Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Why the Valley of the Saints?

If you have taken a look at the link in the sticky post above, you may have wondered if my wanting to get the little valley where I have my olive trees become filled with trees sponsored by well-wishers in the name of Catholic Saints is some kind of appeal to pious religiosity.

In reality it is not due to that. Don’t get me wrong, I think it would be awesome if every tree gets sponsored under the name of a Catholic Saint, I do think it will and does change the atmosphere, but I really don’t mind if you want to sponsor a tree in the name of your aunt Gertrude instead, or your dog Rocky, or whatever (within reason and decorum of a certain standard, which is not THAT high, what with me being me, but it will exist at least).

The reason is that when I arrived here, the owner had cut every light fitting internally and externally and left exposed wires all over the place, as well as removed the coverings of all the verandas. It was February and it snowed literally as we arrived, and twenty minutes later our cars were stuck here near the house for three days.

We had no kitchen sink, or indeed a kitchen of any kind, just a tap sticking out of the wall and for months my wife cleaned the dishes in the bathroom tub and sink until we finally got a basic kitchen installed.

The electricity would trip every few seconds because we had dozens of external cables exposed to the wet weather and we only had one hot plate that the loyal crusader had delivered to him. And thank god for that young man, as he had arrived before us, cleaned the place, build our beds that had arrived before us, and found an electrician to at least add some lights in each room, and he had also got a plumber to fix the main water valve that the seller had left hanging by a thread. So when we got here after 2 days of travel and the last day being a 16 hour drive, at least we had a place to sleep. But we had no gas stove as a delay meant it had not yet arrived, we had no gas bottle and the cars were stuck with the snow, not able to climb back out of the little road to the house.

That is when we met the neighbour. Supposedly a “rough man” that didn’t get along with anyone. He hooked up a 50 metre extension to his workshop, the only building anywhere near our place, and with my own 50 metre extension connected to it we at least had power to a nest of multi-sockets that would make a fire-chief lock us all away for years.

His last words to me that day where: ” I have five kilowatts here. If it trips, I’ll leave you this little window open, from there you can get to the latch and open and restart the breaker. I’ll see you in a week.”

When he returned a week later I walked up the path to meet him and he had brought us a litre of his own unfiltered oil. the same one I now produce, which is literally the best in the world. No joke, it won first prize two years in a row at the Dubai expo and then the Monte Carlo Expo, and as I don’t use any kind of insecticides or any other additives to the soil or anything else, my olive oil is in fact, now even better than his, which was in any case superlative.

I told him that I really did not know how to thank him nd to please at least come in for a drink, a bite to eat, a coffee, something, and he refused everything, smiling, happily and telling me:

“Look, I am good like bread, but I just have two rules…” I listened intently, looking him in the eyes as he continued, “… people must mind their own fucking business, and not break my balls.” Even before he finished I knew what he was going to say and I had started smiling. I grabbed his hand and forearm meaningfully and told him we would get along famously, as I had the same rules.

Since that day until the day he died, that man is one of the very few human beings that gave me more than I ever gave him or even had a chance to repay him. His picture is in our lounge, and aside from his immediate family, we were the only people at the cemetery when his ashes were buried next to those of his three lost children (miscarriages all, but one had been born alive).

The other closest neighbour went to get a gas bottle and brought it half-way down the road to us, risking to get his car stuck too. The next neighbour up received Amazon deliveries for us until the snow melted and the vans would come down to us. Another neighbour I had hardly ever seen gave us some of his grapes later in the year saying he had to many and to just come get them from his vines as he couldn’t eat them all and they would otherwise go to waste.

The only person so far that could be considered to have the asshole label is the guy who sold me the property. And no one around here appears to have liked or got on with him either, so it’s not just my view.

The point, is that very shortly after we had arrived here, I really did feel as if we had arrived in the Valley of the Saints.

So that is why I thought it would be a good name for it.

And I plan to name the biggest tree we have, which is near the house and not too easy to collect olives from, after my friend and neighbour who passed away only a short ten months after we met him.

Sponsor an Olive Tree in the Valley of the Saints

This is where you can sponsor an olive tree in the name of a Saint for yourself or others. Prayers will be offered for yourself or the person/s it is being sponsored for, as well as the Saint in question. Once the first 50 trees are sponsored I will add the next 50. CLICK HERE to see how you can sponsor a tree in order to help create a Catholic (sedevacantist) community faster and receive prayers for your effort.

Didn’t I tell you the “Pagan” LARPers are Retarded?

For the uninitiated LARP stands for Live Action Role-Playing. It’s like make believe where people dress up in cardboard costumes pretending to be cartoon animals or superheroes, or, in this case “Vikings”.

The difference being that the actual LARPers are knowingly engaging in a bit of fun and games, the “Pagans” somehow believe they are “real” Vikings, just waiting for the right time before they take over the world.

See my last post on the blackpilled where this fantastic specimen decided to comment. Think of this as part 2 of The unbearable Weight of Stupid People.

I have copied his comments and will now be doing the usual: Kurgan Woodchipper Moment for your entertainment. His Commentary is in retarded bold, mine in refined Italic.

Jeff Rollin, (retarded “Pagan” LARPer) whose email I will provide you at the end in case you want to converse with him about his impending “Viking” rising, wrote the following, apparently “innocuous comment”:

I would be a great Pagan Viking, if only guns didn’t exist and swords and war-axes were still the peak of military technology. Is that black-pilled?

But, as the comment from Uncle John’s Band, stated, it was already clear to me what we were dealing with, thanks to, as he mentioned in the same post, Single Data Point Pattern Recognition. Nevertheless, for your benefit and amusement, I thought I’d lay the obvious Kurgan pit of doom with woodchopper at the bottom right in front of him, and asked:

Well, I have a few questions for you:
1. Do you even know anything at all about the Vikings and the practical consequences of their beliefs?
2. Are you even remotely in shape?
3. Are you even remotely aware of what life back then was like?

Now, what do you think his response was going to be? An objective reply to my questions, perhaps showing a deep knowledge of ancient Viking practices? Yeah… don’t hold your breath. In the first place, because literally most of the ancient Viking practices are now completely unknown, and the few hints we do have about them are really quite horrific and nothing anyone today would really want to live by. Their ideas on marriage/death/rape for example, and the interplay between them were, a tad uncivilised you might say. The ONLY people who might think this was cool are frustrated incels fantasising about becoming the next Elliot Rodger.

So let us now begin the woodchipper process in earnest. I have combined his two retarded comments into one continuous one that I comment as we go. As I said, he’s in retarded bold, I am in refined italic.

You’re just avoiding the question Not at all. I was, charitably, giving you a tiny chance to prove you are not exactly the kind of LARPing retard your kind ALWAYS, invariably, inevitably, absolutely, always is. Thanks for playing, now we have absolute proof for everyone.

because you don’t want to admit you are too knee-jerk-reactionary in labelling any complaint about modernity as “blackpilled.” First of all, unlike you amoeba-like creatures, I knee-jerk, to practically nothing, with a bit of concentration, I can even make the reaction to an actual knee-jerk test be muted. But you can’t understand that, as you are a barely sentient biomass with no conception of agency or free will beyond possibly choosing which breakfast cereal you eat in the morning, alone and miserable in your council estate. Secondly, people who incessantly complain about modernity while doing absolutely nothing to change it, are indeed, oxygen thieves and disgusting parasites, so it is not a “reaction” of any kind to label them thusly, merely a factual observation. People who can do logic and note ratios, patterns and sets understand this. Oh, I am sorry, I’ll try to not bring in things you have no conception of whatsoever, like logic and factual observation, though it will be difficult unless I reduce myself to making monkey noises at you. I know you’d prefer that, but we’re not doing this for you. We’re doing it to amuse the people who can read.

Just becauae someone complains about some aspect of the economy doesn’t mean they are blackpilled. Blackpilled means they’ve given up. Yes, and you clearly fit the description, as does the other moron who got fisked. You have given up (on reality) and are a coward (for having abandoned reality and retreating in your homoerotic fantasies of “Vikings”).

Some guy complaining he hates his job and doesn’t even care if they fire him because it will just give him a vacation before he finds another one is not “blackpilled.” Yes, yes he is. He’s a coward and a loser that doesn’t have the balls to say “Shove your shit job” to the employer, because he is too lazy, too stupid, and too cowardly to do so. Explain to me how a “powerful, Viking-like MAN” would justifiably sit there like a wet, rotten fruit, stinking up the place doing as little as possible as he continues to try and leech some form of payment for no good reason, instead of, you know, standing up and saying “fuck this, I can and I will do better. Now!” I’ll wait.

And complaining that its harder to find one because of H1B visa hires (a US thing, i.e. importing Indians to take white-collar jobs) or illegal immigrants (for blue collar jobs). Oh, oh, wait, he WANTS to say “shove your job” but doesn’t because he’s scared it’s harder to find another one? Oh, yeah, THAT is how brave, courageous “Vikings” behave and behaved in history all the time right? Yeah, of course. It’s not the inaction of a cowardly worm, right? And goes counter to your previous statement directly above, right? Hey, why so silent… right?

That’s a fact, not “blackpilled.” No, as I have just shown that’s a blackpilled attitude a coward and loser has.

You are just a fossilized boomer so you can’t see. As anyone who really can’t think their way out of a wet paper back should do, a minimum of effort would have made it clear I am GenX and have no boomer traits since I changed careers, jobs and countries multiple times, all successfully, without any of the Boomer advantages. But I understand, a guy who can’t even see himself even remotely accurately is hardly going to get anything right about anyone else.

But the vikings will return, Ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah! Yeah, sure… oh, wait, you’re “serious” hahhahahahhahahah! Dear readers, do you see? Do you see what I mean? hahahhahahahahaha. I suppose he also thinks guns will all just disappear, and drones, and well… reality. Literal reality. Hahahahhahahah Seriously, perhaps I should feel bad for making fun of the mentally ill, but hey, he asked for it.

and they will be pagans, Hahahahahahahahahahah, sure they will, sure. And will they be wearing big helmets with horns too? Shave their heads like in the Last Kingdom? Tatoo their face? Oh yeah, you may have one of those eh Jeff? Wait, are you going to keep that name? Jeff? It doesn’t sound very “Viking-ish” you know? Maybe Jeff-O, or Jeff-O of the Rollin, Rollin, Rollin Stones? I dunno, I’m not too familiar with your fantasy version of “Viking-ness”, but I’m just saying… “Jeff” hmmmm…iffy, you know? Just think about it.

because vikings is killing the browns and taking their land. Really? Is there a new war I am unaware of? Tell me Jeff, can you see these murderous Vikings right now? In your council estate one bedroom flat?

You might say “Catholica can do that too”; No, I would not say that, because “Catholica” is not even a word, but assuming you mean Catholics, they actually only responded to aggressions and RECLAIMED their own lands for a time. Oh, but you’d have to have read a few books to know that. And reading is hard for you Jeff, isn’t it? That big horned helmet always falls over your eyes when you bend over to follow your index finger over the page, I get it.

yes, because Catholicism inbided the paganism of the vikings. Hahahahah, seriously, stop, you’re retarded and ignorant to a degree that is hilarious, but all this laughing might hurt someone’s spleen or something. You fucking idiot. the Vikings CONVERTED to Catholicism after the monks on the shores of Normandy got tired of being raided and said, look, you can stay here but protect the lands from other raiders, and they did and after they saw that Catholicism was a better way they converted. You absolute idiot. Read a book once in your life. No, not Cos-Play for retards, or wherever you get your knowledge of “history” from. An actual book.

But that was then. Indeed. Vikings don’t exist AT ALL anymore. None. Not a single one. Catholics on the other hand, we’re still here aplenty. Much reduced from our heyday, no doubt, but real Catholics continue to exist as Sedevacantists.

Modern Catholics don’t have it in them any more than the Prots do. Assuming you’re even talking about actual Catholics and not the Novus Orco, but that aside, “have it in them” to do what? Oh, right, “kill brown people and take their lands” according to your pearls of wisdom. Yeah, generally mass murder based on skin-colour is not a big thing with us Catholics. To be fair, it generally tends to be more of an African people thing. Generally done against whites in the modern age. See Zimbabwe and South African farm murders, but yes, we’re not absolute retards with mass murder fantasies like you.

So when the vikings return after the collapse caused by WW3, Wait, I am still curious about where these Vikings are going to come from, Jeff. Do they come in a spaceship? Or maybe in longships from beyond the ice-wall on your flat Earth? Or… wait, I have it! Magic! Magic right? Like spells of teleportation and so on? Magic portals from the Viking world? Or maybe just from our past? But then the time-continuity issues alone…what’s that? I should spell it Magik, you say? Oh, ok, sure, we gotta get the “runes” in the right order for the Stargate spell eh?

they will be pagan. They told you this through a time-portal spell too right? Yeah, I knew it. You just hear the “voices” in your head right? Uh-huh… I see, Jeff, I see.

And they won’t be of youe boomer “the system is great, you’re just lazy” fossilized dinosaur denial of reality generation. Well, that’s quite the “grammar” there, Jeff, but I think I understand. Still, Jeff, they won’t be of ANY generation, because the Vikings, Jeff, are gone. All gone. And they are not coming back. Ever. Ever, ever. Oh, I know, it makes you so sad. Never mind eh, just get another delivery of Indian curry (dirty foreigners eh, but you love a good curry in your council estate flat in front of the telly to watch the football, hey Jeff? And put on another episode of “Vikings” on Netflix. Don’t get too excited by all the muscly men, hey Jeff, you know it’s wrong. You know it.

And even among Sedes, whether vacantisg or privationist, manly acts are forboden and the only act allowed is praying a novena to your gynoceatic goddess. I think you’re getting excited there Jeff. Probably thinking of “manly acts” is getting you all hot and bothered and one-handed typing is resulting in your current word/spelling salad. Just take your time and when you’re done get back to using both hands calmly to type, yeah? Now as to the actual “point” of your one-handed comment, you’re again, totally wrong and lying too. In Catholic dogma, it is actually a DUTY of any Catholic man to defend the innocents from aggression of any kind, and they are duty bound to act. Including with extreme violence if required, in their defence. You, on the other hand, are only familiar with the “manly acts” that are currently impeding your typing.

Yoy aren’t men but women. I see you have taken on board the current narrative of transgenderism Jeff. This is why you’re confused Jeff. Now, listen up: Men are men and women are women, and no man can be a woman or vice versa. Got it? Get right in your head about this Jeff. Just because you like men doing “manly acts” on you, doesn’t make you a woman Jeff. You’re just gay, and a fake “Viking” that’s all Jeff. Gay and fake.

And the pagan vikings will wipe you out along with the rest of the trannies, when the vikings finally return after civilization completely collapses. That’s quite the fantasy scenario you have there Jeff. So, when is this total civilisation collapse happening Jeff? Is it this week? Or next year? And you still haven’t told me, WHERE are these Vikings coming back from? Where did they go for a thousand years? It’s the ice wall isn’t it? You think they are tunnelling their way through the ice-wall of the flat Earth as we speak, right? Oh Jeff. I hate to do this to you, I am not a cruel person, but you have to know this… the flat-Earth Jeff, it’s a lie. We’re on a ball, spinning in space. Yup. I know. Another dream crushed. That’s ok. You always have Netflix.

What is paganism? Oh that’s easy. It’s the worship of demons under the mistaken idea they are “gods”.

One god didn’t create all the races. Oh. pray, do tell Jeff. I am soooo curious as to your gods-created race-theory. I can’t tell you. Maybe you’ll write a book on it eh? Ok, no, I know, teasing. Writing is hard for you as you’ve clearly demonstrated. Maybe a video though? Yeah. A video. Put it on YouTube and send me a link ok? And don’t forget to wear the horned helmet. Maybe a Thor’s hammer in your hand too. Well, ok, a papier-mache version, but still. A hammer. Good touch eh? Or maybe you can buy a rubber mallet from B&Q! Classy!

So pagans can kill other races. Ah, is this like a rule in the card game MagiK! The reterdening! That you play/made up? Only Pagans can kill people with a different skin tone? You know, I’m fairly sure the prison populations of any country will make it clear that rule you have Jeff, it’s only in your head. Like the voices from the “Vikings” beyond the “ice-wall”.

Catholics have to worship other races as the image of their one woman-god mary. That’s… yeah, that’s a real new take on “Catholicism” for me Jeff. That LARPing you do, is sure confused. and by “confused” I mean, batshit insane and not even remotely pretending to have a thread linked to any aspect of reality.

Vatican II is the natural consequence of your theology. I’d really enjoy seeing your 200 page thesis on this point Jeff. Could you send me a hardcopy?

Even if you roll it back it will happen again because you believe your kween mary created all the races. Again… I really am at a loss here. Do you “see” this “queen” in your room right now Jeff? Does she “create” races Jeff? Or… wait, are you playing with dolls again Jeff? I hope that’s it, really, because the alternative is probably more disturbing from a mental health perspective.

Gay priests and effiminate priests is the natural consequence of mary-goddess worship. I wouldn’t know Jeff. I’m a Catholic and we don’t worship anyone called mary. Much less any “goddess”. But I’ll take your word for it. In your “Pagan” made-up religion you’re gay because you worship a made-up “goddess”, ok Jeff.

“but pagans worshipped goddeses too” the women did. Ok Jeff, it’s good you admit you worship your “goddess” and that’s what you think made you gay, I get it, but you’re gay Jeff, not a “woman”. Ok? Get it right. And… I know this is personal Jeff, but I’m curious, is your mommy called Mary by any chance? Cause you seem to have a few issues, Jeff. Maybe you should talk to someone about them.

men worshipped the male gods obviously. Right…obviously. Because of your demonstrated, deep knowledge of your made-up “religion” with transgenderism rules. Ok, Jeff.

Catholicism imposes female religion on men and turns them into women. Again Jeff, you really need to get this into your head. Men are born men, stay men and die men. And never, ever become women. Not even if you cut your junk off Jeff. So don’t do it. Stop wearing mommy’s dresses and the horned helmet too Jeff. You’re just gay, you’re not a woman trapped in a man’s body. The sexes are not interchangeable Jeff. Wake up. For the love of God, Jeff, wake up! join reality!

Catholicism is religious transgenderism. I am sure in your head that probably makes sense Jeff. But only there, I assure you.

And now you see why I can’t do this every time. I actually have a farm and a family to tend to, as much fun as this has been. Just try to imagine the responses I might give for the next lot of idiots. Try it yourselves, it’s quite entertaining. And if you wish to continue an in depth conversation with Jeff about his religion, write him a note at: [email protected]

All the Politics is Wall-to-Wall Homosexual Predators

As readers of this blog will know, I tend to track Milo’s slow descent into Hell for personal entertainment as well as an occasional warning to people who might be inclined to follow his gay brand of Novus Orco fake Catholicism directly into the fire below.

I posted before how he’s rapidly becoming what he was always destined to become, as I predicted nearly a decade ago now (in relative “privacy” to some online group) when I still thought that despite his deep personal flaws he was at least somewhat useful at pushing back the general globohomo narrative.

Well, since about a week or two before the end of Lent until now, he has obsessively posted about an individual I had zero knowledge of, a barracuda-faced Indian/Pakistani gay guy called either Ali Alexander or Ali Akbar, or whatever, who apparently is a good butt-buddy of that other homosexual, Nikki, Fuentes of the absurd “grouper” movement, America First.

Now, I have mentioned before that Nikki, is obviously gay. Straight men do not go on 10 hour dates with tranny guys calling themselves catboi, nor do they have tranny sex tabs open when watching their favourite porn, both of which Nikki has done. His butt-buddy/general/tea-boy/whatever the fuck he is, Ali, is not just a flaming homosexual, but he is also a pederast, soliciting young boys for pictures of their privates and masturbatory video for his own use.

So… what can we gather from all this?

Well, as anyone who has looked at my posts on Milo before will know, we have:

  • Supposedly “ex” gay Gary Voris, who tries to go by his second name Michael (because the archangel) had Milo, supposedly also “ex” gay and shamed “personality” working for him for a bit, trying to hawk plastic Mary statuettes on TV infomercials. Gary runs “Church Militant” which was funded by the same Opus Dei guy who funded EM Jones, or Emo Jones, as I call him, and Taylor Marshall (Tay-Tay).
  • Milo originally went to work for Gary because he crashed and burnt on a Joe Rogan podcast where he admitted to being present at Hollywood parties where underage boys were being plied with drugs and booze in order to be sodomised by various “personalities”. Which he has yet to name. As a result, his funding by yet another rich gatekeeper type was pulled and Milo left in Freemason purgatory for a few years. Church Militant and his no longer being actively gay was supposed to be his rebirth.
  • Milo then tries to work for Marjorie Taylor Greene as an unpaid Intern, seems to quit that as quietly as he started it, then tries to latch on to Jewish controlled and drugged up (by his Jewish handler) famous rapper Ye on a supposedly run for President for 2024. Yes, it’s like the plot line of a bad comedy dreamt up by people huffing cheap lead paint while on meth. He introduces Nikki to Ye then leaves the campaign after various accusations.
  • Ali continues to solicit dick pics and masturbation videos from young men, some underage, and Milo is aware of it and informs Nikki, who basically goes “meh, it’s not rape-rape”.
  • At some point, don’t ask me why exactly, this is waaaaay more gay crap than anyone should ever have to know about, Milo decides to out Ali publicly. After he basically outed Laura Loomer as a sexual predator who gives unwanted blowjobs to young men she finds attractive while pretending she is Jewish (which Milo himself did until recently when he “discovered” he wasn’t Jewish after all).
  • Nikki Continues to go “meh.” Even after it’s obvious Ali is indeed a disgusting barracuda-faced predatory homosexual who is trying to get young men to insert their penises in his moray-eel faced jaws. As if just being gay wasn’t horrific enough. And in fact Nikki basically says publicly, “meh. no one was raped, it’s fine.”
  • At which point, at least SOME of the metrosexuals that form the majority of the “grouper” America First movement might begin to go….”errr waitaminute…our esteemed leader hangs out with Ali and Beardson, both known to solicit sexual images from underage people, he goes on a ten hour date with a transvestite he posts the video of some of it online, he enjoys watching tranny porn on his computer…wait, wait…MAYBE HE’S GAY!”
  • Oh, and we KNOW Ali is also a Fed and that milo too fed stuff to the Feds at some point in the past. We also know that Dick Spencer is a Fed and we can surmise he is probably gay too.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t have much faith in the boomer generation building awesome spaceships. In fact I’d be amazed if they manage to retain indoor plumbing and heating.

It was entirely obvious from the start that Nikki and his entire AF movement was gay and fake from the start, and AF probably stood for Anal Fisting long before they tried to change it to America First, though, given the current direction of America, one could argue the terms are synonymous.

I told you all, and anyone with a brain has known this since literally childhood:


That’s it. That’s all there is. And until a Herculean effort analogous to clearing the Stygian stables is undertaken, that is all it will ever be.

PS: Oh, but don’t worry, the Patriot Front guys are TOTALLY LEGIT and not a Fed operation at all. Nu-huh. You BELIEVE IT, Patriot!

The importance of the “Placebo” effect

What has been called the placebo effect is in reality something far more complex and interesting than you have been led to believe.

And it has bearing on the current world situation to a very high degree.

The conclusions I come to are going to sound “fantastic”, at least to those unable to do logic and/or research the factual information I present for themselves, so as to verify I am not making anything up.

So, the approach will be to list a number of factual tests that have been done and have achieved the same results in a number of repeatable studies. Then I will present some additional information, usually not linked to the placebo effect at all, which will also require some research on your part in case you don’t want to take my word for it, which I always encourage you to do anyway. The research I mean, not taking my word for it. And finally I will explain what I think the placebo effect really is and how it works. And why it’s very important in the present dystopian reality we inhabit.

What is the placebo effect? A basic introduction.

The placebo effect is one that was noted by doctors when administering to a group of people some drug or medication that was supposed to make them better while administering to a control group sugar tablets or some other innocuous substance that did not contain the drug being used on the other patients.

What was discovered is that those taking the sugar tablets or saline solution or water, or whatever absolutely drug-free thing was being given to them, still healed better than people who received nothing and sometimes healed better than the ones taking the medication. This was thought to happen as a result of “mind over matter” the people receiving sugar tablets were not aware of being the control group, so they thought they were getting better and this somehow made them better. Some extreme cases of this have been well documented in a book called the holographic universe.

But if simple belief in a drug you were NOT being given could heal you, did you need the drug at all? So a series of tests with double blind situations were done. Over decades here is what the results showed time and again.

  • If the patients did not know who was receiving the placebo (non-active sugar pills or water, etc) and they believed they were getting the drug they healed better than people not receiving anything.
  • If the doctors administering the placebo did not know it was a placebo and thought it was an effective drug the patients improved too when compared to those who got nothing. In other words, the belief of the doctors alone transferred to the patients. And if I recall right, this was the case even if the patients knew it was a placebo but the doctors did not.

So. How would classical materialistic based science explain this transference of “belief”?

It can’t.

How does the placebo effect actually work?

Well. The Western version can’t. Unless you are familiar with at least some of the concepts discussed by Harold Aspen, Thomas Bearden, Michael Persinger and others and you are able to synergistically understand the links between them. You also need at least a rudimentary understanding of the physics of Burkhard Heim.

In Russia however, this is understood far better and in short, the psychotronic healing chambers I discuss in my “fiction” work are an easy way to grasp the concept of how you can heal people by use of various electromagnetic/frequency/resonance fields which can be induced mechanically. And I have it on good authority that such psychotronic healing chambers actually not only exist, but have existed for a long time. Decades at the very least.

The really important thing to note is that mechanical means of achieving such healing certainly may make the process easier and accessible to all, but they are not an absolute requirement.

Everyone from Tibetan monks, who are more likely to be able to “activate” such responses from the body, to even people I know personally, have at times healed in ways that are thought to be miraculous. You could, in effect say that the placebo effect is the way science has discovered or measured the results that can be achieved with genuine faith.

Of course, the danger here is that of falling into the trap of the unwashed, stinking, hippie masses of New Agers that will tell you if your child dies of cancer it’s because you and your child have negative vibes and don’t pray hard enough. Which is not just idiotic, bit also cruel in the way that only the truly uneducated ignorants can be.

So, allow me to explain the mechanism in simple, yet hopefully also relatively complete format.

My working hypothesis, which I have arrived at only after more than 15 years of practicing clinical hypnosis, is as follows:

  • Yes, there probably is some state of mind/frequency/prayer that theoretically could or can heal just about anything. I have written in some more detail on this concept of how to pray correctly in both my Systema book as well as as in Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church. HOWEVER…
  • And it’s a HUGE however, there usually can be and almost always are, very real obstacles to your being able to achieve this specific state for any given thing. Particularly when it is of a huge importance like the health of your child and so on. The reason being that fear, desire, doubt, and so on are all counter-productive, and how can you NOT have all of those things when something really important is on the line?
  • In addition to the above-mentioned “states of mind” situations, there usually also are other physiological factors. Various blockages in your body which translate into mental counterparts. If, for example you have chronic tension in your shoulders and neck, you will have a corresponding mental mind-map that is similarly “fossilised” and thus unable to relax or otherwise assume the required physical state to produce the more etheric mental state (or electromagnetic field at the right frequency, if you prefer).

In normal effect, the placebo effect is the residual or partial ability you unconsciously have access to, or rather, to be more accurate, that your body has access to (almost without your awareness of it entirely) in order to naturally heal itself. Being unconscious, your conscious efforts to produce the same result will generally fail, unless you have achieved a relatively high level of internal congruity which honestly, 99.99% of human beings never are even aware of, much less actively seek it.

So what to do? And how do I know this anyway?

Learning to control your own body internally is a good first step, but even after a couple of decades of martial arts or meditation or learning how to control your heart rate, breathing and so on, it will not guarantee your ability to enter the right frame of mind or physiological state.

I know this because I have practiced martial arts for about 4 decades and hypnosis for more than 15 years. Hypnosis is intimately related to changing mental states and allowing your body to heal itself. Hypnosis goes beyond what most people assume is mere “suggestion”, which some interpret to mean “gullible” or weak-minded or something of the sort. All of which is nonsense.

Everyone can be hypnotised. In fact animals can be too. Which is not to say that every hypnotist can hypnotise every person. But the state of hypnotic trance is not only achievable by everyone, but it has profound effects on us when used correctly.

I have had patients that had visited up to 15 hypnotists, unsuccessfully, and smoked for many years, completely stop smoking after a 45 minute session with me. I have also seen the effects of hypnosis on the physical body, having experimented on this myself with regard to pain, scarring, healing of injuries and so on, but also on the bodies of others, from people that had MS to an accidental burn not evidencing as having taken place.

There is also the work of Peter Garajev, which I discussed in some depth in my System book, which explains how our DNA can also be thought of as a sort of mini-wormhole creator for information. Which is why things like timeline and regression therapy in hypnosis work and can seemingly reach back in time and undo various trauma or alter the past consequences in how they play out here in the present and the future.

The relevance today.

If you have read/understood my previous post on the space of variations, and the Mandala effect possibilities you may have begun to understand, that there is certainly enough scientific evidence (and I mean that as ACTUALLY scientific, not circus-monkey, politically trained “science”) that as God on some level wishes us to be co-creators of reality, and as we are made in His image, and we do have creationary power to some degree, we may well be able to influence reality. Certainly, at the very least, as it pertains to our own health; and quite possibly in much larger ways too. Your absolute faith can and does produce results and you can verify this for yourself scientifically by keeping track of your own experiences. Learning to control your emotions will inevitably help in many other spheres of life too, as does learning to flexibilise your body physically, as the practice of Systema teaches with pretty much every drill. And for a push into the direction you want to go, you can also use hypnosis, either learn how to self-hypnotise, or take a session or more, as needed.

In short, you have far more power over your own states of being than you have been led to believe.

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