates, which are not a schism, I want to make it clear, but simply a more perfect ordering and understanding of Catholic dogma, I am presenting the first instance of this discontent among the laity here on this blog.
A more formal and combined public open letter will in due course be presented to those priests or Bishops, that are in error. And that error is the result of one of the following:
In good faith but erroneous understanding, some have not studied the Catholic position in sufficient depth.
Habitual obedience to Bishops even when they are in error and have no authority, since without a Pope there is no authority beyond that of performing sacraments and performing the usual duties clergy does when in an interregnum (between Popes).
They are Bishops of Power instead of Piety and are overreaching their mandate from heaven, authority on Earth and over the laity in their misguided efforts to create a “bigger, stronger” renaissance of the true Catholic Church.
I have extremely good reasons, and plenty of evidence, to suggest that almost all and possibly really all, of the laity falls under points number one and two, above. Possibly many clergy that subscribe to sedeprivationism fall under point two, as well, although it is also clear a few are simply not as educated about Catholicism as they should be and are in fact in error as per point number one; undoubtedly in good faith, but error nevertheless.
More concerning is that Bishop who is acting as he is acting, in flagrant error of Canon Law and with imperious ego, because acting under the impetus of being a Bishop of Power, as defined by Rodney Stark in his History of the West How the West Won.
In brief, a Bishop or priest of Power is one that pushes the advancement of the church for the satisfaction of his own ego or worldly machinations. Despite the natural inclination one may have to see these people as evil egomaniacs, a couple of points need to be kept in mind.
Firstly, in some cases, while their ego is certainly ever-present, their intent may be to genuinely increase the spread, power and resilience of the Church. And in their minds whatever little “rules” or dogmas they may need to trample over are justified by the increased “glory” of the church. This in itself is an error of category, since it is the kind of error that laity, if anyone is supposed to be “okay” doing such things, should be taking on more than the clergy. it was crusaders that went off to war and Catholic knights that defended Malta, not priests and bishops taking up arms. So, whichever way you look at it, they are still in error, but their motives may not be as strictly selfish as one might at first imagine.
Secondly, even if they do happen to be egomaniacal narcissists that want to live in luxury, have big homes with servants and gold goblets to drink from, or whatever, the reality is that as a collateral side-effect, in the history of the Church, such despicable creatures nevertheless enriched the Church which permitted its expansion, the creation of amazing cathedrals and an increase in the faithful. Yes it was kind of a collateral effect, but it is a real thing anyway. So, even if at a personal level such clergy would be vile, God, historically, has managed to make at least some good flow from them, because at a worldly level, the use of funds and commitment towards creating more seminaries, more cathedrals and so on, and increasing the number of faithful, obviously has a positive effect.
As a result, I don’t necessarily object to some of the practices of priests or bishops of power, as long as:
They do not break canon Law of Catholic Dogma.
Their intent is not personal but for the benefit of the Church and this can be demonstrated by their personal living situation and so on.
Many other laymen and women are not as “charitable” as I am in this respect, and the grumblings at grassroots are becoming a low-level murmur reminiscent of an impeding avalanche or earthquake.
And such a thing we would all like to avoid. So, consider this simple, somewhat brutally direct, blog post to be an initial canary in the coal mine, in the hope that certain clergy takes note, some laity make them aware of it and they perhaps take note and begin to adjust accordingly, with all dignity and process due, and thus without any scandal or strife between the various faithful, be they clergy, or laity alike.
In my opinion the hope this will work on the relevant clergy of Power is absolutely remote, but, as our Lord tells us, we should first try quietly, then kindly, before we definitely call people to account.
This situation has been building for years, it’s not a flash in the pan, and it needs addressing.
I pray to our Lord that it gets resolved quietly and expediently by those responsible. And if not… well… we, remnant laity of the Catholic Church take our lead not from the timid types our grandfathers generation but rather from that of the Normans and Franks of 1095, from which, incidentally, on a personal level, my family line originates and can trace itself back to.
Glória Patri, et Fílío et Spirítui Sancto, sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculórum. Amen
A while back we had a somewhat amusing visit by a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an older man and a young and pretty woman. This tends to be the practice of Jehovah’s witnesses, to pair up an older person with younger one of opposite sex to tray and appeal to as wide a range of people as possible.
The older guy was walking down our driveway exclaiming what a beautiful place it was here and what a lovely forest and so on. I happened to have my scythe, seriously, no joke, as I was trying to clear the weeds and brambles around a dead tree I had to take down, and I started to walk towards them with the Italian version of “What?” on my face and a bit of a scowl. I don’t like people wandering onto my property unannounced and for no reason I could see.
To my “Yes?” The older guy continued to give no explanation and saying what an amazing property I have and how great the woods and the surrounds were. I kept walking right up to him and he eventually had to stop half-way down our long driveway. I just stood in front of him, scythe in hand, silent, waiting to see what he would eventually say he wanted. it was clear to me from his mannerism he was some kind of con man. I had no idea what nonsense he would be trying to sell, but I knew the type. Trying to be charming, affable, friendly. He had already irritated me in a number of ways. First by entering my property uninvited and unannounced. Secondly by ignoring my essentially asking him what he wanted without actually saying “What do you want?” but making it very clear that is what I was asking, and thirdly by his continued attempts to ingratiate himself into my good graces. So, although there was no mirror nearby, I have been told many times that my face is not particularly hard to read when I am pissed off and apparently it goes from “resting serial killer face” to “Imminently active serial killer face”.
Seeing me keeping silent he tried once more, in a way that he must have regretted later.
“Well, you have such a wonderful place her, like a paradise, nice and remote eh? No one here to bother you, well, except a few boars or wolves maybe, heh, heh.”
He really set himself up.
“I prefer wolves and boars to people. What do you want?”
His smile wavered and he brought his phone out and started to turn it while saying “Have you heard what the Bible says…”
He did not finish the sentence.
“I’m a sedevacantist catholic. Be on your way.” I pointed to the gate and turned and left. He wished me a good day as he quickly headed back uphill.
My daughter laughed at the situation and when she referred to them called them Judas’ witnesses. The first couple of times it was an honest mistake, because as she speaks three languages, sometimes words that are similar in one translate slightly differently in another. But it became our word for them pretty quickly.
It’s amazing how kids sometimes come up with much better words than we have for things. The 3 year old renamed the trampoline the jumpoline when she was 2 and it’s been the jumpoline ever since.
As an aside, someone told me once that the Judas’ witnesses try to convert you to their religion because the more people you convert the more likely you are to be one of the only 144,000 that will be allowed into heaven. So in reality, their trying to convert you is a kind of pyramid scheme were only the guys with the best numbers get it.
I never bothered to verify if this is specific to one set of Jehovah’s witnesses or all of them, nor do I care, because heretics will be heretics, so who cares, but I do think if true it’s a further nail in the coffin of heresy and hypocrisy they peddle, and it also makes me wonder… do they know which number they are on the heaven’s lotto game?
I have been aware of this since 2019 or so and have pointed out disparate parts of it in various posts, but please take a look at this short video, it has a LOT of references so you can check for yourself it’s not woo-woo tin-foil hat stuff. And just so you know, I was aware of the possibility of this since the late 1990s, as one French doctor had discussed it briefly on TV before being completely memory-holed.
Please use the share button at the bottom of this blog post (you may need to click on the post itself to make sure the button appears at the bottom, it is not yet showing automatically if you are just on the main homepage and scrolling through the posts).
It is important people become aware of this before the next “pandemic” is manufactured, which by all indicators will take place in the not too distant future.
There are also a few indicators in the video of how the Vaxxed may begin to try to minimise/heal from these effects, and I will post on this specifically in more detail the near future.
And yes, I hope it gets picked up by WesternRifle Shooters Association, because they have a much bigger reach than I do. So if Concerned American takes it up, you have my thanks.
Gab: The Grift & The Decline
Recently, as everyone who is on the internet and not a boomer might know, Gab has decided to allow only accounts with a checkmark to post pictures and videos. This means paying customers.
The move was not very popular with most Gabbers and as a result Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab received some flak. Which prompted him to remove a bunch of people that criticised him from Gab and ban them.
Which made him even less popular.
Torba keep quoting scripture to defend his position on everything from changing his mind about free speech to why he did what he did.
There is a post that I fond a while back, that Vox Day also linked to, that seriously made Torba’s motives become questionable. And unlike Vox, I think it is pretty damning in its evidence AND conclusions.
In fairness, Vox tends to take the position of seeing Gab from a viability perspective, and given what I know of Vox and how he thinks, his personal detachment from the intricacies of whether, as he posted, it is a honeypot/grift combination or a genuine attempt at Alt-tech probably features very little in that equation.
Sure, from a practical perspective, ANY genuine Alt-tech will face formidable resistance from powerful enemies, so making the subscriber base put some skin in the game is essential to survival. No one is questioning that, but it’s also basic math, so not exactly an exciting revelation.
Despite its detractors, and among them also the valid ones, which are not few, Gab DID provide a service up to a point. If nothing else it allowed a free flow of information regarding the activities of people whom it is literally now illegal to criticise in any way in many parts of the world: Jews, and their aims, as well as their historical actions. Questioning the Holocaust is literally illegal in much of Europe. Questioning the murder of millions of Christians by the Bolshoviks however, is apparently fine even though the numbers are nearly an order of magnitude higher. Now, why would that be?
The thing is, for me, personally, the truth matters. And it matters more than the strategic aims. Which is not to say I am some spotless paladin of virtue. I think anyone that would accuse me of that would be laughed at by all, and I would be leading that charge, but personally, associating with actual deceivers is really not my thing. Which is not to say I won’t use their shit if it suits me. That includes Faceborg, Gab, and whatever else I may delve into. But I’m not going to buddy up to Zukboy or Torba for that matter, because whether Torba is actually a flytrap to suck in all the “antisemites” or as I prefer to think of some people, individuals that prefer the truth to comfortable lies, and then will sell them down the river or not, what I can ascertain for certain at this point is that Torba is far from honest.
And frankly I doubt he is any kind of “Christian” either. And by that I mean not only that he is not a Christian in the true sense of the word, since, as any reader here knows, only Sedevacantist Catholics are actual Christians, but I mean it even in the more generic sense of all the poor heretics who simply don’t know any better, because they are lazy, stupid, or both and as a result believe themselves to be “real” Christians while loyal to the Novus Orco fake Church, or one of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism and so on. No, I mean that I suspect Torba is not even one of those guys, but rather puts on the skin suit of a “convinced” and “Christian” man as easily as I change T-shirts. Which is not to say that he may not be playing this part even within the confines of his own home.
But in any case we can definitely ascertain a few things about Torba (and hence Gab, since this relates to that really and not to Torba as an individual):
First let’s look at the evidence for the numbers being fake. Now, you may think all of this rests on only Judge Dread and that we are buddies or something. Truth is he had blocked me almost right away on Gab, I forget for what, I think I corrected him on something about Christianity. Turns on Poast he’s fine. The thing is about this guy that while his take may or may not be to your liking I can’t recall an instance of him posting something false. And in any case he is not alone in his assessment of Gab, in fact, many of his observations rely on information provided by others.
An important point to understand is that when Gab used the mostly open source code from mastodon, it remained open to scrutiny. And this is where a lot of this information comes from.
Here Judge Dread is referring to when Gab left the federated environment of mastodon. Many thought it was because that environment is more like the early internet, except with most of the posters limiting their posts of a socially suicidal level of politically incorrect to mostly politics, race, and noticing the actions of certain ethnicities in particular, as well as generic grifters and so on. It’s like if 4chan was on twitter, and I have to say I am enjoying it. You can find me on there as @TheKurgan but let us continue examining the Gab fake numbers issue.
Second image is larger for legibility it’s a very useful timeline that demonstrates quite clearly that Gab never had the numbers it claimed, and still does not.
The fact that the guy who posted that was immediately banned and his posts deleted is also indicative that it’s real. Otherwise why not post the real numbers, it’s easy enough to do.
So, to my mind, this conclusively proves that Torba lies about how many real live humans he has active in Gab. And I had reached the exact same numbers by other deductive processes. I am not a tech guy and I don’t really care, but I do notice things others tend to miss. One of the surest indicators for me was the number of followers that Vox Day got when he rejoined Gab.
Vox had initially praised Torba’s Gab and joined it and brought several people over given that the man’s blog is visited by over 100k people a day.
But the Nazi-themed pornographers on Gab started to make very rough memes aimed art Vox and his family and Torba refused to take them down or punish the perpetrators in any way. Vox left Gab and denounced it and so did a lot of other people.
After that Torba eventually banned all porn on the site. Supposedly because he’s such a Christian. And eventually he and Vox made peace and Vox returned to Gab. Almost instantly Vox had 35k followers. It wasn’t organic or believable simply because the Gab subculture is pretty obvious, and would be to anyone that hung out in alt-dot forums since the early 90s and used chats to discuss physics that were infiltrated by feds and so on. There are basically three types of gabbers, Boomers making Boomer noises about ‘murica and bootstraps or cruises, or whatever, who are totally irrelevant to reality, then a noticeable amount of feds of various types. Rather lacklustre really. I recall old Dean from my days on the alt-dot antigravity forums, he was a persistent fed who but in his eight hours diligently and though it was obvious if you spot patterns who he worked for, it got so we were even kind of friendly. He debunking the truth and most of us on that board making fun of his government job. I guess you just can’t get good help these day, plus, most of them are probably millennials. Anyway, they are rather obvious and crude in their tactics. And then there are the real Gabbers which can be further divided into two general camps. Obsessed pro-nazi Hitlerites that think the Fürher did nothing wrong, and the more balanced 4chan types who know WWII was not how it was presented but don’t obsess over it and instead make fun of all the grifters, liars, and fakers in no specific order. The point is that none of these demographics would gravitate towards Vox with such alacrity.
I believe Torba immediately gave Vox full access to most of the human Gabbers plus maybe a dollop or two of bots. So the more detailed investigation above confirm things for me as far as I care to have them confirmed.
But OK, you might say, the guy is just trying to make a buck… and yes, yes he is. Based on the linked blogs above, it’s fairly obvious that Torba not only wanted to make a lot of money, but his arrogance and ego made him think he could be the next Elon Musk Lite. In fact he offered Gab to Elon for a couple of billion at one point. I didn’t screenshot the post, because I don’t care either way, but I remember it and thought it was ridiculous, and of course it is.
While twitter is a government, deep-state financed, data collection ad zeitgeist warping mechanism, and Elon is still marching to the general drumbeat of the ADL, Gab, with its roughly 30,000 users at best, a good chunk of which are undoubtedly feds from Israel and the USA predominantly, is at best a blip on the radar which is worth dragging for the names of vicious terrorists that post funny memes. Clearly civilisation destroying madmen. Can’t have Hitler memes and Kekistan frog memes out in the wild there. You think I am joking, but Ireland, Canada, and to a lesser extend Europe are passing laws that will literally land you in jail under a hate crime for years, while muslims that have raped little girl that may not even have reached puberty literally have got away with zero jail time.
The point is that Gab is certainly not worth millions, never mind billions.
And there are other problems, its CTO is, well… see for yourself.
Gab was supposedly a completely dox-free site, but as it turns out, Torba will happily hand over names to any fed agency that asks, despite his loudly claiming the opposite.
So, as I said, we can conclude that Gab was never as popular as Torba claimed, and is practically on life support now, as can be seen by the kind of slating that Torba receives daily on his own posts on Gab, as well as the low response number. We can also conclude Torba was in it primarily for the money, and possibly a little of the fame, or infamy, same-same I think. But things did not quite pan out as he’d hoped.
I don’t thing Torba is necessarily in bed directly with any alphabet soup types, but I could be wrong, after all the level of generic incompetence on both sides of that divide would make it pretty hard to differentiate it from just a generically chaotic and badly managed social media site. I do think it is scraped and infiltrated to the gills with feds from various corners of the globe though.
And lastly, on a personal note, as can be seen by the details in the linked posts by others above, it is absolutely questionable if Torba is even remotely Christian. I mean, to me he clearly isn’t, because as you all know by now, if you’re not a 1958 Sede Catholic, to me you’re a pagan/heretic/whatever, but even by the standards of Protestants, which are essentially the same as those of demons (agree Jesus Christ is Lord, which even demons know) he still doesn’t really pass the sniff test, because the stench that comes off him is not of an earnest believer in error, but rather of a grifter wearing a mask.
And I promplty expect I will be banned from Gab as soon as this post makes it way to Torba or his gay brothers’ beady little eyes.
So, why the long effort-post on all this?
One reason: To Educate those willing to learn.
The most consistent failure of human beings over the last 4 years has been a combination of the following things:
It’s that last one in bold that’s the killer. it is Satanic standard practice, used since the dawn of man, to play both sides of the same coin. Freemasons do it as an almost inviolable law. As do Jews in pretty much any business dealing I have personally seen happen. As do the fake “Catholics” I have exposed many times on this blog, like Milo, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, and others.
It’s a trap.
I tend to focus on the intentional liars, grifters and deceivers, which all of the above mentioned are, but perhaps an even more dangerous type is the unintentional deceiver, which is where I would place torba. He’s not invested enough, perhaps not personally compromised enough to be blackmail able, and clearly probably not intelligent enough to be used directly and knowingly as a sponge to soak up anyone that might otherwise become effective at changing the zeitgeist.
My best guess is that Torba is an unwitting player at being the “conservative” or “right-wing” or “extremist” that really serves no purpose other than to defuse effective people sick of all the lies from getting together and forming groups of people that might change things, be it politically, in media, or however else. In short, insofar as he is not helpful to the cause of truth and justice, he is so by being a useful idiot to those who run things. And a minor useful idiot at that.
Gab has been “useful” is permitting a certain level of truth to escape the mental barricades they have worked for decades to install in all of us, and that too, in my opinion was mostly by chance and dumb luck. The freakozoid Nazi fan boys, LARPing Pagan “Odin worshippers” neurotypical weaponised autists and memers got a few things over the fence and that is good, but there is no one who will convince me that Gab is anything other than the personal and badly managed grift of Torba. And frankly, I don’t care, it’s fine. What I do care about is the truth, I’m not neurotypical myself, go figure, which is why this post.
Learn to spot the “other side of the same coin” boys and girls. Whether it be intentional or as in this case situational.
Anyway, I will be on Poast more. Here it is:
Go join and if you read my blog you can find me there as @TheKurgan along with several people who were banned from Gab.
This is my take too:
Now excuse me while I go ask Judge Dread about Catholicism and see if he blocks me again.
No related posts.
By G | 16 March 2024 | Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Clown World, Impostors and Frauds, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary