In part 1 we discussed the importance of spiritual group cohesion. In part 2 we looked at how the more reflective of a true spiritual reality the religion or belief system is, the more durable and resilient it is in creating a physical group cohesion. These are the inevitable large scale realities of mass change, and need to be understood at their scale before anything meaningful that has a chance to create real change in a society can even take place.
You may have the most wonderful ideas of how to make a better society, but if you are unable to base them on solid spiritual footings that are widely acceptable to the masses, and also broadly representative of reality, so that the operation of these spiritual principles produces tangible effects in the physical reality we all share, your ideas will never even get out of the crib.
In this part 3 we are going to explore how even if you intellectually grasp the above points, your ability to create real, lasting effects in the world, are unlikely to produce any meaningful results unless you too, at a personal level, are driven by a spiritual reality that has tangible effects in the world too.
It is important to understand how this works, and thus, also, to understand that this works regardless of whether your spiritual reality is good or evil. As long as it reflects reality enough, it will produce results.
For example, the Joel Osteens or Jim Jones of the world, may be conmen, they probably don’t believe the spiritual aspect of what they are selling, at least not in the way they sell it to you, and the basis of the spiritual ideologies they sell is a con, a fake, but —and this is important— the spiritual reality they are selling has at least some elements of it based in a twisted form of the real spiritual dimension. And they do believe in that, aspect of it, at least for themselves.
For example the whole spiritual gospel of “Jesus wants you to be rich and happy and successful” sold by the Osteens of the world, is a twisted aspect of a loving God wanting the best for us. American society has been so corrupted for so long that “love” in today’s times is often interpreted as being material wealth and goods. The average man and woman in America (and elsewhere too) if given the magic wand choice of having all the material wealth they want, but no deeply loving relationship, or a deeply loving relationship but being mostly poor, will take the cash and things instead of a truly loving wife or husband. It is understandable therefore that such a false gospel would “hook” a lot of people. And when I say “false” I mean that ultimately it is a lie from the spiritual reality perspective, however, it IS based on a spiritual reality too; one which is ultimately Satanic. After all, it is indeed the general temptation even Jesus was presented with by Satan, is it not? Material goods now, for your soul later. So it does have a “solid” spiritual foundation, in the sense that Satan is the Prince of this world and we are indeed under his dominion, here on Earth. So, this kind of spiritual reality is certainly something that can produce results in the physical world too. All the Satanists, blackmailable Freemasons, and Illuminati in the film and music industry, who have to signal their membership by the usual “ok” sign over one eye and so on, will attest to the fact that if you are willing to commit your soul to the devil, you can gain material wealth.
You may personally not believe in the devil as such, but the physical reality of the associations of such people with spiritual rituals to Satan, is now undeniable. Enough of these people have come forward and either repented or spelt it out that it requires only a little bit of research for you to confirm this.
Now, while the spiritual reality being sold to the masses by a Joel Osteen, a Jim Jones, or an Imam or fake “Catholic” priest of the fake Novus Ordo “Church” is far from the truth, and far from the real Loving God and His Will, it nevertheless has some power because it is based on aspects of spiritual reality. They may not be the good side of spiritual reality, but the bad side exists too. In fact, in the world (using the word “world” in the Catholic Christian sense) the evil, corrupt, bad side of spiritual reality is in fact the main situation of how things are currently; especially over the last four years.
This is not to say all is lost, quite the opposite, the revelation of just how much corruption and evil there is in the world is becoming so prevalent that we may well be heading into an eventual spiritual awakening by the masses. Whether this happens before or after even darker times remains to be seen, but the point is that the spiritual reality is a fact. Whether for evil or for good it exists, and it informs the physical reality. And ultimately, your chances of achieving good in the world are best if you are aligned with the spiritual reality that is truly closest to the truth of the ultimate good in creation.
Personally, what I have been telling you, is that after some 42 years on Earth observing and trying to figure out the real truth of the essence of reality, it took a shocking and life-changing event, a literal road to Damascus moment, for me to finally have the illusions of the world collapse enough that I saw enough of the face of God to know with absolute and permanent certainty that God is Love. And in my subsequent investigation of that aspect of God, the spiritual reality that most closely represented what I was made aware of was the original, actual rules of the real Catholic Church, which are founded in Love and reason to a degree no other ideology or religion has ever compare with, and which has been tested in time over two millennia, to produce the absolute best societies the human race has ever seen. And while perfection in humans on Earth is not possible, actual Catholic communities have a true respect of both the individual, regardless of age, or sex, as well as of the family unit, which is described as the cell of the body of Christ, which is defined as the wider Catholic society that has given us some of the greatest thinkers, works of art, martyrs and Saints, and peaceful societies ever seen, all while also being able to defend itself from the evil that also exists in the world.
Now, you may or may not agree with me and you may or may not be a 1958 Sedevacantist Catholic like I am. You might be fooled by people like Ann Barnhardt and be a 2023 Sedevacantist who thinks Ratzinger was a Catholic or even a valid Pope (he was neither, of course). Or you may be a Buddhist, or have bought into the absurdity of one of the 40,000+ “demon-nimations” of Protestantism, or you may think Gurdjeff had it right, or L.Ron Hubbard, and so on.
But whatever your ultimate belief system, it is only going to produce any results insofar as you actually truly are of it and believe in it fully.
So, even if you truly do understand and believe the usefulness of say real Catholicism, and this 1958 Sedevacantism, intellectually, but if you personally are not truly a believer in it, it is unlikely you will be able to create very much in the world of the physical from it. On the other hand, if you are a true believer, but have little interest in proselytising to the masses, again, it is unlikely you will be able to achieve too much in the greater physical world in terms of changing things on a grand scale.
The point is that whatever your personal belief system is at a spiritual level, it too has to first of all be aligned with spiritual reality, secondly, it has to be practiced in order to produce those physical results in the world, and third, your greater mission both within the spiritual reality as well as the physical one, has to be aligned too, for results to begin to appear.
In my own case, the spiritual reality for me internally is strong, especially if I compare it to the average human, or even the average true believer. By those standards, I am a fundamentalist zealot that would have fit in just fine with the guys going on the first crusade in 1095. By my own standards, I am barely scratching the surface, and really only starting to begin to approach what I would consider a minimum level of actual proper spiritual practice and piety now, some 7 years and a half after being baptised.
As such, my concern for the wider world has been relatively superficial, and been encapsulated mostly in my short book Believe! And my subsequent far more detailed work focusing on Catholicism specifically, Reclaiming the Catholic Church. And in the wider world those works have already produced results, in the form of over a hundred souls returning to, or discovering, actual Catholicism and being baptised into it, and some of them going on to help others see it, and/or improve their own lives and those of others in various ways, and/or to form families and have children who will also be raised Catholic and so on. Some are even intent on forming proper Catholic (that is, not Novus Orco) Churches in their country where currently no real Catholic presence exists. And all of these are good things. But on a personal level, I am still putting together my own house, trying to get to as self-sufficient a level as I can, in order to be able to then become a hub, for more sedevacantists to move here and become a real physical presence of note in the world. The obstacles I face are huge, and not easily tackled, but there is measurable progress, and I know that once I achieve real independence from clown world, primarily financial, which is the hardest part, but also in every other respect, it will open the floodgates to other people being able to do it as well, and at that point, the Sedevacantist community near me as well as further afield that I am in contact with, will explode. But it will not happen in a day. And there are, will be, and continue to appear, all sorts of obstacles, people that get in the way of you trying to create something good, and so on.
That is simply the way things are. It is also why the Church here on Earth and its members is referred to as the Church Militant. Because it is a fight. It’s primarily a spiritual fight, but it can be also a physical one, making your home and family self-sufficient and as off-grid as possible, while also being able to remain integrated in the beast world enough that you can be a model for others to follow or copy, and also not feel you are too far removed from the “norm” for them to feel capable of doing so, is far from an easy task.
Add in five children, a house that needed massive works on it and still requires regular maintenance and constant little upgrades, the running of a farm in an activity I have zero experience in, the bureaucracy of any venture in the world today, the need to rely on others for some elements of this, and the continuing need for enough income to sustain all of it, and you can imagine why progress might be slow. I spent the first year and a half just getting the house liveable. And within six months of our arrival here, a major event that had serious and long term ramifications that are ongoing also happened. The down side is that it impacted everything in multiple ways and at a practical level made everything far more difficult; the up side is that my daughter, who I had not been able to raise for the last nine years, nor spend time with for the last five of those nine years, has now been living with me for the last three years. And you can bet that if everything else had to take (and in many ways continues to take) a back seat, well, so be it.
Some of you may think that this means I will not bear fruit in the long term. But if so you are mistaken. What is happening here is that my personal aspects of reality are first of all aligning with my spiritual understanding, and this process is lifelong. As I have always been a man apart, so to speak, from most of polite society, regardless of which country or culture I may be in, it makes sense, that my own, personal situation has to resolve first at least to an extent that makes it good, and stable, and secure, to a point that it then becomes a foundation from which to move in the wider arena.
This applies almost always in this fashion if it is to be stable in the long term (I have added my own timeline in order to give a sense of the process as it may apply to you and your beliefs):
Personal Spiritual revelation—> [3rd March 2013]
personal change—> [2013 to present and ongoing]
Personal spiritual growth—> [baptised 25th May 2017]
personal growth—> [married 2018, children born 2019, 2020, 2022, Believe! Published in 2019, RTCC published in 2020, bought farm in 2021]
Personal physical expression in the wider world—-> [Newly Sedevacantist friends appear and help us on the farm and in general – 2021-2022]
spiritual revelation in the wider world (to others)—-> [Newly Sedevacantist friends go on to spread the word, write their own books, get married, have children, etc. 2021-2024]
personal change in the wider world of people (the others go through their own spiritual revelations)—-> [2024 – first Sedevacantist buys property near us, more Sedevacantist babies are born, new sedevacantist budding communities are forming around the world, that are in touch with me/us/our friends]
spiritual growth in the wider world (expansion of the concepts, new members, attendance in churches goes up, etc.)—> [we are currently here]
growth in the wider world [this is the point at which wider communities begin to form and take hold]
What the timeline is like, to achieve strong, permanent, communities that will be able to resist clown world in true and meaningful fashion is hard to predict, but given the course of things, and the fact that while I have been aware of this process from 2014 onwards, I only really started to try to work towards creating something from 2018 at the very earliest in its protozoic form, I expect that within the next ten years there should be a definite sustainable group of sedevacantists where I am. It may happen sooner, depending on various factors, many out of my control whatsoever, but I doubt it will take any longer. And in 20 years I expect several strong such communities will exist around the world; some more successful than others, which will broadly speaking be a function of how close to the rules of Catholicism they actually stick to, with respect to things like non-una cum masses, and being proper Catholics, instead of binary thinkers; which is essentially a Protestant mindset, with merely a veneer of Catholicism over it.
From a personal perspective, frustrated and frustrating as I may find the slowness of the entire process, I also realise that in social, human terms, it is moving at breakneck speed.
My personal revelation was 11 and a half years ago, and it completely overturned pretty much all my lifelong zen-agnostic state of being. My own personal situation and challenges at that time seemed absolutely unsurmountable and beyond any possibility of repair to just “normalcy”, never mind actual achieving of “goodness”. But the only skill I always had that remained valid even spiritually was the inability to give up, or to stop fighting for what I believe is true, and being able to wait like a hunter if that is what is required.
There was no thought at all for even thinking remotely about building anything beyond the mere survival of whatever of my life I could put together just for my own bare minimum peace of mind. And that happened in the blink of an eye, so that by 2018 I was baptised and married in Church. It was only then, and only very much at arm’s length that I thought of the wider world; hence the two books, Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church in 2019 and 2020 respectively.
Then the whole COVID takeover of human brains by the Satanists with the use of global fear, followed by widespread mass-murder by fake vaccines and draconian and dystopic intrusions in all our lives with MORE chemical poisons like chemtrails, the introduction of graphene in all anaesthetic injections now being reported on, the contamination of foods with mRNA murder “vaxx” and so on happened. And at that point I decided to take care of my family first. Hence the farm in Italy in 2021. But it was an investment in time and money that would be further along if the aspects of my personal life that actually led to my initial spiritual revelation had not also miraculously resolved itself in a completely unexpected but oh so welcome way.
Call me selfish if you like, but having my daughter with me for the last three years, whose childhood had essentially been stolen from me, matters to me far more than creating a city state of Catholics. And in any case, it’s not like it stopped those efforts, but the practicalities related to this event have certainly impacted on the wider goals considerably, and I am only now, starting to think about the wider goals, while at the same time also very aware that I first need to establish a self-sufficient hub here, first for my family and myself, so that I then have the possibility to focus on the wider issues. Even so, slowly, the wider community continues to grow, and even begin to form around me, because that is the power of being connected to a spiritual reality that is true and good. If you had told me in 2014 that in a mere 4 years later I would be married, and that 4 years after that I would have three more children and reunite with my first daughter, I would have assumed you were just making up the most fantastic lie to make me feel better. But all of these things happened as if by magic, only as a result of me internally and personally doing my best, imperfect as that is, to follow the spiritual truth I became more aware of and that became more obvious to me the deeper into it and the more I tried to follow and live it.
So, in this rather lengthy and apparently rambling post (but it is not rambling at all in reality, if you pay attention to the macro as well as the micro intent!) the point I am trying to get across to you is primarily one: whatever your belief system is, if you want to create something lasting, it has to be based in something real. And that reality begins in the spiritual underpinnings. All of life does. Even in my brief period as an atheist I understood that.
As to what spiritual underpinnings you choose, I would say be careful. A lot of them are not based in the good. There is only one true God of Love. And like it or not, such a God does have rules for us to live by so as to achieve what is best for us. Just like a truly wise and loving father will tell his children what the rules of life are, for their benefit, yet he will not compel us by force to follow them, because love necessarily entails free will.
So, I hope that given my personal example, which is presented only because it is a real, tangible, proof of the logic that I presented and in any case was aware of even long before I was Catholic or baptised at all, you too begin to see the entire process and how it works.
Furthermore, your life may be less complicated than mine, or you may already have enough wealth, so maybe you can do things faster or more efficiently than I have, but even so, if your spiritual foundations are based in falsehoods, ultimately your community will not form or will collapse or become perverted.
Lastly, you may be disheartened by the time it takes, especially to start from scratch, and even more so if your specific spiritual underpinnings have little history of long term success. I on the other hand have spiritual underpinnings that have been responsible for the literal invention of the scientific method, the use of reason and logic for the investigation of the natural world, and the creation of societies that have been the best in the world bar none, and have done so uninterrupted despite constant attacks for 2000 years. So I feel pretty confident that regardless of my own personal success or failure, I am most definitely on the right track. And even after I drop dead —hopefully in advanced but coherent old age, so I get to meet my grandchildren if not great-grandchildren— others will carry on whatever I managed to start. And that gives my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, a chance to create and live in a world that has been permanently rid of the kind of scum that are trying to murder you and make your children their disposable sex toys.
So, if you don’t have the strength to form your own community, at least, dig as deep into reality and your own heart as you can. Find the deepest spiritual truth you can, and then join and help whatever community that is based on that same spiritual truth that you can find.
As for me, I will never stop or give up, but all and any glory is only God’s.
Meta Barnhardt
So Ann Barnhardt writes about the cognitive dissonance of people so brainwashed they still think Bergoglio is the Pope even after he does the textbook apostasy of saying other religions lead to God, all while she herself ignores her own cognitive dissonance on the very same topic, which is espoused in the heretical documents of Vatican II which essentially say the same thing.
She is basically saying:
“Look at these fools pretending Bergoglio is the Pope when he is clearly doing a Satanic dance all over the altar!” All while she pretends Ratzi the Nazi was not doing the exact same Satanic dance all over the same altar.
It truly is a remarkable study in the ability of human beings’ astonishing ability to convince themselves of the most obvious and absurd nonsense in order to simply protect their own ego.
Barnhardt would have to admit she was just simply flat out wrong about actual Catholics (1958 Sedevacantists), and her position as a result being in deep error too. And I think her ego (pride) will simply not allow that. Despite her intelligence, and —I am sure— deep devotion, Ann may appear to be a very stubborn woman, and that in itself is fine, stubborn people can be wrong or not, but in her case, stubbornness is not the issue.
Pride is.
I have always given her the benefit of the doubt for years, putting it down to an over-zeal of loyalty to people who don’t deserve it because of the mistaken idea that they somehow serve or are connected to our Lord. I said as much in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church back in 2020 and I think before that on this blog.
But in reading her posts, it has gradually become clear that her issue is pride. Personal pride at that. Oh I am sure Ann is perfectly contrite to her imagination of what and who our Lord is. I am sure of that. But… when it comes to admitting her error to anyone else on Earth, and I mean a real error, an error that matters to her, I think she is almost wholly incapable of doing so, out of sheer pride. She is a woman alone and been so all her life, pretty much against the world, and I think having to face the reality of having been wrong about the nature of the only, and absolutely most important, relationship she has ever had, would probably be utterly devastating to her.
It would be the equivalent of a spiritual divorce on a person of deep faith. So, her ego prevents her from seeing it, even if the truth is that God would in no way abandon her, He never does. We abandon Him, not the other way round. But her shame, hurt pride, and having to admit a crevasse-like flaw in her thinking to the entire world, including all the uncharitable people who have attacked her over the years, is too much for her to deal with. I can’t say I condone it, but I do understand it, and in all honesty, feel sorry for her. I do hope she can find the strength to see the truth and proclaim it widely though. I have just prayed for her, and I hope God sees fit to give her the Grace she so clearly needs. Godspeed Ann.
UPDATE: As it apparently was not clear to someone new here, the ONLY Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantist. You can find out more by typing “Ann Barnhardt” in the Search Me function on the right hand sidebar.
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By G | 14 September 2024 | Posted in Catholicism, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary