Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Karl does Bad Reasoning. Again.

I have criticised the boomer Karl Denninger before. Here, and here.

And now I will do it again, but on an entirely different basis, which actually ties in with a MUCH larger picture I have been trying to explain to other people for a long time.

Karl has a long very black pilled post about having children and the future, here.

In fairness to him, I think his overall point is not necessarily that high IQ, K-select people should not have children, as many have accused him of doing. I am quite sure he is merely pointing out why it is unlikely that they will. And insofar as his boomer level of analysis goes, he is “right”. That is, the average NPC will think and “reason” much along the lines Karl indicates. So my critique is not really with his observation of all the negative facts he points out. In the main he is “correct” about his individual examples of reasons why people are less likely to choose to have children.

The desirable people he and I both mean, that is, high IQ, K-select, generally honest and responsible, and reliable people with a good sense of justice, common sense and the ability to do at least decent levels of logic, math, writing and reading comprehension.

But as usual, Karl is missing the big picture. As is typical of the boomer mentality, that thinks primarily in terms of me, me, me, and even when describing global events is guided by their perennial laser-like focus on how anything affect them in the specific, he seems largely incapable of the very concept of synergism.

It is a rare skill generally, but it happens that some of us (mostly GenX) are naturally talented at it, so allow me to point out the errors of his thinking, starting from the exact opposite direction that boomer thinking begins at: that is, the REALLY big pictures frames first. The ones that ignore us, that is you and me specifically completely. Here we go:

1. Nature doesn’t care about you specifically

In the big scheme of things, those who do not reproduce sufficiently die out. Nature is pretty brutal about it and tends to operate on the principles of large numbers. And exceptions to that rule because of different large numbers.

It may just be humanity’s lot that we go the way of mouse utopia aka Universe 25. In which case, we’re all doomed and so are all our children. And if so, why worry about it. Worrying about it would be a total waste of time. Besides which you do NOT know this for certain, so assuming it off the bat is an error. So, as a function of reason and logic, this specific idea must be ignored.

Treating it as valid or true can only lead you to depression and misery in a situation where your irrational belief in a “certainty” you cannot possibly know is a certainty, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This point alone, the Universe 25 possibility, should make it obvious that similar thoughts that lead down similar (if less total) outcomes are also to be ignored.

So for example, the idea that “all white people will soon be extinct” or “high IQ people do not breed together because there is not enough of them” or the more common “marriage and children is a loser’s game because all women are whores and will divorce-rape you” and all the various variants of that kind, are in essence self-fulfilling, loser’s bets on life. The fact that your specific marriage may turn into a hellscape, or your specific life becomes a dead end is not relevant to the entire sub-species you represent.

Yes nature does not care about you specifically, but you specifically can and do affect nature. Make 15 children and chances are most of them survive. If they all too make 15 children from age 20 on, like you did, guess what the landscape of your tribe looks like 100 years from now if you just start out with you and your wife as Adam and Eve? On that basis, starting with you and your wife having had 15 children by the time you are both say 40, if all your children and theirs and so on do the same, meaning that every 40 years they all have a batch of 15 children each, if you lived to be 140, you would have over 17 thousand descendants. 17,275 to be exact. And if the average age of death was say 80, then almost all of them would still be alive, since the first iteration (at year 20) is only 135 people. And that’s only ONE family. Imagine if you have ten such families in the same area. You now have a small nation after one century. Which in the scheme of things is not so much time. And if the genetic serums actually sterilise and wipe out most of humanity, you will not only be a small nation, you will be the majority within it. And it might not be such a small geographical area after all. Now imagine them all of the same religion that takes no crap from depopulationist satanists like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and their pedophile friends.

“But people don’t make 15 children each, and how do you feed them all, and send them to college?!?”

Patience grasshopper. People who bought the lies and live in clown world no longer make 15 children. But people did do that for centuries in Catholic countries. And that was before the internet, and Amazon deliveries, and often before indoor plumbing and central heating, and certainly before electricity and tractors and industrial fertilisers and automated harvesting machines… so let that sink in a little and park it in your brain somewhere while we continue to look at reality and possibilities instead of the ghosts boomers put in your head.

“But even if smart white people with good ethics, strong Catholic religious beliefs and enough money/land/whatever start reproducing at that ridiculous and unrealistic rate, they will still be outnumbered by the millions of dumb, brown, evil, people!”

First of all, even if things were reduced to that simplistic level of thinking, realise that the number of white people on the planet always was a minority when compared to the number of non-white people. And probably always will be.

Remember when I said nature doesn’t care about you specifically and operates on the principle of large numbers, with the exception of other large numbers? White people, and the Japanese, are two such examples, just to pick a couple. Despite not being a majority, white people have managed to secure lands and space for themselves very successfully over the millennia. A combination of strong imagination, higher average IQ, and religious beliefs that fostered high-trust and co-operation, served them well when they ejected infiltrating and noxious tribes, ethnicities and behaviours, which they did in the past with ferocious attitudes.

Similarly the Japanese have retained a really quite unique culture on this planet by similarly ruthlessly avoiding to entertain the admixing of their population with the teeming masses.

A perhaps even more shocking example is Catholicism itself, which around 400 AD or thereabouts, when it really was a dark time on pretty much all fronts for humanity in general and Catholics (i.e. the only Christians that ever existed) in particular, St. Benedictine decided to retire to some apparently godforsaken regions and start monasteries. And some 600 years later, the Catholic world was (and remained for a long time) the utter pinnacle of human achievement in everything from the arts, to the courage of men, the safety of lands that were previously the domain of brigands, the ending of women and children as chattel, and generally the betterment of humanity as a whole while being perfectly capable and able to fight back against less civilised barbarians that hounded them.

And keep in mind that Catholic monks do not even reproduce at all! But just by their influence, they firstly created self-sustaining monasteries, then spread the gospel and civilisation all round them, so much so that they even converted the Vikings that used to raid and murder them mercilessly, by giving them lands and asking for their protection. And after a couple of centuries, those same blonde giants were off to the Crusades to defend Christendom. All this was supposedly impossible if you accept Denninger’s base premise which is simply that basic math has all the answers.

Basic math has a lot of the answers, but life is always more interesting that that. As I wrote almost 30 years ago, in original version of The Face on Mars published in 1995, when dealing with math and reality, the theory looks like 1+2=3 or perhaps x+2=3 so we can figure out x easily. In theory.

Better scientists realise that things are a bit more like x+y=3 so both x and y can have a wide range of values. And synergists like me realise life is most accurately described as x+y=z, where both x and y and even z have ranges of probabilities and while computers can in theory predict things very accurately (if the input data is very accurate) they cannot and will not ever be able to account for human nature and reality as a whole. Because the fly in the teleporting machine, the asteroid against the dinosaurs, and the “crazy” St. Benedict, or the iron minded King Leonidas, will throw your entire large number theory set right out the window. And in fact, a human mind that can see these patterns of relationships and figure them out analogously, usually has a better chance of getting it right than any computer prediction of the future.

So. The realisation from point number one is that while nature does not care about you specifically, you specifically can affect nature. Crazy as that sounds. And the main item required for you to have a chance to do so? Unreasonable belief that defies current “popular” thinking, but is based in sound synergistic principles, like large number theory, persistence, and of course, the most successful human belief system ever used by humans, actual Catholicism.

2. Becoming that different large number.

If you want to avoid becoming the leaf in the stream that just ends up being compost, and if your entire tribe, way of life, family, looks like it is just being carried on by world events, guess what, you need to become one of those large numbers that is the exception to the large number concept that you will become extinct. How do you do that? Simple, really, if you think about it.

By being utterly passionate, unreasonable, counter-intuitively absurdly dedicated and persistent, over an equally absurd, unreasonable and “crazy” length of time. St. Benedict didn’t just decide to try his hand at monastery creation and life for a few years. He spent the rest of his life doing it. Relentlessly.

The reason I have achieved so many different things, visited so many places, speak three languages fluently and a couple or three others haltingly, and learnt so many different skills at a high level enough that I could reasonably be considered a professional at several very different endeavours, is because I simply put in more time, more effort, more obsessive thought and action into those things that interested me than most people do, and even than most supposed “professionals” in that field do in many cases.

So, if you want your DNA to make it, you need to go counter to the zeitgeist. Which is healthy in any case since the current “Western” zeitgeist is that you should submit to different cultures and ethnicities than your own. That the family unit is evil, marriage terrible, and making children a very selfish thing unworthy of civilised people. Oh and you should also be gay. Or a cross-dressing, self-mutilating tranny. And make your kids, if you were so unwise to have any, become gay, underage drag queens too.

Really, regardless of your intentions, going 180 degrees away from the current zeitgeist in the West is healthier than not doing so on any scale. But if you want to go the whole hog, then peruse this blog and the various articles I wrote on farming, beating clown world, and so on, and above all realise two things:

  1. Yes it’s hard. Very. Get used to it. It’s just how it is.
  2. Win. Build it. Find the impossible way. Keep getting back up and keep saying “Fuck them”. Eventually everyone dies, so make your life here count.

You overcome the statistics of nature by becoming your own large number anomaly. So git to it, you unreasonable madman.

3. The black pill is a lie.

All fear is a lie, ultimately. And the black pill of doom and gloom is pure fear-based poison. It doesn’t matter what type of fear it is. Fear you will not have a job. Fear you will not have enough money. Fear you will hate your life. Fear you will be a bad parent. Fear your kids will suffer. Fear you can’t do it. Fear you will fail. Fear.

Well, let me reassure you: You will lose your job. Somewhere along the line, if you haven’t yet, you will. You will never have enough money. Never. Elon Musk still doesn’t. Just ask him. Your life will have giant events of major suckage in it. Everyone’s does. You will fuck up multiple aspects of parenting. Everyone does. Your best bet is to keep the damage to a minimum and try and ensure your children understand reality and still love you when they are all grown up. Your kids will suffer. Everyone does. You will fail. Multiple times, at multiple things. You will feel fear in your life. Many times for many different reasons.

There. Got all that? Good. Now get off your ass and go do all those scary things anyway.

No one learnt to walk without falling down. A lot.

No one learnt to read and write without scrawling and misspelling first. A lot.

No one has achieved great things without persistently improving on his or her own screw ups. Failing is not the problem. Quitting is. So, as I explained, become your own large number anomaly. And if God is gracious he will give you enough of a brain to realise the miracle point of when it is not worth bashing your head into the same rock and when, instead, doing so, will eventually form a thick enough skin and skull that you will break the rock and break through to a better place.

Life is hard. Bad shit happens. People die. Evil exists. And on and on. So what? You can whine and bitch and cry and hide in a corner and try and have someone, anyone, everyone, feel sorry for you, or you can get up and become a large number anomaly. Them’s the choices, and no one gets a free ride. So pick one. I picked mine long ago.

4. Being afraid of 10 things means you miss the big opportunity.

If you do go and read the whole long litany of fear compiled by Denninger, you might get depressed. You might think he has valid points and they stack. Let me present just one case or two of his flawed theory.

Then you think about the child getting older.  He or she is rather bright and would perhaps like a college education.  You see the bills pile up on those who are there now, and the growth of that price over the last 20 years.  You see $100,000 or more in debt larded up on someone who studies gender or black history and a “professor” who claims that capitalism is horrible — while pulling down a six-figure salary and forcing your child to pay the next kid over’s tuition in Calculus class because you, not your child, have more money than his parents do.  You think “oh, my kid is a math whiz and will study programming” which sounded great 20+ years ago but then you remember the many H1bs that multiple large firms brought in to replace all of their American citizen programmers, forcing said Americans to train their replacements before being fired in order to get any severance at all!  Thus that $100,000 taken on in debt to go to college, you realize, can be rendered worthless by said corporations even if your kid makes good choices as soon as someone from India will do the work for less money.  This wild escalation in the cost of an education is not by random luck either, which would be a risk everyone has to take — three decades ago there was no Internet and colleges were the only real place you could learn a lot of things.  Today anyone can learn anything from literally anywhere with nothing more than a $50 cellphone, a $200 laptop and $50/month for Internet service so why has the cost of learning and proving it at a college level of competence gone up by five or more times in the last 30 or so years instead of costing almost nothing to simply take a set of proctored tests and prove competence?  Reality is that all of this is due to the deliberate policies and actions of universities, governments and corporations which will screw your child without any possibility of redress when he or she grows up — and there is no evidence that it is slowing down or will be stopped.

So he points out that:

  • College/University is stupidly expensive
  • They don’t even teach anything useful in most cases
  • You can learn most things to a decent level by doing your own research on a $200 laptop

And yet he’s really SOLD on sending kids to college.

Can you see the boomer level thinking? Screw college. Learn how to distinguish and grow the plants that can be used to make tinctures and remedies for various things and sell them only to people who you know. I guarantee you that when the next load of mRNA crap embedded in food, “normal” vaccine shots, or anything else comes along, the people with a still functioning brain will not care too much about your lack of a PhD if the stuff you use on yourself and your loved one works for them too.

Do you really need a degree to be able to put plumbing pipes together, or learn the principles of electrical wiring? Sure, insurance and such is a thing and if you screw things up, or even if you don’t you might be sued into ruin.

Yes, these are real problems, and sometimes have good reasons for being there. I certainly don’t want a pedophile like Oprah’s John of “God” cutting into me or mine as if he were a surgeon. I’d like to know that anyone that needs to actually do a surgery is competent and properly trained; and can in turn be sued into poverty if he screws up because he is not.

But the problem is that over the last 4 years these supposed paragons of ethics have in the main been mass-murdering bastards who lied and lied and lied to your face. Like good old Fauci and his buddies did. So… while I am not really keen on the local witch-doctor’s bone-throwing, the local GP dispensing covid genetic serums is certainly not higher on the totem pole as far as I am concerned, thank you very much. Which means what? It means that firstly I will try to educate myself better. Without the use of google, thanks, because mostly google is also a lie now. And secondly I will go only to people I know, whose work I can personally verify and see for myself by meeting their clients, whatever their field might be.

Denninger hasn’t realised that the entire idea of college is dead. Why would you participate in it other than for a very few and very select reasons, and even then, who knows for how long? Clearly homeschooling and learning your own trade is the way.

Here is another and more “total” point he makes towards the end:

I could go on for hours with this but I think you get the point.  People don’t choose to have fewer or no children because “that’s how it is” as technology improves.  Technological improvement adds choice but society molds opinions and incentives — for good or bad, like it or not.

People make the decision to not have children not because they’re “selfish” but rather on an entirely-rational basis because they look back at their childhood for the baseline and then forward in time and what they see is not improvement but impoverishment, not prosperity but privation, forced compliance and costs shoved upon them while the mandating parties are immune from consequence even when they’re later proved wrong or worse, someone is injured or killed, rampant illegal immigration and destruction of the common person’s standard of living without boundary along with a documented history of forcing the voluntary costs taken by others down their throats along with myriad scams across the board.  When projected forward 20 years they recognize that any child they produce today is highly likely to be screwed blind and has a very low probability of having a good life, say much less a better one than they had.

Indeed if they judge that their childhood sucked they may well expect their kids’ childhoods to suck worse and nobody who actually cares about a child they’re contemplating bringing into the world voluntarily signs them up for that.

The people you want to bring children into the world are those who value children and have reason to believe their children will have at least as a good a life as they grew up with and enjoy now, with hope for even better, never mind a belief that their kids will have a fair shake and rational odds of success if they choose to apply themselves.

All of the policies of the last few decades of both government and industry have demonstrated beyond doubt that none of this is likely to be true and thus only those who don’t give a wet crap about their children’s future, or are so rich they believe they can guarantee it even if everyone else has their standard of living go straight to Hell, choose to reproduce.

About the only truly valid point he makes here is the very first one:

society molds opinions and incentives — for good or bad, like it or not.

That is essentially true. And as I have already pointed out, “society” in general today is very sick. That’s the problem. So what’s the solution? Simple: Firstly, realise, as I have been saying often and repeatedly since age 16, there is no such thing as “society”. It doesn’t exist. What you have is a large number of individuals and the large number probabilities that they produce. In reality you have a large number of in-DUH-viduals, which makes the illusion that such a thing as “society” exists quite realistic, but it doesn’t.

You have essentially zombie hordes. And zombie hordes are easily manipulated and pushed into this or that direction or over this or that cliff or fire-pit. So, as a first step don’t be a zombie. Don’t associate with them. Don’t surround yourself with them.

Secondly, begin the process of isolating yourself from zombies and building up relationships with other human beings. This in itself acts as a already quite a good “wall”, or defence from the zombie hordes, but over time, don’t be shy to build literal walls to keep the zombies out of your areas. And the more humans you have in your community that help to built them, the better.

Thirdly, do not let zombies in at any time. Exclude them and exclude anyone who allows them in the village. This sounds harsh, but is basic survival and also basic game theory. St. Benedict “won” precisely because of this point. He allowed in only Catholic monks that had dedicated themselves not only to Catholicism, but his even stricter rules added to the already rather strict rules for Catholic monks. That unwavering zealotry kept the monasteries pure and therefore effective. A bunch of men who spend all their time, praying, meditating on scripture, and working, will soon produce extremely functional communities. And in fact monasteries became wealthy, for they had a surfeit of food or other things they made, so that they became rich enough they became favourite places for the Vikings to raid. So the Catholic monks co-opted the Vikings too, and now Catholicism also added fearsome, pious warrior types to their ranks, alongside thoughtful, intellectual, pious, and studious ones.

If you refuse to allow any people into your midst that don’t subscribe to your general tribe’s zeitgeist (ideas, religion, world-view), then you cannot be corrupted, And over time, your converting of others increases your number. This is basic game theory and works in the natural world as it does in the abstract one of math. It works because it is again based on the principle of large numbers. A persistent, unexpected, but resilient statistical anomaly, becomes its own statistical normality.

Alongside with not rejecting “society” or if you prefer, forming your own, Denninger is (typical for a boomer) preoccupied with the hypothetical suffering of hypothetical children.

Well, guess what, the very vast majority of human beings, including the ones with really terrible lives, still prefer existing to not existing. We know this because aside from the odd cult, or recently mutilated confused teenager that has been indoctrinated into the child abuse ideology of transgenderism, most human beings don’t commit suicide. So, bad as it might be, life still seems to have the win over non-life. Pretty much for everyone. I know for a fact that every one of my children prefers to be here than not having existed. And it is that way for most people. So suck it up buttercup. Remember how I told you life is hard and everyone suffers? It’s true. But it still beats being dead or non-existent by a couple of light years, never mind country miles.

Finally he tries to justify his own weakness, cowardice and fear by appealing to your own sense of concern for your (hypothetical) children. In a most ridiculous manner if you have followed the discussion up to here; that is, by telling you if you really cared about your children, you wouldn’t have them, because they might suffer.

No Karl, no. They absolutely will suffer. And they will cry and feel pain and heartbreak. And then they will dust themselves off, get up and carry on. And make children of their own and if they need to fight off some evil bastards in the future that I didn’t manage to get to myself before I dropped dead, well, so be it, they will have got as much as they can from me in terms of learning how to do that.

Because guess what, you fragile and egomaniacal boomer, my grandparents went through two world wars, massive economic depression and yes, even lack of food. And they made children too. Otherwise I would not be here. And my children wouldn’t be here. And if I had continued believing the horse-shit your generation still shovels around a bit longer than I did, I might not have had any children at all. Instead now I have five of them. And my own daughter, off her own ideas, with no prompting from me on the matter, because she’s still young for me to discuss such things with her in any detail or seriousness, already has it as a pretty solid idea that she wants to have two children by her mid twenties. And if her babysitting of her younger siblings is anything to go by, she probably will, and be a really good mother at it too. And the smaller ones love each other even as they fight and argue and then play and hug a few minutes later.

Because what you missed Karl, in your ranting and raving at the injustices of the world, is the simple fact that yes, things are bad. And yes they could be better, and yes there is wild evil about, but… on one level or another, it has always been this way. Do you think the Spartans and Athenians about to be wiped out by the Persians had an easier life than you do? Or me?

And they would have been wiped out if it weren’t for a “crazy” guy who took his personal bodyguard to the Hot Gates and held off perhaps up to a million Persians for three or four days.

You Karl, with your fears and your impotent rage, ultimately, are more like a whiny, mostly fake, mostly gay Athenian. Me and mine are more like the Spartans that went with Leonidas. And yes, I include my wife and children in that, because she can keep up with me, which is rare and courageous beyond most women, well-beyond certainly all the normies out there worrying about their pedicure and whether they can land a guy with a six or seven figure salary if they just slut it up enough. And my children are on the same path, which can already be seen by the steps they take and the way they relate to the world and themselves in it.

And am I a lone voice in the wind? No. Not by a long shot.

Every sedevacantist family I know has multiple children, at least 4, and counting. And even we Sedevacantists are not even the only ones.

The current Mrs. USA for 2023 has 7 children and lives on a ranch. This is what she said at the finals for her beauty contest:

“When have you felt the most empowered?”

Mrs America 2023: “I have felt this feeling seven times now as I bring these sacred souls to the earth… after I hold that newborn baby in my arms. The feeling of motherhood…is the most empowering feeling I have ever felt.

So go on Karl, invent all the reasons why no one can have multiple children and then whine and whine and whine about it. Meanwhile, Catholics over two millennia created the best civilised nations on Earth by going precisely against every “point” you made, and under conditions that were almost certainly harder than any most people face today. Especially if you remove the conditions created by our own deficient reasoning, Karl.

Reasoning like yours is the real problem. The rest, human beings have dealt with successfully for millennia. And it won’t be the insipid Bill Gates and Klaus Schwabs of the world that will stop me and mine from being here another now and in the future too, a few millennia from now.

Fighting the Stupid Part 2 of an Infinite series

The previous post was a general one on the reasons why Stupidity, being a throughly noxious thing, must be beaten back despite the tsunami of idiocy that is the human race.

Here we will take a more detailed and practical approach.

First, however, we need to see who is qualified to even take the class.

If you do NOT believe in Christianity of any kind as being a good thing, and more specific a salvific thing, then this post is not for you. It’s fine, I was one of you for most of my life. Not all non-Christians are idiots. It’s just the amount of lies about it have been so many and for so long, it’s hard for anyone sane to take it seriously. Until you really take a good look that is. And you may have not got there. You could still follow the post as a general intellectual exercise with regard to the whole (idiotic) issue of “denominations” however.

Secondly, the extremely VAST majority of people who consider themselves “christians” are not in fact anything of the sort, and telling them this so brutally and without preamble usually upsets them. Tough titties. Such is the way of truth.

It is also true, however, that most of these would-be-but-are-not Christians are not necessarily evil people. The vast majority are not, I am sure. Nor are they necessarily idiots, though, sadly, the vast majority are, but that’s because the vast majority of humanity is composed of idiots too. So, on average, the percentage (always higher than you think, as the brilliant Professor Cipolla reminded us in his first law of human stupidity) remains the same.

Let us then, in vain attempt number 7,942, of an also infinite series, try to bring some clarity to the millions of Protestants that are… no… wait… to the thousands of Protestants that are not complete idiots, and who earnestly believe in Christianity, but for one reason or another, have been fooled into believing that Protestantism is actually Christian.

And let us illuminate this lesson by using the incoherent babbling of an SG denizen who unwisely, and when no one was saying anything, just fired out this beauty:

As it happens, I interacted with this gentleman before on various occasions and prior to this I think he was in general agreement with me on a variety of topics, as was I with him. For whatever reason, however, he decided to start his day with this absolutely retarded statement. Now, let me point out that I don’t think this man is evil. I also think he is probably quite honest and hardworking and generally not prone to extreme hyperbole or self-aggrandisement. That, at any rate, is my considered opinion after a while of general online interaction with him. All that said, that comment is pure, distilled, 100% proof, idiocy. As most of SG that noted it made him aware of, hence the replies.

Right away, we see the chasm that is the first crack. Mehitabel’s point has “nothing to do” with Wolverine’s point, and yet… it apparently really addresses a real issue that Mehitabel is supposedly wrong about that is part of Wolverine’s idiotic belief system. Hmmm.

Let us continue down this road built with stupidity paving.

A couple more people throw lifelines out to Wolverine. Trying to show him the obvious error of his ways and the utter stupidity of his initial comment.

Will our stubborn Protestant take the life-preservers offered?

He will not. So, I gentle reader, enter the scene, with a kind bitchslap to his stupid brain, couched in kindness and mercy, to try and wake him from his stupidity infection.

And here we have the final proof of utter, complete, absolute, mental retardation induced in an otherwise probably decent human being, as a result of lies and nonsense and the complete inability to do even elementary logic. A normal child, of normal intelligence, left to his own devices, aged about 5, can see Wolverine’s assumption is absolutely idiotic to the point of insanity. You can’t possibly claim a book that supposedly has all the answers, without tradition, or anything outside of the book being relevant, if you will not even look at how, where, when, and who put the book together. It is literally beyond stupid. It is a kind of mental retardation on a severe scale that makes the condition proper mental illness.

And what do you think his response will be? Anything even remotely sane, logical, relevant? Of course not.

He even spells Sola Scriptura wrong, but we’ll be kind and say that’s autocorrect. And we won’t ask him why he should use Latin to refer to anything Biblical. That might traumatise the poor dear.

The metaphorical stoning of the heretic has begun, albeit still gently and kindly, I assure you.

And after this, and his blocking TVCL, there has been only tombal silence. Not even crickets.

And for anyone that has read any of Tony’s books (TVCL) he is clearly far from anyone trying to prove to anyone he is a smart boy. Autist he may be, but he is a genuine and honest one, and has no agenda for individual fame or anything of the sort, I assure you, as I know him quite well. His interests are general and for the ultimate service of people in general and Catholics in particular.

In all honesty, no Protestant at all can reconcile the origins of the Bible with the acceptance later of the revised version created by Martin Luther.

Either you accept Christianity from the start, in which case only Catholicism, with its Popes and everything else, which all happened unchanged for over a thousand years before any schism, or you are just making things up out of whole cloth.

Even the first schismatics, the traitorous and backstabbing Eastern “Orthodox”, dare not rewrite the Bible or change it. They merely confine themselves to not being able to read properly and being butt-sore about the pope telling them what is and what is not good Christianity.

Besides, as I said, they are a traitorous and backstabbing lot, who 40 years after they “cut ties” with Rome, begged for help against the Muslim invaders, and the Catholics went and helped them and saved their lands, and their lives, only to be literally backstabbed, and even killed by the “orthodox” in cahoots with the Muslims, not for the first Crusade only, or the second, but all of three Crusades in a row, all launched to help them!

And then they bitched, and still do, like whiny little cowards, about the sacking of Constantinople in the Fourth one. AND if that were not enough, the Catholics kept, financed, and maintained the lands in the Outremer (the Middle East) Christian (Catholic) for 200 more years, before conditions in Europe made the constant drain of funds untenable. At which point the Catholics told the deceiving and traitorous “orthodox”: Hey, here, at least maintain a presence and keep these lands we re-took for you at least nominally “christian”. And did they? Nope. Let it all go to the Muslims. So, it is still quite clear that the only actual Christians remained the Catholics, despite the bad and corrupt Popes and the schismatic “Orthodox” the actual religion and the dogmas of it were not encroached upon by the orgiastic, power-hungry Borgia Popes and their kind. And some Popes were actually really awesome, like Celestino, and Pious X and others.

So there really is no way at all to try and reconcile the Bible being changed by a fat, German of Jewish origins, with a penchant for raping maids and having sex with nuns, that came along some further 500 years after the “orthodox” schism, and then immediately declaring his version of the Bible, the only one that everyone should believe, but without actually defining at all what those beliefs should be.

Or worse still, go on to take as the only and HOLY ONE, the “Bible” which happened to be created by the extremely gay English King called James, who got it “translated” with over 33,000 “errors”, and using the version of the “Bible” that had been edited for 700 years by actual Pharisees that hated Christ. That’s right, many Protestants think the King’s James Bible is the one and only true version of the Bible. Which one must assume sprung directly out of King’s James butt, fully-formed, like a miracle, for Protestantism to even have any possible validity at all.

That last paragraph may have made you aware of another little problem, and that is that Protestants have ZERO Apostolic succession, meaning their version of Christianity has NEVER been approved by ANYONE that can trace a direct lineage to the Apostles and having taken instruction by them, as Jesus commanded.

And trust me when I say that the whole origin of the Bible is merely the very tip of the iceberg when it comes to Protestantism. So many of their ideas about the Bible, Christianity, Catholicism, and even Jesus Himself are such utter insane rubbish that believing in unicorns that fly by farting rainbows is infinitely more sane.

And no, it is not about being a Sedevacantist Catholic Zealot ™ though I absolutely am and wear that badge proudly. No, it has to do with fighting the stupid. Imagine the kind of damage to souls this guy can do, with all the best of intentions I am sure, but stupid, very, very, stupid intentions. That result in much harm, in degeneration of actual truth and justice and above all actual Christianity, that is currently residing ONLY in the last remnant, of Christians, that is, ACTUAL Catholics. Which excludes all the Novus Ordo people who think any one of the fake Popes since 1958 on was actually a Pope, or even Catholic. None of them were.

And yes, yes, those details are rather complex to get into if you are unaware of them, but that’s why I wrote a 530 page book detailing them in excruciating detail (yet entertainingly enough it is not boring, by any account, yet). But that’s not what this post is about.

This post is only about abysmal stupidity, and why it is your imperative duty, for the sake of humanity at large, or at least for that minority of it not composed of absolute retards, that you fight the stupidity.

Push it back. create oases of sanity, and logic, and truth, and beauty.

Why you MUST fight the stupid

Many people do not understand why from time to time, when I feel like it and have time, I take to task some mouth-breathing retard about everything from Protestantism, a known, illogical and obvious degradation of Christianity into secular nonsense, which happens to be followed by millions, including some nominally intelligent people, to the covid “vaccines” which I explained from the start are genetically altering serums that will cause extreme harm to your body, which is a medical reality that has been known for 30 years since the experimentation with mRNA genetic messing started, with testing on animals.

Plus any number of other topics that I feel are relevant to humanity at large.

People think I am just ornery and opinionated, which is not entirely wrong, the average stupidity of humans is indeed irritating to me and I can only suffer them in small doses normally, and I do have strong ideas (but few opinions, which I hardly voice) because they are based usually on decades of empirical testing in the real world.

But I do not fight the idiots because I enjoy it. No, I fight the stupid because it is a sacred duty. If you care about humanity at all (which I find I do, against my own general inclinations) you MUST try to correct their incessant stupidity, passed down from generation to generation, creating an avalanche of imbeciles, which, thanks to those of us that understand engineering, continue being safer and safer and not getting rightfully Darwined out of the gene pool by their own idiocy.

The village idiots, like rabbits run wild with endless food, and ergonomically ultra-safe step-ladders, are creating our own Universe 25. And their damaging idiocy is now so pervasive that they are starting to really affect the entire globe.

We don’t have a climate crisis, we have a fucking abominable retard catastrophe.

Idiots who think the word “gender”, which is used in linguistics, can be re-adapted to be a synonym for sex. And then they try to tell you that human sex is “fluid” or “non-binary”. No. No it is not. You are born male or female, or, if you are unlucky and the result of a natural mishap of chromosomes and body parts, you might be born a hermaphrodite. And some people are born with six fingers or a brain deformation that makes them handicapped in some way. Such is life. Sometimes some guy draws a shitty hand.

But that does not make men women, or vice-versa. Nor does your particular sexual fetish, unnatural propensity, or deviation make it “ok” to tell people it is normal, or even acceptable in many cases. And if one of those mental deviations is one that makes you want to rape children, then, it is simply salutary and best if you are removed from the gene pool forthwith. And we should absolutely pass laws to make this all legal and normal, as it is, and as it should be.

Now, when it comes to pedophiles —the freaks who want to rape children— most people, including most normies (but not all, believe me) especially if they are essentially normal and have children, are not too far-removed from sanity, and those that do have some knowledge of the damage that pedophiles cause are generally quite happy for pedos to get the death penalty and even making it all legal and official. That said, few would volunteer to be the executioner. At least, few that are mentally healthy, because being an executioner is difficult work, and most human beings are not armoured mentally against that kind of work. In the past, a lot more healthy men were, but we have lived in decadent comfort in the West for almost a century now, and while in at least some third world countries corporal punishment is still accepted as more or less normal for certain crimes, so is generally a level of brutality that most would prefer to do away with. A modern, civilised society that does apply the death penalty and corporal punishment in a balanced fashion is rare.

Singapore comes to mind, but some, of course will argue about some of the reasons to issue a death penalty, and very few will consider the issue in the most fair and logical legal manner ever invented by humans, which, like it or not, understand it or not, being aware of it or not, is Roman Law. The principle in Roman is the main framing of an issue, however the details of it are then examined and each case valued on its merits. This at least was the original Roman Law. It has since been somewhat perverted even in Italy, where it originated.

The reality is that the death penalty is absolutely a deterrent against much vicious crime. And anyone that says it is not, is a liar that usually tries to appeal to fake and false “studies” done by compromised and utterly unscientific organisations. Very much like the anti-gun brigade.

Now, I am pro-guns, but even I would not be happy with literally ANYONE being able to buy fully automatic weapons in the same fashion one buys bread. HOWEVER, that is because of the mayhem that would happen for the first, oh, say five years or so. And because I have children and a wife and I care about them. For myself, I’d probably be ok to take my chances (as in any case, I kind of did to a certain extent, working in close protection in South Africa for some years). Mostly out of curiosity and to verify that my prediction would be correct. Because if it became a thing that both civilians as well as the military and police could all have access to fully automatic weapons including machine guns, after five years, I suspect the death by guns would approach zero and for the most part be confined to suicides and the occasional nutter, who probably would not get to fire too much before he became Swiss cheese at the hands of a totally armed citizenry.

To a certain extent I already lived through this kind of change in South Africa. When guns were limited to ownership by whites, there was a regular shooting every week-end over road rage. When gun ownership became open to anyone regardless of skin colour, utter mayhem ensued. And carried on for the next 30 years, because, politically correct to say it or not, it remains a fact, that a people who have NOT developed, invented, and created a certain technology, will invariably misuse it. And the average African is simply not at a civilisational level that permits them to responsibly use or own a firearm. As usual, are there exceptions, sure. But statistics is a thing, and if used correctly, not only it doesn’t lie, it tells all the truths people are uncomfortable with. Besides, if you want to accuse me of “racism”, keep in mind that: a) I don’t give a fuck about your idiotic opinion, b) it is wrong insofar as you use and mean the word “racist” in any case, and c) I’m not the one that made this obvious thing about cultural and technological differences obvious to the world. It was Michael Crichton. Yup. Go ahead and read the original book Jurassic Park.

What did change though was that the number of road rage shootings between whites pretty much disappeared almost overnight. And the average Afrikaner became suddenly a LOT more polite. This is not just a random idea. It is something I personally experienced. And a very real change. The average white man now was so conscious that if he started shooting for a stupid reason, there were a LOT more people that could suddenly shoot back, and that were likely to as well.

The point is that in any case, the statistics are in. In the USA, the states with the highest number of concealed carry citizens have lower gun crimes. The exceptions are areas that are predominantly African-American in population. If you are black does that upset you? Do you think I am some racist Neo-Nazi because I can do math? Well, guess what: Fuck you. I don’t care.

Because if *I* was a big black bald guy, but with *my* brain in my head, instead of yours, I wouldn’t get upset about this at all. Just like I don’t get upset if someone judges Italians on average as being people that generally talk too much, wave their hands a lot, and often speak on topics they are ignorant of as if they knew a lot more than they do (though that Americanism is becoming global in fairness). Or if you said that Venetians are ornery bastards that kinda try to irritate you off the bat, just to see how you react. Or if you said it about me specifically. Hell, I don’t get upset about the Sun rising in the East either, or water being wet. You know why? Because I am not a complete fucking idiot.

So… if *you* are getting all upset… we-eeel… you might wanna check that IQ loooooooooooong before I ever, ever, ever, will check my “privilege”.

White, or Olive Nigger that it may be. In fact I’m kinda quite fond of the term Olive Nigger, I find it funny. As far as I know it was coined by a Lilly white American who, quite frankly, is almost translucent as far as skin colour goes. And he also has a higher IQ than me by a few points. Do I care? Am I offended? Look in my eye pilgrim, go on, take a good long look. You see me offended anywhere? That’s right. I could not care less. So why do you, you unspecified nigger of whichever ethnic, or socio-economic, or skin colour persuasion? I’ll tell you why.

Because you are fucking stupid. Stupid. S T U P I D.

The point is that like it or not, you can’t let stupid people run the world. Not without absolutely dire consequences. Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy film, not a tragic documentary, although, to be honest, I found the film too irritating and true to life to watch when it actually came out. I could only stomach about 5 minutes of it by skipping large sections of it. And that was nearly 20 years ago now.

And you absolutely can’t let evil people run the world.

Firstly because they are evil, but also because, being evil, they promote and support the stupidity, they increase it and fuel it and feed it. And for that crime alone, among all the others, they should absolutely be hung from the neck until dead, gassed, shot in a firing squad, or even just like rabid dogs Ceausescu style. And they know it. Which is why they promote the stupidity. Smart, intelligent, honest, and good men of strong character, in any great numbers, would storm the places of power where these evil pedophile and child killers live and work, and would dispense rough street justice to them immediately. Which sometimes in the world takes place before appropriate and salutary laws and good people put in place to see them well-enforced are secured in place. As, for example, in Singapore.

My main objection to Singaporean laws is certainly not the death penalty, but perhaps, rather, the level at which it is applied. But that is absolutely NOT a criticism of Singapore or its laws or even the judiciary. It is a criticism of humanity. Allow me to explain.

I am vehemently against drugs of any sort. I never even touched the stuff at all for the entirety of my life until my late thirties and early forties, and even then, the sum total of my experimentation was perhaps a handful of times smoking cannabis, and precisely once, snorting some cocaine. I did it for the sole reason that people I care about and valued had done some of these things; and more. And despite being intelligent and capable, they seem to use this crap regularly. A young guy I used to work with, who was a decent person, worked well, and was smart, apparently snorted coke almost every weekend. People I grew up with, my close friends, hid the fact they occasionally smoked Cannabis because they feared how I would react to them. I simply told them they were morons, but it didn’t concern me, other than make me realise they were more moronic than I thought to begin with.

After that singular experience with cocaine, it became absolutely confirmed to me that the only people who snort cocaine are either idiots or such weak and/or damaged people that they cannot reason their way out of their situations and lives, or at least change them in any really positive way. Are they evil? Usually not, although the drug use can eventually corrode them to the point they become it. Are they weak? Yes. Are they dumb? Not always necessarily, in a classical sense, but certainly in regard to making stupid life choices, yes. No one needs any mind-altering substance in a civilised and logical world. And although we are living far from either thing, it is still not a good idea to drug yourself up in order to temporarily escape it (only to be faced with it again and much more so a little while later).

In short, I am not a fan of drugs.

That said, I think that giving someone the death penalty for having half a kilo of Cannabis is probably a bit extreme. HOWEVER, it is a FACT that if you do NOT do that, then it will start with Cannabis and before you know it you will have meth-heads running around burglarising homes and hurting people to feed their habit. While if you DO have the death penalty for Cannabis, guess what, aside the odd idiot here and there, everyone stops using it to alter their brain chemistry and the entirety of society is better off.

No. I am not interested in your idea that smoking that shit does no harm. I saw it with my dad’s workers for decades at a time, because it was in a country where it is not really criminalised at all; and it absolutely rots your brains. So keep such retarded opinions to yourself.

So my problem with the Singaporean laws is not that they are too harsh. It is that humans are so utterly stupid that they are necessary. In a civilised world, the cannabis smoker would (unrealistically) be smart enough to not do that shit where I can smell it, or where it affects me, or anyone else, or his driving, or his cognitive abilities…

You see why it’s necessary to have the death penalty, right? Because honestly, if a drug addled fucker runs over one of my kids, I don’t care that he was a “responsible” user. He clearly wasn’t.

And therein lies the problem.


Is it clear now why it is absolutely your DUTY, if you are at all a good guy, to call out the stupid. To limit their activity and range and effect they have on others. The village idiots need to be put back in the closets and kept there. And their families made responsible for the harm they cause. Their doors marked with the red letter I for AN IDIOT LIVES HERE.

You must show them up for the harm and damage and stupidity they cause to the world at large and to yours and mine.

It’s not that I enjoy beating atomised ghosts of dead horses. It is that it is a sacred duty. So, if you possess at least the minimum IQ required to understand the point, get to it. Learn the truth, learn logic, learn basic mathematics, and then join me in a crusade against Human Stupidity. We can’t really win the fight, but like Leonidas and his 300, perhaps we will be remembered in the millennia that follow us.

Black Mountain Analysis – Freemasons

Aleks of Black Mountain Analysis produces a clearly occult/mystic post from his French friend who just happens to be a freemason.

Well. That actually explains a lot. Now, I don’t KNOW that Aleks is himself a freemason. But even if we just assume that he is merely an innocent ignorant about them, it doesn’t quite fit, does it?

The guy is busy making pronouncements about big world events and yet… there is always something off about them a bit. Like he’s too innocent, too naive, to see the real picture. His latest posts of Israel were completely Narrative adjacent and he made it obvious he would not, and could not write anything critical about Israel, or the Jews in general.

To a certain extent, I get it, most people are not anti-fragile and the powers that be are hellbent of punishing anyone that speaks the truth about the genetic serums, who the principal players in that global mass-murder event are and of what ethnicity they all happen to be, or what Israel is doing now to civilians, or a million other things that one can validly, unequivocally, and absolutely point out about the methods of Israel and the Jews that support it and essentially run much of the USA infrastructure and politics.

But… if you can’t be honest, your value as a commentator on current affairs, and especially on the events currently pushing us all towards WWIII, then you are at best, useless and pointless, and at worst, a collaborator.

I don’t know if Aleks is a collaborator, but at best, he has become entirely useless as an analyst of current affairs. And that is me being extremely charitable.

Because there really is no excuse in 2023 to pretend that you are not aware that Freemasons are Satanists with a globalist agenda.

And no, I am not going to do all your homework for you, because I already did it. Read Reclaiming The Catholic Church if you want to find out about the very real infiltration of the Church since the late 1700s with documented and irrefutable proof, as well as the long list of duplicity, murder and fraud they have perpetrated for centuries.

I also have direct knowledge of Freemasons through two people I know personally that joined them. One did it as a general political/social/status move to better his overall position (which is really always the reason even those unaware of their Satanic ends have for joining). He was (probably remains) an Orthodox Jew and I believe he never really participated in their events. My impression was that he simply didn’t really get into it so to speak. The other guy did. He was working in finance and doing well but also working very hard. He became a freemason and fully bought into the whole thing. His kids now go to exclusive and frighteningly expensive private schools, and he no longer really interacts even with his own family. Old friends have been discarded like second-hand dirty socks and even his children have been trained to respond to children they used to see regularly and be friends with with a supercilious air of arrogant superiority.

I have no doubt that guy is doing, and will do, whatever is required of him in order to maintain his “position”. I say it in inverted commas because he is the typical gamma that no matter how much money and supposed power he has, he will never be at the top of the pyramid. His position is destined to always be a number two. And to always be treated by those above him, pretty much as the guy they will call in to wipe them clean after they have themselves done a “number two”. And he will obediently perform that task in whatever degenerate way will be asked of him by his masters.

Notice, also, that the very first thing the French Freemason (who hides his identity, which should make you wonder why, right? I mean he’s such a philanthropist!) does is thank his masters.

Tell me, who has masters?

What kind of hierarchy has masters in it?

Certainly not the Catholic one.

We have humans we may give respect to, but no masters. And even our Lord, Jesus Christ, is our Lord, not our Master. We do (fallibly and not very well) what he would like us to do out of love and respect for Him, not out of being His puppets. Now you may quote the Bible about being a slave and needing to serve one of two masters, and all that (and quote it badly and out of context), but I assure you, there is a world of difference in Freemasonic hierarchy and Catholic Hierarchy; and that’s because they are opposites. One serves darkness, the other salvation and the light of truth.

The “light” freemasons refer to is the Luciferian one. The very name of Satan, Lucifer, means in fact the light-bringer. And is related mythologically to Prometheus, who stole fire from the Gods and was eternally punished for it.

So, yeah, I have no idea what the relationship of Aleks and Black Mountain Analysis is to Freemasons, but it is enough for me to simply never even bother reading anything they have to say from today onwards.

The Fundamental Difference

It really does not matter what the THING OF THE DAY! is.

Doesn’t matter what the argument is, what the narrative is, what the reasons are.

There are only two types of men in the world:

  • Those who feel absolutely honour bound to keep their word.
  • Those who do not.

Paradoxically, the first group will try to avoid explicitly giving their word, but even when they do not swear and oath, they will go to extreme lengths to keep to what they said they would or would not do.

The second group, on the other hand, will swear bling on their grandmothers and children all sorts of things, and immediately pretend they did not, lie, avoid, dodge, and deny that the sky is blue, without even a hint of shame or embarrassment.

It is also the case, thanks to the grasp of statistics (yes, yes, I know, a lost art to almost every human being alive today, except those few mystics who understand basic math and logic, like myself) that there are valid generalisations about various ethnic groups in this regard.

What? *Gasp*! Say it is not so! How racist! How, how… positively NOTICING of me!

Well, when you are finished clutching your pearls and urinating in fear down your legs, if you manage not to swoon, here are some statistical truths that will no doubt cause you great anxiety.

In about the 1800s or so, most European men, be they Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Sardinians, Russians, Latvians, Yugoslavians, British, American, or even, dare I say it, French, all understood that a man of honour, that is, a man of value, a man you can rely on, was the type of man that would keep his word even if he had to face death.

The same has never been true of the progeny of villainous scum, such as the Australians and New Zealanders, of course, because genetics don’t lie.

And of course, in other contexts the virtue of honour was held rather asymmetrically. For example, the Roma (Gypsies) do have a code of honour of sorts, but it applies to themselves within their own tribes and even then is a complicated and byzantine affair. To a similar extent, this is true of various African tribes and I suspect the original Red Indian tribes of many kinds.

The Japanese, of course have become world famous for their concept of honour unblinking even in the face of certain death. The Chinese concept can be almost as extreme but the rules are completely different from the Japanese one. And the Koreans are again something else.

Now, of course, there are always exceptions, there may even be a couple or three decent Australians, perhaps a blood-oath with a gypsy would safeguard you against that man’s relatives from robbing you blind or even defending you as one of their own. Sure. But by and large, clichés are clichés for a reason. Generalisations are still facts.

Now, let us observe the behaviour of Israel in this regard. In less than 48 hours it has gone from:

1. Exterminate all Palestinians, men, women and children are all guilty and evil!

2. Bomb them all like the Brits did to Dresden!

3. We blew up their hospital! HAHAHAHAH!

4. Ummm… what? You guys are all calling us genocidal evil Zionists? Errr…

5. We had to do it! Hamas hides their fighter in the hospitals and schools!

6. Wait, what, you still not buying it? Errr…

7. Okay then! It wasn’t actually us! Hamas blew up their own hospital! Hahahah! See? they are evil!

8. Uh….what? You don’t believe us at all and a bunch of videos show it clearly was not a typical Palestinian petard, thousands of which have done very little damage to anyone ever? Errr…

7. Yeah, ok… it was a… a misfire. So There you have it. unfortunate. Nothing can be done about it. Ooops.

And keep in mind that the motto of Mossad is that by deception they will make war.

Now, sure, in War, truth is the first casualty. And deception against an enemy is to a certain degree acceptable. But the outright, intentional mass murder of defenceless civilians, a good number of which are children, never is. And it is also axiomatic that people willing and able to do such things, cannot EVER be assumed to have anything even remotely close to a concept of honour, justice and courage as that enshrined in Catholic (and thus Christian, since Catholicism IS Christianity, and always has been) dogma.

Now, you may disagree with me on any number of things. you may foolishly, historically and erroneously believe I am in error about Catholicism, or Sedevacantism, or basic math and logic, but, despite the enormous lacunae in your brain, I believe really every single human being that is not biologically impaired in a serious way in their reasoning ability, is perfectly capable of understanding what is meant by men who can and do keep their word, yes, even in the face of death, and this is important, this is the fundamental difference, and men who do not.

All you have to decide in life, is which kind of man do you want to be?

And, then, far more difficult, which kind of man actually are you?

I have known since a young age what kind of man I wanted to become. I was 4 years old when my grandfather for whatever reason (and trying to safeguard my life, probably, given my mindset even then) said to me:

“Remember, better to be a living deckhand, than a dead hero.”

He wasn’t really advocating for cowardice, but rather against pride. In Italian, which is a very nuanced language, this is clearer than the English translation can express. My grandfather was an extremely courageous man and I know with absolute certainty his meaning then was simply along the lines of “Be humble and dignified and live, rather than be boastful, or caught up in status and pride and fall foul of the vicissitudes of crowds.”

But to my four-year old mind, it sounded more like the simple and child-like version: Hide and live instead of do something heroic and die for it.

And in my four-year old brain, I distinctly recall the sensation, and the thought. I never answered back. Didn’t disagree with him, for I loved that man. But in my young mind I clearly thought… “Yeah, but if you are alive as a deckhand, you’re still just a deckhand. A hero is a hero.” And it was not about status, or pride. Even then as as mall child, it was about honour. A Hero is a hero not because he is necessarily good or well-thought of or famous. he is a hero because his character, his heart, his soul, compelled him to do some enormous sacrifice in service of others and as such, he is remembered and respected for it, even in death if need be. And that, is worth something. Something numinous and imprecise and hard to define, but something important to God nevertheless. Something that some men know and feel in their very core and others perhaps never do or lose sight of it or fear drives out of them. I don’t know. I can’t say.

While it took me time to overcome fear or failure in this regard, it was never in question to me what the right path was. Everyone is afraid at times and everyone fails at times. But it is not those things that count, but rather your ability, willingness and actuality of getting up again and continuing forward. I believe I was about seven or so when I made the conscious decision that I would become one of those men and be one regardless of fear or pain or damage.

I did achieve this, relatively early on, but it was only after I was baptised that I truly can say any hint of fear I had was very much dissipated almost entirely. I am sure some trepidation in especially potentially horrific scenarios would remain, but above all, I trust God, that no matter how bad it gets, even unto death, He will do what is just and merciful and true with regard to me. And that is the type of comfort that can never be faked or bought, or synthesised in any way.

So, my unknown friend. Choose. Choose you want to be and then be it.

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