Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Miles Mathis on Suicidal Teenagers

Mr. Mathis has produced an interesting paper on the phenomenon of vastly increased numbers of suicides and suicidal thoughts in teenagers, particularly in girls.

Mr. Mathis has a liberal ideology of sorts. It is too simplistic to label him a straight liberal of course, so i hope you will not make that mistake. His position concerning sexual relations between teenagers is not one I can wholeheartedly support, being a Catholic, but that is not to say it doesn’t have some merit. After all, should we return to the morals of the time of the Crusaders, or the Inquisition, or even as late as the defence of Malta, all good, solid Catholic times, it remains true that teenagers both male and female would be considered available for marriage and procreation. And this was not just 13 year old peasant girls being raped by 40 year old barons, as the woke “historians” would have you believe.

Boys and girls were in essence considered pretty much as adults from about age 13 or so. Biologically, most hit puberty at that time and while there is some small variance, in general, by age 14, both boys and girls have passed puberty.

I certainly do NOT agree that it is fine for a 30 year old modern male to have sex with a 13 year old girl, but that is also influenced by how present-day 30 year old males are. And I see nothing wrong with a 25 year old woman getting married and bearing children to, say, a 40 year old man. Nor was this uncommon back then. On this point at least, Mr. Mathies and I are in general agreement.

To bring things in stark relief (both for myself as well as for you readers) I think about my daughters, of which I have 4. And my boy, of which we have one. I live in a country where the age of consent is 14, which probably is scandalous to the average Protestant Anglo type.

But I consider various scenarios.

In the first place, I do not believe, that if I do my job correctly as father, any of my daughters would be so foolish as to “fall” for some 30 or 40 year old predator while they are 14. And even if such a situation arose, as a result of God knows what tragic set of circumstances, said predator would be very lucky to achieve the protection of the state in very short order. So that does not concern me.

What if, however, we were to posit say a 17 year old or 18 year old boy with one of my 14 year old daughters? In that respect, it would very much depend on the boy in question. And while there would be no question of my approving of sexual relations at that age, IF the boy turned out to be a decent sort (they still exist, in fact, one of our not too-far off neighbours have a young boy that if he keeps on the same track is quite an outstanding young teenager) I would not be against them courting, with actual sex being not an option, but again, if they are raised right, they probably would not venture into such waters for a good amount of time while courting, even allowing for the escapades of youth.

But consider now a real Zombie Apocalypse scenario. And one of those decent boys really cares for one of my daughters, and the situation is dire and rough and there is death and calamity everywhere. Well, always depending on the boy, I may well be more willing to even let them escape and elope to safer lands on their own. Why? Because at that age, a boy that really loves a girl, is likely to still have that instinct to literally take a bullet for her if need be, and that’s the kind of boy I want for my girls. And if they grow up together surviving all sorts of hellish landscapes, chances are that they will actually end up staying together down the line too.

The problem is that in a Universe 25 scenario, with no bombs dropping, no life-and-death derring do, or survival requirement, most teenagers are functionally retarded. Their attention span is limited to a Tik-Tok video of 90 seconds, their imagination even more stunted and their future makes the radioactive landscape of Gamma World look like fun.

It’s hard to argue with Mr. Mathies’ overview either:

Likewise with these CDC numbers from highschools. If I am shocked by anything, I am shocked by the fact that these kids haven’t already burned down every highschool in the country. If the school uniform weren’t a straightjacket, they probably would have. I think the only way they have avoided it is by masking everyone and then sending them all home for a Zoom conference. To avoid revolution in the next round, they are going to have to graduate to kevlar muzzles, leg manacles, iron bars, and electrified fences. You may laugh, but they are already installing expensive security systems nationwide, and it isn’t to keep the shooters out. It is to keep the prisoners in. The fake shooters are just the excuse.
If kids were now what they were in my day, the highschools would already be ash. Young people now are so decimated by fluoride, poisoned food, drugs, and 24/7 brainwashing and gaslighting, they seem to us older generations like some nuked cave-people, slouching around glassy-eyed in clown clothing, mesmerized by their phones and puking up chopped sentences that only distantly resemble language. The military is now admitting that 75% of them aren’t even qualified to clean latrines or polish their shoes while saying yessir. And the other 25% is skinny-stupid.
The only way I can believe highschool students aren’t all suicidal or homicidal, down to the last boy and girl, is that they are too vacant to achieve the state. They are too zonked on anti-depressants they stole from the medicine cabinet to remember what sadness is. They are too bombed on thorazine to spell hopelessness. This CDC report we have been looking at includes sections on alcohol, weed, illicit drugs, and opioids, telling us their levels of use in highschool are all dropping, but that leaves out prescription drugs, doesn’t it? If there is less use of all this other stuff—which is highly doubtful—it can only be because the drug companies have replaced those things with their own products. Like their parents, these kids are wasted beyond any conception of sadness on anti-depressants, anti-anxieties, anti-psychotics, and anti-emotives of all classes and types, beyond the comprehension of any person of my limited experience.
Despite that, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the revolution started in the highschools, and I hope it does since the kids will be the hardest to shoot, jail, or disappear without incident. The nation seems to have accepted having its great-grandparents murdered by ventilators and fake drugs; we will see how it responds to having its children rounded up and jailed for “insurrection and terrorism” when they dry out and torch all these concentration camps we now call schools.

Truly, young people, if any of you can even read this, I truly hope you get off the drugs, off the weird internet, and start to plan the complete takedown of the society the boomers instigated, that we GenXers didn’t burn at the stake, although, in fairness, we were too few, and many beaten down and shell-shocked, but most importantly, we were unable to see that we were heading to this place we are in now. The Millennials are basically Boomers redux, so it’s up to the Zyklons, if they are not too stoned and drugged out, and whatever comes next, which I hope are going to be the equivalent of Crusading Inquisitors. For my part, and I know I am not alone among GenXers, I’ll certainly do what I can. Building up the zealots for now, trying to put together communities of hardcore Catholics and when and if the zombie apocalypse does arrive, oh well… don’t be surprised is a few grey-haired older guys are laughing as they empty all their weapons at the enemy, Severely outnumbered and outgunned though they might be.

This is why Apartheid is good

While certain aspects of Apartheid as it was practiced in South Africa in the 1980s was certainly rather evil, the concept in a positive and humane context is absolutely a net good.

It creates a TRULY diverse, and harmonious global reality when people that share certain cultural, ethnic and genetic traits are mostly in a specific geographical location that they historically find themselves in as a result of having literally killed off all the competition and then protecting it from intruders. In short, Italy for Italians, Sudan for the Sudanese, America for the Americans, and so on. And above all, Israel for the Jews. No really, all the Jews. Let them practice their religion and their customs and their transgenderism there, in their land. And let us practice our religion, and our culture, and our heterosexuality in our countries.

If you disagree, then go look up what Jews want for Europe, America and everywhere else, but NOT for Israel. Go on. look it up. The Jews are not shy in telling you themselves. All I am saying is, if it’s good enough for them, then it’s good enough for us. Or vice versa. Equality über alles right?

So you want relationship advice, young man…

As I said, y’all gone and picked a weird agony uncle, but whatever… so here goes.


  • This is mostly aimed at the same 18-24 year old Zyklons I wrote about earlier, but may apply to some millennials and some of the advice even to others. I know most of them are essentially illiterate, but maybe a father, uncle, or older brother that can read will find this post and pass it on to them. Or transcribe it to audio, whatever.
  • It is mostly meant for European descent males. Whether in Europe, North America, Russia, or wherever else they may be.
  • It is mostly meant for Purebloods, who I recommend very strongly breed only with other purebloods. Muties should stick to muties. I have explained why previously, but basically, this is the safest way to ensure that if there is to be a Pureblood continuation, it makes it, and if there are to be some mutants that naturally evolve to survive as a stable future line, that they do so too. It is the way of Gamma World. Deal with it.
  • Your feelings don’t matter to reality, or to me. The sooner you learn that and learn to deal with reality, the sooner you can begin to learn to have your feelings in the privacy of your own home with those who love you and whom you love. And yet learn to be disciplined enough to not let your feelings rule your actions or your reactions. And if you do not yet have a loving home, then guess what; that’s what I’m trying to do here, teach you how to make one of your own.


Look that word “axioms” up. Seriously. I’ll tell you, but do it anyway. These are fundamental realities that are absolutely true. Your accepting them as such or not is irrelevant to me, but will make a big difference to how you live your life and if you end up happy or miserable and if you ever get to 99 years old and a decent rocking chair to reflect on your past.

  • Winning is achieved by having a long marriage that produces multiple children who inherit from you all you can manage to create and accumulate for them before you die.
  • The Catholic dogma of no divorce, and marriage being primarily for the production, raising, and education of healthy, strong children is the most correct and objectively successful model throughout the entire history of humanity. Adopt it, regardless of your belief in Catholicism or not.
  • Research what r/K selection models are. Be a K. Raise your children to be K. Avoid r. Teach your children to avoid r.
  • Men and women are not equal, never have been, never will be, and never should be. Statistically, historically, and objectively, those relationships that work best are where the man lovingly leads, and the woman lovingly follows, with mutual respect and due care for their roles. Again, the Catholic model for this is objectively the best, most successful and head and shoulders above every other model humanity has come up with. It produces the most joyous, successful, and happy families, and societies.
  • When I say Catholic I mean, of course, actually Catholic, which today means Sedevacantist, and ONLY Sedevacantist. Do not ass-u-me that Bergoglio, the Vatican or ANYONE that in ANY WAY tolerates ANYTHING related to the Novus Ordo or Vatican II is a Catholic. They are not. If “clergy” they are knowing impostors working for Satanic ends. If laypeople at BEST they are lazy, deceived, ignorants. If you don’t know what a Sedevacantist is, pick up BELIEVE! And read it. It only takes about 2 hours and costs $10. And don’t worry, it won’t bore you with much theology, it’s been described as being written by a “Theologian-Berserker”. You’ll laugh.
  • Your generation has been lied to at a deeper, more fundamental level than possibly any generation before you. The deprogramming will be tough and may cause pain. Do it anyway. Yes, waking up from the Matrix sucks, but reality beats fake all the time. Always. All the history you have been taught is a lie. All the things you have been taught to tolerate are lies and you should not tolerate them at all. The future economic landscape for you is best described as post-apocalyptic. That said, there can be some opportunities in such a landscape if you deal with reality and are flexible. They will most likely not look like “traditional” jobs. Maybe you’ll make your fortune selling heirloom seeds of actual plants. I don’t know, you’ll need to figure it out, things move fast and my focus is elsewhere at the moment. Be aware of the lies you have been told. Peel them back like an onion.
  • NEVER, trust: Politicians, Lawyers, Policemen, Doctors. Do some good ones exist? Sure. Very few and far between, but guess what, they don’t mind you checking their stories out. Because anyone in any of those professions who is not corrupt to the bone, knows without a doubt that most in those professions are.

Alright then, now we got that out the way, let’s start:

The Basics

1. Read the other posts I already linked to above and use the Search Me link on the right to look for similar terms and posts.

2. The objective is to win. You do that by getting to 99 on your rocking chair having avoided jail, gold-digging whores, divorce, death, loneliness and all the shit that clown world will throw at you, and having an army of grandchildren and possibly great-grandchildren, all aware of clown world, armed to the teeth against it in every conceivable way, and happy, and joyous, and themselves going on to conquer more of our God’s green Earth out from under the pedophile, deviant scum that has robbed us of it.

3. You’re bound to fuck up along the way. It happens. Dust yourself off, get up, and carry on. I know what I’m talking about. I bought into some of the lies, everyone does, because we are born on this Earth, which is under the dominion of the Prince of Lies, and it had its impact on me.

Just as a short and very incomplete highlights list:

  • I didn’t even want kids (the world is too ugly!)
  • I didn’t believe in marriage until my 30s and then only as a secular kind of thing (the true spark was still buried deep).
  • With no thought as to how to select a wife except my passions, I picked badly. So: divorced.
  • Then I went through a lot of women as if they were disposable, which is wrong, aside from the fact a lot of them acted very much as if they were disposable.
  • I selected the next wife on secular principles rather than faith based ones and chose spectacularly badly.
  • I only realised having children was a good thing in my 40s.
  • And I went on to have a child with the second wife. The child is the only good thing that came of that, as her true nature revealed itself quite quickly after marriage and exponentially so after my daughter was born.
  • Second divorce. With rather more traumatic and long term consequences, I have partially described elsewhere. As a result I essentially lost access to my daughter for 8 years and for five of those it was pretty permanently. It’s fine now, my daughter lives with me and is an awesome young girl, but we both went through hellish times.
  • It took literally a road to Damascus moment to prove to me that God not only exists but cares about every single one of us personally. Smarter or calmer men have achieved that knowledge by the simple and correct use of reason, even if perhaps with a lower IQ, their steady and reasonable thinking led them to be proper Catholics. Tony has written a few short books that in part describe his journey. This one was particularly enjoyable to read. He was 26 or so when he wrote it. It’s true that at his age I had written The Face on Mars (since updated) but at 26 I was basically spending my time punching people and being punched, having a gun on me at all times, because I worked in what is euphemistically called the “security” sector, and my philosophy of life was mostly limited to contemplating how to best apply Go Rin No Sho and Hagakure to life on this gay Earth I found myself on. The cyberpunk version of a samurai seemed to be the only reasonable way.
  • Even then I only got baptised 4 years after I knew God was real. Because I didn’t particularly care about my immortal soul and my curiosity and lack of concern for myself led me to still work in a “commercial investigator” rather than a “people investigator” for a time.
  • I never saved in my life, as I didn’t particularly care too much about anything like a legacy, as I had not even thought about children until my 40s
  • In this time before baptism, while I did save for the first time in my life, I only did so sporadically, because although I had a daughter, I didn’t know if I would ever see her again before she would be an adult.
  • And I still consorted with women that were beyond wrong for me, and I knew it, but I did so anyway because, I was curious, unconcerned with any damage it could cause me personally, and in part also because I had some compassion. Misplaced though it was. I tried to not judge anyone in particular as being beyond redemption, thinking how wrong I had been about life; my absent knowledge of God for so long. You can wander down some pretty nasty paths that way.
  • Against all odds, I did marry again, properly and in Church for the first time, and we did indeed begin the process of a proper family with children. At the threshold of age 50. And I now have 3 children with my wife, all under age 4. Is it good? YES. But would it have been better if both me and her had our heads screwed on right and had started say 10 or 15 years earlier? Yes. It was impossible for us, and would not have worked any other way than it did, but ideally, yes. Because let me tell you, the energy levels are not the same even if by most standards I am well beyond the average level of fitness. Especially if you have no pension, a farm to try to get up and running, and still need to earn enough to feed everyone because the savings are gone into getting the farm.
  • I don’t have a pension and my “plan” sounds insane to most, as I aim to create a sedevacantist community where I live that can hold its own against whatever Clown World decides to come up with next.

So the point is, when you do fuck up, just dust yourself off and get up again. And keep getting up. No one learnt how to walk without falling over hundreds or thousands of times. So just get up again. And don’t listen too much to the ideas others have about what you should or should not do. Especially ignore the critics that have done nothing of their own lives.

4. Keep away from the big mistakes. The main one is drugs. They don’t lead to anything good ever in the long run. The escape they provide is the biggest lie of all and it only leads you to a place from which there is no escape. They invariably cause damage that is mostly unrepairable, and what damage can be overcome, is not easy to do. They rob you of a real life and they provide nothing that a natural high can’t give you. The artificial, extreme high drugs give you comes with an inverse tax on your body. There is no free lunch and no free high. The depressive stage that comes after the high lasts a lot longer than any high you get and over time becomes a pattern of your psychology.

5. Stay out of jail. Usually that means to mostly not do stuff that can land you in it. But if you did end up there, life is not over yet. Survive, get out and determine yourself to never go back.

6. Learn to control your feelings and your passions. And if some do rule you, try to overcome them over the years.

7. Since the aim is to win, which means to get to age 99, on your rocking chair, surrounded by grandchildren, possibly great-grand children and knowing you left your own children enough of an inheritance that they can later build on and pass on to their own children. That means you need to find a wife if you are a man, or a husband if you are a woman, anything else is a lie and ends nowhere good, and make children with them. Live a long life together, as happy and pleasant as you can make it, while raising strong, positive, capable children that will make for excellent adults who will in turn go on to have successful marriages and families. Since that is the aim, where and how you find your wife or husband is not as important as how you treat and act with them. Most women will follow the man they think they are in love with. Few women will actually know that they are really in love with a specific man. Most women will believe themselves to be deeply in love with any man that gives them three consecutive orgasms each time they have sex, every day in a row for a week. Most men, are usually better able to discern when they are actually in love with a woman, but they too can be confused by plentiful and imaginative sex. The thing is that in a relationship that is based on secular principles the sex is extremely pivotal, and the relationship will not last long if the sex is bad or lacking for at least one of the two. But sex takes on a different quality when the focus is family and children and a shared religious faith. It is still an important part of a relationship, to be sure, and one that is in every way superior to the merely secular aspect of it, but it is not the central pivot of it. And even for those of us that may be more demanding in that department, it is relatively easy for a wife or husband that is indeed family oriented, to satisfy their partner as long as they have a modicum of imagination and functioning libido. Since the focus is the overall harmony of the household, the act of procreation is in any case not a chore, for either the husband or wife, but rather, part of the creating of harmony between them that literally creates their family.

8. Keep the above in mind when you consider the ubiquitous amounts of pornography, fake romance narratives you are constantly fed in films and TV shows, random hook-up culture, and jaded, black-pilled attitudes. (((They))) want you degenerate, lonely, disconnected, depressed and despairing of any hope of finding anyone to have a good life with. That is what they want. Beat them. Beat the odds. Win.

9. Save by buying land you can build on, in a good location, or property. Add to it as you can in your 20s and 30s and 40s. If I had done that I would be retired and able to spend even more time writing, playing with my children or doing whatever I want, instead of busting my ass every day (at least I am still doing it more or less on things I choose rather than are chosen for me). Build tangible assets and raise your children to manage and grow your assets so that they can leave more of it to their own children. And teach them to defend it from predation and warn them of the parasites of society.

10. Be reasonable and charitable with the weak and those who deserve it, but be ready to drop it all at a second’s notice and become merciless and implacable with the evil ones. We are in the current shit-show planet we are because weak men allowed it to get here. Don’t be one of them. I try to be a reasonable and charitable person most of the time, but woe betide anyone who tries to harm someone I love or acts in certain unjust and unacceptable ways in my presence.

That’s all for now. If you have specific questions leave a comment or ping me an email. Comments are preferred as the lessons from them may help others who read them.

What 18-24 year olds need

A couple of points of reference for context before I address the title of this post.

1. Commenter Mark left the following on the previous post:

“If we look at the Industrial Revolution etc, we see mostly low-IQ jobs getting automated… but current AIs are close to being able to automate a lot of ~100 IQ jobs, which will certainly pose more of a challenge to society (something something useless eaters something something depopulation…).

Because AIs cannot think, however, ultimately humans will be needed to fix them. Care to guess whether our elites will realise this before it’s too late?

Final thought: trust online will vanish when video AIs are perfected. Imagine both MSNBC & FOX swearing that THEIR version of the interview is the real one, and the other a deepfake. Or for that matter, me watching a Kurgan stream to see “you” declare yourself an atheist, whilst someone else watches the real one.”

To which I replied:

Yes, these issues are “REAL PROBLEMS” for people that are about 120 IQ or less. People like me understand something from two perspectives:

1. Regression to analogue, human face to face, tribal, community systems of communication used by Cold War era spies and retrograding to not using any electronics beyond (maybe) a desktop to browse “current affairs” (current misinformation/propaganda), but in extremis even avoiding that altogether is a way of behaving that the globohomo enforcers will not know how to deal with and will ultimately fail at dealing with. You doubt it? See Vietnam. See Iraq. See Afghanistan. Or for that matter, see the Bundy Ranch when Federale turned up in 8 cars with guns and were faced with hundreds of cowboys with guns.
Can they “git ya”? Sure. See Waco. See Ruby Ridge. BUT… anyone who has thought this through would be aware of those examples and have planned accordingly. Also, if SHTF to the point of a hot civil war, and that sort of thing going on, the defensive approach will also include offensive misdirections. Is it easy? No. Is it dangerous? Sure. But, can it work? Yes. If 90 IQ people on the other side of the planet can make it work, even 110 IQ people on this side can do so too.

2. I have spent over 25 years in various African countries, been through at least one or two coups, massive rioting and changes of government, the collapse of Apartheid and lived in areas of extreme levels of crime that most human beings in the Western world simply can’t even imagine, never mind deal with. And guess what. The so-called super hi-tech US trained special ops people NEVER impressed me nor the people I worked with. It’s providential you posted this comment as it was going to be the next thing I address in future posts (as per my Covid Fatigue Post) and this makes a decent starting off point.

2. This 17 minute video on Replika,

which highlights even more starkly the current state of play in the AI business, the pit of despair of the young people it affects the most, and is primarily targeted to, and the outright greed and evil of the inventor and the people pushing it. It literally started from a ghoulish premise, launched itself into a parasitic spiral from the get go, and now is in a demonic/crushing the weak dynamic currently.

3. The Current Zombie Apocalypse.

I have, of course, discussed this at some length in various posts, but consider that today, the average young adult has been faced with:

  1. Constant social media upbringing, affecting their brain chemistry with dopamine and serotonin highs and lows as a result of purely manufactured artificial “content” online, which though not real, as in not in the flesh, has the same effect as if it were. And this has been by design, as various Faceborg whistle-blowers have explicitly clarified.
  2. They have been lied to on a global scale about not only all the same lies of history, both ancient and modern we GenXers were subject to, but additional super-emphasis on the absurd lies of :
  • Free Speech
  • Equality
  • Tolerance
  • Climate Change
  • Feminism
  • Girl Power
  • White Privilege
  • Endemic racism of Whites
  • There is only one race, the Human race
  • Violence is NEVER the answer (despite the fact that it has ALWAYS been the final answer throughout the entirety of human history, which is why governments try to retain a full monopoly on it)
  • Love is love
  • LGBTQ-Pedos are just like anyone else and their pedophelia is just another sexual attraction
  • LGBTQ-Pedos are born that way and this is why any who convert back to heterosexuality should be shut away and never heard from again
  • The Bible is evil and the Catholic Church is just a hive of Pedophiles (the Novus Ordo fake “Catholic Church’ is indeed, but that’s got nothing to do with actual catholicism, which has created the best conditions for human beings ever, in the entire history of mankind

3. All of the above has been done to them with an economic situation and prospects for them that are even worse than what GenX was subjected to in our own young adult phase.

4. Ubiquitous Pornography.

Literally everywhere and a ridiculing of anyone even contemplating remotely the idea of marriage, children and a traditional family life. Why would you want that boring, vanilla life-style when you should be chasing Lamborghinis and a retinue of gold-digging whores right into sex-trafficking jail-time? The situation is dire in that the girls too are just as affected and many, especially in the USA will think nothing of “rainbow lipstick” parties, random hook-ups and so on. In short, the natural instinct for pair-bonding and K-selection reproduction strategy is intentionally, and quite successfully, being pivoted to r-selection version, with all the consequences of Mouse Utopia incoming at breakneck speed.

Alright then, so WHAT do these poor young men and women need?

I can tell you in a single sentence, but the problem is that most of them will do nothing about it. Many, if not most are functionally illiterate. Reading comes to them as calculus comes to the average Gender.

They have very little motivation, fewer resources and they have been lied to on a scale that means they probably ignore most things regardless of who tells them what they can do to help themselves.

So you still want it in a single sentence.

Ok then. Here it is.

You need:

  • To do some meaningful physical activity. Martial Arts would be top of the list for the males and Dancing (preferably of the classical variety, unfortunately the environment of such activities for girls is extremely degenerate, so a LOT of caution is required), learning how to play a musical instrument, long form writing, painting or some other artistic endeavour for girls. For Martial Arts, you can read this and apply the concepts in whatever martial arts class you can find near you. If you can’t afford to pay for classes, go ask anyway, any decent martial arts instructor will train people for free if they speak to him privately and he knows they cannot afford to pay full price. Usually he will ask some other kind of contribution, maybe you go in early to clean the dojo, or whatever. A young man who has taken this advice recently texted me the following:

Maybe you’ll enjoy hearing this, I’ve been going over the Systema concepts again recently with the help of your book and applying it to my Brazilian jiu jitsu. Peoples takedowns if you don’t flinch/tense like a spastic are awful! I keep being able to take their back. Also keep getting asked if I do extra cardio. So I’m still an extreme beginner at Systema but it’s lending results

  • Read. And if you don’t know how to, LEARN. The best advice I can give you here is as follows: Dyslexia is largely bullshit and the result of being taught to read one word at a time instead of a single letter at a time to compose words. If you do it one letter at a time you can read anything. If you do it the other way, when you come across a word you never saw before your comprehension goes to shit for the whole page, paragraph or even chapter. One letter at a time is slower but gives you a huge advantage in comprehension. When you can read properly you can always speed up by learning how to speed read. Read a LOT of books. At age 12-19 or so I was reading on average 3-4 books a week. That’s not a lie and not an exaggeration or hyperbole. If you can’t afford to buy the books go to a library and use that. I read all sorts of stuff, from advanced physics and astronomy books to biology, to fiction, history, theology, and pretty much bunch of other topics. I will publish a list of non-fiction top books, but there is already a top list of fiction books here.
  • Interact with human beings face to face. It doesn’t matter how scared you are. It doesn’t matter if you have zero social skills. It doesn’t matter. Unlike swimming, if you try to interact with people in as normal a way as possible and fail, it will rarely get you killed, so you can try again, and again, and again, adjusting each time, learning each time, and gradually, as with anything, you will improve. It doesn’t matter how you start. If you’re an omega shut-in, start with a books club, or a martial arts class, or a yoga class, it doesn’t matter what. Go to a tango class and get really spun out. Just get some face to face time with other humans. If at all possible build friendships and have fun activities with them. I wrote a short but fun role-playing game precisely for this purpose, though most people assume it was some money-making thing. I assure you, the total revenue from selling a dozen of these books doesn’t even buy me a lunch. The cost is because it has a full colour art interior. The first module for those who don’t want to design their own adventure is not full colour interior.
  • Build up some kind of assets. Yes, the economy sucks. Yes, your savings may turn to Zimbabwean dollars from one day to the next. Nevertheless, get some kind of work and try, as best you can, to acquire some kind of property, even bare land is better than nothing. Keep in mind that you can buy run down shepherd huts with some land for under 30k Euro in various parts of Europe. I am sure the same is true in the USA and most places that are not Switzerland. Obviously, the more remote the place, the cheaper it might be, and the more difficult to build something on it down the line. But listen, when I was 26, I wrote the Face on Mars and printed it myself by using the printing machines of a printers throughout the night for a solid week. I only had a 1000 copies because that’s all I could afford to do and then I bust my ass going to sell them door to door at books hops to do signings that lasted a whole day. Carting the books and fold out tables and printing my own posters. Was it hard? Sure. But with he money from that I put a deposit down on a piece of land by the seaside in a remote place. more than 20 years later I sold it for over ten times the money I paid for it and used that money to put a deposit on the current place. And trust me, I am the absolute worst for long term asset planning. If I had given my future 10% of the attention I spent on so many other things, I would probably be comfortably retired now instead of struggling to reach month’s end every month. You can do much better than I did if you start now and keep this in mind.
  • Learn skills. Whenever possible learn a useful skill and try to get practical experience at it. Learn to weld, woodwork, do basic mechanics, basic electrical work, basic plumbing, basic building and farming. Learn to use firearms. And whatever else takes your fancy. I once had a Romanian girlfriend that had been a lingerie model who did not have a driving licence, but she had a pilot’s licence. She literally could fly a private plane, even though she did not have the legal requirements to drive a car, and had never learnt. It might be an odd thing, but she had taken the opportunity to learn when she could. That spirit is worth more than its weight in gold.
  • Learn about REAL Catholicism. Even if you are mostly illiterate, you can still pick up BELIEVE! which is a 2 hour read that has converted over 100 people. It doesn’t matter if you actually believe or not. The model is unsurpassed for creating successful communities, and frankly, also outstandingly heroic men and women that overcome absurd odds. So copy their template at the very least.


The reason for this are multi-faceted.

  • You will prove to be far more attractive and worthwhile once you have mastered at least several of the items above. making it easier to attract and retain the person you find most suitable for you.
  • If you focus on getting a relationship when you have little to offer, even if your intent is good, the process of learning things while trying to maintain a long term relationship will add strain to it. While this can work to bring you closer faster, most women today will bail at the first difficulty.
  • Relationships are a complex minefield all its own and we will try o cover them in a later post in more detail. Besides, as you go about getting the above point into shape, you will invariably meet other people and you can begin to practice your in-person social skills there, even as you learn other things. Think more synergistically (how each skill set helps other skill sets) rather than sequentially (I must do A before B before C… etc)

That’s it as a primer. The more comments, questions, etc I get, the more I can focus my subsequent posts to address specifics. I have received enough mail and advised enough young men to know what is required in generic terms, but I have no objection in principle to try to answer relevant specifics.

I hope it helps, generation Zyklon. Now get to it.

The Creed – Battle Royale Theology Remix

Now, as you all know by now, if you read here at all, the nickname given to me by others: The Kurgan, applies not only because of my happy-go-lucky and sunny disposition, but also for my intolerance of heretics. We all know: There can only be One (True Church).

What started as some kind of internet bumfight between theological retards, Jimbob and Owen Benjamin, has grown, as an avalanche started by their simultaneous thundering fart, to include the questioning of the very nature of the Trinity by scores of autists across the web.

And prompted Vox Day to clarify his position, as he has often been (incorrectly) accused of denying the Trinity.

The resulting discussion from Vox’s post on SG actually had some interesting commentary (as well as also the “thoughts” of various drooling retards).

So… although the topic is of very little interest to me personally, since my position is pretty ironclad, I thought it might be interesting to others, or at least entertaining. And perhaps they might find some historical background, or some logical thinking related to it, or, ultimately, my personal position, useful.

In that vain hope then, allow me to quote The Creed as the (real, Sedevacantist) Catholic Church currently has it:


Credo in Deum Patrem omnipoténtem, Creatórem caeli et terra; et in Jesum Christum, Filium ejus únicum, Dóminum nostrum, qui concéptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Póntio Piláto, crucifixus, mórtuus et sepúltus; descéndit ad inferos; tértia die resurréxit a mórtuis; ascéndit ad caelos, sedet ad déxteram Dei Patris omnipoténtis; inde ventúrus est judicáre vivos et mórtuos. Credo in Spíritum Sanctum, sanctum Ecclésiam cathólicam, sanctórum communionem, remissiónem peccatórum, carnis resurrectiónem, vitam aetérnam. Amen.

Which, translated into English for you heathens, heretics and schismatic is:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only begotten Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day he resurrected from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father; He will return to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the remission of sins, the resurrection of the flesh and life everlasting. Amen.

And that, of course, is the only Creed you need or should care about, since it is the one of the One, Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church, which, I remind you, is infallible and will remain with us until the return of our Lord The Christ.

However… let me now take you through the various iterations and why this is so.

Beginning with Vox’s preferred credo, which he clarified is the one of the “Faith of the 150 Holy Fathers” also known as the Nicene Creed, of 325 AD, but which I believe he clarified (and I hope he corrects me if I got this wrong) meant the first version, as used by St. Cyril who was a catechist in 345 AD, and is also known as the Jerusalem Creed because this is where St. Cyril taught.

There are two forms of this. The first, a very abbreviated form used for the baptism of a new convert:

I believe in the Father, and in the Son, and in the Holy Ghost,
and in one baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

And the second one, which was used when they made their vows of renunciation and faith before the whole congregation, in other words, when they were essentially confirmed as adult members of the Church.

It reads as follows:

We believe in one God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth,  and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father, very God, before all worlds, by whom all things were made, and was incarnate, and was made man, was crucified and was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven, and sat at the right hand of the Father, and is coming in glory to judge the quick and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end. And in one Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, who spake in the prophets, and in one baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, and in one Holy Catholic Church, and in the resurrection of the flesh, and in the life eternal.

Given that the second one was the one recited formally by the baptised adult (or at least of age of reason), it is obvious that the first is a condensed version just identifying the most important points, and the second one is a more complete version. That in and of itself already makes it clear that a so-called “revision” of the Creed, is acceptable; because it is not a revision or corruption, but merely a more complete and detailed version of the first one. So in principle, the one used by the Catholic Church is perfectly fine.

But far be it from me to deprive you of the thrill of a larger internet bunfight about theology. In essence then, what, if any, is the difference between the Credo I subscribe to and the one Vox subscribes to?

I posit it is very little. Let’s see them side by side and concept by concept with some commentary by yours truly. Always keeping in mind, I am not a priest or Bishop, merely a layman that submits to the infallible magisterium of Holy, Catholic, Mother Church.

Jerusalem Creed Catholic Church (Sedevacantist) CreedNotes
We believe in one God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth,  I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; 1
and of all things visible and invisible.   2
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father,  and in Jesus Christ his only begotten Son, our Lord, 3
very God, before all worlds, by whom all things were made,  who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, 4
and was incarnate, and was made man,  born of the Virgin Mary, 5
was crucified and was buried,  He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; 6
  He descended into hell; 7
and rose again the third day,  on the third day he resurrected from the dead; 8
and ascended into heaven, and sat at the right hand of the Father, He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father; 9
 and is coming in glory to judge the quick and the dead,  He will return to judge the living and the dead. 10
whose kingdom shall have no end.   11
And in one Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, who spake in the prophets,  I believe in the Holy Spirit, 12
and in one baptism of repentance for the remission of sins,   13
and in one Holy Catholic Church,  the holy catholic Church, 14
  the Communion of Saints, 15
  the remission of sins, 16
and in the resurrection of the flesh,  the resurrection of the flesh 17
and in the life eternal. and life everlasting. 18

And here is my commentary then, see the note number above for reference.

  1. I see no relevant difference. We/I is ultimately irrelevant since each person professes it anyway at an individual level. If you must have an autistic take it might be that Catholics do not presume to speak for anyone but themselves when professing faith.
  2. I see no relevant difference. Heaven and Earth assumes the entirety of creation in Catholic Dogma.
  3. No relevant difference.
  4. Here the appears to be a difference. The Jerusalem Creed focuses on the nature of God, the Catholic one states that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit (which in Catholic Dogma is still one of the three entities of God, so, ultimately, no difference that I can see as relevant).
  5. No appreciable difference with reference to Jesus, but, an important omission in the Jerusalem Creed in that Mary is not mentioned at all. One might assume this is rather irrelevant since we all know Mary gave birth to Jesus and that He was Conceived by God (whether you want to limit that to God the Father or expressly state by the Holy Spirit, is, again, to my mind, quite immaterial since they are both aspects of God). The more obvious omission refers to Mary’s virginity. Which really should not be in question anyway, since every Christian for well over one and a half millennia has known that Mary was a Virgin while pregnant with Jesus. So, as far as any reasonable man goes, there is no appreciable difference. Some retarded person might however, infer that Mary was not necessarily a virgin, I suppose. I doubt this is Vox Day’s position.
  6. No appreciable difference, although we Catholic remember better who did what and when (especially since our prayer for the Mass includes the guilt of the Jews).
  7. A difference. Apparently, according to the Jerusalem Creed, Jesus either did not descend into Hell, or it was not worth mentioning, which I find rather a large omission.
  8. No real difference but the Catholic version is more precise.
  9. No real difference.
  10. No real difference.
  11. No real difference since the eternity of God’s Kingdom is assumed in Catholic Dogma, but the Jerusalem Credo is more detailed.
  12. No real difference, although the Jerusalem Credo specifies at least one of the functions of the Holy Spirit in more detail. The word Paraclete is from the Greek Parakletos and can generally be translated as Comforter or Counsellor, or one who stays or is called to be beside another. In essence it is clarifying that the Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets. With which the Catholic Church has no argument.
  13. No real difference. The Catholic Church Dogma is that there is only one baptism and it does remit all sins committed before it.
  14. No difference.
  15. A difference. This could potentially be quite a big one, if one is abysmally ignorant of Church history. In the first instance it could be interpreted as not requiring Holy Mass. However, as I said, anyone even remotely familiar with Church history will know that the Holy Mass was performed from the earliest times, with full concept of transubstantiation and so on. In the second instance, again, one abysmally ignorant of Church history might assume that there is no communion between a Christian that is alive and one that is dead. This is, the general error that Protestants make, (almost invariably ignorant of history in general, never mind Church history): Assuming that Catholics “pray” or “worship” dead people. The reality is that for a Catholic, as was the case for all Christians for well over one and a half millennia, it was always understood that the dead remain “alive” to us, whether in purgatory or in heaven and we can ask intercession from them, as you do of your friends when you say “please pray for me”. Which of course, applies to the Hail Mary prayer and many others. It is not a worship of Mary, it is an asking of her to pray for us sinners. That’s all. In this respect then, the omission from the Jerusalem Credo I think can lead to error, although, in fairness, at the time, this would have been omitted in the same way that one might omit saying water is wet. It was obvious to all. Then autists and gnostics came along, so, as the Church does from time to time, it specifies for all what has already always been the case anyway. And does so only to clarify for the laziest and most credulous, what devout Catholics have always known and done to begin with.
  16. No real difference. Although it can be interpreted as being one. See point 13 above. The autist might, however, conclude, as the retarded Protestants do that the remission (forgiveness) of sins, as mentioned in the Jerusalem Credo means all sins, past, present and future. Which is, of course, the retarded take. The Catholic Credo, by placing it here makes it more clear that sins can be remitted/forgiven. The implication being that even after baptism, new sins one might commit, can be forgiven (not WILL BE, but CAN be). So in a sense the Catholic version is more precise.
  17. No difference.
  18. No difference.
  19. A (presumed) difference. I presume this to be on the same level as point 15. It seems to not be expressly stated in the Jerusalem Credo because it was probably spoken out aloud anyway and everyone knew it. And makes no real difference to the theology either way.

This then, to my mind, puts to rest the appreciable differences that I might have with Vox’s theology, and to sum up, what are they, as far as I can see?

The bolded portions, at first glance.

I have not asked Vox his position, as I wanted to write this first, and then let him comment on it if he choses to, so any assumptions I may make on his behalf are subject to correction, and if he lets me know where I may have made a wrong one, I’ll be sure to let you know and update.

Right then, on point number 5: There are potentially up to three issues:

  1. I do not assume Vox takes the position that Mary was not a virgin before the birth of Jesus.
  2. I think he may take the position that she was not perpetually a virgin after the birth of Jesus, which is a Catholic dogma. Given he has not had a Catholic upbringing, as far as I know, I assume he would rely on his own relatively reasonable (at first impact anyway) assumption that once a woman has given birth she is no longer a virgin from a physical perspective. Even if this were the case, the Catholic Church, when referring to Mary’s perpetual virginity means that she never had sexual relations with anyone, even after the birth of Jesus, and that’s what matters. I do not know whether he subscribes to the idea that Mary did later have sexual relations with her husband Joseph after the birth of Christ. Possibly he might, if he is relying on the erroneous assumption that the man referred to as the “brother” of Jesus, called James, was an actual sibling of Jesus, rather than merely one of his ardent followers.
  3. Anyone familiar with the details of priesthood, and things like the rituals required before entering the tabernacle, the death of anyone touching the ark of the covenant or indeed other things set aside for God, would understand that Mary, having been made a pure vessel for the incarnation of Jesus, was obviously set aside for God, and no man in his right mind would have dared trying to have sex with her. This is the position the Catholic dogma takes ultimately. In either case, at a practical level, I do not see that it makes any difference in how a man might go about his day-to-day life as a Christian. Possibly, the heretical view might lead one to be slightly less appreciative of the contribution to Christianity of women, in their role as mothers or of sexually pure brides and so on. In other words, if one was to err on the side of caution, the Catholic position would be the better one to side with.

On point number 7: I doubt Vox believes Jesus did not descend into Hell, but I suppose he might. Even if he does, I don’t see how that would affect his day-to-day actions or belief system. It would be an error as far as the Catholic Church goes, but I fail to see the consequences of it at a practical level. At a spiritual level, of course, having such an erroneous belief would diminish the work done by our Lord for those souls that remained in purgatory or limbo until he freed them, as well as diminish His power and ability to do, go and act as He deems required.

On Point number 15: Here may be the only real differences. I am not sure what Vox’s views on the need for Holy Mass, transubstantiation and the communion of (dead) Saints. As he is of a generically Protestant non-denomination, I assume he probably does not subscribe to transubstantiation. I assume he believes there is a need for going to Church, though I am ignorant of what aspects of what passes for Holy Mass in Catholic Churches is replaced by any specific beliefs Vox may have in this regard.

Overall then, I would sum the possible differences between Vox and myself, as far as our theology goes are probably limited to transubstantiation, the need for confession and it being a sacrament, an item that is not even mentioned specifically in the credo of either side (though it is implied within the context of Catholicism, by point number 16), and the possibility of asking for intercessionary prayer from the departed, including Mary.

Potentially, at a stretch, we might even guess at some unspecified difference of opinion or view of maybe women or mothers in general because of his Protestant leanings versus my Catholic ones, but frankly, I doubt it. And if there is, I doubt it would be very significant in practical terms. Lastly, and this only from a very brief conversation I had with him on the matter a few years ago, I believe that he may take the position that the Holy Spirit is an aspect of God (I am not sure whether he means from God the Father only, like the Eastern “Orthodox” do, or from both God the Father and Jesus the Son) that He sends to us, rather than a “third person” as such as is generally conceived by most people who call themselves Christians.

Adendum: A commenter helpfully referenced this post from 2013 which sheds more light on Vox’s position. To summarise it then, he questions the change from the original Nicean Credo regarding the position of the Holy Spirit. My understanding is that he does not equate the Holy Spirit with having the same quality of Godhood as Jesus or God the Father. Specifically, he objects to the description of the Holy Spirit being as “the giver of life” since life was already present and eternal as the result of Jesus’ arriving before the Holy Spirit (I assume here that Vox means that those who believed in Jesus as the Messiah even before Jesus was baptised were already given life eternal). Interestingly, Vox seems to also hold that the Holy Spirit must be able to proceed from both the Father and the Son. I am not certain, however, since he also, reasonably enough, states that God the Father and Jesus the Son cannot be wholly and totally interchangeable at all times, but he does not specify if he thinks the Holy Spirit precedes only from the father. I do not think that the position that Jesus and God the Father are both God, yet not exactly interchangeable at all times and in all ways is heretical. the very fact there is a distinction means there are differences. Similarly, being Catholic, it makes sense to me that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son, as is, in any case, made quite clear in the Bible. As for Vox’s contention that the Holy Spirit is later raised to a status that is quasi identical to Jesus and God the Father, I honestly abstain from having an opinion on the matter. I don’t see it changes anything one way or the other how this aspect is viewed, and personally, do not even see that it makes a difference if the Holy Spirit is the third part of the Triune God as Vox interprets it or as he assumes the Catholic Church interprets it. I mean… it is literally a mystery, so I find the quibbling over it to be a complete waste of time in practical terms, and at most, a personal point of curiosity as to how another human being might perceive it, as observing such things often can give us new insights.

On this last point, I am not sure if it even makes a difference even at a dogmatic level in Catholic thought. I mean, I know that the Holy Spirit is presented as the third part of the triune God, but as to the exact specifics of the nature of the Holy Spirit, I really and truly believe such speculation is well above my ability or even concern to know. I am perfectly happy to submit to infallible Church dogma, whatever it may be, on the matter. And honestly, I cannot see that in practical terms as far as the way Vox may or may not act it makes any difference at all. For all I know such a belief may well land him in Hell, but I honestly have no knowledge of that, nor understanding of why, and more importantly, no concern at all to find out. As I said, like the great philosopher Harry Callahan, I know my limitations and am perfectly happy to take the dogmatic position of the Catholic Church on this subject.

So, that takes care of the view Vox has of the Trinty.

Now for the others…

This is a much simpler issue.

Owen Benjamin’s take on the Trinity has, without any doubt, been utterly, completely blasphemous, since he compared the relationship between God the father and Jesus the Son as a homosexual liaison with the Holy Spirit as the ejaculate. And no, I don’t for one second accept the cowardly excuse that he was “only joking.” Let me put it this way: Jean Parisot de Valette, who eventually became the leader of the knights of Malta and was possibly the man who single-handedly might have been most responsible for Islam not putting the whole of Europe to the fire and the sword, once beat a lay member of the order of Knights nearly to death. Allegedly for blasphemy. For which he did four months in prison. I see nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all. And in fact, if nearly killing a man for blasphemy was requiring of four months in the hole (it was literally a hole in the ground in which food and water were lowered to the prisoner) that seems about right to me. And if such laws were implemented across the civilised world, we would soon return to a saner, cleaner, more respectful and kind world.

In short, Owen’s take is absolutely retarded, blasphemous in the extreme, and he had best keep such an idiotic idea to himself. Especially is he’s ever near an actual Catholic who might have a temperament similar to good old de Valette.

It does need to be stated that if Owen holds such a belief, which I charitably doubt, or even just whatever belief allowed him to make such an absurd and blasphemous statement, it is quite clear he has a disordered mind, and that, at a rather obviously deep level of degeneracy to even come up with such imagery. Which, if what I am told about his streams by others is even only partially accurate, would also be obvious since apparently he spends a goodly part of his hours long streams referencing homosexual acts, male genitalia, or ejaculation, in graphic detail. Clearly, not the sign of a healthy mind.

But in any case, no one that made the comments he made concerning the Trinity can ever be taken to be a Christian of any kind, not even of some random version of absurd Churchianity like Mormonism. We can therefore only define Owen as a complete heretic (assuming he was ever validly baptised, which I don’t know). And if he was not validly baptised, then he is simply some kind of deranged non-denominational heathen or pagan. In short, we need not concern ourselves with his take on any aspect of christianity, theology, or frankly, much of anything else, since it is wholly irrelevant.

Whatever Jimbob’s take on the trinity is, I have no clue, as I have never watched any of his videos or read anything from him except the odd cartoon he draws, of which, I am not a fan. I just don’t like the look, but that’s a matter of taste and of no consequence. I really do not know anything at all about his view of the Trinity, but I am led to believe that Jimbob considers himself and Eastern “Orthodox” if this is the case, and if he holds the classic views of that schismatic sect, then the most likely difference he would have with me is that being as the schematic “Orthodox” don’t read their Bible very well, he assumes the Holy Spirit proceeds from the father alone, when it is quite clear that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both if one can read in normal human context. In any case, if this is the extent of the discrepancy between us, it is, again, of rather little consequence at a practical level and I doubt would lead Jimbob to act in any specifically degenerate fashion. As I said before, it might lead him to Hell spiritually, but as to the details of the how or why, beyond the fact it goes against Catholic Dogma, I do not profess, nor care, to know, I am happy to simply submit to the Catholic Church’s view on this.


So there we have it ladies and gentlemen. The only interest I have in this whole topic would be Vox’s specific views, and that purely on a personal level, because I find him interesting and his views usually present facets of reality I might not have considered before. From a personal theological perspective however, whatever Vox’s views might be in their detail, it is extremely unlikely to change my own. It might, possibly, add some level of detail or nuance though, I might not have considered before, and as such, it could be interesting.

The views of Jimbob and Owen on the Trinity (or pretty much anything else) are completely uninteresting and utterly irrelevant to me in the extreme. As are pretty much anyone else’s, unless I find your takes on a number of topics and your level of intellectual thought experiments to be engaging.

I now take my leave of what, no doubt, will be further fuel to the Internet Trinity Bumfight Dumpster Fire of 2023.

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