Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Pray Harder Citizen

In case you still doubted Protestantism is an entirely man-as-God Satanic religion, fear not! We now have moved to the next stage of its devolution: Man-made machine as God.

Truly, it is as I said, we are entering the realm of the Paranoia RPG, where the computer is “God”.

It happened in the Bavarian city of Fuerth in St. Paul’s Church where the religious service was one of hundreds of events at the protestant convention of the Bavarian cities of Nurimberg.

The AI avatar doing the preaching was of a bearded African man. I assume this was done to stay in keeping with the historical ethnicity of Bavarians, as taught in the New History ™.

Dear friends, it is an honor for me to stand here and preach to you as the first artificial intelligence at this year’s convention of Protestants in Germany. The avatar said with an expressionless face and monotonous voice.

UltraViolet Clearance High Programmer 29-year-old Jonas Simmerlein,

a theologian and philosopher from the University of Vienna, used ChatGPT to help frame the service, he told in an exclusive statement of the AP. I conceived this service — but actually I rather accompanied it, because I would say about 98% comes from the machine.

I told the artificial intelligence ‘We are at the church congress, you are a preacher … what would a church service look like?’ You end up with a pretty solid church service.

Not all the citizens were completely thrilled.

Heiderose Schmidt, a 54-year-old IT worker, told the AP: 

There was no heart and no soul. The avatars showed no emotions at all, had no body language and were talking so fast and monotonously that it was very hard for me to concentrate on what they said. But maybe it is different for the younger generation who grew up with all of this.

Heiderose-Schmidt-U-n-believer 002 was activated shortly after Heiderise-Schmidt-U-n-believer 001 reported to the nearest termination booth.

The introduction of Confessional Booths to improve citizen happiness under Friend Computer’s guidance will be next.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with the Paranoia RPG, confessional booths in the game are a thing, and are used to spy on the citizens themselves as well as for the citizens to report other citizens for any crimes committed against Alpha Complex or Friend Computer.

Encouraged by Friend Computer’s morale boosting termination of citizen Heiderose-Schmidt-U-n-believer 001, citizen Marc-Jansen-V-Loyal 001 said:

I had actually imagined it to be worse. But I was positively surprised how well it worked. Also the language of the AI worked well, even though it was still a bit bumpy at times.

Friend Computer rewarded Marc-Jansen-V-Loyal 001 with extra Soylent green rations for the next four daycycles.

Friend Computer and his High Programmers want you to have all the information at your fingertips Citizen, which is why this removal of a test-run of Beta Complex was removed from the public scrutiny.

All is well citizen. Your spiritual needs are all taken care of by Friend Computer, citizen. And remember citizen:

Happiness is mandatory! Enjoy your day cycle citizen.

Reinstating the Death Penalty

It is my considered opinion that certain crimes absolutely deserve the death penalty.

The rape or murder of a pre-pubescent child comes top of my list. Which is not to say that the sexual assault of children or rape or murder of other minors would be exempt either, but an absolutely clear line that really need not have any discussion whatsoever is that anyone who rapes a pre-pubescent minor should absolutely be removed permanently from society. And no, even life-long forced labour is not good enough.

Certainly the proof needs to be solid and beyond reasonable doubt, which today with advanced forensics if there is a will and actual objective science done in the lab, the opportunities to have “no reasonable doubt” are great.

Apparently DeSantis is going to do this in Florida. If that is the case, more power to him. Of course I don’t know, nor really care directly about US politics and a lot of people are saying DeSantis is just another paper tiger, which may well be the case, probably is, I suspect. But even if it turns out to just be rhetoric, it’s a start.

Furthemore, if I became emperor for a day, I would absolutely not only reinstate the death penalty for certain crimes, but in the case of child rape especially, I think I would be trying to push through the rule that such crimes would result in death by burning at the stake. Other death sentences could be hanging or firing squad or lethal injection, or whatever, but child murderers and rapists should have the burning at the stake.

The reason is, of course, obvious, if you understand Catholicism. Such crimes are committed by people that are clearly not normal, that are either demonically influenced or perhaps even possessed, or at the very least, so sick that they need to be put down forthwith.

It is therefore unlikely that a simple firing squad would give them any opportunity to contemplate Hell properly. Being burnt at the stake is certainly a horrible way to die, and normally I would not wish it on anyone, but yeah, child rapist-murederers, I would have no problem with that.

It is also true that such executions would be brutal to see and I probably would not want young people, especially children, to be exposed to such a sight. And then there are the sickos who would enjoy watching it for their own perverse reasons that have nothing to do with justice.

So, while the execution would need to be at least partially public, a record of anyone that does come to see it would have to be kept along with a reason why they want to see it. Such records would be kept in perpetuity so that if any red flags are raised, certain individuals may be barred from viewing such executions, or even investigated.

If you are a man, and find yourself “shocked” at this concept, for it being too barbaric to be even considered seriously, then I need to ask you a question.

What, exactly is it that made you into some feminised, faux version of a man?

Not too long ago, if a pedo was caught in a village, not only the child’s father, but his neighbours, friends and even strangers that lived there would help him quickly gather up the offender and transport him where he could meet either this maker or his master. In many cases, if the child was old enough, he or she too would be present, so that they knew that the person that did that to them was dead and that he (the child) was blameless, loved, and cared for by the community represented by those men.

If any law enforcement ever showed up, they would be met by a wall of men, usually armed, that assured the sheriff, police constable, military police guard, or whatever that Norman the Nunce had, in fact committed suicide, by dousing himself in petrol, nailing himself to a dead tree out in the swamp and then setting himself alight, leaving a tasty and crispy snack for the local alligators. And the Sheriff, or police constable, or military police guard would look a bit worried, nod sagely and note down a clear case of suicide had taken place.

But as proper Catholics we are, of course, civilised men. And while efficient, it’s simply a bit barbaric to have to resort to such ways. No, no, it will not do. We must immediately demand the reinstatement of the death penalty, so that such pedos can be burnt at the stake semi-publicly, with everyone knowing about it and it be all properly legal in all ways.

The idea that a man should not immediately want, and have the moral right to expect, the execution of some pervert that caused this kind of harm to one of his children, is perfectly and absolutely natural; and if you lack that instinct, then one must ask: What the hell happened to you?

Sister Wilhelmina

I have no specific opinion on this. As I have no problem at all with Saints or extremely religious people having incorruptible bodies after death. Not do I think every claim to incorruptibility is necessarily genuine.

By all accounts this seems to be a genuine instance, so if you are nearby, maybe go see for yourself.

I also note that Sister Wilhelmina was ordained long before 1958, which means her ordination was made with valid rites, meaning she actually was a valid Catholic Nun and Abess.

Hat tip to JillyBear for bringing it to my attention.

Your Despair is Their Intent

Look, I get it, the world is going to Hell in a hand basket, more absurd news daily and if you are so foolish as to watch the actual news it’s a constant flow of terrifying nonsense. From Transgenderism to Climate Change and everything in between. they are literally spraying you with chemicals and trying to prevent you from travelling or eating meat. Yup.

And they are also ridiculing anyone who tries to organise or tell the truth and above all they want to keep you separate and infertile.

Yes they are passing laws that make it illegal to criticise laws, any laws, Israel, Jews, or to write anything deemed “hateful”. Yes with huge fines and jail time. And yeah they are going after people already.

Oh, and they want you unbelieving in God, of course.

And 5G and next 6G and always more restrictions and so on. Sure. It’s certainly in their plans and they are pushing these thing through.

Despair for you is their total aim. Their only and constant mission.

But you can EASILY fight back. Read my blog sure, and take notes from the posts I made about how to win against clown world or how your mind is your baseline strongest weapon.

Remember the following:

  • We outnumber them by at least two orders of magnitude and most likely three or four. For every one of these bastards trying to get us to take murder-juice, and “have nothing and be happy” there are AT LEAST 100 people that want nothing to do with their evil dystopia future. And more likely 10,000, if not 100,000.
  • This is why they are TERRIFIED of us having free movement and free association. The answer is simple. Ditch your phones. Leave them at home and meet your friends like EVERYONE did throughout all the 1980s. In person, no mobile phones of other trading devices. Hell, wear Jeans and converse shoes if you want a bit of nostalgia too. Talk. Face to face without digital devices on you or them. Make it a habit.
  • Get rid of TV. If you have one, unplug it and go a week without it. Then try two weeks. You’ll live, trust me. We didn’t have one up for months and then we put it up to watch some films, and now I am seriously thinking screw that. TV existed when I was born, but was life worse when it didn’t exist? People read books. Had conversations. Made more children. My Russian friends in London don’t have a TV in the home and their 7 year old kid kicked my ass at a logic puzzle game while only half-paying attention. Sure he played it daily but I was in my late 40s.
  • Get married. Yes in Church. Yes in a REAL Catholic Church (sedevacantist), after you got baptised and converted to Catholicism for real, not as a joke. Why? Because Catholicism is the only religion in which divorce is not permitted. Doesn’t matter if you married a nasty cheating crack-whore or a violent womanising drunk. So choose wisely. You think maybe that matters more than the other superficial crap they sell you 24/7 on TikTok? Family, is the one thing that matters more than anything else. Real family means you are willing to kill and die for your loved ones. Yes, it’s true that sometimes the family you are born is NOT the one where you find love, loyalty and truth. That’s why you got to make your own. And since you had such shitty examples (as we all had) get a manual and learn the right way.
  • Sure, finding a life-partner today is “difficult”. But is it, really? I went through a LOT of women and I chose wrong twice before I finally got it right. My own journey was one of going through every wrong path until I returned to the origin. It’s a hard way and almost everyone attempting it will be lost along the way. Consider instead, that today, if you refused the murder-juice and don’t believe the big lies, you can already sort the world into those who are pureblood and those who are mutants (a small number of which actually may have got saline so they could be pureblood without knowing it). If you want to remain a pureblood and produce pureblood children… well… your choice is a lot simpler and reduced to a smaller pool of candidates right away. If you then have at least an INTEREST in a traditional way of life, it gets even smaller. And if you are looking at a proper Catholic way of life (sedevacantist) it’s small enough that the likelihood is YOU PHYSICALLY NEED TO CREATE IT. I am in regular contact now with 3 couples that are composed of young men and women NONE of which started out as Sedevacantists, but now all are, all are baptised, all are confirmed and all have been married by side priests in church. I am just one guy and these people in 3 different countries around the world, one of which in Finland, which has NO Sede priests, so meant travelling to another country for Baptism etc. The starting point needs to be YOU. Your mind, then your Faith, then your wife or husband and then your children. CREATE your reality. Literally.
  • Either follow, support or join an existing Kurganate like community, or create your own. Those are the only two options that produce lasting results.
  • If you’re gonna create your own try to select the best geography and own the land in as free a country as you can, and get others to move there with you.

That’s it. Use the Search Me button on the right sidebar to look for other posts that go into more details of each step. And if doing even that small effort for your own education is too much… well… good luck, but I think…YNGMI.

A Strategist and a Tactician…

…Sit and have a glass of wine while they discuss war, would be the ideal way.

I noted with interest Vox’s last, almost throw-away, comment on his post about my post about Clown World resembling the Paranoia RPG more than the Gamma World RPG.

He ended with:

I never read or played Paranoia, but based on the Kurgan’s description, it does appear that Clown World is headed squarely in that direction, with the exciting addition of a reality-defying demonic element.

As the owner of Uncle John’s Band blog noted about me on SG, I sometimes drive people crazy by noticing what he referred to as single data point patterns. What’s worse, of course, is that I then talk about the extrapolations I get from these and people end up assuming I am either some kind of Magician or seer, or a crazy fantasist that just assumes he’s smarter than everyone else. The truth is that for some people, the ability to do this, extrapolate and understand a whole pattern from what may be a single data point to others, appears perhaps closest to the effects given by the wonder-drug in the film Limitless.

This is not exactly a single data point since I have known about Vox’s tendency to be a strategist rather than a tactician since before 2016, when I had a conversation with him on the phone in some detail.

Anyway, I found his sentence fascinating because it highlights our different modes of operating in the world quite well I think.

So, let me explain, in that semi-autistic, over-detailed way.

Von Clausewitz, in his On War, described essentially four types of men, as relates to the art of war. I forget the other two types (because they were below my station, just as never spent too much time thinking about how many versions of Beta men there were below Alpha and Scout in my own SSH) and I also forget the names Clausewitz gives the top two, but in essence, the General-type is the Strategist and the Commander type is the Tactician.

In my opinion you cannot win a war (at least not well or easily) without both (and a bunch of subordinates and soldiers, of course). If you only have strategists it’s akin to America in Vietnam and Afghanistan. You may have the air superiority, and you may have the technology, and you may have the intelligence, but without knowledge of the details, and dedicated soldiers at the squad level, if the war carries on long enough, you will lose. Even if you “win” you will never really have the “hearts and minds” of the people you are occupying.

If you only have tacticians, you might win almost every small battle, but lose the war politically or logistically or morally.

It is true, that if you have a LOT of tacticians, you can win a war (see Vietnam and Afghanistan, as I said) but it will take years and a huge loss of life and limb.

If you have a good mix of strategists and tacticians, that trust each other and work well together, it becomes really hard to defeat you, even against numerically much superior foes. If you add in a touch of fanaticism, well, you become a real unstoppable force.

Vox’s comment interested me because he brought attention to a strategically very significant issue. He posted a few times about the possibility of AI and computers in general being a possible portal from which demonic spirits may interact more readily with the material world. A case in point is shown below:

Vox noticed this at a strategic level, considering it from that perspective, one might actually do something about it at that level, which might look like blessing specific machines by a valid (sedevacantist) priest prior to use. You could get a whole industry of demon-cleared AI and computers that could give humanity at least an equal footing with the demonic AIs. It is a strategists perspective and it would have a strategist’s solutions, which means, at a relatively bird’s eye view of things.

I have not been unaware of demonic influences, in fact, I am pretty constantly aware of them, but until this comment, I had not given any specific attention to AI or computer-interface with demonic spirits. In my mind, it was just “Eh… more demons. Get the Holy Water infused Flamethrower, keep calm and carry on.”

A Tactician that is good will overcome fantastic odds in battle and be surprising, inventive and hard to predict, while managing men he trusts and relies on who will follow him into the depths of Hell. But he may miss the big picture.

There are notable differences in temperament and moral limits too.

And they may be a little analogous to my discussions on 2D versus 3D thinking.

A strategist has the ability to make alliances and deals with people that a tactician might not even be able to force himself to be civil to in a neutral setting.

I know this is definitely the case with Vox and myself. I recall a conversation we had about Ethan Van Sciver and his behaviour regarding a comic book crowd-funding event and the behaviour Ethan had exhibited. I honestly forget the details as it wasn’t something that affected me directly, but I recall a sense of shock when Vox mentioned he may work with him in the future. The conversation went something like this:

Me: “…why? Why would you ever trust that guy again? Or work with him?!”

Vox: “Who said anything about trust? And why not? If he helps me achieve certain aims?”

Me: “…but… how?”

Vox: “Well, he would never be allowed to have any position where he could control anything, and he’s a good illustrator.”

Me: disapproving silence.

I understand the point, of course, and it makes strategic sense. But personally, the idea of having an unreliable vermin in my ranks, however cordoned off, would disturb my sleep.

In an actual war situation Vox would need to keep such allies far, far, far away from me, for I’d be more liable to slit their throat in darkness, just to be able to rest easy during the carpet bombardments of enemy artillery.

While I would be able to maintain a certain level of decorum at the victory parties after the end of the war, I would not be able to share a table with the allies that behaved in a cowardly fashion, abandoned my men in difficult actions, or chose to somehow put their personal needs before that of their men, even if overall, their contributions would have allowed us to win.

Ultimately the difference between a strategist and a tactician is one of numbers I think, which is why Clausewitz defines them in those terms, that is, the number of men they can direct well at any given time.

My preferred choice is one of course, me. But as I also recognise I have certain abilities, that number can be considerably higher, but always with a need for high trust amongst my men. It is more of a Russian style command structure I favour. The leader is the leader, no questions, but the specialist takes over when it’s his specialty that comes into effect.

Vox is more akin to a general in that he may give a vague aim point, then let the relevant person get on with it as they see fit.

If a strategist is wise enough to direct his tacticians in such a way that they do not overlap with persons, ideologies or obstacles that render them counter-productive, the advances that can be made are astonishing. If you also get some synergy going between the various tacticians, suddenly, the chaos of war begins to take on the form of an amazing, self-creating painting of high art.

And now, of course, I am wondering if I could interest a sede priest to consecrate a specific brand of crusader computers, running Temple OS, in order to fight the demonic hordes of pedophiles at the WEF forum and the Davos and Bilderberge meet-ups, not to mention all the Western Government officials.

You see? As a tactician, I immediately go to the weaponising of tools and practical concerns of sending demons directly back to Hell.

Now Vox just better set up that factory that will produce laptops running Temple OS made in Russia or China by making deals with shady, heavily accented, Russian programmers that chain-smoke unfiltered cigarettes, and fast-talking chinamen without religion.

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