Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Beating Gammas like Dead Horses

James Lovebirch – enemy of truth, exposed.

The little intro before the taking of yet another gamma head here is for benefit of those new to this game. 

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Replying to Morons who think they have functional IQs

As I have been having nice little flame wars exposing Sophists, gammas, possible actual Satanist deceivers and other cretins for their duplicitous natures, I have challenged them all, as already done previous here to make their arguments in a public forum, with their own names attached. So far there have been no actual takers, which is natural because liars KNOW they cannot survive sunlight, so “people” like @jameslovebirch and @Ranger will in all likelihood NEVER post their “arguments” publicly, and certainly never under their own name, because they know for a fact they would be torn to shreds. Besides the challenge has stood unanswered for months and I expect will continue to do so.

Despite this, one guy, named Stephen Burrows, made a formal public request to be bitchslapped about the face for his inability to read basic English, understand simple concepts, speak of things he is abysmally ignorant of as if he understood them when it is clear he doesn’t even posses the faculties to grasp the concept of apostolic succession, never mind anything beyond that and so on. As the charitable sort I am, I decided I would indulge him here. For your entertainment if perhaps not enlightenment of catholic concepts. mostly because these are so obvious anyone even mildly interested already knows these things.

Below I reproduce the entire question and reply interspaced in red. So you know I have not altered anything in the original, it is also archived here.

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One Question for the Kurgan (was Paul VI validly elected)

Since this is still bubbling away on Social Galactic, I thought I’d have another go at a question:
I ask: Was Paul VI (Who concluded the Second Vatican Council) validly elected as Pope.

For the purpose of this let’s all assume that yes he was.

The question is actually completely irrelevant. It makes absolutely no difference if Montini was validly elected or not. Why? Because as every Catholic knows, the very concept of once saved always saved is a Protestant idiocy and not based in any sort of logic. Every Catholic is perfectly aware that even if you theoretically pay lip service to being a Christian, or, in fact, genuinely have become one, your salvation is NOT assured if you later defect from the Faith. This is elementary level reasoning, and should not tax anyone’s grey cells. And yet…


1. The implementer of the conclusions of Vatican II was a validly elected Pope

Let’s assume he was in order to give your moronic idea that you have some kind of gotcha! going for you the best chance of working. Even though there are valid reasons for thinking otherwise, but no matter, I accept this as the premise for the purposes of showing Stephen the error of his ways.

2. The documents of Vatican II are heretical

They are

Then: Papal infallibility is false

And this is where poor, poor, Stephen falls short, like a special kid with a helmet and a lot of drool. Mostly because he hasn’t got a clue what papal Infallibility is. But here is the logic even a 5 year old grasps. If a validly elected Pope acts as a filthy heretic apostate, sodomite, freemason, guess what, Canon 188 part 4 comes into play and he immediately loses his office. End of. No one requires to say anything further and EVERY action this fake Pope ever took becomes automatically invalid. And it has always been thus.

As the papal encyclical Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio always made clear for the last few centuries.

You really need to change your whole idea of Christianity, oh little Protestant. The only reason you even think that once a Pope is elected he can never, ever, ever fall into Hell again no matter what he does is because Protestantism fosters the idiocy of binary thinking. Something that is properly demonic once you are thinking about anything beyond simple mathematics. And it is intimately tied to the absurd idea of once saved always saved. It’s like saying that once you have decided you are not a thief you can never be arrested for stealing again. Even if you steal. What nonsense. And of course, a Pope who becomes a heretic immediately loses office and all his actions become null and void, including any he may have made while technically still “valid”. Why? Because prudence, logic and the infallible rules of valid Popes and the Church say so. All approved, recorded and codified in Canon Law. Really it’s not difficult to understand if you can read. And have an IQ above 90. Which to be fair, from previous engagements with Stephen, he may well not have.

If Paul VI was not validly elected then can you explain how. 

We have assumed he was. So this point is moot.

Your standard call to Canon 188.4 to indicate why modern papal elections are invalid would seem irrelevant since it relies on cardinals and popes publicly defecting from the faith.

What, prey tell, oh you very special person, is hard to grasp about a Pope publicly defecting from the Faith, which he does the minute he issues official documents replete with heresy for public consumption? Of course it applies. Why would it not apply? It is precisely for this eventuality the canon exists.

Even if assenting to Vatican II counts as a public defection, it can’t apply to cardinals acting before the documents had been published.

What do the cardinals electing a Pope that defects later have to do with it? Absolutely nothing. Insofar as we accept they validly elected him (which we are accepting for the purposes of this argument) they have done nothing wrong. Any cardinal the Apostate fake Pope made cardinals before he became a heretic though also are not considered valid, but these are after the fact. Canon 188 part 4 applies specifically to individuals who fall under it. I don’t understand how anyone can be confused by this at all. It’s very simple.

Now, you may think that I have been a bit harsh on Stephen, and I have, but you need to know Stephen had a massive argument with me about Apostolic succession that clearly showed he has no clue about much of anything, and I suspect he struggles with shoes that have laces. That said, I do salute his attempt since it was public and he apparently put his name to it. I would however advise him to never again question Catholic dogma. He is one of those people best served by getting baptised as a good Catholic, quietly attending Church, doing his prayers and simply doing as the VALID Catholic priest (not any of the Novus Orco impostors) tells him. He clearly does not have the faculties for understanding the basics, but that in itself is not a sin. Plenty of people that are not intellectually advanced make very good husbands, men and friends as well as good Catholics. He just has to become one first.

Shooting Down the False Objections to Sede Privationsim

As a result of Vox Day mentioning my earlier blog post challenge to nominal Catholics concerning the fact that we have only had antipopes since 1958, one of the commenters there brought up some supposed studied theologians who claim to have fully refuted the position they call Sedevacantism (but I call SedePrivationism for precision, since words matter). My post on the antipopes and the legal reasoning why is here and it is rooted in the fact that we, as obedient catholics, must believe the fake Popes are fake, and have been at the very least since 1963, for certain, because that is what the Code of Canon Law of 1917 necessarily states, which being put together by the Magisterium of the Church, we, as Catholics could never and should never had ignored when Vatican 2 raised its evil and apostate head from the darkness. Nor can we ignore it now. Remember that the only current and valid code of canon law is the one of 1917, since the one of 1983 was put together by the same impostors, non-clerics and non-catholics that usurped the Chair of Peter in the first place, and it was also specifically designed to try and invalidate the truth of the code of 1917 and obfuscate its clarity and precision.

Not having read or known anything about the two individuals mentioned by the commenter at VP calling himself MisesMat, who later emailed me and assured me both these gentlemen would be happy to debate me, in writing, I did a quick search for one the names that he mentioned and found Salza’s document online, which I reproduce below with my commentary. His words are in black and mine in red. Initially I started out thinking I’d give this guy the benefit of the doubt of being one of the many badly catechised Catholics that have been browbeaten into accepting an untenable position on the basis of emotions alone mostly and brainwashing from an early age, but as I progressed through the document it became absolutely obvious that John Salza is an intentional liar and deceiver of the worst sort, as will become apparent from the thorough evisceration performed on his lies below. Warning: It gets harsher as I go, but also funnier hopefully, so it’s not too boring I hope. In either case, boring or entertaining as it may be, it is important, because it more clearly demonstrates the tactics and lies these people will attempt to use on you (and have done so rather successfully since before they took over the papacy in 1958), so it is good for you to understand their strategy, because once you do, you can’t unseen it. Enjoy.


If the below is too long for you to bother with, let me simply state that John Salza wrote the below in 2010, meaning he KNEW the issues of V2 were issues even before the Vicar of Pedophiles on Earth, Jorge Bergoglio took over. And, more importantly, he is a 32nd degree Freemasons. And Freemasons can’t be Catholics. Because Satanists can’t be Catholic so, yeah. the below is academic to a certain extent, but necessary anyway.

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THE JAY DYER DEBATE – Written After-Report

This is probably going to be a long entry requiring various updates I have divided this into four sections. I’ll add to them as time permits and if required by any commentary.

It refers to a debate between myself and Jay Dyer prompted originally by his zombie-like followers harassing me for months that I should listen to, debate, etc this guy. When I eventually, after a few months of this decided to go look at who or what this guy was it was clear within five minutes that he was deceitful and also exhibited some autistic traits (in the worst possible sense), and those of you horrified at me beating on a poor autist, remember I have Aspergers’ myself, so, relax. 

UPDATE: On that very note, ironically, I have noticed a fault of mine I must admit to. It’s not that I wasn’t aware I had this issue, I did, but the hundreds of comments both on my channel, at Vox’s blog, emails etc I got regarding this debate, there was a thin, yet noticeable pattern that in all fairness I have to admit I am almost certainly guilty of, and that would be a lack of patience and to a certain extent of charity too.

I would like to be precise, since this problem is ultimately one of precision and while from my perspective the issue is simply one of almost everyone else being mostly too stupid to follow things that seem obvious to me, it is also true that that IQ gap issue is a real thing and ultimately, given I am generally the one with the higher IQ, it is absolutely incumbent upon me to bridge the gap (insofar as it can be bridged, which honestly, sometimes I think is just not possible). So I have made an attempt at correcting below, in green so that there is no revisionism and my faults are exposed properly, what could possibly be misunderstandings rather than out and out deception on the part of Jay Dyer. I did make an attempt at this in the debate itself, when I said that perhaps we were talking past each other and I tried to understand if he perhaps meant something different than what I was perceiving, but Jay of course was busy repeating himself, and not really listening to anything so that didn’t work either, anyway, the rest below remains unaltered and my general reasoned and instinctive opinion, however, you could look at any green text as an alternative view I theoretically could have or maybe should have come up with instead if I was giving the befit of the doubt at every turn. 

It’s not something I tend to do because of my general life experience, but I can see that in some instances, and genuine argument/debate is one place, where in proper etiquette, it should probably almost always be extended, so if nothing else I have possibly learnt that, even if, in practice it’s a lost art and I don’t think there are but a handful of people capable of doing it. That said, there is objectively no reason why I could fault the green version of events on deeper reflection, so it’s at least possible.

The debate is here

UPDATE: Apparently the full debate has been deleted for whatever reason. There is however a 3 minute mostly recap of the internet bunfight main points.

SPOILER: It’s well made because I am sure it will let the idiots who follow Jay continue to believe they are right, despite the fact that Jay absolutely wrecks himself with the correct answer to the question: How do you interpret Catholic Dogma Jay? The answer, of course, is CANON LAW, which is precisely the point, the entire volume of Denzinger, or the works of  Ott, or Thomas Aquinas for that matter, are irrelevant, because HOW you interpret it, is by using Canon Law.

Jay Dyer’s original Video I was critiquing is here

and of course, my channel is here 

with a post-analysis for video (not as exhaustive as this post but for those of you who find reading painful) is here


PART I – Answering the spergs – This is simply a list of the false accusations made against me by both Dyer and his colony of gamma zombies with responses to the individual items. Some agglomerated for ease of reply, some with examples to show the level of IQ the morons making them have.

PART I A – The Denzinger Debacle – As this was a main point of contention and one his spergy followers couldn’t grasp I devoted a whole little section to it.

PART II – The actual issues – This will be rather lengthy and grow over time as I add details, this first draft is taken from the general notes I had taken and adjusted slightly to try and deal with the points made, it also tries to follow the original format of the debate in terms of Chronology but not necessarily.

PART III – Conclusions – My take on it all


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On My Scandalous Character

A recent development within the organisation that runs the London Latin Mass, prompted me to take some steps toward ensuring that parishioners who wished to approach clergy of their choice could do so freely, without dictates from people who have no canonical authority to rule otherwise, regardless of their position in the Church Structure. As a result my “scandalous character” was mentioned by certain parties. Without further ado then, let me tell you all about it, as I did to the relevant people by the email below.


Dear All,

As expected, there have been some rumours concerning me and my character, actions, etc. so let’s clear them up too.

I have had an online presence at least since the early 2000s or earlier and been involved in many things outside of normal life for most people. Until at least about early 2014 or so I also had very little, if any, belief, grasp or knowledge of Christianity even in its broad sense. I have lived pretty much most of my life as what the Bible calls a “wild ass”. That is, a stubborn donkey, whose main characteristic is to fight anyone and anything that gets in their way and whose only quality might be persistence, but certainly not wisdom.

This means I have had dealing with everything ranging from working as an armed bodyguard that dealt with armed criminals, corrupt police, client’s vices, including prostitutes they had on retainer, and seen more than my fair share of evil, sin and perversion on a scale most people fortunately never encounter.

I also lived without God as a guiding principle most of my life, and only a sort of warrior code based on honour, truth and justice that probably most resembled samurai philosophy as that was a large influence in my upbringing.

I was baptised on the 25th May 2017 and my online presence has in any case evolved over the years and no doubt, will continue to do so, but I have zero interest or concern in “doctoring” or covering up any of my past, blog posts, etc. Firstly because it would be an intrinsic dishonesty in denying factual reality, something I am constitutionally averse to doing in the  extreme, and secondly because all this can be summarised into 5 simple points:

  1. Who I am, was or will be is of little relevance to you, your salvation, relationship to the Church, God, your priest, bishop or anyone else. I am not a leader, I have no wish to be your leader in anything, as I said in my first email, and if it seems like I am leading something it is simply because others are either failing to do so or too scared to act directly on things that matter. My intent is to do what’s best for the faithful, the Church, civilisation in general and my family, but I have always strongly rejected anyone trying to follow me as if I am some guru. I like to express my views and opinions and if you find them useful, you’re welcome to them, and if you do not, then ignore them and me. Ultimately, the only person responsible for your soul is you.


  1. My past is irrelevant to my present as far as I am concerned and not only do I not care to hide it or pretend it is not what it was, in fact, quite the opposite, because if even someone like me can come to the Church then there is hope for everyone, and this is a good reminder for others to see.


  1. Paul used to torture and kill Christians because he was what today would be called a fanatic. Then he had his road to Damascus moment and he wrote half the New Testament and guess what, he was no less of a fanatic after his conversion, all that changed was his intention and focus. Now, I am no Paul, but I relate. Jesus hung out with prostitutes, soldiers, and (what’s worse in my opinion) tax collectors, again, far be it from me to compare myself with our Lord, but I can tell you in all honesty that some criminals I have known had a better sense of honour, truth and justice than many fake clerics of the Novus Ordo Church (or Novus Orco, as I call it). Or even your average trader (banking) for that matter. So again, I don’t care in the least what a person supposedly is or is not. I will judge them based on their actions towards me and the things and people I care about. If you prefer to do differently, then that’s up to you, but I assure you either way, it’s not going to keep me up nights.


  1. To those persons who would try to assassinate my character or use any of my past or present or future actions etc, I say, have at it. You have no idea how little I care. I have had death threats from special forces trained people, I had armed men come to my house to kill me and a number of other confrontations of just about every type, be they physical, emotional or spiritual that not only do I not wish on anyone, but would probably crush most people. My point here is simply this: Who I am or what I have done or what I do, does not change the facts or the lies, injustice, or errors that others who purport to be leaders in the Church make. And their attempts to shame me into silence are going to have only the opposite effect. Unlike the hypocrites, I have never denied, nor will I ever, my past or my present. Nor will I change it or doctor it or try to hide it. In time I hope to continue to become a better person, but I generally talk like a sailor and am certainly no one’s idea of a pious wallflower. If that scandalises you, then so be it. My sins are mine and imperil only my soul. I am not a Priest giving guidance or worse, a Bishop ignoring Canon Law. At best I’m a very flawed human being that has a true belief in God, Jesus Christ and who will not be cowed into silence by anyone on such matters, regardless of who they are. My accounting for my sins will be done in front of my Lord when my time comes, and not before any human being on Earth who presumes to have such authority over me.


  1. Martyrs are very much higher on the hierarchy of saints than warriors, and I have no illusion which type I am, but God loves His warriors too, so if you don’t, or find them offensive and don’t want to associate at all with them, don’t worry about it; I’m certainly not going to invite myself into your life against your will.

This same message will also be posted on my blog tonight, which I have no intention of taking down. And if you want to know my personal current stance on things, it is changing every day, but if you really want to dig into this, you can get a fair idea of it in my latest short book Believe! I have in fact already moved somewhat beyond it, in what I hope is an even more Catholic direction, but it’s not light years away from where I was when I wrote it, and as a matter of fact, that little book has inspired at least 7 confirmed conversions to the true Catholic Church and interest in doing so from many others, the exact number of which I do not know with any precision.

Lastly, to all those rumour mongering, I issue a simple challenge: I am perfectly happy for every bit of communication I had relating to the current troubles in the London mission to come to the full light of day. Why aren’t you just as happy to let everyone see your true face when you’re hiding behind a screen or “not wanting to cause scandal” or communicating your strategy to browbeat the “dissidents” in plain terms? Do let us know. I for one want more happiness in the world and I found that sunlight always helps.


Most Sincerely,

Giuseppe Filotto 


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